Albumok (6)
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33 képek
T-62 Re-Build1:35
While I've always read that track links used as armor usually turns out to be useless, I am aware that the practice some...
Projekt: T-62 Re-Build
26 képek
Wiesel A1 TOW Build1:16
Some "glamour shots" of the completely assembled model. Next up: Masking, then painting. Not looking forward to masking ...
Projekt: Wiesel A1 TOW
5 képek
Z 25 Build1:700
Everything ready and laid out for painting. Probably should have kept more of the superstructure removable. Well, I'll see.
Projekt: Zerstörer Z-25 Test Bed
31 képek
Syrian T-34/D30 Build1:35
My materials for this project: Rye Field Model's T-34/D30 and RB Model's metal gun barrel for the D30 gun.
Projekt: Syrian T-34/D30
63 képek
P&P Kogge Build1:56
The basis for my build: Zvezda's medieval kogge in 1:72 scale. Not the right scale for 28 mm figures, but roughly in the...
Projekt: P&P Kogge
51 képek
AMX-13 Build1:35
My material: Tamiya's AMX-13 with single-link tracks from Takom, as I cannot stand vinyl tracks. Also, feel free to marv...
Projekt: AMX-13