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Hunter Cummins
Hunter Cummins

My Modelling Buddy


29 November 2013, 16:06
Steve Wilson
WOOF! woof! yap! bark BARK whine...🙂
LICK lick pant pant!!!👍
29 November 2013, 20:09
Joerg R.
Well I think your tank needs a little bit more chipping 🙂
30 November 2013, 07:02
Matthias Weiss
How is his camoflage pattern called? 😉
30 November 2013, 08:23
Aghis Barberopoulos
Beautiful dog and looks like a very nice companion.
30 November 2013, 08:23
Fabian D.
is that a radar absorbing coating? never seen that... 😉
30 November 2013, 09:23
Hunter Cummins
@jeorg:hahaha I dont think that would go over very well 😉 butido agree 🙂 @matthias: the camo is a new kind 😉 still looking for a name for it 😄
@aghis:he is truly a great companion 🙂 he lays down in my cave and watches me build paint and weather and sometimes tries to see what im doing up close 😉 but I do love him and he is a wonderful dog and is a truly one of a kind companion 🙂
30 November 2013, 13:34
Hunter Cummins
@michael: he is a great companion 🙂 dont know what id do without him 🙂
@fabian: im startimg to wonder myself 😉
30 November 2013, 13:56
Mike K
Awesome pup Hunter. I have a pet of the feline species. She's only good for shedding her long fur all over my bench.
30 November 2013, 14:42
Hunter Cummins
Hahhaha thanks mike 🙂 my dog does the same thing 😄 I spend as much tije wiping the fur off of my bench as I do modelling 🙂😄x)
30 November 2013, 16:40
Joerg R.
Well Hunter thats why we call them our best friends.
I have two Silver Labradors, they always lay beside me.
30 November 2013, 16:40
Hunter Cummins
That is so true and here in america silver labs are very rare and if you can find one they will cost an arm and a leg and thst is my dream dog 🙂 so you my feiend arenvery lucky 🙂
30 November 2013, 16:46
Steve Wilson
Quote: Mike K...
I have a pet of the feline species. She's only good for shedding her long fur all over my bench.
My Reply:
The Cats around here shed something else in my garden, that smells 6l%dy awful... Can I borrow your Tank Hunter???
30 November 2013, 16:47
Hunter Cummins
Yes you can borrow him steve 😉
30 November 2013, 16:55
Hunter Cummins
New pics cause my little buddy is tired 🙂
30 November 2013, 17:03
Steve Wilson
Pic 5...
I didn't F..T, honest, it wasn't me, I'm innocent I was framed. Let me out...
Sod it I'll have a kip instead.
30 November 2013, 17:13
Hunter Cummins
Hahaha steve thats hilarious but in all feality he loves his cage 🙂 he actually sleepes in there frkm time totime on hks own hahaa
30 November 2013, 17:16
Steve Wilson
I used to have a Dog that did exactly the same thing...
30 November 2013, 17:22
Hunter Cummins
Hahajajj wjat kind was he/she hha and dont it suck hahaah
30 November 2013, 17:24
Steve Wilson
He (Barney)was a Cross Collie...
Ginger and White.
Looked just like Lassie.
He was the bestest friend I ever had, apart from the Wife of course...
30 November 2013, 19:12
Hunter Cummins
Hajjaa he must have been a cute friend 😉 and yes cant forget about the wife 😉
30 November 2013, 19:32
Steve Wilson
I had two Greyhounds after Barney...
Holly and Missie, now Holly was the most intelligent Dog I've ever met. Also, Holly was famous, she was used to advertise Hush Puppie shoes in Magazines.
The picture was of a Beagle and several Greyhounds being released from the traps at a Race Track, the beagle was at the front wearing Hush Puppies next was holly, a beautiful brindle, but I'm affraid stardom went to her head, the most disobedient bitch I have ever had, but I loved her... And she (Holly not the Wife) wouldn't go anywhere without me!!!
30 November 2013, 19:52
Hunter Cummins
Wow you are so lucky tohave gotton a famois dog 🙂 and arent almost all famous people/animals that way 😉 mydog is the same way haha but it sounds like you have had a wonderful bunch of dogs 🙂
30 November 2013, 19:54
Steve Wilson
I've been lucky... or blessed!!!
However you choose to look at it. A cat is a loner comes to you when IT wants.
Not when you want.
Dogs are companions, faithful, but you must respect them to gain their trust & love.
Dogs are good learners. Where as Cats look at you and say " YEAH! AND "...
30 November 2013, 20:06
Hunter Cummins
You have been both 🙂 yes as you said dogs are faithful companions for life and the work you have to do to gain a dogs trust is totally worth it in the end 🙂
30 November 2013, 20:50
Matthias Weiss
Oh your tank has a garage! But it looks a bit small or maybe he should find a better position for sleeping... 🙂
1 December 2013, 03:24
Sebastijan Videc
hehe cool mix of breeds - I can certainly see both of them in Tank. Some of my friends have labradors and they're such a playful animals, while I had a siberian husky a while ago... would love to live in a house again to have a dog like that!
1 December 2013, 06:12
Martin Jakobsen
Now Steve be-careful what you say about cat`s,😉 have only ever had cats and have learn`t that a cat can be all a dog is..... Mine have always come to me when i call, even had one that loved to play fetch in the garden, yes they can be stubborn but I know a lot of dog owners that say that about there dogs.🙂
1 December 2013, 12:11
Steve Wilson
I've had and love Cats and what you say is absolutely true...
But if I let my Dog roam the streets and pooh! in other peoples gardens, I'd be done for it. Cat owners get away with it.
It's not the Cats I blame it's the owners... They should be held responsible for their Cat's actions. Why should the time and expense be down to me, to clear their pets waste disposal from my garden. When you complain they just stand with there arms crossed, say, so what! and look down their nose at you...
1 December 2013, 13:11
Hunter Cummins
@matt: he normally has a netter sleeping position 😉 plusmthat was the bigfest cage we could get without losing our whooe living room 😉 @Sebastijan: ilove that kind of mix breed and its always something to look forward to 😉 @ Micheal:Bitish Staffordshire Bullterrier aremome of my favorite dog breeds and you my friend are quite lucky 😄
1 December 2013, 14:19
Hunter Cummins
my bud might loose his right leg.......
8 April 2014, 22:54
Matthias Weiss
Oh what happened?? That's really not good!
8 April 2014, 22:57
Fabian D.
uhgh... dosn´t sound good...
8 April 2014, 23:03
Hunter Cummins
Its something in his genes
I dont know what caused it......
8 April 2014, 23:24
Matthias Weiss
Oh... poor Tank & Hunter... 🙁 🙁
Isn´t there anything that can be done to avoid this?
9 April 2014, 00:13
Thank gawd it is not another cat 😎 - I have 2 Siberian Huskies. Great dogs for the Arizona desert 😛 - Get well Hunter - live up to your <part of> Breed.
9 April 2014, 00:25
Hunter Cummins
They are going to try to remove the tnimg thats causeing it. Its like a spomge and it growns and pishes outward on the joint bone. Or its a tumor thats pushing it....... :'(
9 April 2014, 00:28
Posted my 2 furry scalemates ...
Furry Scalemates | Album by robbd01
9 April 2014, 00:51
Hunter Cummins
Very cute dogs you got your self
I will I promise
9 April 2014, 00:57
Matthias Weiss
oh poor Tank, let's hope he recovers quickly
9 April 2014, 02:25
likely to keep awake with me 🙂, but in Germany there is no box, he / she would be the revier explore 😉 beautiful dog 👍
9 April 2014, 03:24
Harry Eder
Good luck Hunter and Tank !!! 👍
9 April 2014, 07:39
Martyn Fox
Looks a cutie. Like the name
9 April 2014, 08:29
Hunter Cummins
Thanks alll
hes strong so I think he will make it
and thank you all for the nice compliments about him 🙂
9 April 2014, 10:28
Holger Kranich
He´s got the look!

If i had a dog, i would call him "Rommel"!😄
9 April 2014, 11:32
Matthias Weiss
I have a cat in Germany named "Der Schröder"... 🙂
9 April 2014, 12:26
Holger Kranich
@Matthias: Does the cat live in a box and you dont know if its alive or not, or is it named after the old chancellor?😄
9 April 2014, 12:28
Matthias Weiss
It's the old chancellor. Long story.... there was a party once and lots of beer... 😉
9 April 2014, 13:49
Holger Kranich
...and lot of beer...;)
I thought something like this!;)
9 April 2014, 13:51
Roy McKay
Another handsome mutt!
9 April 2014, 22:37
Hunter Cummins
Thanks all lol
I like that name...
9 April 2014, 22:50
Mine are named Dante and Isabelle aka Natter and Izzy.
9 April 2014, 22:54
Hunter Cummins
Very cute names Robbie 🙂
9 April 2014, 22:56
Clifford Keesler
Does he or she eat parts like mine? LOL.
9 April 2014, 22:57
Hunter Cummins
yes and he has gone as for as trying to paimt one LOL
He literaly bit a testors spray paint can and painted my bed, dresser, and a model airplane lol (first modelbut buillt it for play at 10 years of age lol
9 April 2014, 23:00
Mike K
Sorry to hear the bad news Hunter. Hope it turns out well.
10 April 2014, 03:31
Clifford Keesler
Well at least I'm not the only one. LOL.
10 April 2014, 13:52
Hunter Cummins
Thanks mike
hahah me to

Its official my bud has bone cancer and has to lose his leg.......... :'(
10 April 2014, 19:08
Matthias Weiss
🙁 🙁 🙁
10 April 2014, 22:41
Hunter Cummins
:'( :'( :'(
10 April 2014, 23:10
Joerg R.
sorry to hear that Hunter.
10 April 2014, 23:17
Hunter Cummins
Thank you Joerg
10 April 2014, 23:58
Clifford Keesler
Sorry to hear about that Hunter.
11 April 2014, 00:36
Hunter Cummins
Thanks clifford
it sucks really bad
11 April 2014, 00:45
Harry Eder
Sorry to hear about that! But I think Tank is - like his name - very tough and he will master this challenge !!! 👍
11 April 2014, 06:27
Steve Wilson
@Hunter... Sorry for Tank, give him a hug from me!!!
When I was a lad...
My father was a Dog lover, as am I, he had a passion for them!!!
He once owned a Champion Poodle called Lulu, rumoured to have won Crufts, but unsure. But she knew she was beautiful and typical of Poodles, a SNOB!!!
She developed a tumour in her rear leg. The Vet wanted to put her down, my Father and I wanted to give her a chance, but we didn't know how she would manage/cope... Well I swear, she ran faster on three legs than when she had four. Dad said it was because she was more aerodynamic and lighter😄!!!
Animals can cope with three legs, just as Humans can with one or even none...
It's Horses and such animals that can't, Horses can't even cope with a broken leg.
Tank, (love that name) I'm sure will be fine, he might lick it awhile, but they all do that.
I wouldn't even stop him doing it👍🙂
11 April 2014, 07:02
Hunter Cummins
Harry: thank you very much, I pocked that name because of his size and I tbink he will be fine to.
Steve: I think he will also do fine on 3 legs to haha I think he wil be fine to
I tha k you all very much for the support. Means alot !!!!!
11 April 2014, 20:12
Barry Lloyd
My cat's got three legs, doesn't seem to slow him down though. My neighbour's call him Tripod!
11 April 2014, 20:40
Hunter Cummins
Glad to hear that 🙂
my dad acctually said that hes going to call tank that from now on
11 April 2014, 20:41
Alan Rush
Hi Hunter. Very nice looking dog and I hadn't heard of that breed before. I am sorry to hear that they need to remove a leg. Luckily, the disease was diagnosed and they can at least operate. I hope the operation goes well. Is it soon? The adaptability of animals is amazing and I hope he will be with you for a long time afterwards.
11 April 2014, 22:34
Hunter Cummins
Thank you alan. The operation is monday. If we dont get it soon , the cancer will go into his lungs and he will die sadly but they are remocing everyting momday which im happy about. He will because he is only 5 years old. The doctors are sending a peice of the cancer to arizona for testing because this doesnt normally happen for another 6 years
11 April 2014, 23:54
Aghis Barberopoulos
Good luck Tank!
12 April 2014, 15:08
Alan Rush
Wishing for the best on Monday!
12 April 2014, 23:07
Hunter Cummins
Thanks guys 🙂
12 April 2014, 23:30
Martyn Fox
All the best to Tank.🙂
13 April 2014, 08:53
Hunter Cummins
Thank you martyn 🙂
13 April 2014, 13:13
Hunter Cummins
The operation was a sucsess 😄
14 April 2014, 19:36
Steve Wilson
That's good news Hunter...👍🙂
Doubt it but I'll ask any way. Is he home yet???🤔
14 April 2014, 19:44
Rob van Dodewaard
That is good to hear
Hope for a good recovery
14 April 2014, 19:45
Alan Rush
Good news! 👍 With the loss in weight, he`ll have to be ``Light Tank`` now.
14 April 2014, 20:55
Joerg R.
Hunter thats good to hear. You will see, that tank will get well soon and has less problems with the missing leg, than humans would have.
14 April 2014, 22:38
Hunter Cummins
Steve: he is home now but he is still groggy and confused
Rob: tha k you very much
Alan:your very right 🙂
Joerg: yes that is what I have heard and he is a very strong dog, the doctor said his leg(the one they took) has been broken for a long time. I cant wait to have my bud back
14 April 2014, 23:15
I wish all the best! 🙂 does he seem to know that his leg is gone?
14 April 2014, 23:23
Hunter Cummins
Yea and he is pissed lol
14 April 2014, 23:35
That's not good....hopefully he'll get used to it. It'll take a while,but I'm sure he will. He's a tank and I don't think having 3 legs can slow him down. 😉
15 April 2014, 01:17
Hunter Cummins
He will eventually 🙂
3 legs cant slow him down lol as you said, hes a tank lol
15 April 2014, 01:31
Harry Eder
My best wishes for the recovery !!! 👍
15 April 2014, 07:46
Martyn Fox
Glad to hear Tanks operation was a success.He will be fine, we had a cat with 3 legs and she was a feisty little thing 🙂
15 April 2014, 09:55
Hunter Cummins
Thank you michael, he should according to the doctor 😄
Harry, thank you !!
Martyn, yes im sure he will be up and running in about a month or 2 🙂
15 April 2014, 10:24
Paul Green
So Tank has lost a track. And is till mobile? Was it the BT 7 that could do that?
15 April 2014, 10:26
Hunter Cummins
Tank has lost a track yess. But he runs and acts like he has 4 🙂
15 April 2014, 10:35
Clifford Keesler
Glad he is doing well Hunter.
15 April 2014, 22:25
George Bacon
Wish scalemates had a "Like" button 🙂
16 April 2014, 01:18
Hunter Cummins
Thanks clifford 🙂
George, me to 🙂
16 April 2014, 01:26
Fabian D.
no need for a like button, we´ve go this: 👍... and glad to hear he´s doing well..
16 April 2014, 21:45
Hunter Cummins
Thanks fabian 🙂
16 April 2014, 21:55
Gabor Szabo
Very nice dog. Looks really smart 😉
27 April 2014, 14:35
Martyn Fox
How's Tank doing Hunter. Hope he's well 🙂
27 April 2014, 15:11
Hunter Cummins
Yes he is Gabor 😉
Martyn, we just pulled a big tick off of him and he has a checkup tommorrow. But other than that, hes the same old dog. Lol chasing dogs, squirrles, cats lol
27 April 2014, 17:41
Hunter Cummins
I will be putting up some pictures of the new tank soon 🙂
3 July 2014, 02:34
Hunter Cummins
I decided not to put up some pictures becuse ofnthe younger crowd on here or parents with their kids by them. And the worst has happen, the cancer came back but it came back in the same area....... so I will have to make the hard decision very soon ...
6 September 2014, 23:23
Hunter Cummins
Thanks michael, I dont think I will be able to hold him when they put him to sleep
7 September 2014, 01:13
Hunter Cummins
I do agree and hes getting that way and he is sweelling where his leg ue to be ....
7 September 2014, 01:24
Choppa Nutta
Hunter I feel for you man, such sorry news, never easy losing your best friend....
7 September 2014, 01:30
Rob van Dodewaard
My thoughts are with you my dear friend I wished I could be there to support you
7 September 2014, 06:32
Steve Wilson
Sympathies Hunter, but to help you make that hard decision...
Do what's best for Tank, not what's best for you!!!
Ask to stay with him whilst it's done, he'll appreciate that, good luck mate!!!
7 September 2014, 08:11
Martyn Fox
Really sorry to hear your news. My thoughts are with you,I've been in the same position with our cats so I know what your going through🙁
7 September 2014, 08:11
Joerg R.
These are sad news Hunter. It's hard to hear this about your best friend
. Years they follow us to every place and are our best friend. So when it's time to say goodbye be with him.
7 September 2014, 10:15
Hunter Cummins
Choppa, thanks you I do kniw itnis hard and shoukd have expected this.
Rob, thank you for your kindess words. Helps alot from a friend such as you
7 September 2014, 13:33
Hunter Cummins
Choppa, thanks you I do kniw itnis hard and shoukd have expected this.
Rob, thank you for your kindness words. Helps alot from a friend such as you
7 September 2014, 13:35
Hunter Cummins
Steve, I will do what is best for my friend, it may be hard and sadining, I will do it as I dont want him to suffer. I will be there with him on that day.
Martyn, yes this is a very hard thing to go through, especially when they have been with you through so much.
Joerg, they do and it makes it all the harder. But even though he may go, he will always be with me and I will always have our memories together
7 September 2014, 13:57
Aghis Barberopoulos
So sad to hear this. It is such a beautiful dog, and in any case the best friend a modeler can have! I have a little dog I love so much, so I can appreciate your feelings.
7 September 2014, 15:36
Choppa Nutta
I can only imagine what you are going through Hunter,
I balled my eyes out when my neighbours cat, Jack, died, I really liked him, badger apparently.
Even when my friends poodle, whom I really did not like, got run over I cried over that too...
7 September 2014, 16:59
Hunter Cummins
Aghis I do agree a dog or cat is a best friend a modeller can have. And I wish your friend a long and healthy life and I thank you for appreciating , y feelings.
choppa, I will most likely do the same as tank goes to his eternal sleep and probably will feel like a 3 year old
7 September 2014, 17:05
Hunter Cummins
And I am very sorry about your neighbors animals 🙁
7 September 2014, 17:05
Choppa Nutta
I really miss Jack though, he used to come round and visit and roll up on my lap, he was like a skinny miniature lion, very graceful and unusual looking, kept getting into fights with other cats and foxes though, he didn't mess about !! Never met a cat quite like Jack, I do miss him, even all these years later 🙁
7 September 2014, 17:11
Hunter Cummins
Im sure you do. Its hard to get over animal deaths, especially omes that you are close to
im sure jack was anamazing animal
7 September 2014, 18:11
Clifford Keesler
Sorry to hear about Tank Hunter. I will keep him and you in my thoughts and prayers. I too have lost beloved pets,and it still sometimes hurts. But it warms my heart when I see their pictures, and remember their favorite antics. You have my sympathy.
7 September 2014, 20:04
Hunter Cummins
Thank you clifford,
means alot to me and my father. Mabey our pets shall cross pathes in heavan and play together. I know tank will find my previous beloved pet it will always hurt to remember them both but atleast I can always remember them with memories. And again thank you for keeping tank and me in your thoughts and prayers
7 September 2014, 20:09
Clifford Keesler
You are welcome.
7 September 2014, 20:10
Mike K
8 September 2014, 00:09
Hunter Cummins
I know what ya mean mike its really really hard for me. After all he has been everything to me and has been through so much with me
hell hes the one that inspired me to model tanks
8 September 2014, 00:24
Alan Rush
Hi Hunter. I am very sorry to hear about Tank. We lost our first cat to a car in 2000 and the cat we have now, Jingle, is fourteen and we will have to face that day not too long from now as well. I know how I felt the first time and can imagine how you must feel now. Think seriously about whether to be with him when he dies. It may be healing for you and comforting for him if you were there, but I know it has an emotional cost. Take care and hang on to the memories.
8 September 2014, 03:48
Harry Eder
I´m so sorry ! I´m with you an Tank !
8 September 2014, 06:43
Hunter Cummins
Thank you alan, I hope the best for jingles. I will be next to him when he passes . And thank you for everything alan

Thank you Harry!!
8 September 2014, 10:54
Matthias Weiss
Oh no, poor Tank & Hunter...
I'm sorry to hear that my friend, these are really bad news.

I'm withyou 2!
8 September 2014, 21:50
Hunter Cummins
Thanks matthias, its hard and when we put him down (very soon sadly) I will probly cry and feel like im 3 again.
8 September 2014, 22:08
Sorry to hear it Hunter, I know what it can be like. *hugs*
8 September 2014, 22:12
Fabian D.
Ohh, poor boy...sorry to hear that. 😮 I´ll have a toast on you two!
8 September 2014, 22:14
Hunter Cummins
Thank you Augie means alot
fabian, thank you kimdly 🙂
8 September 2014, 23:46
John Van Kooten
... I have no words... I'm so truly sorry to hear that... hang in there buddy and my thoughts are with you (both Tank and you).
9 September 2014, 10:37
Hunter Cummins
Tha k you john, means alot to me and tank both 🙂
10 September 2014, 00:07
Hunter Cummins
Well guys, I had to put tank down yesterday (9-13-14 at 11:16 a.m he weighted about 56 to58 lbs he weighted 100to 110)
We couldnt even take him into the vet, they carried him in on a stretcher and there, I lost it..... then while he was laying there, I talked to him and petted him, then while they injected him, I held him while he took his last breath.... thank all of you for the kind words they helped, trust me
14 September 2014, 13:32
Holger Kranich

Thats bad news... Always hard to loose a buddy! Rest in peace, Tank!
14 September 2014, 13:38
John Van Kooten
I'm very, very sorry to hear that... Take comfort in knowing that you loved him, did the best you could do for him and that you were there in his final moments. Remember the good times!

Take care, buddy!

RIP Tank
14 September 2014, 13:43
Steve Wilson
Respect Hunter!!!
He died knowing the one who loved him was with him, you're a good young man...
R.I.P. Tank!!!
14 September 2014, 14:52
Jonns Pfeiffenberger
This is so sad! We also have pets, a dog and a cat and nine guinea pigs, I can very well understand what you feel. Our dog is four and she has her first surgery behind her, which is almost the same feelings as our children. They are simply family members. If one goes, it hits very hard. Think of the good times with tank, in what has seen you together and he is always with you! All the best!
14 September 2014, 15:26
Sorry to hear it Hunter..

Rest peacefully tank.
14 September 2014, 16:59
Es-haq Khosravi
Rest in peace...
14 September 2014, 17:03
Choppa Nutta
I really feel for you dude, best wishes
14 September 2014, 17:34
Martyn Fox
Really sorry to hear your news Hunter. RIP Tank.
14 September 2014, 17:46
Rob van Dodewaard
eventhough it is an hard decision I know that you did the right thing for him you have my deepest respect that you stood bt him and you know that you are in my thoughts Hunter if there is something I can do to help thenb you are so welcome
14 September 2014, 17:58
Hunter Cummins
Thanks guys. It feels really good and helps more than you know for me knowing I have all of you guys backing me with your support. Im sure tank is reading these messages with me right now and is walking with me all the time. I can also rest easier knowing that one day, I wil be with himcagain in the fields of heavan
14 September 2014, 18:23
Joerg R.
I'm so sorry, these are bad news. I feel with you.
14 September 2014, 20:27
M.Julian Marles
So sorry to hear, but keep your head up..I am sure you guys had a great life together and he will see you again someday!
14 September 2014, 20:39
Fabian D.
oh, poor boy... ceep you head up, Hunter!
14 September 2014, 20:51
Alan Rush
I am sorry to hear that Hunter. At that moment it seemed like the humane thing to do, but that doesn't make it less of a loss. I am sure Tank was at ease with you with him.
14 September 2014, 21:38
Harry Eder
I´m so sorry to hear that news. Rest in peace Tank
15 September 2014, 06:12
Matthias Weiss
Poor Tank & poor Hunter... I´m with you 2... 🙁
Never had a dog myself but after losing 2 cats I surely know how you feel.

R.I.P Tank
15 September 2014, 06:17
Martin Jakobsen
Sorry to hear about Tank : (. You have my simpethy
15 September 2014, 08:09
Hunter Cummins
Thanks everyone, it has been lonly and quiet without him but I know hes in a betterplace waiting for me. I think it would have hit me harder if it wasnt for all of you guys doing what your doing, much much appreciated. I thank you all for your kindness to us both in thissad and troubling time. God Bless you all
15 September 2014, 12:32
Clifford Keesler
My condolences Hunter. R.I.P. Tank; I know you were loved very much.
16 September 2014, 03:11
Hunter Cummins
Hey clifford, thank you verymuch it helps and means alot
16 September 2014, 12:16

Album info

This is my dog Tank. He is the one who inspired me to do armor models 🙂
Oh and by the way he is a Huskador (husky and ladrador mix)

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