Supermarine Spitfire Mk.1a
3 25 July 2020, 18:01
Mike Alexander
Thanks! 🙂 Alas at the moment I have nowhere I could use an airbrush, something I need to consider though.
Thanks! 🙂 Alas at the moment I have nowhere I could use an airbrush, something I need to consider though.
27 July 2020, 10:23
Album info
First build after 40+ years. Decided to ease myself back into model making using a cheap Airfix "starter" kit bought in Lidl. Out-of-box but didn't use the supplied paints etc.
Mix of Humbrol enamels, Tamiya acrylics; mostly brush painted, apart from the Dark Green which was from a Humbrol rattle can. Flory clay-based dark wash for panel lines/weathering, and EZ-Line for the aerial cable.