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John Tait
owns this item
27 September, 17:01
Max Otten
owns this item
Blackburn Skua Mk.II "Norwegian Campaign"
Special Hobby 1:48
SH48046 (8594071080419) 2006 New tool
27 September, 17:01
Werner Memmel
wants this item
Tornado IDS "Marineflieger" Dragon Kit
Italeri 1:144
879 1992 New box
27 September, 17:00
owns this item
T-80U Russian Main Battle Tank
35001 2018 New tool
27 September, 16:58
wants this item
Diamond T 968 Softcab Cargo Truck with M2 Machine Gun
IBG Models 1:72
72084 2023 New parts
27 September, 16:58
wants this item
T-80U Russian Main Battle Tank
35001 2018 New tool
27 September, 16:58
Sy Bar
added a new photoalbum.
14 images
Bf110C-6View album, image #14New: 27 September, 13:13
Hopefully one of these will sort the decals out
Project: Bf-110C-6
1:72 Messerschmitt Bf110C-2/C-4 (Airfix A03080)
22 18 September, 11:53
Sy Bar
Was going to do the Battle of Britain version of this kit but I'm temped to have a go at some winter white wash and the wasp is cooler than the shark mouth 😎
18 September, 11:56
18 September, 18:36
István Szücs
I also have Bf-110 from the Airfix, I will build an Italian night fighter. The sprues are the same, so I'm watching!
18 September, 19:08
Sy Bar
Cheers guys.
I'm have a go at riveting, but going freehand as at this scale using tape was taking so long. I also not sure how much they will stand out on finish kit, but with the wonky line in parts they will probably bee seen from mars 🤣
22 September, 10:15
Mark Sherwood
Looking good so far, like the underside. 🥸👍
24 September, 12:29
Sy Bar
Cheers #Mark
24 September, 12:57
Sy, how was the fit on this kit?
24 September, 21:21
Guy Rump
Looking good, following. 👍
24 September, 21:25
Sy Bar
Cheers #Guy 👍
#Skyhiker I found the fit to be good, I had a very slight gap at the front but think that was as much to do with me and the fitting of the pit (not the clearest instructions there). Every thing else was fine and the canopy was a good fit, I did change order of build slightly with the tail section I glued the rear piece to the body first then added the tail (after I'd added the stabilisers/rudders) this made more sense than the instructions 😁
24 September, 21:32
Sy Bar
Only issue I have with this kit are the decals. While they look great and are in perfect register, they have a large amount of film edging and are both thick and delicate at the same time🤪
Having a hard time getting them to settle into the panel lines etc. I usually just need to use micro sol but even ultimate extra strong is not have much effect. Going to have to wait till I get some Tamiya fixer, strong and extra strong hopefully one of these will help 🤞
24 September, 21:44
Mr D
You should be ok with the medium one with Airfix decals,
I like a mix of Water in with the markfix...seems to keep the decal floating longer.
I did the teeth on my p40 this way.
If they started getting bit sicky...l would add bit more water....keep it floating.
Wouldn't like to do shark teeth with HB decals 🤔🤣.... The lightning ⚡ strike on my mig-15 just fell apart with hardly any working.
Good luck with it ..look forward to seeing 😃👍👍
27 September, 13:53
Dave Flitton
Looking good!
27 September, 16:57
Antoine 94
wants this item
DR 3538S1
UH-1D Huey Plus UH-1H ADF Vietnam Scheme
Dragon 1:35
DR 3538S1 2008 New parts
27 September, 16:57
Max Otten
owns this item
Kübelwagen Type 82 Pkw.K1 KÜBELWAGEN Typ 82
Tamiya 1:48
32501 2003 New tool
27 September, 16:56
added a new photoalbum.
27 3 August, 09:01
Inspiriert durch die aktuellen Anlässe in der Welt, meiner Liebe zum Leopard 1 und dem Wunsch ein Gebäude in 1:35 zu bauen, bin ich auf die Idee für dieses fiktive Diorama gekommen. Das Diorama soll eine Panzer Crew bei der Rast zeigen. Der Panzer ist ein Feldumbau eines beschädigten Leopard 1 der zum abfangen von Drohnen umgebaut wurde. Die Mannschaft nennt ihr Fahrzeug "Fliegenklatsche" (мухобойка).

Inspired by current events in the world, my love for the Leopard 1 and the desire to scratch build a building in 1:35, I came up with the idea for this fictional diorama. The diorama is supposed to show a tank crew taking a break. The tank is a field conversion of a damaged Leopard 1 that was converted to intercept drones. The team calls their vehicle a "fly swatter" (мухобойка).
3 August, 09:07
Dieter Bihlmaier
Coole Idee...und super umgesetzt Robert !
Cool idea... and super implemented Robert !
3 August, 09:11
Danke Dieter...
3 August, 13:02
Die Mauerarbeiten sind fast fertig und das Dach ist vorbereitet...

bricklaying allmost done & roof prepared...
10 August, 20:07
Die Mauerarbeiten sind abgeschlossen, das Modell ist schwarz grundiert und die Backsteine sind bemalt...

The masonry work is completed, the model is primed black and the bricks are painted...
14 August, 21:11
great idea. i love how the house is evolving
14 August, 22:05
Thanks Spanjaard
16 August, 19:08
Die Ziegel wurden verfugt und das Dach aufgesetzt. Die Dachrinne wurde aus einer Katzenfutterverpackung (Aluminium) und das Fallrohr aus Gussgraten hergestellt.

The bricks were grouted and the roof was added. The gutter was made from cat food packaging (aluminum) and the downpipe was made from plastic sprue.
23 August, 05:09
Robert Podkoński
Great concept indeed! Fantastic job so far, Robert. Keep it up!
23 August, 05:22
Thanks Robert...
23 August, 14:17
Dioramarahmen vorbereitet, Straße und Gehweg angelegt. Den Kamin verfugt und die Figuren zusammen gesetzt.

Diorama frame prepared, street and sidewalk laid out. The chimney was grouted and the figures were put together.
28 August, 22:50
Jennifer Franklin
I love it all. The house is incredible. This looks like it is going to be a diorama with personality!
28 August, 23:09
to kind, Jennifer
29 August, 05:38
Jennifer Franklin
No, honestly, it is brilliant; I can't wait to see the final result.
29 August, 12:56
I'm also curious what the end result will look like..
29 August, 16:55
Garagentor erstellt, bemalt und installiert. Figuren grundiert. Strasse und Gehweg vorbereitet.

Garage door created, painted and installed. Figures primed. Road and sidewalk prepared.
5 September, 17:40
Guy Rump
Definitely following. 👍
5 September, 20:14
Recce 4-6
Wieder mal ne coole Idee und handwerklich sehr gut umgesetzt.
7 September, 19:21
danke Recce 4-6
8 September, 05:36
Jennifer Franklin
That garage door looks good.
8 September, 21:29
Thanks Jen
9 September, 04:38
Fenster und Gardinen eingesetzt, Straßenmarkierung aufgemalt und Gehweg verfugt...

Windows and curtains installed, street markings painted and sidewalk grouted...
18 September, 19:31
Rui S
Great scratch build on those Buildings 👍
18 September, 23:30
thanks Rui...
19 September, 04:53
Haustür eingebaut und Regenrinne und Fallrohr vorbereitet. Die Regenrinne hat mich mehr Zeit gekostet als vermutet.

Front door installed and rain gutter and downpipe prepared. The gutter took me more time than expected.
27 September, 05:37
Dieter Bihlmaier
Schaut sehr gut aus Robert!
27 September, 14:46
Danke Dieter...
27 September, 16:56
wants this item
27 September, 16:56
Timo Fries
wants this item
2cm FlaK 38 Late Production
Dragon 1:6
75039 2012 New parts
27 September, 16:56
Paul Lever
added FineScale Modeler to his list of favorite magazines
27 September, 16:56
Jan Peters
owns this item
Modern Pick-Up w ZU-23-2 Basic Set For Meng VS-004
Voyager Model 1:35
PE35580 2013 New tool
27 September, 16:56
added a new photoalbum.
1 27 September, 16:55
wants this item
27 September, 16:55
wants this item
27 September, 16:55
added a new photoalbum.
22 13 February 2023, 17:03
Mr James
One of my favourites ww2 aircraft. A nice clean build
19 September, 23:21
Dave really nice job. Which kit is this? Please attach the kit to the project.
20 September, 00:17
On a rainy and humid day, Jack was depending his life or death on a tiny landing craft on the ocean making its way to the enemy's shore. The thunders and the strong waves made him and other soldiers cramped in the narrow space anxious and nauseous. What if the vehicle just gets flipped by the waves? What if it gets spotted by the enemies while they're on water and can't run to anywhere? Jack could tell his fellow comrades were feeling this way by looking at their eyes. But not Jack. He was somebody who never let fear control his action and psychology. His pupils were filled with combinations of energy, rage and hatred instead of horror. Losing his closest buddy to the enemy aircraft bombing in the past, Jack was totally committed to kill as many enemies as possible to avenge. It would be so awesome to make many enemies feel the pain he had to endure with his own hands. At least that's what Jack believed. The shore was now visible. They were almost there. A few bullets from the machine guns hit the metal surface of the vehicle, making loud and sharp noise. Some soldiers fear and Jack's rage only grew.

Jack was ready to fight. He even thought he was ready to die. He was looking directly forward when he heard some noise that was completely unfamiliar. It wasn't the sound from bullets, explosions or engines running. It was something else. The only thing he could tell was that whatever the source is, it was coming from the sky which meant only one thing. Jack tried to ignore the fear which was now settling in his mind and keep looking at the shore. But eventually looked up the sky expecting the sound's source to be friendly artillery or aircrafts. Little did he know he couldn't be more wrong than this. They were Stukas. And they were flying towards the friendly boats.

At the moment Jack found out what they were and that they are coming for him and everyone else, his passionate strength in his eyes started turning into immense shock and awe even he couldn't control just like other soldiers. He had to realize that him and everyone on the craft were now gonna die even before making it to the shore. Sure, he was ready to die but not without killing others. However, the reality was way too harsh to let Jack achieve what he wanted in the war.

Sure enough, everyone heard the loudest gunshot coming from the aircrafts. The Stukas had begun firing. It hit the other boats around before hitting his. Even from dozens of feet away Jack could see the sparkling on the iron and the huge splatters of blood followed by his comrades screaming in agony. Now it was his turn. He stared at the planes looking for more targets then spotting the boat he was in. Tears started coming out of the despair about the fact that this was the end of him just like his buddy and thousands of his country's soldiers who didn't make it. So he didn't even try to hide or stop it. Instead he closed his eyes, hoping there is going to be something better to have in the afterlife if it ever existed.
20 September, 01:54
Wow, that's a true description of how it must've felt being on the receiving end of that aircraft and its mission
20 September, 14:20
Skyhiker, I'm sorry I didn't list the kit. But it is 2002 Academy 1/72 scale kit
20 September, 14:28
Great build! Congrats👍🏻
20 September, 15:02
That kit looks a lot better than the old Revell kits I have. Can you please attach it to your album.
20 September, 15:30
Guy Rump
Very nice job! 👍
20 September, 17:53
Dave Flitton
Nice build.
27 September, 16:55
owns this item
Morane-Saulnier MS.230 Foreign Service
UA Dora Wings 1:48
DW48037 2022 New parts
27 September, 16:54
added a new project.
17 images
1:24 Porsche 962C FromA (Hasegawa 20294)
27 September, 16:54
just joined this community.
27 September, 16:54
P Swizz
owns this item
Fiat G.50bis Freccia "Luftwaffe and Croat AF"
Special Hobby 1:32
SH32058 2015 New decals
27 September, 16:54
David Bettis
owns this item
'80 Jeep Honcho "Ice Patrol"
Revell 1:25
85-7224 2017 New parts
27 September, 16:54
George M
wants this item
RF-4E Phantom II `Hellenic Air Force Special´
Hasegawa 1:48
09883 2009 New decals
27 September, 16:53
added a new photoalbum.
15 23 September, 04:00
VF-161 might just be my favorite Phantom scheme, so the box art sold me on this one. I need to enjoy a state-of-the-art kit and I hear Fine Molds is excellent. I got some masks and missiles on order but otherwise just a nice simple OOB here.
23 September, 04:11
This kit is awesome. I'm already on to the main fuselage assembly and I'm not even rushing—it just falls together. Instructions say to paint (and decal?) after the fuselage and wings are attached
26 September, 03:50
Watching 👍
27 September, 15:14
Tommy Agne
Count me in! Watching👍!
27 September, 15:43
Dave Flitton
Nice start, count me in.
27 September, 16:53
wants this item
Sd.Kfz.251 late uncommon offroad wheels, Contin. Border Models
Quickwheel 1:35
27 September, 16:52
wants this item
Sd.Kfz.251 late common offroad wheels, Continental Border Models
Quickwheel 1:35
27 September, 16:52
Dave Lavazza
added a new photoalbum.
1 27 September, 16:31
Jan Peters
Very nice work!
I love models created after a photograph.
You have made quite an effort creating this one 👍🏻👍🏻
27 September, 16:52
Erwin Leetink
added a new photoalbum.
3 27 September, 14:37
Erwin Leetink
Revell's 1:32 Arado sea plane. In the guise of one of the planes aboard the Tirpitz. The instructions call out for a (nice) decal that indicate the 100th launch, but since I found pictures that the plane had them on both sides, and only one is included, I left it off.
I added the national markings on the tail and replaced the lifting /handling cables for metal ones. Since I am not sure what color those cables where, but doubt they would be painted (the paint would flake off due to the flexing of the cables) I left them metal colored.
The dust somehow got embedded in the matt varnish, even though I painted the plane outside and let it dry there too!!!
27 September, 16:27
Dave Flitton
I think you pretty much nailed the result. It looks very nice.
27 September, 16:52
ryan habermehl
marked this item as on order
Knight's & Magic
Ikaruga Moderoid
Good Smile Company
118645 2020 New tool
27 September, 16:51
ryan habermehl
marked this item as on order
Grumman J4F-1 "Widgeon"
Kovozávody Prostějov (KP) 1:72
KPM72475 2024* New decals
27 September, 16:50
ryan habermehl
marked this item as on order
Vultee Vengeance MkI/IA
UA Dora Wings 1:72
DW72038 2024 New tool
27 September, 16:50
Randy Kriegel
added a new photoalbum.
25 18 July 2023, 22:25
Rui S
Beautifully done 👍
18 July 2023, 22:57
Randy Kriegel
Thank You
19 July 2023, 00:37
great work!
19 July 2023, 05:50
Very appealing small scale build!
19 July 2023, 08:34
Dave Flitton
I saw a video review on this one. How was your build?
25 September, 06:46
Very nice👌
25 September, 10:51
Randy Kriegel
This UM build was difficult, lots of nice details. I had a little trouble with the instructions, but worked through it. Overall it's a good kit.
25 September, 12:19
What happened to the instructions? I still have the kit here.
27 September, 07:51
Dave Flitton
Excellent result!!
27 September, 16:49
Bernd Kehm
owns this item
UH-1D Iroquois
Italeri 1:72
1247 2005 New box
27 September, 16:48
Frank Brzobohaty
added a new photoalbum.
23 7 September, 01:54
Frank Brzobohaty
NAXOS receiver done and front engine too.
7 September, 02:04
Dave Flitton
Nice start!!
7 September, 04:42
Shar Dipree
7 September, 06:05
I'm in
21 September, 19:54
Łukasz Gliński
Joining, looking very 48ish
21 September, 20:17
Frank Brzobohaty
Thank you.
21 September, 23:34
Frank Brzobohaty
Base painting done. I need to learn to do the continuous line camo for the next night fighter. Any good guides for 1/72 scale? I am good enough to do it at 1/48 but just not skilled for 1/72.
22 September, 02:00
Rui S
Beautiful work 👍
27 September, 14:10
Dave Flitton
Excellent result. Makes me excited to build mine, if I can find it.
27 September, 16:48







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