Schwerer Kreuzer Blücher Weserübung Juni 1940
Peddinghaus-Decals | No. EP 2033 | 1:400

- Brand:
- Peddinghaus-Decals
- Title:
- Schwerer Kreuzer Blücher Weserübung Juni 1940
- Number:
- EP 2033
- Scale:
- 1:400
- Type:
- Decalset
- Released:
- 2009
- Topic:
- Heavy cruiser Admiral Hipper-class » Cruisers (Ships)
Heavy cruiser Admiral Hipper-class
Wehrmacht Kriegsmarine (German Navy 1935-1945)
June 1940 World War 2»Operation Weserübung
Online shops

USD 11.27

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In-box reviews
External reviews
We don't know about any in-box reviews for this Schwerer Kreuzer Blücher Weserübung Juni 1940 (#EP 2033) from Peddinghaus-Decals.
Reference material

Admiral Hipper class heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen Shipyard general arrangement drawings.
Friedrich Krupp Germaniwerft, Kiel
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