Spitfire Mk. IIa, Revell 1/32
13 May 2019, 15:37
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Paint job was Tamiya fine white primer, airbrushed a preshade with black, then airbrushed the camo using Vallejo Model Air acrylics. Sealed that with Testors Dullcote and did some color correction filtering all over with oils. PFM to prep for decals. Decals required copious MicroSol to snuggle down. More PFM to seal, then oil sludge and wipe all over to bring out details, plus some stains/streaks with oils, then more Dullcote to seal and prep for Tamiya pastels and colored pencils for weathering and chipping. Sealed it all with more Dullcote, but polished the airframe a bit with a cotton cloth to get a hint of satin sheen. Attached all the fiddly bits and antennas and called it done.