スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Robert W Martel (bobster)

Academy CH-46E


19 August 2016, 02:19
Bart Meeldijk
Great model! I am following your progress - good luck!
24 August 2016, 14:07
Robert W Martel
Thanks Bart,
Looks like I'll need the luck. Like I said the instructions are a bit confusing, and some things seem left out, like what color for a certain part. Well as I was putting the decals on the interior yesterday I wasn't having very good luck. They kept breaking like they were brittle, then they didn't seem to want to stick either. They gave me a pretty hard time, usually I'm pretty good with decals.
It's going a bit slow at this point, of course I always have more than one going, so I can take a break from one if it gives me a hard time.
Hoping your "good luck" will help. lol
25 August 2016, 23:21
Choppa Nutta
nice looking kit, will it be Nam colours ? 🙂
26 August 2016, 00:35
Robert W Martel
Well.....I kinda liked the color scheme on the box, but we'll see what happens. I'll have to look at some different era schemes.
30 August 2016, 04:42
Bryn Crandell
Looking good so far!
30 August 2016, 11:25
Robert W Martel
Thanks Bryn, right now I have the fuselage together & patching up the seams. will get some pics posted soon
30 August 2016, 20:36
Robert W Martel
Looking at most of the Vietnam era Ch-46's many were overall olive green, a few camo schemes w/grey/green or multi color camos. I like the plain green ones. Would be easy to paint! Not sure I can find the right decals to match, but I'm NOT a real stickler for accurate colors & markings & whatever, as long as it looks good. Glad you asked, I was just going to do it like the box, but I am a Vietnam era guy so that will look good I think.
31 August 2016, 03:48
Choppa Nutta
Cool, I reckon so too, camo green marines is the one I'd go for 🙂
There are other editions of this kit that come with nam schemes, could be useful reference 🙂
31 August 2016, 09:29
Kerry COX
Does it come with the sheet of armour plate that was attached to the outside of the exit door. ?
31 August 2016, 10:27
Choppa Nutta
Have you got a pic Kerry to show where you mean please ? 🙂

I like this scheme 😄
31 August 2016, 10:53
Adam Gudynowski
Very nice 🙂 I'm following this one!
31 August 2016, 10:56
Kerry COX
Choppa, here is a link that will expand on the side armour I mentioned. 🙂

Scroll down the page to the images, and usually there was always "Nose art" applied to it too. 🙂
31 August 2016, 12:25
Choppa Nutta
You mean this armour plating ?
never noticed that detail before 🙂

31 August 2016, 12:35
Kerry COX
Every one I saw on the uss belleau wood in Sydney had this armour plate with the relative art work adorning it. 🙂
I did some on the one I built. 👍
31 August 2016, 13:22
Robert W Martel
If that's the piece in Choppa's pic yes it does have that. I took a pic, but not sure how to attach it here.
That's what I'm talkin 'bout! I like it!
Looks like the 46A/D has a slightly different window configuration, The E has 3 round & 1 square on the right side. But like I said I'm not much for perfection. I like the green. that's that!
31 August 2016, 20:18
Choppa Nutta
add the pic to this album 🙂
also, can you take a pic of the decal sheet too, curious to see what comes with this kit 🙂
31 August 2016, 20:49
Robert W Martel
OOps I forgot the decal sheet ?? both are in there now
1 September 2016, 01:01
Choppa Nutta
all you need now is some red, white and blue roundels 🙂
the rest of those decals would work for a nam scheme pretty well I reckon 🙂
1 September 2016, 01:35
Robert W Martel
Right! I might even have some of those. I'll have to look through my spares. Or I might have some stencils too.
1 September 2016, 02:49
Robert W Martel
I should not have glued on the flotation units. I don't see those on any of the Nam pics I've seen. But Oh Well, too late, I'm not going to try taking them off.
2 September 2016, 20:40
Clifford Keesler
Looking very nice.
2 September 2016, 22:27
Choppa Nutta
ah... pinterest is a real pain. it wants you to sign up and faff ...
3 September 2016, 00:43
Robert W Martel
Thanks Clifford! it's getting there.
3 September 2016, 03:30
Robert W Martel
Well.... I went ahead and signed up on Pinterest. There are a lot of cool pics on there!!
I know I'm Old and not up with the modern lingo, but what the heck if "faff ..." lol
7 September 2016, 20:00
Robert W Martel
Decal Update: THEY SUCK !! I've Never used such crappy decals. Most all the larger ones broke into pieces, So I had to piece them together. None want to stick well. Very thin, break too easy, don't stick. Micro set didn't seem to help much, and a weak mixture of Sol destroyed them! Some of the larger ones wrinkled when I put clear over them. Horrible. I was just going to quit, just put it together for now and later buy the MAW decals, but they aren't much different as far as looks go. Better quality I'm sure but more or less the same grey & black but darker. No R/W/B roundels. Well, I got enough of them on (took all day)so it looks decent. Don't know how they expected grey decals to show on a grey paint anyway! I'll let the clear dry for a few days, then try some panel line detailing. Yikes!
12 September 2016, 18:43
Clifford Keesler
If I am worried about how a decal set will behave, I spray a couple coats of Testors's clear on them, to keep them from falling apart when I put them in water.
13 September 2016, 21:21
Robert W Martel
Ah Ha! I'll have to remember that one for next time! How long do you have to let that dry before you use them?
14 September 2016, 00:51
Kerry COX
Or, Micros scale's 'Liquid Decal film' can also be sprayed or brushed over the decals before using them too to help prevent cracking is the decals are a little 'old'. 🙂
Here is a video of the way to use it.

Youtube Video

14 September 2016, 01:01
Robert W Martel
Ok, I hadn't heard of that stuff before. Thanks Kerry.
Clifford I forgot to ask, is that Testors acrylic clear?
14 September 2016, 02:51
Clifford Keesler
I think it's enamel or Laquer, It's just testor's glosscoat. I spray 2 light coats and let them dry overnight. You will have to trim close to the decal when you cut it out, or when it comes off the backing sheet you will have extra carrier film.
14 September 2016, 20:50
Robert W Martel
Thanks Clifford, I'll pick up some of that next time I'm at Hobby Lobby! It sure would have made this one easier! Guess you can teach an OLD dog new tricks! lol
15 September 2016, 01:08
Clifford Keesler
You are welcome sir.
15 September 2016, 01:29
Kerry COX
Woof woof. !!! LOL 🙁 👍
15 September 2016, 01:39
Robert W Martel
LOL Thanks Kerry!!
15 September 2016, 03:16
Kerry COX
Mate, I am now 70, and every day I pick up a new skill. And can I bark. LOL 🙂 👍 hahahahahaha
15 September 2016, 03:55
Robert W Martel
Well I guess there's still hope for me yet then, eh Kerry! LOL. I'm a relative youngster @ 63!
15 September 2016, 18:22
Clifford Keesler
You are a character Kerry, LOL.
15 September 2016, 19:40
Kerry COX
I have a ball here with all of you. 🙂
And everyone likes to spread the joy. 🙂
Speaking of which.
I did mention that I have built this kit and added the external armour plating for the pilot but I failed to mention I detailed the access steps, so here is the link to the images I have just posted to show how it turned out for me. 🙂
Academy CH-46C | Album by RedRoo

15 September 2016, 21:10
Kerry COX
Here are some images of the "Art" I mentioned. 👍
15 September 2016, 21:30
Clifford Keesler
Nice Nose art, yea Baby! LOL. I have fun with you also. There is a great bunch of guys and ladies on here.
15 September 2016, 22:53
Kerry COX
One big happy band of brothers you might say. 🙂 👍
15 September 2016, 23:03
Robert W Martel
That's cool stuff Kerry. Keep up with the laughs fellas. It's good to see "old guys' still having fun!! LOL
16 September 2016, 03:31
Robert W Martel
I have a question guys... Are we limited to how much space we can use here on Scalemates? Should I post up albums of the other projects I've done in the past 2 years or so. I've done 14 aircraft and near as many cars. What do you think???
16 September 2016, 04:01
Kerry COX
The more the merrier I do believe. 🙂
And Tim, our web master will be able to give you a more comprehensive answer, so email him at this link and ask him nicely
and see what he says.


But judging by the numbers of individuals and the number of albums posted , I would still say, post all you have.👍
I know for sure, I would love to see your work Bob. 🙂 👍
16 September 2016, 07:29
Clifford Keesler
Me also!!!!
16 September 2016, 19:52
Robert W Martel
Thanks guys, I'm waiting for a reply.
In the meantime I used an artist oil (tube stuff) & terp mix as a panel line wash for the first time on this kit. I've had the stuff for a while, but just was afraid to try it. I've been using Vallejo's acrylic up to now.
I gotta say I like the oil lots better! It flows SOoo much better. My biggest complaint about the Vallejo stuff is that it dries too fast and hard to clean up after it does, it didn't flow near as good either. The oil stuff cleans up easily with a damp swab, even after I let it dry overnight. It didn't make hardly any mess like I'm used to with the acrylic. I think it came out pretty clean. I'll be using this for panel lines from now on, I'll find some use for the acrylic as I hate to waste anything!
I'll let it dry another day then put on the flat coat.
17 September 2016, 01:49
Kerry COX
Thinned artist's oils are superb for accentuating panel lines and I do agree with you about the acrylics too. 👍

When sprayed especially, it is the "orange peel effect" that becomes more pronounced when using acrylics, as I have found that the acrylics want to start drying as soon as they leave the airbrush and the paint will not, 'lay down' and settle into a smooth surface.🙁

That also depends largely on the ambient temperature though. :-/
17 September 2016, 05:06
Robert W Martel
That's the trick!
It IS hard to get a smooooth coat with acrylic. But, I really don't have much choice but to use it
I'm still experimenting & practicing! And just when you think you've got it ............oops
17 September 2016, 06:26
Kerry COX
In the cool of the evening is the best time to use acrylics, with a slightly higher air pressure and a little thinner mix at a closer range to the subject. 👍

But as you say Robert, experimenting and practicing pays dividends. 🙂
17 September 2016, 06:37
Robert W Martel
Tim says "There are no limits" Yipeeee! I'll start posting the other builds as I get time. Thank You Tim & everyone.
17 September 2016, 20:12
Kerry COX
That is great news Robert, and now, all we want is to see your posts and awesome work. 👍
Bring it on mate. 🙂
17 September 2016, 21:18
Robert W Martel
Ok Ok give me a little time!
I need to sort through the stuff and get it organized a bit....mate! lol
18 September 2016, 00:59
Kerry COX
All is good. We ain't goin' anywhere. LOL 🙂
18 September 2016, 02:03
Robert W Martel
Whew!! She's finished! (except maybe I can fix 1 windshield wiper) And I only broke off 1 thing, the handle on the front.
I think It turned out pretty decent. It's not "accurate" as far as most things go, but it's gonna look good hanging from the ceiling.
Good kit, fun build, looks good. What more could I ask?
Now that that's done, I'll have to figure out what to start next
In the between time I'll work on the 54 Chevy some. That one's gonna take some time.!
I'm thinkin' maybe a jet, one of the old R/M Century Series...F-100 01,02,04,05,06
18 September 2016, 07:05
Kerry COX
From where I am sitting, it looks really nice. And looking through the window at the instruments is a winner. 🙂
Well done 👍
18 September 2016, 08:25
Robert W Martel
Thanks Kerry. I like it too, not bad for an amateur! You can see that interior if you look hard enough!
I'm not very good at weathering and such, I'll try a little here & there, but so far I don't seem to get it so good. "A man's got to know his limitations" So I try not to get too carried away!
I'd like to be as good as some of those super modelers out there, but I don't think I've got that much time left! lol.
Well, if I can just improve a little at a time as I go, I'm happy.
They're sure turning out better than when I was a kid! But, I still need lots of practice!
18 September 2016, 21:28
Clifford Keesler
Looks good to me!!!!!!, nice job.
19 September 2016, 20:34
Robert W Martel
Thanks Clifford,
It did turn out ok. I'm happy with it. I'd like to do better, but it all takes time & practice.
I think I'll still save the better kits for a while till I get more practice with the painting! That's still my weak point, but I'm getting better at it (I think) lol.
19 September 2016, 21:19

Project info

55 画像
1:48 CH-46E Current U.S. Marines "Bull Frog" (Academy 12283)1:48 CH-46D interior (Eduard FE351)1:48 Boeing CH-46E Sea Knight (Montex SM48077)


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