スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Navy Bird
Bill Gilman (Navy Bird)

Hawker Siddeley Buccaneer S.2 (CMR)


18 5 May 2012, 13:40
Stefan Schneider
You call this an easy one?😉
I recently finished my first all-resin kit and it is not thaaaat difficult. Just some other techniques that have to be used and maybe you will need a little bit more time for the kit.
Have fun with it!
5 May 2012, 13:45
Bill Gilman
Thanks, I've used hundreds of resin conversions, etc. so I'm not too worried. Rule number one for me when I'm cleaning up the edges and removing the casting blocks is: dry fit, dry fit, dry fit!!! 🙂
5 May 2012, 13:47
Philip De Keyser
I'm tuned Bill, great plain!!! greetz Phil
5 May 2012, 15:49
Christian Lehmann
Hi Bill, this is an interesting project. I will follow this.
5 May 2012, 17:02
Burkhard D
I'll follow this for sure. Still gotta learn how to deal with resin stuff.
5 May 2012, 17:47
Holger Kranich
I agree with Burkhard, i´m exited about your result and how you deal with the resin😢!
5 May 2012, 18:02
Bill Gilman
I've added some more photos. The first problem I found was that the intakes were too small for the fuselage. Notice that when the top of the intake is aligned, there is a considerable step at the bottom of the intake. Sanding the edges of the top and bottom halves of the fuselage fixes this problem easily.

I also had to sand down the starboard wing in order to make it fit properly with the top half. You'll notice that the port wing has three bumps moulded in to set the proper thickness of the wing. I had to sand these bumps off on the starboard side. The resin sands down quickly, you have to constantly check your progress so you don't go too far.

More to come - I've cleaned up almost all of the parts, so I can start the assembly. First will be the cockpit of course. The Eduard colour photoetch is the wrong colour of grey, but I will paint the cockpit to match it. That's easier than painting the photoetch again! Light Ghost Grey (FS36375) looks like a match. The cockpit should be Admiralty Grey, but I won't tell anyone if you won't!
7 May 2012, 15:56
Philip De Keyser
Keep up the good work Bill, it will turns out great when it's finished, greetz Phil
7 May 2012, 17:07
stefan natus
I feel i gonna learn something here.Following this one.
7 May 2012, 19:04
Bill Gilman
@stefan - me too! I hope I learn something as I've never done this before!
8 May 2012, 00:08
Bill Gilman
Paint drying on the cockpit as I type! 🙂
8 May 2012, 01:27
Wilfried Bogaerts
The Bucaneer is one mighty aeroplane! Too bad there isn't a decent injection kit on the market in 72nd scale. I'm a bit anxious with resin kits and then there's the price... if I mess up. Maybe I should try my PJ Production Thunderstreak first, I've got it as a gift and if I fail it wouldn't cost me anything😉 Meanwhile Hasegawa or Revell have time to produce an injected Buccaneer!
8 May 2012, 07:53
Holger Kranich
Thats a good idea, Wilfried! If Hase or Revell produce a new kit, i´w build it, too. The old Revell one, was one of my first kit´s!
8 May 2012, 07:57
Bill Gilman
There is a rumour that CYberHobby is doing a 1:72 Buccaneer. But after seeing what they did with the Sea Vixen and Sea Venom (numerous accuracy issues), I'm not sure I want to see it. Plus, their Sea Venom was priced the same as the CMR Sea Venom, and doesn't include the PR and masks, etc.

Ideally, Airfix could scale down their 1:48 Bucc, or Revell of Germany could tool a new one in 1:72. But I can't hold my breath that long! 🙂
8 May 2012, 15:10
Dave Flitton
I have three Airfixs to do, so I will watch this one to what I can add or subtract. Take LOTS of pictures!!!
8 May 2012, 18:30
Holger Kranich
Dave, i support this idea!🙂
8 May 2012, 18:33
Dave Flitton
If you have extra pieces left over (seats, canopy, etc) you might make it available to us, the unwashed owners of Airfix kits.
8 May 2012, 19:00
Bill Gilman
OK, lots of pictures. And I'll keep in mind about the extra parts. CMR provided two canopies, since they must know my vacuform skills. Hopefully, one will survive for me to use! 🙂
8 May 2012, 20:17
Bill Gilman
I've added a few more pictures. The cockpit is pretty much finished (although the seats are not attached yet, they're just posing for the pictures) and the main fuselage is together. No problems yet, you just have to very carefully sand all of the mating edges, clean off the casting blocks, and glue all of your fingers together with superglue. I'll be doing the model with the wings folded, so they will be attached later. Should I open the nose cone too? There is some electronic gizmos in there.
29 May 2012, 13:27
Stefan Schneider
Hi Bill,
looks great so far 😉
29 May 2012, 13:39
Holger Kranich
I would´nt open the nose. It looks better to me when its closed, but when you´r in the mood to catch the lil gizmo´s, then go ahead!😢
29 May 2012, 13:40
Holger Kranich
Btw, great to see you back at the bench!
29 May 2012, 13:41
Bill Gilman
I think the nose looks better closed, too. It looks odd when it's open because I would expect to see a radar dish, but it's not there. It's hidden up inside the forward part of the nose cone (I think). Scroll down to see some nice pictures with the nose cone open - it's just not very interesting.


29 May 2012, 14:03
Holger Kranich
After viewing, i must say: Let it close... Or the wonderful shape of this plane is gone...
29 May 2012, 14:07
Sherif Sharmy
It looks very good. The cockpit is excellent.
29 May 2012, 14:56
Sherif Sharmy
Don`t open the nose................I never did like my model showing interior details except the cockpit.
29 May 2012, 14:58
Sherif Sharmy
Are you going to paint it as the box or camouflaged? I like the camo more.
29 May 2012, 15:03
Aghis Barberopoulos
Beautiful work on that cockpit, looks very impressive !
29 May 2012, 15:43
Philip De Keyser
Really a very beautifull cockpit, it looks impressive, greetz Phil
29 May 2012, 15:45
stefan natus
I stand behind holger nose closed or the shape of the plane is gone ,nice work on the pit.
29 May 2012, 16:23
Christian Lehmann
I agree Phil, realy impressive cockpit
29 May 2012, 16:53
very good looking
29 May 2012, 18:04
Bill Gilman
Thanks, mates. @Sherif, my plan is for a Fleet Air Arm bird, so it will be a boring Extra Dark Sea Grey overall. And I agree with everyone, I will not open the nose cone!
29 May 2012, 20:20
Holger Kranich
😢 Good choice, Bill!
29 May 2012, 20:25
Sherif Sharmy
Ok Bill and happy painting. Good luck................by the way look at my photos, I`ve added something that might be useful. I hope you like it
29 May 2012, 20:40
Bill Gilman
Thanks for the new photos. 020 looks like 809 Squadron, that is one of the schemes that come with the kit. I'm going to do 803 Squadron.
29 May 2012, 21:42
Sherif Sharmy
Anybody............any friend know what is going on. Are we becoming a site for love and affection. Maybe she`s a bomb i`m not sure......very weird indeed.
3 June 2012, 23:04
Sherif.. its a Spambot... I'm sure tim will sort when he can
3 June 2012, 23:05
Sherif Sharmy
We are all a happy community........but Spambot. Maybe its a bomb virus that attacked our site a couple of days ago. I hope Tim could figure it out.
Thanks for your comment. How`s your Hind progressing? By the way, we all should exchange our E-Mails, hoping that Tim could arrange that, because I was very upset when the site was. Do you agree? At least we could contact each other just in case.
3 June 2012, 23:13
Hey Sherif, I think the site went down for other reasons.. it only needed a restart.. as to the spambot.. they hit a lot of forums.. just one of those things.

I hope tim does do a list... as i was going nuts trying to figure out how to contract a few of my friends from here...
3 June 2012, 23:15
Sherif Sharmy
Me too...........Remember that I had something like that some months ago and my computer almost went bust but thank to Norton, it blocked the whole system and removed it. By the way Augie, my wife is going to London on the 13th till the 16th and I was hoping maybe you can help. I need filters for my compressor regulator but can`t find them here as my unit I bought when I was in Sweden. If i send you photos of the regulator and filter maybe you can guide me to a shop in London or nearby that sell it. Thanks.
3 June 2012, 23:29
sure send them over i'll see whast i can do.. also make and model of the unit
3 June 2012, 23:33
Sherif Sharmy
My E-Mail is: mustang5@windowslive.com
3 June 2012, 23:44
Bill Gilman
Did Fanta44 pick on anyone else or just me? Maybe she's a Monty Python fan! 🙂
4 June 2012, 00:01
Sherif Sharmy
I dont think she liked me as I am a fan of Mr. Bean
4 June 2012, 00:03
Bill Gilman
Me too! And Benny Hill!
4 June 2012, 00:04
Sherif Sharmy
Of course, the whole collection...........torrents plus Jerry Lewis, Laurel and Hardy and all the comedy movies particulary what`s up doc. I hope you are well.
4 June 2012, 00:09
Sherif Sharmy
One of my best......its a mad mad mad world.
4 June 2012, 00:11
Bill Gilman
I hope to post some more pictures soon. The fuselage is assembled, I've had to use some filler as my sanding was a bit too much in certain areas. Plus I had to fill a few bubble holes, but only one that was really a problem. I want to prime the fuselage today, and then we'll take some pictures. since I'm going to have the outer wings folded, they're not done yet.

There is no mention in the CMR instructions about adding any weight to the front, and I'm a bit worried. It looks like it is just going to balance, and I don't have any place to add weight in the front. The nose cone is solid resin, maybe I can drill some of that out - we'll see. If anyone has built this before and knows that extra weight will not be a problem, please let me know. Thanks.
4 June 2012, 12:39
Bill Gilman
I've added some photos to show the progress on my Buccaneer. First, I taped everything together as I planned to configure the model, and yes indeed it is a tail-sitter. You can see in the photo that a 1/8 ounce fishing weight is more than enough to make the plane balance properly.

I used my Dremel tool to grind out a recess in the front of the fuselage to accept the weight. Next, the actuators for the rear air brake were broken in transit, so I had to add some small pieces of wire.

One half of the air brake had a moulding mismatch resulting in a small step. I filled the step with some card stock, and added some filler to one end (haven't sanded yet). The kit comes with two sets of air brakes, pre- and post-mod 1044. I have to use the post-mod air brakes for the scheme I've chosen, so I must fix the moulding problem and not use the other air brake parts.

I wish I could get better pictures of the detail that is moulded into this kit, but the yellow colour of the resin isn't cooperating. I think it will look much better after I've started painting. Which will be soon!!!

7 June 2012, 14:11
Aghis Barberopoulos
It looks cute, best of luck with the painting!
7 June 2012, 15:04
Burkhard D
Nice work there, Bill. I also like the pictorial, gives me a good feeling on what working with resin is all about. Looking forward to tackling one in the near future. That order from Anigrand really burned a hole in my pocket, I'll blame you for inspiring me :-D
7 June 2012, 15:16
Sherif Sharmy
I like the cockpit. Well done Bill...............it looks very real. I am now cleaning and removing things which i do not want in my room. So, i am on holiday from modelling for some time. Good luck Bill
7 June 2012, 15:34
Holger Kranich
Hey Bill, seems as you have a "heavy weight champion" among your collection!
7 June 2012, 15:51
Philip De Keyser
It looks great so far Bill and good luck with the paintjob, greetz Phil
7 June 2012, 15:53
Bill Gilman
@Holger - yes, heavyweight in more ways than one. I would guess that the resin itself weighs about twice as much as an injection moulded kit would.

My plan on painting is to use the Alclad grey primer first. Resin needs a primer more than styrene, and the Alclad primer is a lacquer, should it should "bite" really well. I will test on some of the resin parts that I'm not using first, of course. Then I will use Gunze EDSG. Not sure if I want to use the Aqueous version (Mr. Hobby) or the lacquer version (Mr. Color). Might give the latter a try, I've got two bottles of it, plus I have both the Mr. Color Thinner and the Mr. Color Leveling Thinner (retarder).

If there are any resin painting experts out there, let me know what you think. I used the Alclad primer and aluminum on the resin rear fuselage of my Lightning without any incident. I think I'll be OK.
7 June 2012, 17:16
Christian Bruer
Hi Bill, wow, what an amazing project. The result looks really nice so far! Can't wait to see more! Cheers, Christian
7 June 2012, 17:47
Holger Kranich
Hi Bill! I´m not an expert in painting resin but i think, i´d use the "Mr. Hobby" option! And i agree with the primer!!!
7 June 2012, 18:45
Bill Gilman
I've just learned that I have to drill some small holes in the top of the intakes to represent some vents that are on the actual plane, but not on this kit. The good folks over at the Buccaneer Aviation Society measured the size of the vents and replied "two fingers." I'm guessing that's approximately 50mm (King's fingers of course) so that means a 0.7mm drill. Hmmm...that's about 0.027 inches. I'm in luck! I have a 0.026" bit in my jeweler's drill set. I inherited this set from my Grandfather, who flew SPADs in WWI. I wonder what he would think if he were still alive and sat in a Buccaneer?
7 June 2012, 22:09
Sherif Sharmy
Excellent job for the nose weight...........you are a pro. Again, the cockpit is fantastic Bill. Good luck
8 June 2012, 02:59
Bill Gilman
Thanks, Michael, that's good to know. I got to thinking, instead of shooting a grey lacquer primer, and then add the EDSG, why not just shoot it with the Mr. Color EDSG to begin with? It's grey, of course, and it's a lacquer! My only concern here is what I've read about a good primer necessary for resin kits so you don't pull the paint up when masking. I'll experiment a bit on the extra slipper pair of tanks that came with the kit.
8 June 2012, 03:00
stunning build so far Bill
8 June 2012, 08:01
Bill Gilman
Thanks, Michael, I will still experiment - too much money tied up in this kit! 🙂

And thanks to everyone else for their nice comments, which aren't deserved yet, let's see how the final kit turns out!

I will be away from modelling starting tomorrow and continuing for 8-10 days or so, there won't be any updates during that time. I hope I can survive being away from my workbench that long. My wife seems to think that a week at the beach will be good for relaxation after my back surgery. Unknown to her, Squadron just ran a sale on many of their Squadron/Signal Publications, and I bought about 40 "In Action," "Detail and Scale," and "Walkaround" books for an average price of $1.25 each. I have packed them in my baggage so I have something to do while I get a sunburn. Cheers, Bill
8 June 2012, 16:07
Sherif Sharmy
Enjoy your squadron signal vacation..........hope your wife dont mind!!!!!!!!
8 June 2012, 16:54
Aghis Barberopoulos
Enjoy! Happy reading and calm seas! Don't get burned...🙂
8 June 2012, 16:59
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Lay down in the sand and relax.
8 June 2012, 17:01
Holger Kranich
Safety first! Be aware of a sunburn! And try to relax, some hours at the beach can be very inspiring! But maybe you should take some paint with you, to sniff sometimes ...😉
8 June 2012, 20:48
Yeah... set an alarm for 15 mins.. so you can turn over😉
8 June 2012, 20:51
Holger Kranich
8 June 2012, 21:00
enjoy the magazines 🙂
8 June 2012, 22:08
Bill Gilman
Thanks! I'm stocked up on SPF 100. A newborn couldn't get sunburned with this stuff!

@Holger - I'm too old for that kind of inspiring! (Not really, just a joke. I have those pills.) 🙂
8 June 2012, 22:31
Sherif Sharmy
Keep the pills camouflaged.....................enjoy
8 June 2012, 23:36
Dirk Heyer
Hi Bill,
sorry I`ve overseen this project totally! All threats going too fast here and I`m not the constant visitor here! 🙂
This complete resin aircraft kit is the hard way of modelling, sure! Hope you can go the easy way for assembling, but I`m sure with your skill the result will be amazing! Wish you you a steady hand!
Btw, the cockpit looks very fine!
Greetz Dirk
9 June 2012, 00:04
Bill Gilman
@Dirk - Hi, thanks for stopping by. I'm having fun with the kit. So far, I think the only things that seem different to me is what you do to get the part off of the "sprue" and what kind of glue you have to use. Not as different as I thought it would be...however...CMR is one of the best resin companies and I'm not finished with it yet! Plenty of time for things to get weird and me to have to learn something new! Which is good, I always like to learn something new each time I build a model.

It's too bad that I didn't get any painting done before I leave for this holiday. But it will be waiting for me when I get back! 🙂
9 June 2012, 00:45
Dirk Heyer
Hi Bill,
yes I agree with your explanation! I`ve built several resin kits over the years. Some with success and some with minor success! 🙂
Your way and philosophies of modelling is of course the right way. I believe, if we don`t accept no more new techniques and solutions on the workbench, it is the beginning of stasis and no fun!
The best examples for thousand and one techniques and ways in modelling a plasticmodell are those helpful books from Paul Boyer or Mike Ashey from Fine Scale Modeller. I loved and love this books till today.
One of my undone modelling tasks is to build a Vacu kit. I`ve two kits and I`m sure Vacu could be also a complete different experience?
I wish you success with your Buccaneer

Greetz Dirk
9 June 2012, 10:03
Bill Gilman
Hi Dirk, I have not successfully completed a vacuform kit yet - it is still on my "bucket list."

It's beautiful here at the beach! Unfortunately, the nearest hobby shop is over one hour drive. I'm in Cape May, NJ so sometime this week I will go to the Naval Air Station museum. Small, maybe 25 planes or so. But it gets boring watching the beach bikinis all day!😢
10 June 2012, 22:33
Aghis Barberopoulos
11 June 2012, 11:28
Philip De Keyser
Live can be beautifull😉 have a great time and a nice vieuw, greetz Phil
11 June 2012, 12:17
Bill Gilman
Hi mates,

I survived the beach vacation, no sunburn, but I didn't finish all of the Squadron books. Just a few of them. I visited the small aviation museum (hey, they had an F-14B in Jolly Rogers markings!) but forgot my camera! Then I remembered when I got back that I had my phone with me (which has a camera in it)! This is what happens when you get old.

I also visited a WWII Lookout Tower where citizen volunteers would watch for U-Boats in Delaware Bay. They were there, too, since the Philadelphia Naval yard and a lot of commercial (i.e. lend lease) ships went through the bay on their way into the Atlantic. Due to my recent back surgery, I couldn't climb all the stairs, that will have to wait until next time.

So now it's time to get back to work on the Brick! I still haven't put any paint on this guy yet. Must. Paint. Extra. Dark. Sea. Grey!!

Cheers, Bill
20 June 2012, 02:13
Philip De Keyser
Nice to have you back on scalemates Bill, greetz Phil
20 June 2012, 05:42
Aghis Barberopoulos
Welcome back!
20 June 2012, 12:16
Bill Gilman
@Michael - the F-14B was in the VF-103 Jolly Rogers scheme, so not exactly the same as VF-84. Still had a nice big skull and cross-bones on the tails though! The pilot and RIO had "autographed" the canopy rails next to their call signs using a black marker. Nice touch, I've not seen that before. Here is the museum's web site:


Small, not a lot of aircraft, but still an enjoyable way to spend a morning.
20 June 2012, 16:40
Bill Gilman
Hello Scalemates,

I've managed to get some time at the workbench, but man my back is still giving me a lot of pain. Now I know what it feels like to make a hard carrier landing flying a Vought Cutlass! 🙂

Some new pictures are now added to the album. I have a couple that show the fuselage after filling and sanding. I used more filler than I expected, but a lot of this was due to my inexperience with resin kits (this is my first one) and I removed too much material when taking the parts off the casting blocks. The only area that really is a bad fit was the nose cone.

I primed the areas that I had filled, and then inspected for problems. Found a bunch, so I had another round with the putty. After that I added the airbrake mechanism at the rear of the fuselage.

I mentioned earlier that the strakes on the airbrake petals were paper thin and not fully formed. I removed them and used the thinnest card stock I had to add them back on. So that's where I am, I hope tomorrow to get the fuselage painted but it all depends on my back. Cheers!
23 June 2012, 23:34
Bill Gilman
I also added the vents that are on top of the intakes. These were added with a very small jewelers drill of 0.5 and 0.6mm diameter. I've been told that although these are on every Buccaneer ever made, none of the available kits include them. Two tiny air scoops were also added to the top of the intakes.
23 June 2012, 23:40
Philip De Keyser
the progresse of the Buc is great Bill, sanding is the massage with resin kits that's the resen why is do not buy any resin kits, sanding is something that makes me not happy, greetz Phil
24 June 2012, 06:22
Bill Gilman
@Philip, yes sanding is one of the "pains" of modelling. I guess you have to deal with it in order to have a model of obscure subjects, or if you want the very nice detail that resin can produce. I always wondered why someone would spend $20 for a 1:72 resin cockpit until I bought one myself. The detail that can be produced is amazing!

In the case of the Buccaneer in 1:72 scale, my other choices were Airfix and Matchbox, both ancient kits with lots of problems. And probably more sanding and filling! 🙂
24 June 2012, 15:25
Holger Kranich
Bill, you made a great job! As far as i can see, this will become a wonderful Buc!😉
24 June 2012, 15:42
Aghis Barberopoulos
Especially sanding resin is not very healthy - When I have to do significant resin sanding I go outside in the open with my mask on.
Looks great so far Bill !
24 June 2012, 16:19
Bill Gilman
@Holger, the Bucc looks a little rough right now, but once it's painted I hope it will look nicer.

@Aghis, I use a painter's mask. You raise a very good point - you shouldn't breathe in resin dust. The fumes from the paints we all use are also a health concern - even water-based acrylics! The proper care must always be taken!
24 June 2012, 17:08
Holger Kranich
Safety first! (And i have to remind that very often!)
25 June 2012, 17:38
stefan natus
Coming along nicely bill,your a great builder.
25 June 2012, 17:39
John Bollig
Yup, Bill it is not safe to take in resin dust. That is why I have a vented area and a fan that vents the fumes outside from the paint. I also have been shifting to acrylics as fast as I can since the enamels use paint cleaners.
25 June 2012, 18:54
Bill Gilman
Paints basically have three components: Pigment, binder, and thinner (solvent). "Acrylic" refers to the binding agent - not to the pigment and not to the thinner.

I know many modellers who think there are two kinds of paints, petroleum-based enamel/lacquer and water-based acrylics. This is not true! There are really only two kinds of hobby paint: enamel and lacquer. The difference between the two has to do with what happens when they dry. Enamels cure (the solvent reacts chemically with the binder) while lacquers dry (the sovent simply evaporates).

Acrylic is not a type of paint. Paints that are labeled acrylic use a form of plastic as the binder. That's all it means, so there are both acrylic enamels and acrylic lacquers. (House paint is usually latex, which means that the binder is a form of rubber. Acrylic latex - there's that word again - uses synthetic resins as the "rubber".)

"Acrylic" also doesn't mean water-based - when a paint is labeled water-based it means the thinner (solvent) is water-based. Binders that are compatible with water-based solvents tend to be less "nasty" and that's why most people consider them safer. But you'll still notice all sorts of warnings on the label!

The bottom line is that none of the hobby paints we use are 100% safe. Wear a mask, turn on the fan, or open the window.
25 June 2012, 23:49
Wilfried Bogaerts
Thx Bill, nice to know !
26 June 2012, 05:31
Philip De Keyser
Thx Bill for the info, greetz Phil
26 June 2012, 06:27
Dave Flitton
I just learned something about paints. Great info Bill!!!
26 June 2012, 12:04
Sherif Sharmy
Thank you Bill for your info about paint
26 June 2012, 16:48
Bill Gilman
Back in the late 80s I discovered Gunze Sangyo Aqueous Hobby Color on a trip to Japan. I liked it so much, I started importing the full range and selling via mail order in the US (no Internet in those days!) I visited the Gunze distributor at the time in Japan and learned a lot about this stuff. It's much more complex than this when you start getting into the chemistry, but as an overview I think what I've written is OK.

I looked this morning on bottles of Mr. Color, Aqueous Hobby Color, and Testor's ModelMaster and they all have the same warnings: Don't use without adequate ventilation. Don't breathe vapours for prolonged periods. Don't use near fire. Don't drink. If swallowed or if you have eye irritation, seek medical attention immediately.

Gunze now markets their two lines of paint as "water-based acrylic" and "solvent-based acrylic." My belief is that Mr. Color is an acrylic lacquer, because it has that typical lacquer smell, and that Aqueous Hobby Color is a water-based acrylic enamel, because it has the drying charateristics and sheen of an enamel.

My Gunze import business failed when they switched to big-name distributors (like MMD-Squadron) and started requiring very large minimum orders. I think they wanted to send a whole boat load at a time over to the USA. Then they got in trouble over the labels, and the whole rest of the story goes from there. Not all that easy to find in the US today, but I still have a stock of over 600 bottles that are still perfect, even though they're 25-30 years old!
26 June 2012, 17:08
Holger Kranich
Wow, you´ll never run out of paint in the next day´s...😢
26 June 2012, 18:04
Bill Gilman
Still need to buy occasionally...the stuff you use all the time like flat black, clear, etc. But I have a lifetime supply of H19 Pink.
26 June 2012, 19:06
Sherif Sharmy
You better now start pink cars................a cadilac
26 June 2012, 19:12
Bill Gilman
LOL - that's the only time I used pink, on a car for my daughter.
26 June 2012, 19:15
Aghis Barberopoulos
Pink photo recce spitfires ? 🙂
26 June 2012, 19:22
Holger Kranich
Oooohhh, H19 could become heritage of you...😉
26 June 2012, 19:25
Bill Gilman
Finally, the Brick is starting to look the part! I used Gunze H333 Extra Dark Sea Grey for the overall colour, and a light blue-grey for the wing folds, airbrake mechanism, launch bridle hooks, and the front landing gear and wheel well. I still need to paint the main gear. I didn't have the proper colour, BS381C-697, so I substituted Gunze H307. Close enough for me!

The interior of the intake is white, and I really couldn't figure out a way to mask off the leading edge, so I used a 20 zero brush to hand paint it a stainless steel colour. It's not perfect, but I think it's better than what I would have done by masking.

Still lots to do, but I think it's coming along nicely! Thanks for looking!
27 June 2012, 01:09
Bill Gilman
Once I get some markings on it, I'll put her in the photo booth and get some proper shots!
27 June 2012, 01:38
Sherif Sharmy
I can see a groove of the leading edge. I once used the old style shaving blade. I just put in the sunk line and painted then removed it, cleaned it quickly and repeated the same thing. I did both wings in half an hour. Give it a try.................cheers
27 June 2012, 01:48
Sherif Sharmy
It looks great bill................I like the color. Good work.Cant wait to see it.
27 June 2012, 01:50
Bill Gilman
That's a good trick! That should work nicely on the wing leadng edges.

The leading edges of the intakes are what I struggled with. I tried like crazy to mask it, but in 1:72 scale the intakes aren't all that big. Trying to get my fat fingers inside the intake just wasn't going to work. So I gave up and just hand painted it. But I will give the razor blade trick a try on the wings! Thanks for the suggestion! I believe on the Buccaneer, only the leading edge of the folding part of the wing is stainless steel...but I will check my references.
27 June 2012, 01:53
Sherif Sharmy
I see the intakes are 90% excellent so dont change it..............it looks very good to me in 1/72. I cant see if behind the ring of the intakes is a groove or not? Is there any? Anyway.................it looks excellent to me Bill......Good work
27 June 2012, 02:43
Alexander lucena
The cockpit is fabulous!!!
Very good work!!! Gratulations!!!
27 June 2012, 03:23
Wilfried Bogaerts
Another winner on it's way...
27 June 2012, 06:05
Philip De Keyser
Looks great Bill, nicely it's became another beauty from Bill, greetz Phil
27 June 2012, 11:39
Bill Gilman
@Sherif - there is a groove on the outside, but not the inside.
27 June 2012, 12:32
Gerald Chiang
It's looking good already.
27 June 2012, 12:38
Aghis Barberopoulos
It is beggining to look like a ...winner! Looks great, nice work !
27 June 2012, 17:06
Bill Gilman
Thanks, guys! Wait until I get serious about it, then she's going to start looking very cool! 🙂

Always loved the Brick - there are some great videos on YouTube about low-level flying with it. Check them out!
27 June 2012, 17:19
Sherif Sharmy
I have a complete video on the Bucc. It is fantastic
28 June 2012, 03:12
Lionel Marco

28 June 2012, 05:13
Duncan Cook
Looks realy good Bill.
28 June 2012, 23:18
Bill Gilman
Hello Scalemates! I posted a few more pictures. After giving the Buccaneer a coat of Gunze EDSG, I went back and sprayed a very thinned down mixture of Gunze DSG to represent some fading. I also used some pastels to highlight the panel lines a bit. It might seem out of sequence, as I haven't added the transfers yet. But the pastels only stick to a matte surface, so I figured I'd do it now prior to the gloss coat before the decals. Otherwise I would need to put on the clear gloss, then the decals, then clear flat, then the pastels, then the final top varnish. Once the decals are on, I can touch them up a bit to match the weathering.

I think this weathering adds some character.

I still need to paint the tyres, then add the clear gloss, after which the landing gear, hubs, wheel wells, and airbrake mechanism will get a wash to bring out the nice details in the resin. Then we'll get the decals on the main fuselage. In parallel the slipper tanks, gear doors, pylons for the rocket pods, and the outer wing panels will get their coat of EDSG. I'm sensing the finish line, but it's still a few weeks off at my current pace. Cheers!
1 July 2012, 16:07
Is looking excellent already
1 July 2012, 16:13
Sherif Sharmy
Fantastic. The shading and dark areas are the work of a pro. Good luck with the wings and decals. top notch
1 July 2012, 20:48
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Black is a very hard color to shade( as everyone knows 🙂
I can only agree to Sherif!
2 July 2012, 15:17
Bill Gilman
Three new photos for today - I've sprayed the clear gloss varnish on the fuselage, and applied the transfers. I've also been busy painting the wings, slipper tanks, gear doors, etc. along with a lot of fiddly bits.

Sorry about the inconsistency in the photos - I've loaned my photo booth to work so they can photograph some new products, so I've been documenting the build with just quick snapshots. The colour in the photos is varying all over the map, this will look so much better when I can control the lighting with my photo booth. Cheers!
6 July 2012, 21:41
6 July 2012, 21:50
Aghis Barberopoulos
I like the look of it, well done Bill!
7 July 2012, 07:13
Lionel Marco

7 July 2012, 07:17
Philip De Keyser
Beautifull Bill !😉
7 July 2012, 08:02
Sherif Sharmy
7 July 2012, 10:07
Christian Lehmann
Realy awesome result so far.
7 July 2012, 10:49
Wilfried Bogaerts
World class !
7 July 2012, 11:48
Bill Gilman
OK, some more progress today. I extracted the vacuform canopy (good thing CMR gave me two, as I binned the first one). I built the airbrake assembly in an open position - this was a real pain as there were no locating pins, etc. I found this quite difficult to get everything in the right position. But I think I got it eventually.

I added the slipper tanks and sprayed a satin finish semi-gloss over everything. And, I installed the turbine faces inside the intakes (something I had forgotten earlier). The wings are painted and transfers applied, they're just waiting for me to scratchbuild the support braces that go from the fuselage to the wings. The pylons are also painted, waiting for me to finish the rocket pods.

I still have some more work to do in the cockpit, correcting some errors and modifying the bang seats so they can be installed in their correct offset positions. What else is left...oh, the refueling probe on the nose, the pitot tube on the port wing, add the exhaust cans, need to paint the canopy and add the internal braces and detonation cord...I'm liking it though, it sure looks the part! Quite a nice kit from CMR and not that difficult at all to assemble. Just different! 🙂
9 July 2012, 00:53
Bill Gilman
Hello Scalemates! I'm calling this one finished! I've added the last few assembly pictures, and then a whole bunch of finished model pictures taken in my photo booth with proper lighting. For my first resin kit I think it came out OK, so I'm pleased and not worried about the other two CMR kits in my stash. I suppose I could have picked an easier kit for my first resin model, but hey what's the challenge in that? 🙂

If you look close enough you'll see that I even offset the bang seats just like in the real plane. (The pilot is offset to port by 2 inches; the guy in the back seat by 2 inches to starboard. This was done to give the guy in the back a better view!) In 1:72 scale, that works out to a total of 1.5mm - which is visible so I figured I had better do it!

I left at least two embarassing mistakes in the model, because, well, only God is perfect. No, not really, I left them in because the damage was done! Don't bother looking for them, I didn't take any photos of them! (They're both on the underside, one is with the arrestor hook and the other is with the holdback mechanism fairing.) Always plan your mistakes to be on the bottom.

So that's it for Uncle Bill's course in resin model building. I hope you learned as much as I did! Cheers! 🙂
16 July 2012, 00:32
Sherif Sharmy
16 July 2012, 03:31
Alexander Aristides Cronvall
Wow, that's a nice build Bill.
16 July 2012, 05:08
Frank Krause
That's a beauty! Perfect, Bill!
16 July 2012, 05:15
Christian Lehmann
16 July 2012, 05:24
Philip De Keyser
awesome job Bill, impressive, speechless, greetz Phil
16 July 2012, 07:28
Wilfried Bogaerts

Wow Uncle, you did it again, fantastic ! Love the creep marks on the tires.

Congratulations 🙂
16 July 2012, 07:40
Niki Gheorghe
Absolutely stunning! Really!
I often thought about the "right" 72nd Buccaneer, but never felt ready to tackle it. Moreover, the build ones seen so far weren't exactly convincing. But this one... well...
Bravo! And best wishes to you!
16 July 2012, 08:20
Holger Kranich
Congrats to an amazingly well done build! This is the best Bucc i´ve seen in this scale! Uncle Bill did it again...😢
16 July 2012, 08:29
Bill Gilman
Thanks for all the nice comments on the Brick. There are some things I might do different next time, but that's always the case, eh?

@Wilfried - what exactly is the purpose of the creep marks? Obviously to tell if the tyre is moving relative to the rim - will this affect the balance of the tyre, and some amount of movement is an indication that it should be re-balanced?

OK Scalemates, now my dilemma is that I have no idea what to do next. I was going to do the Victor for a group build on Britmodeller, but it's over in just about a month and there is no way I could finish that old Matchbox monster in a month. So I guess maybe I should just build something for relaxation and fun. Somebody have a look at my stash and pick something for me.
16 July 2012, 13:13
Dave Flitton
Your Skyhawk, Horten, or your Komet would be quick fun builds
16 July 2012, 13:16
Holger Kranich
Hi Bill, maybe a prop as next? But as Dave, i´d give the Horten a "Go" 229 😎!
16 July 2012, 13:32
Dirk Heyer
Hi Bill,
now you can be proud about this amazing result!
Have in mind there are not many people built resin models like this one!
It is a fine and clean built Buccaneer and the finish is excellent. Ilike very well the different colours for the weathering effect!
The folded wings are a wonderful solution, a must have situation for Navy airplanes.
Well done Uncle Navy Bill!! 🙂
16 July 2012, 14:33
Dirk Heyer
My suggestion for your next project:
The famous and really aerodynamic F-104 Starfighter from Revell!
After a n exhausting Resin work out like the Buccaneer, this model would be a nice distraction!
16 July 2012, 14:39
Holger Kranich
Well Dirk is right, the "widowmaker" as we say in germany, would be a nice and easy build for you, Uncle Bill!8)
16 July 2012, 14:47
Philip De Keyser
This is mine numer 1, F101B Voodoo from Revell
Greetz Phil
16 July 2012, 15:02
Urban Gardini
Yeah, give us an Erdnagel...
16 July 2012, 15:08
Urban Gardini
I just love the result you've done with this, bugger the errors that you claim it has on the belly, well no bugger should see the belly on it anyway...
16 July 2012, 15:09
Holger Kranich
Kommt ein Starfighter geflogen, fliegt über mein Haus, hat die Dachluke verbogen und kommt nicht mehr raus!8)
16 July 2012, 16:11
Bill Gilman
@Holger - how do you bend a roof window? Wouldn't the window break?
16 July 2012, 16:25
Bill Gilman
@Urban - Ich weiß nicht was ein Erdnagel ist! 🙂
16 July 2012, 16:27
Frank Krause
@Bill: The Starfighter was called Erdnagel, because so many crashed.
Erd = Earth
Nagel = Nail
16 July 2012, 16:37
Holger Kranich
Bill an Erdnagel is a F-104 and my quote is an old old song from the time of the Starfighter-affair in Germany.
16 July 2012, 16:38
Holger Kranich
16 July 2012, 16:38
Bill Gilman
The Luftwaffe lost 30% of their Starfighters to accidents; the Canadian Forces lost over 50%. What were you guys trying to do, actually fly those things? They don't have any wings! The Spanish had the right idea, they only used theirs for static air show displays. They didn't lose any to accidents. 🙂

(We Yanks lost 30%, too...) 🙁
16 July 2012, 16:56
Holger Kranich
But its a beautiful aircraft, even without "wings"!😢
16 July 2012, 17:02
Bill Gilman
So we don't have a consensus on what I should build next. The Horton Luft 46 flying wing has two votes, and the F-104 (those aren't wings, they're pylons for the drop tanks) Starfighter has two votes. We need a tie-breaker. And if the F-104 wins, I'll need a decal sheet from somewhere - my kit doesn't have one.
16 July 2012, 17:17
Frank Krause
@Bill: I like the Starfighter also, but would like to see the Horton... Horton 3:2 Starfighter
16 July 2012, 17:19
Wilfried Bogaerts

Horten 4
Starfighter 2
16 July 2012, 17:23
Dave Flitton
Erdnagel is close to what we call the F-16 - Lawn Dart
16 July 2012, 17:27
Wilfried Bogaerts

Tyre Creep Marks

1. When wheels are first fitted to an aircraft, the tires tend to move slightly as they settle down on the rims, the initial movement varying according to load, pressure, braking, shimmy and outside diameter of the tire in relation to rim diameter. After the settling down period, circumferential movement may continue gradually and, if this extends beyond a certain limit, the valve may be torn from the tube.

2. In order that creep may be detected, marks are painted using red paint onto the rim and extending into the tire. The marks are 25 mm (1 in) in width and 50 mm (2 ins) in length.

3. The width of this mark represents the maximum circumferential movement permitted with tubed tires and if the tire creep mark becomes out of alignment with the mark on the wheel by more than the width of the mark, the wheel should be removed and the tire and tube taken off and reassembled; before reassembly, the valve should be checked to ensure that it is undamaged. In the case of tubeless tires, creep is not considered to be detrimental provided that bead condition is satisfactory and any pressure loss is within limits.

4. When tire replacements are made, the old marking on the wheel should be removed with a suitable solvent and a new creep mark applied.
16 July 2012, 17:28
Frank Krause
@Holger: Horten hört ein Hu...!😉
16 July 2012, 17:28
Dave Flitton
16 July 2012, 17:29
Frank Krause
16 July 2012, 17:31
Steve Wilson
Don't you just love that Heffalump with his little mouse friend and pesky fly...
16 July 2012, 18:03
Urban Gardini
A tent pin takes guts...
16 July 2012, 18:40
Lawn Dart!!! 🙂

Wonderful brickshit house..
16 July 2012, 18:46
Steve Wilson
A worm harpoon🙂
16 July 2012, 18:52
Duncan Cook
Iam in the netherlands for some days and I miss this wonderfull Bucaneer.
Splendid Job Bill.
16 July 2012, 18:57
Duncan Cook
As a Starfighter fan: pls. F-104
16 July 2012, 19:00
Urban Gardini
The Italians flew the Spillone quite hard as well back in the day...
16 July 2012, 19:04
Wilfried Bogaerts
So I would build the Horten, it's a much much safer plane than the F-104. It never made any casualties, a truly respectabel status that needs to be honoured with a skillfull build of Uncle Bill ! 🙂
16 July 2012, 19:10
Urban Gardini
Well, how many hours did it fly compared to the Missile with a man in it?
16 July 2012, 19:18
Christian Lehmann
Saab Draken
16 July 2012, 19:34
Bill Gilman
Let's see, my Starfighter kit is the F-104C, which limits the markings that can be applied to USAF, correct? The other major variants, and the ones flown by the export customers, I think begin with the G model with the lengthened fuselage. The C mark was flown in Vietnam, I think...could do one with a nice SEA camo scheme.

Now the Horton - which one is in the Revell box? The V2 that flew a few times, or the V3 that did not fly but was captured at the end of the war and is now in the Udvar-Hazy museum?
16 July 2012, 19:43
Urban Gardini
Is it Revell's nice F-104C? I've got that kit started n' it'll be in SEA with two M117 under the wings.
16 July 2012, 19:48
Bill Gilman
Yes, it's the Revell kit (so is the Horten). Both are really nice kits!
16 July 2012, 20:07
Wilfried Bogaerts
Whatever you choose Uncle, I'm in the front row ! 🙂
16 July 2012, 21:32
Bill Gilman
I found a great NASA decal sheet for the F-104 - but it's coming from Japan so it will be a few weeks. Maybe I'll work on the Horten in the meantime. The markings that come with the Horten are fictitious. Does anyone have any references to the actual paint and markings? I believe the Revell kit is the V3 which was complete when captured, but never flown. If no one knows, I guess I can use the kit markings. Cheers!
17 July 2012, 00:54
stefan natus
Oooh man this is so great............
17 July 2012, 06:46
Bill Gilman
Here is the blog from the National Air & Space Museum, where they have begun some preservation of the Go229 V3. Pictures of the wings are shown.

18 July 2012, 01:04
Bill Gilman
As you can read in the blog, the wings seem to have been recovered at a different time than the center fuselage. There are some web sites that claim the wings are not from a V3 - that is one of the things that the NASM will find out!
18 July 2012, 01:07
Bill Gilman
It seems to me from looking at the photos on the blog, that our own Roland S. was correct in his model - it looks to be overall RLM02, notwithstanding some of the markings that do not appear to be authentic (such as the swastika and other catlog numbers).
18 July 2012, 01:09
Bill Gilman
Hello Scalemates! You guys are supposed to tell me when I cock something up! But instead, my daughter (who knows nothing about models) told me that the front windscreen looks like it is just "sitting there" instead of being part of the plane. I had a closer look and she is right!

When I cut out the vacuform canopy, I did not get a good match to the curves of the front fuselage. It's pretty apparent in my photos. So how can I fix this? The model is all finished!

Well, out comes the wall plaster, and you can see from the new photos that I used it to blend in the windscreen to the canopy. "Sanding" is done with water and a cotton swab, so no damage is done to the model. Then I carefully masked the windscreen again and painted with my finest airbrush tip. It came out better than I expected! Have a look at the new pictures.

Next time I want you guys to tell me - it's too embarrassing when my daughter finds the error! Cheers!
6 August 2012, 00:35
Urban Gardini
Good call of your daughter but I for one didn't see it at first. Maybe I was blinded by the overall result of it.
6 August 2012, 05:59
Wilfried Bogaerts
Oh it really looks a lot better now but I didn't notice as all my cockpits look like they're "just sitting there" so I'm used to that sight 😉

Perfect recovery job Uncle Bill !
6 August 2012, 06:53
Holger Kranich
Give your daughter the putty and glue! It seems as she has an eye for details!😉
6 August 2012, 07:06
Steve Wilson
Hi Bill how old is your daughter??? Old enough to start making her own? I also never noticed anything untoward. I was blinded by the excellence of the rest of the build🙂🙂🙂
6 August 2012, 07:13
Christian Lehmann
The result shows that it was woth to invest some additional work. Very good result 🙂
6 August 2012, 10:18
Bill Gilman
Thanks, guys! So we all didn't see it - even me! And my daughter is 20, so I think she's old enough! She made a few models when she was younger, Barbie's pink Corvette, stuff like that. For a long time I had her convinced that my wife didn't know about my stash - had her convinced it was a "secret" between her and her dad. One time when my wife went to open the closet that contained the stash, she actually blocked the way and told my wife she couldn't look inside. One of those priceless moments... 🙂
6 August 2012, 12:56
Urban Gardini
Lovely story there mate!
6 August 2012, 13:03
Holger Kranich
You store your stash in the toilet? LOL!
Yes i believe that this was a moment for eternity!😢 Kids can be great!!!
6 August 2012, 13:05
Bill Gilman
Holger, sorry for my American English. "Closet" is not a water closet in the US, it's a room where you keep your clothes or coats, sometimes other things. This closet had some stuff, but mostly my stash. It is adjacent to the guest bedroom.
6 August 2012, 16:37
Bill Gilman
This is always my fear, and the reason why the closet is locked! 🙂
6 August 2012, 20:21
Holger Kranich
Ok Bill, now i understood! I imagined you sitting on the pott (german word for WC), looking at different kits, studying instructions etc. 🙂
16 August 2012, 07:58
Steve Wilson
🙂In between squeezing you head🙂
16 August 2012, 08:05
Holger Kranich
Haha LOL!
16 August 2012, 08:12
Dave Flitton
Wait a minute, are we not allowed to sit on the "pott" looking at kits and instructions? I do that all the time....er...where is my filter?
16 August 2012, 12:15
Philip De Keyser
🙂 🙂
16 August 2012, 12:17
Holger Kranich
Dave, when a new kit arrives me, i open it up wherever i am! Doesnt matter what i do! And its sometimes very nice to... äh, filter!!!😢
16 August 2012, 12:23
Dave Flitton
16 August 2012, 12:46
Pierre-Christian Baudru
Great Model and nice fix on the windshield ! Cheers.
31 August 2015, 06:56
Mathias Carl
Realy great model. 👍 👍
Can´t almost stop looking at the pictures. 🙂
31 August 2015, 10:56
Bill Gilman
Thanks guys! I love it when an old thread like this gets a new audience. I'm building up a nice collection of FAA subjects - the Buccaneer looks great sitting next to the Scimitar in my display case. 🙂
31 August 2015, 14:22
Steve Wilson
Bill mate, good work will always deserve recognition.🙂👍
31 August 2015, 14:24
Bernhard Schrock
How I could overlooked this???? An another masterpiece Bill!
31 August 2015, 16:07
Clifford Keesler
Looks great Bill.
31 August 2015, 16:09
Predrag Ivanovic
Great loking Buccaneer.
31 August 2015, 17:55
Soeren R.
Another beauty Bill!
31 August 2015, 18:14
John Bollig
WOW Bill
31 August 2015, 22:52
Bill Gilman
Thanks, mates! Scale Resin (an offshoot from CMR) is producing 1:72 scale kits of the early Buccaneers - the NA.39 and the S.Mk.1. These look very interesting, and would make a nice contrast with the CMR S.Mk.2 that I built. Preview of the Scale Resin kits here:

1 September 2015, 00:16
Christian Bruer
Very nice!
1 September 2015, 08:54
Hanno Kleinecke
Again your work loks so very accurate and flawless thet it leaves me stunning !
1 September 2015, 09:02
Petr Štěpaník
Nice work! A love this plane.
1 September 2015, 13:58
Burkhard D
Very, very nice! 👍👍👍
1 September 2015, 19:52
Ulf Petersen
Great work again, Bill!👍 I love your subtile way of weathering.
2 September 2015, 05:11
Bill Gilman
Thanks, mates! 🙂
3 September 2015, 00:25
Lionel Marco
10 November 2015, 06:22
Excellent. Must have missed that one.
10 November 2015, 18:03
Christian Ristits
Fantastic build Bill, you brought the dark colour to life!
10 November 2015, 18:19
Clifford Keesler
I wish someone would do a 1/48 Buccaneer, as I love that bird also. I used to see them all the time when I was stationed in Germany.
12 November 2015, 02:00
Rare as rocking horse shit... average price I seen them go for on fleabay is £70
12 November 2015, 10:23
Kerry COX
A neat and extremely tidy build Bill, and every stage beautifully documented for our pleasure. 👍
This is one beautifully presented bird. 🙂 👍
A big 'salute' from me mate, well done. 🙂
12 November 2015, 11:15
Mats Bengtsson
Great Buccaneer Bill 👍

I got an Airfix 1/48 Buccaneer on eBay for £19. Sometimes it pays to be patient 🙂
12 November 2015, 15:14
Ooo lucky guido.. mine was £40...
12 November 2015, 20:24
Es-haq Khosravi
Great job!
12 November 2015, 21:41
Rob van Dodewaard
i am building right now the 1/48 scale kit from Airfix
12 November 2015, 21:52
Gareth Windsor
Wow, very nice.
12 November 2015, 21:58
perry leung wai ho
13 November 2015, 06:38
perry leung wai ho
I liked it.
13 November 2015, 06:39
Bill Gilman
Thanks, mates! If you have, or can find, the Airfix 1:48 kit it is very nice. My understanding is that it will never be re-released due to mould/tool damage of some kind.

We also need a new tool injection moulded Buccaneer in 1:72 scale - Tanmodel from Turkey is working on an S.2:


1:72 resin kits of the NA.39 and S.1 are coming from Scale Resin:


16 November 2015, 17:40
Clifford Keesler
I found several 1/48 Airfix ones on E-Bay one was 14.00 and the other less than 20.00.
16 November 2015, 22:31
Hehe just wait..
16 November 2015, 22:40
Clifford Keesler
That sounds deveious. LOL.
16 November 2015, 22:45
I might have a few irons in fires that might get me a few buccs and just maybe the F-19 i been after
16 November 2015, 22:46
Alistair Graham
great build, I stll have 2 Airfix 1:48 scale in my stash. I see Airfix are to release a new 1:72 scale Buc this year and Tan Model are releasing a 1:48.
16 January 2019, 22:53
Kerry COX
Ohhhhhhhh. This makes me weak at the knees. 👍
17 January 2019, 02:16
Very nice model
17 January 2019, 07:20
Michael Hickey
I'm working on 4 Airfix 1/48 Bucs at the moment and they are an absolute pleasure to build.
17 January 2019, 09:13
Martin von Schreckenstein
banana jet coming through! in 72! and resin! love the result
17 January 2019, 09:21
Great model! Simply GREAT! 👍
17 January 2019, 17:22
Chris Greathouse
Sweet job!
17 January 2019, 17:28
Bernhard Pethe
.... oooh the work, looks fantastic! 👍
17 January 2019, 17:34
Burkhard D
Beautiful! 👍👍👍
2 February 2019, 19:32
Fantastic work. Congrats!
2 February 2019, 19:47
Calvin Gifford
Wow! Very Nice!!
2 February 2019, 20:04
Tom Ballhoff
Wow nice clean work!
2 February 2019, 20:08
Clifford Keesler
Very impressive Bill.
3 February 2019, 01:26
Bill Gilman
Thanks mates! If you like the S.2, have a look at my S.1 (the finished model pictures are at the end of the album):

Blackburn Buccaneer S.Mk.I (Scale Resin) | Album by Navy Bird (1:72)
7 February 2019, 23:22
Erik Leijdens
Amazing work Bill... 🙂
7 February 2019, 23:30
She came out very nice ! Well done !
8 February 2019, 00:54
Bill Gilman
I could have saved a lot of money if I had waited until the new 1:72 Airfix kit comes out...LOL. 🙂
8 February 2019, 21:46
Christian W
Awesome! That reminds me to the world record vehicle, which name I forgot at the moment. Great build!
8 October 2021, 04:03
Top work!
8 October 2021, 08:42
Bill Gilman
Thanks mates!
8 October 2021, 14:20
Rui S
Another Beauty 👍
9 October 2021, 15:55
Terrific result! 👍
9 October 2021, 16:10
Clifford Keesler
I wish someone would release a 1:48 one.
9 October 2021, 22:11

Project info

72 画像
1:72 Hawker Siddeley Buccaneer S.Mk.2/2C/2D (CMR CMR72-5165)


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