スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Jakko ‌ (Jakko)

Mystery Medium Tank M3

Album image #1
Lower hull built straight from the box. 

Album image #2
Hull rear mostly built, engine bay painted black and cooling air exhaust olive drab because they’ll be hard to reach later on. 

Album image #3
Basics of rear end finished. 

Album image #4
Conversion work started on sponson area. 

Album image #5
Basic shape of glacis plate built from plastic card. 

Album image #6
Basic shape of the glacis is now done, though obviously it needs cutting and sanding a bit, 

Album image #7
And a nose job. 

Album image #8
Bogies and drive sprockets (from an Asuka Sherman) built, as well as one sprue worth of AFV Club T51 tracks cleaned up. 

Album image #9
Locations of rivets marked, using home-made rulers to get the spacing correct. 

Album image #10
Started adding rivets and assembling the tracks. The rivets are 0.7 mm diameter, made from 0.25 mm plastic card with an RP Toolz “rivet maker” punch. 

Album image #11
That should be the last of the rivets — on the front plates, that is. 

Album image #12
Extension built between superstructure and left rear stowage bin. (Top is too large so it can be trimmed to size when the glue is dry.) 

Album image #13
Internal bracing plates for the super-superstructure added, and a roof on top of that. 

Album image #14
Added tubes for the rounded corners and plates between them to actually form super-superstructure, plates too tall so they can be trimmed to size later. 

Album image #15
Realising I had made the left side too narrow, I widened it with half-tubes (normal tube cut lengthwise) and 2 mm square rod … 

Album image #16
… and added a side plate over all this. 

Album image #17
Seams at the corners filled, filed and sanded. 

Album image #18
Added side doors (hinges still need to be added) and structure on right front. Lots of rivets to add still … 

Album image #19
Hinges for the side doors added, as well as some of the rivets for the super-superstructure. 

Album image #20
Rivets all around now — at which point I got heartily tired of them for the day 🙂 

Album image #21
Periscope housing added, from plastic card, tube and a Sherman periscope. It still needs a roof. 

Album image #22
Right front view of current progress on the model. 

Album image #23
Left rear view of current progress on the model. 

Album image #24
More fittings on the front, from a leftover Tamiya part (for the motorised version of some kit) and plastic card and tube. It still needs filing into shape a bit. 

Album image #25
Barrels built from plastic rod, a turned brass sleeve to go around the thicker one, and a bit of stretched sprue for the flash hider. 

Album image #26
Plates added over suspension bogies. The plates were drawn in a computer program, then printed out and the print-out glued to a sheet of 0.5 mm plastic to make cutting them easy. 

Album image #27
Added 1.5 mm quarter-round strip to the tops of the side skirts, then 0.25 mm sheet over the existing plates because the strip proved to be slightly too wide. 

Album image #28
Suspension and side skirts finished. 

Album image #29
Front view of left-hand side skirt. 

Album image #30
Extended the left rear structure and added a plate to original superstructure rear wall, after cutting away the rivet heads that were on it. Fire extinguisher pull handles were relocated to the new plate. 

Album image #31
Left rear structure finished. 

Album image #32
All the components of the fully built model. 

Album image #33
Fully built model from right rear 

Album image #34
Right front details. 

Album image #35
Left hull front details, all from kit except headlamp leads. 

Album image #36
Engine deck with kit-provided etched tool brackets and scratchbuilt tie-downs (because kit parts for these are very difficult to form). 

Album image #37
Everything, tracks included, painted Tamiya German Grey allover. 

Album image #38
Tamiya Neutral Grey sprayed into the centres of panels to highlight them. 

Album image #39
Overall wash of Games Workshop Devlan Mud applied to shade the model. 

Album image #40
Drybrushed with medium-dark and then medium grey, and removed the masking tape. Some touchups are needed on the crosses on the sides. 

Album image #41
Bogies now also attached, so construction is essentially done other than the tracks, but everything needs to be weathered before they can go on, 

Album image #42
Great, the AFV Club tracks are too short. There are still some links left, but what I built is the number they SHOULD have, and the ends don’t come together 🙁 

Album image #43
Three extra links added to each track, plus a fourth (a reject whose pins I had accidentally bent) so the holes in the last end connectors won’t fill up with paint. 

Album image #44
Finished model from left front. The figure is from MiniArt. 

Album image #45
Album image #46
Album image #47
Album image #48
Album image #49
Album image #50
Album image #51
Album image #52
Album image #53
Engine deck, not on fire … 

Album image #54
The real thing, to prove this isn’t a fantasy model 🙂 

Album image #55
These are stills from a wartime instruction film called Crack That Tank, available for your viewing pleasure at Youtube Video


38 25 April 2021, 12:41
Adrian Forest
An ARV of some kind, I assume?
25 April 2021, 14:47
David Taylor
Looks like an ARV or canal defence.
25 April 2021, 15:24
David Taylor
Although it could be Grant command or a BARV.
25 April 2021, 15:32
Jakko ‌
Stay tuned! 🙂
25 April 2021, 17:20
Ben M
watching... love strange tanks with rivets.
25 April 2021, 17:24
Adrian Forest
So most command, CDL, and ARV variants (i.e. M31) seem to keep the shape of the right-hand sponson with a dummy gun, so it's obviously not one of those common variants. The sole, Australian-converted M3 BARV has a boat-shaped front, not the sloped front you're building here, and the other Australian variant, the Yeramba SPG, has a much blunter nose. Gonna have to keep guessing!
6 May 2021, 20:40
Jakko ‌
You may be right … you may also be wrong … 🙂 I'll have to add a bunch of rivets before continuing with the actual shape of the vehicle, though, so it may be a bit longer before it becomes clear. Perhaps 🙂
7 May 2021, 11:54
Lenny V
That's some nice scratchbuilding, Will be followed with great interest. Also nice to see the Zeeuwse vlag, alsk nie eel verkeerd bin
10 May 2021, 19:01
Jakko ‌
Thanks, though it's not as well-made as it could be. It's rather difficult to find accurate dimensions for this vehicle, however, so it's probably the best I can do with the limited references available.

En jæ, da's de Zêêuwse vlagge 🙂
10 May 2021, 20:20
David Taylor
coming along.
23 May 2021, 13:51
Jakko ‌
Can you guess what it is already?
23 May 2021, 20:35
Robin (WhiteGlint)
No clue yet, but keep up the good work. 👍 Looks really nice so far.
23 May 2021, 20:46
David Taylor
If you are sticking a couple of Bren guns on top it could be an ARV.
23 May 2021, 21:45
Adrian Forest
Wait, this isn't some kind of M2 variant, is it?
23 May 2021, 23:30
Jakko ‌
Good guesses, and though it will have two machine guns, it won't be Brens. (Aside from that, the Grant ARV prototype simply had a flat plate with hatch where the turret was, not a big structure like here 🙂)

@Adrian: It might be an M2 medium tank variant, sure. Is that your final answer? 🙂
24 May 2021, 14:59
David Taylor
Still think it is a command variant.
13 June 2021, 18:45
Jakko ‌
It does look like that, doesn't it?
13 June 2021, 20:37
Jasper Breur
Very impressive progress! I already saw what it is on TWENOT, so I won't spoil it 😉
15 June 2021, 20:33
Adrian Forest
Checked TWENOT. Slightly cheating! 😛
15 June 2021, 21:39
David Taylor
Not checking anywhere.Like a good guessing game.
16 June 2021, 13:27
Jakko ‌
Cool to read that not everyone wants to peek behind the curtain 🙂

Maybe Adrian found his best guess confirmed? Or did it turn out to be something you'd never even thought of?
16 June 2021, 17:07
Adrian Forest
Definitely something I never would have thought of! My imagination isn't so creative as whoever thought that tank looked like... whatever it was supposed to look like! 😄
17 June 2021, 01:44
Jakko ‌
I think that I'll probably have to post some pictures at the end of the build, to prove this really did exist 🙂
17 June 2021, 10:19
David Taylor
Post them now if you want.LOL
17 June 2021, 18:13
Jakko ‌
Nah, that would give away too much — I want to put some paint on it first, see whether that helps or throws people off even more 😛
17 June 2021, 20:29
Adrian Forest
Panzer Grey? Or you reckon that would be more accurate than the creators could manage? 🙂
22 June 2021, 14:02
Jakko ‌
I think it's unlikely the real thing was that colour, yes. But my defence is sticking to the spirit rather than the letter 🙂
14 July 2021, 10:20
Robert Podkoński
What a fantastic beast!
14 July 2021, 16:32
Jakko ‌
Thanks 🙂 Though I assure you there's nothing fictional about it — well, other than some educated guesswork about areas I couldn't make out in the reference material I used.
14 July 2021, 20:17
Adrian Forest
I mean the original physical version is itself a fiction, but this is a recreation of a real fiction. 😄
15 July 2021, 01:32
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Sorry guys, I think I still need an explanation what kind of tank that is.
Is this some kind of movie prop? Or something that has been used for target practice? Or something else entirely?
15 July 2021, 06:20
Jakko ‌
Ooh … you started out well there 🙂
15 July 2021, 10:20
Robert Podkoński
What was this secondary "barrel" located over the main one supposed to be? So, I suppose it was some "movie" tank - like in a propaganda Nazi movie where Slovak Avias doubled as Polish PZL P.11(?)
15 July 2021, 11:30
Jakko ‌
Getting warm …
15 July 2021, 13:38
Robert Podkoński
Is it some kind of so-called Panzeratrappe, then? I own the book on German Panzeratrappen and there is no such a construction, but I suppose it is the one done for some reasons by the Allies...
15 July 2021, 20:50
Jakko ‌
I'd say you're getting a bit cooler again there. Not much, though 🙂
16 July 2021, 09:24
Robert Podkoński
Therefore, it is from a movie - black-and-white I presume, since you've guessed the actual colour 😉
16 July 2021, 09:27
Jakko ‌
You've gotten closer than anyone else so far here, other than the one who cheated of course 🙂 Now all you need to do is find the movie …
16 July 2021, 20:41
@jakko despite the tracks being short, I absolutely love the color you achieved there. Nice job.
16 July 2021, 22:05
Jakko ‌
Thanks. It was actually really easy: base coat of Tamiya German Grey, then Neutral Grey sprayed in the middle of the various panels, a wash of Games Workshop Devlan Mud (long discontinued, my remaining pot is running low 🙁) and then drybrushed with first Vallejo Dark Bluegrey and finally Vallejo Intermediate Blue.

Or did you mean the tracks? Those I painted the same German Grey followed by thinned-down India ink for the rubber blocks, with the end connectors/guide teeth in Tamiya NATO Brown; after that I just put a wash of Tamiya Flat Earth over the whole thing.
17 July 2021, 12:04
Robert Podkoński
Thanks, Jakko, but I am afraid I do not know many war(time) movies - I grew up in communist times, the only tank from the movie I know is T-34/85 "Rudy 102" ("Redhead 102") from the Polish series "Czterej pancerni i pies" ("Four tankmen and the dog" - one of these tankmen, the driver actually, was from Georgia BTW... the others were Polish 😉 )
17 July 2021, 13:24
Jakko ‌
Stay tuned, then, as I will reveal the source once I think the model is finished 🙂 Shouldn't be more than a few days …
17 July 2021, 14:30
Robert Podkoński
Waiting patiently, Jakko, admiring your work 🙂
17 July 2021, 16:23
@Jakko yes sir, meant the tracks. Thanks for the info!
17 July 2021, 18:53
Jakko ‌
The Indian ink is something I tried on this model for the first time, BTW. I was in an art supply store earlier this week and decided to buy a bottle to see if it works better than my usual way, which is to use a wash of black paint instead. Altogether, it doesn't really seem to make that great a difference, but the ink seems like it may be a little more consistent in colour than thinned paint.
17 July 2021, 20:04
@Jakko interesting medium to use, might have to give it a shot, thanks.
17 July 2021, 21:21
Jakko ‌
It's now done! Check the end of the album for proof that this isn't some imaginary tank I decided to build because I wanted to try out a rivet punch and die set 🙂
20 July 2021, 14:44
Thanks for that link, Jakko. Very good film...
20 July 2021, 15:14
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Nice result and awesome scratchbuilding! 👍
20 July 2021, 21:45
Robert Podkoński
Therefore, it was a kind of "Panzeratrappe". Germans had build many such contraptions used on military compounds in order to give an infantry a practice on combatting enemy tanks. Is there any consolation prize? 😉
21 July 2021, 05:18
Jakko ‌
It kind of is, but with a very different purpose. The Germans built them to represent their own tanks in exercises, this one is supposed to resemble (as far as I can tell) a SCM Search: Neubaufahrzeug — so, an enemy vehicle. Your consolation prize is the knowledge you got closer than anyone else here 🙂
21 July 2021, 08:33
A unique and entertaining build. Great final result. 👍
21 July 2021, 08:37
Robert Podkoński
@Jakko: I was kidding about this consolation prize, of course 😉 But with regard to German Panzeratrappen you are right with respect to Weimar Republic times, but during war there were mostly "copies" of Soviet tanks built and used. There is a very good documentary book: tankograd.net/cms/we..cht-Special-4013.htm
21 July 2021, 09:38
Jakko ‌
Oh yeah, they did that too … forgot about that. I mostly had the pre-war types in my mind. This VISMOD M3 is kind of similar to those, except I doubt any soldier who wasn't in the film ever got to practice against it.

And thanks, @WhiteGlint and @Mark 🙂
21 July 2021, 17:20
David Taylor
Very interesting subject,thanks for the ride.
21 July 2021, 17:32
Jakko ‌
And thank you for your comments, and your attempts to work out what it actually was meant to represent 🙂
21 July 2021, 17:37
David Taylor
Looks like one of the British armies inter war attempts.
21 July 2021, 17:38
Jakko ‌
None of those were this ugly 🙂
21 July 2021, 20:56
Dave Flitton
Looks like an M3 covered up with plywood boxes
22 July 2021, 13:22
Michael Osadciw
Thanks for the video link. That was great. I always find the guys they have do those videos amusing; all of the family friendly slang is in evidence with that odd almost-NYC accent.
22 July 2021, 14:22
Fascinating subject and excellent scratch-building!
22 July 2021, 14:29
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Guessing what tank it is was kind of fun, though my knowledge about tanks barely qualifies as superficial.
22 July 2021, 15:08
Jakko ‌
Thanks, all 🙂

@Dave Flitton: I wonder what they made the additional stuff out of. Plywood would be easiest, I would think, but then why add all those rivets? Maybe to blend it in with the real part of the tank, I suppose. Though I have this feeling the whole thing was made of sheet steel. (Which also wouldn't need the rivets, or at least not ones this big …)

@Michael Osadciw: yes, it's definitely one of those typical wartime training videos that really have this very American/Hollywood tone to them. There used to be comments under this video on YouTube, but they were disabled sometime after I started this model; anyway, many of those said pretty much the same you did 🙂 (Oh, and did you know Ronald Reagan used to make films in this genre during the war?)
22 July 2021, 17:25
Rui S
Very well done. Great finish. Had to see the vídeo 👍
25 July 2021, 16:10
Jakko ‌
Thanks. I don't think I'd have believed this tank existed either without some proof to back it up 🙂
25 July 2021, 17:02

Album info

Build of a rare variant of the Medium Tank M3. Try to guess what it is!

55 画像
1:35 M4 T51-Track (AFV Club AF35026)1:35 M3A5 Lee (MiniArt 35279)


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