スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー


Francois bloemh
AH-1W/T+ Super Cobra Quick Set 3D Acrylic Instrument Panel
Red Fox Studio 1:35
16 September, 18:55
Fw 190A-8 ProfiPack edition
Eduard 1:48
8173 2006 新金型
16 September, 18:55
Francois bloemh
P51-D-5NA Mustang for Revell
Red Fox Studio 1:32
RFSQS-32005 2020 新金型
16 September, 18:54
Mariusz Gajewski
A-4M Skyhawk Light Attack Aircraft
Magic Factory 1:48
5002 2024 新金型
16 September, 18:54
Martin von Schreckenstein
55 28 December 2022, 18:55
Villiers de Vos
I am sure you will do it justice.
29 December 2022, 13:03
Good luck mate!
I assume you know how this kit is, so you know what you are embarking into.
29 December 2022, 18:32
Maciej Bellos
29 December 2022, 21:20
Martin von Schreckenstein
Marius, welcome. I was preparing myself mentally for years but now that I actually see the kits I have to admit that substantial further meditations will be required to ensure progress haha

Welcome Villiers and Maciej
31 December 2022, 09:31
Sylvain Vernier
The force be with you! 🙂
31 December 2022, 16:55
Andy Ball
Oh, wow. Going in?…good luck!
31 December 2022, 17:05
Martin von Schreckenstein
welcome Sylvain and Andy. i did not uave time to visit the workshop but next step is the cockpits. i am gonna open the MF and try to open the backseat of the UB
3 January 2023, 13:32
Andy Ball
I'm guessing you've checked other's work on these kits on here?, I'm sure they'll give you a heads-up on what to expect?
3 January 2023, 18:19
Good decision at cutting those air vents. Btw, now it's the right time to decide if you also want to drill the large holes for the lights (beneath the air intakes) and attach the clear parts as well. It's tricky, but worth it.
3 January 2023, 18:47
Łukasz Gliński
Joining the party 👍
4 January 2023, 12:59
Martin von Schreckenstein
hello and welcome Andy, Marius and Lukasz. Thanks Marius for pointing out those lights - I attempted to drill them out with a passable result.

I am also finishing up the interiors. i chose to open the backseat of 8325 and the 3924 is to be open also - the resin cockpits were distributed and prepared to reflect that but I am still not quite happy with how they turned out. I will leave them for now, the instrument panell will be the most visible and there is not much to do about that save for buying some additional PE parts.

also regarding the surface detail - it is correct and extensive but very pronounded. I did a pass with surfacer to fill it somewhat. i want the planes smoother as they seem in the pictures. that is what i want to focus on with this build. good filling and sanding so that the shape is nice at least, especially around the cockpit
16 January 2023, 15:42
Michael Kohl
Congrats on the ClearProp Floggers. I suppose you are aware of the issues of this kit - nice as it looks. If not I recommend sneeking into one or two build threads to minimize disappointment.
24 December 2023, 20:41
Martin von Schreckenstein
Hi Michael. Since my favorite 1/72 F-14 is Hasegawa and I am currently building two KP Floggers, I'd say the issues in Clear Prop kits are not something that would disappoint me🙂 I did research them anyway though🙂
24 December 2023, 21:42
Watching with interest 👍
25 December 2023, 18:51
Martin von Schreckenstein
wanted to catch up the ClearProp MLs to the KP bunch.

For a little mini review - I have to say that ClearProp definitely made the cockpit a little too complicated for its own sake so simplifying the process as opposed to the PE instructions could potentially yield better looking result for clumsy modellers like me🙂 otherwise, joining the lower hull part with the completed nose should be done with care and a lot of dry fitting, sawing and sanding. In any case though, I am wary of criticising the kit too much as this is the first time there is an 1/72 flogger kit that actually fits and looks like a flogger OOB. Keeping possible flaws in mind, I am still extremely happy with the kit.

Furthermore, I decided to use the extra clearProp clear parts and graft them onto the KP models. Process was successful with the MF but the UB actually has entirely different windshield shape which of course I know but didn't realize until AFTER cutting into the plastic. You win some, you lose some I guess.. Will try to fix it and I don't think hurt the kit much as opposed to the original haha

I am slowly filling the disaster that are the KP hulls and there is nothing the Clearprop kits can throw at me that would be more annoying than that.
29 January, 14:02
Interesting project. Following!
29 January, 19:22
29 January, 20:27
Sergej I
Following, looking great 👍
29 January, 21:08
Martin von Schreckenstein
hi and welcome Cuajete, Nicolas and Sergej! I don't have any further pictures but I am currently eating my words! specifically: "there is nothing the Clearprop kits can throw at me that would be more annoying than that."
I am putting together the nose and the rest of the hull plus dryfitting the top part and tears were shed, blood was spilled, sweat was flowing.

The kit is engineered but it is nit entirely clear to the modeller what the engineering specifically is. a tiny mistake at the start easily compounds into serious fit issues later which could still be considered a fun problem solving except that you mostly have no idea where the fit problem originates and the resulting fumbles compound the issues even more. I do not regret my (expensive) purchase but in the end, I have to admit - this is an extremely difficult kit.
6 February, 12:12
Alec K
Taking a belayed seat. I have read not-so-positive reviews of the CP release already, so not surprised to read your observations. Maybe I'll keep my RV kit for a while yet…
6 February, 14:04
Martin von Schreckenstein
Hi Alec, I wouldn't - Despite all the issues with clearprop - it actually looks like a flogger. RV doesnt really
6 February, 16:07
Alec K
Are there any specific areas of concern, or is it all wrong?
7 February, 01:46
Martin von Schreckenstein
I particularly dislike the windshield area - thats why I used the leftover clear parts from clearprop on the MF. in the case of the UB I will certainly try but I dont think there is much you can do to make the windshield and the canopies to look well.
7 February, 10:21
Pierre Pierre
taking a sit
7 February, 21:54
Alec K
Thanks Martin 👍
9 February, 13:53
I'm late taking a seat. So you are building four MiG-23s and not just three?
9 February, 18:30
Guy Rump
Following 👍
10 February, 09:03
Martin von Schreckenstein
Hello everyone. yes, i am building KP MF, RV UB and two ClearProp MLs, four in total
13 February, 10:19
Martin von Schreckenstein
one day all that putty is gonna be sanded off
14 February, 16:24
Well done so far 👍
14 February, 19:46
Nise portrait 😎
15 February, 22:20
Martin von Schreckenstein
thanks Cuajete and S M.

Paint is getting near! I will have to redo the masking on the UB canopies as the masks I got from Peewit are +- useless. sanding the airframes (especially the exhaust, vertical tabs and the speedbrakes) is mostly done.
22 February, 13:18
This is an interesting project. Here i have to stay tuned
22 February, 13:20
Martin von Schreckenstein
Welcome Oliver!
I will finish the MLs with black base and then I will paint the details like the nozzles and the antenna covers. Everyone has pylons now and gear wells are masked off to an extent
26 February, 10:20
Martin von Schreckenstein
Freehanding the camo. On last ML to do. After that I will look at the canopy seals, light gloss coat and stencils. I am itching to start on some tomcats but these migs are still quite a handful 🙂
3 April, 15:49
Very nice painting job. Looking so good 👍
3 April, 17:48
Łukasz Gliński
Love these colours on the Floggers 👍
3 April, 19:54
Martin von Schreckenstein
Thank you Cuajete and Lukasz.

3924 and 8325 are mostly done so I am moving on with the MLs (stencils).

8325 is just a big eyesore for me. I messed up the camo shades so the jet looks nothing like the pictures and even if the camo went well, the kit just doesnt look like a UB Flogger - I regret wasting money and effort on the RV kit and honestly do not believe there is a way to properly represent the topic in 72.

3924 however - the camo looks authentic imo and the windshield, canopy and other added details really make it look great. My only regret there is that I did not replace more parts (antennae, nozzle, gear doors, gear in general) and that I used the stencils from the KP kit - please do yourself a favor and throw them out🙂
5 May, 19:44
Looking so good, Martin 👍
Waiting for the final pics.
6 May, 17:41
Georges henrion
awesome work
14 September, 21:15
Missed this one.
Very good result
16 September, 18:54
Francois bloemh
Sukhoi Su-27UB Flanker C for Trumpeter
Red Fox Studio 1:32
16 September, 18:54
chris shooting
16 September, 18:53
chris shooting
16 September, 18:53
Raphael Holzer
Aircraft Weapon Set 2
Platz 1:144
AW-2 2021 新金型 マルチトピック (12)
16 September, 18:53
Francois bloemh
F-35C Lightning II - interior 3D decals for Trumpeter
UA Kelik 1:32
K32009 2023 新金型
16 September, 18:53
Claus Gaertner
Henschel Hs-129 B3 Tank Buster
Italeri 1:72
055 1995 新金型
16 September, 18:52
14 20 July, 18:09
I used the good wether today to work on the smaler parts for the Fallout diorama again. The most figures don't fit OOB, so are modified or combinations from different figures from the (up to now 4) figure sets.
20 July, 18:28
Today I started assembling the next 3 figures, including one complete scratch build. I've never done that before, so I'm exited if it works at all.
27 July, 19:16
Ben M
Very creative
27 July, 19:24
28 July, 00:03
Welcome, grab chairs.
Thanks Ben.
28 July, 05:21
Today I fitted the Rider to the motorcycle. The other figures just recived a little bit of putty.
28 July, 18:14
Christoph Kunz
Nice 👍
28 July, 21:14
Bruce Huxtable
Impressive work 🙂
28 July, 21:24
Thanks guys.
29 July, 04:31
I fixed the figures to corks and primed them with Revell 008 Black. Now I can see some small mistakes wich require some attention. The camera dosn't show that to well.
3 August, 19:24
Very cool, even with Brahmins. 👍 😎
4 August, 10:20
Shar Dipree
Watching. will you also open a photo album for the entire project?

4 August, 10:42
Hi Erik and Shar, welcome.
@Shar: At the moment I'm thinking about adding 2 more albums, one for infrastructure & buildings and one for the base witch would than include the entire project. For me, this makes the most sense, as I also proceed in the same way when building. The finished figures then go into the display case until I need them in the building or on vehicles, which are then back in the display case until the base is finished. As I use the albums here to keep an overview over the project I find everything faster.
4 August, 10:56
In the last week I reworked the seams & the details (1 or 2 figures a day) primed it yesterday Black (Revell Emaile 08) and added some White (Revell 04) ftom above to help with shadows & light.
11 August, 07:06
I worked today for nearly 5 h on basic painting of the clothes. As I will probably not use the girl with the crossbow I want to try some things here, but wasn't motivated in the end. Next weekend I want to start with the skin.
11 August, 18:28
I started working on the skin this weekend. Due to the dark base the coverage is bad. So I decided that final skin painting has to wait at least a week till the paint is dry enough for the next layer without working to much in the first one (I'm using oils here).
18 August, 18:53
18 August, 22:25
Yes, most of them, blocking the entrance to Vault 31.
19 August, 04:40
The last week I did basic painting for the metallic surfaces like weapons, buckles or metal armor.
8 September, 18:18
Ben M
Looking better and better every time I see an update!
8 September, 18:28
Thanks Ben. 🙂
8 September, 18:33
Manuel Verde
AZ 7856
Heinkel He 162B-6 Volksjager '46
AZmodel 1:72
AZ 7856 (AZ7856) 2023 新パーツ
16 September, 18:52
Michael B.
Benz Patent-Motorwagen 1886 Easy Version - Plastic Wheelspokes
UA ICM 1:24
24042 2022 新パーツ
16 September, 18:52
Claus Gaertner
Ju-87 G2 Kanonenvogel
Italeri 1:72
1221 2001 新パーツ
16 September, 18:52
Destroyer Z-17 Diether von Roeder
Zvezda 1:350
9043 2013 新金型
16 September, 18:51
Claus Gaertner
Junkers Ju 86-D
Italeri 1:72
114 1980 新箱
16 September, 18:51
Oleg Bogolei
21 画像
A-6A VA-145 SwordsmenView album, image #1
プロジェクト: A-6A VA-145 Swordsmen
1:72 A-6A Intruder (Trumpeter 01640)1:72 A-6A TRUMPETER (Eduard 73818)1:72 A-6 Intruder (Master AM-72-152)5+
36 9 September, 15:07
Oleg Smilyk
Hey,Oleg,very nice result!The wing mechanization of this model is impressive. The armament is very rare, beyond all praise!Great job!
12 September, 14:36
Tibor Szilvai
Nice work! 👍
13 September, 06:01
Łukasz Gliński
Impressive job 👍
13 September, 10:04
Great work!👍🏻
13 September, 10:15
Sergej I
Another excellent Navy birt, Oleg! 👍
13 September, 13:56
Every praise you got here is well deserved. 👍👍
13 September, 14:14
14 September, 12:46
Very good work!
16 September, 18:51
Michael B.
Lamborghini Countach 25th Anniversary
Italeri 1:24
3684 2016 変更???
16 September, 18:51
Viktor Mullin
Added a new review for:
SA 318C Alouette II
Brengun 1:72
BRS72024 2024 新パーツ
16 September, 18:50
Machine Gun Team (Mid-WWII)
Tamiya 1:35
35386 2024 新金型
16 September, 18:50
Aleksander Górka
22 14 September, 15:26
alessandro magrelli
Very well done
14 September, 15:35
Mr James
Very good paint and superb weathering...
14 September, 16:15
Nice one! Like it!
16 September, 18:50
Claus Gaertner
Do335A-1 Pfeil
Dragon 1:72
5009 1992 新金型
16 September, 18:50
Andrew Sanders
16 September, 18:48
Francois bloemh
AH-1Z "Shark Mouth" Quick Set 3D Acrylic Instrument Panel
Red Fox Studio 1:35
16 September, 18:49
Claus Gaertner
Junkers Ju 290 A-5 "Seeadler"
Revell 1:72
04340 2003 新金型
16 September, 18:49
Claus Gaertner
Arado Ar 240
Revell 1:72
03798 2024 新デカール
16 September, 18:48
Francois bloemh
Mi-4A Hound - interior 3D decals
UA Kelik 1:35
K35004 2022 新金型
16 September, 18:48
Dave Norman
11 画像
Completed photosView album, image #1
プロジェクト: A-4M Skyhawk
1:72 A-4M Skyhawk (Fujimi 25022)1:72 RNZAF T/A-4K Skyhawk (Oldmodels Decals OMD0017)1:72 A-4K Kahu Skyhawk Update Set (Air-Graphic Models CS-33)3+
19 14 September, 16:33
That is a nice Skyhawk, well done! 👍
14 September, 16:52
Patrick Hagelstein
Gorgeous! Very clean build! How did the decals perform? I have a set of Oldmodels Decals but on the sheet they look quite thick and grainy. Curious how they are to work with.
14 September, 17:19
Dave Norman
Yes they are thick and grainy as you mention. They work ok but found it useful to cover each decal with a swipe of Johnson's klear. Once all in place a good overall coverage of gloss varnish helps to blend them all in. Satin/matt varnish after the weathering also helps.
14 September, 17:28
Dave Flitton
How was the build? I have a few of these kits, yet have not built one.
14 September, 19:32
Dave Norman
The bulld was very straightforward with very few issues.
14 September, 19:45
Patrick Hagelstein
Thanks for the feedback Dave! 👍
15 September, 07:53
Very well done!
16 September, 18:48
Francois bloemh
16 September, 18:47
Leo Janssen
StuG III Ausf. G May-June 1943 Alkett Production
UA MiniArt 1:35
35341 2024* 新パーツ
16 September, 18:47
Heinz von Niederhäusern
Gustav Pt.3 Bf 109 G-6/AS & G-14/AS Dual Combo
Eduard 1:72
2160 2024* 新パーツ
16 September, 18:47
Claus Gaertner
Focke Wulf Fw 200 C-5/C-8 Condor
Revell 1:72
04387 (80-4387) 2006 新金型
16 September, 18:46
Claus Gaertner
Heinkel He 177 A-6 "Greif" & Hs 293
Revell 1:72
04306 (80-4306) 2007 新パーツ マルチトピック (1!!)
16 September, 18:46
Claus Gaertner
Blohm & Voss BV 141 B
Airfix 1:72
03014 1994 新デカール
16 September, 18:45







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