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Kerry COX (RedRoo)

Takom King Tiger 'stack'.


1 23 August 2018, 20:25
Martin Oostrom
First thought: he's finally lost his marbles.
Second thought: it looks weird that high.
Third thought: this is actually very original.
Fourth thought: only Sir Cox could pull this of.
It took some adjusting on my part, but I like it 👍
Very original, well executed.
Must be hell to transport safely?
23 August 2018, 21:35
Urban Gardini
Nice presentation. I've seen similar builds from other builders before and this kit really screams for a presentation like this. But what you really should do is to fill the location points that is visible, for example on the shell rack in the turret.
23 August 2018, 22:05
Random Penguin
Transparent sticks, I could guess...
24 August 2018, 01:18
Peter Hardy
There's your Gold! Who came second Kez?
24 August 2018, 02:24
Tim Heimer
That is too cool my friend!
24 August 2018, 02:41
Michael Hickey
I must say that is very clever, well done on a very well executed display. Are you going to display her on a nice piece of timber?
24 August 2018, 07:10
Bart Goesaert
Nicely done... It's always a search how to display the most of that interior, and you managed to do it nicely
24 August 2018, 07:58
Kerry COX
Well. I am so pleased you liked what I tried to do to be different. 👍
That is most heartening to know that what I did was not all that crazy after all. 🙂
Now, Where do I start with what happened at the comp. Mmmmmmmmmm. :-/
Martin, Lode, Urban, James, Robber. Peter, Timothy, Bart, and last but never least, Michael. 🙂
Guys, I am sure you have all experienced it some time in your modelling life, you march in, with high hopes, but never really ready for that let down. 🙁
I thought we had it all sorted with the organizers when it came to the composition of the judging teams after the debacle of previous events where it was just club members judging their mates work and seeing shit get gold and pure excellence rate lower than dog do do. 🙁
'Orange peel' was rife in the winners circle, but there were some amazing builds that did get their just rewards, but over all, it was just a hodg podge of of models that were never classified properly and some that missed where they should have been submitted. Confusion, all over the shop.
But. with 4 members of the one club doing ALL the judging, it was heavily lop sided, and dare I say it, the usual villain's won as they did years before and it returned again this year.
Most disappointing, especially when It was said that it had all been reviewed and changed to a fairer system. 🙁
OK. Enough. But some amazing models missed and the mood was gloomy.
I had a good time, and I did get that 'wow' factor with the builds I entered, and some great comments on my work from some respected names in the fraternity that are the QMHE competitors., and I am more than happy to come home, chuffed with meeting up with all my mates I have developed friendships over the years, and that out of all the disappointment for all of us who missed out, the family is just as determined to come back next year and, try again. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Don't I sound bitchy eh, ! hahahahaha, but it eases the pain. 👍
My awards are really a great thing, as I did do something right.
Photos to go in tomorrow. 😉

26 August 2018, 12:24
Martin Oostrom
Venting is good to lower your agitation. If you want to use some stronger words, just PM them, I won't mind 😉
26 August 2018, 12:35
Michael Hickey
Thanks Kerry, I don't feel so bad after all now for missing the comp. On the up side I had a win, or two as it turned out to be. Aldi were selling glass cabinets for a mere $80Au and I mananged to score two of them, happy as a pig in shit. 😄😄😄 There very similar to the ones IKEA sells for $100Au. Seeing as how well my experiment with my other cabinet turned out, where I used glass glue to glue aluminum angle to the sides of the glass to support extra shelves, I'll be doing the same with these two.🙂
26 August 2018, 12:56
Tim Heimer
Sorry to hear about all the B.S Kerry!! As Martin put it you have a right to vent after building those great pieces of work and seeing the unfairness for all there. But there were a few there who did appreciate your work, as well as here! Stand proud of what you did and just keep going, we all love you here!
26 August 2018, 14:03
Rene Scheiblich
That build is awesome, nice detailing and good choice of camo scheme if I may say so 🙂. Love the idea with the rods, put it up a little bit below eye level for best viewing 🙂

The judge system sounds like massive bullshit, but as long as you had fun and the audience honored your builds, bugger their stupid game 😉 medal with an orangepeel model? Must taste bittersweet knowing it's undeserved.
Like Martin said, venting is good😄

I'm just looking forward to what you will come up next whilst I do battle with the carpet monster 🙂
Cheers mate!
26 August 2018, 15:38
Kerry COX
Good morning all my mates, and I say mates with heart felt warmth, as you all are so supportive and understanding, and for that, I am most grateful. 👍 🙂
Michael, good news on the Aldi cabinets mate. I have not seen what they look like assembled, but I am sure you will throw an image or two of what your look like mate (hint hint heheheh)
I saw those glass cabinets in Aldi when I went looking for some small screwdrivers and this was after I had just bought a new one at IKEA on the way to the venue (To hold my thousands of awards), hahahahahahaha Only kidding, 😉 But it was just a couple of dollars difference, so I just grinned and copped it. :-/
And I do like the idea you have with the glass glue for extra shelving. 👍
Tim and Rene. Cheers guys, it's nice to know I have your understanding. 🙂
Like I said, I am not angry for me personally, but for those others who can't be in a club because of their location or those who are coming back, believing what they heard about the changes that 'happened', as now we have lost some or gained a whole new group that just lost the incentive to keep competing. So now I will leave the subject sit as it will sound like sour grapes if I was to grind on about my reasons. 👍 👍 👍
But it was, great fun to be there, even if it did piss down for hours and make the whole car park turn into a mud wrestling pit. 🙂hehehehe
Cheers again. 🙂 🙂 🙂
26 August 2018, 20:44
Kerry COX
Lode. Just perfect in what you say and it's not just here but everywhere. But I should have been aware for it, even though it was made clear last time that it wouldn't happen again....................................Oh well. !
Your comments and respect is greatly appreciated and I am humbled. Thank you to all of you and to Lode for being so up front. 👍 🙂 🙂 🙂
26 August 2018, 23:41
Peter Hardy
This is exactly why I will never have anything to do with a club of ANY description. Self interest groups, regardless of how well meaning, always end up serving their own interests. I don't doubt that there are clubs around that don't behave in that manner at the moment but given time, all things are corrupted. Cynical? Probably, but true enough for me to put out there.
27 August 2018, 01:13
Kerry COX
Fair call too Peter. But, as that is the only game in town once a year. I will still try and beat the odds. :-/
27 August 2018, 01:43
Michael Hickey
And what Peter says is why I have stayed away from the comp scene for so long, I have a 4 hour drive to Brisbane, 6 hour drive to Sydney, 7 to the Illawarra comp and 9 to the Canberra comp. Fair enough that there all once a year, but the time I put up for fuel, food, accommodation, that's a fair whack of dough. Not to mention the disappointment factor, especially when you can see it's trophy's for the boys. I don't mind loosing to a model that deserves to win, but like Pete says corruption gets into everything.🙁
27 August 2018, 02:08
Kerry COX
All well said gents. :-/ Michael, I totally agree with your comments, and it has an effect on those who try their best, and that's really sad. :-9
27 August 2018, 08:27
Bart Goesaert
I've been judging a few times, and when the model was of one of the clubmembers I skipped that model. then the discussion started with the organising club. Personally I think it's hard to judge a model. Especially when you know the builder and his effort, but also when techniques are used that I personally dislike. When I need to give points to a total of 10, I think almost every effort deserves at least a five for attempt... First thing I check are seam-lines and sinkmarks, then the painting and finally weathering and figures, trying to see the techniques used and to judge how well or worse they've been applied.

Sometimes, I really need to laugh when listening to other judges... they can be harsh on details. A friend of mine made this diorama: [img1]

which I think is pretty descent, and he gave it a 3/10 because he thought on of the jackets on the figures wasn't used in that timeframe... personally it is the least of my concern...

The only thing I'd like for judges is that they motivate their decision... and that the result is given to the participant. Just to be able to learn.
27 August 2018, 10:37
Rene Scheiblich
This approach sounds sensible to me. Don't judge when you know your objectivity might be impaired by personal relations. If there are enough judges to still get a balanced evaluation this can work.
I can't see a picture (link seems incomplete) but a 3/10 sounds harsh. I'd imagine an OOB build of a mediocre kit painted thickly with unthinned enamels and lots of seamlines would be in that ballpark... Alone the effort for a custom diorama should get a bit more if it's not total rubbish.

Are there separate categories for accurate and well-built models and just for techniques and good appearance overall?
27 August 2018, 11:12
Bart Goesaert
link edited
27 August 2018, 11:26
Peter Hardy
A 3? For that? Strewth! A man might be tempted to react violently!
27 August 2018, 11:51
Michael Hickey
Nice idea for a dio, and looks pretty good to me as well.
27 August 2018, 11:52
Kerry COX
I like dios that tell a story. It may not be historically exact, but something that keeps the eye held. But the historian type judge kills me.
27 August 2018, 11:59
Tim Heimer
Peter, did I see you admit your a CB? LOL
27 August 2018, 12:23
Rene Scheiblich
I'm with Peter. 3? What the...?! Because of some fracking jackets?

Seems to me the competition part of this hobby has a few things in common with the comic 'Asterix at the olympic games' 🙁
27 August 2018, 12:45
Bart Goesaert
did some competions with my models, had some prices, but I'd liked it more to hear people comment at the models at the clubstand and have some conversations about it then actually participating...
27 August 2018, 13:37
Rene Scheiblich
Yeah I did get the feeling that was the better part for Kerry as well. One day I might try entering something too 😄 when I reach about half the skill most guys here show every day 🙂
27 August 2018, 13:40
Peter Hardy
Yes Timbo, I think we should start a CB's of the World Club.

For me, I like this 'club', everyone is encouraging and helping each other to: a; improve the standard of the model. b; try new techniques and products without the expense of buying everything yourself. c; enjoy the company of other modellers, start friendships around the world with people I would never have known existed otherwise. d; enjoy the thrill of helping someone else. e; learning about other people's lives, experience things from the other side of the planet.

I have many friends here on the Scalemates site in many places, countries, situations, cultures, religions, genders, financial status', ect. Some have considerable "mileage" under the belt, some are mere babes, some live in old countries, some in new. One thing is very clear, strangers are just Mates you haven't met yet. People are all basically the same. We have the same hopes and fears, the same dreams and realities. The same frailties.

We talk about the models but, the reality is we have all become friends. We may not know what Bart's face looks like, how big Spanjaard's feet are or even why Martin has the front of an American train as his avatar, but we enjoy each other's company. That's why I like my club.
27 August 2018, 21:03
Kerry COX
Bart. Right on the nail head mate. I had more fun talking to people who looked at my entries and asked me how it came about. The 'wow' factor is a great motivator really, and I did receive a lot of positive compliments, and that in many ways is 'gold'. Like when the judges didn't consider my B-17 for any award, but It wins the 'Peoples choice', yes, a sense of vindication was there. hehehehe 🙂
27 August 2018, 21:06
Urban Gardini
Exactly and that's what i love with our community!
27 August 2018, 21:13
Kerry COX
Me too. 👍.
27 August 2018, 21:19
Martin Oostrom
Pete, you should be a poet. Great way with words 👍
Now the story about my avatar, that's for another day 😉
27 August 2018, 21:26
Peter Hardy
Ohhh Martin, do tell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
28 August 2018, 00:33
Random Penguin
That`s great, that we can meet each other here!
29 August 2018, 22:39
Peter Hardy
And I thought a penguin was a southern hemisphere resident!
30 August 2018, 01:25
Michael Hickey
Almost Peter, fun fact 203, the Galapagos penguin is the only penguin that lives north of the equator.
30 August 2018, 04:14
Kerry COX
See. The crew on SM not only build models, but are fluent in natural history too. Yeay Michale. 🙂 🙂 🙂 👍
30 August 2018, 04:24
Peter Hardy
Penguin counter!
30 August 2018, 05:27
Kerry COX
👍 🙂
30 August 2018, 05:36
Michael Hickey
I have way too much time on my hands.
30 August 2018, 07:28
Kerry COX
LOL. I am getting the same way now mate. Tedium is setting in. hahahaha 🙂
30 August 2018, 08:39
Peter Hardy
I gotta find new friends, the old ones are wearing out! Or wearing thin!
30 August 2018, 09:00
Random Penguin
You can live as a penguin anywhere, if you have a big fridge!
30 August 2018, 09:25
Michael Hickey
Peter has a big fridge, but his wouldn't have any room for you Robber, his is chock-a-block full of grog.;)
30 August 2018, 09:53
Bart Goesaert
not really true, there's also a penguin-colony at Cape Town in South Africa. No fridge necessary...
30 August 2018, 10:03
Martin Oostrom
Mmm Bart, I'm quit sure Cape Town is in the South as well, unless it was moved recently. 😉
Did a quick check, still where it's supposed to be:
30 August 2018, 10:08
Bart Goesaert
I know, was because of the fridge stuff, that of the Galapagos I did't knew.
30 August 2018, 10:14
Rene Scheiblich
That's the right attitude Mr Penguin! 👍
30 August 2018, 10:19
Tim Heimer
Is it true that it's hard to tell the difference in the sex of a penguin because the males froze their balls off?
30 August 2018, 13:35
Urban Gardini
I live in a fridge/freezer most of the year...
30 August 2018, 16:36
Tim Heimer
For a moment I thought Urban lived in Chicago by his statement! LOL
30 August 2018, 18:41
Urban Gardini
30 August 2018, 20:05
Urban Gardini
But I live at latitude 64...
30 August 2018, 20:05
Peter Hardy
That's a long way from Antarctica, I would have thought it would be tropical that far north!
30 August 2018, 20:40
Urban Gardini
It's cold enough most of the year...
30 August 2018, 20:42
Kerry COX
So. What was I talking about again. ?
30 August 2018, 20:44
Peter Hardy
Did you say something Kez? Sorry Mate, I was just engrossed in what you would post this morning on your Arizona thread.
30 August 2018, 20:55
Kerry COX
My post seems to have been hi jacked. !:-/
31 August 2018, 00:52
Michael Hickey
Hey Kerry, I've noticed that happens from time to time with this mob.🙂😢
31 August 2018, 01:21
Random Penguin
I have no clue how this could happened... 😄
31 August 2018, 01:25
Kerry COX
Oh well. Better than being banned from FaceBook. hahahaha 🙂
31 August 2018, 03:59

Album info

I have made an exploded view of the kit to show, without any damage, what the various elements goes to make up what a King Tiger's structure consists of.

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