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Kerry COX (RedRoo)

Sd,Kfz. 251/6 Ausf. C "Command Vehicle, converted to Gudarians "A" model.


1 18 March 2017, 01:38
Martin Oostrom
Can't wait!
18 March 2017, 07:15
Thomas Mayer
I am in!
18 March 2017, 09:09
Kerry COX
So far, it has been trouble free. BUT, I am really pushing it to find 'Sheaves of wheat' like what you see draped all over the vehicle and all around. :-/
I have solved the problem of the grain harvest 'stubble' by using bamboo skewer sticks that I have hammered with a hammer to shatter and splinter them into the type of material I need that will create the look of freshly harvested wheat, but I will persist in experimenting with all kinds of things to get that bundles of grain I need. :-/
Looking hard at the image, I am noticing a different 'nose' on the vehicle, with a bar that has roap wrapt around it and an access door/flap hanging down.
18 March 2017, 09:20
That`s because it is an A version on your picture, and the Dragon offering is a C version.
( welcome to the world of german WWII military modelling 😄 )
18 March 2017, 12:16
Kerry COX
HK. Thanks for that mate. 👍
I can change the front if need be, but I will see what I can 'hide' with the number of hay bails and wheat sheaves I can get on the front. hehehehehe 🙂
18 March 2017, 12:49
Kerry COX
HK. You will be pleased to know that I am now doing the 'conversion' to an "A". 👍
I will post the image of the one I have so you can say wether you agree with what I am seeing. 👍
Cheers again. 🙂
18 March 2017, 14:06
Enjoy 👍 Be aware that the interior is also quite different. I would stay away from changing anything. I am pretty sure there was a C version, which was looking like your pic.
Allthough there are doubts, whether the /6 variant existed in the C version... I better stop now, before I drive you crazy 🙂
18 March 2017, 15:53
Kerry COX
No problems there Herb, as I was crazy a long time before now. ;-/ But I am changing the nose and looking at extra storage bins on the side. 👍
18 March 2017, 16:12
Joerg R.
Kerry, this will be hard to convert a C to an A. Interior was changed too, more vision ports at the hull and so on. I would then prefer the Zvezda/Revell offering for the B 251/3. Or you wait, because ICM has announced an A, but the normal one
18 March 2017, 19:01
Rui S
@ HK.
I've some photos of the /6 C variant.
I will post them in MT4 album next:
MT4 | Album by mig (1:35)

And maybe a lott of the /6 A and /6 D ...
I'm hoping they will be interesting, at least to Kezza.
18 March 2017, 19:16
Joerg beat me to it 🙂 - or you wait for the ICM offering.
@Rui: That would be nice. I am a sucker for those command versions
19 March 2017, 09:43
Kerry COX
HK. 🙂 Forgive my lack of knowledge mate , but what is this ICM your referring to. ? 👍
19 March 2017, 10:05
Thomas Mayer
Joerg is right, Kerry: ICM from Ukraine (?) makes a nice A variant:
19 March 2017, 10:50
Kerry COX
Thomas, 🙂 excellent. :-O This is becoming something I just can't put down mate. 🙂
Rui has been pumping out all the reference images of all he can find on the 251 subject, and all are FULL of great info and ideas.
These were obviously produced in huge numbers and variants, and with that in mind, I will be most careful not to upset the officinados of the type. 👍
But now I hunt for the ICM "A: and see who sells it. 🙂
19 March 2017, 18:31
Rui S
Hey Kezza, I didn't pump out ALL the reference images, only some that I had in hand 😄
But I can post some more...
19 March 2017, 18:42
Kerry COX
Rui, It certainly seems like you have mate. 🙂
I, like all your other followers here have come to depend on your research abilities, as you do it so well. 👍
19 March 2017, 18:51
Rui S
Thank you for your kind words Kezza.
It's my pleasure to help in some way.
I like to believe that, the MT albums, help increasing the interest and mojo to some model making...
19 March 2017, 19:02
Kerry COX
I will be honest with you Rui. There are times when I though I would not be able to complete some things, and then, along comes Rui and all things change, as the information I would not be able to access is suddenly there. 🙂
Your highly respected and appreciated by all of us thanks to your keen interest in not only your side of things, but you will eagerly provide something that is relative, and all without being asked. 👍
We would all be lost without your input. 🙂
I am sure all will agree. Yes. ?
19 March 2017, 20:52
Thomas Mayer
I do! 🙂
20 March 2017, 08:45
Jonns Pfeiffenberger
I'm in too mate! 🙂
20 March 2017, 10:45
Rui S
Thanks Mates, your support is very much appreciated 😄
@ Kezza, You never cease to amaze me with your kind words. Thank you my friend 🙂
Nice paint job on those radios, BTW...
P.s. I also hate seem lines with a passion, hehehe 😄
20 March 2017, 11:06
Thomas Mayer
Nice painting of the radio´s dials, Kerry!
20 March 2017, 11:40
Martin Oostrom
Your progress is lightning fast. Keep it up!
20 March 2017, 12:41
Kerry COX
My second name is "Speedy" but it gets me into trouble at times. hehehehe🙂
Thanks a lot gents. but I am actually a bit pissed off with myself, as I have not taken my own advice and I have rushed this and I am paying for it. ! 🙁
Deciding to convert it from the 'C' to an 'A', I had glued the large bulges on the front either side of the engine access doors in front of the drivers vision blocks, then discovering that the 'A' has two smaller access doors there instead, and now I am stuck with the butchering of the front end I have done to make the push bar and smaller access door, or go for a new kit and start all over again with the ICM kit 'A'. 🙁 🙁 🙁
I will post the images of my blunder and all of you can then say. ha ha. :-p
20 March 2017, 14:34
Rui S
You can always use some track links, ropes, tires, rims, jerry cans, camo nets, or canvas, to hide some parts?
20 March 2017, 14:42
Kerry COX
Rui. !!! Your reading my mind again. !!
The only thing that will hold me back is what you will see in the images of the front bonnet area, those being the bulges that cover what would be on the 'A', two access doors either side of the bonnet. 🙁
20 March 2017, 15:00
Tim Heimer
Kerry we've all been there and it sucks! But we usually can pull a rabbit out of our hats/butts! LOL best wishes, can't wait to see your rabbit when your done!
20 March 2017, 15:18
Rui S
Kezza, if the access doors were open they also Provoke bulges?
Just lie some canvas on them?
20 March 2017, 15:25
Kerry COX
Timothy. You make it difficult for me to type what I want to say as I am laughing so much at your kind comments about where these rabbits can appear from LOL. 🙂
Yes mate, I will try my hardest to get some form of sanity happening. 🙂
But I just have so much fun and get so much joy out of making the effort.👍
Better than thinking, nah ! too Fkn' hard. :-/
20 March 2017, 15:28
Tim Heimer
LOL, Glad to make you laugh! Besides sanity is over rated! 🙂
20 March 2017, 16:59
Dave Flitton
Gadzooks!! That looks like a lot of work! Looking really good though
24 March 2017, 20:17
Martin Oostrom
As Plusmodel is a company from the Czech Republic, I'm guessing their instructions are in English/Czech 😉
But the radio equipment does look stunning.
Just keep the insanity going!
24 March 2017, 21:00
Kerry COX
Martin, making a request that I have no control over, I will push on, hoping I can make some sense out of what I am doing. 🙂 But I hope it's "entertaining", just a bit. ? LOL 👍 As my insanity deepens. :-p
24 March 2017, 22:01
Kerry COX
To all who have had a look and approve. 👍.
I am most grateful for your support and encouragement > 🙂
Cheers. 🙂
24 March 2017, 22:03
Martin Oostrom
Using hemp as wheat? There could be a nice misunderstanding in that sentence which could land you some jail time 🙂
26 March 2017, 09:35
Kerry COX
Martin. 🙂 !!
LOL. I KNEW someone would have a comment on that point and I am not disappointed LOL 🙂
But I took some advice and looked into the string / roap concept, and it has turned out just as some said it would. 👍
I have been looking hard at the image of all the sheaves of wheat and I noticed in the back ground a pile of the same. But the 'stubble' will be a challenge too I think. 🙂
26 March 2017, 10:39
Martin Oostrom
Happy to oblige 😉
Wouldn't want you disappointed. That could slow you down 🙂
26 March 2017, 13:52
Urban Gardini
Looking great so far!
26 March 2017, 23:20
Kerry COX
I am having to think like a farmer now, and try and imagine just what a harvested field looks like. 🙂
27 March 2017, 00:54
Rui S
You have already harvested so that should be easy 😄
27 March 2017, 10:02
Kerry COX
G'day Rui. 🙂
It is getting more and more interesting now, as I can see in my minds eye the 'look' of it all. Just a matter of concentrating on one thing at a time from now on, as I do have a couple of projects languishing in the box just waiting for me to be inspired again.👍
Rui, I have been scouring the net looking for some information on wether ICM are about to release the "A" model of the 251, as I had seen it somewhere that it was about to be released, or it was Thomas Mayer who said it, but, but I can't see it anywhere on their web site.🙁
Now, seeing your so very well informed. Do you have any whispers you could put in my ear. ?
Did you like the radio and Enigma resin bits. / 🙂
27 March 2017, 11:45
Rui S
Hi Kezza,
Really good job with the sheaves of hemp 👍
I've thinking about trying that for long a long time now and your work is inspiring as usual.
I also liked the detailed Enigma and radio pieces, but you know me (I find them to expensive).
About the Ausf A I will ask...😎
27 March 2017, 21:41
Kerry COX
Rui, thanks in advance for your asking around for me about the "A" I want, but even though we all have the same access to the info on the net, you just seem to come up with stuff that I find impossible to link up with.
As for the price I payed for the Enigma and the other pieces in the box, I did check myself when I thought about it, but considering the model @ $70.00Au and the detail involved, I decided, that for the overall appearance, it was worth the money.👍
I should actually make a video on how I got the string to look like sheaves of grain, be it wheat, barley or anything else we eat, as it really is most important to get that 'twist' associated with string to be removed.🙂
Thank you for your kind words Rui. 🙂
It's nice to think that we can inspire others to do their very best, as it really is worth that little bit of effort, even if it lets you sit back and smile and say. THAT looks allright. !! 🙂 👍
When it comes to the "A" version. I know there are extra parts in the Dragon "C" kit for the extra viewing blocks in the rear section of the troop compartment, but the lack of access doors either side of the front engine cover is something I will really have to work on if I am to manufacture something that will / could resemble them. :-/
I have really chopped my original "C" kit to shreds to see if I can get the look of an "A", but I do not have much hope as I assembled far too much of it as the "C" before deciding I would make it into the "A". 🙁
But that is the fun and the reason why I/we all do what we do, isn't it. ? Mwahahahahahahahah:-P
27 March 2017, 22:03
Rui S
Np, Mate,
Thanks for your words.
I'm not criticising you for buying that resin set. You did well mate.
You Know that you don't really need an Ausf. A, to do the access doors on either side of the front engine cover. All the Ausf. B, also have then, and are plenty in 1/35...
27 March 2017, 22:26
Kerry COX
Rui. I will scout around here and see what is in the shops. Any suggestions on any brands you like. ?
28 March 2017, 01:10
Kerry COX
Rui. I just ordered this kit, Zvezda
1/35 SdKfz 251/3
Ausf.B Mittlerer Funkpanzerwagen
Kit Number: 3604
from BMA and it was so cheap, but I read a great review and it is not that bad and worth while. here is the link.
28 March 2017, 05:49
Angel Yovtshev
Hi Kerry, you can check out Zvezda's Ausf. B(#3572).Good value for the pennies it costs.
BTW, they also offer an Ausf.B Funkpanzerwagen(#3604)
28 March 2017, 05:54
Rui S
Hi Kezza,
I have some Zvezda kits in my stash but never built one, yet. I think you will be ok with your purchased one.
Now you can understand why I prefer to buy a new 1/35 kit for my collection, instead an aftermarket item.
28 March 2017, 07:43
Kerry COX
Angel and Rui, Thanks lads. 🙂
I am suddenly a big fan of these most interesting vehicles. Mostly I think, because of it's involvement in everything to do with the uses it was put to, so many variations. :-/
Gudarian must have used other variants other than the "A", as the "B" look quite similar indeed. !
Thank you for the help and suggestion on the 3572 Angel. As I have just had a look at it and your quite right, good value for the buck. 🙂
Cheers guys.👍 🙂
28 March 2017, 08:28
Rui S
Hi Kezza. it seems that the Ausf A a will be available only in December.
29 March 2017, 21:34
Kerry COX
Rui, You never stop amazing me mate. 🙂
I have been looking at all the different versions, and except for a few internal ones, the "A" is basically the same as the "B" along with the rear viewing blocks, so I should have very few issues making the "B" I am getting become something that resembles the "A".👍
I will need something to keep my mind occupied over the next two weeks, as I am going to be "House bound", as we have just had one of the biggest and most destructive weather events we have seen for a while, and the rain that is falling now has flooded us and we cant get out and move around unless it's by boat. 🙁
This is the link to the weather radar we have here, and what you will be seeing is the aftermath of "Debbie". A HUGE cyclone that just smashed north Queensland and destroyed everything in its path.
29 March 2017, 22:09
Urban Gardini
Ouch, how did it go with your properties mate?
29 March 2017, 22:33
Kerry COX
Thankfully, here in the extreme South East of Qld, all we are getting is all the rain from after the cyclone passed over land and turned into a "Raid Depression" and flooding EVERYWHERE. Where I am can and does flood, but it's been a while since that happened, but with this system gone to rain, it's more than likely, I will be OK, as I have everything upstairs now. :-/
The damage up north has been likened to "Katrina" that destroyed St Louis in the USA.
Thanks for your concern guys, but I should be oK. 🙂 👍
Oh, by the way, to see what cloud and rain is happening, on the map of Australia, click on Brisbane and the radar readout will show.
29 March 2017, 23:58
Woah, great idea with the wheat bundles, I should try that! Also that "other nationality" is Czech, I'm pretty sure.
30 March 2017, 13:48
Rui S
Hi Kezza,
I can see you are worried but keep safe and everything will be OK.
I've heard that 40.000, in Queensland are out of home and 60.000, without electricity 🙁
Global warming sucks
30 March 2017, 14:14
Kerry COX
Good news from the storm front guys. The cyclone has passed on and now, all that is left is for the clean up to begin. But say a prayer for those who lost it all. 🙁
30 March 2017, 20:15
Es-haq Khosravi
Good luck Kerry! I know it will look great!
31 March 2017, 05:46
Holger Kranich
Oh i´m in love with those 251´s! Looks fabulous so far Kerry!
31 March 2017, 09:57
Kerry COX
Holger. 🙂 !!! G'day mate. 👍
I am all excited. 🙂
I just took delivery today of the Russian 'Zvezda" 1/35 kit of the Sd.Kfz.251/3.Ausf.B !!! Delivered. $41.00 🙂
I am SUPER impressed with what I have looked at so far.🙂
I have read some 'reviews' on it, and all the crap they carried on with about how bad it was is not what I am seeing in this box. !
But, time will tell as I progress with it, as I wanted an "A" that ICM are putting out, but Rui said that will not be until December 🙁, but I have found, that except for some viewing blocks in the rear section, there is very little difference, so, I will call my "B" and "A" and see what I can come up with. 🙂
I will do a photographic lay out of what is in the box of the sprues and do some really close up work on all the parts that have got me fascinated and happy. 👍 🙂
But, as most of the parts are all interchangeable between makes, I should be able to do something with the spares in case I screw up. :-/

And what have you got going. ?
Now that all the excitement of the Group gathering is over. ? 🙂
I'll take a look at your albums and see what you did on Wangerooge, or was the 'Huey' the only one. ?
31 March 2017, 11:23
Holger Kranich
Hey Kerry, whats up?😢
I´m looking forward your build of your "A" . These half tracks are just cool!
Yep, the Huey was my only model. I just wanted to finish something again.😄 The next journey will lead me back to times, when the "Spandaus" and "08/15" ruled the skyes over battlefields of the "Schliefen-Plan".😄
31 March 2017, 11:45
Kerry COX
"Wingnut" have some awesome bi-plane kits mate.
31 March 2017, 11:58
Angel Yovtshev
Kerry, the link describes all differencies between Ausf.A/B and Ausf.C.
The text is in German-from Walter Seifert's book "Der mittlere Shuetzenpanzerwagen(Sd.Kfz.251)".


Regarding Zvezda's 251(I have built #3572)- the tracks are tedious-if you can-replace them, the interior is from Ausf.C, not from Ausf. B.Otherwise easy to build, nice as a finished model.And realy brought me in love with all those SPW.🙂
31 March 2017, 12:03
Kerry COX
Angel, The link failed to post mate. 🙁
Thanks for the warning on the track assembly, as I would be most happy if they were a simple as the dragon track to build. 👍
31 March 2017, 12:08
Holger Kranich
@ Kerry: Yeah it is one!😄 I got this one as a present from my Hobby Dealer who ist the new distributor in Europe for WNW.
31 March 2017, 12:47
Urban Gardini
Ooooh, just look at those wooden sides on the fuselage!
31 March 2017, 16:13
Kerry COX
Holger, If you have never done a wingnut kit before, then all your dreams of a fantastic model have just come true. AMAZING to say the least. :-O
Wood grain decals from Alex will be the cream on the cake mate, for sure. 🙂
And the Hyperscale review is spot on with it's report. 👍.
31 March 2017, 20:53
Robert W Martel
Nifty idea the dry rub with the fingers!! I'll have to remember that one.
Another cool project Kerry. Keep up the good work!
2 April 2017, 00:30
Kerry COX
Hay Robert. 🙂 Thanks for that bud. 👍
The fingers got some excess one day and it screwed up a project I was on, but bugger me if it didn't serve a good purpose at a later date ! :-o
Hopefully I can get all bits of the extras dept in scale, especially the 'bundles of wheat'. 👍 But creating the grain will be the tricky bit. I was thinking of sand and PVA glue. 🙂
2 April 2017, 06:28
Rui S
Hi Kezza,
Is that a sepia family photograph in the dashboard?
Great progress, Mate 👍
P.S. have already order this guys?

They include The Man. Blitzkrieg/Panzerwaffe father...
2 April 2017, 09:12
Kerry COX
Rui, my my your observant !!! 🙂
The little red square on the dash is actually the "Dragon" logo, but it looks like a photo though. 🙂
And, you may have noticed on the fire extinguisher on the rear door has a decal, Image 110, well, that is the other piece if the 'Dragon' logo that looked like the 'info' tag you get with emergency equipment. LOL 🙂
As for the Dragon 'figures', I have on order from China, a few officers in the long leather coats you saw in the photo of the "A" with all the wheat, but the ones you posted have been 'sold out' at the model store I usually get all my modelling needs from. Grrrrrr 🙁 as I would have liked to have got the 'bonus' General Gudarian for the dio.🙁
But I will get it eventually, as I am constantly looking for stuff I can include to get it looking busier.
2 April 2017, 11:57
Angel Yovtshev
Keeza, check HobbyEasy-they have Dragon 6655 in stock(15,21 AUD+shipment)
2 April 2017, 14:21
Kerry COX
Angel. I have just ordered it now. I should have remembered I signed up with them a long time ago. AND, so inexpensive too and a huge range. 🙂 Thanks for the reminder of what I was missing mate. I owe you one. 🙂 👍
2 April 2017, 18:12
Kerry COX
BTW. The Russian 251 kit I have is in all respects, "SUPERB".👍 👍 👍
The fit of all parts I can NOT fault. 🙂
More on this subject later. 🙂
2 April 2017, 18:17
Rui S
I realy like to see that such an experience modeller as you Kezza, don't mind speak openly, easily and so Good about a 2006, Zvezda kit.
To often people make bad remarks about Zvezda kits and badly review them...
Well done Mate 👍
2 April 2017, 23:02
Kerry COX
Rui. I have never come across a kit that didn't have some failure somewhere in it's production or finish, and the Zvezda kit, (my first) is no exception. 👍
BUT, like any build, if you take your time and work out what can be done to remedy some issues, of which, there are very few, then it is all OK really.🙂
This kit and it's fit of parts I can not praise highly enough really. 👍
The detail in the engine is stunning, and the design to make it all look like it just needs a battery and the engine would start is fantastic. 👍
Then, I looked at the fit of the main panels that make the main body shape, well, three parts these on each side and again, perfect and no need for filler or any sort of 'correction'.
But the images I have will show just how sweet the fit is, and the locating of parts internally just put's Dragon to shame. 🙁
The tracks, once you get a handle on balancing and the amount of glue needed, they are a dream. !! L0L
The plastic they chose is receptive to careful trimming and shaving where parts need cleaning up, AND, as for 'seam lines', !!! practically nothing to bother about.
"Crisp" is not the word I would normally use, but this kit is sharp and well defined in all appearances and end result.
There has been some careful planning to make sure this kit is one you will really enjoy to the max. 🙂
There are a heap of pre build parts to entertain you, such as the engine, the radio boxes and their cradle, and if anything, it does seem to be slightly "out of scale" compared to the Dragon, but infinitesimal as to not cause any concern. 🙂
The only real 'gripe' I have is that there is no dash detail moulded, and the decal that is suggested is not any where to be found, BUT, as the dash is virtually unseen once the build is finished, so just a couple of decals that come from a car kit could well repair that problem. 🙂
Yes, I am multi tasking, with three Sd.Kfz.251's on the go, and the differences between all of them is quite pronounced, and if I am to choose the one I prefer and would be happy building more of, then the Russian's win hands down. 🙂 👍
2 April 2017, 23:41
Rui S
Thank you for your review Mate 👍
I'm glad I spoke about the Ausf B's
2 April 2017, 23:45
Kerry COX
It was never meant to be a "review" Rui, but it turned out that way. !!!
I will be posting some images of the trees and close up's of the bits that are well detailed and you will be amazed by what you see. Especially the rifles. 🙂
I am absolutely fascinated by these vehicles now. "SOMEBODY stop me". !!!!!!! hahahahahahaha 🙂
Coming soon to a monitor near you.!
The Russian kit of the 1/35 Sd.kfz.251/3.B 🙂
3 April 2017, 00:14
Rui S
I've several Zvezdas in my stash, including a 251 😄
P.S. Be careful if you build a 250, it was my first 1/35, and since then I don't want anything else, hehehe
3 April 2017, 00:17
Kerry COX
A 250. ? Mmmmmm Now I am even more interested mate. hahahahaha 🙂
Any special 250 I should look for Rui. As I have seen the ones in amongst images of the 251and I do like the angular shape and flat back rear door one. 🙂
3 April 2017, 00:30
Rui S
I just like them all. You chose, Mate😎
3 April 2017, 00:42
Kerry COX
Rui. Which particular one did you like and build of the 250's. ? 🙂
3 April 2017, 01:26
Damn you Kerry, now I need the Zvedza 251 too 😄
3 April 2017, 08:10
Kerry COX
HK, (herb), I can assure you that it is worth every cent you spend and then some. 🙂
I can't understand the bad reviews given this manufacturer. :-/
Maybe the thought that the Russians will never be as good as all the other established makers.
But after the Miniart crowd and their contributions, I had a change of heart and gave it a look see, but this kit really is so pleasing, and a bit of a challenge too, as the thinking is, clunky and no fineness. WRONG.
Get one. You'll see. hehehehehe 🙂
In fact, I got hold of mine because of pure frustration, as I wanted an "A" 251 but there was none around until December from ICM. (Rui said that). 🙂
and I was reliably told that there was very little difference between the "A" and the "B", so I grabbed one and I am NOT sorry I did.
3 April 2017, 09:09
Rui S
Hi Kezza,
I did the Airfix 250/3 "Greif" with Erwin Rommel. You can see it in the following album:
My very first - project. | Album by mig (1:32)
a thousand years ago hehehe
3 April 2017, 10:13
Martin Oostrom
I like the wheat! Ingenious
22 May 2017, 18:26
Kerry COX
Thank you Martin. 🙂
Necessity is the mother of invention I have heard and the frustration of not seeing it available in 'diorama materials' got me thinking of how to create my own. 👍
There is a guy in Brisbane who wants me to make a whole pile of them for him, so I am thinking I might go into production and sell them from here for myself. :-O
I do like getting things to look as real as possible, and some of the stuff available just does not cut it for me. 🙁
22 May 2017, 21:17
Michael Hickey
That's a neat way to make your wheat bundles, thinking out of the box at its best.👍
22 May 2017, 23:21
Kerry COX
Michael, that is a compliment I will treasure my friend, as I hold you in very high regard as a scale modeller of renown. 👍 🙂 🙂 🙂
Cheers. 🙂
AND, how did your Daughters model house fair. ? I am betting it was a show stopper. 🙂
23 May 2017, 01:00
Michael Hickey
For the first part of the assessment which was to do with what she was planning to do and how she would execute it, she scored an "A". The practical part which is the house is due to be handed in next week, hopefully she will do well.
23 May 2017, 04:30
Kerry COX
I am over the moon for her mate. 🙂 🙂 🙂 PLEASE, pass on a big "Well done" from me will you Michael. 👍
Thanks for letting us all know how well she is doing. 🙂
23 May 2017, 04:55
Michael Hickey
Thanks mate, I'll let her know.👍
23 May 2017, 10:30
Kerry COX
Cheers Michael, Thank you. 👍
23 May 2017, 10:38
Michael Hickey
Very clever & very ingenious.👍
25 May 2017, 06:00
Kerry COX
🙂 Thank you sir. 👍 🙂
25 May 2017, 07:02
Kerry COX
I have just finished making a short video of the making of the 'sheaves of wheat' I needed for this diorama. I hope you can understand me speaking. Youtube Video
9 June 2017, 23:24
Tim Heimer
Good video Kerry! Sorry I missed the part where they made shredded wheat cereal for breakfast and ate. LOL seriously cool video mate! good thinking!
10 June 2017, 01:25
Robert W Martel
Bringing in the sheaves,, la la la la,,,,, lol Pretty nifty idea Kerry !!
10 June 2017, 02:22
Kerry COX
LOL. 🙂 Yeah. ! I had to do something, as I was running into zero's trying to find what I needed on line. :-/
10 June 2017, 03:08
Robert W Martel
Like you (and some ancient philosopher) said, necessity IS the mother of invention !!
10 June 2017, 04:31
Kerry COX
There is no doubt about that wonderful saying Robert. this is what I see here all the time. Guys adapting and overcoming problems. All engineers in our own right. 🙂 🙂 👍
10 June 2017, 06:23
this is going to be absolutelly fantastic. the model is great. and the hand made complements will make it out of the ordinary. i really like you idea and execution of the sheaves of wheat.
10 June 2017, 08:27
Kerry COX
Spanjaard, 🙂 Thank you for your wonderful words of encouragement mate. 👍
When I saw the images of the German army in their march across the Russian farmland using what was available to hide them selves, I just HAD to make a diorama of it, as it was something I had never seen or even heard about until I was researching the Sd.Kfz-251 history, especially Gen Guderian's personal vehicle, and it was on that had all the most amazing images of the German war history. A site crammed with reference material.
Cheers mate. 👍
10 June 2017, 10:42
great pics, thanks.
10 June 2017, 12:30
Rui S
Nice vid Kezza,
Long enough to get the message through.
And the dio? how is it coming Mate? I can't wait to see more pictures😉
10 June 2017, 13:15
Kerry COX
Rui, Thanks for the encouragement mate. 👍
I do hope you will understand what I say here.👍
I am holding back on images, as I have a comp coming up and I don't want to let the 'cat out of the bag' yet, as I have posted images of my builds before and seen the exact same thing appear on the comp tables. So, as it is getting very competitive now in scale modelling here, I have to protect some of what I do. That may sound kind of paranoid, but it's what happens. :-/
10 June 2017, 13:25
Urban Gardini
That's fine and understandable as long as you post it after the competition for us to see as the cat is out of the bag then!
10 June 2017, 16:06
Rui S
Hi Mate
No problems. I understand. So when will the final reveal be?
I never went to comp. And I think I never will, that's why my kits stand on the Dios bases with out fixes. Until now only the Elephant got stuck in the mud hehe.
Good luck Mate.
10 June 2017, 16:11
Kerry COX
The next comp is here.
The cat is partially out at the moment, but I am holding back until post mid August. on the final look. 🙂
10 June 2017, 21:10
Good luck for the competition!
10 June 2017, 21:19
Kerry COX
Thank you for your encouragement Spanjaard. 👍
I have noticed over the last couple of years how the standard has become higher than the previous year.
Not only in the skills, but the after market items that improve the overall appearance so dramatically now.
So, one has to be on the ball to be even considered for just a 'mention' at the close of judging.
Cheers mate. 👍
10 June 2017, 21:34
Robert W Martel
Kerry, If I had $$$, I'd fly to AU and go there with ya !! Just for fun. Good Luck.
10 June 2017, 23:51
Donald Dickson II
Wow. Quarter of the way through reading your notes. Love it.
11 June 2017, 00:10
Kerry COX
What a lovely thing to say Robert. 🙂 You would have a place to park your head while you were here if you choose to do so mate. 😉 Thanks for your good wishes mate. 👍
11 June 2017, 02:42
Kerry COX
Donald, since I worked out how to use my Microsoft 'paint' programme, it has made explaining what I am doing in the images I have posted a whole lot better than just adding the text to the image on line. 🙂
Being able to circle and add description certainly helps those who need some things more visible too.
Cheers and thank you for you most welcome comments.....everybody. !! 🙂
11 June 2017, 02:46
Kerry COX
I have finished what I wanted to depict. It has turned out OK in my way of thinking. As the comp is not that far off now, I am happy to post some images of the Diorama. I hope you think it's OK. 🙂 👍
9 July 2017, 01:56
Kerry COX
James. Thanks for looking in mate. 🙂 👍
The wheat was the biggest headache, as I just couldn't figure out the 'scale', but as I kept reducing the number of strands and the length, it started to look more like what could be tucked under some one's arm, if that makes sense. 🙂 🙂 🙂 Would you believe I replaced the wheat 'bundles' twice before I hit the right formula. :-/ hahahaha But that's me. hehehe
9 July 2017, 02:11
Rui S
We need more photos, Mate.
IMHO, I think the uniforms are to dark and some of the boots to shiny for a war time in field men. unless you are depicting wet ground?
The tones of weed are great but the change in colour from the blondle and those remains on the ground looks a bit strange.
As to the 251, it looks to monochromatic and the Guderians G should be white. I think a little bit of dust could had up to the result.
But as said to appreciate the Dio we need more in focus photos.😎
9 July 2017, 03:15
Kerry COX
All noted and appreciated Rui. The 'finals' will be the corrections you mentioned and as for the uniforms, all the black were all I could find in the reference material from the push into the Stalingrad low lands.
9 July 2017, 03:19
Rui S
Hi Kezza,,
The black uniforms where used by the Panzer crues. Even the guys from the sturm artiliary (Stugs) used the grey/green uniforms, (because they came from the artillery branch not panzer), of course you can have one attaché element on the Guderians staff ( to add interest) but not all the crew.
I do not want to be an rivet counter or something because I' m not,, but this are my HOs. It's your Model and Dio and you just do as you tell of course.😉
When they added to Stalingrad it was summer and in the steeps there was a. Lot of dust. (Mate/dull). They all were covered with it even in there faces...
9 July 2017, 10:49
Kerry COX
Thanks again Rui. 🙂
I am seeing black in the photo, image125 and that is what I am working off as best I can.
9 July 2017, 11:10
Rui S
Yes, they are 2 Panzer unit´s elements (probably attachés to general staff meting) as you can notice by the skulls in the colour pads...
I like the new photos with a total view. Nice Dio Mate.
The guy in photo 127 is in grey uniform...
The guy on the ground is wearing a Parka. I don't know if by that time they had it. I knew that SS use it when they reconquer Karkov but that was on winter (42/43)... But now I'm just being peeky, hehehe
9 July 2017, 11:29
Kerry COX
I mainly put the other images in so that I could show that my use of the sheaves was not "Overkill", that they really did smother themselves with all they could get. 👍.
The guy on the ground in the parka is the bike rider having a rest, but deep in conversation with the others. 🙂 he will be 'dirtied up' and given that "just finished a hard ride" look.
Actually, the markings I am using that can't be seen are of Gen Gudarian's personal vehicle, with the "G" and the red white and black pendant. 🙂
Actually, He will be placed in there too once I finish painting him in his green/grey coat and red collar and hat band. 👍
I am sure you noticed I have eradicated the 'yellow' stubble and replaced It with the blonde colour weed as you called it. hehehehehe 🙂
9 July 2017, 11:53
Rui S
I really Like the Dio and the sheaves looks Great.
The problem with the motorcyclist is, I think, that kind of Parkas where not produced at that time.
Normally in bad weather that guys used a different rubberized suite (kind of overall) but in the summer I'm sure they would use the normal uniform. I could also suggest that you use some wiring in the moto.
The marking I was speaking about is the black G in one previous photo.
So I've notice the changes yes.😎
Just trying to help. Have Fun 👍
9 July 2017, 12:18
Kerry COX
Rui. 🙂 You KNOW I depend on you for an honest appraisal and suggestions mate. 👍
I could do something more with the biker and the moto is still not anchored as yet and the wiring is also possible. 👍
But the biker is stuck down but I possibly could do something with an other rider from the miniart box I have of several riders. 🙂
The white 'G' is possible for sure. 👍
The one on the rear door and front right fender. 😉
As always mate. I take your advice seriously.
Cheers. 🙂 👍
9 July 2017, 12:49
Rui S
Mate, I try to be as serious and honest as I can get in my comments. My goal is to make positive criticism, even more if you go to a comp.
I'm sure there are more experienced Mates over here that can also help, but strangely enough I don't see any at the moment.
I think Dragon also Have a wide range collection of German WWII figures. Maybee we can find some alternative?
9 July 2017, 13:09
Kerry COX
The Dragon range of figures is limited, but the figures I have come from a company in Taiwan, cast resin, including the biker. 🙂
The Gudarian figure was part of a kit numbered. Dragon 6655.
Tankers and him.
9 July 2017, 13:17
Rui S
Maybe, this Italeri, they are old but I think some can be used
9 July 2017, 13:50
Rui S
Another thing I would suggest, is to paint the middle section of the vertical supports of the frame antenna with a wooden colour.
11 July 2017, 10:31
Kerry COX
Wood. ? OK.
11 July 2017, 10:47
Rui S
11 July 2017, 10:48
Kerry COX
Rui, Everything, including the colour plates you posted does not show any wood supports but all painted RLM Grey.
Do you have anything that I could get some clues from mate. ? 🙂
11 July 2017, 10:55
Rui S
Hi Kezza,
Yes there are plenty of colour plates showing that the poles (I don't know if all of them) where in Wood. They also could be painted over in grey of course, but to had interest and break the grey monotone I suggest it.
I'm going to look for some photos or vid and post them.
Also, In photo 125 you can notice the difference in colour
11 July 2017, 11:08
Rui S
You can see from minute 15'18" in this captured and altered French Panhard.

Youtube Video
11 July 2017, 11:18
Holger Kranich
I think i found an evidence for wood. But mostly it seems as the wood was painted in the vehicles colour.

11 July 2017, 11:27
Holger Kranich
Not very well to see but a great picture at all!

11 July 2017, 11:29
Rui S
Hello Holger,
Welcome to the discussion.
As said there are colour photo evidence of this, you can check in my:

Military Thinking MT1 | Album by mig (1:35)

look for photo 155, for example.
In black and white photos, you can clear see in some a different shade in the poles...
11 July 2017, 11:47
Holger Kranich
Now i can confirm it. These struts are made of wood. I just asked some armor specialists and they all confirmed the "wooden" question for the Rahmenantenne.
11 July 2017, 11:48
Rui S
That makes me an specialist too hehehehe...
Just kidding 😉
11 July 2017, 11:50
Kerry COX
Yes Gentlemen, Better for the comms too I would imagine, as the frame was also an ariel yes. ?
But I will do as you suggest Rui, just to 'break the monotony' of the overall grey. 🙂
BTW, I have gone back to getting the 'dirty/dusty look for the crew and the moto, along with the ignition cables on the motor too. 🙂
11 July 2017, 12:08
Rui S
11 July 2017, 12:20
Holger Kranich
Rui, you are a specialist for sure buddy!😢

And wood makes sense as it is not electrically conductive. If the struts where metal, the antenna would not work as an antenna. It would only be a roll bar.😄
11 July 2017, 12:21
Rui S
Now now, that looks too me as an specialist information, Holger hehehe 😄
I'm not a specialist, only an interested mate in German WW II themes with a big library and hours of reading and looking at photos and vids but, thanks for your kind words anyway😉
11 July 2017, 12:23
Kerry COX
Yes. It does make perfect sense to have a 'break/gap' in the electrically charged structure.
11 July 2017, 12:24
Holger Kranich
Its a pleasure, Rui!😢

But now another question occurs... Does the antenna work when it rains and the whole structure is wet? Or is the a second isolation installed to prevent electrical flow to the hull/chassis?

Do you see the big questionmark on my forehead? 😄
11 July 2017, 12:41
Rui S
I'm sure it worked under all weather conditions.
Tactical warfare can´t wait for clear weather to be "played" 🤔
11 July 2017, 12:46
Holger Kranich
Indeed! That would not be professional enough!
11 July 2017, 13:00
Rui S
You can see clearly in this photos on the MT3:

Military Thinking MT3 | Album by mig

Hope you like this ones.
11 July 2017, 14:49
Joerg R.
They were made of wood, often overpainted with the color
11 July 2017, 15:24
Kerry COX
Joerg R. Thank you too for helping out with this vexing question. 🙂 Cheers. 🙂
MT3 makes a strong case for the wood theme Rui, and in fact, that will be a good talking point for anyone who sees it and wonders as they pass my diorama on the comp table. 🙂 🙂 🙂
11 July 2017, 19:29
Rui S
Glad to help😎
11 July 2017, 20:06
Kerry COX
I am always grateful for your knowledge and input Rui. We have all become somewhat dependant on your expertise. 🙂 👍
Cheers. 🙂
11 July 2017, 21:14
Rui S
Hehehe, that's a bit excessive Mate, but thanks for your kind words😉
11 July 2017, 21:31
Kerry COX
!!! :-O Would I lie to you Rui. ??? 👍 hehehe
11 July 2017, 21:43
Rui S
11 July 2017, 22:06
Peter Hardy
Take your point Kerry. Too uniform? They look VERY closely replicated!
20 August 2018, 02:42
Kerry COX
Oh well. 🙁
20 August 2018, 02:46
Peter Hardy
But that's just me.
20 August 2018, 02:59
Kerry COX
But what won was just a pile of junk with no story at all to be seen. But hey. That's just me too. 😉
20 August 2018, 05:25
Bart Goesaert
nice project as always, just stumbled over it... a bit harsh to cover the vehicle with the hay, but as you stated, it tells a story... and that you don't see that often...
20 August 2018, 10:38
Kerry COX
Bart, that was exactly my thinking at the time. And when I came across the image of all the officers sitting around a vehicle with sheaves of wheat all over it, my imagination went wild, thinking of how I could replicate that story, having never seen anything about that aspect of the push onto the Russian Steeps, but I did get a lot of comments about the dio, mainly about, "I didn't know the Germans did THAT." type of thing. 🙂 👍
20 August 2018, 20:09

Album info

There were many variants if this vehicle as we all know, covering all aspects of land warfare, from gun and troop toting through to the fierce flame thrower. But as a 'Command vehicle', it was utilised by many of the general staff heavy weights, from the frozen wastelands of the Russian front through to the eggs fried on the fender in Sahara desert with Rommel.

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