McDonnel Douglas F-18 Hornet
Hasegawa | No. 5800 | 1:32
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Detail and Conversion sets
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NS32005 SJU-5/6 Seat (for F-18, 1ea)
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CEC32118 Decals
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Designed for: Generic
The Mighty Hornets the F/A-18D celebrates 20 years of service with the TUDM (1997-2017)
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32-005 2017 New tool 'Hornets Swarm' US Marine Corps F/A-18A/C in Combat Part I
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FL32003 2015 New tool Chesty P's Iron Fists AD-3 VMA-121, AD-6 VMA-331, F/A-18A VMFA-314, F/A-18D VMFA(AW)-225
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FL32002 2015 New tool Multi-topic (2)Double-D Part Two VMFA(AW)-332 "Moonlighters" & VMFA(AW)-121 "Green Knights"
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32-MAW004 2007 New tool Double-D F/A-18D VMFA(AW)-224 "The Fighting Bengals" & VMFA(AW)-533 "The Hawks"
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32-MAW001 2006 New tool Hornet's Nest F/A-18A & B Hornet Blue Angels
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32096 2006 New tool US Navy Glo-n-Dark Formation Lights for F-4 Phantom, F-18 Hornet, & F-14 Tomcat
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32-A001 2005 New tool Multi-topic (4)F/A-18A Hornets - RAAF Stencil Data Sheets
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N-32012 F/A-18 Hornet Formation Lights
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A32001L F/A-18 Hornet Formation Lights
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32-0104 (32-104) Multi-topic (2)F/A-18C Hornet NATO Tiger Meet 2011
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32-069 Designed for: Unknown
McDonnell Douglas CF-188 Hornet D-Day 50th Anniv (1994)
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273 202x Changed ??? F/A-18D ATARS Advanced Tactial Airborne Reconnaissance - We see dead people
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L-1-32 1992 New tool RAAF F18A STENCIL DATA
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A32007 Hornet
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MD32207 F/A-18C/D Switzerland Air Force, Generic Set
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D32201 RAAF F/A-18A/B Hornet data set
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RDS-066 410 Squadron Demonstration CF-18 2005 Limited Edition Model Decal - Uncle Bill's Hobby
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F/A-18C Hornet VMFA-212 Lancers
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PHX32005 F/A-18C Hornet
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PHX32004 RAAF Worimi F/A-18 Hornet Paint Scheme 2016
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RDS-087 RAAF Worimi F/A-18 Hornet Paint Scheme 2016
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RDS-087 Formation Lights (RAAF)
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N-32005L 50 Años Ala 46 / Gando / EF-18 A
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SE3432 F/A-18C Hornet
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32059 Pro Decals - F-18A F-18B Hornet Blue Angels 2006
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P32019 P32011 Pro Decals - F-18A Hornet VFA-27 VFA-137
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P32011 P32010 Pro Decals - F-18C Hornet VFA-146 Blue Diamonds
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P32010 P32009 Pro Decals - F-18C Hornet VFA-86 Sidewinders
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P32009 32159 Decals F/A-18C F-18C Hornet VFA-34
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32150 F/A-18C F-18C Hornet VMFA-323 Death Rattlers
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CAM (Custom Aeronautical Miniatures) 1:32
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CAM (Custom Aeronautical Miniatures) 1:32
32104 32101 Decals F/A-18C F-18C Hornet VFA-81 Sunliners
CAM (Custom Aeronautical Miniatures) 1:32
32101 32081 Decals F/A-18C F-18C Hornet VFA-15 Valions
CAM (Custom Aeronautical Miniatures) 1:32
32081 32080 Decals F/A-18C F-18C Hornet VFA-131 Wildcats
CAM (Custom Aeronautical Miniatures) 1:32
32080 32076 Decals F-18C F/A-18C Hornet VFA-27 Royal Maces
CAM (Custom Aeronautical Miniatures) 1:32
32076 32075 Decals F-18C F/A-18C Hornet VFA-195 Dambusters
CAM (Custom Aeronautical Miniatures) 1:32
32075 F/A-18C F-18C Hornet VFA-81 OEF
CAM (Custom Aeronautical Miniatures) 1:32
32151 F/A-18C F-18C Hornet VFA-86 Sidewinders
CAM (Custom Aeronautical Miniatures) 1:32
32118 F/A-18C F-18C Hornet VFA-192 Golden Dragons
CAM (Custom Aeronautical Miniatures) 1:32
32117 F/A-18C F-18C Hornet VFA-115 Eagles
CAM (Custom Aeronautical Miniatures) 1:32
32105 F/A-18C F-18C Hornet VFA-87 Golden Warriors
CAM (Custom Aeronautical Miniatures) 1:32
32103 F/A-18A F-18A Hornet VFA-132 Privateers
CAM (Custom Aeronautical Miniatures) 1:32
32102 VFC-12 F-18C Hornets
Fightertown Decals 1:32
32007 F/A-18B Casper and His Bandit Ghosts
TwoBobs Aviation Graphics 1:32
32-059 McDonnell Douglas F/A-18C Hornet J-5017 & J-5018 Staffel 17 & 18 Swiss Air Force 2010
Syhart (Syh@rt) 1:32
32-059 Figures
Designed for: Unknown
US Navy Pilot for F/A-18A/C with ejection seat - Academy -
Aerobonus 1:32
320 114 Masks
Designed for: Generic
F-18B USA VFA-125
AeroMasks 1:32
AM32-F1805 F-18C USA NSAWC 25Black
AeroMasks 1:32
AM32-F1802 Designed for: Unknown
Canopy and Wheel Hub Mask Set
F/A-18B/D for Academy/Kinetic Flying Leathernecks 1:32
FLM32-24 2019 New tool Canopy and Wheel Hub Mask Set
F/A-18A/C for Academy kits Flying Leathernecks 1:32
FLM32-23 2019 New tool F/A-18D Pre-cut painting masks
ResKit 1:32
RSM32-0007 F/A-18C Canopy Masks
Cutting Edge Modelworks 1:32