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Jake Vap
added a new photoalbum.
5 February, 12:45
Alexander Grivonev
added a new photoalbum.
19 images
80000 Feet and Climbing - SR-71A Blackbird - Full Build ReportView album, image #14New: 4 February, 14:56
Kit reviewers have critisized the wheel bays for being rather simplified. I guess not without reason
1:48 Lockheed SR-71 A Blackbird (Revell 04967)1:48 SR-71A ejection seats Brassin PRINT (Eduard 648758)1:48 SR-71A grilles (Eduard 481083)5+
17 3 February, 05:44
Lorraine Lin
Wow, take a front seat, I cannot miss this
1  3 February, 06:20
Rui S
Humm, this will be another interesting subject as all you've built 😎
 3 February, 16:46
Joining the audience for this. 🙂
 3 February, 16:50
Robert Podkoński
Taking a seat as well!
 3 February, 16:52
 3 February, 17:05
Alexander Grivonev
Welcome everybody!
 4 February, 14:59
Davide Vitali
Wow! With your skills this is gonna be an absolute masterpiece. Also, I wanna see how you'll handle the black overall paint... Popcorns are on me, guys!
 5 February, 12:00
Palo M
Taking a seat. Very curious how the extra details will work - I have the base kit, but haven't decided whether to expand it with such nice details yet. Good luck!
 5 February, 12:40
Roland Roth
added a new photoalbum.
7 19 February 2012, 17:05
Frank Krause
Wenn ich groß bin, möchte ich auch so bauen können!

Jedes Teil ein Hingucker und klasse in Szene gesetzt! An den vielen, kleinen Details kann man sich gar nicht satt sehen.

 19 February 2012, 17:41
nice diorama Roland!
 19 February 2012, 19:09
Marko Paakkanen
very nice dio! Lots of actions.. ilove it!
 16 February 2013, 18:33
Steve Wilson
Excellent, top build Roland 👍
 16 February 2013, 18:53
Paul Waggett
Wow - that's a serious diorama - and at 1:35 it probably justifies a room of its own!
 16 February 2013, 18:56
Bill Gilman
Very nice! Well done, sir! 🙂
 16 February 2013, 19:10
Holger Kranich
What the hell...!
Why the f**k have i missed that???
Truly a great work! And i love the Wiesel´s, since they first hit me in OLDB Bümmerstede!
 24 September 2013, 14:16
Shahriar Khalvati
excellent job!well done,ronald
 24 September 2013, 14:32
Burkhard D
Great skills but this definitely doesn't look like a place where I would want to land my helicopter: Soft/wet ground, flying debris, unstable structures, slope nearby :\
 24 September 2013, 15:37
Christian Keller
Absolut hammermässiges Diorama Gratuliere :-D
 24 September 2013, 16:06
Frank Krause
Hehe, you can't always choose a nice place to land:

Youtube Video
 24 September 2013, 17:56
Burkhard D
I knew someone would come up with that particular video 😄 👍
 24 September 2013, 18:10
Dirk Heyer
Very skilful work!
A lot of nice little gimmicks are included!
 24 September 2013, 18:52
Wow. Just amazing!
 24 September 2013, 19:07
Holger Kranich
I can watch it again and again!
 14 July 2016, 17:24
Christian Ristits
Wahnsinns Arbeit, Gratuliere!
 14 July 2016, 17:49
very nice diorama.
 14 July 2016, 19:08
 5 February, 11:45
Cristian A
Absolutely amazing!
 5 February, 12:05
Sy Bar
added a new photoalbum.
31 images
RNLI Shannon Class LifeboatView album, image #31New: 5 February, 10:51
Spot the major error! The perils of not paying attention and the use of CA glue!
1:72 RNLI Shannon Class Lifeboat (Airfix A55015)
18 19 January, 14:43
Taking a seat!
 19 January, 18:46
Guy Rump
Following as well. 👍
 19 January, 20:21
Sy Bar
Welcome aboard, it's an interesting build sofar updates incoming
 20 January, 07:54
Łukasz Gliński
Following, planning to get this kit at some point in time
 20 January, 10:23
Sy Bar
So far so good. Apart from the parts A9 A10 everything going together well the gaps you see in pic 4 are my fault I did check then promptly forgot to sand my bad gate removal fully but it wouldn't be modelling if there was nothing to fill then sand
 20 January, 19:39
Matti Thomaes
 20 January, 20:09
Martin Weinpold
Looks good!
 28 January, 14:51
Sy Bar
I used Ammo's Cobra acrylic paint - 'Gulf Orange' as I had it to hand and like the colour. The Cobra paints are good covering and tough. One caution do not use their "cleaner & lacquer thinner" to thin it as I did, by not reading label, before adding to the acrylic unless you want an airbrush full of a custard like substance 🫣🙄. When you use their Acrylic thinner it works a treat 👍
1  28 January, 20:06
Looks like a relatively straightforward built👍 I think I need one of this too in addition to the Severn Class kit.
 29 January, 15:36
Sy Bar
Welcome all those following
The decals are great and work well with micro sol/set. I was concerned I'd mess the long single colour stripe so cut it into smaller sections. The first went well but the second split into smaller pieces on the paper while soaking, not sure if I did this by forcing it flat? Apart from that they work great as can be seen in the hatch decal on front of boat. I still chickened out with the other side but only cut in half and didn't unfurl till transferring and it remained in complete sections 👍

#Roland I too have the Severn kit but have heard it trickier than this modern example
 31 January, 23:34
Ben M
I love these colors so much.
1  1 February, 02:12
Sy Bar
If you are going to replace the solid mooring cleats with your own leave till near the end as I've now managed to knock most of them off at t once 🙄
 1 February, 08:17
Łukasz Gliński
Love these RNLI colours too 👍
 1 February, 21:16
Sy Bar
All was going well until I looked closer and realised I'd forgot the windows 🤪 I had added the ones I cut out at the rear but some how left the main one out 😳. I also used CA glue and do the cabin is now solid and the whole thing will be bin fodder if I attempt to remove it.
Do I'll try and add the glass pane by pane 🤞I don't make it worse
 5 February, 10:57
Łukasz Bąk
added a new photoalbum.
28 28 October 2020, 20:00
Cool build of a hot car!👍
 20 November 2020, 08:40
Guillaume Blanchet
My fisrts car! Nice work on the sand
 19 January 2021, 19:42
 30 January 2021, 15:57
Dominik Weitzer
amazing built! the sand looks incredible.
 30 January 2021, 18:43
Łukasz Bąk
I used 2 batteries AA and a switch from some old toy - lamp. It had ready battery and switch nest. I just soldered everything up.
 7 February 2021, 09:43
Carlos Malfitani
Amazing Work! Congratulations!
 5 February, 11:55
Alexandros Marinos
added a new photoalbum.
59 17 October 2024, 17:36
Alexandros Marinos
Sunday and some basic progress was done with the cabin and tail cone section!
 20 October 2024, 16:32
Alexandros Marinos
More progress,
-Masking of clear parts with Eduard masks
-Some details on the main fuselage were not suitable for the variant -B so I removed them but also added some others from my spare parts
-Resque hoist provided by Italeri is suitable for -A variant only,so I made another from my spare box which is almost the correct one (will add some wiring also in the end)
-Added seatbelts on the seats
 23 October 2024, 20:31
Good start 👍
 4 November 2024, 19:35
Oleg Bogolei
 4 November 2024, 20:04
Alexandros Marinos
Weekend's progress:
-Cockpit-cabin painting
-Added clear parts and weight (10 grm) at the nose section
-Close the main fuselage
-Added tail cone section
-Checked alignment and proper fitting
 13 November 2024, 18:38
Michael Kohl
Great metal effect on the double radial engine, but very basic in detail. 😉

Ok, kidding aside. Lovely progress. I am in for the ride.
 13 November 2024, 18:54
Alexandros Marinos
Back on the bench and I found the time to:
-Add the main landing system with hydraulic lines from tin wire
-Add the low grille on the engine cover despite the fact that Italeri missed that part in the instructions
-Fill a gup (maybe missed spot at the factory) with evergreen rod at the tail cone section
-Add the resque hoist and and it's wiring
-Prepared the main and tail rotor blades
-For the end I primed the model with black 1500 finishing surfacer
That's for today!
 19 November 2024, 23:20
Good progress! 👍
 20 November 2024, 19:27
Alexandros Marinos
Thank you for watching mates!Stay tuned,soon more progress with metal finish!
 21 November 2024, 12:25
Alexandros Marinos
Re-primed the model again with gloss black and then painted with Alclad white aluminum!
Decals will follow!
 21 January, 11:51
Michael Kohl
Nice progress. Time to swap the teaser to a pic of your model.
1  21 January, 14:04
Zsolt Czegle
Greeat work! Following!
1  21 January, 16:04
nice metallic paint
1  21 January, 18:28
Michael Kohl
Nice new teaser. 😉
1  21 January, 18:39
Alexandros Marinos
Final WIP here:
-Decals by LM Decals
-Gloss varnish gunze uv cut
-Pin wash with tamiya black panel liner
-Unmasking clear parts
-Added the main and tail rotor, wheels and antennas on the upper part of the fuselage.
Final photos will follow!
 1 February, 13:59
Tibor Szilvai
Nice! 👍
1  1 February, 16:53
Great! 👍
1  1 February, 19:21
Rui S
Beautiful work. Impec. 👍
1  1 February, 22:01
Lovely job!
1  4 February, 11:49
Such a simple and elegant livery. Nicely done!
1  4 February, 11:50
very cool !
1  4 February, 17:32
Martin Weinpold
1  4 February, 18:12
Thomas Kolb
Absolutely beautiful!
1  4 February, 18:34
Живко Джаков
It looks great.
1  4 February, 19:33
1  4 February, 20:31
Alexandros Marinos
Thank you all for your comments!
 4 February, 20:44
Great work! Congrats 👍🏻
1  4 February, 21:55
Nik Watson
Very nice indeed, smashing job 👏👏👏
1  4 February, 22:30
Elias Korompilis
 5 February, 11:54
added a new photoalbum.
11 20 January, 17:18
hi everyone, starting a new kit simple build I hope for the begining of the year.
first step opening windows and hole in the hull.
 20 January, 17:26
1ststep working on the openings windows, gouvernail, and decks to give a less toyish look. uploaded photos. Let me know if you have further suggestion of modifiction on deck and hull. thanks !
 22 January, 11:13
Lorraine Lin
1  22 January, 11:48
additional pics to show progress. Santa Maria Carack did have the main bridge open and not closed. The kit propose you to have solid walls and paint them in black. I decided to open them. but I has also to create the prolongation of the main deck now visible.
Filled also the masts crippled with ejection pins..
 24 January, 00:33
Ben M
1  24 January, 04:45
additinal pics I did research and it seem the bow of the boart is incorrect as it is in the recent replica of the santa maria or in the plands. I cut the upper breadge at the bow and will replace it by a triangular platform as seen in the pics. work in progress.
 26 January, 21:12
Finshed painting of the main desk using 1mm band with 3 different wood collor to give some detail to the deck. May be not really accurate but give some interest on it. Next step masking and painting the hull. let me know what you think.
 28 January, 06:42
Villiers de Vos
Beautiful wood effects.
1  29 January, 04:05
now I getting stuck trying to paint the the hull. I tried to start by a clear tone ochre yellow and a wash with Citadel constrat seraphim. but I am far to obtain what I want in the ref pic I found on the wen. any thought shal I mask aslo the hull to make planck and fill it with more redish brown tone ?
 1 February, 03:24
Ben M
I'm building a similar small ship and decided to just use a wash to add realism. Masking individual boards on such a small model seemed not worth it to me.
1  1 February, 04:23
indeed will take a lot of time and there is a lot of reinforcment in the way. thanks for the advise.
 1 February, 04:28
Ben M
Also the hulls are very curved. Maybe next time I will try it but not this time.
 1 February, 04:54
second layers with vallejo colors (I do not have oil paint with me). still too light for a boat that crossed the ocean. need more work on the hull.
 2 February, 00:44
Ben M
I think you got it right.
 2 February, 00:50
Jennifer Franklin
 5 February, 01:06
Ben M
You have to lighten up small objects or they are just black holes. My little ship is too dark but oh well. Yours looks great. I should have painted before assembling like you are.
 5 February, 02:03
Davide Vitali
I like the way you've painted the hull last! Very nice
 5 February, 11:46
Jun Chung
added a new photoalbum.
16 16 August 2024, 04:47
Very nice dio!
 16 August 2024, 06:14
Superb !
 16 August 2024, 06:18
Robert Podkoński
 16 August 2024, 06:18
 16 August 2024, 08:12
 16 August 2024, 08:29
Jun Chung
gorby, Lebloge, Robert Podkoński, Neuling, Spanjaard~
Thank you for your encouraging message. ^^
 17 August 2024, 03:33
Dietmar Bogatzki
Awesome 👍
 17 August 2024, 05:52
Jun Chung
Dietmar Bogatzki~
Thank you ^^
 17 August 2024, 07:18
Rui S
That's a awesome Dio 👍 Congratulations
 2 February, 13:32
Jun Chung
Rui S
Thank you for your comment. ^^
 3 February, 14:24
Guy Rump
Excellent dio. 👍
 3 February, 15:25
Jun Chung
Guy Rump~
Thank you ^^
 5 February, 11:36
Jun Chung
added a new photoalbum.
12 15 August 2024, 01:52
Nice work ! 👍🏻
 15 August 2024, 02:32
Nicely done
 15 August 2024, 02:32
Top job on this Tamiya oldie!
 15 August 2024, 08:59
Jun Chung
Thank you ^^
This kit was released on 1977.
This is very old kit but still attractive on my eyes.
 15 August 2024, 12:30
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 15 August 2024, 17:37
David Taylor
 15 August 2024, 17:58
Jun Chung
Thank you ^^
 16 August 2024, 03:29
Rui S
Very nice work, indeed 👍
 3 February, 15:43
Jun Chung
Thank you ^^
 5 February, 11:36
F Matthews
added a new photoalbum.
2 5 February, 02:43
Rui S
Great work, as always 👍
Any issues with the kit? 🤔
 5 February, 11:36
added a new photoalbum.
40 images
Revell '68 Dodge Charger R/TView album, image #40New: 5 February, 03:33
Slowly working on the bare metal foil trim
6 26 December 2024, 04:41
Martin Oostrom
Good start Sniff!
1  26 December 2024, 10:32
Finally got the airbrush and spray booth set up (after doing the motor by hand). Color inspiration I'm using is this:

After some extensive searching, I've found a paint I want to use for the body. Sunburst Orange from Barbatos Rex. I'll probably top coat it over a metallic grey, or gunmetal grey to get the color depth I'm wanting. Here's what it looks like:
Youtube Video
1  28 December 2024, 01:41
Jennifer Franklin
Nice colour and new too!
1  28 December 2024, 02:40
Bob Hall
Sweet Mopar ! I used this kit for my Bullit car chase combo, good kit. 👍
1  28 December 2024, 04:13
Finally have my paints ordered for the body. Also making full use of my new airbrush setup. The finish it so much better than brushed. Ended up going with Mecha Empires Copper Fire, which I'll put over top a base coat of gloss black. I MIGHT do a very thin coat of clear red on top to deepen the color. That might require some practice pieces first...
I'll upload a sample of those colors
 12 January, 00:56
Watching this project. Have to admit that the candy red has nice depth.
1  21 January, 23:22
Martin Oostrom
I like it with some clear red. So much warmer.
1  22 January, 06:51
Ben M
The color looks fantastic.
1  29 January, 02:36
Martin Oostrom
1  29 January, 06:22
George Williams
Lovely colour.
1  29 January, 10:35
Lorraine Lin
 5 February, 03:57
Rui S
Indeed. 👍 I'm in 😎
 5 February, 11:31
Joshua Zhao
added a new photoalbum.
2 5 February, 05:13
Rui S
Very nice work 👍 Deserving a base 🤔
 5 February, 11:31
Harry Brunner
added a new photoalbum.
18 18 March 2024, 13:06
Excellent display! I recommend changing the 'teaser' photo to one of the completed diorama so that more people will notice this beauty - I'd use photo number 66.
Also, you can change the orientation of the photos by going to 'Manage' and then 'Advanced options'.
1  18 March 2024, 15:26
Harry Brunner
Hio Thanks ! Yes i know, was in a hurry, have it done now.
 18 March 2024, 20:14
John Lambert
That's an amazing diorama. You can practically hear the engine noise.
1  18 March 2024, 20:33
Robert Podkoński
I fully agree with John! Chapeau bas!
1  31 January, 08:08
Ich schließe mich den Lobeshymnen an. Etwas ganz Besonderes!
1  31 January, 10:10
Rui S
Impressive 👍
1  31 January, 16:15
Lorraine Lin
1  31 January, 16:42
Pietro De Angelis
Fascinating theme and work,
1  31 January, 16:49
Ben M
They look like space ships 🙂
1  31 January, 17:45
Harry Brunner
Ben M thats what the Crowd thinking i guess ,-) I saw the only Survivor of this Race, the Mercedes Benz with the V12 ( the Car of von brauchitsch, Carraciola and hermann drive the Staight (' ) it looks really like a SF Fantasy.
 5 February, 09:49
Rui S
They sure were ahead of their time 👍
 5 February, 11:28
Djordje Nikolic
added a new photoalbum.
7 5 February, 05:00
Clean, careful, beautiful!
 5 February, 09:57
Rui S
I agree, very well done, as usual 👍
 5 February, 11:25
Karl Barrow
added a new photoalbum.
2 30 November 2023, 06:49
Tim Ryan
Great color on the block, seems accurate. Looking forward to seeing the kit completed.
1  5 February, 10:19
Christian W
Agree! That silver parts looking great too. What color did you take? And: what do I have to imagine behind "Milton's Corvette"? I didn't google that so far 😉
 5 February, 11:23
Yuki H.
added a new photoalbum.
9 5 February, 06:53
Nice work!
1  5 February, 08:07
I agree! But where is the Kettenkraftrad?
 5 February, 09:54
Rui S
Great paintjob & weathering 👍
 5 February, 11:21
Tobias Lewandovski
added a new photoalbum.
14 images
Tamiya - Porsche 911 GT3 RSView album, image #14
Done! New pictures will come in a new album later. :)
1:24 Porsche 911 GT3 RS (992) (Tamiya 24370)
32 7 January, 20:24
George Williams
Looking forward to seeing this built.
1  8 January, 10:59
I like the green colour, I've seen one in 1:1 in that colour, really nce!
2  15 January, 22:08
Alexander Grivonev
Wow, did you actually apply CF decal onto the roll over bars? I tried too but with no success. Which decals and softener did you use?
2  15 January, 22:40
Tobias Lewandovski
Kenneth: Same here! Last spring, so cool!
I always thought my first 992 GT3 RS would be ruby ​​red after my old missing 964 RS, but I better practice a bit before then. 😄 <--- 1:1
 16 January, 08:15
Tobias Lewandovski
Alexander: Yep, never thought it would work.
Used this, Tamiya 12682, Microscale Micro-Set and Micro-Sol.

Your build will be awesome!
Took the tip about drilling the wing blade and mirror feets, thanks! 🙂
1  16 January, 08:21
Alexander Grivonev
Man, that looks incredible 👍 Seriously. The decals I used did not want to go around that curved of an area or maybe I gave up too early! Anyway I have to give Tamiya CF decals a try on occasion. Looks like you will finish before me, good luck! Great color you have chosen.
1  17 January, 01:04
Alexander, have you tried Tamiya Mark Fit Super Strong? It's always works in such situations.
 17 January, 01:46
Lorraine Lin
2  17 January, 06:40
Yngve N
Joining in 🙋🏽‍♂️
1  17 January, 09:31
Mr D
Great Paint 🎨👍
1  17 January, 19:24
1  21 January, 19:44
Alexander Grivonev
Wow, already finished? Nice !👍
 21 January, 20:17
Tobias Lewandovski
Alexander: Trying to work calmly and methodically, and halfway through the build I feel like I'm almost done.
Maybe I'll try to do what you do, build stuff myself.
A little tempted to build a complete roll cage in the next car.

Also trying to cut out my own carbon fiber decals.
Since the ones included really aren't 100% in appearance.....
 23 January, 07:12
Chris Vandegrift
Beautiful gloss and just overall construction!! I definitely gained some insight for my build 👍
1  5 February, 01:34
Christian W
This is awesome! Great buid-
 5 February, 11:20
Alexander Grivonev
added a new photoalbum.
87 5 December 2024, 08:10
Yngve N
I'm definitely following this! The idea of using drilling holes in small parts and inserting the needles is brilliant. Wish I saw this 2 weeks ago 😳
1  6 December 2024, 09:27
Martin Oostrom
New lessons to be learned
1  6 December 2024, 10:57
Robert Podkoński
Taking a first row seat on this talent show!
1  6 December 2024, 11:17
Alexander Grivonev
Welcome guys, yes holding spoilers is sometimes a real pain in the a**, I've learned this the hard way
 6 December 2024, 11:40
Rui S
I'm in 😎
1  6 December 2024, 16:54
Mike Bird
This kit is on my Christmas list! Watching along!
 7 December 2024, 01:46
Dominik Weitzer
i will take a seat! awesome kit.
 11 December 2024, 15:46
 13 December 2024, 19:10
Martin Oostrom
 13 December 2024, 21:02
Mark W
Weirdly the X series acrylic paint is compatible with Tamiya's Lacquer Thinner, and it then acts a lot like lacquer. I have switched to buying lacquers only but still have some X series acrylics that I will ONLY put through an airbrush once thinned with their lacquer thinner.
1  17 December 2024, 17:49
Alexander Grivonev
Interesting, will try this out 👍
1  17 December 2024, 19:16
Martin Oostrom
I understand that the LP's are basically the rattle can lacquers in a jar. For 5 times the price.
 17 December 2024, 21:01
Emanuele Matteucci
Top idea to use the official Porsche config on the website! Tank you i'll configure one to better see all the details for the model. Double fun!
1  18 December 2024, 12:56
Alexander Grivonev
I can also recommend walkaround videos like these

Youtube Video
Youtube Video

great source for all kinds of detail inside, outside and from below
2  18 December 2024, 14:38
Mark W
@Alexander I'm still new to polishing paint, especially metallics, but my 1st gen Civic build was sprayed with X-34 thinned with Tamiya Lacquer Thinner. Main reason I've switched to this is using acrylic thinner constantly clogged my AB tip with the weather here.
Honda Civic GL (SB-1) | Album by Marktastrophe (1:24)

@Martin it's wild how prices change per locale, a jar of LP is a little less than half the price of a rattle can here and covers 3-5 times as much sprayed through an airbrush. (The low end of coverage is yellows and reds, of course.)
 18 December 2024, 15:49
Dominik Weitzer
great work so far!
1  19 December 2024, 14:26
I really like your careful work and painting 👍
@Martin Tamiya follow simply the trend to lacquer paints, after Mr. Paint and and other started this trend. Ok, there is a smell but I really like the fast drying times and they are much more forgiving for airbrushing. When the Mr.Paint colors were new and people asked about them, my answer was always "It's like Alclad in color" 😉
 19 December 2024, 15:06
Ben M
The use of pins is a great idea. I've used this technique when I planned to pin the parts later, like on a resin kit, but hadn't considered it in other contexts before.
1  19 December 2024, 15:17
Alexander Grivonev
Lacquer or organic solvent paints are superior almost in every way to waterbased colors, some people might even prefer the smell 😄 I am just bewildered there is a trend towards something clearly not "environmentally friendly" in our supposedly eco friendly, green and polar bear loving world. Not that I am complaining...
 19 December 2024, 17:08
Martin Oostrom
I decant the Tamiya rattle cans and get +/- 75ml out of them. For approximately €8. The 10ml LP's are €5 each. If the paint indeed is the same , that's a huge difference.
And I mostly airbrush with lacquers. Much more forgiving in my hands than acrylics. I donated most of my acrylics to Spanjaard. The only ones I kept are for detail brush painting.
 19 December 2024, 21:00
Alexander Grivonev
5€ for 10ml LP?? I sourced them for 2,69 a jar. I have to admit, I have never used decanted paint. Tried decanting once but was repelled by the messiness and did not end up using the paint. I think I still would prefer getting the jars. And if you consider you add up to 2/3 of thinner to the jar to make it airbrush ready the price difference isn't that great anymore...
 19 December 2024, 21:16
@Martin To avoid to confuse people: the new lacquers are still acrylics! They are in solvent based thinner, in opposite to the water based acrylics. See for example a MrPaint label: "Acrylic lacquer based paint".
For completeness, enamels are another (oil based) paint class.
Sorry Alexander for hijacking your thread!
1  19 December 2024, 21:42
Mark W
@Martin that could be the difference, I have never decanted a rattle can either. A 10ml jar is less than €5 here where a rattle can is around €12.50. I also average a 1:1 paint to thinner ratio so the thinner goes quite far.
(Currency conversions courtesy of Google)
 20 December 2024, 02:57
Alexander Grivonev
@bughunter: I did not want to open the pandora's box either because it is an insanely broad topic but hey who does not like a healthy discussion! I get the feeling the word "acrylic" has become somewhat of a marketing term because it sounds cool and modern. So the consumer will think, "hey I have heard this before, this must be good".

It is basically the umbrella term for the "sticky stuff" in your paint. Paint consists in very broad terms from 3 parts: 1."colored stuff", the pigment 2."sticky stuff", the binder which binds the pigments 3. "runny stuff", the solvent which makes the paint more liquidy for easier application.

The "sticky stuff" is the aforementioned acryl, again a broad term for a myriad of different compounds. There are other categories of sticky stuff: oils, resins like polyurethane and many many more. In the earlier days the painters used compounds found in nature like shellac, tree resin or even eggs. When you paint an object, the solvent evaporates and the sticky stuff with the bound pigments inside remains on the object becoming hard and dry leaving you with an object in your desired color.

Depending on the chemical properties of the "sticky stuff" it can be soluble by different solvents like organic solvents or waterbased ones. Again in very broad terms the organic solvents are the "smelly" ones. But there are also overlappings like alcohol based paints which also can be diluted with water (Tamiya X and XF and alike)
3  20 December 2024, 08:50
Alexander Grivonev
It is an insanely broad topic, I would say just stick to what you are most comfortable with and enjoy the process!
 20 December 2024, 08:51
Martin Oostrom
Or learn something new by following Mr Shiny 😉
And I thin my decanted cans with 20-30 Mr SLT as well. To each his own, like Alexander says.
1  20 December 2024, 11:12
Alexander Grivonev
I am making progress guys, just the uploading is lagging behind. More pictures in the following days 👍
3  26 December 2024, 20:16
Mike Bird
Looking forward to the pictures! Santa was good to me and I'm now the proud owner of this kit!
1  26 December 2024, 22:22
Just to throw my English spanner in the works, if you guys can get hold of some Winsor and Newton Galleria retarder, you should find that works too? Obviously testing, before you commit to the model, but it's an artists go-to, and you just need a tiny drop. Lasts for years, and for the money, it'll probably outlive each of us? Give it a Google and see if it's available in your area?
 26 December 2024, 23:20
Michael Kohl
Joining the crowd and start with two cents of mine: I never got along with Tamiya paints. Exasperated I switched to Mr. Hobbcolor then. Improved my results further since using Mr. Color Levelling Thinner and closed the circle with Tamiya and Mr. Hobbycolor paints using the same thinner and about 10% retarder. Now I can use up my paints.
 27 December 2024, 13:03
Michael Kohl
By the way: nice explanation of yours, Alexander.
1  27 December 2024, 13:04
Apparently, all retarder contains glycerine. I'm no scientist, so don't hang me if I'm wrong! However, I did manage to dig this out, from years ago, and if anyone would like to look at the following link, then please do so.
My belief is, that sharing information, expands the knowledge of the hive?
Obviously, it's not my thread, so please feel free to PM/DM me with your experiences?
Alexander, thank you for your patience 🙂
1  27 December 2024, 20:01
Alexander Grivonev
Guys, thanks for your input and feel free to share your thoughts 👍

When using a brush for paint application I personally almost exclusively use Vallejo Model Color nowadays (similar paints from other brand as well, in the 17ml droplet flask). You apply a couple of droplets of your desired paints onto a wet palette an off you go, you can mix the paint on the go while you are working, it dries really fast, the droplet flask is very convenient. Great stuff. Almost never used Tamiya Acrylics with a brush with the seldom exception here and there. The glossy ones for example for springs, used a couple of times already.

Vice versa I for the love of me cannot stand airbrushing the Vallejo/MiG waterbased acrylics. I tried, i did not like the result. Something about airbrushing these paints just rubs me the wrong way...The way they clog the airbrush and the way they can be treated afterwards goes against my moideling habits. I know some modelers swear by them, I am not one of them.

So where were we? Paint retarder, so far I am d'accord with the Tamiya branded one and since I use it very seldomly it will be probably enough for a lifetime. So I am not seeing myself purchasing a bottle of Winsor and Newton anytime soon, but hey who knows, never say never!
1  27 December 2024, 23:14
Awesome work as always, taking a seat for the remainder of the project! 👍
1  29 December 2024, 22:27
Suede of interior is very nice. genius!!!
1  30 December 2024, 04:46
1  30 December 2024, 09:02
Alexander Grivonev
Thx guys and welcome!
 30 December 2024, 16:01
Picture 91 - I would say: Bingo 👍
1  30 December 2024, 16:11
Mark W
This is a mad amount of interior detail. It's very impressive.
 31 December 2024, 16:27
That is a very kinky, ähhh creative show here!
1  2 January, 22:30
Agreed, very much like the creativity of trying stuff like this. Definitely an interesting pattern. 👍
Would it be possible to try sewing yourself a fabric for the desired effect?
1  2 January, 22:48
With thin parts it is may be possible to wound a thread or wire around it as mask.
1  2 January, 23:01
I once saw a guy stretch a fishnet stocking over a motorcycle petrol tank and spray over it. The result was a perfect, snakeskin effect. Man, that was the coolest thing I ever saw! I think it was on Orange County Choppers, but I can't swear to it. I definitely admire your attempt to deliver the right impression. Creativity is what makes us stand out 100%
1  2 January, 23:37
Paul Shearer
Haha just sneak in while she's not home. You definitely proved the concept just need to fiddle with the medium
1  2 January, 23:50
Alexander Grivonev
Hey gents, Happy New Year!

Here is the video in question btw

Youtube Video
2  3 January, 00:09
Amazing 😳 This could make me having a go at building car kits instead of only aircraft.
1  5 January, 17:43
Is dry fitting necessary after all?
The bad fit of the mask and the missing B-pillar looks like they pressed this project out of the door for Xmas business? May be also Tamiya needs money in this though times, but it is bad if that kills quality.
 5 January, 17:58
once again I'm blown away by your level of detail and ideas to create stuff out of thin air... honestly mindblowing. Thanks so much, I'm always learning something new when looking at your posts
 6 January, 07:49
Martin Oostrom
Not to rain on this parade, but according to the instructions, mask C goes on part D5, not D6. Could it be that even Alexander the Great is capable of a mistake? Now my entire universe shall collapse!
3  6 January, 16:48
Alexander Grivonev
Martin, you are absolutely correct and I have made an embarrassing mistake🙂
1  6 January, 18:02
Alexander Grivonev
Tamiya, I take everything back! Okay not everything, the missing B pillar is still not cool...
2  6 January, 18:03
Adam Gudynowski
Great work so far!
 7 January, 07:42
Martin Oostrom
I only knew where to look, as I have made the same mistake more than once!
2  7 January, 09:22
Martin, that is the "experience of an engineer": you recognise that you have made the same mistake before. 🙂
2  7 January, 09:27
Martin Oostrom
So that's what my engineer degree is for!
Still another masterpiece in the making Alexander
1  7 January, 17:04
masterpiece indeed
1  10 January, 15:20
Yeah, that's cool.
Forgive me, I've just drooled all over my phone screen?
I'll be back, when the trauma team have evaluated me!
1  10 January, 23:37
Lorraine Lin
The details of the seats look awesome!
1  11 January, 00:19
Robert Podkoński
I agree - the seat is a masterpiece in itself!
1  11 January, 07:45
Alexander Grivonev
Thx guys, I am very happy with the seats too!
 12 January, 10:32
Yngve N
#141-146 adding details to the details. The level of skills makes this project really fun to follow
 17 January, 08:50
Yes, I agree. Very inspiring and a good reference for similar builds.
1  17 January, 09:49
Peter Hardy
The carpet texture process was fascinating Alex. CF has got the better of me but think I will have another try! Thanks mate! When will you start a You Tube channel???
1  17 January, 09:54
Alexander Grivonev
Thx guys, you are too kind. Peter, CF is not that scary, really. Once you`ve got the hang of it it is actually a really relaxing and enjoyable process, you should give it a try 👍

Concerning Youtube, I have thought about it and calculated it through. It will require an insane amount of dedication and time. Time which I will have to chop off from modeling and invest in filming, editing, uploading etc etc. Besides by now there are tons of modeling channels with maybe a couple of hundreds or few thousands of subs. It is very difficult to stick out and those who do have started their channels 10+years ago. Honestly, I think the golden days of Youtube are over anyway.
4  17 January, 20:05
Yes Alexander, and it is not only a big effort for you - it steals a lot of time from all the viewers! I prefer a build report with good pictures over the tons of videos.
2  17 January, 20:48
George Williams
Watching a video of someone opening a box is a waste of time.
 18 January, 09:17
Peter Hardy
George, I understand your point and yes watching an 'unboxing' would I think be a little pointless but there are those out there that like them. In my case, when I took up the hobby I lived in a small mining town in Central Queensland Australia. No mentors, no clubs and the only modellers I met were on Scalemates. I now count quite a few as good friends, sometimes advisors and full time cheer squad members when I learn something new or build something they recognise as a step up for me. The camaraderie on Scalemates is wonderful and I will be eternally grateful to Tim for this site. All that said, a large part of my learning comes from You Tube. As I said I lived in a small, dusty little town 3 hours from the closest hobby shop, any other modeller or club. You Tube was a life saver for me. Yesterday I learned that a Tamiya Extra Thin cement bottle brush can be extended (and designed to do so) to reach the bottom of the bottle. The sort of stuff you learn from a bloke in the club in London, Berlin, New York or Pretoria. A lot of us don't have access to that wealth of experience for a question we didn't know to ask. It may not be applicable to you in your situation but it has a purpose for me.
6  19 January, 03:39
Alexander Grivonev
I don't watch "unboxing" videos either but Youtube is an incredible useful tool if you use it wisely and purposefully. It is a gold mine of useful information and I've learned an incredible amount from it and am very thankful to the content creators. Personally I wouldn's start a channel though because of the mentioned reasons
1  21 January, 06:48
George Williams
I live in a "small" city in north east China, I say small but it has a population of approx one million. You Tube, along with most western social media, is not available in China. There is a web site called that seems to get some You Tube material, a lot of it is Japanese. However, modelling is very much a minority interest here, so the internet is my only companion. I like this site and
 21 January, 12:38
Peter Hardy
The mirrors look unbelievably good Alex! I wallow in jealousy!!
1  21 January, 23:54
Lorraine Lin
The Mirrors !!!
1  22 January, 05:32
The polished result looks fantastic, the mirror too! I'm sure this little bubble will not be visible at the end ...
1  22 January, 22:43
Lorraine Lin
Stuttgart factory needs your help!
1  23 January, 08:42
Alexander Grivonev
Nah, Stuttgart will be fine but Shizuoka might need a few tips😄
1  23 January, 19:03
Yngve N
Whatever you did with the armrest on the door panel (the gray stuff that looks like fabric) looks amazing!
 23 January, 22:09
Alexander Grivonev
Hey yngvenett, the same I did with the center console (pic 90) and dashboard underside (pic 175). Underneath it is the same dark grey paint like the rest of the part. Additionally I applied a mixture of XF-86 and X-21 (10:3 ratio) If you spray it fairly dry you get this fuzzy effect
1  24 January, 05:14
Alexander Grivonev
My dear mates, the build is progressing rathier quickly since I have a few days off right now. Looks like I might finish until the end of the week 👍
1  24 January, 05:45
This level of detail, is worthy of an award.
You've removed the bar, and created a whole new game!
Excellent work on the whole project, Alexander 👍
1  24 January, 07:25
Peter Hardy
Why do I always feel inadequate when poking through Alex' genius!
1  24 January, 07:55
hard to get anything better than this.... but I am sure Alexander will just exactly do that in the next build 😉
1  24 January, 10:01
Mike Thomas
Unbelievable stuff, Alexander! I was confused for a minute when I clicked on pics of the real car vs pics of your model, especially the interior. Great work, sir!
1  24 January, 13:23
That interior looks fantastic. Perhaps you can chop the roof off and turn it into a convertible so it stays visible. 😉
1  24 January, 13:41
Michael Kohl
Impressive indeed
1  24 January, 13:44
@Marcel. If he chops anything off this, I'll personally fly to his part of the world, and apply a high voltage, to his genitals! This is where we're all lucky, because Alexander knows that it's there, and we've seen it being created. Once the lid is on, it'll all be hidden, like a great king's tomb 😉
1  25 January, 07:12
That's excellent work Alexander! Since such a knowledgeable bunch of modellers hung out here right now, can someone explain to me why my clear coating results have a satin finish at best? I usually airbrush on top of Vallejo air colors, and only with the alclad's clear could I achieve some shining results but that has been discontinued as far I know.
 25 January, 08:20
Alexander Grivonev
Marcel, I thought about your offer but Mr. Bozzer's strenuous appeal made me reconsider
3  25 January, 08:55
Alexander Grivonev
Hey Evan, it is a broad topic but you can roughly boil it down to three things: 1. Surface preparation 2. Clear coat used 3. Thickness of the layer/ number of layers

I will use the terms paint/clear/clear coat/varnish interchangeably

1. If your surface is smooth, the applied varnish will also appear smooth and glossy, no brainer. This also applies to the paint you apply the gloss coat OVER, if it is flat (matte) or rough in texture etc the gloss coat will appear similar.

2. You can roughly divide clear in two categories: one component (1K) and two component (2K). Without going too deep into the chemistry the layer of 1K clears shrinks down considerably while it is drying, the solvent which is the bulk of the paint evaporates, leaving you with a thin layer of dry clear coat. 2K clears cure/dry by chemical reaction between the two components, while just a small portion of solvent evaporates leaving you with a thicker (glossier) layer. 2K paints are still a niche in scale modeling but if you want to achieve a nice car body finish there is almost no way around it

3. The more layers you apply, the better the result becomes. Also a no brainer. If you use 1K paints you need many more layers than with 2K paints. If I am saying more layers I mean the following: you apply 1-2 layers in one go, let it dry, carefully sand the surface with very fine paper (2000 or finer, just to get rid of the dust particles), apply 1-2 coats, let it dry.....repeat until you are satisfied. With 2K you will need less layers and less repeats.
2  25 January, 13:31
Alexander Grivonev
This is the gist of it from my personal experience, everyone welcome to add their two cents.
 25 January, 13:33
Lorraine Lin
I want to click 👍 for every picture!
4  26 January, 08:29
Thanks Alexander, I had a feeling that there is no lazy way around it, so lots of (smooth) layers is the answer to a shiny result. I will commit and put the effort on my next project.
1  26 January, 10:48
Martin Oostrom
What also helps with solvent based clears, is using Mr Self Levelling Thinner instead of regular thinners. That stuff is worth its weight in gold.
It slows the drying time a bit, so the clear can level off a bit more. Flip side, if applied too thick a coat, runners are a possibility.
2  26 January, 15:47
Mike Bird
What a tease! Looking forward to seeing those "many parts" go together!
1  27 January, 21:24
Alexander Grivonev
What a beautiful sunny day it was today...
 28 January, 20:37
Alexander Grivonev
Thanks a lot at all dear mates, at those who have followed this report and gave a thumbs up or two. I hope I did not bore you too much with my long winded explanations. Maybe you could even pick up some inspiration here and there. Another nice project, another lovely result, tried new techniques, learned something new. Stay healthy, stay positive, see you at the next project!
2  28 January, 20:40
congratulations on a fantastic job!!
1  28 January, 20:41
Mike Bird
Congratulations, this was an incredibly enjoyable build to follow and the end result is fantastic!
1  28 January, 21:08
Yngve N
Congratulations! It was a fantastic journey and I am very glad that you added lots of information during this building process. I took screenshots and actually bookmarked it because of some of your teaching skills. The finished car looks great, both on the inside and outside.
1  28 January, 21:42
Congrats! As said by many others, inspiring build and the result does not disappoint! A very good job also for the nice presentation with the mirror, looks like something actual marketing of the real car would do too! 👍👍👍
1  28 January, 22:24
She's a beauty mate! Your tutorial was informative and very professional. I particularly liked the chopstick sander. Definitely something worth remembering! The outcome certainly paid off!
I'm also glad to see, that you kept the roof? Your soprano skills are saved for another time!
Well done mate, put her in a case, and grab yourself a beer, you earned it 👍
1  28 January, 22:27
Nice car. 👏👏👏
1  28 January, 23:17
Michael Kohl
The daylight shots wonderfully add to the overall impression of a superb build.
1  28 January, 23:31
Lorraine Lin
1  28 January, 23:53
Fantastic 👍👍👍
1  29 January, 05:39
Peter Hardy
"I may even pick up an inspiration here and there". Understatement of the year! Alex G, you just drawing breath I use as an inspiration!!! Again, Peter Hardy is dumbfounded by your level!
2  29 January, 07:19
Robert Podkoński
Looks better than a real car. Awesome photos!
1  29 January, 08:06
Emanuele Matteucci
Jesus Christ on a motorbike...
1  29 January, 08:37
It's almost like you photographed the real thing. Outstanding work. And don't let Bozzer intimidate you. I'm sure he means well, but a convertible definitely would be an interesting option given your highly detailed interior work. 🙂 For this kit it would even save you the hassle with that b-pillar. Maybe Tamiya is working on that version and is that why they didn't bother with that pillar!
1  29 January, 11:52
Wow. Just wow. Fantastic result as always mate. Thanks for sharing the Mr. Shiny full experience 👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿🥳🥳🥳

Also reminds me that I miss my beloved hobby really bad. But in the moment there is no chance because there is no bench nor mancave 😞
1  29 January, 20:15
Alexander Grivonev
Hey Dennis, kitchen table, basic set of tools, off you go! I was in a similar situation 5 years ago while moving places and had no bench for like half a year, everything was stashed away in a storage facility. That did not stop me from realizing a few projects including a BMW Z3 and the green Opel GT. All fun and relaxing OOB builds. Unless you are homeless of course 😄
 30 January, 08:15
@Dennis. I know some guys, who model from the back of their semi? (Obviously not while driving)
It's possible to do it anywhere, as long as you have the time. Don't dishearten buddy, you don't need all the fancy stuff, to have a good time? Please remember, it's a hobby, and it's fun! Just glue and paint, are enough to make a convincing model? You could always paint it white and hide it in the snow? 😉
 30 January, 19:35
Note to self:
Don't spray grey primer on a truck, in a cardboard box, in the kitchen, because it's warmer than any other room in the house!
Two days later and I was still cleaning up the residue of the overspray and whatever else hit the fan!
I'd rather clean up the mould lines on an old Italeri kit, than do that crap again!!!
 30 January, 19:41
Peter Hardy
Note to self. If I am as silly as Bozzer do not admit it publicly. Keep it to yourself.
4  30 January, 21:42
Martin Oostrom
The teacher in Bozzer is helping new hobbyists to avoid some divorce inducing painting methods.
I can appreciate that.
2  1 February, 08:19
Lol, I'm just trying to protect you guys and your kahonies? Believe me, it's eye watering, when your Mrs see's a dusting of grey, all over her kitchen! Now you all know why I built the mancaves? She's much happier now that I've taken my hobby to my palace of plastic. I can only imagine the pain, if she smells three resin printers, banging away, on the kitchen worktops?
Stay safe out there, fellas 100% 😉
3  1 February, 09:09
Chris Vandegrift
Glorious work!! Makes me want to start mine right now! I better finish what's on the bench first though
 5 February, 02:09
Awesome work 🤩👏🏻
 5 February, 03:23
Rui S
Impeccable Beauty👍 as always excellent work; great photos and build log.
 5 February, 11:15
Andrea Brenco
added a new photoalbum.
53 14 December 2024, 17:30
1  15 December 2024, 09:02
Moreno Baruffini
Following as well!
1  15 December 2024, 14:32
Robert Podkoński
Taking a seat!
1  15 December 2024, 15:00
Michael Kohl
Me too
1  15 December 2024, 18:00
Taking a seat
1  17 December 2024, 17:26
Shar Dipree
Look great so far.
1  22 December 2024, 18:51
Dave Flitton
I have this kit. It will not look as wonderful as this one you are building though!
1  27 January, 22:42
Rui S
A jewel 👍
1  28 January, 17:34
Guy Rump
Excellent job so far, following. 👍
1  3 February, 15:41
Alec K
Lovely 👍
1  4 February, 05:37
That sure did come out fabulous. Congratulations.
1  4 February, 06:07
Shar Dipree
Fantastic Typhoon. 👍
1  4 February, 06:15
Superb 👍👍👍
1  4 February, 06:29
Robert Podkoński
1  4 February, 07:08
I agree with everyone above!
1  4 February, 09:46
That would be an excellent result for 1/48. In 1/72 it's stunning!
1  4 February, 10:05
Thomas Kolb
Well, that's a competition winner, but I guess you know this already. Excellent!
1  4 February, 10:12
Andrea Brenco
Thanks to all for your comments and for the time spent following the construction and finishing of this model! The beautiful 3D printed engine from CMK helped a lot with the final result, even if being in a single piece it was not easy to paint it and enhance all the minute details
 4 February, 22:09
Moreno Baruffini
Ciao Andrea, your builds are always awesome, but this one it's probably one of the best!
 5 February, 06:43
 5 February, 11:02
Darren Joslin
added a new photoalbum.
5 February, 10:55
William Banker
added a new photoalbum.
14 2 February, 00:48
Love it. 😄
Great idea. 👍
 2 February, 07:36
Clair Greenwood
Oh I simply must copy your work here, thats great !!
 2 February, 08:15
Nice idea! Is the tractor really so big compared to the MBT ?
1  2 February, 10:23
Jakko ‌
You had me wondering, so I went and looked it up. Going by the markings (I'm not a tractor expert 🙂) this is a John Deere 9530, which is 24.0 feet long (, or in real-world units: 7.3 metres. A T-72 is 6.7 to 6.9 metres long without the gun. In other words: the hull is only slightly shorter than the tractor overall. Yet in the photos of the model, it seems to be only about two-thirds the length. Is the tractor 1:24 scale?
2  2 February, 12:59
William Banker
Thanks for all the kind comments
It was for a Ukrainian fund raising event
The John Deere Tractor is an off the shelf metal toy that I just weathered up
Regarding scale? I think it's 1/16th model 9320.... I didn't spend a lot of time looking for a scale model for the tractor as I had to do several other builds for the fund raiser.... This was the closest I could find of a picture I had seen online of a Ukrainian farmer using this model tractor to drag away an abandoned T-72 during the early days of the war
2  3 February, 00:38
 3 February, 08:16
Rui S
3  3 February, 16:44
William Banker
OK....I went back through my purchase records and apparently this is a 1/32 scale
2  4 February, 19:07
Jakko ‌
Easiest way to figure it out would to be measure the length of the model and divide 7.3 metres by it 🙂
 5 February, 10:37
Karl Barrow
added a new photoalbum.
1 7 July 2024, 20:21
Villiers de Vos
Very nice.
 8 July 2024, 01:29
Karl Barrow
Thank you. I don't know why many of the photos that I upload to Scalemates are in the wrong orientation.
 8 July 2024, 12:11
Tim Ryan
I like that you replaced the exhaust system completely under this kit. So many things are wrong with this kit, but it's the only 1967 available, glad you made it so nice of a build.
 5 February, 10:23
HI Karl, that is because the pictures probably were taken with the camera being rotated. the camera keeps that information (together with camera model, settings etc) and the software in your computer automatically rotates the images. but when you upload to SCM that information is not used (or maybe it is removed), so the pictures appear with "incorrect" orientation. You can simply go to the album, click on manage album, advance options and then choose the orientation for the pictures that need to be changed.
 5 February, 10:34
beautiful model by the way 🙂
 5 February, 10:34
added a new photoalbum.
40 18 January, 14:50
Nice clean work, looks great.
 18 January, 15:23
A very nice gift. Well done. I wouldn't mind having one myself. I'm a bit surprised that Airfix has such massively out of scale recessed panel lines. If you do one for yourself I would fix that issue.
 18 January, 15:32
Rui S
A Beauty 👍
 18 January, 15:41
Thanks all.
@Skyhiker that's not something I have the skillset for. Airfix has overemphasized panels lines on most of their 1/72 kits, that's just their "style" I guess. I don't mind it. Maybe the Italeri kit has more accurate sized lines in this scale, but it's also a much older kit so probably has its own issues. I have never and will never claim to be an expert on accuracy.
1  18 January, 18:56
She looks great! The panel lines are not an issue.
 4 February, 17:57
Martin Weinpold
 4 February, 18:08
Robert Podkoński
Good job!
 4 February, 18:09
beautiful job, great present
 4 February, 22:10
Thanks all
1  5 February, 04:41
Excellent work!
 5 February, 09:57
added a new photoalbum.
4 5 February, 05:24
Perfect, Looks Spot on
 5 February, 06:42
Very good small scale build!
 5 February, 09:55
Mark Sherwood
added a new photoalbum.
3 4 February, 18:19
very nice dio!
1  4 February, 22:07
Mark Sherwood
Thank you Spanjaard. 🤘🥸🤟
 5 February, 07:53
Nice dio Mark. The extra stowage looks very good.
1  5 February, 08:03
Mark Sherwood
Thanks Gorby. Although the title let me down there's a question mark where there should be an emoji. 😤👍🤨🤘🥸
1  5 February, 08:52
Mark Sherwood
Cheers Randy and everyone else for the likes. 🤟🥸🤘
 5 February, 08:54
I agree with Spanjaard and gorby. I especially like the moderate weathering here.
 5 February, 09:52
Duncan Black
added a new photoalbum.
6 22 April 2021, 09:33
Nice work Duncan. Is this an old build or something more resent?
 5 February, 09:16
Beautiful finish!
 5 February, 09:49
Miguel Vaquero
added a new photoalbum.
70 15 October 2024, 15:38
Miguel Vaquero
Probably, my most ambitous project yet. Im going to try and recreate a sinking of a submarine with depth charges, droped from a destroyer. Everything in 1/700 scale. For this, i bought the Battle of the Atlantic set, wich comes with a J-Claas destroyer, a type VII German submarine and a Short Sunderland amphibous plane.
 15 October 2024, 15:43
Sounds like an interesting project, I'll tag along. 🙂
 15 October 2024, 15:45
David Taylor
 15 October 2024, 16:26
Jay Dubya
Permission to come aboard Captain Vaquero?
 15 October 2024, 22:14
Landlubber Mike
Looking forward to following this one!
 16 October 2024, 02:23
Miguel Vaquero
Welcome aboard guys!! Happy to have you along.

Of course Jay! There's always room in my ships😁😁
 16 October 2024, 13:47
Miguel Vaquero
Sub already done! It was small but detailed. The PE parts were really a challenge. Some weathering it's all it's left.
 16 October 2024, 18:26
Miguel Vaquero
Today i wanted to work on how i want my diorama to look. So i hoped on blender and downloded some free assets and placed them together to see how i want it to look. I think for the quantity of resin and the accuracy of the scene this is going to be more or less the final desing of my diorama.
 21 October 2024, 19:55
Miguel Vaquero
Starting with the destroyer. Awesome detail too but a million tiny parts. Good challenge for sure
 24 October 2024, 09:52
Miguel Vaquero
Destroyer assembly done! To the paint booth
 25 October 2024, 13:21
Jay Dubya
RAAF 10 Squadron Flying Porcupine next please, Miguel ?!!?
 27 October 2024, 01:06
Kesa Tiho
I am in love
Fantastic build
 27 October 2024, 14:50
Miguel Vaquero
Thanks Kesa!!
 27 October 2024, 15:42
Miguel Vaquero
I don't know if I'm going to finish the Sunderland😞😞. The fitting between the fuselages is too bad and fragile, using putty is not going to do the trick this time cause it will hide a lot of the nice detail and I will not be satisfied. I'll think about how to do it but there's not much hope now😓
 27 October 2024, 18:20
Miguel Vaquero
To get my mind of the plane. I decided to destroy the turned out perfect, as I intended
 27 October 2024, 20:05
Jay Dubya
Not really where you are headed with your diorama, but this might give a bit of context to my 'historical' comment Miguel.

"A Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Sunderland (of No. 10 Squadron) made the type's first unassisted kill of a U-boat on 17 July 1940.[3]"

Flying Porcupine
"Two examples, in particular, stand out: on the 13th of April 1940, a Sunderland operating off the coast of Norway was attacked by six Ju-88C heavy fighters – the Sunderland shot down one JU-88, damaged another so seriously it had to quit the fight, and drove the rest away.

A 1943 encounter with JU-88 was even more savage when a Sunderland from 461 Sqn RAAF was attacked by eight JU-88C long-range fighters. Despite the Sunderland being heavily damaged with most of the crew wounded, the Sunderland downed three attackers, damaged and drove off the rest and made the 560-kilometre return journey to Britain where the heavily damaged aircraft was beached at Cornwall."

10Sqn RAAF Photos -

Keep up the great work on these tiny models.

PS The nickname 'Flying Porcupine' was probably just a bit of allied propaganda as there's not a lot of evidence the Germans ever referred to a Sunderland as one. It's a lot like the Japanese with the Beaufighter and Whispering Death.
 28 October 2024, 01:12
Miguel Vaquero
Thanks for all the info Jay! I really appreciate it. And they could fit very well with this diorama. They actually performed anti submarine operations from GB and they actually sunk 6 U-boats.

I'm sure if I'm able to fix my Sunderland, I'll paint it with their colours. I loved their history
 28 October 2024, 18:32
Miguel Vaquero
The U-Boat has exploded!!💥💥
 29 October 2024, 20:03
The explosion effect is very realistic.
 30 October 2024, 07:45
Miguel Vaquero
Thanks Gorby!!
 30 October 2024, 08:16
Miguel Vaquero
I've already glued the U-Boat to the acrylic sheet. As the background for the diorama states that the aft reserve torpedo exploded, to hide the cables I made some bubbles coming down from the exploded compartment. It's not the best but it's better than to have some cables seen.
 4 November 2024, 11:46
Miguel Vaquero
The acrylic sheets mold is done. The ship is now lifted with nylon cord to place on to the resin without sinking. And the u-Boat is secured in the container.

Next step, the resin pouring. I've never been so nervous about a model.
 4 November 2024, 14:18
Good luck with the resin Miguel.
 4 November 2024, 15:32
Shar Dipree
 4 November 2024, 18:06
Miguel Vaquero
Some bubbles formed. Not the best result, also they are positioned in places where some bubbles would be formed. Overall I think it turned out great.
 4 November 2024, 20:07
Jay Dubya
Absolutely 'killed it' - well done Miguel!
 5 November 2024, 00:50
Miguel Vaquero
Thanks Jay!

That bubble on the bow is killing me. It's right on the surface of the resin but I don't know how to get rid of it, and if I'll make it worse if I try something
 5 November 2024, 18:28
wow, absolutely love this
 5 November 2024, 19:19
David Taylor
 5 November 2024, 19:37
Landlubber Mike
Wow, really cool man! Well done!
 5 November 2024, 20:55
Rui S
Excellent work 👍
 5 November 2024, 20:58
Miguel Vaquero
Thanks a lot guys! There's still some work to do. But it's getting there.

I've made the form of the waves with some acrylic gel. Let's wait for it to dry and then to make some foam
 5 November 2024, 20:59
Guy Rump
Great job, very impressive. 👍
 5 November 2024, 21:00
Miguel Vaquero
Thanks Guy!

I ended up making and painting the Sunderland, flying the colors Jay suggested. The end result, I think it's salvageable. I'm wondering if I should put it in the diorama. The downside is ill have to stick it with some transparent acrylic rod. It's going to be visible but not too much. I think if I mask the bottom part of the rod, the one closer to the water, as a droped depth charge from the porcupine, the result might not be bad at all.
What do you guys think
 6 November 2024, 18:04
Jan Peters
Very cool set up, and very ambitious. You're a braver man than I.
Love the effect of the explosion, very convincing.
 6 November 2024, 18:12
Miguel Vaquero
Thanks Jan!! Im not really brave, I was really really scared 🤣🤣. Its just a matter of trying and if I fail well, from everything we learn. In the end it turned out great, so that is that.

It's really great having all the support from all you experienced guys. I've only been modelling for a year or so, so your comments are really encouraging
 6 November 2024, 20:22
Miguel Vaquero
Testing the Sunderland. What do you guys think. I'm not sure If I loved or hate it
 7 November 2024, 19:42
I like it, I think it adds another element of interest (mind you I reeeeeally like the Sunderland so I might be biased). 🙂
I just want to comment on the how you've done the surface of the water - excellent, particularly the effect of the exploding depth charges.
 8 November 2024, 07:34
Mr D
That looks fantastic Miguel 👌👍👍
 8 November 2024, 17:01
Miguel Vaquero
It really does add a lot to the scene Gorby. I'll have to think thoroughly but I'm starting to like the diorama more with the Sunderland in it.

Also thank you and thanks Mr D for you kind words! The good thing about this diorama is that it really doesn't need any special abilities. It's as simple as it can get and it will give you a great result
 8 November 2024, 18:36
Mr D
It's has plenty of life to it 👏👌.
How did you get the bubbles in the right place 🤔??
I am starting a Diorama once l get my next build sorted, lm trying to rap up the X2 projects I'm working on and then l start my Mi-8 it's going to be part of a Chernobyl disaster Diorama, l have the damaged power station ready for paint,
I would like to create explosion n smoke like you have done here and LED.
Nice work 😀👍
 8 November 2024, 20:22
Villiers de Vos
This is epic. You manage to capture the observer with your dynamic and realistic scene.
 9 November 2024, 04:50
Ben M
Remarkable diorama. How did you get the resin so deep? The stuff I use, you can only pour 1/8" at a time. The diorama is so dynamic and exciting!
 9 November 2024, 05:04
Miguel Vaquero
Thank you Villiers. Really glad that you like it. Your words really mean a lot coming from such a great modeller.

Well Mr D, the big bubbles coming out of the explosion are mainly produced by the gap a created when cutting the U-Boat. The air trapped inside came to the surface while the resin was curing, and it cured faster than the bubbles could scape to the surface. They as well appear because of the cotton I used to create the explosion effect, but mainly because of the first reason. Also Ill make sure to follow your build. It really sound amazing, and watching your prior work, Im sure it's going to be awesome.

Thank you also Ben!! I'm glad you enjoyed the work. As per the resin, I really used the cheap one from AliExpress. I mixed well the two parts till the resin and hardener were completely clear. Then I poured it and that's it. The instructions said I could pour up to 2 centimeters per pour. I did four centimeters deep at once and it cured great. The only downside I found is that not all small bubbles rised to the surface and couldn't be popped with a torch. I should have poured a little, then torched and then poured the rest. I didn't expect such a Good result from this but guess I got lucky.
 9 November 2024, 17:47
Mr D
Thanks for the Info Miguel 👍 it's all worked out for the best.
 9 November 2024, 22:15
Miguel Vaquero
It did worked. Now the only thing left is to crate a base to go with it and finish the wiring.
 10 November 2024, 16:40
Bruce Huxtable
Very impressed with your execution of this evocative scene. No escape for those poor souls..... Your creative solutions worked very well indeed, but I'm curious as to how you formed the surface of the sea? There's a lot going on, including the expanding circular waves. Superb!
 10 November 2024, 17:07
Dominik Weitzer
 10 November 2024, 17:12
Pietro De Angelis
Awesome dio, congrats!
 10 November 2024, 18:11
Miguel Vaquero
Thanks for your words guys, they really mean a lot!!

Indeed bruce. It's one of the things that fascinate me the most about U-Boats. They were deadly war machines, every sailor was terrorized by them during WW2. But it unsettles me the way all those people knew, that a single flood, could mean they would never resurface again. It's really nerve racking. Those things are what attracts me the most to this machines and their histories.

As for the water, I used a combination of two artistic acrylic gel mediums. I used one with a low viscosity for the small ocean waves and normal ripples. I then used one much more dense, to simulate the water effects created by the destroyer and the depth charges explosions. The gel, once dried, it stays hard as if it was resin, and also stays transparent. Then I painted the high ripples with a diluted white and extended it with a soft bristled brush along the ripple and it's surrounding area. I did the same were the bubbly foam would stay after the ship passed, but with a more diluted white and more gentle passes with the brush.

Ill try to upload some better pictures were the effects are better seen once I complete the diorama.
 11 November 2024, 20:26
Bruce Huxtable
Many thanks, Miguel. You clearly have a very good 'eye', re-creating reality in a very convincing way.
 12 November 2024, 13:11
Miguel Vaquero
Thank you very much Bruce. Im glad that you like it!
 12 November 2024, 15:51
Christian Abraham
The dio is really awesome
 12 November 2024, 16:23
Miguel Vaquero
Thanks Abraham!!
 12 November 2024, 18:28
Kesa Tiho
Breathtaking. I hope when i make my first ship moc it comes out as beautiful as yours. Any tips?
 12 November 2024, 18:38
Mr D
Hi Miguel 👋
Was a good set of X3 you got , l recently purchased the Flyhawk SBD Dauntless, li looks really good from what I've seen so far in the box.... What do you think of there kits ??
 12 November 2024, 21:28
Miguel Vaquero
Hi Kesha. If your are going to do it with resin, my main advise is to try and eliminate bubbles the best you can by pouring a litle bit and removing the bubles then repeating thee process till you get the desire amount. And id you put any object inside it ñ, try and seal it the best you can so no air can escape. Also, when tinting the resin, always think less is more. Try a few drops of the colors you want to use, and build it from there. Id recommend you buy some uv resin, to fix pieces quickly and to seal the mould in Wich you will plur the resin. And finally, don't be afraid, a big part of this hobby is to challenge us to exit our confort zone, and if you make a mistake, to learn from it. And please please, if you remember, once you start your diorama, please let me know. I'll love to follow your build.

Hi MrD, well I can't talk about other kits and other scales, but, for this one in particular, the quality was surprisingly good. The material was perfect, almost no flush. Also the details moulded in to the surface were incredibly good. It was my first kit from them, but I'm sure its not going to be the last. I've also looked the SBD, it looks amazing, I'll make sure to follow your build to inspire me if I end up buying that kit.
 12 November 2024, 22:41
Mr D
I got it for a great price on an AliExpress sale, the box content is amazing for the price 👍👍
 13 November 2024, 00:08
Miguel Vaquero
I'm glad to hear that. Looking forward to see what you cand with it Mr D
 13 November 2024, 07:00
Miguel Vaquero
Waiting now for some materials to finish the base and the project. While they arrive, I'm working on a little resin printed Darth Vader diorama. Feel free to check that out too and leave your opinions.
 20 November 2024, 12:21
Miguel Vaquero
Well. I finilly finish this diorama. I ended up using a 3d printer to make the base. Not the best result but i wnated to try it out.

Happily i can finally say this project is done. I enjoyed it a lot and learned many usefull things along the way.

Hope you like the final result mates

1  4 February, 12:32
Lorraine Lin
 4 February, 12:35
Very impressive result!
 4 February, 15:19
Bob Hall
Yeah 👍 SpongeBob took the words right out of my mouth !
 4 February, 16:51
Shar Dipree
Cool 👍
 4 February, 17:20
Ben M
Absolutely top notch and very creative.
 4 February, 18:12
Miguel Vaquero
Thank you guys really. I'm really flattered by your comments. Really glad you like this build.
 5 February, 09:24
Mission accomplished! 👍👍
 5 February, 09:48
Denis Dogadov
added a new photoalbum.
10 4 February, 13:43
William Joel
1st thought - WOW. Neat camo, base, and photo background. Well done. The camo - how did you do it?
 4 February, 15:57
Denis Dogadov
Camouflage is a decal from Eduard.
 4 February, 16:37
William Joel
Ah, thank you.
 4 February, 18:29
Looks good!
 5 February, 09:47
Miguel Vaquero
added a new photoalbum.
1 5 February, 09:35
really interested in seeing what you do with it 🙂
 5 February, 09:43
Miguel Vaquero
added a new photoalbum.
9 20 November 2024, 12:19
fantastic figure, your own design?
 20 November 2024, 12:30
Miguel Vaquero
I would hope 😅😅. Just an STL I found on Etsy
 20 November 2024, 14:21
😄 😄 👍
 20 November 2024, 14:22
Very 😎
 20 November 2024, 15:11
Miguel Vaquero
Did not take a lot of photos during the process of painting this figures.

The only thing i added to the diorama was some rocks and pebbles to the base, to make it pop a little bit more.

Im pleased with the result, beint the first time i do something like this
 4 February, 12:22
Lorraine Lin
The Imperial March is ringing in my ears👍
 4 February, 12:37
tan tan tan tan taaaaan 🙂 excellent
 4 February, 13:26
Dominik Weitzer
uhhhh, thats awesome! great work, great scene
 4 February, 13:53
Miguel Vaquero
Thank you guys! Glad you like this piece!!
 5 February, 09:22
Jakob Klein
Cool model!
5 February, 09:17
Duncan Black
added a new photoalbum.
This album no longer exists
6 images
Trumpeter 1/48 Mig-15 bis
This album does not contain any images.
5 February, 08:47
Darren Joslin
added a new photoalbum.
3 4 February, 21:46
Hans-Jürgen Haag
Nice build👍
 5 February, 08:32
Andy Ball
added a new photoalbum.
3 images
Champagne FaireyView album, image #1
Reference 1
1:72 Fairey Battle Mk.I (Azur-FRROM FR0048)
3 3 February, 19:23
Alec K
Taking a seat. A much anticipated kit!
 5 February, 03:16
Hans-Jürgen Haag
 5 February, 08:30





