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We don't know about any in-box reviews for this Douglas C-39 (#CMR144-009) from CMR.

Douglas DC-2-115D A-500, Österreichische Luftverkehrs AGCMR 1:144
by Johannes Wipauer on Modellversium

Douglas DC-2 PH-AKH, KLM & NC14268, PanagraCMR 1:144
by Uwe Damaschek on IPMS Deutschland
Reference material

Douglas DC-2 DC-1, DC-2, DC-2K, R2D-1, C-32, C-32A, C-33, C-34, C-38, C-3... 4+ publication No. 4+018
Stanislav Dudek, Michal Ovčáčík, Karel Susa