スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー


This is not 1:48.. its 1:32
S-3B Viking Anti-Submarine Aircraft
Trumpeter 1:48
05847 2025* 新金型
11 February, 20:59
13 2 February, 18:55
1  2 February, 19:02
Another project on the bench. I had this kit as a kid and built and painted it with the smallest available brush and unthinned Revell enamel paint. Hope this one will look slightly better in the end 😉
 3 February, 17:56
Martin Weinpold
Im here.
1  3 February, 18:25
Tibor Szilvai
1  3 February, 18:33
Thanks mates for the interest 🙂
The panel lines below the cockpit were just vertical ones, which is not correct as there are multiple access ports with lids. Also the fit was very poor here, had to putty and sand the area multiple times, as well as at the back around the horizontal stabilizers.
Airbrushed panel by panel and then sprayed some light coats to tone everything down.
 9 February, 17:42
Kim Branders
7 4 February, 06:20
Mr D
Looking like a smart project 👍
1  4 February, 21:06
Eric Thornton
Oh dark Viper! Following this one 👍
 9 February, 22:18
Anatolii Smyshliaiev
25 画像
Mil Mi-10PPView album, image #3New: 11 February, 19:55
This is what the model looks like now. The quality of the model parts is surprisingly excellent. I bought the model at t...
プロジェクト: Mil Mi-10PP
1:72 Mil Mi-10 (Amodel 72172)
6 11 February, 19:54
Robert Podkoński
Looks good already. It's a good idea to revive the project!
1  11 February, 20:17
Rui S
I'm in 😎
1  11 February, 20:38
Michael Kohl
What a beast! Very nice add ons. Anxious about the paint job.
1  11 February, 20:39
Anatolii Smyshliaiev
I'll try when painting it. It's one-color.
 11 February, 20:46
Which tires did you use for the jamming station?
 11 February, 20:51
4 11 February, 17:44
Taking a seat. 🙂
 11 February, 17:49
Robert Podkoński
Me 2!
 11 February, 18:13
Thanks guys, fingers crossed I do it justice.
 11 February, 18:56
how did you the balistic protection on the sidewalls?
 11 February, 19:09
@Marco They are from the Kelic set, the only thing I would say about them is that, I had to superglue them in.
 11 February, 20:49
damien bresso
3 11 February, 16:47
Robert Podkoński
Ambitious! Watching with interest 🙂
 11 February, 17:05
 11 February, 19:39
Michael Kohl
Oh a Vacuform kit. When I will have grown up I will do one too. In the meantime I follow your build.
 11 February, 20:42
Łukasz Gliński
Oh man, what a challenge! 👍
 11 February, 20:44
Johannes Schendlinger
35 23 December 2024, 18:44
Johannes Schendlinger
Here are the first impressions of my current project. The F3H-2M Demon from Hobby Boss. I also install an Aries cockpit and Aries electronics bays.
 23 December 2024, 18:57
Mr D
Very nice start to an interesting build 👍👍
1  23 December 2024, 19:26
Taking a seat.
1  29 December 2024, 16:40
Johannes Schendlinger
Thank you guys, nice to have you there.
 29 December 2024, 16:47
Johannes Schendlinger
Happy new year mates!😊 Here are some new impressions of my build.
 1 January, 16:43
Robert Podkoński
Watching too.
1  1 January, 19:23
Nice clean cut on the wings 👍🏻
1  1 January, 21:05
Michael Kohl
Fine work so far.
1  6 January, 16:46
Johannes Schendlinger
Welcome Robert, thanks for your interest.
Today I assembled the wings and the fuselage. The fit is mediocre, here some Acrylic Putty will help.
1  6 January, 16:51
Following. I have the same model in my stash so I'm very interested in your final result. So far it looks very nice 🙂
2  14 January, 08:11
Johannes Schendlinger
Thank you Maciej, nice to have you there. It's fun to build, the kit is fine. However, there are some areas that require a bit more attention, which means the fit is worse than what I'm used to from Hobbyboss.
 14 January, 09:18
Juergen Klinglhuber
Looks promising - need to follow too. 👍
1  19 January, 09:55
Guy Rump
Looking good, following. 👍
1  19 January, 10:13
Desert Marlin
Looks great so far!
1  7 February, 16:02
Johannes Schendlinger
Thank you, so far I´m pretty happy with the outcome. Next step is some weathering.
1  7 February, 16:26
Michael Kohl
You have all the reason to be happy as it's looking pretty good.
 11 February, 20:44
Gustavo Antonelli
6 2 February, 18:38
Scot R
The finished paint job really came out great. Congrats on the build.
 11 February, 20:40
Tim Jacobs@SCM Data suggestions
While working on the ResKit updates, I noticed a lot of inconsistency on how pilots are categorized. Many are put under the topic of the specific aircraft, while others are under [country], Soldiers, and some are multi-topic with both acft and Soldier. There's one that has three topics - acft, Soldier, and ejection seat.

Does the community have a standard on how we should handle these so we're consistent?

F-105 (F, G) "Thunderchief" ..d) (ResKit RSF72-0058, 1:72)
A-7 Corsair II female pilot ..s) (ResKit RSF72-0043, 1:72)
A-7 Corsair II female pilot ..s) (ResKit RSF48-0055, 1:48)
3 topic
A-7 (A, B, D, E) Corsair II ...) (ResKit RSF48-0045, 1:48)

11 February, 20:39
Randy Kriegel
2 11 February, 20:15
Rui S
Very nice work 👍
 11 February, 20:39
Aleksandr Kharkov
3 3 January, 06:30
Robert Podkoński
3 画像
I hope Mr Gorby won't be dissapointed ;)View album, image #3New: 11 February, 17:00
When fitting the ventral longeron I managed to break the undercarriage bays' covers (polistyrene is very brittle). Fortu...
1:72 Lesher Teal (AviS BX 72038)
10 6 February, 17:30
Following 🙂
1  6 February, 18:38
Alex K
1  6 February, 18:38
Robert Podkoński
Feel warmly welcomed, My Friends!
1  6 February, 18:39
Łukasz Gliński
Curious what connects that plane with Mr Gorbs 😄
 6 February, 19:26
Jan Peters
More stranger things from the Podkónski stables, I'm in 👍🏻
1  6 February, 19:27
You are not the only one, Łukasz 😄
1  6 February, 19:29
Robert Podkoński
I am happy to have you all on board, Mates 🙂 @Łukasz & Cuajete - read the description of the project 😉
1  6 February, 21:02
Thomas Espe
 6 February, 21:05
Robert Podkoński
Welcome, Thomas!
 6 February, 21:05
Łukasz Gliński
The airplane of the size of an earbud, interesting
 6 February, 21:10
'I'm in.
 7 February, 07:11
Wow the audience is filling out already. It'll be standing-room only soon. 🙂
 7 February, 08:48
Robert Podkoński
Feel warmly welcomed, Nicolas. @gorby - it is such only because your sobriquet appears in the title, methinks 😉
3  7 February, 11:19
Noooo. I think your preference for building strange stuff is just as well known as mine. I do weird wheels, you do wacky wings. 😉
3  7 February, 11:32
Robert Podkoński
Out of modesty, I won't deny it 😉
2  7 February, 14:32
John Hughes
Another of Robert's weird & wonderful selections? Count me in!
 7 February, 14:57
Robert Blaschke
I never heard about this one 🙂
 7 February, 15:28
a flying object that was completely unknown to me.
A real curiosity ends up at Robert's work table.
I'm excited to see how the construction process goes and of course to see the finished plane.
Good luck and enjoy the construction👋👍
 7 February, 16:13
Robert Podkoński
Welcome, My Friends! I hope not to dissapoint you all...taking into account that Roland has put the bar very high already:
Lesher Teal | Album by Roland (1:72)
 7 February, 16:56
Moreno Baruffini
 11 February, 20:25
Michael Kohl
You really really really wanted to make sure to build something off the mainstream, wouldn't you?! 😉
That looks like fun.
 11 February, 20:37
Zsolt Czegle
40 画像
SPK-12GView album, image #38New: 11 February, 19:30
プロジェクト: SPK-12G
1:72 Советский Стреловой кран СПК-12Г (Snake Model Sm72015)1:72 Road from plates (White Stork Miniatures D005)
55 15 October 2024, 14:36
No doubt this will be an interesting build. 🙂
1  15 October 2024, 15:48
Robert Podkoński
Taking a first-row seat on this talent-show!
1  15 October 2024, 17:35
Zsolt Czegle
Welcome ont the aboard mates!
 16 October 2024, 16:37
Villiers de Vos
Nice progress.
1  16 October 2024, 20:04
👀 On board
1  17 October 2024, 14:40
Michael Kohl
Me too.
1  28 October 2024, 20:05
Zsolt Czegle
Hello Bohrmann and Michael!
 29 October 2024, 06:12
Zsolt Czegle
A little progress again with the reels and coils...
 29 October 2024, 06:13
Michael Kohl
Is it a conversion or a full kit? I had very good experiences with Snake Models. How is this kit? Does it come with instructions of where to put hoses and cables or did you have to research that yourself?
 29 October 2024, 07:47
Villiers de Vos
A very unique project.
1  29 October 2024, 08:07
Zsolt Czegle
Michael: This is a full resin kit casted of a awesome resin. This is my second kit from Aleksei and I'm very statisfied with it.

There is a little scheme how and where to "attach" the hoses (photo nr.7). I couldn't find any photos in internet because this is an unique vehicle and only one prototype was produced but never ordered by the Soviet Army.
 29 October 2024, 09:23
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS
Watching your build progress always makes me thinking of also doing these kind of stuff ... one day I will do it - do you then try a plane model? 😂
1  31 October 2024, 14:29
Zsolt Czegle
Thank you Thomas ! I've also some planes in my stash! 😉
 1 November 2024, 19:54
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS
Ohhh - can't wait to see you doing a plane 😊
1  2 November 2024, 08:27
Will not miss this one, looking really good!
1  10 November 2024, 13:58
Rui S
I'm in 😎
1  10 November 2024, 23:17
Zsolt Czegle
I'm back to the bench!

Welcome Finn and Rui!

Let's start with the colors......
1  29 December 2024, 17:49
Zsolt Czegle
The crane tank is now resplendent in green, having received the enamel pinwash and the fading with oilpaints.
1  10 February, 14:59
Zsolt Czegle
Added heavy paint chipping and worn effects and shaded with Ammo Shader
 11 February, 19:33
Michael Kohl
Ahhhh, chipping and weathering makes all the difference. Very nice.
1  11 February, 20:31
Paulo Fonseca
18 6 July 2024, 23:09
Following 😃
 9 January, 00:36
6 11 February, 15:57
Beautiful work!
 11 February, 17:26
Air no
Belle mise en scène, j'adore !!
 11 February, 17:30
Rui S
Great work, as always 👍 How did you find the kit? Any issues 🤔
 11 February, 17:32
Thank you guys.

The kit looks good in the box. But on closer inspection, I noticed a lot of burrs, even though I bought it as soon as it came out. When building it, serious fitting problems became apparent in some places. Nothing fits together properly, especially in the area of ​​the engine cover, especially if you want to assemble everything closed.
 11 February, 19:26
Rui S
Thx for the heads up 👍
 11 February, 20:28
Miguel Vaquero
13 画像
Canadair CL-215 (Botijo) Ejercito del Aire (Diorama)View album, image #1
Beautiful box art. Let's star the build!
1:72 Canadair CL-215 (Heller 80373)
22 5 February, 09:35
really interested in seeing what you do with it 🙂
 5 February, 09:43
Miguel Vaquero
Welcome aboard Spanjaard.

I've decided I'm going to represent the plane putting out a wild fire. For that I will need to make the plane with the gear up and flaps down, wich the kit doesn't include an option for neither. I'm also going to make it with the water door open, so plenty of scratch builds for this project. It's going to be a long one again
 5 February, 13:59
no rush 🙂 have fun
 5 February, 14:17
Живко Джаков
I like this machine. I've seen newer ones work. I'm joining the show.
To Naples. [img1]
 5 February, 15:13
 5 February, 19:28
Joining, i like that plane
 5 February, 19:48
Watching! 👍
 5 February, 20:08
Miguel Vaquero
Welcome on board guys!!

That's an amazing photo Живко! Is it yours??
1  5 February, 20:19
Miguel Vaquero
Interior all done. Not as detailed as some of my other builds because I dont want to lose to much time in a an interior it's not going to be seen, much more when there's going to be a while diorama for the plane.
 5 February, 21:07
Живко Джаков
Yes. It's mine. They were flying over us all day. The fire was 200-300 meters from the filming location, across a valley.
Canadair CL-415 | Album by JivkoDjakov (1:72)
1  5 February, 21:15
Miguel Vaquero
Those are incredible photos! Love them. Did you get the chance to finish your model?

I created the water drop doors in blender, waiting to print them later today.
 6 February, 12:30
Живко Джаков
It's ready, just not photographed. I'll take care of it these days.
1  6 February, 12:35
Miguel Vaquero
I'll make sure to follow it!
 6 February, 20:34
Miguel Vaquero
Fully assembled and ready for masking and painting. I ended up doing the door with some plastic I had for other projects and some stretched sprue. I also made some structure inside the water tanks to make it more appealing
 8 February, 19:32
Miguel Vaquero
Funny detail I learned while doing this project. This version of the plane, Wich is the first one ever made, mounted the same engine as the Corsair. Although not even half as detailed as the one that I made in the same scale last year
1  8 February, 19:37
Miguel Vaquero
Welp, my compressor broke mid painting the yellow. Time to order a new one 😞. I'll have to hold the build for the moment. If I get the time maybe I'll start with the diorama base.
1  9 February, 20:38
Guillaume Blanchet
I bult this kit as a kid. I love the improvements you've added. Best of luck with the new compressor 😉 .
1  9 February, 21:28
Those hatches and the water tank structure look amazing 👍
I'm so sorry about the broken compressor 🙁
Does the landing gear have the option to leave it in the raised position or did you modify it in some way?
1  10 February, 20:38
Dave Flitton
Nice start!
1  10 February, 21:58
Miguel Vaquero
Thank you guys!! I finally mage to fix the compressor so, one thing out of the way 😄😄.

And cuajete unfortunately no it doesn't. I had to look for pictures and videos of the landing gear up to modify it to look as close as possible. The wheels are going to end up a little higher on the bay because the suspension is modeled as it were compressed, if it were raised it would be a little longer but could find a way to make that looking good. But overall the final result I think is quite convincing.
1  11 February, 20:28
Thomas Kolb
46 15 January, 18:11
1  15 January, 19:17
Very interesting project to start the year 👍
Good start!
1  15 January, 19:40
1  15 January, 20:05
Harry Eder
Very promising start! 👍
1  15 January, 20:15
Robert Podkoński
Quadruple build? Ambitious! Watching with pleasure!
1  15 January, 20:48
Łukasz Gliński
Oh man, 4*Viggen 😮
1  15 January, 21:21
Patrick Hagelstein
Very cool! I'll join in! 🍿
1  15 January, 21:23
Massive project! I'm in!👍🏻
1  15 January, 22:38
4 Viggens? print row, please!
1  15 January, 22:49
Taking a seat as well. 👍🏻
1  15 January, 23:49
Watching 👍
1  16 January, 07:38
Michael Kohl
Me too. Already learned to better open up the RAT turbine at my Viggen. A step I lazily omitted.
2  16 January, 08:33
Daniel Mysak
Nice start👍! ...will follow your progress.
1  16 January, 14:57
Mid Franconian
😎 Following!
1  16 January, 18:05
Thomas Kolb
Main assermbly done on all four models, but now I have a few days to spend sanding and filling unwanted seams and crude areas. A bit tedious, but that's what you get when you choose to build four nearly identical models at the same time.
 17 January, 14:23
Łukasz Gliński
That escalates damn quickly! 👍
2  17 January, 16:03
Robert Podkoński
Impressive progress indeed
2  17 January, 17:11
Mirko Römer
Oh my... Good luck, Thomas! 🙂
I own two of them and was thinking of a double build but rejected the idea. Thanks for the encouragement!
1  17 January, 18:26
Very ambitious project and well explained steps! Following indeed! 😄👍
1  17 January, 19:17
Good progress! 👍
2  17 January, 19:27
Mr D
Great project 👍
Was there much difference between the kits ?
1  17 January, 19:29
Patrick Hagelstein
Wow! That's a quick build! 😳 I can only dream to build ONE kit that fast, let alone four at once!
1  17 January, 19:29
Thomas Kolb
Mr D, no, they are pretty much the same. Most of the parts for all versions are provided in every kit. But there are some subtle differences that need attention, like the extension of the fuselage for the fighter version.
1  17 January, 22:05
Thomas Kolb
Patrick, haha, I am a pretty fast builder, but I am extremely slow when it comes to painting. That's where my projects usually come to a crawl.
3  17 January, 22:07
Juergen Klinglhuber
watching with interest - I love SAAB aircraft anyhow, but 4 of them in one project --great!!
1  18 January, 10:31
This is more interesting than I thought it would be. The subtle difference between them are pretty cool.
2  20 January, 10:53
Thomas Kolb
With only a few minutes of modeling here and there this week, it's quite a slow progress, but I am still inching closer to the finished assembly.
 30 January, 20:16
Veryt nice wapons and pods 👍
1  1 February, 19:19
Dave Flitton
Excellent work. Can't wait for the finished product!
1  10 February, 22:16
I agree with Dave 👍
 11 February, 18:52
★ Starfish ★
Really looking forward to the paint jobs! Great work so far!
 11 February, 19:59
What a glorious project!
 11 February, 20:27
Sebastian Em
25 画像
W I.PView album, image #1New: 11 February, 20:00
プロジェクト: SAM-6
1:72 SAM-6 Antiaircraft Missile (Trumpeter 07109)
7 8 February, 11:55
Jean-Daniel Aebischer
2 8 January, 20:32
Jean-Daniel Aebischer
 12 January, 18:50
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work on the camouflage scheme.
 16 January, 14:48
Jay Mountain Goat
1 画像
1/72 Revell Transall C-160View album, image #1New: 11 February, 18:12
Build of the 1/72 Revell Transall model kit. Here a shot of the interior. Note that the Revell instructions have you bui...
プロジェクト: 1/72 Revell Transall C-160
1:72 C-160 TRANSALL (Revell 04602)
9 11 February, 18:11
Jan Solo
Looks amazing !!! Love the detail and the model more and more the longer i look at it.
 11 February, 18:16
3 Transall?? I cant' miss it!
Very nice interiors 👍
 11 February, 19:21
I'm in.
 11 February, 19:37
I think it's two, but equally impressive. Watching 👍
 11 February, 19:41
Jirka Bures
5 画像
Vought F4U-1A CorsairView album, image #4New: 11 February, 18:44
Decals on. I'll get it dirty.
プロジェクト: Vought F4U-1A Corsair
1:72 Vought F4U-1A Corsair (Tamiya 60775)
7 27 January, 09:26
Martin Weinpold
Nice surface!
 27 January, 09:50
Michael Kohl
Following too
 27 January, 11:15
Patrick Hagelstein
Curious to see what the final results will look like.
 27 January, 11:18
 11 February, 19:37
Robert Careau
Hi. I need parts 188-189 (transparent parts) of the old Revell kit. Ferrari 126C2 1/12 scale. Someone has that?
11 February, 19:28
9 画像
MAN TGM GW-L 2View album, image #7
プロジェクト: MAN TGM GW-L 2
1:24 HLF 20 Varus 4x4 (Revell 07452)1:24 Truck Conversion Kit (Italeri 776)
7 28 January, 14:06
Here we go again!
You're gonna run out of kits, at this pace?
 9 February, 16:33
There's a couple more, for you to seek out 😉
 9 February, 16:36
Thanks Boozer. But I think I will build my Unimog first before building this truck. So I won't run out of kits. I always wanted to buy the recovery truck and convert it to a German one, simply changing the cab to a Mercedes Benz Actros or MAN TGM.
1  10 February, 07:55
Andre Louis
I also got that kit recently! Looking forward to your modifications. My one will be probably just out of the box
 11 February, 18:59
Air no
7 11 February, 12:22
Sympa les photos en l'air.
Les trains fixes du stuka le permettent sans trop photoshoper.
1  11 February, 12:36
Rui S
Another Beauty 👍
2  11 February, 12:41
wow... teaser is just amaazing, in B/W would be just a reference pic
1  11 February, 18:09
Air no
Merci à vous trois !!
 11 February, 18:57
Andre Louis
12 画像
Building progressView album, image #9
Chassis is pretty much complete
プロジェクト: Scania S730 Highline
1:24 Scania S730 Highline 4x2 (Italeri 3927)
13 4 January, 16:55
Yes. A bit annoying that Italeri recycles old chassis but it is easier\cheaper to update the chassis with aftermarket parts than the cabs. Italeri is the last company to release new plastic models with updated cabs from time to time so I guess beggars can't be choosers.
May I ask what paints did you use? Really like the finish and the dark grey shade.
 5 January, 05:34
Andre Louis
Yes, that is Revells Email Color in a 50/50 mix of 07 and 378.
1  5 January, 13:10
Martin Oostrom
Yup. Better some subpar trucks than none. Luckily not much of the chassis should be seen, especially with a trailer hitched.
 1 February, 18:29
On my Scania, I was advised not to put on the cab mounts, until the very last minute. I took the advice, because it made sense, because the parts are so delicate. To my annoyance, when everything had dried, it became apparent that the cab only raised about an inch? All the work on the engine, was lost 🙁
 10 February, 16:57
Sieht bis super aus!
 10 February, 16:58
Andre Louis
Danke, Qwertzel!
 11 February, 18:45
Andre Louis
@Bozzer: Thanks for the input. It is always interesting to learn new strategies. In this case I put the cab mounts on early to make sure they are properly glued to the chassis. I also took them as one of a few reference points to make sure the parts are aligned well and that the chassis is straight. However, I just realized that I lost the two pins (parts 80B) that finally connect the cabine and the chassis. Looks like I have to be creative there...
 11 February, 18:52
Andre Louis
@Martin: You have a point there and I am indeed happy that Italeri makes those kits. Just if you see how well the new parts of the cabine fit, it is sad that the chassis is not on the same level.
 11 February, 18:56
Rylan Trout
12 画像
TBF-1C AvengerView album, image #10New: 11 February, 18:53
プロジェクト: TbF-1C Avenger
1 11 February, 18:43
Zsolt Czegle
52 26 April 2023, 21:11
Zsolt Czegle
I couldn't resist my to one of my latest booty from Moson.

It's 3D printed model from 2 parts so I added a jack and tools from my sparebox.

Let's start with the painting....
 26 April 2023, 21:16
Łukasz Gliński
Cool one 👍
 27 April 2023, 11:56
Robert Podkoński
Nice, indeed (and very good print - I can see no layers).
 27 April 2023, 12:32
Zsolt Czegle
It's really a good quality print. Only a minor layer are visible on some place. Only one difficult thing is there: the whole model is a single piece. So it's difficult to paint the wheels and behind them.
 27 April 2023, 13:00
Michael Kohl
Let me be part of that. 🙂
 27 April 2023, 13:21
Robert Podkoński
That seems to be the common vice of 3D printed models...
 27 April 2023, 13:22
Michael Muschalik
Even the wheels are attached?! Wow, leave some assembly for modellers. 😄
 27 April 2023, 22:53
Christian Lehmann
 29 April 2023, 21:13
Zsolt Czegle
Camouflage painting done...
 30 April 2023, 08:07
Christian Lehmann
Youre a busy modeller
 30 April 2023, 10:12
Zsolt Czegle
Lemmy I'm just enthusiastic and impassioned 😉
 30 April 2023, 11:14
Michael Muschalik
That paint job is really nice. 👍
 30 April 2023, 16:17
Michael Kohl
Coming along nicely
 30 April 2023, 16:27
Zsolt Czegle
Thank you mates.


I stripped the paint today. The paint layer were too thick, and the little rivets were disappeared. The colors were also too dark, so after the wash it was more darker. I didn't like it.... So reset, and start again with the primer...
 4 May 2023, 17:49
Villiers de Vos
Beautiful little gem.
 4 May 2023, 18:10
Interesting one
 4 May 2023, 18:29
Łukasz Gliński
Interesting, it turns out you can repaint these 3D kits as much as you want to, something to remember 🙂
 4 May 2023, 18:46
Austin Steenkamp
Probably the smallest kit I've ever seen
 5 May 2023, 00:02
Zsolt Czegle
Thank you mates!

Łukasz: the paint was stripped with normál household drain cleaning granulate.
The resin is not damage.

Austin: maybe, but the Ansaldo from the same manufacturer is more smaller 😉 It will be my next project....
 5 May 2023, 19:54
Zsolt Czegle
So the 2nd round is started: I airbrushed the base color.
 5 May 2023, 20:12
Łukasz Gliński
Waiting for The Order of Honourable Rivet Counters to mention it's an American plant 😛
 7 May 2023, 17:59
Zsolt Czegle
Łukasz no , it's not a plant!! 🙂
 7 May 2023, 19:00
Zsolt Czegle
The camouflage is masked-painted-masked-painted.....

I'm more satisfied with this than with the former painting.
 7 May 2023, 19:03
Guy Rump
Very nice!
 7 May 2023, 19:29
Łukasz Gliński
I meant the photoetched leaves 😋
 8 May 2023, 09:50
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 8 May 2023, 12:17
Zsolt Czegle
Thank you mates!

Łukasz: it's an international plant!!! And the PE is also made in Hungary. So it's doubled not American plant 😉
 8 May 2023, 13:09
Tom B.
Really liking the layout of that base... can´t wait to see some more progress 👍
 8 May 2023, 20:37
Zsolt Czegle
Thank you Tom!

I added some vegetation, and the crosses is on its place.
 16 May 2023, 15:42
Simon Nagorsnik
Nice looking camo! Very fine 👏
In the end, it turned out great 😁
 10 June 2023, 05:34
Little beauty.
 10 June 2023, 05:46
So cute! Nice work👍
 10 June 2023, 08:24
Zsolt Czegle
After ca. 8 months of pause the project continues....
1  10 February, 15:08
Zsolt Czegle
Shaded with Ammo Shader
 11 February, 18:39
Zsolt Czegle
30 1 January, 17:16
1  2 January, 21:23
Rui S
I'm in too 😎
1  3 January, 11:54
Łukasz Gliński
Me 3
1  3 January, 12:48
Bas Tonn
Interesting subject
1  3 January, 12:52
Zsolt Czegle
Welcome mates on the aboard!
 6 January, 06:17
Robert Podkoński
Watching for sure!
1  6 January, 06:22
👀 on board
1  7 January, 15:45
Jakub Fiala
👍 following
1  7 January, 16:47
Tom B.
Looking nice so far! Following along on this one 👍
1  7 January, 18:24
Good small scale build. I like the work on the interior!
2  26 January, 10:44
Robert Podkoński
Looks great already. (I was always wondering what was the point camouflaging the machine, when it carried so prominent, colourful crosses on the turret...)
1  26 January, 13:57
Zsolt Czegle
The little Hungarian SPAAG is pinwashed and faded with oilpaints.
 10 February, 15:01
Zsolt Czegle
Robert: it's a good question.... Later the tricolor cross was left behind and the vehicles got the new war Insignia: a white cross in black square
1  10 February, 15:04
Zsolt Czegle
Added some shades with Ammo Shader....
 11 February, 18:38
Kesa Tiho
4 画像
Welcome to the scary world of rattle cansView album, image #4New: 11 February, 18:30
The diorama creation begins
プロジェクト: Hell on earth
1:35 Panther (Tamiya 35065)1:35 Panther Brass 75mm Projectiles (Tamiya 35173)
1 8 February, 16:46
17 28 November 2024, 19:02
Олег О
Very interesting. I'll take a look.
 4 December 2024, 11:18
Michael Kohl
Me too. Anxious to see how you fare with the non-ACE ACE-kit.
 4 December 2024, 13:10
Well, the kit looks good. The plastic is solid and the fitting is good. For sure there is a little bit of flash but nothing crazy. So I hope the build goes down without any problems
 4 December 2024, 17:35
Lady of the lake
Karol Rudyk Art 75mm
11 February, 18:26
Lady of lake
Karol Rudyk Art 1:10
11 February, 18:21
d hadley
5 21 June 2018, 20:29
Bob Hall
I did the Highland Green one, but Ford also put out one known as the Black Bullitt, that one day I need to build. Awesome job by the way !
 11 February, 17:24
d hadley
Thank you!
 11 February, 18:18
d hadley
5 30 January, 13:18
Bob Hall
I have Serial Number 08KR0032. Now if can get my hands on a 1968 KR, my life would be complete !

 30 January, 17:08
d hadley
Jealous! I would love to own one of these in real life!
 31 January, 12:38
Bob Hall
I don't know where your going with the red, but I like it, can't wait to see it

Here's mine.

My 2008 Shelby GT500KR | Album by springfieldm14 (1:25)
1  11 February, 17:28
d hadley
The red is the color coat. from here its wet sand and clear coat. Yours is stunning!
 11 February, 18:15
Greg Baker
11 31 January, 16:27
Lorraine Lin
 31 January, 16:39
Greg Baker
Starting to clear out the shelf of doom. I started this project (and my soon to be update Mustang Voir et Savoir project) as a parallel to the The Battlefield - The Black Knight of Berlin (part 1) | Album by strobez (1:144) - mainly because the Platz boxes came with two kits in one. However, even though I've long since finished the Black Knight project, the "alternates" have sat warming the shelf ever since. About time I completed them. Truth be told, some of the early pictures in this project are also the same ones published as part of the Black Knight ones... but they're separate projects and represent a twin build process, so I'm hopefully forgiven.
1  31 January, 16:41
Greg Baker
Ok... feels better to have an updated pic in the album~ For some reason the paint seems a bit dry and bumpy. I might have to take a microfibre cloth to it.
1  1 February, 19:12
Ben M
 1 February, 19:25
Robert Podkoński
Taking a seat here too 😉
 1 February, 19:28
front row please 🙂
 1 February, 19:31
Matthew A
I thought those panel lines are a bit thick for 1:72 - then I realized its 1:144. Well done to Platz for such a good kit
 3 February, 13:34
Greg Baker
Yeah. The Platz kits are generally beauties. They are a bit of a double-edged sword though. I had a bit of trouble with the painting on this one. I think my airbrush was a bit dirty and I didn't have as much control over the flow of paint as usual. So, after my first attempt at painting a splotchy Luftwaffe camouflage I chalked it up to my lack of skill and repainted it and tried again. The even worse result made me realize that the needle in my airbrush was opening up too much and was making a mess of things. The problem is, after 4-5 coats of paints... undercoat, camo, undercoat again, slight fix, camo, etc. It was starting to look too soft. So I ended up washing all the paint off (and scribing some of the stubborn bits out of those fine panel lines using an old airbrush needle). Needless to say, It was a bit frustrating, but I think I'm ready to try again.
 3 February, 16:55
I am sure you will succeed!! do not give up Greg 🙂
 3 February, 19:59
Greg Baker
Thanks Spanjaard. Got it cleaned up, but now I have to mask the canopy again… sigh.
 4 February, 07:44
Greg Baker
Ok... back to where we started.
 7 February, 17:51
looking good now 🙂
 11 February, 12:35
Greg Baker
I'm not sure the camouflage worked as well as I hoped, but perhaps my expectations of my airbrush skills in 1/144 scale were aspirational. 😉
 11 February, 16:44
some camos in 1/144 can be .... interesting to try 😄 😄
 11 February, 18:07





