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Sculpture (Horses & Figures by Carl Reid) French Napoleonic Horse Artillery, Special Edition, Artillery Gun & Limber, 3 mounted figures, 6 horses+ 2 mounted figures Horse Artillery

3D cannon and limber produced Steve Crisp at Darkstar Miniatures

RDG Miniatures | N. None

Boxart French Napoleonic Horse Artillery, Special Edition, Artillery Gun & Limber, 3 mounted figures, 6 horses+ 2 mounted figures Horse Artillery None RDG Miniatures

I fatti

RDG Miniatures
Sculpture (Horses & Figures by Carl Reid) French Napoleonic Horse Artillery, Special Edition, Artillery Gun & Limber, 3 mounted figures, 6 horses+ 2 mounted figures Horse Artillery 3D cannon and limber produced Steve Crisp at Darkstar Miniatures
Messo in commercio:
2023 Nuove parti
French soldiers (Napoleonic era) » Umani (tardo moderno 1750-1914) (Umani)

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Non sappiamo se vi siano recensioni per questo (kit) French Napoleonic Horse Artillery, Special Edition, Artillery Gun & Limber, 3 mounted figures, 6 horses+ 2 mounted figures Horse Artillery (#None) da RDG Miniatures.

Materiale di riferimento

The Garde Nationale 1789-1815 (Helion & Company Limited 100)
The Garde Nationale 1789-1815 France's Forgotten Armed Forces
From Reason to Revolution 1721-1815 N. 100
Pierre-Baptiste Guillemot
'The Soldiers are Dressed in Red' (Helion & Company Limited 91)
'The Soldiers are Dressed in Red' The Quiberon Expedition of 1795 and the Counter-Revolution i...
From Reason to Revolution 1721-1815 N. 91
Alistair Nichols

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