Marine RF-4C Phantoms
Microscale | N. 72-201 | 1:72
I fatti
- Marca:
- Microscale
- Titolo:
- Marine RF-4C Phantoms
- Numero:
- 72-201
- Scala:
- 1:72
- Digita:
- Set di decalcomanie
- Argomento:
- McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II » Aviogetti (Aereo)
McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II
McDonnell Douglas F-4J Phantom II
US Marine Corps Aviation (1912-now)
McDonnell Douglas RF-4B Phantom II
US Marine Corps Aviation (1912-now)
- VMCJ-1 RM-615 153102
FS16440 FS17875 - VMFP-3 Eyes of The Corps RF-22 157346
FS16440 FS17875 - VMFP-3 Eyes of The Corps RF-10 153101
FS16440 FS17875
Contenuto della confezione
Foglio di decals (applicabile con acqua)
Commercio e scambio privati
Nota: Prezzi e disponibilità sono solo indicazioni. Controlla anche che il prodotto corrisponda effettivamente!
Recensioni in-box
Revisioni esterne
Non sappiamo se vi siano recensioni per questo (kit) Marine RF-4C Phantoms (#72-201) da Microscale.
Although labeled as RF-4C decals, this sheet really is for 3x RF-4B and 1x F-4J USMC aircraft. Two of the RF-4Bs are early thin winged aircraft, the same wings as F-4Bs had. RF-22 157346, VMFP-3 was a later, thick winged aircraft (angular nose) and can be made from a USAF RF-4C kit, or a naval RF-4 kit that includes the thick wings.
Although labeled as RF-4C decals, this sheet really is for 3x RF-4B and 1x F-4J USMC aircraft. Two of the RF-4Bs are early thin winged aircraft, the same wings as F-4Bs had. RF-22 157346, VMFP-3 was a later, thick winged aircraft (angular nose) and can be made from a USAF RF-4C kit, or a naval RF-4 kit that includes the thick wings.
11 May 2015, 21:23
Materiale di riferimento
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