スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー

RAF Mustang Mk.Ia

Album image #1
Album image #2
Oops, missed the seam line.  

Album image #3
Album image #4
Album image #5
Album image #6
A drop of thinned clear gloss on each instrument.  

Album image #7
Cockpit all buttoned up, except for seat and rollover bar.  

Album image #8
Album image #9
Was pleasantly surprised by how well the wings, nose pieces, and scoops fit together.  

Album image #10
The radiator scoop fit surprisingly well.  

Album image #11
These clear parts (or “transparencies” as the Brits call them) are not fun at all! Accurate Miniatures put the sprue on the face of the windscreen, and the rear half-circle windows have nothing to rest against. Oh well…lessons for next time. 

Album image #12
Finally got some time to spray a final primer coat. Not much else to report.  

Album image #13
Had some issues and false starts over the weekend. Since this is a desert airplane it should be well-worn. But I’ve an abandoned the chipping fluid method and will try to chip the Vallejo paint with a toothpick at the end.  

Album image #14
Yes, this is somewhat schizophrenic. Was going to do black basing and then realized I’d forgotten the silver chipping base so….yeah…kinda a mess.  

Album image #15
Decided not to free-hand the camo and to try the silly putty technique instead. It’s not much to look at with putty oozing everywhere (phone couldn’t quite get the colors right).  

Album image #16
Paint went on ok but had some issues with it separating when thinned. And some odd splotches appearing. Just waited for them to dry and covered everything. That was odd… 

Album image #17
Any ideas what this was? Looks like the putty contracts a bit on exposure to paint (or maybe just the time sitting there?).  

Album image #18
Overall very happy with how things turned out. Some touchup needed on the tail but otherwise ready for the attempts at chipping through to the underlying silver.  

Album image #19
Tamiya masking tape is amazing stuff.  

Album image #20
Album image #21
Chipping coming along nicely.  

Album image #22
Trying to use Vallejo’s biggest weakness—adhesion—in my favor. Used a toothpick and quite happy with this for a first attempt. Fixed mistakes with a ballpoint pen, which gave some nice color and sheen variations.  

Album image #23
Flat coat on, ready for weathering.  

Album image #24
Album image #25
Removing canopy masks is still the most fun part of aircraft modeling. 

Album image #26
Album image #27
Starboard side wing, green camo, faded and dusty with artists oils. Oil weathering has been a challenge to learn. Going to push forward with these filters and try to improve for the next one.  

Album image #28
This reference photo gives a sense of the goal.  

Album image #29
Slowly moving along… 


32 11 March, 00:46
I have this very kit and am planning to build it soon! How did you get such fine painting on the instrument panel? It looks amazing!
11 March, 13:22
Thanks Rando. I dry-brushed dark grey and white on the instrument faces and then picked out some buttons and placards with a very fine brush. Dry-brushing highlighted some areas that I didn't want highlighted so I came back with some flat black and repainted the "rim" around the flight instruments.

Each of the dials will get a drop of clear later. Check out my album on the Revell P-51D for another panel if you're interested.
11 March, 15:14
Great to hear about how you did this, and I definitely will!
11 March, 23:11
Very nice! I think you have the right idea of not attaching the seat yet since it's so flimsy…maybe I'll carefully remove mine. How did fitting that radio part work out for you? Did it go in like we discussed?
6 April, 13:06
Thanks. Yeah it'll go in later along with the rollover bar. Also gives me time to scratch seatbelts.

The rear radio rack went perfectly above and behind the main rack. It fits under the horizontal "stringer" aft of the main radio deck.
6 April, 14:54
Desert Marlin
Your struggle seems to be coming along in excellent fashion!!!! Keep it up! 👍
29 April, 03:31
Thanks for the encouragement. I have four more of these Allison birds in the stash and this is the variant I like the least….so on the upside, I'm learning a lot for the others! 😂
29 April, 03:35
Desert Marlin
True model building!!!
29 April, 03:39
Nice smooth finish you got with the primer there. Gonna be a nice paint job!
13 July, 14:30
Thanks! Looking forward to getting some paint down. Though I think Mr. Surfacer deserves more credit for the primer finish than Mr. KyMustang!
13 July, 15:53
Desert Marlin
Mr. Surfacer works really well! I like using the PostIt Notes for making...
13 July, 17:42
Looking really good!!
5 August, 03:42
Excellent work! Love the step by step
5 August, 05:00

Hope it's helpful, Doubtingmango.
5 August, 18:15

Album info

Accurate Miniatures P-51 with Xtradecal markings

29 画像
1:48 Desert Air War WWII Collection Pt 1 (Xtradecal X48236)1:48 P-51 Mustang (Accurate Miniatures 3400)


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