Scalemates Messerschmitt Bf 109 Group Build 2020
36 6 November 2020, 16:33

My next Bf-109 groupbuild entry! The one-off Bf-109G03, with a V-tail. Build will be OOB, I think 🙂
6 November 2020, 16:34

Welcome Nathan, Kees and Björn! Curious about the fit of the resin tail parts!
6 November 2020, 19:52

Cool erik got some japanese kits by them in 72!
They look quite difficult
6 November 2020, 23:27

Hi Daniel! Well this is one is pretty much just as easy as a vanilla Hasagawa 109F/G. Except for the resin parts off course. Although it fits quite nicely
8 November 2020, 21:40

Cockpit ready and gave the resin tail some tlc for a better fit. Coming along now, despite my cat who's favorite spot is the 109s box 😄
11 November 2020, 21:07

Nice cockpit 🙂
I think you could place even the smallest 1:144 kit box on the floor and my cats would try to lay in it. Mine are dangerous in the hobby room though and are no longer allowed entry.
11 November 2020, 21:31

Now this is something you rarely ever see, the 109 that is as a box is normal habitat for cats. But what a cutie she is!
11 November 2020, 21:39

Indeed all cats do this! But she is only 10 weeks old now so for this moment she is allowed entry but this will most certainly change 😄
11 November 2020, 21:41

My cat weigh in at 5.3 kg and is to be considered a force of nature. But he loves boxes...
11 November 2020, 21:43

Mine, has 12 years old and what she really loves it is......sleep!!!????
11 November 2020, 21:47

To prevent the cat-in-hobby-room issue, we have an old box in the next room. It's her favourite box to sit on 😄
11 November 2020, 21:51

Plenty of empty boxes, but no cat yet. Does she come in handy when scraping plastic? I might need one then... 😉
12 November 2020, 00:54

Added the tail and wings, really odd looking creature 🙂. A Messerschmitt Bonanza
16 November 2020, 15:58

Erik..... I don't want to be THAT guy....... but, isn't the original tail shifted more towards the starboard side? When looking at your cover picture from straight back the port tail sits on the fuselage heart line while the port tail is protruding from the lower right. Dat dus..... 🙁
1 December 2020, 21:33

Well Patrick, exactly what I thought AFTER glueing the tail to the fuselage.. But, after some research on the Internets and in some books I did not came across a single mentioning of the tail being off centre.. Think I will keep it this way now since it already received its black base coat..😢
1 December 2020, 21:54

Thanks mates!! Means a lot!
Paintjob as good as done. Added some steel pins to the 2 tailplanes as they broke off numerous times grrrr!
3 December 2020, 21:07

😄 Erik, isn't that the beauty of things? Discovering stuff AFTER glueing or painting? 😉 Good thing though that you found it out yourself! As said, I didn't want to be THAT guy. 😉
4 December 2020, 18:46

A nice build, neat and sleek model Erik! You have an eye for historical 👍.
4 December 2020, 20:04

Unfortunately the kit decals are totally unusable as they disintegrate when they get wet OR when they don't they don't stick on the model.... So all the decals have to be acquired from the spares box. A modelling mate provides me with the letters. Will try to use the white WNr. decal, since I don't have that in spare...we'll see!
11 December 2020, 06:56

what a pity about those decals.....well, if you need just a letter.... you can always mask and airbrush.
11 December 2020, 09:25

Crosses on the underside too big and wrong position so they had to go! Unfortunately the decals weren't going anywhere. No reaction on Set and Sol tho weaken them, Tamiya tape no effect, even Ductape didn't bothered them. Overspraying them was the only solution.
11 December 2020, 21:42

Stunning work Erik....your build is absolutely the coolest subject in this GB...I said it already in our app, but merry X-mas mate!
24 December 2020, 22:29

You made Erik... well-done mate, two remarkable 109's....excellent builds IMHO!
29 December 2020, 21:44

Erik big huge congrats, such a unique subject as 109s go, lovely execution n beautiful photography! 👍👍👍
30 December 2020, 11:23

Thanks for the nice words mates!!
@Murad, when I first saw this 109 variant I knew I HAD to build me one! Bought this kit on EBay for too much money 😄. With unusable decals too haha 🤔
30 December 2020, 11:41

Wonderful! Such an interesting bird- and so well executed! Great work!
30 December 2020, 11:45
Project info
Costruzione di gruppo

Scalemates Messerschmitt Bf 109 Group Build 2020
1. Ottobre fino a 31. Dicembre 2020
1. Ottobre fino a 31. Dicembre 2020