In progress
21 11 April 2023, 20:51
Marco Tramacere
Hi! It's quite old as a kit. The fit works with very little putty on junctions especially on the wing halves. However, the main carriage bays do not fit properly without reworking and there is a lot of raised panel lines to address. 🙂
Hi! It's quite old as a kit. The fit works with very little putty on junctions especially on the wing halves. However, the main carriage bays do not fit properly without reworking and there is a lot of raised panel lines to address. 🙂
19 October 2023, 19:31
Seyid Elters
Ok thanks, would you recommend it for someone who is newer to modeling?
Ok thanks, would you recommend it for someone who is newer to modeling?
19 October 2023, 22:43
Marco Tramacere
It does fit quite nicely other then the listed limitations. It will allow you to experiment with a few techniques as seams filling, panel rescribing and small sections tweaking without giving you too much of an headache. This was my first serious attempts after 25 years stop so I was basically new to modelling as well. I would go for it 😉
It does fit quite nicely other then the listed limitations. It will allow you to experiment with a few techniques as seams filling, panel rescribing and small sections tweaking without giving you too much of an headache. This was my first serious attempts after 25 years stop so I was basically new to modelling as well. I would go for it 😉
22 October 2023, 20:15