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Spanjaard (hetspanjaard)

Euro Scale Modelling 2017


2 26 November 2017, 08:54
Thank you so much for sharing this AMAZING album from Euro Scale Modelling 2017! It was really great to see so many interesting subjects, varying skill levels and truly remarkable dioramas all in one place. I still have yet to attend a single modelling show or even a club meet and greet of any kind so I'm typically pretty envious of those who get to go to events like this!

I was surprised to see the "Street Fighters" diorama displayed there as I would have assumed that those putting on the event would have asked that topics like that not be portrayed at the venue.

Oh - and what happened to the poor US soldier figure, with the Mohawk hairdo, or was that some sort of political statement?! LOL

I was a little confused by a particular feature of many of the subjects displayed - namely a certain symbol displayed on German aircraft of WW2. Previously, I had believed it was outlawed to display the Hakenkreuz in many European nations? Has this law been relaxed or rescinded in recent years?

Did you submit anything for this modelling show and if so did you win any awards or gain any honors for your' hard work?
26 November 2017, 10:39
HI Edwards, i must say that contest entries are only pictures 43-135, the rest, is what people had in their tables around (club tables, shops etc). Street fighters may not be accepted in US, but it seems we do not have any kind of censorship here. in any case, i do not see the problem, it is not a political statement on itself. otherwise, should we also reject WWII German dioramas, or Japanese? i think we should separate modelling and politics.
i think the laws about swastikas are mostly in Germany, Austria, and maybe some other countries. i think there is no problem in using them in a model contest here. if you go to the street with a nazi flag, that maybe will be different 😛 but i have no idea about that particular
nope, i did not bring anything to the contest. would be nice to see it in the table, but i do not think i have any chance of getting any kind of an award at the moment... and i will not risk damaging one of my models to get there 🙂
getting there was my only complain about the new venue used this year. in the one used before, there was a tram every 5-10 minutes. in the new place, only a bus every hour... ridiculous. thanks to Martin that gave me a Ride, i managed to get home a lot sooner. otherwise i will have needed to wait about 50 minutes for the next bus! thanks again Martin!
26 November 2017, 12:06
Martin Oostrom
You're welcome Spanjaard. I enjoyed your company and thanks again for finding me my Draken 👍
26 November 2017, 13:06
it was my pleasure, but you found it yourself, i just push you to keep looking, because somehow, i knew there was one somewhere waiting to be taken home 😄
but i could not foresee the other 4 you got or the Concorde that I got myself. but as we agreed, it was for a good cause, right. finding a new home for those "orphan" kits after a collector left them behind.... he will be happy to know they have a new home 🙂
26 November 2017, 13:19
Alec K
Great pics Spanjard, thank for posting 👍
26 November 2017, 13:26
glad you like them Alec
26 November 2017, 13:27
Dan M
Lovely album and some very nice dioramas there! Thanks for sharing!
26 November 2017, 13:32
John Thomas
Nice photos
26 November 2017, 13:48
Patrick Prijden
thanks for sharing this, it was a great day!
love the spit photo 101 🙂
26 November 2017, 13:50
Oh I see, regarding which pictures were which. ^_^ Oh no, modelers here do not shy away from dioramas portraying the past 17 years of "War on Terror," though there may be some in the US that would find that offensive however just about any model could theoretically offend someone out there. I started to type out all the different groups that could somehow, some way, be offended either with our hobby itself or the subjects depicted and gave up after the fourth lengthy paragraph! LOL

I was joking when I asked about the US figure whose head had fallen off as to whether that was a political statement. However I was serious in asking about the Balkankreuz ban. Perhaps that's what it is, that it is illegal to depict in those nations in particular.

Personally I think it should be held in context like you were saying. These depict an object and moment in history just as a museum display piece should. If we are too careful to remove it from our historical records, our history lessons and our species collective memory though important facts will be forgotten and travesties may be repeated. As such in my humble opinion, that is a far cry from, as you said, strolling down the lane waving about a Nazi flag.

That's right, I remember you mentioning previously that you are hesitant to take your' work to such a venue. There was one photo, where it showed in the distance, a model on a high stand with it's wing overlapping the edge of the table where people were walking. I cringed thinking about that placement as with near certainty it eventually snagged someone's sleeve and went down. If that isn't evidence enough and reason enough to refrain from showing off one's works; Just look at the US soldier figure! lol
26 November 2017, 14:06
Stephan Ryll
Thank you for sharing 🙂
26 November 2017, 14:39
Christian Bruer
Many thx for sharing. Seems to be a great show 👍
26 November 2017, 18:45
thanks everybody 🙂
@Patrick, the spit in picture 101 was truly breathtaking... excellent paint job. do you know the author?
@Edward, no idea about the head, I guess it was just lack of glue 😄 . About the ban, I may be wrong, but it is only swastikas (Hakenkreuz), I do not think there is a problem with the Balkankreuz.
for what i see in the last one, swastika is banned in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland
26 November 2017, 19:34
Gah! Slip of the tongue, I meant Hakenkreuz, so sorry! Trying to do too many things at once, I think. lol

I did think the ban was more widespread through Europe but now I know better and its always said to learn something new each day! ^_~ Cheers!
26 November 2017, 22:22
glad to help 🙂
26 November 2017, 22:33


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