スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Lee Haffenden (leehaff)

Tamiya Churchill Mk.VII

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Wasn't sure whether to paint the individual parts of the lower hull before glueing together. But after looking at multiple YouTube builds of the same model, everyone seems to paint after gluing, so I'm going to do the same  

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Deciding to go for a different approach this time. In the past, I've glued everything together, including the small parts such as tools. Then carefully tried to paint the small details at the end, usually making a mess. This time I'm going to paint all the small parts separately and then glue them to the finished model before the weathering stage. Hopefully, this allows me to have a much neater and full finish to all the different parts. 

Album image #11
The whole turret was quite challenging. It was difficult to get everything lined up correctly, and I was left with quite a few raised areas or gaps, that I've done my best to sand down and squeeze together. In the future, I'll look into getting putty and other resurfacing tools I've watched people use. But for this model, I'll leave it as is. I also nearly broke off the small gun turret multiple times and it was difficult to line up the main turret correctly. But saying all that it was fun to build and for now, that's all of the gluing done. I plan now to paint the small parts and then spray the big parts, then eventually put the whole kit together before weathering. 

Album image #12
On the models I've made so far, I've glued any figures together and left them unpainted. It's the vehicles I'm interested in. Although one day I might paint them. But I really liked this little setup - so I decided to paint it and sort of finish it off. The bottles are unpainted - and the rest is not great - I'm still not used to brush painting and I didn't want to use the airbrush for this. Still happy with the result 

Album image #13
Finally got a chance to do some more spraying. First time actually priming a model - I used Ammo Mig One Shot black primer - I'd heard very good things. Ended up having some issues though. I followed the instructions - but after a bit of spraying, my airbrush started to clog up, and it only got worse. I ended up thinning the primer down a bit and it helped. Not sure where I went wrong. The end result is a bit speckly in places because of this. But I'm still happy with the result and I think it will end up giving me a much better finish once the model is complete 

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Sprayed the tracks in XF-72 

Album image #19
Sprayed the tank in XF-61. I'm amazed by the difference priming the model has on the finish. This was my first time priming and I wasn't entirely sure whether it was worth it at first. But now I can see why people use it. The finish is amazing. Considering it's my first time using it too, it'll only get better with time. 

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Some better lighting on the turret for a clearer view of the paint finish 

Album image #25
We had an unfortunate accident with one of the rear tow hooks. I would try to repair it, but the other half pinged off into oblivion. So I guess it was knocked off during combat or something... 

Album image #26
Glued everything together. I really like this model, and I really like the Churchill - such a cool-looking tank. Next step - clear coat, decals, and then weathering 

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These front mudguard things were awkward to glue to the tank. I'm not sure they are positioned exactly right - but this was about the best I could get without breaking something else. 

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Finally managed to get back to this. I gloss clear coated and attached all of the decals. Used MicroSet and Sol again, this time with better success. Next step, matt clear coat and then weathering 

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First weathering pass. Pinwash with Mig Dark Wash. For me, this effect is very subtle, probably due to the dark colour of the tank. But I think it's noticeable enough and does the intended job 

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Decals are still very glossy in direct light. Not sure how to fix this problem 

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Some small fibers are left behind from the cotton buds I used to remove the access enamel wash. It's a lot less noticeable in person. These are very close-up photos. But I will attempt to get rid of as much of it as possible. 

Album image #37
Haven't touched the tracks yet. Going to use Mig Track Wash for them specifically 

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Going to use a whole variety of washes to make the most of the cargo on the sides of the turret. At the moment they stand out and don't look good at all. 

Album image #40
Really difficult finding the time lately to do any modeling. Finally moved on to the next wash, which is MIG track wash. Liberally applied to the tracks and as you can see in this photo, the difference is very noticeable. I cleaned the effect up a little bit, but the wash has completely changed the colour and appearance of the tracks. Wasn't necessarily what I originally intended, but I'm actually happy with the results. They look a lot more real now. 

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Both sides finished here. 

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Album image #43
Next step was using Mig Kursk Soil, to add some extra mud and dust, mostly around the tracks and running gear, with some splashing up onto the sides, front and rear. I'm still getting the hang of these Mig Enamel Washes, so I'm not 100% happy with the result. But I still think it gets the effect across, and looks better than it did without it 

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Still got some more Mig washes I want to use, then this model will be complete 

Album image #50
Finally finished the model. Used Mig Streaking Grime wash, mostly around the sides and tracks of the model to give it a slightly more muddy, grimy look. Been working on this model for far too long, so many things have kept me away from scale modeling recently. So it's been good to get it finished and move on. Overall I'm happy with the result and it's probably my best model so far. I'll wait for the enamel washes to fully dry and then take some better photos. But setting this as complete for now 

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The "better" photos I promised 

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Attempted some photos with better lighting. Tank's getting a bit dusty though... 

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Album image #66


15 22 April 2021, 16:27
Martin Oostrom
Those road wheels will be hard to paint if they're already glued.
I painted the sponsoons (right word?) before glueing them to the body.
19 July 2021, 09:37
Lee Haffenden
I was planning on spraying the road wheels the same base colour as the rest of the tank. Is that incorrect? That is a good idea to paint those pieces before glueing them to the body, should be easier to paint that way. Thanks for the advice! I had a look at some of your work. I'm planning on doing a car next, and I can only hope one day I can come even close to how nice your paint jobs are!
19 July 2021, 10:35
Martin Oostrom
Pictures can be deceiving...
The colour of the road wheels is the same as the rest of the tank. But to paint them while mounted can make it harder to paint the inside properly. Unless you wish to rotate them whilst painting 😉
19 July 2021, 10:37
Steven Van Dyck
When I'm going to build this model, I will try to adapt the sprockets so they have the right shape, because without the fenders it is more apparent that the mudholes inside the wheel are missing. That's on the cilinder between the two "cogs" that make a sprocket.
19 July 2021, 10:48
The colour of the wheels is the same as of the hull. But the contact zone between track and wheel will probably lose its colour in favour of some metallic tone.
19 July 2021, 13:22
Martin Oostrom
Lee meet Steven. One of our armor, if it can be improved it will be improved, modelling madmen. And I say that with a shipload of respect 👍
19 July 2021, 14:03
Lee Haffenden
Nice to meet all of you! All of this advice and expertise is super helpful and interesting. Thank you. I guess I'll make do with the road wheels this time around and next time I'll know better! These early models are learning experiences anyway and I'm not aiming for perfection. Yet... ?
19 July 2021, 14:33
David Taylor
I tend to use a mix of Humbrol metalcote enamels where metal hits metal.
2 December 2021, 18:09
Lee Haffenden
I'll have a look into that, thanks!
2 December 2021, 19:36
Welcome Lee its a great community and a great place to learn
I have just started my 3 kit
And haven't finished one yet
I like cars
And I am surprised to see how different your builds are
So everything is different every time
But great to see you are enjoying the hobby to
For a first tank I must say its a clean build
Looks great
2 February 2022, 19:21
Lee Haffenden
Thank you Jv, this model was my third tank model and my fifth model overall. I love variety, and so it's enjoyable for me to try different types of vehicles, brands, sizes etc. each time. I've got a few car models in the stash ready to be built
3 February 2022, 10:19
Yes I see you enjoy doing a variety
Will be interesting to see you build a car
All your builds have been impressive Specaly just starting out
I am working on a small budget
So still just use spray cans
I am looking forward moving on
But will have to wait for now
So yes I also got a few models
I won't touch yet
For now I am just doing cheap ones
3 February 2022, 10:28

Project info

66 画像
1:35 Churchill Mk.VII (Tamiya 35210)


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