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Robert W Martel (bobster)

Airfix B-17G


24 January 2017, 06:53
Holger Kranich
Phew, bend and broken parts, that doesnt looks good! Will Airfix replace ´em?
24 January 2017, 08:55
Norbert Steffens
Hi Robert, that's horrible. I hadn't this issue with airfix yet, but once with a Tamiya kit and a Revell Kit., and it wasn't a problem to get new parts from the manufacturer- but I can only speak for germany. Did you contact your distributor already?
24 January 2017, 09:09
Vegard Øksenholt
Same issue as I got with this boxing.. I haven't opened the bags yet, but there is several broken parts in there.
24 January 2017, 09:21
That sucks. Hope that they make good those broken parts. They should send you a new kit
24 January 2017, 09:32
Urban Gardini
That doesn't look good at all. As for your questions. Plain numbers like 56, 195 and 27004 etc is as you asume the colour call out and corresponds to the Humbrol colour range so you'll need to substitute those with the corresponding colours with the colour brand that you prefer. The A and B is the reference to the two decaling options that come with the kit, the B option needs Humbrol #153 acording to the box side for example.
24 January 2017, 09:44
Soeren R.
That looks bad.
Probably have to look closer in my kit.

The missing color sheet is normal for Airfix kit - you only get the numbers for Humbrol colors and nothing else.
24 January 2017, 12:54
That isn't good Bob, I thought Airfix had upped their game. Missing broken parts were par for the course in the 1970's, but they were always very good at replacing them. They have gone through a couple of new owners since then, so I have no idea now.

Urban is right – the circled 'A' & 'B' refer to the paint options for the scheme you choose.
24 January 2017, 15:45
Soeren R.
It looks a lot like a transport damage to me.
I ve a lot of their new kits and never seen that till now.

And normally Airfix is fast regarding spare parts.
Had to replace a part and got the spare sprue a few days later from england.
24 January 2017, 17:44
Robert W Martel
Thanks for all the responses guys !! I do sincerely appreciate that!

Well.... I had used the "contact us" link on the Airfix (airfix.com/us-en/) web page, but I guess that's the US site. I did receive an email this am directing me contact: airfix.com/uk-en/contact.
That's their UK contact page and there is a drop down menu for "Enquiry Type" for "Spares Enquiry".
SO>...... I will fill that out and hope for the best. I sure hope I don't have any problems.

YES,.....I would suggest if anyone has this kit to check it out carefully. I even noticed that from all the trees being stuffed into one bag that even one of them was bent causing a few pieces on it to be bent also. POOR PACKAGING!! The box is WAY TOO BIG causing that bag of parts to be SLAMMED from one end to the other during shipping. A 5c airbag would have prevented this damage. I guarantee I'm not going to be the only one with broken parts in this kit. Just seems they'd have more sense!

As far as the color callouts go,,,,,,, Thanks for the tips guys. I was beginning to thing I was going batty! I do have other Airfix kits, but hadn't looked close enough to notice that issue. The A B part makes sense now!
I suppose I would have figured it out eventually. Right!!
BUT>.......Come On, what would it take to include a little color guide ?? I don't remember ever building a kit that doesn't have one. Seems pretty retarded to me.

Anyway, I'll fill out the parts enquiry and we'll see what happens. I'll keep you all posted as to what happens, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.

Thanks again everyone
24 January 2017, 18:46
playtime 222
Good to know about the potential for broken parts with this one. Will defo pick this one up from an LMS so I can open it up and check it first.
24 January 2017, 19:00
Robert W Martel
I did fill out the spares enquiry and did receive the following automated response that it was received.
"If your email was regarding Airfix or Corgi spares please allow up to 28 days".
Yikes !! I sure hope they don't just leave me hanging that long. If it takes that long to get the parts I really don't care, but,,,,,,,,,
We'll just have to wait and see what happens !!
25 January 2017, 06:09
You'll be right. Donald will put you back to work and you know how time flies when you're busy
25 January 2017, 09:07
playtime 222
You may need to order several of these... scalemates.com/kits/1009266-..s-35-29-modular-fence-wall-i
25 January 2017, 11:40
Robert W Martel
I received this response this AM

Dear Sir
Could we have the traceability code we can check to see if the parts are available
The trace code can be found on a small white label on the rear of the box.
The trace number starts with Mic.
Airfix Spares

Of course I sent them the information along w/barcode info.

How could they not know this is a brand new kit by the kit number?
And how could replacement parts not be available for a brand new kit?
I'm still holding my breath & crossing my fingers !!
25 January 2017, 20:12
Norbert Steffens
I cross my fingers also mybe this helps. Give them a little bit time....if they will fail we can raise a shitstorm......
26 January 2017, 05:15
That's right Norbert. Bob, if they give you any problems, let them know that the members of Scalemates are 'awaiting their response with interest'.
26 January 2017, 07:07
Robert W Martel
LOL !! thanks for the support & encouragement guys.
I AM gonna raise hell if they don't come through. There's a ton of modeling sights on the internet & I'll make it my mission in life join every one I can find and raise a stink.
But, I'm thinking positive. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for now.
It would only be in their best interest to make good. Especially these days, they know how far reaching and influential the internet is! At least they should. if they don't they're gonna find out! LOL
26 January 2017, 07:33
Clifford Keesler
On my airfix kits Robert, I just look up the Humbrol color(which is I am sure you know is the little number.) Then I write the color it is on the back of the instruction sheet, and convert it to the paints I use. Usually Vallejo or Model Master. An example 56 is aluminum, 33 is flat black etc. It drove me buggy until I finally realized they were calling out Humbrol paints.
3 February 2017, 00:11
Robert W Martel
Yea Clifford, just something I'll have to get use to I guess. I usually make a little cheat card for each kit w/the colors and tack to the shelf. It's right there in front of my face and I don't have to find the chart on the instructions every time. lol
3 February 2017, 01:29
Robert W Martel
Just got an email from Airfix. The requested parts have been sent. Great day in the mornin' !!
Yipeeeeee eeee!!!!
3 February 2017, 19:04
Vegard Øksenholt
4 February 2017, 12:22
Robert W Martel
Yes! the parts are on the way. I won't be building this one for a while yet, but at least I know I have all the parts !!
4 February 2017, 19:13
Vegard Øksenholt
Good to hear! Looking forward to see this being build, don't leave us hanging for too long mate 😄
4 February 2017, 21:22
Robert W Martel
Don't worry Vegard. I'll be posting it. but it's probably gonna be a while yet. I'm still not quite ready to jump into the $$$$ kits. Need a little more practice on the cheapies!!
4 February 2017, 22:18
Vegard Øksenholt
I know how it is, being on that stage as well.. Got a lot of goodies I can't start yet
4 February 2017, 22:28
Robert W Martel
Yes ! I have lots of "Nice Kits" I'm dying to build, but don't want to "Ruin" them! I feel like I'm getting pretty close, but not quite confident enough yet. Pretty soon !!
5 February 2017, 01:22
Clifford Keesler
I am sure you will do fine. I am going to get the AirFix B-17 also. Totally out of charchater for me, have not built a 1/72 kit in ages, but I am starting to run out of room for the biggies.
8 February 2017, 00:26
playtime 222
@Rob - I have the same mentality - lots of old stash to practice on but itching to get going properly on some of the more recent excellent kits. Then when the confidence is there, tackling some of the nastier ones I want to do well *sigh
8 February 2017, 00:30
Clifford Keesler
I have a bunch of high priced, nice helicopter kits that I would love to build, but like you guys I am afraid I will mess them up, and at 100-130 dollars a pop, I can't afford to mess them up. LOL.
8 February 2017, 00:44
Robert W Martel
Well, I've been "practicing" now for almost 3 years. Gonna have to dive in pretty soon, ain't gonna live forever !! lol. I AM out of room, I'll be stackin' them under the bed next !
8 February 2017, 01:39
My bed would be over two metres in the air if my stash was under it. My spare room is full of kits and slot car sets
8 February 2017, 04:13
Robert W Martel
LOL, yes, I see you have quite a stash there!! I have a pretty good size closet,,,, it's pretty PACKED.
Funny you mention slot cars. I was just thinking the other day, my grandson is gonna get to that age pretty soon, and grampa is gonna want a nice set on a piece of plywood slid under the bed. So there goes that theory.
I remember when I was ,,,11-12 we had a pretty cool set, just an oval track, but seems to me the cars were 1/24 scale ??? maybe 32nd ?? they were Big! Anyway it was fun, and I want Aaron to have that fun with grampa !!
8 February 2017, 04:47
1/24 slot cars were more common in the states. So much so that Scalextric even made them for you guys.
I pretty much have Scalextric, they are 1/32. I collect the Bathurst sets and cars, Bathurst is a really important race track in New South Wales.
I drove for three hours return trip yesterday to pick up the first Scalextric Bathurst set yesterday. I already have seven of them but they are all well used. This one has never been used. It is also unique in that two transfer sheets were provided with four different car schemes. The set was produced in Adelaide, South Australia. By Southern Model Supplies and used two English cars to represent the two Australian cats. Scalextric didn't want to spend thousands of pounds to machine the dies. They did however specially mould green Rover 3500's to represent the Green's Tuf XE Ford Falcon.
I remember the TV ad for the set in 1984. I was in my last year of school and had given up ever owning a slot car set. In 2003 I bought my first Scalextric Bathurst set and haven't looked back. I don't have any kids but have my eight year old nephew racing against me and my brother in law now owns a couple so we can go racing.
I'd definitely get him into it
8 February 2017, 05:12
Robert W Martel
Cool !
I know I've sort of noticed the "new' sets they have here at Hobby Lobby, they're as much as $200 !! Holy Cow ! I think they were probably 20 bucks when I was a kid !
8 February 2017, 06:22
I bought my nephew the smash up set and it cost $189AU. He loves it. They have what Scalextric call "quick build" cars that go together like Lego
8 February 2017, 06:25
Robert W Martel
Cool, Seriously, I can't wait till he grows up a little more, I'm looking forward to the fun!! I'll be spending my $$ on slot cars, train sets & RC stuff instead of models. That's why I'm trying to get them all now !!! lol.
8 February 2017, 07:33
I've just had a look at your stash Bob. I think we can safely say that you aren't going to run out of kits any time soon. Start with the slot cars and get practising.
8 February 2017, 07:42
Robert W Martel
You're right Gorby. lol But, I just cant to seem to stop buying them, it's a fever you know. Really there's only a few dozen more "Gotta Haves" then I'll slow down ! Right. There will always be something "New". I wish I could build them faster!
8 February 2017, 07:55
Robert W Martel
And, I intend to build every single one of them !! If I life long enough. Well between me and my grandson. LOL
8 February 2017, 08:01
I know the feeling Bob. I sometimes have to go 'cold turkey' with Ebay, but it isn't easy knowing that someone else is getting the bargain that is rightfully yours. 😭
The other advantage of spending your dosh on slot cars, is that it makes you look like the best granddad ever, and totally unselfish - "but it isn't for me dear...".😉
8 February 2017, 09:46
You can even use your modelling skills on the slot cars if you want. I have a Dukes of Hazzard Charger that I modified to be like the one raced in the Hazzard County rally because the Scalextric version is the movie car and it only has Bo Duke in it I didn't like it. Now it looks like it should. I'm saving up for the Pioneer one as it has Bo and Luke in it and Daisy as well
8 February 2017, 09:57
Gary Brantley
I like seeing this discussion about slot cars. As a kid, I had several home sets but at 13 my family moved to Geelong, Victoria Australia. In just a short while, the commercial slot car craze hit Geelong and soon there were two "slot car parlors" within 200 meters of my house. Oh man, did I enjoy that. I had several 1/24 cars and spent most of my free time at Avus Model Raceway, just around the corner from my home. We had a 225 foot track with 8 lanes and an electronic lap counter and timer. Our store record was a 11.8 sec. lap! It tell ya, it was the most fun a young teen could have (legally. 🙂)

Now, there is a three lane track at Kings Hobby in Austin, Texas, about 75 miles from me. One o' these days, I'm gonna dig out my old cars and see if I can take them for a lap or two for some real nostalgic fun!
8 February 2017, 14:30
Robert W Martel
Wow, that's cool guys!
I remember it was a pretty big thing back in the days and there were tracks you could go racing, although I never did, we lived out in the boonies. Then it seems like the "sport" petered out for a long time. Now I think it's come back somewhat. I think there's a place here in Stockton opened a few years ago, not sure it's still going.
I do remember it was a lot of fun as a kid. Of course we didn't have all the "modern" STUFF they have today, you know like computers, cell phones, video games etc ! lol We had 8 tracks, VHS, & PONG !!
8 February 2017, 20:03
I don't know about elsewhere in the world but slot cars have gone off the boil here in Australia. I only sold a single slot car last year and all the aussie cars are not selling out like they used to.
Except for Scalextric's purely coincidental release of an XB Falcon that looks like the car from that movie (the V8 Interceptor that Max drove but I didn't say that for legal reasons). As Scalextric never paid Miller a licence fee, they already have one for XB Falcons.
In the previous years I was getting big dollars for slot cars at least now even though I am not making money selling them I was the only bidder on that Bathurst set I just acquired and a couple of years ago it would of attracted a lot of bids.
Down side is that I haven't the money to keep up with all the new releases which for some strange reason Scalextric have increased hugely. Another example of business not knowing the market.
8 February 2017, 21:29
playtime 222
I picked up one of these in the LMS this weekend. There are around 6 parts which have broke at the attachment point - so they are usable still - and one of the 50cals is snapped halfway down the barrel but I'm sure I can fix that. The boxing is definitely to blame - its not deep enough and the sprues are getting crushed. The parts take up around 75% of the length and all the width. The sprue guys need to talk to the box guys! Aso, the LMS let me open the box up but you can't see into that deep mass of sprues well enough. You would have to open the plastic bag and no LMS will let u inspect the sprues like that. I got lucky.
19 February 2017, 19:28
Playtime 222 you should consider getting onto Airfix and letting them know otherwise this could become a trend. We shouldn't have to fix broken pieces in a new kit. Bit different if it's been floating around the planet for thirty years or more but a new kit and it's contents should be able to handle transport from manufacturers to customers
19 February 2017, 21:03
playtime 222
Y it's on the very long list of things I have to do. I already expect the box guy has been taken out behind the sheds and 2 shots heard 😄
19 February 2017, 21:26
Robert W Martel
Playtime, you're lucky you have a LHS that will even let you open the box and look inside, even then you might not find the broken pieces until you open the bag. It's the bag of parts trees being SLAMMED from one end (& side to side) of the oversized box that's the problem. Like I said a couple of 2c airbags would eliminate the issue. They just don't get it! These companies are making higher profits that ever, they just don't seem to care.
I will say that Airfix was quick to replace my broken parts at no charge. But, what if I had waited to open the kit? Lots of folks leave the kits sealed and just store them away for years. If you discovered the broken parts a few years later, you'd be SOL! Yea it's only plastic and most things can be repaired, but that's beside the point.
Wilky, you're right,
We pay good $$$ for these kits these days. To us they are NOT toys, we expect our $$$ worth without having to repair something NEW. And, I have bought kits,,, the Flying Tiger for example,, that have been floating around for nearly 50 years. Nothing was even bagged back then, but the parts fit snugly in the box and didn't get slammed around inside it. Aside from a few minor scuffs & scratches it is in like new condition w/no broken pieces. AND it only cost $1.97 in 1969 !!
19 February 2017, 22:06
That's how it would be in a perfect world but the radical right wing world we actually live in promotes these imbeciles and rewards them with huge bonuses
19 February 2017, 22:08
playtime 222
@Rob - I always seem to find it difficult or actually impossible to pack the sprues back in a box after a good look when I buy it. This B-17 seemed particularly difficult to get right without a bulged box. You would think the boxes, in the bulk boxes - would be stacked on top of each other regularly too e.g. no corners poking into the middle of other boxes - so you're probably right about the slamming around. I doubt they will repeat the mistake. I've emailed them now too.
20 February 2017, 23:09
I am not sure if I like the shops letting people check inside the kit boxes. I often feel ripped off when I pay top dollar for a kit that has already been opened. To me it's like having to pay full price for a lolly that's already been sucked just a bit.
Airfix needs to lift its game with this kit and redesign the box but personally I don't see it happening
20 February 2017, 23:38
playtime 222
Duh. Now it's out the bag properly it's easy to stack shallow
20 February 2017, 23:39
So it's not a problem with the box so much as stacking the sprues in the right sequence in the bag to start with. Probably more of an issue of the worker not following instructions on packaging. Probably explains why some have broken parts and others don't
20 February 2017, 23:47
playtime 222
Looking at the pattern of breakages in mine they are in a row on 2 sprues. I think it's tightly packed vertically and a horitinatal slam breaks parts where the sprue are slightly interlocked. Air bag would have most likely solved it but I still think it's too tight vertically. I put on of the wing sprues to the side.of the.main stack and have put a rag I there. It ain't moving now.
21 February 2017, 00:09
Robert W Martel
Playtime, Wilky, LOL I'm rolling over laughing.

They do stack those sprues pretty tight sometimes. I wouldn't bet they will ever get it right 222!!
But, a couple of 2 cent airbags would solve the issue most of the time. I can't believe that after all the years they have been producing models, they haven't thought of it. They just don't give a sh.. !
MORE profit is all they care about. What few broken parts they replace cost them diddly compared to 2 cents in every box! Most folks never know about a broken part until it's "sorry those parts are no longer available" a few years later when they go to build the kit. Or they buy the kit NEW somewhere, but it's 5 years old and Out Of Production. OOP and you're SOL.

It is difficult some times to get a kit back in the box how it came out, like when everything is stuffed into 1 bag. I always open & inspect the kits.
I always save the used bags when I build a kit. When I get a new one I repack the trees how they seem to fit together best, usually no more than 2 in a bag, facing away from each other. Sometimes it takes a bit of time & thinking as to how to pack them the best way that things wont get tangled or squished etc. It's like a puzzle, sometimes it's difficult, but there's usually a way if I work at it long enough. lol.

I also save the packing material from the shipping boxes,,, bubble wrap, airbags, even newspaper! (But I HATE PEANUTS with a passion) If I can get bubble wrap between the trees or bags I do, and whatever it takes to fill up the empty space,,,, airbags, newspaper to keep it all from moving around in the box. And being careful that nothing will be poking up higher than the box so that when I stack them nothing gets squashed! That's a whole 'nother puzzle! some boxes stack well, some don't, ya gotta go about it scientifically. lol

I'll have to make a little album of my "Man Cave" & closet space, then you guys can see just how "crazy" I am. LOL.

Wilky, I'm with you, when I buy a "NEW" kit I want it unopened & sealed. If I'm paying "Retail" I want to be the one to break the seal. lol. Not to say I haven't bought Unsealed NEW kits, but at a cheaper price. I bought a kit (Jack Reacher 70 Chevelle) at Hobby Lobby a year or so ago that was just sitting on the shelf w/NO BOX!! ???? The manager offered it to me for $10,,, of course I snapped it up, it was all there, where the box went who knows!
I've been at Michaels and asked about a discount on an "Open Box" kit, they said NO, and so did I.

I don't know guys,,, Airfix & Revell (RoG) seem to be the worst. At least of the kits I have bought lately. I've had to request parts for several NEW kits. I'm talking the newer released kits, be they new tool or re-issues. I just bought Italeri's F7f Tigercat, the box was just right. The last several Revell's in those open end boxes were way oversized, with broken parts. Several Airfix kits were way oversized, w/broken parts as well.
When I first got back into modeling 3 years ago I bought a Trumpeter F6F Hellcat kit, just to see what it would be like. I was so impressed with the detail & packaging I bought more. I have probably a dozen Trumpy kits and each one is superbly packaged,,, each sprue in a separate sealed poly (not cheap thin) bag. The boxes are made to fit the kit/w separate end compartments for delicate & boxed clear parts, not one size fits all boxes! Full color glossy paper instructions, real rubber tires. Truly a delight to behold!
The Dragon ship kits are well packaged, as are the Kitty Hawk Helis
But, they do cost more. I can't afford to buy those high $$$ kits every time. I wish I could. LOL
21 February 2017, 05:19
playtime 222
Actually this is the issue - underpackaging vs overpackaging - somewhere in the middle would be nice and Revell/Airfix are doing great boxes - well artwork - but packing them poorly. Doesn't take much thought either so let's hope there is enough feedback on this to make them think a little more and drop the extra pennies on appropriate, simple packaging.
21 February 2017, 10:50
Robert W Martel
You're right playtime, seems like after all these years it wouldn't take much thought to get it right.
We can only hope they'll get it right one day, but I for one am not holding my breath!
21 February 2017, 20:43
I don't believe that anything will ever change. Very much doubt that anyone running the show still makes models
They would be all grown up and only interested in making money, they probably laugh at adults buying toys for themselves while entertaining the other tossers in their lives
21 February 2017, 21:02
I don't have any Trumpeter kits yet. I saw a Dakota kit that apparently has R.A.A.F. decals but it is $170. Maybe one day.
I absolutely loath those "peanuts" too. They are very popular with Brits. I used to pass them on by using them to pack my eBay sales but now I'm not selling on eBay so have to dispose of them myself
22 February 2017, 07:23
playtime 222
Oh no not 'Excelsior', the little foam bits - small polythene bags of air.
22 February 2017, 14:30
Wilky: I'm a Brit and I don't like the 'peanuts' used for packing.
22 February 2017, 16:59
playtime 222
Just got the Italeri rebox of the Kinetic EA6B and have issues -scratched canopy, broken part, parts detached from sprue etc. etc. *sigh. I could probably work around the broken part but not the scratched canopy.
27 February 2017, 13:31
Robert W Martel
Playtime, is it an oversized box?
27 February 2017, 19:56
It's unfortunate that Italeri don't provide adequate protection of the canopy. I have checked out my 1/24 Airfix Mosquito and the canopy is wrapped in foam and then bagged
27 February 2017, 22:22
playtime 222
I would say the box was about right. I'll postt a pic I the other three to.orrow. this one has been hijacked enough !☺
28 February 2017, 00:39
Robert W Martel
They should all protect the glass like that Wilky! Just in a separate bag isn't good enough when it's stuffed in a bag w/a bunch of others.
I'll be looking 222.
28 February 2017, 02:37
Yes, they should. At least they have progressed from the old days when everything was loose in the box
28 February 2017, 03:28
Robert W Martel
Indeed !!
28 February 2017, 03:48

Album info

Has anyone out there purchased and opened/inspected the new Airfix B-17G Flying Fortress 08017 kit?
I just received my kit today and immediately knew there were loose parts floating around.
Upon opening the box I could see a good dozen loose parts in the bottom of the bag, so I opened it up.
There were no less than 6 damaged or broken pieces.
I suppose the bigger question would be has anyone dealt with Airfix to replace damaged/broken parts.
I sent them a querry right away to ask about replacement parts.
I did get a fairly quick response asking if I had purchased the kit in the US as they had just released and began distributing the kit as of Jan 20 and were unaware of any "missing parts". ???
To which I replied that NO, I hadn't purchased the kit in the US, and that NO, I didn't say it had "missing" parts, but that it had "damaged & broken" parts and to please inform me as to how I could get replacements.
I'm just hoping I won't have as bad an experience with Airfix as I had w/Academy/MRC, I got terrible

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