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Spanjaard (hetspanjaard)

F-4J Phantom II Black Bunny WIP & finished pictures

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everything, including spares... Verlinden set 20 years old, for example..... I will use the dry transfers and not hasegawa decals...There are about 1000 stencils! it will look good if i can do it right 

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first surgery, for the intakes. 

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fitting the intakes, but not glue yet. 

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it seems to fit correctly so far.  

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ok, intake seems to have work ok. first surgery is successfull 

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front wheel bay. now i know that it is not for a F4J, the pannel in the front, indicates is maybe a F-4E, but i am no expert on Phantoms 

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so let's remove the pannel... i think it should probably work in the F4J 

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removed. test fit seems to work, but i am concened about the space, not sure if the cockpit set will also fit in the space available... 

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ok, this surgery is scaring me a lot more than the one of the intakes.... will the pacient survive? 

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so far, so good, first one started.... 

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left part was the first, right side benefited from the experience of the first.... it seems better to me 

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insde looks more rugged, but none of that should ever be seen once is it finished. 

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test fit seems to be ok. i'm concerned with the closing the wings and adding the flaps. but second surgery is a success so far. 

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first, i need to remove original details 

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since it does not fit, it is clear more has to be removed 

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i doubted for some time about the last part to be removed, but pictures of the F4s made it clear 

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and yes, cockpit set fits. i have removed too much from the front.. but it should not be a complicated fix. i may need to clear more in the back for it to it fit 100%. good news is that wheel bay also fits now. 

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added some steel wire to improve join with the outside of the exhaust 

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leaving the scalpel alone for a while... lets use some primer in resin parts 

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i had to cut quite a lot to make sure that wing wheel bays fit correctly. top part of the wing will cover. here a comparison between one side almost untouched and the other almost ready (i removed a bit more later) 

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nose, sanded to remove the seam. it will have to wait some time since a lot of work is still needed in the cockpit 

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ok, kit part is.... basic. and my incorrect part, looks good, but can not be used as it is... well, since i have no use for it, let's cut! 

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of course, too long in size, and too thick, let's cut more.... 

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well, it is not 100% correct... but it looks a lot better. and the other side has been sanded until it is even shiny.... i think i will use it. 

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cockpit is going in the right direction until dissaster strikes, where is half of one of the sides?? it broke earlier (no big problem) but now is gone.... carpet monster seems to have eaten it.... if i can not find it, i will need to buy the set again 🙁 

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not looking bad, well, this close it looks... grainy. still some more painting and shading to do.... or maybe i will clear the pain and repain it again. i am not convinced... 

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look better from a distance. 

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i think i am done with ejection seats. those belts are really good. 

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side view 

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thanks KlausH for your help and pictures, i hope it will be half as good as yours. in this big picture, it looks a bit imprecise, but at normal size, it looks good. 

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test fit of the dials, i need to add some color to some to make them look better. and paint white the back of the dials. thanks KlausH again 🙂 

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the other one does not look bad either. again, too close, it looks imprecise. without the camera, it looks better. i think it will need some coating once done, to protect everything. 

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ok, the different parts for the exahusts ready to be assembled 

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it does not seem bad. i actully repainted them yesterday, i think it looks better now 

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i can set them asside now, until the fuselage is closed. i am not 100% about the colors and shades, so any comments will be welcome.  

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so i dedided for what i thought was the best solution and got the same detail set, to "simply" take the part that i need and maybe leave the rest for a "future" Phantom down the line.... 

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here the part that i need in the "new" cockpit 

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but it does not fit in my already half painted cockpit..... 

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no, it does not fit. so it is clear there has been a change in the design of the set....  

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"new" fret in usual brass color. "old"one was aluminium color. Dials look better in the "new". Options are 1-paint "new" - keep the other for the future 2-cut the part and addapt it to the painted cockpit 3-scracht build lost part based on new part. 

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Upper and lower halves of the wing should be glued in the front and back edges, but those areas will be removed to add the down flaps and slats, how to join the halves then?. i added Milliput putty between the halves and hope to use to glue them later  

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upper and lower parts of the wings hold together to let the milliput cure in the right shape. once cured i added some heat to force the edgers together, small damage to the surface.... it will be fuxef later 

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well, since the idea of the new cockpit did not work as expected, i will paint the new one and see how it looks. if i like it, i will use the new one and leave the old one for later. some more painting still reaquiered 

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I can not find excuses to delay doing it any longer, so finally i got to do the surgery needed to make room for the inner and outer flaps. i think i will need to add some plasticard to the flaps, there is too much room between them 

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inner first slat seem to work fine. now for the outer 

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F-4 experts (anybody who flew/work with one?) I removed inner slat to add down one (yellow area). is it possible to leave outter slat (red) as it is, or it has to be down too? i like it as it is, but if that is "impossible", then i would like to know 

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and everything that had to be cut, has been cut.... next update, hopefully will be "constructive" instead of "destructive". in other words, i think i have cut enough from this poor Phantom 🙂 

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well, both cockpits almost finished, one is emerging as winner, i just need to buy the second Phantom for the other one.... 

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view from behind, i am quite happy with the instrumment pannels, speclally on the pilot one in the right hand side cockpit 

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this is probably going to be the one for "future" Phantom 

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not bad for a dry run, space between side and cockpit bay will dissapear when gluded 

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RIO cockpit 

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Right hand side looks better. I had a dial film in the second set, contacted Aires support, and received not only the replacement film, but also the part that i lost! BIG THANKS TO AIRES!!! that is real support! so that is why i have 2 cockpits 😉 

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preparing some aluminium sheet (from a can) to scratch build the auxiary intakes 

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intakes in place, colors of the soda can still visible 😛 

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view from the front. not 100% accourate, but a lot better than the originals. i could have use after market but... this is more fun. 

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also scratch build the pitot tubes, with steel tubes from different diameters 

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all the details of the seam were gone, so i had to re-scribe them again. i should have taken a picture before sanding, but i think they are in the right place. 

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i had to do quite some more sanding, but the cockpit fits in its place. ejection seat and some details, were not glued, and are being keept safe until moment to place them. 

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i really did not like this part, i believe it is some form of intake, so .... 

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replace the intake, with metal parts, scratch build, quite simple. 

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this area still needs sanding in order to be replace with PE part, se ailerons will have different angle, consitant with flaps etc. 

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fuel vent mast. i wanted to drill it, and it went ok, but i was thinking the whole time that evenually it will break, so i decided to scratch build metal replacement 

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with some metal insert too, so it will not break easily. 

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and i think it looks better now, than with the original plastic part 

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view of the fuel vent mast, and the PE in the base of the aileron. 

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cockpit masked ready for primer. i tried first with Mr Surfacer 1500 black.... mabye i did not use it correctly but result was not good, so i had to clean it... it took time, but ended ok. 

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once the Mr Surfacer was gone, i give a try to Vallejo black primer.... in my opinion, it is working like a charm. i will leave it for a day or two, and then tamiya black gloss  

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i thought i sanded enough the Air Force Inflight Refueling Receptacle on the spine (that had to be corrected), but I was wrong 

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sanded, primed and black Tamiya X1 airbrushed. it loosk better now. i have added the gray areas and some contrasts in the wings etc. 

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overview, not sure if you can see in the picture the areas i painted with a bit lighter color. 

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masked and ready for alclad..... 

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not completely finish, but not looking bad i hope 

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i was quite happy of how the "yellow bands" were looking like.... 

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but those are formation lights, and belong on an F-4S, but not in the F-4J 

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i should have seen that i had to remove them, when i checked the instructions..... 

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so here i go.... surronding area masked 

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first one almost removed 

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second one before even masking work 

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not perfect, but it does not look bad after re-priming it 

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not so bad at the end 

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view of the exhaust area. Future has taken a bit of the shine but it is still ok 

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general view from above 

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still some small marks where the formation light was, but not so bad at the end. 

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more general view of the exhaust area.  

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and "some" transfer finally there.... 

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one side 

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and the other 

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decalling is now almost finished (only transfer missing, the ones that go over the blue bands). everything covered with future. In a couple of days, i will probably do some very light gray panel lines (may do some test before) 

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quite happy with the blue bands on top 

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not cumpletely happy with the blue bands in the wing tips. some stencills will be added when future has cured a couple of days.... 

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from underneath, no wheels yet, weapons will probably not be placed until my academy phantom is done. 

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i did not like the kit part, and the Aires set does not have it (or i have lost it), so scratch time. front is easy, the back will be more interesting 

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back certainly is lot better than the kit part. 

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i was really scared about using enamel washes after the problems with last builds, so i decided to give a try to Florymodel washes. quite happy with the result. 

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i was planning to replace those sensors anyway, so when one broke i was actually happy. a bit of 0.6mm steel tubing and some aluminium..... 

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since the hoses that come with the holmets are basically straight, i decided to make my own with guitar cords and some thin copper wire 

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on straight may be usefull just in case 

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i will keep these two for the helmets of next phantom 

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now priming and painting 

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pilot's helmet, with my own hose instead of the helmet kit one 

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i think it is a nice personal touch 

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better view of the hose 

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RIO's helmet 

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another view 

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here you can see the sencills in the ejection seat, that i forgot about... i had to take the belts to place them agian. 

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this is the 3rd helmet, for the next build 

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and of course, the fourth. No decals in any of the helmets, by the way. 

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i think replacing those sensors was a good call. 

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better than the kit part, i hope. unfortunatelly decals were placed incorrectly. 

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quite happy with this area 

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and of course, the inside of the exhausts 

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the thin bar that connects the door with the fuselage broke as expected, so replaced with steel wire. i have also added some thin soldering cable to make it look better 

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eduard replacement, quite good. 

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last minute circle made in the door looks ok 

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i thought one transfers was damaged and added some yelow paint... stupid mistake, the transfer was actually ok... really regret it now. 

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after all the surgery, they look quite nice 

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also here the surgery went well. I was not sure about using the panel wash over the big decals, but they went well. 

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arresting hook, of course the little piece in the shape of scissors broke, but manage to get in place 

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picture not very clear but... 

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helmet kit hoses, and my own, for next build. longer ones are scratch built 

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54 10 August 2016, 23:02
Danumurthi Mahendra
Nice project.
11 August 2016, 01:37
John Thomas
Nice start
12 August 2016, 12:44
thanks Danumurthi and John
12 August 2016, 16:55
Christian Ristits
Thats interesting, I am in!
12 August 2016, 16:59
12 August 2016, 17:09
now, i have a question about those slats.... anybody can help?
16 August 2016, 17:06
Patrick Hagelstein
Give it a try! I did some research for a future F-4S and an F-4F build.
16 August 2016, 18:02
thanks Hagel. do you have any pictures of those slats?
16 August 2016, 18:06
Choppa Nutta
liking those seats 🙂
16 August 2016, 18:09
Patrick Hagelstein
Do you mean the slats on the inboard wing? So between the foldable part and the fuselage? Or the ones on the actual foldable parts?
16 August 2016, 18:11
Patrick Hagelstein
Another question: Are you building the Black Bunny as an F-4J or an F-4S? The J only had inboard slats, the S had both inboard and outboard slats.
16 August 2016, 18:19
Patrick Hagelstein
I'm just browsing through your album and saw you are using the Wolfpack Hard wing flap down set; F-4J it is! The F-4J has no outboard slats. Be aware that contrary to the trailing edge flaps the slats were rarely down when the plane was on the ground. Only for maintenance and special occasions. Under the wings you'll find three hinges per side. These hinges cant the slats in a forward/upward angle as to create an opening between the slats and the wing to keep the airflow over the wing in high lift manouvres. At the moment I don't have my external hard disk with me but I'll try to link some internet sites which were/are helpfull to me. Just a moment...
16 August 2016, 18:40
Patrick Hagelstein
These articles show you all the itty gritty details. It's a long read but worth it every page!
16 August 2016, 18:49
Hi Hagel

first of all thanks for the help. ok, i am a bit confused here, probably due to my own ignorance, but also because the instructions from Wolfpack are also not clear. let's go step by step
yes, you are right, F4J is what i was trying to do (probably taking some licenses in regards to accuracy i am afraid....).

In any case, i have the two areas encircled in color in the picture. in the yellow area, we can see what i have already cut and the leading edge flap (not slat, i hope i get it right now), this will be (since i already cut the wing) down.

now, in the foldable part, i can choose to leave it as it is, or cut the leading edge, and use the part form the wolfpack kit. that will show this part, also down

i have the following picture (thanks Rex) that shows both down, in an N version.

the only option is to do the surgery and use the lower one, am i correct?

again, thanks for the help, it seems now that i need it even more than i thought 😉
16 August 2016, 20:29
Patrick Hagelstein
Oops... As I read your other question over here I realised I am wrong in telling you about those three hinges... Those were also only on the F-4S. And late F-4E's, F-4F's and F-4G's for that matter. Just stick with what other members answered in your other item.
16 August 2016, 20:33
no problem Hagel, so i have to start cutting, i am afraid😉
16 August 2016, 20:42
Clifford Keesler
Looking very nice.
16 August 2016, 20:59
thanks Clifford. pity i am advancing very slow. and progress will probably be 0 in the next week or two....
16 August 2016, 21:10
Clifford Keesler
I know how that goes. LOL.
16 August 2016, 21:30
Patrick Hagelstein
Yep... I'm affraid some cutting is on order. 😉 Rex provided you with a very nice picture. In this picture you can see that the flaps just fold down, nothing too fancy. Good luck and I hope to see some pictures!
BTW time to update my own RF-4E album...
16 August 2016, 21:34
Alea iacta est 🙂
cutting is done. thanks a lot for all the help. next update will take some time. i will be looking forward seeing your RF-4E Hagel 🙂
16 August 2016, 23:00
by the way, i have repainted the instrument pannels... again. i think i have done it 3 times already. this time, with brushes rather than markers. even if they are suppose to contain acrylic paint, they do not seem to really be permanent. more complex with the brush, but i think it is better. no pictures of that yet, sorry.
16 August 2016, 23:02
hah, they sure end up looking all chopped up when we add improvements to them, don't they? Looking forward to seeing this when you get back to it.
17 August 2016, 02:13
Chopped up indeed 🙂 thanks Rex
17 August 2016, 07:05
finally some time to work. cockpits are almost done, a few little details, choose one, and maybe this weekend i can finally glue the fuselage from once and for all 🙂
22 September 2016, 23:38
Erik Leijdens
Impressive work so far Spanjaard, that cockpit looks really good 👍
23 September 2016, 06:14
Michael Hickey
Those pits look divine, I hope your going to use the Aires forward wheel well bay or you could find yourself in a world of pain.
23 September 2016, 06:57
Bart Goesaert
did have the same problem with my albums, you can add everything you want, they don't show up in the feed.
It's a pretty nice (understatement of the year) cockpit... 1 for testing and one for real... 😉 I wish I could achieve the same results...
23 September 2016, 06:57
Holger Kranich
Wow, looking great! How did you make the yellow-black on the ejection handle Loops?
23 September 2016, 07:01
Michael Hickey
Using the Aires forward wheel bay underneath the Aires cockpit makes the cockpit fall in place perfectly.
23 September 2016, 07:07
Patrick Hagelstein
Now that's a thing to remember Michael.
23 September 2016, 07:13
Hanno Kleinecke
Great work on these cockpits, especially the seats look very authentic 👍 !
23 September 2016, 07:37
thanks a lot everybody 🙂
@Michael, yes, i am using the aires wheel-bay, but I had to sand everything until i could see through 😛 it is very, very tight space. i will have to sand a bit more in the sides of the cockpit for it to fit.
@Holger, y simply painted in yelow, and then make the strips with a very thin brush, 4-0 or 5-0, not sure.
23 September 2016, 17:51
@Bart, the idea was to make just one, but the carpet monster took a part of it... never to be seen again. so i ended up buying a second, to get the part i was missing... then the piece in the new set did not match the old one, so i started to paint the second one, and though about scratch building the missing part usign the one of the second as a model.
Then i realized that the film for the dials was faulty, so i contacted Aires about it.... and i must say that the support of Aires was SIMPLY EXCELLENT, they sent a replacement for the film, and they even throw in the piece that I lost (no fault of theirs), with no cost from my side. So BIG THANKS TO AIRES that is realy support. and really fast by the way.
so i ended up with too complete cockpits, both partially done... so I am finishing both. I will use the best one, and then I have two options. I can buy a second Hasegawa F-4J,. or maybe take a Phantom that I did maybe 25 years ago, remove the paint (what a horrible job i did then) and rebuild it top to bottom, adding the finished cockpit.... will see.....
23 September 2016, 20:02
Gordon Sørensen
Incredible looking cockpits Spanjaard!
24 September 2016, 13:27
Clifford Keesler
24 September 2016, 14:19
thanks Grodon and Clifford.
24 September 2016, 15:12
Great paintjob on the cockpits! Fantastic! 🙂 👍
24 September 2016, 15:32
Thanks KlausH, your pics on F-4E Phantom II - 57th FIS Kevlavik - | Album by KlausH (1:48) were certainly a great inspiration 🙂
24 September 2016, 16:12
some (slow) progress, but now, it is starting to look like a plane.
3 October 2016, 16:39
Marc Stecher
Those cockpit are just breathtaking! I realise that I have a long way to go... 😄
3 October 2016, 17:26
thanks Marc, for once i am happy with those cockpits (after painting them three times each 😛) but the wings unfortunately are not going to good. Due to all the surgery it was hard to get them to join in the right way.... so I did use some pegs and some carefully heating from hair-dryer, but that created some damage that it is being complicated to repair.... it will be a pity if the outside does not match the quality of the cockpit. on the other hand, i am learning a lot with this kit.
3 October 2016, 21:23
Marc Stecher
Sure this will work out great! I´ll keep watching this! 🙂
4 October 2016, 08:42
Michael Phillips
This is looking fantastic so far... That cockpit is really awesome!
4 October 2016, 12:38
thanks Marc for your kind words and encouragement. and thanks Michael, if i could achieve just 25% of what you have done with your F3H-2 I would be a really happy modeller 🙂
4 October 2016, 19:03
Michael Phillips
Oh you are well on your way. Your cockpits look WAY better than mine. I am really looking forward to see this thing come together.
4 October 2016, 20:16
e p
Noice paintjob on the cockpits! Keep em coming!
4 October 2016, 20:51
thanks Michael and Elias, I will do my best and I hope I can keep the expectations 🙂
4 October 2016, 21:57
arne vd burg
Awesome work on the pits 👍 watching your progress .
25 October 2016, 18:32
thanks a lot. no much progress lately. wings attached, and lots of putty and sanding done to fix the damage in the wings. new pictures will be added before the primer is applied.
25 October 2016, 22:13
Bryn Crandell
Looking good on the cockpit details. Just amazing.
26 October 2016, 11:31
thanks Bryn
26 October 2016, 18:32
Scott Dutton
Awesome office
27 October 2016, 21:06
Kees Kleijwegt
Very nice start, great cockpit
27 October 2016, 21:35
Michael Hickey
nice work with the intakes.👍
28 October 2016, 01:15
thanks Scott, Kees and Michael
29 October 2016, 17:08
finally some time to work on it. mistake with primer (Mr Surfacer 1500), but i managed to remove it completely, and tried with Vallejo Surface primer. it worked exactly as i wanted it.
now, i will leave it rest for 24/48 hours. I guess i will paint it all in back X-1 from Tamiya. leave it for a couple of days, then mask it and start working on Alclad in the tail section....
14 November 2016, 00:37
Patrick Hagelstein
Looks very smooth!
14 November 2016, 06:16
Bart Goesaert
I hope the vallejo primer will stick to the model when you are spraying. Is looks nice when applied, but it tends to peel off whenever you apply some tape or blutack... Mr surfacer is a lot harder to spray (try cellulose thinner), but it stick to the model whatever you do...
14 November 2016, 09:15
Kees Kleijwegt
I agree with Bart. You can thin Mr surfacer with Gunze cellulose thinner.
The Vallejo primer looks nice, but repairing any "forgotten" spots is nearly impossible.
My primer of choice is the grey primer from Zero Paints, a car modeling brand.
14 November 2016, 17:18
ok, i see .... well fingers crossed! thanks for the advise 🙂
14 November 2016, 22:01
Patrick Hagelstein
Spanjaard, I just noticed you (re)scribed the Air Force Inflight Refueling Receptacle on the spine, the multiangled panel. This is only present on Air Force birds, not on the Navy F-4J and should be filled. This is a good test to see how well the Vallejo primer reacts on reapplying... 🙁
14 November 2016, 22:49
ok, this requieres a bit of investigation. I did a test, with some masking tape (straight from the roll, full power) place is in one of the pieces, pressed it hard, remove it and the primer did not present any problem. no peeling or anything.
On the other hand, when I applied Mr. surfacer 1500 it did not look good, kind of grainy, that is usually a sign the that paint is drying before hitting the surface. in fact, after maybe 12 hours, a piece of kitchen paper rubbed gently had plenty of black dust. that is not how it is supposed to work
I have been looking for reviews around, and either people love this Vallejo Primer or really hate it. In regards to Mr Surfacer, it was almost impossible to get it in ESM a few weeks ago (i think i got the very last bottle there, and i was quite lucky). it sold out everywhere. if everybody is crazy about it, must be for a reason, but for me it certainly did not work. again, I used it first for the time ever, and certainly not thinned.
It seems that temperature/humidity can have a big influence in this cases. 22 degrees at home, Amsterdam humidity is usually high. am I just being lucky that one of them work with the weather conditions at the moment?
any thoughts?
14 November 2016, 22:57
Bart Goesaert
I had some problems with the zero paints primer (white) too.. you spray it.. it looks superb, you can scratch it with your nails, it sticks to the model. first layer, the same you can do what you want. After a week you put on some masking for a second layer... when removing the masking, all masked areas were back to the bare plastic, all layers came off at once... For Mr Surfacer, it can be hard for your seals in your AB, because it is thinned with cellulose thinner, and that is very corrosive for seals. it can also be a pain to find the right dilution to be able to spray it... and it smells ... but it still is my favorite
15 November 2016, 10:02
thanks Patrick i did not see your message before... i guess i will need to apply some putty and sanding there...
thanks Bart for the details about the zero paints. i may give a try to Mr Sufacer in the future. i may use my old airbrush, to avoid ruining the seals of my fairly new one.
15 November 2016, 10:57
Kees Kleijwegt
Bart is right again🙂 The Zero paints primer is wonderful stuff for figures or single color car bodies, but I had some problems with masking too.

But.... Zero changed the formula (they even gave away free samples via Hiroboy) and I can say from experience that their new formula is as rock solid as MrSurfacer, even with masking.
I would still recommend the new formula of Zero primer, being airbrush ready is a real pro. 👍
15 November 2016, 13:18
Kees Kleijwegt
You can order Zero paints in the Netherlands from
They're from Heerhugowaard, pretty close to Amsterdam Spanjaard.... 😉
15 November 2016, 13:20
Patrick Hagelstein
Nice to know! 🙂
15 November 2016, 13:27
Bart Goesaert
or from Domino ( in Belgium. @Kees, I will need to try the new formula then... time to go shopping (I hope my girlfriend doesn't read this, or I will get comments like: why aren't you so enthusiast to go shopping for clothes... )
15 November 2016, 14:17
Patrick Hagelstein
15 November 2016, 15:06
Looks excellent so far Sanjaard. Those cockpits are stunningly good.
15 November 2016, 15:57
thanks for the information Kees and Bart. and thanks for the comment gorbygould
today i have masked the area of the Air Force Inflight Refueling Receptacle on the spine, and sanded it without any trouble. i will airbrushed it later today if i can, and hopefully post pictures of the result.
15 November 2016, 16:40
Kees Kleijwegt
Good to hear the sanding went "smoothly" Spanjaard!😉
15 November 2016, 18:06
15 November 2016, 21:03
Erik Leijdens
Already looking good in black! Great progress 👍
15 November 2016, 21:26
thanks Erik. today i airbrushed the sanded area, and it looks good after a couple of hours. well actually it could look better, but that is not fault of the primer. it is me. somehow the panel that i needed to cover is still visible (very faint, but it is certainly still there). so tomorrow i will need to sand it again. well, let look for a positive side, i will test the endurance of the primer again 😛
what worries now is an airbrushing mistake next to the air intakes. i wanted to cover some difficult spot that was not correctly done before, and by accident I used now too much paint.
I hope i can correct it tomorrow with some very light sanding (not the easiest area for that). if i can not fix it, I may be forced to remove all the primer and do it all over again.... 🙁
16 November 2016, 00:07
a few pictures with the progress of the last days. starting to use alclad in the tail and ailerons
25 November 2016, 00:08
Michael Phillips
Really looking awesome man... Love to see what you come up with for the metal areas. A great area to get a little creative with.
25 November 2016, 03:39
Patrick Hagelstein
Whow!!! That metal area looks awesome!!!
25 November 2016, 06:18
Thanks Michael and Patrick. I will may be add a bit of blue transparent alclad, and certainly paint the chute cover that I mistakenly masked.
Some magnesium still have to be applied in the ailerons , and some more detail. Once covered with varnish, maybe some light wash, well see
25 November 2016, 08:38
Kees Kleijwegt
Very nice Spanjaard! Great job on the metal areas indeed! 👍
25 November 2016, 12:09
Mike Grant
That's looking really good 👍
25 November 2016, 14:41
Patrick Hagelstein
The chute cover is painted in the fuselage color. You did it right!
25 November 2016, 17:00
Christian Ristits
Great Work so far!
25 November 2016, 18:59
thanks Kees, Mike and Christian, i am really honoured with your comments. 🙂
Patrick, in most F-4 you would be right, but for the VX-4 i have several pictures where it is also in metal color, instead of black
aviationphotocompany../h6ED6AACE#h6ed6aace for example
in this picture it looks more bluish than black, but the chute cover is certainly metallic. i have a few more actually.
25 November 2016, 19:24
Patrick Hagelstein
Yes, I see it. Nothing beats decent research. 😉
25 November 2016, 19:38
actually there is something that beats good research.... it is to actually use the results 😄 with i did a late for that chute cover. although still on time. i am not so sure about some other details that i realized about yesterday....
26 November 2016, 11:49
Patrick Hagelstein
26 November 2016, 12:00
by the way, do you know what exactly are those yelow sort of bands you see in vertically in the tail and horizontally in the sides? i see some F-4 that do not have some of them. i did not remove any (and in some picutures of "black bunnies" i see them and in some i do not) so i will paint them all in yellow. what i am uncertain is if i should simply use bright yelllow of if clear yellow over silver/aluminium is more correct.....
26 November 2016, 12:24
Patrick Hagelstein
Do you mean those yellow stripes like the one next to the bunny on the tail? As you are building an F-4J you don't need them. On the F-4S the so called 'slime lights' were introduced. Those are low intensity formation lights. When those lights are off they tend to have a very pale green hue.
26 November 2016, 19:06
Patrick Hagelstein
This is how they look in close up.
26 November 2016, 19:11
thanks a million for the information Patrick. Ok, so i should have removed them.... well, i think in this case i will throw the historical precision through the window and leave them.... it will not be 100% accurate but i like too much how it looks right now, so i will not risk sanding them and needing to correct such large areas 🙁
I corrected the Air Force Inflight Refueling, and the results were good but not 100% satisfactory. this areas are a lot bigger and there is a lot more complicated detail around, so i will leave them there.
26 November 2016, 21:55
After some finishing touches, everything was looking good, paint as even polished and ready fir decals and dry transfers, but the only thing I could see where those damn yellow lines....... The words "you are gonna regret this moment" came to my head a hundred times while I masked the area to start sanding away the first of those formation lights....why did I choose to ignore that part of the instructions???? Well, first one almost gone, five more to go.... Wish me luck!
2 December 2016, 11:25
Patrick Hagelstein
Good luck!!!
2 December 2016, 11:54
2 December 2016, 12:16
removed 3 of them already, and covered them again with primer.... some marks are still visible looking closely but ... well lesson of the day, next time, read more carefully the instructions 😛
3 December 2016, 00:32
Patrick Hagelstein
Great job Spanjaard!
3 December 2016, 00:36
thanks 🙂
3 December 2016, 00:41
Clifford Keesler
Looking very awesome, great job.
3 December 2016, 20:03
thanks Clifford
3 December 2016, 20:08
Arash Zakeri
Great job
3 December 2016, 21:17
thanks, let's how the outside ends. i may post update later today.
3 December 2016, 22:21
well, it look longer than expected for the update, but finally here you have a few more pictures. before any transfer was used, and after i place quite a few. still, a lot stencils to go. i have the problem that one of the sheets was not in the set received... so waiting for the manufacturer and the site where to purchased to provide a solution..... i will not be able to work on it during Christmas, so this will probably be the last update for 2016. merry Christmas and happy new year to you all 🙂
21 December 2016, 00:00
Clifford Keesler
Looking fantastic. Merry Christmas to you also and a Happy New Year.
21 December 2016, 01:00
Marc A.
Outstanding work!!!
21 December 2016, 01:07
thanks Clifford, Marc and Tim
21 December 2016, 06:13
Erik Leijdens
Looking great Spanjaard! Especially the exhaust area is amazing 👍
21 December 2016, 07:32
Lex Jassies
Can't wait to see the progress in the new year. But until than, happy holidays Spanjaard!
21 December 2016, 08:21
Thank Erik and Lex. I will advance on this one until I have only only weapons left, then probably start the academy F_4j and choose what weapons will go on each at the end.....
21 December 2016, 15:49
Hopefully Academy one will go faster 🙂
21 December 2016, 15:49
Greg Baker
That's looking really good!
21 December 2016, 16:24
Michael Phillips
Wow this is really looking awesome. Your attention to details is so impressive.
21 December 2016, 16:33
Mehdi Nader
Spanjaard , It really looks nice ! Awaiting for final result !
21 December 2016, 16:59
Stephan Ryll
great progress !
21 December 2016, 17:07
Thanks a lot everybody, your comments mean a lot to me. specially coming from people that I consider far above my skills 🙂
21 December 2016, 19:41
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Are you sergery or modeller? Its miracle!!!.
21 December 2016, 23:39
you mean because I chopped some many things on this model? 😄
well, it seems the patient will survive, but I was not that sure at the beginning! (see first album)
22 December 2016, 00:11
Adam Gudynowski
How could I miss this one?
22 December 2016, 00:22
Patrick Hagelstein
Nice one Spanjaard! Keep up the good work!
22 December 2016, 12:15
thanks Patrick 🙂
22 December 2016, 12:20
Bart Goesaert
Nice one so far. Did you use black for the paint of dark grey? Soon I want to make a black camouflage too
22 December 2016, 13:40
I tried with Mr surfacer, but for some reason it went quite bad and had to remove it completely (never used before, maybe I did something wrong). Vallejo black primer worked like a charm (first time use too). I handled it, sanded it, everything...., and no problem at all. I airbrushed Tamiya X-1 over it, and then Future, layers as thin as possible. I am really happy with performance of future, not many products can survive the amount of handling I have submitted it to....specially with the transfers. Some simply did not want to leave the support sheet regardless of the pressure exerted. I was afraid with the bigger ones (bunnies etc), but those were the easiest ones
I wanted almost shiny so that is why I did not use the gray primer. Black required very little polishing
22 December 2016, 15:04
Jean Tchao
Oh my !!!! sure it flies for real with all these tiny details !!!
4 January 2017, 20:09
Edwin 010
Wow man! Awesome! 👍
4 January 2017, 20:31
thanks Jean and Edwin. i have to start working on it. it should be finished soon, but i still have lots of stencils to place. and there is even one sheet that was not even included in the package i got. Hopefully i will get the missing decal sheet from hobbydecal, unfortunatelly they have not answer my messages yet, and the "after sales service" form, simply does not work.....
4 January 2017, 21:11
Clifford Keesler
Looking very awesome, sorry to hear about the decal problems.
4 January 2017, 22:51
Eugen P.
Impressive cockpit 👍
4 January 2017, 23:18
thanks Clifford and Eugen.
4 January 2017, 23:37
Dan Knispel
That's some seriously nice work you did on the instrument panel.
5 January 2017, 23:01
thanks Dan 🙂
6 January 2017, 00:05
Aleigha DeLellis
6 January 2017, 00:31
thanks Aleigha
6 January 2017, 07:13
Clifford Keesler
Very nice.
9 January 2017, 17:23
Gary Brantley
Wow! Great looking 'pit! 🙂
9 January 2017, 17:39
thanks, still adding stencils. and still no answer from hobbydecal.... 🙁
9 January 2017, 18:14
You have far more patience than I. Well done!
9 January 2017, 19:19
thanks CapnSirloin
9 January 2017, 22:08
Ricardo Reis
Looks really nice. Following...
12 January 2017, 00:40
thanks a lot Ricardo. i am still adding stencils, but job is progressing 🙂
12 January 2017, 00:53
soheil moghisi
really nice.
12 January 2017, 05:11
thanks Soheil.
12 January 2017, 07:03
Oliver Petrosino
Cool bird!
12 January 2017, 07:20
Thanks Oliver
12 January 2017, 15:18
a little update, all transfers i had have been placed (no answer from hobbydecal, i gave up on them). then covered with future, left to cure for a couple of days, added the water slide decals, and then covered again with more future.
i got some kind of reaction between the future and the micro sol/set, it created some kind of matt areas (hard to explain).... fortunately new layer of future seem to have resolved the problem.
slats, flaps etc are not yet glued, landing gear is on its way (temporary "crutches" in place, so the paint is not damaged)
17 January 2017, 00:22
Scott Hastings
Really lovely model. My favorite Phantom version
17 January 2017, 01:17
thanks Scott
17 January 2017, 08:11
Holger Kranich
Ist taking shape, Spanji! 😄 Oh dude, all that stencils...
17 January 2017, 08:34
it took forever to get them in place... it is almost a thousand of them (no kidding) in the set! although you do not use all, and i miss one sheet with around 130 yellow and red ones (a pity not to have them)
17 January 2017, 09:37
Clifford Keesler
Excellent work.
17 January 2017, 16:29
Ahh, Stencils. When I grow up, I am going to do a 1/32 Navy F-4 in "new delivery" condition,,,,,,and put every single stencil on it that was there before a jet flew it's first mission. I will probably do a "new delivery" 1/32 Skyhawk before that,,,,,,,but, the Phantom had so many more than a Scooter.

I just need to figure out which marking was painted on, which was a decal, and which was a sticker,,,,,,,and figure out how to replicate that in 1/32 scale. Contests don't like it, but, "decal silvering" was a very real thing in 1/1 aviation, as was "sticker lift",,,,,,,,the trick is to know exactly which things were painted on and not do that to those stencils. "Paint ridges" were common in real life, also, if something was painted on using tape instead of a stencil set. "Bleed under" when using a stencil set happened a lot, too. We didn't do that stuff over and over on 1/1 jets, such as a modeler does to "get it right." If we were changing the nose number on the flightline, and it turned out a "little fuzzy",,,,,,it flew that way.
17 January 2017, 16:34
I feel better now Rex, I did not know that i was adding more realism when I did not manage to get some of those stencils to stick to the model! big thanks 🙂

if you are planning to do the F-4 in 1/32, i could recommend the stencils from hobbydecal, they have some sets that you can use for the stencils, i believe you probably have every single one that was used..... Being bigger than 1:48 probably you will have less trouble than i did. some of the tiny ones simply ignored all my attempts to convince them stick to the model.....
17 January 2017, 17:03
Geez, a stenciler's dream,,,,,,,,look at this sheet from them.

Thanks for the tip, I see the markings, the stencils, and the door numbers. And "only" 8 sheets of stuff to stick on the model, lol.

I will send them some money.
17 January 2017, 17:27
i must also say that i have tried to contact them several times about a missing sheet in my set. and they never answered. i also see that they have not published anything new in 2016 and that there is nothing in the section of "coming soon" of their site.... so i think they may be out of business, or almost. Their products appear as "out of stock" in most online stores. so i have been reluctant to try to buy the set complete set again from their site.... if you order and you receive it, it would be good to know.
17 January 2017, 17:53
Michael Phillips
Wow, this is awesome! And those stencils... makes my brain hurt to even think of applying all of those.

This is going to be epic when finished!
17 January 2017, 17:58
Christian Bruer
mhh, don't know why I missed this?! Very nice and clean work. I much like the effects in the exhaust area but first of all the overall look 👍

Cheers, Christian
17 January 2017, 18:31
glad you like it Michael and James. welcome to build Christian 🙂 your opinions are really appreciated.
17 January 2017, 19:27
Jay Nakasone
I like this scheme. The amount of stencils ... wow, that's a lot of work.
19 January 2017, 20:49
it certainly took a while😉
and i still have a few pending, just a handful.
19 January 2017, 22:28
Bart Goesaert
Well, you still have some open spots (not that much) to place them if you would receive them...
20 January 2017, 07:39
indeed 🙂
20 January 2017, 22:16
Clifford Keesler
I like it!
23 January 2017, 19:22
Ed Froix
Nog nooit gezien, maar wel erg mooi!
23 January 2017, 19:33
thanks Clifford and Ed. i was hopping to get it finished (or at least close to it) before the end of this month, but it is been hard finding time for it 🙁
23 January 2017, 23:40
Michael Hickey
Keep going Mate, your almost there, and she's looking great.👍
24 January 2017, 01:47
Dale Marston
Nice F-4 👍
24 January 2017, 07:12
thanks for the encouragement Michael, and thanks for the compliment Dale 🙂
24 January 2017, 22:19
Very Nice!
24 January 2017, 23:34
Greg Baker
I'm feeling residual pride by association in this build because "one of us young guys" is the mastermind behind it.😉
25 January 2017, 00:48
thanks Tim, lug and Greg. 🙂
25 January 2017, 09:01
Miguel Vasconcelos
That's a beauty.
25 January 2017, 09:56
thanks Misha
25 January 2017, 11:24
Clifford Keesler
Amazing, very well done.
28 January 2017, 00:19
thanks Clifford, really appreciated.
28 January 2017, 00:49
Gordon Sørensen
Amazing patience for all those small decals! Looks great Spanjaard!
28 January 2017, 18:09
Robert W Martel
Nice going Spanjaard ! Another nice F-4
28 January 2017, 21:48
thanks Gordon and Robert. i am looking forward seeing it finished 🙂
30 January 2017, 19:42
Michael Phillips
Me too!!!! 🙂
30 January 2017, 19:43
30 January 2017, 19:48
Christian Ristits
Just wow!!!
30 January 2017, 20:43
thanks a lot Christian 🙂
30 January 2017, 20:44
Erik Leijdens
Looking fantastic with the decals on! 👍
30 January 2017, 20:59
thanks Erik, still a few to go.
30 January 2017, 21:12
Ed Froix
Nice painting!
31 January 2017, 11:00
thanks Ed
31 January 2017, 11:00
Donald Medley
20 February 2017, 10:18
thanks. i still have to finish it, but the end is near... 🙂
20 February 2017, 19:50
Bart Goesaert
finished? It's a beautiful bird... nice work on this one...
14 April 2017, 13:33
Thanks Bart, it is finally finished and placed in the display cabinet in the living room.
14 April 2017, 13:53
Bart Goesaert
a well deserved place...
14 April 2017, 13:58
Holger Kranich
Dammit well done! I love the arresting hook system most!👍 Beautiful!!!
14 April 2017, 14:01
Christian Bruer
Very nice work 👍
14 April 2017, 14:02
thanks Bart, Holger and Christian, your comments are really appreciated
14 April 2017, 14:11
Mats Bengtsson
Great looking Phantom. Well done Spanjaard 👍
14 April 2017, 14:15
thanks a lot Mats
14 April 2017, 14:15
Wow! That is a stunning result Spanjaard it looks fantastic, I can see now why it took so long.
14 April 2017, 16:07
Erik Leijdens
Looking very good Spanjaard, great work! 👍
14 April 2017, 16:38
wow excellent work, done vandy 1 credit.
14 April 2017, 17:04
Patrick Hagelstein
Beautiful Spanjaard!!!
14 April 2017, 17:51
Kurt Reichert
Verry extensive scratch parts... i like that. Verry cool!
14 April 2017, 18:20
thanks a lot Grobygould, Erik, Augie, Patrick, Kurt and James. I really appreciate your feedback, and glad you like it. and thanks a lot for the support and help along the project. by the way, next one is again a F-4J. Academy this time. i was going to use the second cockpit, but after reading comments about how well the Eduard one fits, i will probably keep the Aires for the future, and use the Eduard one.
14 April 2017, 20:21
Dan M
Very very nice 👍
14 April 2017, 20:26
Clifford Keesler
Excellent work sir, a masterpiece.
14 April 2017, 21:14
Jay Nakasone
very impressive. something to be proud of!
14 April 2017, 21:58
Martin Oostrom
Muy bien. Ziet er heeeeeeel goed uit!
14 April 2017, 22:32
Stefan Kie
very impressive
14 April 2017, 23:59
David Andrs
15 April 2017, 03:48
Lex Jassies
Looks very good Spanjaard. You can be proud on the result!
15 April 2017, 07:29
thanks/bedankt a lot Dan, Clifford, Jay, Martin, MrLongSir, David and Lex.
i am proud of it Lex, i think it probably is my best model so far 🙂
15 April 2017, 09:53
Gary Brantley
Impressive from any angle! Great work Spanjaard.👍 🙂
15 April 2017, 12:18
thanks a lot Gary 🙂
15 April 2017, 14:04
Alec K
Wow, great build and awesome album. Your narrative is great, surely a valuable resource for anyone building the F-4J 👍 Your metalworking skills are top as well. Thanks for taking the time to record it all!
15 April 2017, 14:13
thanks Alec K, i have great help along the way in this build, so i am happy if the album helps others 🙂
15 April 2017, 14:35
Michael Phillips
This is just fantastic Spanjaard!!! An absolute beauty, you should be quite proud of this one. 🙂
15 April 2017, 19:53
thanks a lot Michael, your nice comment is really appreciated 🙂
15 April 2017, 21:10
Tim Heimer
Awesome work on this! Beautiful!
16 April 2017, 01:08
thanks a lot Timothy
16 April 2017, 06:51
Roland Sachsenhofer
Now that´s a overwhelming beauty!
16 April 2017, 07:05
Christian Ristits
I like your "Black Bunny" very much, congrats!
16 April 2017, 07:19
thanks Roland and thanks Christian
16 April 2017, 07:35
Daan Baars
Very nice build! You mention the use of future, where do you buy that? I can't find it anywhere in the Netherlands. Am i not searching hard enough?
19 April 2017, 08:32
Kees Kleijwegt
Great build and finish! Awesome Phantom Spanjaard! 👍👍
19 April 2017, 10:19
thanks a lot for the nice comments Daan and Kees

no Daan, i believe it can not be found here in the Netherlands. I got a bottle directly from US, But it is quite expensive (but works like a charm in my opinion). then I found a seller in Amazon. they ship it directly from US, But sell only in UK France and Germany. Delivered in UK is quite a good price, in Germany and France, it goes more than double. I asked to ship here, but they said no.
I am thinking in getting a couple of bottles to UK, if i go there for work at some point, or maybe to friends in France or Germany, but it bothers me to pay double......although it still a lot cheaper than what I paid to ship directly from US.....
19 April 2017, 19:05
Michael Phillips
I can get the large bottles of it at Walmart for like $6USD. If we could figure out how much shipping costs are from the US to wherever maybe I could help out getting some to Europe for those interested.
19 April 2017, 19:44
thanks for the offer Michael, how large are those bottles? i got one of 27oz (798ml), i am sure that in US is possible to get them bigger.
problem is that shipment may cost a lot, duty import should not not be a big deal, since the value of the package would not be that high....
19 April 2017, 21:10
Erik Leijdens
Eriks top tip:

Maybe a bit expensive but it's the real thing and easy and fast to get
19 April 2017, 21:19
thanks Erik but with 250ml, with shipment, it is 20EUR. it is basically the same price as getting it by yourself from US.....
19 April 2017, 21:41
Daan Baars
thnx Spanjaard!
19 April 2017, 22:25
you are very welcome Daan 🙂
20 April 2017, 00:00
Very nice work Spanjaard. It´s a pleasure to see the beautiful result! 👍
20 April 2017, 17:23
thanks for the nice comment. and thanks again for the help during the project, really appreciated 🙂
20 April 2017, 17:26
You are very welcome! 🙂
20 April 2017, 17:28
Kerry COX
Spanjaard. :-O A masterpiece and there is no other word for it. There is not one image that hasn't had my jaw on the keyboard. just beautiful work and the attention to the detail speaks volumes of your patience and talent.🙂 👍
I am seriously in awe. 👍 👍 👍 🙂 🙂 🙂
16 October 2017, 09:34
Dale Marston
Looks good Spanjaard. Black is one of those colours that is hard to get right,
16 October 2017, 10:33
Murad ÖZER
i can't believe how i missed this build, looking stunning Spanjaard big huge kudos 👍 👍 👍
16 October 2017, 11:15
Konrad -
Absolutely great! 👍 No more words needed!
16 October 2017, 13:47
Fantastic job Spanjaard -it looks great in black!
16 October 2017, 16:13
Kerry COX
The guitar string with the copper wire coms cable, and the hand painted helmets have me thinking your a wizard with a master touch. 👍.
I keep going through you album, and every time I do, I discover something else you have not mentioned. You deserve all the comments and compliments posted on your build Spanjaard. 🙂
You have left all of us in your dust. 👍
Genius. 🙂 🙂 🙂
16 October 2017, 16:39
Björn Svedberg
All of that detail you got into that kit is just awesome! Great job!
16 October 2017, 17:30
wow, i am really happy with all those comments, thakns Dale, Murad, Bernd, Konrad, gorbygould, Björn and specially thanks Kerry, you make me blush 🙂 . it took a considerable amount of time and work and i am happy you all like it. i certainly do.
16 October 2017, 18:33
Stephan Ryll
Outstanding and very detailed work 👍 I like it a lot 🙂
16 October 2017, 18:54
Kerry COX
You have certainly got my creative juices re energised Spanjaard. Inspirational is what it is. hehehehe. ZOOM. !! :-O 👍
16 October 2017, 19:00
thanks Stephan, and thanks again Kerry.
16 October 2017, 19:01
Kees Kleijwegt
She turned out very, very nice Spanjaard. Great work mate!! 👍👍
16 October 2017, 19:50
Kerry COX
🙂 Any time mate 👍
16 October 2017, 20:04
Vinny Panda
Superb work.
16 October 2017, 20:09
thanks Kees and Vinny 🙂 really appreciated
16 October 2017, 21:57
Clifford Keesler
17 October 2017, 03:33
thanks Clifford 🙂
17 October 2017, 06:40
Clifford Keesler
I think it is about time I did a spook. Can't decide between it or a Tomcat.
17 October 2017, 19:28
difficult choice 🙂
17 October 2017, 21:50
turkey or a rhino... hmmm I would have a hard time choosing too Clifford.
17 October 2017, 22:25
Clifford Keesler
17 October 2017, 22:49
Kerry COX
Augie. What did you say for Clifford to be have like this. :-o :-o :-o ???
17 October 2017, 23:36
Lol just the old choice... rhino or turkey.
17 October 2017, 23:36
well, for me, after two rhinos in a row (second almost finished), next planes will be .... two turkey 🙂 but not before I do something with wheels, for example
18 October 2017, 00:01
Donald Dickson II
Spanjaard, well done sir! Not sure how I missed this. I love how you constantly say scratch built. Easy. Pfffttt.

Clifford, thats easy. Snag a 1/32 Tamiya Phantom buddy. That will keep ya busy.😉
18 October 2017, 00:42
Clifford Keesler
I could only afford a Tamiya 1/32 scale F-4 in my dreams. LOL. But I do have a Revell 1/32 F-4G with all the Tamiya aftermarket goodies(Photo etch) Metal gear, resin wheels and seats. I actually took it out today and looked at it, then put it up.
18 October 2017, 01:14
Kerry COX
OMG. :-O Decisions decisions !!! How hard you guys have got it . 🙁 hahahahaha 🙂 👍
18 October 2017, 03:44
Donald Dickson II
Clifford, I managed to snag one in a trade. I came out WAAAAYYYYY ahead. The guy was an armor guy and I had the exact kits he was looking for. He did an even on swap. I could not believe he did it, but he did. So keep your eyes open.

And an aside to that. A guy I have done business with before is allowing me to make payments on the Tamiya 1/32 F-15E. So I will have that baby in a few weeks. 🙂
18 October 2017, 04:00
thanks Donald. 1/32 spook? tempting, but at my current speed, it will take me a couple of years! besides, I am thinking on going into smaller scales rather than bigger ones. they take a lot less space later, and can be as much fun, or even more, if you want to make the same details 😛
18 October 2017, 05:34
Donald Dickson II
I have come to the conclusion that limiting the scale I work in is not going to work for me. Too many things I like in a variety of scales.
18 October 2017, 21:07
Well said Don, I am having the same issues.
18 October 2017, 21:10
Donald Dickson II
Augie, plus it impacts space limitations not at all. A 1/72 Herc or BUFF is still a really big model. So my motto is that is what we have ceilings and 30lb test fishing line for.😉
18 October 2017, 21:14
the main enemy of those models is not the danger of falling, or dust... is the people that live in the same house 😄
18 October 2017, 21:32
Greg Baker
LMAO! I have that same problem... 🙂
18 October 2017, 22:16
Konrad -
Yeah this is really a problem Spanjaard 🙂.
19 October 2017, 04:21
19 October 2017, 05:58
Bart Goesaert
only the people? Not the beings (people, pets, ...)?
19 October 2017, 09:17
Konrad -
For me only two small children 😉.
19 October 2017, 11:14
yes, cats and models can be an interesting combination... dogs are probably safer, since they less inclined to climbing....
19 October 2017, 17:06
Martin Oostrom
The cleaning wife, who doesn't understand.... 🙁
19 October 2017, 17:18
or cleaning husband/partner for the ladies here 🙂
19 October 2017, 18:05
Donald Dickson II
The house I just moved into was previously occupied by a young cat. The POS owner kicked him out the door and left him. So he is a neighborhood cat now. I feed and water him. But I can not bring him in because I would have to make him into Chicken and cashews if jumped on my shelves. LOL The dogs dont even look up there.
20 October 2017, 16:40
in the name of the cat, thanks😉
20 October 2017, 16:56
Whoa, I really love your detail work and scratch build - very impressive! Man, I love F-4s 😄
29 November 2017, 07:40
thanks Dennis 🙂
29 November 2017, 10:06
Greg Baker
I think we should just automatically bump Spanjaaard's F-4 builds once a month to the top of the newsfeed so we can all oooh and awe over them. I never get tired of them... I mean, the number of decals alone...😉
29 November 2017, 15:45
Donald Dickson II
Yeah, he does an OK job with it.😉
29 November 2017, 16:33
thanks a lot Greg and Donald, you are making me blush! 😳 🙂
i need to finish the second, and get to build something different, probably even without wings this time 🙂
and one day, i have to take proper pictures of them finished.... the "foto session" of the completed bunny was not exactly what i had in mind.....
29 November 2017, 17:18
Zsolt Czegle
WOW! Great work! 👍
29 November 2017, 19:31
Kerry COX
We all expect nothing less Spanjaard. Always a stunning result. 🙂
Cheers mate. 👍
29 November 2017, 19:35
thanks Zsolt and Kerry, i have a lot to learn from you both 🙂
29 November 2017, 20:02
Kerry COX
Patience grasshopper. 🙂 👍
29 November 2017, 21:54
😄 🙂
30 November 2017, 06:17
Mike Daniels
Awesome detail!!
30 November 2017, 10:06
Thanks Mike
30 November 2017, 14:37
Clifford Keesler
Totally a masterpiece.
1 December 2017, 00:22
thanks Clifford
1 December 2017, 00:25
Clifford Keesler
You are welcome Sir. Well deserved.
1 December 2017, 00:27
I like you black bun! Sexy!
8 December 2017, 17:11
thanks Thomas 🙂
8 December 2017, 20:25
Brutal... qué pintaza tan buena tiene ese Phantom. Menudo trabajazo le has hecho y el resultado bien ha merecido la pena. Me gusta mucho ese esquema. Enhorabuena, Spanjaard!
8 December 2017, 20:34
@Cuajete Muchas gracias! creo que el black Bunny especial, vi el de monogram hace 30 años y al final me he quitado la espina 🙂
@Lode, thanks for the compliment, but i think you have that and more seeing your 1/350 Prince of Wales!! 🙂
8 December 2017, 21:42
Stephan Ryll
Very nice overall result Spanjaard 👍
11 December 2017, 07:04
David Thor
Wow. That is one beautiful phantom. Good job!
11 December 2017, 08:42
thanks Stephan and David.
11 December 2017, 08:51
thanks Lode
11 December 2017, 12:57
arne vd burg
gr8 detail Spanjaard!
11 December 2017, 19:07
thanks Frank and Arne. it was actually finished 8 months ago. a but surprised to see this build getting so much attention lately 🙂 (no complains about the compliments of course 🙂 )
11 December 2017, 23:49
Clifford Keesler
Amazing job. Most Impressive.
12 December 2017, 00:31
thanks Clifford
12 December 2017, 06:16
Bob Hall
As we say in the states, YOU GOT SOME MAD SKILLS ! Amazing detail !
12 January 2018, 18:24
thanks Robert, you are making me blush 🙂
12 January 2018, 20:14
Ingo F
Awesome build Spanjaard! 👍 Love the details and especially the cockpit. Very good!
12 January 2018, 20:47
thanks a lot Ingo, glad you like it. your comment means a lot to me 🙂
12 January 2018, 21:43
Ingo F
12 January 2018, 22:34
Ed Froix
Wow nice retailing
28 January 2018, 06:23
you mean detailing?😉 thanks
28 January 2018, 13:58
Mike Thomas
I've said it before and I'll say it again. You military and airplane guys, your detailing never ceases to amaze me. Great job, Spanjaard.
28 January 2018, 15:42
thanks a lot Mike. my current project is not exactly military 🙂
28 January 2018, 18:58
Peter Hardy
Black Bunny was a marvel! Beautiful and inventive build! Well done Spanjaard!
27 April 2022, 01:40
Greg Baker
I was wondering when this build would pop up again! For me, this is almost like the "mascot" build of Scalemates. I think this was one of the first projects that made me realize what kind of community is here beyond just the database... and I've been following Spanjaard around ever since!
27 April 2022, 05:56
Thanks Peter and Greg. You make me feel really happy. I am also really happy to be back in the bench, after a extended "break"
27 April 2022, 07:51
Peter Hardy
Greg this one was posted prior to me joining Scalemates but I have long been a fan of Spanjaard's F4s. Maybe if we ask very nicely he might, you know ……. Ummmm ……. do another one? 😁
27 April 2022, 08:35
It's an honor to have the privilege of seeing this fantastic work again after a long time. Congratulations, Spanjaard!
27 April 2022, 09:53
Konrad -
And here we go again😬! Nice Spanjaard this reminds me to do a black bunny too😬! Someday…
27 April 2022, 11:21
Thanks Peter, Cuajete and Konrad. I am blushing now!
I have some F-4 in my stash... but not in 1/48. Actually one of them will be a Bkack Bunny (a lot less decals on 1/144 scale) But there is the second cockpit (done in this build) that should get some use....
Konrad, if you do a Black Bunny, I suggest the decals i used in this build. I think they have them also in 1/32, if you are insane enough 😄
27 April 2022, 19:36
Konrad -
Haha😂! I think 1/48 is crazy enough 😂!
27 April 2022, 20:54
believe me, it was a great pleasure when I finished those stencils, this set has (literally) a thousand of them. but I love to see how it looks now, so it was worth it 🙂
27 April 2022, 20:57
Konrad -
That's absolutely true!!
28 April 2022, 06:54
Hi Spanjaard - I appreciate I'm a bit late to the party here, but just spent some time in my lunch hour having a look through this album, as I saw it pop up the other day and... Wow! I know I can't add much more than others have already, but what a thoroughly fantastic (and informative) build. Just looks awesome! You must be rightly proud! 🙂 👍
3 May 2022, 13:16
Jos Jansen
Missed this incredible build Phantom...pooah nice mate!
3 May 2022, 18:11
Thanks a lot Neil, really appreciated.
Thanks also Jos, coming from the maker of one of the best Phantom I have seen here, your comment means a lot to me!
3 May 2022, 21:10
David H
Those belts are amazing. Do they come with the Aries cockpit set ?
12 May 2022, 17:11
hi David, yes they are part of the Aires kit. You only need to paint them and place them. it is one of the things i like of Aires, nothing is pre-painted. that, and the amazing detail. and on top of that, if something is wrong their customer service is also really good. I wish only they would require less sanding to fit in the cockpit.
12 May 2022, 18:25
Chan Li
Why I missed this?
Overall good built, classic results.
I bet you must input a lot energy into it👍
1 October 2022, 13:16
Thanks Chang Li, yes, it took me a while and all the holes I made on it to get all that aftermarket took certainly some energy 🙂. But it was a pleasure to build it, and I love to see it in my display cabinet, so quite happy about it
1 October 2022, 21:11
Donald Dickson II
Excellent work! Beautiful result sir!!!!

I really need to get the decals to do this one to go with my Vandy 1 F-14D.
2 October 2022, 02:31
Wow...this is an amazing project 👍
I spent nearly an hour enjoying and studying every photo.
2 October 2022, 03:33
Thanks Donald, this decal set certainly takes some time, but the Tomcat will certainly look great in this livery!
Thanks also Rui, that is a really great compliment, really happy you like it so much
2 October 2022, 13:43
David H
Wow, incredible attention to detail, lovely spook 👍🏻
2 October 2022, 16:01
Guy Rump
Beautiful! 👍
2 October 2022, 16:09
Donald Dickson II
Spanjaard, the 14 looks awesome all black. Once I get the 4 done, they will look great together. You should do a 14 to go with this one! The AMK kit comes with the markings.

F-14 Group Build F-14D Vandy Complete | Album by smokeriderdon (1:48)
2 October 2022, 16:45
Thanks Guy
I will have it in mind Donald, they will look great together!
I have a couple of cats in my stash that are waiting for far too long actually. Maybe next will be a black one!
2 October 2022, 20:25
Stephen Lesley
Absolutely beautiful work. The paint job and markings are stunning.👍
6 October 2022, 03:47
Great rendition of the black bunny! Probably the most striking scheme the Phantom ever wore. Definitely an eye catcher on the shelf with "mere" camo and ADC gray birds. Great build. 👍
6 October 2022, 04:45
thanks a lot Stephen and John, really appreciated
i agree in regards to this lively being really attractive. But i also have a grey F-4J, I actually built both one after the other 😄
6 October 2022, 06:52
It is a pleasure to enjoy again the magnificent photos of this album after all this time. I love the black scheme with the bunny and those blue stripes. Congrats again, Spanjaard! 👍
6 October 2022, 17:16
Thanks Cuajete, really appreciated again
6 October 2022, 19:58

Album info

well, i wanted to make an F-4 in the black bunny scheme for a veeeery long time. and this time, i will be adding quite a lot of detail sets... if i dare to do all the requiered "surgery" that the kit will need....

149 képek
1:48 F-4J Phantom II `Show Time 100´ (Hasegawa 07206)1:48 F-4 Phantom II Hard Wing Flap Down Set (Wolfpack WP48068)1:48 F-4J Phantom II (HobbyDecal AL48001V1)10+

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