スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Jonathon Herring (Jackhammer)

Down and dirty

Album image #1
Should have waited on the thinner wire. Repairs ahead 

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There has been a lot of dry fitting going on. This truck requires, NO,demands! Alot ! Buckle up, Buttercup  

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Decals added for flair. Won’t even be seen very well once it’s toned, grimed, and dusted but, I’ll know they’re there. 

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Tried to drill out the step plates but the styrene gods did not shine their grace upon me. Popped them off and ordered some photo-etch. Gonna be a minute till that arrives so for now I’m practicing with copper sheet. 

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Pure Swiss cheese hell! ?Terrible, terrible, terrible. Even with starter holes ( that obviously weren’t deep enough) the bit wandered. Eh ?I tried something new, failed, learned, will try again. 

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Used CTM photo-etch to replace the perforated steps. Drilling out the plastic ones failed miserably and these are a HUGE improvement so a land mine turned into a goldmine ? 

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Wanted to start showing some of the wiring and hoses but dang it, I must have been Batman, hanging upside down taking these few pics. Really…….they are right side up on my phone ? Michael Kohl helped me fix’ ‘em. Thanks Brother 

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Don’t have a clue why these are upside down. ?They are right side up in my library. Hmmmm….Aliens. Fixed! Wooo hoooo! Thanks again Michael.? 

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First post for the shocks 

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Soldered upper shock 

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Just glued a rod on the leaf spring for the bottom. 

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Bench reaching critical mess? 

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Shock attached. 

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Men’s bolts were superglued onto the post ends 

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Yup!☹️Critical mess achieved ? 

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Testing fit and how the grill needs modification  

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Should be moving to paint real soon. 

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Still gotta retest the engine dry fit but she’s progressing  

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Ammo by mig red brown primer 

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Mottled primer will help on the next steps. 

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As you can tell, a grey primer first ,would have lightened the black plastic’s brown, yet , I stayed the course. 

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Think the rotary tooled fenders will pop during the following steps. Took forever to get to these steps. 

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See what brown can do?? 

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Oooooooo?more brown…….. 

Album image #44
Eeegads! Is it a model or a……….,,

Snickers! What did ya think I would say? UPS? 

Album image #45
Okay ! They get it! BROWN?!!!! 

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Rust? Fancy Rust? Too Fancy?! Just the right amount of rusty? 

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This is gonna play hide and seek later. 

Album image #48
This is the stage that the frame, hood, and cab are at now. Has been sponged with a mix of dry sponge and wet blend of Vallejo colors . Then a VMS (vantage model solutions) satin acrylic top coat. I love their products. Weathering, auxiliaries, pigments, glues , etc; love ‘em!☺️ interior next!Gonna let it harden for a week before hairspray and acrylic chipping. Not sure on the colors and have to test Tamiya acrylics for viability. Gonna be busy. 

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Should have taken in progress pics. Colors are Vallejo sand beige (tub and seat weathering)flat black ( pedals) ensign white (dials) Ammo by MiG red brown primer (dash, seats, door panels) Tamiya acrylic semi-gloss black (column, wheel, heater, sticks,seat frame, gauge panel) Ammo by MiG brown wash for German yellow and dark wash applied and cleaned up followed by Ammo’s light dusty.  

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Dust in the seat creases is too stark and unrealistic to me . Further washes will ensue. 

Album image #51
Wanted old, dirty , used & abused. Got “ open door, sand stormed, whisked out barely” and …I…shall…have…satisfaction! 

Album image #52
And the dials have decals coming and UV resin in store before close up. Will it be seen? Nope? yet it will be great practice for my other kits. “That’s what I’m doing to get better” to quote a great podcast ( my modeling fluid of choice is “ State mandated sedation”? 

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End product for this step. Some papers leaves a debris next plus a darkening wash to tone down the dusty shadow areas. Got a pizza or parts box for the passenger seat too or , maybe something else? 

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Finally got the hairspray down, Tamiya gloss yellow airbrushed, chipped and dry fit. The frame has been done for about 4 weeks. Chipped Tamiya semi-gloss black with frame decals from ST Supply 

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Another view. Careful! It’s lying to us all 

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She is a beast to work with but, learning ALOT! 

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I’m ready for my closeup, Mr Deville! 

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Here, our Mack is wearing Chipped Tamiya Yellow with a delicate rust sponge of AK, Ammo by MiG, and Vallejo on One Shot Brown Oxide Primer as the chip reveal. 

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Ummm…..what else can I say? Hard to see in there.☹️ Also, the seats aren’t even in. 

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The scratches were made by hitting the metal of the brush carefully and then timidly brushing water to soften the edge 

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The pin on the hood front snapped here (knew it was gonna happen as soon as Bozzer pointed the part out) and am not sure if the engine will even be exposed. There are other issues first. 

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Engine is in. Wiring and hosing will come during the next breakdown. 

Album image #63
Taking these pics help a lot. I noticed I hadn’t chipped the fender underside. Thankfully, it was well within the window and it got done. 

Album image #64
Here is the “warts and all” section of the build. These are some of the issues I spoke of. The rims and hubs are an aftermarket resin kit. Figured they would make painting easier seeing the hubs and rims were separate pieces. Well, the resin for the round rims was soft ( could squeeze them almost flat and back again) and different sizes of the rim rings was intriguing. After fighting, cursing , pleading and finally acceptance ,I knew I was defeated. I am coming up with fixing plans that range from new wheels all the way to the “Ah…screw it “technique. As you can see, the air brakes all went ping! At different times. The ones on there are held by the airlines.I guess, seeing that am taking it all apart anyway, no worries ? Pics also look like the frame is askew but, it’s the “lie” I eluded to. It’s square, just optical. 

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Took a lot to get this flat. Hot water several times, some serious force (and serious sweating. Scary?) and finally, flat! 

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Here is my screwup but, I popped it loose and fixed it. 

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Some of the Best Fun with the ejector pin marks. Mixed bag of raised and recessed… …I knew what I was getting into. 

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Final product was sanded to 800 grit. 

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What is this supposed to be? Diamond plate? Worlds largest Mine Sweeper game? I’m toying with reproducing the plate out of aluminum (disposable square cake pan) and photo etch diamond plate. If it fails, I will use plastic diamond plate. 

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Really….the texture would be a cheese grater at this scale.? 

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Some 3d printed steel 5 hole bud trailer rims from Kootenay 3D model parts. We will be trying them for the fist time together. 

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Trailer will be ready for paint soon? Nope. Real wood and a change for the diamond plate. Also waiting on D-rings for the sides. Plus I wanna try scratching some loading ramps? 

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Rear beaver tail. Plate is only clamped so as to get the rear ramp plates square. Not prepared to lose them so. Here they are. Here they stay? 

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The rear of the rims each needed two shims of styrene tube. The rims needed to have the centers sanded out as well as sanding the first tube. Leave it slightly tight and slide the next tube then onto the rods. Looks good? 

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Got the interior to close to button up. 

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I need to gloss the gauges  

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The newspaper is meh to me 

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Here, the newspaper is slightly distracting 

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Decals applied on cab. Was looking around for others and found 2 companies that will do custom decals. Only problem is they never emailed back. 

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Just some extras on the bumper. 

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ISP #32 

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Bozzer called it. First, and hopefully only, pin on the hood to break. Wasn’t too hard to replace. 

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3/4 view of the truck before wheel replacement  

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The new hubs. Got them from ST Supply. 

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These require a lot of work to get fitted up. Learned on the previous set….dry fit, dry fit, and $@&#’n dry fit? 

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Lots of work to get them to fit up. They seem to be the answer so far 

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The match up and scrub cutting started here. 

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Tread plate in place 

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Real wood! Gotta have it 

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The gray board was a practice run and it will fit the bill. Some carving and sanding will keep the worn look going.? 

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These are the scenes unlimited rims that were defunct. The front rear rim had the outermost lip separate and added to the mismatching of the rims…..out they went 

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View of the engine from the passenger side. 

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Hood up on the driver side 

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New Auslowe rear rims installed. Big improvement in my opinion. 

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Scratched some rear ramps. Used VMS black flexi-super glue to strengthen the build. 

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Same here. Superglue gets messy here. 

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Cleaned up with debonder. 

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It required 2 so here’s the mate. 

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These are the notches that I filed into each of the 9 x 2 pieces of wood for the deck. 

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Lower deck notches. 

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Sat a lot better afterwards. Smiles for me at least. 

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Lower deck sitting pretty. 

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Front 3/4 view. 

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Up top view. 

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Rear ramp 3/4 view. 

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She’s getting there slowly 

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Not sure but I’m thinking about a headache rack or a spare tire rack. Do have to come up with a pogo stick 

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A height rear 3/4 view. 

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And directly from the back. 

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Started the John Deere 310A backhoe. Only kit on the market but with extra care, she is coming along 

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The base of the kit. 

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Had to add some styrene to fill a gap. 

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Another vantage point  

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Ugly thumb contest anyone? 

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The beginning of the seat pedestal refinement  

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The seat was so very plain Jane I had to do something. 

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One of two handles added for detail. Definitely a application of gizmology. 

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Some more carving on the pedestal  

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This is the stabilizers out of the box. No bueno.? 

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The start of the hydraulics being scratch built. 

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Another view 

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Rear tires need a lot of tlc. Still need more after a sanding and filing session 

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The main body placed close to its final resting place 

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All joints needed superglue reinforcement. Still fidgety unless my most lacking of implements is used….patience ? 

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Cleaning superglue after setting. Took a bit of before mentioned patience, even with insta set.? 

Album image #131
Finished one side, till it is finalized  

Album image #132
Going to redo the pivot points on this but, does anyone know how that lower “c” attachment point connects. Well more to the point, how it swivels. From the little bit of video and picture evidence I can muster, it looks like the whole crossbar between the forward bucket arms does the swiveling! If so, easy!
Well, I figured it out. Now for the scratch built replacement. 

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The rebuilt answer to the abomination in the box. To tell the truth, if I were to do it again, I would make it out of brass. This think broke several times as I moved it.? 

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Here they are in place? 

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Another angle 

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Closer still. The pins will all be cut flush with one side getting a round disc and the other getting a Meng large nut. 

Album image #137
Here I made a steering hydraulic system. It’s gizmology but, there was nothing there before. 

Album image #138
Replaced the last hydraulic piston on the rear boom. In for a penny, in for a pound ? 


36 30 April 2023, 20:52
If it's a Mack, I'm in!
30 April 2023, 22:12
Jonathon Herring
Yup, and it's fighting every step of the way. From fit issues (couldn't see that coming, right?!😒) to the plastic having an adverse reaction to Tamiyas extra thin. The stuff just doesn't want to weld. It's just surface bonding. Think my glue may be too old seeing as evergreen styrene doesn't want to bond either. Might just get some lacquer thinner or MEK. Other than that, she is proving quit satisfying.
1 May 2023, 09:39
I can definitely tell you, that I struggled on mine, with the rear engine mounts. I had to hold them in with crocodile clips, until the glue had dried. And I'm so tempted to glue that bloody rear suspension, you can't imagine! I've just got the dashboard to do now, and another coat of orange, before I seal her up. Fingers crossed, no more issues
1 May 2023, 18:02
Jonathon Herring
Fenders are twisted and don't line up with the cab. Definitely understand the rear suspension being a pain. Plus, the engine was an exercise in common core mathematics.😳The abundant dry fit, remeasure, dry fit, rebuild the part, and on to the next dilemma is the mantra here. The fenders are getting separated from the hinge bar and being reattached so that each on can be opened individually. From the kit design, I believe that that would be prototypical. Been searching the net for pics but, alas, the dog just won't hunt.😛
2 May 2023, 09:59
Mate, wait until you do the cruiseliner! But saying that, I still have shudders from the AMT Freightliner! Now that kit, tests everything!
Take this as gospel, it's enough to put you off semi trucks, for life!
I've seen a few good examples, but I swear those people have connections with god or the occult!
2 May 2023, 19:05
Jonathon Herring
As I build this I think to myself "Wish Tamiya did 1/25 or 1/24 Rigs. The amount of fiddling around with getting a fit issue solved while trying not to get misaligned elsewhere is fun, fun.🤬🤪 Add the multi piece hood (of which I'm turning it into more pieces with the fenders. Sick!) as well and I am thinking of hiring the local squirrels to help hold it all for dry fit (solved it with blue tack, kinda) or at least carry me away after I'm nuts🤪
20 May 2023, 15:10
I got my cab finished, then test fitted everything. Once I was happy, I glued my cab in place and let it set. After that, everything else hood wise, just fell into place? Just watch the bottom radiator hose. That's a tricky little bugger! My needle nose tweezers, helped me a lot! And you may want to test fit the stabiliser for the cab/radiator? I found out, that the radiator side, the pins were slightly too long? And take some time fitting the chrome MACK in the grill. It's supposed to protrude but only slightly? I just removed the chrome from all around the sides, then with the radiator flat on the bench, gave each letter a gentle push down, until it stops. Obviously, check each letter as you go. Tamiya Thin is your friend here. I'm currently knee deep in Superliner now. Some more pictures to add, later.
20 May 2023, 15:46
Jonathon Herring
You are always on point! 👏👏👏 Thanks for the heads up. Would love to say this is falling together but it is tricky with the changes I am attempting and the conversions being adapted. Still, gonna get her right with a lot of weathering 😇
20 May 2023, 22:12
Oh mate,I nearly forgot! Glueing the tub in!!!
I found on mine, that the clear parts were quite thick? This creates a problem with the tub fitment. I had to file the lip off the sides and rear of the outside of the tub, to get it to fit perfectly. You'll know when it's right, because the door panels reach the bottom of the side windows, without seeing any interior paint? It took me a minute to figure it out, but if you look at the completed model in the pictures of your directions/instructions, you'll see that the builder missed this issue, and the hood slants forward, on the picture? Indeed, I'm 100% certain that was his problem. In hindsight, my next one, I'll just bend a sheet of plastic around the cab, and save myself the trouble.
21 May 2023, 05:19
Michael Kohl
Hi Jonathon, in pic 8 you wondered why the picture showed another orientation as it had on your phone. Well sometimes this happens when you upload pics, but you can fix that. In the 'manage-menue' at the upper right corner you find a switch called 'advanced'. Turne it on and you are able to change the orientation of the uploaded images (among other things). Hope that helps.
Heads up from a rather lightweight modeller for your stubborn project.
21 May 2023, 05:38
Jonathon Herring
Way to go guys.
@ Michael- was going nuts trying to figure that out. Thanks. New it was user error 🤪
@ Bozzer- thought that might be my problem cause of the sloping fenders and you confirmed it for me. Was thinking of opening the side windows (just toying with the idea because I dust the windows and don't wanna hide the interior. Too good a place for Easter eggs) but it opens the interior to dust. Quite the dilemma 🫠
21 May 2023, 10:38
No worries mate. It's definitely an issue. The back window is fine. I also considered removing the side windows.
21 May 2023, 13:14
Coming together well mate. Keep the hood pins, in your mind, before you paint.
I discovered right near the end, that they should be round, not D shaped. That's when I broke one. I couldn't raise the butterfly, so therefore the hood wouldn't lift up? Next, I was too rough, and "snap!"
It was fixed with brass rod but I thought I'd better give you a heads up.
23 July 2023, 23:28
Jonathon Herring
Thanks as always Bozzer. I think separating the two fenders and the million and one dry fit test will hopefully get me past the issue. It will require more patience but, it's a labor of love.
28 July 2023, 16:24
Amen brother! I managed to fix it and hide it well, but it slowed the build, slightly. Still need to order the decals, but work and the new cave build, have taken priority, right now. Still love seeing you guys and your progress though! It keeps the adrenaline flowing 😉
28 July 2023, 19:54
🙂 👍
30 August 2023, 23:39
Jonathon Herring
Hit that place where I do a rebuild or complete replacement of the rims.🤨. Another thing to slow me down.
22 October 2023, 09:50
Jonathan, what's going on with the rims? If you need a set, now is the time to tell me! I'm leaving for the states in 14 hours, and I can bring a set with me and mail them, when I get there? Now is definitely the time.
22 October 2023, 10:07
Jonathon Herring
Bozzer. Thanks soooo much. It isn't necessary because I have the originals still and another set of different aftermarket Daytons. I was lamenting over the added work to tear it down. I might as well get over it and get on with it. More posts to come.
22 October 2023, 18:31
Jonathon Herring
Ordered new rear hubs and rims. If everything goes right, I will have extra rims for a diorama or spares. Tires should be usable for other kits.
2 November 2023, 14:05

I know, it's all [****] in my eyes, lol
2 November 2023, 18:18
I'm loving what I'm seeing 👍
19 November 2023, 17:41
David Taylor
I'm in.
19 November 2023, 17:56
Jonathon Herring
Going pretty hard this weekend. Also got more decaling done. Will hopefully get more done and added photos. I wish I had documented the rear hubs (Scenes Unlimited) and my failure. I will keep it in mind as I paint, tear down, and reassemble.
19 November 2023, 21:02
Jonathon Herring
It's been a fun month. Christmas has pushed things off but did get some slow progress done. Gotta get some more evergreen parts to create the ramps. More to come 😏
18 December 2023, 21:49
awesome ..looking forward to seeing more
19 December 2023, 17:44
Jonathon Herring
Finally got some tangible progress done (thanks Mona. Your forward movement on you CF spurred me on). The waiting for styrene to show up was holding me back also. Now, to scratchbuild the D-rings, prime, etc. to my disappointment, I have noticed that the backhoe is going to require a lot of correcting. Still, that's what I like (apparently 😏).
13 January, 21:44
Liking those ramps on the beavertail
13 January, 22:12
I've been digging this one 😉 ..It's giving me some ideas for the Kenworth I got last month
14 January, 22:00
Jonathon Herring
I figured the connection out. Found a video with a slight view. Much easier now.
25 January, 20:05
Marc Stecher
Looking impressive! Great weathering job on that engine!
28 January, 12:11
Jennifer Franklin
Very nice work!
28 January, 13:36
Jonathon Herring
Thanks all. Been making strides the week. Getting closer to the finish line.😀
28 January, 20:30
From memory, on the back swivel part, there's a bunch of hydraulic hoses, in that area? I can't remember where I saw that detail, possibly in the instructions? I do remember that though. See what you can dig up?
29 January, 12:22
Brandon H
Some very impressive work here, been enjoying the progress. Keep it up Jonathon!
29 January, 13:19
Jonathon Herring
Hydraulic lines are easy. Got tons of pics for those bad boys, Bozzer. Wondering if I'm gonna put on a "plexiglass" windshield. Saw a pic of a homemade one and am wondering if I want the extra trouble. 🤔
29 January, 17:11
extra trouble always worth it 👍 go for it 🙂
29 January, 19:23
David Taylor
You could always do the Cat D8 as an alternative load.
29 January, 21:17
Or you could do something really different, and put a helicopter on it, like I did?
29 January, 21:40
Jonathon Herring
Was thinking of a boat. Found several RC models (which could present an opportunity for a ton of scratch building or just white shrink wrap to cheat) or a Heller tractor. That's just for the next lowboy, which I will convert to a goose neck trailer.
David Taylor: I have heard that the D8 is beast to work with but, the John Deere 310A is soft on the details too so……🤔
Bozzer: Was skimming through available Helicopter kits and was thinking a ruined Huey and painting the combos as the Twilight Zone accident (macabre I know but that's me) and would have to make up some imagined movie house supplies or maybe police investigation details.
30 January, 16:27
Jonathon, I looked at the Revell Huey and it's massive! The length of the whole thing, is like 2' long? It would definitely overhang the trailer. Hence why I went for the smaller version? However, they're hard to find and if I'm honest, a cheap kid's toy. It took some work, to make it presentable, but I had a go. I'll have to get some pictures on here, when time allows 🙂
30 January, 19:24
Jonathon Herring
Got farther on the John Deere. Once all the hydraulics are done, it's on to the last little bit of assembly and then paint. Getting closer to finished. 😊
11 February, 22:36
David Taylor
Good job on the Back hoe.
12 February, 18:27
István Szücs
I can feel the smell of the diesel oil and the hot iron! Very well done, incredible!
12 February, 20:24

Album info

Just a heavy equipment example. This will be as weathered as my F-100. Been a fun, challenging, and slow build.

138 画像
1:25 Mack DM 800 Truck (AMT/ERTL 21352P)1:25 Lowboy (AMT 880)1:25 John Deere 310 (AMT/ERTL 15043)4+


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