Avro Lancaster
4 1 March 2016, 14:34

Seems like you're getting the hang of this modelling lark 😄
good work !! 🙂
1 March 2016, 14:54

!!!!!!! Stressed skin!! Wow. Kent: which material do you use to cover the surface and producing stressed skin and rivers? Thin plastic or aluminum foil?
18 September 2017, 05:32

wow....that stressed skin (and the rest) looks amazing....how did you do it?
18 September 2017, 06:52

Thanks guys! I've used heavy Aluminium foil for embossing, available in art hobby stores. The rivetting was done from the inside out to make it look authentic. The foil is glued with contact glue.
18 September 2017, 10:15

Awsome doesnt even start to describe what I think.
Fantastic work Kent!
18 September 2017, 10:17

Hello Kent, fantastic inside and cockpit painting, beautiful job. EXCELENT model. Congratulation
18 September 2017, 13:05

Gorgeous, love the exhaust streaking and fuselage work, not jet black.
10 October 2017, 09:37
Album info
Complete rebuild of my old Tamiya from around 1978-79....
Started january 2015. This will take some time though...