スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー


3 16 March, 09:46
Robert Podkoński
Good job!
 16 March, 09:50
Jeremias H
awesome paintjob!
 16 March, 09:55
Tim Bullock
13 15 March, 14:15
Woooooooow..... woooooooow.......woooooooooooow!!!!!
 15 March, 14:59
WOW, fantastic diorama!
 15 March, 15:03
Beautiful looking dio.
 15 March, 16:45
Rui S
I agree 👍
 15 March, 17:56
Jeremias H
Great Dio!
 16 March, 09:52
Elias Korompilis
26 15 March, 19:20
That is Beautiful. Fantastic work with the rigging for that scale.
 15 March, 19:37
Łukasz Gliński
Oh wow, such a neat build and such an awful lot of well done rigging 👍
 15 March, 19:45
Rui S
Another eye catcher 👍
 15 March, 20:32
Beautiful work, wow!
 15 March, 21:03
Alex K
Wow...! The rigging, yes - but there's apparently much more to this, i.e. converting an earlier 504K/L to a late 504N/O... Respects, once again!
 15 March, 21:03
Tibor Szilvai
Nice work! 👍
 15 March, 21:07
Yes, engine, wings, tanks, there must be a lot of conversion work.
 16 March, 07:36
True gem!
 16 March, 07:51
Thomas Kolb
That is one impressing model, The rigging is quite spectacular.
 16 March, 08:01
 16 March, 08:26
excellent job. amazing rigging.
 16 March, 08:47
I agree with Spanjaard. 👍
 16 March, 09:39
Robert Podkoński
Awesome job!
 16 March, 09:52
Rui S
188 画像
Esci sdkfz 10/4.View album, image #188New: 15 March, 15:28
And "Another one bites the dust" ;) :) :D Finally
プロジェクト: Sd.Kfz.10/4
1:35 Sd. Anhänger 51 (Italeri 6450)1:35 Sd.Kfz. 10/4 für 2cm FlaK 30 (ESCI 5018)1:35 Afrikakorps (Italeri 304)4+
66 16 March 2015, 20:55
Clifford Keesler
I always judge for myself.
 16 March 2015, 22:48
Rui S 著者
I agree...
 16 March 2015, 22:57
M.Julian Marles
Nice! This was the first ESCI kit I ever built..apart from the high flash level it builds into an acceptable little kit...😢
 17 March 2015, 05:57
Rui S 著者
Hi, M.Julian. Thanks'. I'm Leaving the Dragon ones to the end hehehe. My first ESCI was the 7.5 cm. Light Infantry Gun German Artillery Unit 1:35 (I will also make a photoalbum from it). That's true, but dealing with flash and seams it's part of the hobby and it's ok for me (and sometimes even relaxing)...
 17 March 2015, 13:07
M.Julian Marles
Yep i have the italeri version of that one 🙂
 17 March 2015, 18:48
Rui S 著者
Be aware M.Julian, because the italeri instructions also have some errors...
 19 March 2015, 12:59
M.Julian Marles
Thabx for the heads up
 19 March 2015, 17:56
Choppa Nutta
Cool project dude, trailer is looking cool, you need to jump back on this one 🙂
 24 July 2015, 01:42
Rui S 著者
Hey, Thanks for the encouragement Mate. Appreciated😉
 24 July 2015, 01:46
Rui S 著者
Restarted work. Let's see if I can finish this😎
 21 June 2016, 23:25
Andrea Morris
Got the mojo back 🙂
 21 June 2016, 23:28
Rui S 著者
Sorry Dave, I'm not sure what you mean 🙁 but it is back
 21 June 2016, 23:36
Andrea Morris
Mojo = enthusiasm 🙂
 21 June 2016, 23:37
Rui S 著者
Ahh OK, Sorry for my ignorance. Yes, it is as said 😄
 21 June 2016, 23:43
There's a certain satisfaction to getting a terrible old kit into a presentable state that you just don't get with modern high quality kits. Good job!
 22 June 2016, 15:56
John Dunbar
Hey Rui, nice start!! 👍
 22 June 2016, 16:44
Rui S 著者
Thank you mates, comments much appreciated.
@EnsignExpendabl, You are absolutely right mate, as I prefer to save instead really spend lots of money in after market or very expensive new models.
I really enjoy improving the old hobby stuff with some improvisation😉
@John, Finally I think now I'm getting near the end of it.😎
 22 June 2016, 16:56
Rui S 著者
The fight with too stiff and hard tracks and a broken one. Simultaneously trying to simulate track Sag.
 24 June 2016, 14:16
Roy McKenzie
I like the small improvements you did. The grill looks great opened
 24 June 2016, 14:43
Andrea Morris
Good progress!
 24 June 2016, 18:59
Rui S 著者
Thank you, mates, appreciated.
@Roy I agree and it was very easy to do it with that small saw😉
 25 June 2016, 00:30
Rui S 著者
Added some more detail and highlight in the hull.
 25 June 2016, 10:56
Nice work improving this ancient Esci kit! I recently built an equally terrbile Esci Sdkfz 10, and it is indeed quite satisfying to improve the old kit yourself, instead of buying loads of aftermarket.
 25 June 2016, 17:38
Rui S 著者
Hi Tomska,
Thx for your nice comment, much appreciated.
I fully agree with you, mate. It's quite rewarding to get your best from an old kit.
You should post some albums of your work...🙂
 26 June 2016, 12:08
Rui S 著者
Camouflage colour applied over the grey base colour.
 27 June 2016, 23:21
Rui S 著者
Started figure painting, base paint, some kind of colour modulation, detail painting and gloss varnish for future wash's, filters and chipping.
Some more detail added😎
 5 July 2016, 00:12
Rui S 著者
Applied Filters and Chipping😉
 7 July 2016, 22:05
Choppa Nutta
Really nice work Rui ! 👍 🙂
btw set your Teaser to latest mate😉 😄
 7 July 2016, 22:32
Rui S 著者
Hi Mate,
Thank you very much for your really nice comment Choppa. Coming from you has a special taste.
Ok, if you say so, I will change the Teaser, but it is still a work in progress 🙂
 7 July 2016, 22:39
Choppa Nutta
Not to salty I hope haha 😄
anyhow, doesn't matter that it is a work in progress, we all wanna see at a glance progress is being made😉 😄

Seriously though, nice work, one thing though, better lights and a contrasting background, a sheet of warm light blue or something just to help the model pop out the photos a bit more make your good work easier to see 🙂
 7 July 2016, 22:48
Andrea Morris
GREAT work Rui 🙂
 7 July 2016, 23:05
Rui S 著者
@Choppa, Of course you are right Mate.
Normally I take photos with a white background and different lights or natural light. I will do it later on the process.
This ones are from my working place just to memorize the progress.
@Dave, Thank you for your GREAT comment. much appreciated.
I think, next phase will be:
Adding more details and gear, apply dry pastels and mate varnish. Also detail painting and washes in the figurines.😉
 7 July 2016, 23:29
Choppa Nutta
sorry don't mean to be picky but you're doing nice work here and it is worth getting that white sheet out to present it well 😄

Anyhow, looking forward to seeing it to completion 🙂
 7 July 2016, 23:45
Rui S 著者
Me too, my my friend, me too.
I will do it slowly and meanwhile I will try to take better photos😎
I've got the MOJO to end this one and the other two also.
Let's see how long it will take hehehe
 7 July 2016, 23:50
Andrea Morris
Keep that mojo pumping 🙂
 7 July 2016, 23:55
Rui S 著者
Thanks Dave, I will.
 7 July 2016, 23:56
Choppa Nutta
yeah, What Dave said ! 👍 😄
 7 July 2016, 23:58
Rui S 著者
Este é o meu País.
Não precisamos de electricidade na torre Eiffel.......👍 👍 👍 👍 👍
 11 July 2016, 03:08
M.Julian Marles
Looks great. It goes to show that very old and supposed outdated kits can look great with a nice paint job. I also like how you've reworked old figures into something new😄 as for football I guess the Welsh had a pretty good run!😉
 11 July 2016, 05:29
Rui S 著者
Thank you for the nice comment, M.Julian. much appreciated.
I'm glad you liked the paint job and the cannibalized old figures, (some older than others).
Yesterday I gave some talcum powder and pigments to simulate dried sand on the 10/4, and matte varnish on all.
I will post some new photos later😉
 11 July 2016, 13:18
Kerry COX
Some great effects you have achieved Rui.👍
The ware and tare of desert life has been well represented.🙂
I do like the road tyres on the front having the dust but a well blackened area from some hard miles. 🙂
Well done mate. 👍
 11 July 2016, 14:13
Rui S 著者
Hi Kezza,
Thanks for your nice comment Mate.
I'm glad, really glad, you like the work so far. I hope I don't over do that effects.😉
 11 July 2016, 14:16
Kerry COX
Rui, the big thing about desert trucks, and your research images will show too is the grease that streaks outward from the hub caps/covers and the sand that gets stuck to it. 👍
And you have done that 'faded/bleached' upper surface paint well.
But as I say, the whole look is most convincing. 🙂 🙂
 11 July 2016, 14:22
Rui S 著者
kezza, Thank s Mate.
Yes, you are right and I tried yesterday to do just that with the talcum powder and pigments as said and previously applied black satin oils.
It is just that, what I also hope I didn't over do it.
You will see it in the next photos.😉
 11 July 2016, 15:54
Rui S 著者
I just add some photos, (not the best but quick ones) just to show that.
The matte varnish removed the satin look that I will add later on with satin varnish.
Also a photo with some more detail work on the windshield.
 11 July 2016, 16:14
Andrea Morris
Excellent work & no I don't think you have overdone the weathering.
 11 July 2016, 17:23
Choppa Nutta
Respect Rui, this is shaping up nicely ! 👍 🙂
looking forward to some photos in daylight, hint hint😉 😄
 11 July 2016, 17:25
Rui S 著者
@ Dave, Mate you have been most supporting. Thank you very much. 😄
@ Choppa, hehehe I hear you Mate...😉 Thanks
 11 July 2016, 18:09
Michael Razz
Esci is for those real modellers that go for it!Love the small details on that canonfloor
And i angree with Choppa,you truck needs some sunlight 🙂
 21 September 2016, 08:10
Kerry COX
Oh, ! Es ist so heiß hier draußen Klaus, ! Ja! Sie könnten Spiegeleier in der frnder machen !!. 🙂 👍.
Did I get that right. ?🙂
A most convincing heat of the day scene. Well done Rui. 👍 🙂
 21 September 2016, 09:51
Phil Marchese
 21 September 2016, 10:37
Wesley De Braekeleir
very nice job! beautiful painted figures.
 21 September 2016, 10:47
Kerry COX
Looking at your work a little closer Rui, I have noted how much alteration to the figures positions you have done, and it's NOT easy to do. Exceptional mate, 👍
 21 September 2016, 11:34
Rui S 著者
Hi Mates,
@Michaël, this is still a work in progress and this photos where just a dry test fit. from there, I've glued some more items and details in the cannon floor and all the figures (after some more detail painting). I hope to manage some new and better photos of the model prior to start the dio base. Hopping....

@Kezza, I think your German is worst then mine Mate hehehe, but I caught the idea😉 It's going to be another long hot day for those guys on a betted up half track. At least is that I'm trying to depict. As to the cannibalization I enjoy to alter all those well known Tamiya, Esci, Italeri figures. I have lots of them so I don't waste my money buying from better brands.

@Wesley, THX a LOT, but I've to say that I'm still struggling a lot with figures painting mainly faces so with so much flesh showing on some of the figures, this was a well come challenge to improve my skills. Still learning. Has we all know practice, is the key.

So Mates, I got speechless for a while with all your very nice comments. THANK YOU VERY MUCH, greatly appreciated. 🙂
 21 September 2016, 13:35
Wesley De Braekeleir
Painting figures is a very time consuming job en not easy in 1/35 scale. Like you say, we learn allong the way!! And curse a lot! 😉
 21 September 2016, 14:51
Andrea Morris
@Wesley Oh so true 🙂 @Rui keep at it mate, you'll nail it.
 21 September 2016, 19:06
Thomas Mayer
@ Kerry: Not bad, my friend! Not bad! Had you German at school?
 21 September 2016, 20:52
Kerry COX
Oh Thomas. I cheated mate. :-/
I put it through that 'Google translator and I posted it, but it was more fun trying to say it LOL 🙂
I remember seeing a film of the Germans in North Africa, cooking eggs on the hot steel of their panzers that was baked by the sun. 🙂
And Rui 's work is so good, it just bought it to mind. hehehe 🙂
 21 September 2016, 22:38
Thomas Mayer
Did Google also pronounce what you have "translated"? :-D
 22 September 2016, 12:03
Kerry COX
Well Thomas, not with a good German accent. LOL
But I do remember my German father in law and the things he encouraged me to learn, and in my mind, I did OK. 🙂
 22 September 2016, 14:17
Rui S 著者
@Wesley & Dave I agree. Lots of small scale test and experiment work and LOTS of cursing, that's for sure. I'm don't know if I will nail it but I will try.

@Kezza, if Thomas is saying "not bad" is because your German is much better than mine.
Now I know that. The Google translation to Portuguese was not 100% correct that's why I said that. But to pronounce or even try to learm the language is way behound my skills, hehehe. I wil keep wih my bad English and Spanish😉.
As to the film you mention, I've seen it (it's on a panzer II mudguard) but some say that it was a fake for propaganda proposes... Anyway, thank you all for your complements, they sure help me a lot.
 22 September 2016, 17:10
Kerry COX
As always Rui, your so humble in your replies. 🙂 👍
We all love your work, and especially all your research material you post. 🙂
 22 September 2016, 23:22
Rui S 著者
I hope you are right Kezza 🙂, but when I'm into modelling the research goes to a 2ª plan unless is something related with the subject I'm doing at the moment or thinking to do next, or if a mate asks for help. Especially about German WWII afv affairs. 👍
 23 September 2016, 01:15
Kerry COX
I am still in awe Rui. Just ONE suggestion. The boots of the guy with his feet on the wind shield. Dusty with souls almost white. 👍
 8 April 2018, 19:52
Rui S 著者
Thank you very much for your words, James. Coming from a Master it makes me feel great, but hard to believe. 🙂
@ Kezza, how are you my friend? You know that in my case a work in progress will last forever, hehehe. 😄
It is waiting for the trailer and a final puff of dust all over the horizontal parts and undercarriage. But thanks for your suggestion.😉
Also one day... I need to take some better photos, has Choppa advise.😎
 9 April 2018, 19:21
Kerry COX
We can talk over a beer or three next year Rui. 🙂 🙂 🙂 👍
 9 April 2018, 20:32
Rui S 著者
Not completly done yet🙁
 7 June 2020, 12:24
Kerry COX
Still impressive Rui. No matter from what angle. 👍 👍 👍 😉
 7 June 2020, 13:07
Rui S 著者
Thank you for your nice words, again Kezza. I've not done yet what you sugested, because i've not touched this one since, but today i took some new photos of the all crew in position.
 7 June 2020, 13:19
Good work on this kit!
 8 June 2020, 06:56
James C
Fantastic detailing Rui. The assorted stowage items and crewmen look amazing. 👍
 8 June 2020, 19:39
Kerry COX
You can almost feel the heat of that Sahara sun. ! 😉
 8 June 2020, 22:33
Chaz Gordon
Great work. I see poor kits as a great opportunity to put in some very satisfying correction work.. The results of the efforts you put in really show.
 8 June 2020, 22:59
Rui S 著者
I'm very happy that so many great modelers, like this still in progress kit. Thank you all very Much mates. Much apreciated.
@Neuling, Nice of you to stop by.
@James, i never had so much canibalized figures has this ones.
@Kezza, I've still to had some dust on .
@ Chaz, I'm still learning, so i still use older kits on my stash. I realy like to improve "bad" kits to a satisfying level. It gives me a lot of pleasure and not to use aftermarket itens to achive it, mor so.
 9 June 2020, 20:23
Andrea Morris
Why the surprise? When your doing such great work!
 9 June 2020, 20:33
I think the guy sitting at the back must be very uncomfortable.
 9 June 2020, 20:41
Chaz Gordon
I think today, any sizable stash will be mostly Old kits. I'd estimate mine at about 80% with the tool being from the 60s, 70s or 80s, another 15% from the 90s, the remainder tooled since 2000. To be fair, a chunk of the 60s & 70s kits are Tamiya, and may as well have been tooled in the 2000s for the quality, but there are as many 70s MPC kits which leave a lot of work to be done.
 9 June 2020, 20:50
Rui S 著者
@Dave, thank you for your Nice words. It is not so much the surprise, it is more the happiness that the work and the effort is beeing recognized and deserved the comment of modelers with a high level talent, if you get my drift.
@Olivier, yes i agree, maybee he is drinking shnnaps from the canten to ease the pain??? I've tried to replicate the guy on the project photo (n. 28). Bythway a very interesting photo with an intrigging unit sign.
@Chás, you are probably right. That's my case for sure, but has i've said multiple times in sacalemates i never underestimate old Tamyias Italeris, Airfix, Esci and others, i like them all, not to say i love them. And i praised very much that older brands because they started all this. And yes many of those early and much cheeper kits leave a lot to improve, That's why i've been working with some of them.
 10 June 2020, 12:22
Kerry COX
Well said Rui. 👍
You covered all the bases on why we do what we do with what is available. 😉
You have excelled and have us all talking about it. 👍 🙂
 10 June 2020, 18:29
Rui S 著者
Well Kezza, you are beeing to kind, my friend. THX.
I've just post some new photos of this old project because I didn't have any with all the crew in. But you are right about us and the hobby. Still I've yet to use some aftermarket pieces that came with some of my evilbay buys and the Dragons; Miniart; and newer brands that i've in my stash😉
 10 June 2020, 22:46
Ricardo Reis
Usual subject, at least for me. Nice! 👍
 10 June 2020, 22:53
Rui S 著者
@Ricardo, Nao sei bem a qual dos assuntos se refere, mas Obrigado.
 10 June 2020, 23:12
Ricardo Reis
Queria dizer "unusual"! 🙂 Refiro-me ao half track com a peça em cima, não conhecia.
 11 June 2020, 11:16
Daniel K
Very nicely done. The crew, weathering and all the small details tell a story.
 11 June 2020, 11:40
Rui S 著者
@Ricardo, Ah, ok. Os alemães colocavam canhões antiaéreos (as vezes quádruplos) em tudo o que mexia. Halftracks; camionetes; blindados; jipes. Era o que houvesse. Neste chassi até há um modelo com um PAK antitanque de 50mm. Neste caso a Esci, foi a primeira a lançar este kit, (primeiro na versão de transporte e depois este modelo, nos idos anos 70). Hoje em dia já há vários Italeri e Dragon, entre outros.
@Daniel, Thank you for your Nice comments, I realy apreciate it and I'm glad you liked it.
 11 June 2020, 12:04
Rui, are you sure that the photograph n° 28 is Afrika Korps ?
 11 June 2020, 12:10
Rui S 著者
@Olivier, I can't be 100% sure, but i found it on a book dedicated exclusively to the Afrika korps. Anyway, in my research I never found this "camel" sign anywhere.
 11 June 2020, 12:15
OK. Because the unit sign I cannot link to any DAK unit. Still an interesting image in particular for the trailer.
 11 June 2020, 12:18
Rui S 著者
Sorry, it was on a site dedicated to A.K. not a book. And yes, that's the intriging aspect of it.
 11 June 2020, 12:23
Oscar Benavent
So cool! Congratulations, a nice job 👍
 17 June 2020, 18:05
Rui S 著者
Thank you very much Oscar. I'm really glad you liked it.
 19 June 2020, 18:58
Roy McKenzie
that looks great, love the figures.
 21 June 2020, 16:04
Rui S 著者
Thank you Roy, Nice to know that you like. Much apreciatted.
Since I start cuting hands, I never stoped again and start cuting legs, arms, boots and everything else.😉
 23 June 2020, 19:34
Oscar Benavent
:-D it's the same reasons that said Fredy Krueger to the police when he was catched!
 24 June 2020, 08:52
Peter Hardy
I gotta get another hobby Rui, you're crushing me here! 😉
 24 June 2020, 09:00
Rui S 著者
@Oscar, hehehe. Yap, I'm the Hooby Fredy, since.
Glad that there is not a scalepolice 😄
@ Peter, Hey Mate don't need that. We need you and your talent here😉
 24 June 2020, 20:06
Rui S 著者
 6 July 2020, 20:43
Peter Hardy
Loud and clear on the other side of the world Rui!
 7 July 2020, 02:24
Cesare Marini
very beautiful!
 10 July 2020, 19:25
Rui S 著者
@Peter, I wrote "TEST" because I reactivated this thread to do a test with Tim, about the photos rotation feature.
Two photos in this album had been rotated and the thumbnails were missing. A old existing & anoying bug, fixed by Tim right away that day.
Didn't reply to you before because I didn't want to pull up the thread again.

@ Cesare, Thank you for your kind comment. I'm glad you like this one. Always apreciated.
 11 July 2020, 11:35
I've got the older version of this kit molded in the dark gray and it's a tough one to work with; congrats for doing a stellar job, especially with those rather difficult and sometimes strangely posed figures of theirs. (I'm thinking of the Italeri Schwimmwagen with the officer holding his elbow up over his head LOL).
 18 July 2020, 12:15
Rui S 著者
Thx a lot Al, much apreciatted and I'm really glad you like it.
I really liked all the work needed to make the kit and figures something decente. the result always serves as an incentive.
I'm leaving my best kits for when I have more experience.😉
 18 July 2020, 15:43
David Pearson
Great attention to detail, looks really good.
 14 March 2021, 11:48
David Taylor
 14 March 2021, 12:10
Rui S 著者
Thank you for your nice comments, David Pearson and David Taylor. I'm realy glad you like it. Much apreciated.
 15 March 2021, 00:09
Jean-Daniel Aebischer
Very nice achievement, excellent result, when we know the mediocre quality of the model, beautiful work. I have one to assemble, but I will put Tamiya or ADV tracks on it, those of the kit are much too fragile. I hope to arrive at a result as good as yours.
 8 January, 10:13
Rui S 著者
@ Jean-Daniel, Thank you very much for your kind comment. Yap I've to agree with you about the kit, so I'll try to enhance the model a bit more with a decent dynamic diorama.
After the Elephant and before the Mariupol Dio, it was time to remove this one from the shelf of doom, waiting for ages.
It will be my version of the dunes. Still a lot of work to do, but I'm determined not to start a new diorama before finishing the two I have on hold.
1  18 February, 23:13
Randy Kriegel
Very nice work 👍
 19 February, 13:35
Wow Rui! You outdone yourself with that build - the figures are well done, and the work you put into the half-track is nothing short of transformative! ❤️❤️❤️
 27 February, 15:05
This looks great so far. Can't wait to see where you take this in a diorama.
 27 February, 16:37
Clifford Keesler
Very nice!
 28 February, 02:33
Rui S 著者
@ Randy, Thank you, for your praise. Apreciated
@ CaptGPF Thx very much, for your unconditional support
@ Dave, I've to thank you. This batch of photos was inspired by your words. P.S. I did tell that I would like to do a dyinamic Diorama with it, But I don't intend to do more figures for it, so maybee a nice vignett...
@ Clifford, Always glad to see you here Thx a Lot.

For those more initiated in bases, or others more/less interested, this is my way doing a sand dune system, using current materials.
Some photos showing where it is progressing, this is the state in which it is currently.
 1 March, 21:36
Jeff C.
Very nice work on EVERYTHING! The figure modifications the painting, weathering and landscape. BRAVO!!!!!
 2 March, 01:58
Great work. Love how you have the figures set as one who is looking at the ride, one who looks like he wants off the ride and the third one has no idea as to what's about to happen.
 7 March, 16:11
David Taylor
I must fess up,I've never built an Esci kit in all my years of fiddling.
 7 March, 16:19
Rui S 著者
@ Jeff C., wow. Thank you very much for your most kind comment, it makes me very motivated and proud.

@ Dave, glad that you like my work and comment it. Very much apreciated. Yah, glad and interesting you mention that, becouse the angle at which I decided to place the half-track on a sloping sand dune also came from the balanced positioning of some of the figures (if you notice the guy sitting on the left is leaning forward and the one with his SAS legs, he's already watching the film and holding his helmet). Little do they know what will happen on the other side after the jump... a leap into the unknown. 😄

@ David Taylor, for a long time, only Esci had this halftrack in 1/35. I've done also the 7.5 cm Light Infantry Gun. German Artillery Unit. ESCI | No. 5011 | 1:35. Another must before other brands launch the same kit later.

The damn sand dune took way too long. I went back and forth with the application and gluing of the powder and paint, but finally it seems acceptable to me and it already allows me to take some interesting photos. I hope you like them too.
Now all that's left is to finish painting the trailer convincingly and the base frame.
1  7 March, 16:26
Pietro De Angelis
Fantastic masterpiece of vintage craftsmanship,
in this sector Rui you are unmatched!
 8 March, 15:28
Gary Curling
Lots of hard work played off.well done
 9 March, 00:21
I have to agree with everyone - all that work paid off in a cracking Dio! Thank you for sharing your build journey, and for the eye-candy, Rui!
 11 March, 14:55
Mark Sherwood
I can feel the heat from here. Brilliant Dio Rui. 🤘🥸👍
 11 March, 15:52
Rui S 著者
@ @ Pietro De Angelis, thank you very much for your support and kind comment, very much appreciated and important to me. Nevertheless I think your statement is a bit exaggerated, there are more mates here who also get good results with not so good kits and no aftermarket stuf, but thx again for you praise.

@ Gary Curling, Thx mate, not finished yet. Glad you liked and comment.

@ CaptGPF, Thank you so much for your comment and great support ,always very much apreciated. Glad you like this long build journey, now finelly near the end.

@ Mark Sherwood, thank you for stoping by (you know the remedy, one or more cool bears and all it's good). Glad you like it so far, I'm on the final stretch with the base and wrap this one.

The trailer is now painted in accordance (or almost) with the Half Track. Just the final touches on the base and it's done.
 12 March, 12:47
Alec K
Wow, nice way to resurrect a beautiful shelf queen Rui 👍 👍 👍
 12 March, 13:50
The tailer looks incredible. Sitting here trying to figure out how you made that cover look so good.
 12 March, 13:55
Mark Sherwood
That tarp' on the trailer, top notch Rui. I'll be hoisting a few over the weekend too Mate.
 12 March, 18:39
David Taylor
Looks brill.You need to do a tutorial on that trailer tarp.
 12 March, 18:50
I second the need for a tutorial on the tarp.
By the way where do you locate the halftrack to be? Because the sand color in Tunisia is much more reddish compared to Morocco for example.
 13 March, 12:05
Rui S 著者
@ Alec K, thank you very much and I agree with you, I've wanted to finish this scene for a long time, it's always rewarding to finish another piece of work.

@ Dave, Thx again for your support. I'm glad you enjoyed the trailer coverage. As always, my work is empirical, I'll experiment until I like it 😄

@ Mark, Thank you for your nice comment, very much appreciated. Looking forward to seeing your builds.

@ David Taylor, thanks for stopping by and commenting. I'm not sure the tarp deserves a tutorial, nor am I sure how to do it, but it seems there are several mates interested, so the new photos (reverse sequence) show what happened.

@ shadowlight, thx for your comment. As mentioned above I added new photos on how I made the tarp.
As for the location, I would say somewhere in Libya; Egypt or Tunisia.
 14 March, 12:30
Jan Peters
I like what you have done with this old kit, you have made clever improvements, added nice details and I especially like the way you have done the figures to add life👍🏻
 14 March, 13:15
Rui S 著者
Hi Jan. Thank you very much for your kind comment. I'm glad you like my work on this one. Apreciated. I think old kit's are easiar to improve and also deserve a chance 😉
1  14 March, 14:10
Lorraine Lin
Rui, I just went through all the photos and realized that the truck was built 10yrs ago! The trailer and the new dio looks very fantastic, I will watch this master show.

 14 March, 14:54
Thank you for the reverse photos of tailer trap and information, this helps a great deal.
 14 March, 14:57
Jennifer Franklin
That is well done Rui, it looks pretty darn amazing.
1  14 March, 22:41
WOW! Fabulous dio Rui. Well worth the wait. 🙂
 15 March, 15:37
Rui S 著者
@ Lorena Lin, thank you very much for stopping by and for the nice comment. Coming from such a talented modeler like you, I am honored and also very happy that you have been able to see so many photos. 😉

@ David, I'm happy to be able to share this information and that it helps in any way.

@ Jennifer Franklin, Thank you very much for your comment. Appreciated.

I can finally consider this long project complete. It isn't perfect and it took a lot of work, but I'm glad it's finished. I can now concentrate again on my Mariupol diorama, which I intend to be my tribute to all the victims of the invasion of that city.

@ Gorby, Thank you so much for your kind comment and praise words, which makes me feel very good. Most apreciated. Yes, I have to agree with you, I think now it was worth waiting and never giving up on an old model.

1  15 March, 16:01
Waow indeed… agree with Gorby… and all the mates above ! 👏🏻
 15 March, 16:05
Jan Peters
I'm in agreement with all above too👍🏻
Excellent presentation 👏🏻👏🏻
 15 March, 16:18
Rui, another beautiful dio.
 15 March, 16:39
Major Oak
Amazing masterclass lost for words 👏 👌 🙌
 15 March, 18:09
Jeremias H
very cool result Rui!
 16 March, 09:51
Christian Bruer
36 19 November 2024, 11:39
Christian Bruer 著者
Back to ship modelling, USS Santee out of the Trumpeter USS Sangamon. I choose Santee for her Ms17 scheme.
Working on the hull and airwing has already started.
Happy Modelling
1  19 November 2024, 11:42
Thomas Wirsching
good luck for this interesting build Christian; will follow with interest!
 19 November 2024, 15:39
first row still available? great 🙂
 19 November 2024, 16:10
Christian Bruer 著者
You're welcome Thomas and Spanjaard. Still enough seats in the first row.
 19 November 2024, 17:43
Jörg Schäfer
I'll sit down when Christian builds a ship..
 19 November 2024, 19:21
Thomas Bischoff
always fancied the smaller flattops - count me in!
 19 November 2024, 19:34
Christian Bruer 著者
Hey Jörg and Thomas, good to see you here in the first row 🙂
 19 November 2024, 19:55
I'll book my seat as well. 🙂
 19 November 2024, 20:05
Christian Bruer 著者
Welcome gorby 🙂
 19 November 2024, 22:20
I'm also taking a seat 🪑
 20 November 2024, 02:36
Christian Bruer 著者
Welcome Rui 🙂 Good that you brought your own chair 😁
1  20 November 2024, 18:07
Alec K
A big one! Following of course 🙂
 21 November 2024, 13:28
Christian Bruer 著者
Welcome Alec 🙂
 24 November 2024, 20:26
Watching as this will be a great show! The little aircraft parts looks impressive - I do not complain anymore about small parts.
 28 November 2024, 19:37
Guy Rump
Following with interest. 👍
 28 November 2024, 21:02
Christian Bruer 著者
Welcome bughunter and Guy 🙂
 2 December 2024, 19:36
Christian Bruer 著者
So let's have a start. Preparing the model for scratchbuilt and PE details.
Happy Modelling
 2 December 2024, 19:39
David Taylor
 2 December 2024, 19:49
Christian Bruer 著者
Welcome David 🙂

WIP on my USS Santee. The kit has some inaccuracies, f.e. hawse pipes in a wrong position. Also a lot of details are missing.
Today's progress, hawse pipes in correct position, framework and bollards added at the bow.
Happy Modelling
 7 December 2024, 19:43
Christian Lehmann
 7 December 2024, 19:51
Robert Podkoński
Perhaps I am a bit late, but ready to watch this talent show! 🙂
 7 December 2024, 19:56
Christian Bruer 著者
Thank you Christian and Robert 🙂
 7 December 2024, 20:37
Michael Kohl
Following too.
 7 December 2024, 20:43
Christian Bruer 著者
You're welcome 🙂
 8 December 2024, 12:12
Rui S
I'm in 😎
 8 December 2024, 12:12
Christian Bruer 著者
Welcome Rui 🙂
 8 December 2024, 16:51
Christian Bruer 著者
WIP on my USS Santee. More details and scratchbuilt modifications.
Happy Modelling
1  9 December 2024, 20:57
Christian Bruer 著者
Scratchbuilt aft elevator.

Happy Modelling
1  11 December 2024, 22:02
Hang Li
Wow, nice build, following
 12 December 2024, 02:25
Christian Bruer 著者
Thank you Hang Li 🙂
Forward elevator is done.
Happy Modelling
 12 December 2024, 19:50
Christian Bruer 著者
WIP on my USS Santee. The forecastle is nearly done. Several modifications were done to give it a more realistic touch.
I start to replace the forward flight deck supports. Trumpeter designed the as a solid section instead of a I-section.
Happy Modelling
1  15 December 2024, 20:39
Very interesting! Following 👍
 15 December 2024, 20:54
Michael Kohl
Some fine detailing going on here.
 16 December 2024, 08:52
Christian Bruer 著者
Thank you Agnius and Michael 🙂
 16 December 2024, 18:16
Christian Bruer 著者
WIP on my USS Santee.
I replaced the supports below the flight deck. The moulded supports were much to thick and the replacements look much better.
The four flight deck supports on the bow are in place now. All in all it comes together as expected.
Happy Modelling
 20 December 2024, 22:04
Alec K
Nice progress Christian, I like all the scratched additions and replacements you are implementing 👍
 21 December 2024, 14:51
Christian Bruer 著者
Thank you very much Alec 🙂

WIP on my USS Santee.
According to ongoing research the forward flight deck supports needs to be modified.
The forward AA gun plattform has a different shape, therfore I scratchbuilt a new one.
Well, step by step it all comes together.

Happy Modelling
1  23 December 2024, 20:21
You scratch-building work is astoundingly neat.
 24 December 2024, 07:31
Christian Bruer 著者
Thank you very much gorby 🙂
 26 December 2024, 18:59
Christian Bruer 著者
WIP on my USS Santee. First PE used fore and aft and more extra details added.
Happy Modelling
1  28 December 2024, 20:29
Christian Bruer 著者
WIP on my USS Santee. More details added and the sea base started.

Happy Modelling
 1 January, 20:32
Wow, what a progress 👍
Happy and successful new year!
 1 January, 20:48
Christian Bruer 著者
Thank you bughunter 🙂
Same to you and yours 🍀
 1 January, 21:49
Christian Bruer 著者
WIP on my USS Santee.

Today's progress on the sea base. Once I have maeked the contour of the ships waves I start grinding the contours using a round wire brush in a motor tool. It's a bit dusty, believe me, but it gives a good monitoring to create the contours.

Next step sanding using ssnding paper to breake the rough surface a little bit.

Upon disangaging myself from all the dust a first layer of wall paint was added to the surface in a stippling motion.
The stippling motion create a wavy irregular surface. But to get the final result some more layers are needed. It is important not to paint layers to thick to avoid cracking when the paint dries.

At last I cut off the raised contour marking the boot topping and added a new marking using a line marking tool.

Happy Modelling
2  2 January, 20:38
very nice tutorial about the base. happy new year Christian for you and those close to you 🙂
 2 January, 20:52
Christian Bruer 著者
Thank you Spanjaard, same to you and yours - a Happy New Year 🙂
 5 January, 19:34
Christian Bruer 著者
Meanwhile I seperated the AA gun tubs and the catwalks to replace the later with Eduard PE. The bulwarks on the gun tubs are thinned down repsectively replaced by 0,2mm styrene. At the moment I am working to cut of the doors along the catwalks and replace it with oval openings. The openings need to be cutted into the side wall and the plastic from the backside to be thinned out. Unfortunately I missed to do this before I added a lot of details to the flight deck. So carfully working is needed and to keep in mind for better planing next time 😄
2  11 January, 13:19
Johne 69
So far so mercyless good 👍
 12 January, 08:41
Christian Bruer 著者
Thank you Johne 🙂
 29 January, 19:54
Christian Bruer 著者
It has been a while since my latest post, because I was to busy with real work.
Anyhow, I mades some progress, adding the PE catwalks and stairs and start working on the island. I rebuilt the island to make it fit to Santees outfit in late 1942.

Happy Modelling, Christian
 7 March, 18:09
Jan Peters
Very nice indeed Christian 👍🏻
Following this from now on 👀
 7 March, 18:10
Alec K
Good to see you back at the bench 👍
 7 March, 19:35
Good to see some progress - the island looks wonderful 👍
 7 March, 19:44
Christian Bruer 著者
Thank you Jan, Alec and bughunter 🙂

Meanwhile I have scratchbuilt the derick, it's supports and a rangefinder and I started adding details along the starbord site of the hull, like support structure below the island and mounts for both antenna masts.

Happy Modelling, Christian
 15 March, 11:48
Rui S
Fantastic scratch work as always 👍
 15 March, 12:01
Christian Bruer 著者
Thank you Rui 🙂
 15 March, 12:07
Jörg Schäfer
That looks fantastic. 👍
 15 March, 12:09
Virtually every photo is a 'WOW!' moment. 😮
 15 March, 12:15
Robert Podkoński
I have the same impressions as Gorby... Chapeau bas, Christian!
 15 March, 12:31
Christian Bruer 著者
Thank you Jörg, gorby and Robert 🙂

@gorby, same here with the "WOW" noticing all your kind comments 🙂
 16 March, 09:50
Seb Talaga
20 18 March 2024, 23:53
Mr James
Lovely painting so far
 18 April 2024, 11:48
 25 May 2024, 18:41
Rui S
Interesting 👍 Im in 😎
 26 May 2024, 20:13
Seb Talaga 著者
Thanks guys
 27 May 2024, 00:45
Seb Talaga 著者
Youtube Video
 15 March, 08:02
Jeremias H
nice frankenstein pzIV, cool video!
 16 March, 09:50
Frank Spahr
6 画像
Sea Vixen FAW.2 completedView album, image #1New: 15 March, 14:08
I am well aware of this kit´s shortcomings, shapewise.
プロジェクト: Sea Vixen FAW.2
1:72 Sea Vixen FAW 2 (Revell 03866)1:72 Sea Vixen FAW.2 (Eduard 73551)
29 15 March, 14:07
Very nice work!
1  15 March, 15:02
Łukasz Gliński
Impressive indeed 👍
1  15 March, 21:17
Rui S
Another Great work 👍
1  15 March, 22:04
Fabulous 😍
1  15 March, 22:48
Great work have this kit in my stash, love how the British designed distinctive aircraft.
1  15 March, 22:51
Mark K
Beautifully done!
1  16 March, 01:04
Nice looking kit, great work.
1  16 March, 02:39
Frank Spahr 著者
Thanks a lot to you all, muich appreciated!
 16 March, 05:50
Thomas Kolb
Beautiful and nicely detailed.
 16 March, 08:12
I agree with Thomas. 👍👍
 16 March, 09:44
Robert Podkoński
Beautiful indeed!
 16 March, 09:50
Ludvig Nilsson
10 15 March, 19:39
Rui S
A Beauty 👍
 15 March, 20:33
Very nice work.
 16 March, 08:35
Very well done indeed!
 16 March, 09:42
Jeremias H
Looking good!
 16 March, 09:44
Robert Podkoński
Fantastic job!
 16 March, 09:49
8 画像
Mig-29A Fulcrum A - DDRView album, image #8New: 15 March, 18:08
Right, now that these are finished we can finally get that airframe going
プロジェクト: MiG-29A Fulcrum A - DDR
1:48 MiG-29A Fulcrum A (Academy 2116)1:48 MiG-29 Fulcrum - IR Sensor & Laser Rangefinger (Quickboost QB 48 433)1:48 MiG-29A Fulcrum interior (Eduard 49277)1+
9 3 March, 17:33
Christopher Bodlak
I see your pain doing my first build in 20 years and having the same
1  3 March, 21:56
Christopher Bodlak
Going to watch this one
2  3 March, 21:57
Cristian A
Following, I have the same kit to build and I've heard about the fit challenges 🙂
 16 March, 09:47
Michael Hickey
24 8 March, 19:14
Mr D
Very nice indeed 👏 What an aircraft 😃👍 you built it nice 👍
 8 March, 20:32
Michael Hickey 著者
Thank You Mr D for your very nice comment.
1  9 March, 00:44
Desert Marlin
This looks great! I have two of these I want to make into VF-21 CAG/DCAG birds!
1  9 March, 00:54
Michael Hickey 著者
Thanks Desert Marlin, it's really a greeat kit to build. I've built about 6 or 7 of them.
 16 March, 05:56
WOW, beautiful work!
 16 March, 08:28
Same as Gorby! 👍
 16 March, 09:43
Dave Pluth
17 6 February 2024, 04:03
Rui S
Great Paint job 👍
 14 February 2024, 00:56
Dave Pluth 著者
Thank you!
 14 February 2024, 01:12
Michael Smith
What color did you use for the exterior
 15 March, 18:10
Dave Pluth 著者
It was off this website which I use for all of my British Armor replikator.club/category/paint-tools/
 16 March, 03:33
Mojo DeVirus
Sweet !!!
 16 March, 04:13
Nice work.
 16 March, 08:29
Very good small scale build!
 16 March, 09:42
Thomas E.
10 画像
Vegetation, plants, green stuff for dioramasView album, image #10New: 16 March, 09:42
the leaves (= green paper) have to be coloured.
1:35 Dried flowers "Barteglia" (MK35 A005)
6 1 March, 14:27
I like the idea for ground litter.
 1 March, 15:30
Ben M
 8 March, 14:44
very interesting!
 14 March, 21:41
Thomas E. 著者
Thank you for your interest. Vegetation? Two of my dioramas were located in the Tundra of Lappland (Aerosan) and in the Sahara (SAS, LRDG). Now, that should change. I think about scenes in Vietnam, the finnish Taiga: trees 🙁 ... I've much to learn 🙂
 15 March, 07:52
Ben M
How did you make the joints on the bamboo?
 15 March, 11:19
Thomas E. 著者
I use floral wire (0,35 mm), bend it around the skewer and encase it with a drop of wood glue by my finger. Basic Colour is dark green
brightened with yellow.
1  15 March, 11:33
tom svk-at
6 15 March, 17:44
Rui S
Nice work 👍
 15 March, 18:06
tom svk-at 著者
thank you very much Rui
 15 March, 19:54
Nice result.
 16 March, 08:35
 16 March, 09:41
6 15 March, 19:31
Nice dio.
 16 March, 08:38
Very good small scale dio!
 16 March, 09:40
Alexey Bykov
7 画像
Gaz 11-73View album, image #1
プロジェクト: GAZ-11-73
1:72 GAZ-11-73 (Lancer Model LM72068)
7 7 January, 08:30
Lovely work!
 16 March, 09:40
Łukasz Gliński
14 15 March, 18:49
Thank you for the photos. There are some truly beautiful diorama's on display. Glad I'm not a judge in this. I would have no idea where to start.
1  15 March, 19:48
Great photos, Łukasz!... but I think I've got a stiff neck looking at some of them 😛
ClearProp's Mig-19 looks fantastic and I'm sure you'll buy that Iryda when it release 😉
Very nice models. The level was very high, and I see you've worn some of your own models. I hope you've won a prize.
Thanks for the pics!
1  15 March, 20:27
Łukasz Gliński 著者
It was a great festival indeed, but none of these are my kits, sorry for disappointment 😄
How do you like the hangar, señor? 😛
 15 March, 20:32
Sorry, Łukasz... I thought the Me-262 was yours (who did I see it on then? 🤔)
The hangar is very nice, but I would like to see an open album with your Revell hangar 😛
Thanks for correcting the position of some photos. My neck feels better now 😄
1  15 March, 20:41
Adam Gudynowski
Thanks for sharing. Respect for dealing with crowd 😄
1  15 March, 20:43
Łukasz Gliński 著者
Yeah I had to sneak in here and there with my phone 😄
 15 March, 21:06
Alex K
Thanks for sharing...! (... and that Belphegor is surely something!)
1  15 March, 21:54
Ben M
I love the paint scheme in photo 10!
 15 March, 22:16
Rui S
Very nice show, thx for sharing 👍
 15 March, 22:51
really impressive show, some really nice kits and dios. I am sure I have seen some of them before (pic 54) for example....
1  15 March, 23:34
WOW! Some amazing models and dioramas. Thanks for taking the time to post the photos Łukasz and also thanks for the very helpful description of most of them.
1  16 March, 09:13
Thanks for sharing! Excellent work on display.
 16 March, 09:37
Mike Volkov
16 March, 08:39
 16 March, 09:17
André Knippenberg
4 16 March, 09:04
4 画像
USS New Jersey (Revell 1:1200)View album, image #2New: 16 March, 09:01
All the parts are filed, sanded and temporarily assembled.
プロジェクト: USS New Jersey
1:1200 USS New Jersey (Revell 05183)
15 March, 08:09
Cristian A
46 画像
Mi-8MT build logView album, image #44New: 15 March, 23:04
✅ Steps 27/41 +29/41 +32/41
プロジェクト: Mi-8MT
1:48 Mil Mi-8MT (Zvezda 4828)1:48 Mil Mi-8MT Hip Canopy, Wheels & Windows Paint Masks Set (DN Models 48/827-129)No Tamiya Extra Thin Cement (Tamiya 87038)8+
53 15 December 2024, 17:39
Nathan Dempsey
Following 👀
1  16 December 2024, 01:51
Desert Marlin
I'm looking forward to seeing this one come together!!!
1  16 December 2024, 02:41
Ben M
1  16 December 2024, 03:32
Villiers de Vos
Booking my seat.
1  16 December 2024, 03:52
Taking a seat with popcorn!
2  12 January, 16:20
Cristian A 著者
Welcome my friends, I'm doing my best, the kit is very complex and so far things worked well.
1  12 January, 19:12
Interested too, following!
1  12 January, 19:18
Michael Kohl
Nice build so far.
1  12 January, 20:27
Mr D
Nice project 👍 your doing a good job, there an impressive model when built....lve watched few videos on the ....as l have the 1/72 version to build soon.
Good luck with it 😃👍
1  17 January, 19:36
Cristian A 著者
Thank you, everyone, for the kind words and encouragement! 🙂

@Michael Kohl – Appreciate the support! 😊

@Mr D – Thanks a lot! The 1/72 version sounds like a great build; I'm sure it'll look fantastic when you get started, best of luck with yours as well! Please share updates, would love to see how it turns out. 👍

2  17 January, 23:23
Guy Rump
Looking good, following. 👍
2  20 January, 16:34
2  20 January, 16:43
★ Starfish ★
That's some crazy detail!
2  20 January, 17:52
Cristian A 著者
Thanks Starfish, I'm adding magnets to them as well so I can play around with the loadout 🙂 Welcome Guy and Gerald!
2  20 January, 20:07
Desert Marlin
Lots of windows! Love the complexity!
2  20 January, 22:39
1  18 February, 16:43
Nathan Dempsey
Nice progress 🙂
1  18 February, 16:58
Mr D
Great project, coming along nicely.... Now don't spray out your pre-shading like l did on my SU-30 🙄🤣.
Nice work 👍👍
1  18 February, 18:55
Excellent idea on the pre-shade before the second layering!
1  27 February, 15:26
Nice paint job 👍
1  27 February, 16:11
Cristian A 著者
Thanks gents!

Mr D's comment really made me pay attention to the pre-shading on the second layer, kudos to him. That made me think of a solution to keep the pre-shading so I ended up with this solution. Will keep the build updated, my target is to finish it by Sunday 🙂
3  27 February, 18:04
Mr D
That worked out 👍👍 Great, Nice build....it's really going to benefit from the shading you pulled off here.
Enjoying following as it will help when l start my 1:72 version.
2  27 February, 19:31
Desert Marlin
I really like this phase of painting! Seeing the seams disappear and the strength of the kit being revealed!
3  27 February, 22:33
Cristian A 著者
Wanted to finish the Mi-8 by today, but there are always plenty of details that pop-up and require attention. Anyway since it's close to completion, I decided to spend more time and do it in a relaxed fashion. Thanks Mr.D and Marlin. @Mr. D I want to build another Mi-8 on the Russian Blue-Gray camouflage, I think it looks awesome with the simple scheme as well: MRP-398 Gray Blue - Russian ..4,26,28,35 & Ka-52, MR.Paint Satin, Acrylic Lacquer, 30ml
2  2 March, 21:37
The double pre-shading did help indeed - looks really good already! 👍
Waiting for the wash and weathering!
3  2 March, 22:33
Desert Marlin
It's always a good idea to take a little more time and see what it can become! Cheers!
3  3 March, 04:24
Mr D
Top job on the paint, Zvezda do a nice Mi8 kit, Enjoy following this build 👍👍
The blue/Grey be nice 👍 build
2  3 March, 15:57
Desert Marlin
I like where this one is headed!!!
1  3 March, 18:09
Volker Schaak
A pleasure to follow your build!
1  3 March, 18:51
Cristian A 著者
Thanks Volker and Desert Marlin!
1  6 March, 14:46
★ Starfish ★
Very very impressive Cristian!
1  15 March, 23:42
Desert Marlin
I really like this work! Excellent progress!!!
1  15 March, 23:47
Villiers de Vos
The paint work on the fuselage came out veery nice.
1  16 March, 07:01
Cristian A 著者
Thanks a ton for the incredible support! I'm absolutely captivated by this model, very complex but amazing fun to build ! 😃✨
 16 March, 09:00
4 画像
Matchbox 1/72 Heinkel He-115View album, image #1
This should be fun
プロジェクト: Heinkel He 115
1:72 Heinkel He 115 (Matchbox PK-401)
17 7 March, 05:39
Rich K.
Wow! How did you find THIS kit? I remember building it when I was 8 years old in the 70s! Brings back lots of memories!
1  7 March, 14:17
Dave 著者
Funny, I think I was in junior high school when I built this in the late seventy. However while stocking up a few things at the local hobby store this was sitting on bottom shelf. For 5 bucks (CAN) I thought this couldn't get any better. Remember having a chat with my kids and describing how Matchbox kits came with this window in back showing you the color of plastic they used.
 7 March, 15:03
Robert Podkoński
Lucky you! I will follow this build with pleasure!
 7 March, 15:49
I have the reissue of one of the last Revell boxes, but the original Matchbox has a special magic with those colors, that box and those instructions.
Good luck. Following!
1  7 March, 19:15
Jan Janssen
# me too great memory's
1  7 March, 19:25
Jan Peters
1  7 March, 19:27
Definitely will be fun. I'm in.
1  8 March, 12:20
Moreno Baruffini
Wow! What a special build! Following!
1  8 March, 12:59
Thomas Kolb
Super cool, I love these vintage kit builds!
1  8 March, 13:46
Really looking forward to this one!
1  8 March, 19:13
Thomas Espe
1  9 March, 09:33
Alec K
1  9 March, 16:19
Taking a seat
1  9 March, 16:27
Me too! 🙂
1  10 March, 17:26
Transall NG
A box with the window ! Around 1970 certainly, Matchbox had plenty of ideas at that time, and plenty of exclusive models.
Thanks for showing it !
Good luck !
1  10 March, 18:50
Here's another Matchbox fan, following! And good luck with the build Dave 👍
1  10 March, 18:56
Dave 著者
Thank you mates for comments, Now that I have so many mates watching, hopefully I don't screw up. I'll start this project once I'm complete with the (Hasegawa) Heinkel He-111P that I'm working on at the moment.
 10 March, 20:27
Jennifer Franklin
Oh, this does look fun, following!!
1  14 March, 22:42
how, good old matchbox kits... it certainly brings some memories! i am certain in 🙂
1  14 March, 23:00
1  15 March, 07:02
Mr D
Ohhh well done Dave 👏 it's a great looking model and nicely built, glass work is nice n crisp. Top job 👍👍
1  15 March, 19:24
Dave 著者
Thank You Mr D, just curious if your referring to the Heinkel He-111P
 15 March, 19:34
Łukasz Gliński
Wish I had it, watching with envy 👍
1  15 March, 19:46
Mr D
Yes the 111p very nice build 😀👍
1  15 March, 20:47
yes, as far as I remember, you can have fun with that kit
 16 March, 08:58
Juergen Klinglhuber
85 11 February 2023, 13:04
Well this is nice little chubby birdie 😄
 11 February 2023, 15:06
Ben M
 11 February 2023, 15:23
Moreno Baruffini
Following too!
 11 February 2023, 16:00
Alex K
👍 👍
 11 February 2023, 16:01
Robert Podkoński
Watching too 😉 (this is quite well engineered kit - I've assembled it some time ago. Pay attention to the v-shaped undercarriage "legs" as these are "handed" for left and right side, and the actuators must be attached to the self-made "longerons" inside the openings the fuselage - this is not quite well shown in the instruction)
 11 February 2023, 16:55
Juergen Klinglhuber 著者
thx's gents for joining.
@Robert - thank you for the heads up - already thought that this could get tricky. I will pay specíal attention.
 12 February 2023, 09:21
Robert Podkoński
 12 February 2023, 10:15
This looks interesting.
(At first I thought you were building an egg plane.)
 12 February 2023, 10:19
XD this really is a real live egg plane
 12 February 2023, 12:46
Alex K
With this here Bristol and two Bugatti racers (all intended for the Coupe Deutsch de la Meurthe...) on the news feed these days, one can almost feel such topics are gathering momentum! 👍
 12 February 2023, 13:01
Villiers de Vos
Very nice progress.
 13 February 2023, 12:04
Juergen Klinglhuber 著者
THx guys for leaving your comments,.... it was more the racer topic than the egg plane appearance that caught my attention 🙂
I even did not think about egg until gorby brought this up 🙂 ...it seems the first ever build egg plane routes back to 1927
 14 February 2023, 07:31
Juergen Klinglhuber 著者
Primer is on....spoked spinner finished.
 17 February 2023, 09:36
Spinner looks good! What glue did you used for the rigging?
 17 February 2023, 10:37
Stefan Fraundorfer
Hello Jürgen, that's an interesting thing. Without the original photo, I would have thought it was a caricature of an airplane.
I'm looking forward to the finished model.
 17 February 2023, 14:54
Juergen Klinglhuber 著者
@S M - it is PA (super glue). Works perfect as long as only "mirco" drops are used as the yarn is curling when PA is used too much.
 18 February 2023, 10:17
Juergen Klinglhuber 著者
@Stefan - Hi, nice to have you here. Interesting plane - isn't it? Looking forward too to to put this thing on the shelf.
 18 February 2023, 10:20
Stripes make slim 👍
 23 February 2023, 12:37
A well build plane in many aspects
 24 February 2023, 16:02
Guy Rump
Looking good. 👍
 24 February 2023, 20:02
Matthew A
Photo 11 makes it look as though it's just escaped a chain gang in an ol' black n' white film
 24 February 2023, 20:40
Juergen Klinglhuber 著者
Hi Bughunter - therefore I wear stripes quite often 😉
 25 February 2023, 11:47
Juergen Klinglhuber 著者
Thx Finn & Guy Rump
 25 February 2023, 11:47
Juergen Klinglhuber 著者
@Matthew A - it alomost like a "lookalike"-contest: imdb.com/title/tt002..108672/?ref_=tt_md_3
 25 February 2023, 11:49
Michael Kohl
 25 February 2023, 13:37
Michael Jonker
How interesting! Hard to believe it flew.
 25 February 2023, 21:18
Robert Podkoński
It hardly flew in fact, Michael 😉 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bristol_Racer
 25 February 2023, 22:08
Juergen Klinglhuber 著者
Thx for your comments. And yes, this type of aircraft was not really a succes. But its looking kind of......special (!?)
 4 March 2023, 12:01
Wow - nice final result! The spinner looks crazy 🙂
 2 April 2023, 15:53
Juergen Klinglhuber 著者
Thank you bughunter for leaving a comment! I'm happy you like it. - grüsse
 2 April 2023, 16:06
Alex K
Lovely work - congrats! 👍 👍
 2 April 2023, 16:39
Transall NG
Yes, looks like nothing else !
Thanks !
 2 April 2023, 16:41
Nice work, it looks great
 2 April 2023, 16:45
Michael Jonker
What a result! 👏
 2 April 2023, 16:48
That's a beautiful little gem!
 2 April 2023, 17:09
Guy Rump
Looks great, congrats! 👍
 2 April 2023, 17:14
Michael Kohl
The grandmother of all eggplanes. Well done!
 2 April 2023, 17:15
Alexander Grivonev
Absolute Augenweide! Sehr gelungen der Kleine👍
 2 April 2023, 17:36
Moreno Baruffini
Simply SUPER!!!
 2 April 2023, 18:29
Villiers de Vos
A beautiful little gem.
 2 April 2023, 18:30
Andy Ball
Wow! A plane that I thought would feature on "catch the pigeon"…a real beauty. Superbly done!!
 2 April 2023, 18:36
Ludvík Kružík
Really interesting plane, especially the spinner that looks like a sports car wheel rim. 🙂
I'm sure it will be a great addition to your collection. 👍
 2 April 2023, 18:55
Amazing finished model! Well done overall especially the spinner!👍👍👍
 2 April 2023, 19:56
Mark K
 2 April 2023, 21:29
daniel garcia
What a beautiful plane, I didn't know it, it looks spectacular
 2 April 2023, 22:41
Ethan Flory
Very nice model! such fine detail as well 👍
 2 April 2023, 23:04
Живко Джаков
Great model!
 3 April 2023, 03:54
Juergen Klinglhuber 著者
Thank you @all for your nice comments of approval and all your likes! I did not expect that this chubby plane will get this amount of attention - thx.
 4 April 2023, 10:16
Nice article on Modellversium 👍
You should add it to your articles.
 1 September 2023, 12:15
Juergen Klinglhuber 著者
Ah - thx for the flowers and the reminder! cheers bughunter (see you in ac couple weeks 👍 )
 3 September 2023, 06:30
 3 September 2023, 08:04
Łukasz Gliński
Looks like I missed this cool project. Ver nice build J! 👍
 3 September 2023, 08:18
Juergen Klinglhuber 著者
Thx Curatorm & Lukasz.
 4 September 2023, 06:25
I had the opportunity to see this gem with my own eyes at the model building fair in Ried. What a beautiful little piece! I was really surprised how big or rather small this Bristol is in reality.
And it was a pleasure to meet the builder in person - thank you very much!
 16 October 2023, 06:55
Juergen Klinglhuber 著者
It was a pleasure on my side too. thx.
 16 October 2023, 12:05
This looks great. Very nice paint finish.
 7 December 2023, 20:53
A real gem, great work!👍🏻
 8 December 2023, 11:06
Alec K
Somehow I too missed this micro modeling. Exquisite 👍
 8 December 2023, 21:43
Juergen Klinglhuber 著者
Thx, for your comments guys !!
 9 December 2023, 09:28
Zbynek Honzik
Amazing built! 👏👏👏
 16 March, 07:02
Jan Peters
Beautiful work 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
 16 March, 08:58
13 画像
MyAlbumView album, image #11New: 16 March, 08:00
プロジェクト: T-72 M1
1:35 T-72 M1 (Tamiya 35160)
4 16 March, 07:59
Very nice work!
 16 March, 08:40
1 15 March, 22:01
Nice. It brings back memories.
If you go to 'Manage' and the 'Advanced options' you can change the orientation of your photos.
 16 March, 08:34
John West
7 15 March, 18:10
John, that's a nice looking car.
 15 March, 19:22
John West 著者
Thank you sir!
 15 March, 20:07
George Williams
Beautiful work.
 15 March, 23:33
Very nice!
 16 March, 08:32
Jörg Schäfer
199 画像
BauberichtView album, image #197
And the deck portside
プロジェクト: IJN Mikasa
1:200 IJN Mikasa - 1905 (Merit International 62004)1:200 IJN Mikasa DX Pack (MK1 Design MD-20017)1:200 IJN Mikasa 1905 Detail up set (Pontos Model 23008F1)2+
74 31 October 2022, 06:18
Villiers de Vos
Another master piece starting to take shape.
1  1 November 2022, 08:44
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Let's hope so. The conditions are particularly good this time. Not only do I have a Pontos set for this model, I also have an MK 1 set on top. So let's see what I can conjure up from it
 1 November 2022, 10:35
David Taylor
Back in.
1  1 November 2022, 14:38
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Top. 😃
 1 November 2022, 14:53
Jan Peters
Jetzt gehts los!
Another two year build Jörg?
Following 👀
1  1 November 2022, 15:03
Jörg Schäfer 著者
I think so Jan. 😅
Nice that you be there.
 2 November 2022, 03:53
Sven Schönyan
Zur Entspannung jetzt was bodenständigeres?

Ich bin auf jeden Fall dabei!
1  14 February 2024, 16:16
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Schön Sven.
Ja, der Ausflug ins Star Wars Universum war nett, aber ich baue doch am liebsten Schiffchen. 😉
Sehen wir uns auf der EME?
 14 February 2024, 16:19
Sven Schönyan
Leider nicht. An dem Wochenende kann ich nicht und ich muss dieses Jahr etwas Urlaub sparen. Ich habe für Hamburg im September gebucht.
1  14 February 2024, 16:24
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Sehr Schade.
Und Hamburg im September kann ich leider nicht.
 14 February 2024, 16:25
Hans-Jürgen Haag
Schön zu sehen, das japanisch Bügeleisen ist im Bau. Bin schon gespannt auf das Ergebnis!😳
1  17 February 2024, 13:55
Ganz neu für mich, schiffe. Gespannt wo's hingeht. Hals & Beinbruch 💪🏼
1  17 February 2024, 15:08
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Fein, das freut mich euch dabei zu haben.
Glaubt mir, bin auch gespannt wo ich lande. 😄😉
 18 February 2024, 05:17
Michael Kohl
Nicht ohne mich! 🙂
1  18 February 2024, 07:21
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Klasse. 👍😀
 18 February 2024, 08:50
Jennifer Franklin
1  18 February 2024, 14:23
Jörg Schäfer 著者
It's nice that you're there, Jennifer. 😀
 18 February 2024, 14:26
Dietmar Bogatzki
Taking a seat 🙂
1  28 February 2024, 15:37
Jörg Schäfer 著者
I forgot that you came on board, Dietmar. Nice to have you there. 😀
 2 March 2024, 07:18
Dietmar Bogatzki
want to see how you build this iconic ship 🙂
1  2 March 2024, 07:21
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Very nice. 👍
 2 March 2024, 07:27
Michael Kohl
Nice workbench. And how on earth do you keep your cutting mat that clean?
Das Modell? Ja das Modell wird halt wieder super. Eh klar! 😉
1  5 March 2024, 17:23
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Thanks Michael.
That's easy. Before I started building the Mikasa, I rotated it 180 degrees. If you look at the picture with the bow view, you will notice the paint and glue residue in the back corner. 😁
 6 March 2024, 12:22
Dietmar Bogatzki
Fantastic seein how you build a nother Masterpiece, Jörg 👍
1  9 March 2024, 07:19
Jörg Schäfer 著者
And my best thanks again, Dietmar. 😃
 9 March 2024, 10:36
Guy Rump
Looking great, following. 👍
1  14 March 2024, 20:09
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Thank you, and nice to have you on board.
 15 March 2024, 06:16
Dietmar Bogatzki
Fantastisch was du mit dem Rumpf gezaubert hast, Jörg und das in der kurzen Zeit 👍
1  15 March 2024, 07:04
Looking great! Steady hand! I would think hullred but I had to look up the word "antifouling" 🤔🦐🦞🐙🦑
1  15 March 2024, 07:38
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Thank you both.
It's unbelievable what was mixed into the antifouling paint back then, Tini. 😲
 15 March 2024, 10:04
Jan Peters
Excellent progress, looking forward to seeing more
1  16 March 2024, 07:31
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Thank you very much, Jan. I'll try to hurry....😅
 16 March 2024, 10:26
Sy Bar
Great work so far 🍿

Slight off topic I'm interested in the storage you have behind it. Particularly the one between the brush storage and the three tall draws. My question is de you convert another storage to give the racks for your tray things and if so how/what did you convert? I have the same storage system but have not found anything like that rack and it's a great idea I'd like to use.
Cheers and keep the good work going as it's going to be a great model. 👍
1  16 March 2024, 10:36
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Hello Sy Bar.
Thank you.
Do you mean this rack?!


It is very modular and can be adapted to the respective use. I use them to store the organizer drawers for my etched parts.
 16 March 2024, 13:54
Sy Bar
Cheers #Jörg keep up good work
 16 March 2024, 20:53
Joerg R.
Alter! Hier sieht man erst, welch gigantische Arbeit du jetzt schon wieder investiert hast. Namensvetter, das wird wieder was richtig feines von dir, da bin ich mir zu 100% sicher.
Bin auf jeden Fall wieder dabei und staune und staune.
1  16 March 2024, 22:57
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Das freut mich, Jörg.
Schön dich an Bord begrüßen zu dürfen. 😄
 17 March 2024, 06:29
Showed up because I heard there was a grinding orgy of chiseling, but now i'm staying for this incredible build!
1  21 April 2024, 14:51
Jörg Schäfer 著者
😂 Thank you very much, nice to have you there.
 22 April 2024, 09:16
Hans-Jürgen Haag
Es wächst und gedeiht! Schön mit anzusehen. Der dunkle Anstrich sieht wirklich super aus, gefällt mir ! Weiter so Jörg 👍👍👍
1  27 April 2024, 15:51
Jörg - you always have the most interesting, detailed and fascinating builds! I love how you convey your thought process as you build your masterpieces! Definitely watching to see this new masterpiece!
1  27 April 2024, 16:46
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Danke Hans-Jürgen. 😉
I'm very pleased, CaptGPF, that you like my little construction reports so much. 😁
 28 April 2024, 05:02
Dietmar Bogatzki
Awesome weathering Jörg 👍
1  23 May 2024, 08:00
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Many thanks, Dietmar. 😊
 23 May 2024, 17:07
Rui S
Looking Great as always 👍
1  26 May 2024, 12:15
This weathering is outstanding! Also, you're giving me severe desk envy for your workshop setup!
1  27 May 2024, 10:55
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Many thanks to you both.
Yes my workbench turned out really cool, NLAWScametovisit.
 3 June 2024, 08:34
Matti Thomaes
Sorry for your los, Jörg, but it's good to see you're getting back to our wonderfull hobby.
1  28 October 2024, 11:00
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Many many thanks, Matti.
 28 October 2024, 16:04
Michael Kohl
Rough seas you had to steer through lately. My condolences. Hope future waters will be much calmer and this build helps navigate them Looking for more progress here. 🙂
1  28 October 2024, 16:57
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Thank you for the kind words Michael.
Yes, I hope that things are going well again now.
 29 October 2024, 06:08
Hans-Jürgen Haag
Kommt gut raus dein Bügeleisen 😎 sehr gut gemacht 👍👍👍
1  29 October 2024, 10:24
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Schön daß es dir gefällt, Hans-Jürgen. 👍
 29 October 2024, 16:54
Looks like you are doing amazing work! Definitely following this build. 🙂
1  30 October 2024, 18:36
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Thank you very much, Gorby.
Nice to welcome you on board.
 31 October 2024, 05:36
Ingmar Stöhr
Wow, how did I miss out on this awesome project? Very involved detailing going on! I love the paint finish so far!
1  16 November 2024, 11:31
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Many thanks Ingmar. 😊
We'll see how it goes.
 16 November 2024, 12:16
Dietmar Bogatzki
The Master of Shipmodels again in action, hope everyting is well
2  7 January, 09:47
Ingmar Stöhr
Very nice guns!
1  7 January, 16:46
Jan Peters
Those guns are fantastic!
1  7 January, 17:24
Jennifer Franklin
Those guns are amazing!
1  7 January, 18:04
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Thank you, everyone. Yes, the Pontos guns are truly phenomenal.
Thanks for asking Dietmar, everything is fine again.
1  8 January, 06:36
Fantastic detail on a beautiful ship! You make it hard to resist getting converted to the 1:200 scale 🙂
1  23 February, 09:01
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Thank you Chrisswe.
Yes, you can really conjure up some great details at this scale. But from what I see in your scale, you rock it too. 👍
1  23 February, 10:44
Everytime a party to see the progress. Carry on😉 💪🏼
1  24 February, 01:02
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Thank you very much Tini.
But at the moment I'm taking a little break. Let's see if it continues again next week.
1  24 February, 11:56
Stefan Fraundorfer
Late, but not too late, I'm joining in to follow the construction of another magnificent model from you, Jörg.
1  15 March, 08:52
Jennifer Franklin
The figures look great.
1  15 March, 11:44
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Nice to welcome you on board, Stefan.
Yes, the ION figures are of excellent quality, Jennifer.
1  15 March, 14:00
Villiers de Vos
Slowly coming together. Very nice progress.
1  15 March, 16:11
Jörg Schäfer 著者
Yes, things are slowly moving forward again.
 16 March, 08:26
Lee Fogel
4 16 March, 05:29
Following 👍. I am building the Matchbox version of the A-7 D, it'll be interesting to see the differences with the Airfix one you're doing
 16 March, 06:24
Thomas Kolb
Very interesting salvaging of a vintage looking kit! But what is that blue stuff on the right wing?
 16 March, 08:07
3 16 March, 08:03
Kurt Reichert
7 7 June 2015, 16:11
Rui S
Looking great 👍
 14 March, 15:47
 14 March, 19:27
Some useful defence photos, thx! 😉
 15 March, 14:16
Kurt Reichert 著者
Hello Pepe and veenee!
Thanks Rui. 🙂
 15 March, 15:43
Reference not defence, sorry - great job BTW.
 16 March, 07:38
Juergen Klinglhuber
7 15 March, 17:27
I'm watching with interest. Great topic. 👍
 15 March, 18:04
Łukasz Gliński
Me 2
 15 March, 19:47
Alex K
 15 March, 21:55
Ben M
 15 March, 22:14
 16 March, 07:23
Thomas Kolb
Nice start with the flight deck!
 16 March, 07:36
Ludwig Micallef
16 24 December 2024, 18:17
Robert Podkoński
Great job so far, Ludwig! Keep it up!
1  8 March, 17:35
Stefan Fraundorfer
added a new article to 彼の personal gallery:
16 March, 07:21
Jan Peters
15 画像
SAS Landrover Pink Panther View album, image #14New: 15 March, 22:34
More building done tonight, had a nice evening with some friends coming over, chatting, drinking and building :-)
プロジェクト: S.A.S. Land Rover Pink Panther
1:35 S.A.S. Land Rover Pink Panther (Tamiya MM176)
14 9 March, 14:08
Jan Peters 著者
This will be build straight from the box, for an old school Tamiya Group build over on twenot forums.
I will share my ventures here too 😉
 9 March, 14:14
Taking a seat. 🙂
1  12 March, 17:18
Jan Peters 著者
Welcome mate 🙂
1  12 March, 18:18
Robert Podkoński
Me 2!
1  12 March, 18:39
Jan Peters 著者
A warm welcome for you as well Robert 🙂
1  12 March, 19:02
Rui S
I'm in 😎
1  13 March, 00:28
Jan Peters 著者
Welcome Rui 🙂
 13 March, 04:41
Djordje Nikolic
1  14 March, 04:26
Jan Peters 著者
Welcome Djordje🙂
1  14 March, 07:11
Jan Peters 著者
Started 🙂
 14 March, 12:33
István Szücs
1  14 March, 17:42
Jan Peters 著者
Welcome István 🙂
1  14 March, 17:53
Jennifer Franklin
Ohhh... following
1  15 March, 16:36
Jan Peters 著者
Welcome Jennifer 🙂
 15 March, 22:34
Jan Peters 著者
More building done tonight, had a nice evening with some friends coming over, chatting, drinking and building 🙂 
1  15 March, 22:37
Looks great so far, will love to see it complete
1  15 March, 22:53
Jan Peters 著者
Thanks JR, and welcome 🙂
 16 March, 07:11
damien bresso
9 October 2024, 21:01
4 8 February, 23:23





