Kampfrettungsübung - combat rescue exercise
8 19 February 2012, 16:43

Nice chopper Roland! This one is also on my todo list, and I like the scenery you created here. Thx for sharing
19 February 2012, 16:58

Nice! Very lively scenery and well done painting. Which colors did you use for the camo?
19 February 2012, 21:35

Thanks for the very kind comments, mates. It is even his biggest critics, with the PAVE HAWK I was even happy with my performance 😳
28 September 2013, 08:37
Album info
Im Rahmen einer Übung landet ein MH-60 PAVE HAWK, um einen verwundeten Soldaten aufzunehmen.
During a practice a MH-60 PAVE HAWK has landed to take a wounded soldier.
Base: Bilderrahmen - Styrodur
Modell: MH-60 G Pave Hawk - Academy 1/35, BigED-Set
Figur: CH-47D Crew & Infantry - Trumpeter 1/35