F-100D 90th TFSVista: Presentazione Mosaico Elenco 1July 30, 2021OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 2July 30, 2021OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 3July 30, 2021OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 4July 30, 2021OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Commenti 8 30 July 2021, 15:28NeulingGood build with top paint work. Deserves more pictures!31 July 2021, 10:26DanielAgree! Looking really lifelike 👍 how did you accomplish the burnt paint at the rear?31 July 2021, 12:41Project infoF-100D 90th TFS4 immagini1:48Completato3+North American F-100D Super Sabre US Air Force (1947-now)90 TFS 55-2932 / CB Nashville SoundBien Hoa AB FS36622 FS34079 FS34102 FS30219, Nashville Sound Tutti gli albumVisualizza tutti gli album »