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Airbrush quick connect issues
Three air brushes, two types of quick connect. The quick connect one on the right fits the airbrush, but not the hose. T...
1 12 March, 20:32

the fluted connector is for a hose....quick disconnects should be easy to get for all types of airbrushes.....they all use the same basic idea....and hook up to same hose adapter...
13 March, 02:53

thank you Lochsa for your reply,
that is exactly the point, they do not hook up, if you continue looking at the pictures, they do not fit. As a matter of fact I tried inserting the smaller quick connect into the sleeve and connect to the airbrush, the air leaks as it is not a tight seal.
13 March, 06:43

post a picture of your hose fitting ...the kit in the link has a quick disconnect for the hose and that should make the system work...
13 March, 09:33

i believe that the picture 2 is not a quick connect. that one is used when you have a bulk hose that you cut to the length toy want to use.
13 March, 10:29

@ Lochsa River, I have posted the hose, but that is not the issue. The issue is the that quick connect does not fit the the airbrush, look at the quick connect in picture 3, it is smaller. In addition, the sleeve does not fit the the quick connect, and it leaks.
13 March, 17:06

@spanjaard Picture number 4 is the fitting of the airbrush to the 1/8" compressor hose, picture 6
13 March, 17:07

are you sure the quick connect is for your airbrush and not for a different brand? they may look similar, but may have just the difference in size you have. and quick connect ones are to be used in a different hose, one like for example
13 March, 19:04

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2 13 March, 18:37

Trumpeter mil 17 my first post long way to go but love the hobby and the site
13 March, 18:39

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20 13 February, 09:58

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12 16 June 2024, 10:17

Great build the smaller scale always scares me regarding masking but you nailed it 👌
13 March, 19:06

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49 images
Panzer III Ausf. J
Finished and in the display configuration I'll use for display.
15 24 December 2024, 19:13

Steel still rusts even in the desert 🏝️. If there's any moisture it finds it lol.
1 21 January, 22:59

What an amazing model kit. I havent got a Ryefield kit but the level of detail in this kit looks fantastic. These details are beautifully enhanced by an expert modeller.
22 January, 01:32

Thanks for the kind comments I'll look at some color photos of tracked vehicles in desert environments and see how much rust is needed. My experience with real tracked vehicles was track rusts quickly.
22 January, 12:35

The lack of true colour pics is bloody annoying. There is much debate on this subject in modelling. I found this comment very interesting on Britmodeller :-
:- Most tracks of WW2 vintage were a high-manganese steel for wear resistance and long life. Most definitely NOT silver, nor graphite. It was a goldy-brown colour, sort of like a light bronze. Even late-war German tracks still appear to have had a decent manganese content. They would wear out in no time without it, and it was being sourced from Sweden through Denmark until very late.
The oxide of manganese steel is a mid grey-brown colour, and it doesn't rust readily in the conventional sense to orange, red and dark brown shades.
1 22 January, 14:31

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der Weg des Krieges 1/72 diorama
Project: Diorama- Warpath Wemacht
4 11 February, 11:36

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41 images
The quality of the photo is lovely.
Project: AVRO ANSON Mk.I
51 11 January, 18:57

Wow 👍 The kit looks fantastic but also very challenging. Best of luck, Jenny, looking forward to the build!
1 11 January, 22:02

Looking forward to the complete build. Hope your little helper doesn't get any stray fur under your decals which FYI: is not a good time 😄
1 12 January, 06:38

It is supposed to be a very nice kit. Wish you happy modelling hours.
1 27 January, 11:25

Nice project Jennifer 👍 put your masking skills to the test .
Good luck with the build 😀👍
1 5 February, 16:44

If you collect enough Airfix flying hours..... They include a free 🐈😺 cat on you next purchase, Good British value folks 😁👍
2 5 February, 16:47

Welcome, Villiers de Vos, Felix, and Mr D. My current cat models might object to this free cat you speak of.
2 5 February, 23:35

New printer enclosure and spray booth all properly vented.
2 12 February, 14:28

You have a very nice workplace set up there and this kit looks interesting as what finial version will be.
1 12 February, 14:38

that proffesionnal level 🙂 I envy you ! (have a table 1/3modelkit,1/3 work station and 1/3 dinning (it long it is a dinning table).
1 12 February, 16:49

Thanks everyone, I promise I'll post some photos of the model soon, especially now that I can airbrush again even in this cold weather.
14 February, 21:38

I posted a few photos of my hand-painted parts. If anyone remembers my Memphis Belle, you can see I am improving.
1 16 February, 04:25

Thank you, Dave and Naram, a mate has given me some suggestions on how to further improve so expect better soon.
1 16 February, 16:15

Thanks, Desert Marlin; living in a cold climate makes it a necessity if I want to do anything in the winter.
17 February, 02:18

@ Jennifer, if I may : an easy way to quickly make it look great would be to put a panel liner wash with oils (tamyia) or even easier a pass a acrylic contrast paint (like vallejo or citadel) quite easy and will make pop out the instrutment and tools on the wall.
2 17 February, 03:04

Thank you, Naram; I will do that. I just bought the contrast paint; it will be here on the 21st.
17 February, 22:49

That looked like a interesting day at the war museum. just might have put that on the bucket list. Noting that Panther and T-34 in the back ground.
1 18 February, 05:57

Thank you Mr D, Dave, and Desert Marlin. It's very motivating to get everyone's feedback.
1 24 February, 20:41

Thank you Felix and Villiers de Vos. Felix, yes, the kit has been fun, in fact it has been a dream to put together so far.
2 26 February, 17:06

Thank you, Guy and Mike. Skyhiker, I bought the spray booth from Amazon. It's one with a water curtain.
2 28 February, 03:05

I love it, Desert Marlin; I live in Canada, so it gets too cold to open a window for a couple of months of the year, and with my pets, I am not willing to risk their health.
2 28 February, 05:29

You have a very nice workplace, Jennifer! That Anson is coming along nicely. I might have to get one of the first series before they sell out. The new schemes do not appeal to me too much, frankly.
1 28 February, 09:30

Thank you, Felix and Mr. D. Felix, so far, this has been a dream to put together, and I would recommend picking one up for sure.
3 1 March, 12:08

Hi Jenn, the wet palette 🎨 looks good, l was thinking of getting one,
If you ever need very fine tip brushes for detail work, (Nail lines brushes) are definitely worth a try/consideration, they use them in beauty Parlours to paint flowers n star's on ladies they have incredible accurate tips.
I buy the short 6mm ones.
Build is looking really good, looks like a nice kit. 😀👍
2 7 March, 20:03

Thank you, Mr. D, Desert Marlin, David, and Felix. I must pick some up, Mr D. Thanks for the tip.
2 7 March, 23:37

Looking good Jennifer. I can already see a dramatic improvement in your skills from your last build. A few more builds under your belt and you will be winning awards. Keep it up. You're doing great!
2 8 March, 11:09

Jennifer, the beginning of this year has been a busy one for me and I have had very little free time for my hobbies. That's why I discovered your new project so late. But I have to say right off the bat that I'm very intrigued by it. Your modeling skills are improving at an incredible pace. If the growth of your skills continues at this rate, the time will soon come when I will turn to you for advice 🙂.
Perhaps the change in scale from 1/72 to 1/48 has contributed to this. Anyway, you're doing very well and I'll be happy to follow the continuation of your build.
2 10 March, 13:35

I am super happy. I managed to pick up a second-hand light box for photography, and the difference in the quality of my photos is lovely.
2 13 March, 01:02

If you decide to try and apply quick shine to a project. In an airbrush, applying lite coats. If you want to apply it with a brush, I find using a nylon one works the best with no brush marks. Personally I like using tester's 1/4" nylon brush and painting it on.
2 13 March, 04:08

Congrats to your light box! I'm using also a cheap foldable one (due to space reasons) with my working lamps. You know the result from the Goblin project for example.
Some photographic tip: for a big depth of field I use the "A" setting of my camera, close the aperture (high value like 14) and let the camera select the rest. This will result in high exposure times so a tripod is needed for the camera (use self-timer or remote shutter release).
2 13 March, 07:47

Just a little clarification on bughunter's post. The camera setup mode that bughunter describes in his post belongs to a group of pre-installed programs that determine camera behavior. And the mode described is called aperture priority mode.
It very much depends on what camera you own. Not all cameras allow such settings. Moreover, different manufacturers use different designations for different photographic modes. One manufacturer's "A" may stand for aperture priority mode but another manufacturer's "A" may stand for auto mode.
The best way to find out what this is for your camera is to consult your camera manual. The mode selector itself is a definite help. If you find "AUTO" and "A" on it, then "A" is aperture priority mode. But it is possible that the manufacturer used the letter "A" to indicate auto mode. And the semi-automatic aperture priority mode on the selector is marked with the letters "AV" or "Av" (aperture value).
4 13 March, 13:03

@gorby, it's funny you should say that. Within an hour of me setting up the light box, my boy was lying on top of it.
@bughunter, I use a Samsung Galaxy S24, so I will figure out how to use it as you describe. I don't have a tripod yet, but I will add it to my wishlist.
@Mark, thank you
@Ludvik, good to know
13 March, 16:53

Mobile phone cameras inherently have a large depth of field due to the miniature size of the lens and sensor chip. (A more detailed explanation of why this is so would be a long story.) But that doesn't mean they can't handle depth of field. Manufacturers get around this problem by using two or more lenses with different settings, and using clever algorithms and filters to compose the resulting image from each lens and adjust the resulting image to match the desired effect. What the mobile camera loses in optics, it can make up for in hearty help from sophisticated electronics.
1 13 March, 17:33

All my photos have been from an iPhone 12. Distance, zoom level and lighting definitely affect all the choices be tween Program mode, Aperture priority and Automatic type features. Image compression is perhaps the hardest effect since there is such a short lens(s) on these phones.
13 March, 18:51

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3 18 February, 18:43

Pretty well so far,no fitting problems,nothing is glued!The model will be a captured kubelwagen,a OOB build except decals and will be painted Olive Drab.
18 February, 18:54

Continue with the captured project!
Primed all the parts and painted the interior with olive drab.
Next painted the wooden floor and the seats, also made some interior weathering and here we are!
The exterior was painted OD too and decals will follow soon.
That's all for today!
8 March, 17:05

I've built this very same vehicle in 1:72 scale a few years back, thanks to the LM decal set VW Kübelwagen YANK magazine (LM Decals LMX 0085, No) - so I'm watching you tackling this in 1:35 with great interest...
1 8 March, 19:46

Last WIP thiw week with:
-Decals by LM Decals
-Exterior weathering using Mig pigments (light dust&dry mud) and AK pencils
-Wheels ready and weathered as well
-Matt varnish
Some details more and soon will be completed!
Thanks for watching!
12 March, 18:49

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26 images
G-kazemat mei 1940
Added the gun to the turret and fixed it in place.
Project: Dutch G-Kazemat
13 24 February, 13:07

As I wanted to do a simple project for a change, I made a start on this one.
24 February, 13:26

Welcome mates 😄
Ben, it is a fascinating subject, imagine being cramped inside this with two men and a big machine gun.
1 March, 15:02

It was fixed in the concrete plinth, but the machine gun could move a couple of degrees.
1 1 March, 15:28

The camo looks very good and the plaster base really makes it look like concrete.
1 3 March, 08:04

Cheers Gorby 🙏🏻
A large portion of the base will be embedded in the groundwork though.
1 3 March, 08:38

Your doing a better job than the 1/72 figure I'm currently trying to make look vaguely like a human (and failing). 😄
1 7 March, 16:02

no job will look good under microscope 😉 figureslook great . snd if put the phone far enough to resemble 1/72 scale, they look awesome!
2 7 March, 20:31

Weathering in progress. Will need to sort out a simple base for this.
9 March, 10:44

That guy looks great, more like 1/35 to me 👍 Cool bunker you've got there too
1 12 March, 14:01

Thanks Lukasz and Dave 🙏🏻
I want to finish it soon, yet ran into a problem with the supplied clay that is supposed to be used to fill the gap between the concrete an the cast iron turret. It is rock hard. I've contacted Helmuths strongholds to ask what to do.
1 12 March, 14:54

I've gotten an answer today, they are sending a new batch of black clay.
Excellent service 👍🏻👍🏻
13 March, 17:42

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69 11 March, 09:32

WOW, WOW and a couple of extra WOW's!
Amazing result Frank. Without doubt the best Golblin model I've ever seen.
I bet Halberd Models would love to use your photos for their marketing.
1 11 March, 09:44

It looks so weird but very nicely done - superb craftmanship 😆
1 11 March, 10:21

Love the photography as well...please post a wide shot of your setup so the lights are shown etc....I am trying to get this look....very dramatic...
11 March, 10:45

Very well built and finished. I wonder how they ever thought this would be a viable fighter.
1 11 March, 11:42

Thank you very much mates!
I added two new pictures with the protection bow and securing fabric belt. I added also dust pigments to the wheels what I forgot before.
11 March, 18:26

Outstanding work in traditional Bughunter style! And done, in what I find, an unbelievable time frame 👍
2 11 March, 18:31

Alec K said it for me. There's nothing to add. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Actually I have something to add - great photos! 👍
1 11 March, 19:04

What a wonderful feedback - Thank you very much to each of you 👍
gorby - your guess was right! It will appear on the Facebook page of Halberd Models 🙂
Yes Alec, I've been working on it all day - 24 hours a day! And because there wasn't enough time, I added the night. 😎 Joking aside, yes I spend a lot of time. And this winter was very warm here without snow/ice, so my airbrush sessions was not blocked by the iced roof window.
2 11 March, 21:43

Of course I had to come over and check out the glamour photos. Beautiful build and wonderful photography, as always. Such a cool build of a really unique subject
1 12 March, 01:15

The photos are well done to show off this stunning and unique build.
1 12 March, 01:38

Frank, you did a great job! I have no choice but to agree with the previous posts. And frankly, when your name appears on a project, we know in advance what kind of result we can expect 😉
Congratulations on the successful completion of this interesting model!
1 12 March, 10:47

Oh boy... I hope I can get my special hobby somewhere near this... a real stunner
1 12 March, 11:34

Excellent work as usual. I still think this is an ugly plane though. Whoever designed it must have been on a bad trip.
2 12 March, 13:34

Another big Thank you all for your kind words!
@Skyhiker The design was made under strict requirements: it had to fit into the bomb bay of the B-36! Therefore folded wings were a must, the multiple control surfaces at the tail as well and of course the hook is the visible area of the pilot. It also needs actuators for the wing and hook, four guns with ammunition and fuel, all of which need space in the short fuselage - so there was no other way than this egg design. The design was good enough to achieve good performance figures - the "only" problem was the strong turbulence from the mother plane, so it was assumed that a normal pilot would not be able to hook on back.
4 12 March, 14:05

That's one of the reasons it's one of my favourite aircraft. It's remarkable they managed to fit so much into such a small aircraft. I think it's an amazing design.
1 12 March, 15:08

gorby, the unique design and the look (together with the carrier) invited me to buy and tackle this kit.
If anyone would like to see this model live - this weekend is your chance! I will be showing it, along with others, at my club's exhibition in Ergolding here:
11. Bayerische Modellbautage (15. and 16. March, Ergolding DE)
It would be nice to see you there!
13 March, 17:53

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37 images
Swedish Kite (SAAB J 35F 'Draken')
Primed in grey with the MRP LPG Fine Surface Primer. I haven't used this primer before, but it certainly worked out grea...
Project: Saab J 35F 'Draken' - Hasegawa
18 12 March, 17:23

Hi Thomas, Very nice project. I'm sorry to see the resin conversion for the two-seat version turned out to be a disaster. Can't the ventral hump behind the cockpit be salvaged by trimming it to try to fit it onto the Hasegawa part?
Maybe you can build this two-seater in the future:
Saab TF-35 Draken (Skale Wings SS-72001, 1:72)
Very nice cockpit 👍
1 12 March, 20:07

Cuajete, yes, I tried to salvage the "hump" and for a while it seemed to be working. However the two-seater also has a different, shorter tail part, but the resin molding is terrible and it doesn't fit to the fuselage at all. Hm, that Skale Wings TF-35 looks very interesting, I would be very tempted to try to splice it together with the Hasegawa kit to build a Swedish SK 35! I will see if I can get hold of it from somewhere! Thanks for the tip!
1 12 March, 20:34

You're welcome, Thomas.
Wow, I didn't realize the glue is different. I bought the TF-35 here, but it seems to be out of stock now:
I have a friend who knows the shop owner. I can ask if he'll restock it.
1 12 March, 21:01

Sorry to see that the conversion kit had a really poor fit, or more to the point no fit at all…
I know that Top Gun models did a Sk 35 C conversion kit with quite nice resin parts. But even that one has it flaws.
Taking a seat, always great inspiration watching your builds👍🏻
1 12 March, 22:29

I am happy that I have the same kit in my stash 😉 I have the impression that it is a very modeller-friendly kit.
1 13 March, 16:59

Robert, yes, it is actually a very nice and easy kit to build. It only takes a couple of hours to get most of it together (minus the painting), and still make you feel good about yourself. I would say it is one of the most relaxing builds I have done in a long while - no traps or pitfalls whatsoever.
1 13 March, 18:38

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AirFix North American P-51D Mustang
Project: North American P-51D Mustang
3 13 March, 18:28

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19 12 March, 20:08

thanks! Weathering done with oil paints, all model paint with brush only
13 March, 01:03

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39 25 October 2024, 01:17

For a review on the aftermarket products shown see;p=1027734#p1027734
25 October 2024, 01:29

Wauw Steven, already a new mahousive project , looking forward to the build, 👍
25 October 2024, 05:48

What is the significance, or the meaning of the name 'Jacobsen' on that coin in photo 13? Anyone know? 'Jacobsen' is a more or less common surname.
25 October 2024, 06:42

Thanks for the interest. For Jacobsen see , it's apparently a family of infamous corsairs also related to Jean Bart. It even mentions the medal at the end.
25 October 2024, 09:18

Both medals have now arrived. These will be useful as nameplates on the base. One had the description "paquebot Strasbourg", translated as cargo ship, and would be cast in 1950. I started with sanding the hulls to remove the casting traces, these are apparently broken off the sprue leaving two scabs. I noticed one difference, Strasbourg got a degaussing cable. I removed one breakwater from the front deck, taking care not to remove the detail around it. The drilling locations are not very clear, indicator lines passing multiple holes. I started removing Dunkerques sloop rails as I noticed that in the Strasbourg Woodhunter deck there are some PE ones, but now I notice that Shipyard wasn't planning on replacing the plastic rails in their wooden deck. And these rails are lying on the wooden deck, so they're very thin. I'll have to compare very well.
31 October 2024, 11:58

I wanted to fix Dunkerque's deck. The hull is a bit narrow so I introduced a fitting piece of sprue before I glued the deck in. So there are no unnecessary tensions on the deck. The Shipyard watertight doors are replacing the kit ones, that are actually as detailed as the PE but I saw on pictures that these doors are all placed open. Some drilling is done to open up the doorways. The front of the conning tower should not have much of armour contrary to the rest of it, because only the internal communication channel is armoured. I therefore did not simply glue the PE plating on it, but removed the thick plastic first.
10 November 2024, 00:40

You are putting a lot of effort into these! Great work so far!!!
10 November 2024, 06:41

Thanks, Ingmar. Now the deck of Strasbourg is fixed, but the Bigblueboy set has some extra requirements. The doors now have a backside structure, though not the correct one I suspect. I found a rectangular profile in stead of their diamond pattern. They also request to open up the airplane hangar in two levels. Then the atlantic bow deck is completely covered with a large PE plate sporting the correct anti-slip pattern. It's so nice I rue that it won't be available for Dunkerque, that has got a bland chequered pattern from Hobbyboss.
12 November 2024, 19:40

The Strasbourg deck is further elaborated. The front splash guard has 32 triangular teeth, but you get 2 spares for each of the instances. So you can lose an entire set without stalling the project. You also get some 2D bitts that I rather changed to 3D, using PE rings and wire. The front deck house is replaced with PE, but it has 8 windows so I painted the inside black. The airplane hangar is a complicated design but it has a fully functional elevator.
16 November 2024, 21:24

A real Steven Van Dyck, I'll stay on board. 😁
As always, excellent precision.
17 November 2024, 04:44

I always like it, if you get some spares for the tiniest parts! As long as there is space on the fret, it doesn't cost the manufacturer anything and it helps calm your nerves.
17 November 2024, 08:58

Thanks for the attention, today there is much PE work to be seen on Strasbourg. Large anti-skid surfaces are provided, that don't always seem to be carried in reality. This is hard to corroborate because the topside is rarely seen in detail on the pictures, the one I found didn't have it. All doors and bollards for Strasbourg are replaced. I hope to find some for Dunkerque this weekend too when I'm at IPMS Houten, the set for Dunkerque doesn't have these.
19 November 2024, 12:26

The searchlight platform on both ships is getting wire supports in stead of clunky plastic. Then the Dunkerque funnel is upgraded. I decided to cut a hole in the plastic part under the funnel cap, though I think the grid should have been canted like in the diagram from Wikipedia. But this is so schematic that won't try to change that. Lots of footrails are added, I drilled holes for these.
21 November 2024, 11:50

A minor setback, in stead of fret G I got twice fret H in the BBB Strasbourg set. What should have been included are most of the smokestack parts you see on Dunkerque already and a lot of railing. But that can be replaced of course.
21 November 2024, 18:18

Coming along nicely! Great work with the support pillars and also all the microscopic PE parts! Sorry to hear that you got the wrong sprue. Hope you can sort this out!
21 November 2024, 19:26

Thanks Ingmar, I was already able to construct most of the Strasbourg smokestack. You can see it in this update together with the Dunkerque conning tower that is growing level by level.
27 November 2024, 17:10

Here I am again, with an update on Dunkerque's superstructure. Some complicated railings to shape, the director top with a radio mast and seven searchlights are all improved with Shipyard. But for the bollards and the anti-skid plates I did an order at MB König. It appears the Flyhawk bollards 1 and 3 can be used. But the IJN anti-skid is too fine so I ordered Ace a-002 now, this should be identical to Strasbourg.
30 November 2024, 01:32

Q1: Have you decided on any one paint scheme? (unsure if you pointed this out in the past)
I think a plain gray would look nicer than one with camo, as a plain gray would I think enhance all the details, while a camo will be distracting I think.
Q2: Any idea if MicroMaster big-turret parts for these ships, are old products or if they were created recently? I think I've seen photos of yellow'ish color.
30 November 2024, 10:10

I've bought the paint yesterday, it will be Atlantic scheme. These ships were both plain dark grey in their later career, even after arriving in the Mediterranean. For the turrets there is at least this 4 year old link:
30 November 2024, 11:15

I scratched a replacement bow plate for Dunkerque, by engraving lots of small lines with a scalpel. Then the piece was hammered and glued to the bow, some holes were filled in. The Flyhawk bollards #2 were a perfect fit, #3 is slightly overscale (test-fit pic 136) so I sunk these in the deck plates for a bit. Now the Strasbourg conning tower is tackled.
2 December 2024, 13:11

Thanks, Ingmar. Even more PE is schratched for the sides of the conning tower. The supports for the tower of Strasbourg come from 3 locations, A is from Hobbyboss' own PE set, B is from Bigblueboy and C was apparently forgotten by them and is being retrieved from the pre-1940 platform Shipyard provided for Dunkerque. I also used some wire for the supports.
4 December 2024, 17:25

Now the Strasbourg conning tower received a PE front structure and also the director assembly that Dunkerque had. But the platforms on that are not to be embellished like Shipyard did, so I managed that with some lingering Essex catwalk parts. The searchlights have a nice elevation cogwheel and some steel deck houses are added.
1 8 December 2024, 23:32

The superstructure is now adorned with lots of small PE particles like ammo lockers, venting tubes and davits. For the rear director a brass plate is rolled in a cylinder. The rear mast got some fine yardarms and a radio antenna. The typical French Marine motto plates are compared and BBB with version B comes out as best, with the octagonal edge correctly shaped. Nevertheless they omit some spacing on the sides. Shipyard (C) has the spacing but the vertical edge is too short and Hobbyboss (A and D) has them almost rectangular with a coarse surface. The Micromaster main turrets are true to the plans of the ships . The top view of these plans shows the guns a lot shorter than the side view, so I cross-checked with pictures. I only noticed that the muzzles of the turret barrels are overscale, so replacing the barrels with brass will improve that. Thr printing was set to medium quality, so I treated the surfaces with a sharp blade to remove the small ridges.
12 December 2024, 12:12

You really keep up the high pace and the quality! Looking all great so far!
12 December 2024, 22:32

Thanks, Ingmar. Now both main turrets have their barrels replaced, one with the BBB brass barrels and one with Master Models aluminum ones that have the correct muzzle. Dunkerque's wood deck is coming over the scratched anti-skid plate so that one will have to be trimmed.
1 14 December 2024, 00:18

Your job is really amazing. I've some nice PDFs on these elegant battleships. If you want me to send you these documents, give me your E-Mail adress by private message.
14 December 2024, 21:11

Thanks for the info, Hugh. The update today is mostly about the smaller guns. For the 90mm coaxial guns I decided to add the Shipyard anti-skid platform PE on top of the resin turrets. I had to replicate these parts for Strasbourg out of IJN anti-skid plating. Then the 130mm guns are improved. BBB got the calibre wrong so I used Master Models barrels instead, but its mantlet hatches are the better ones and it has opened and closed versions. I used those for both ships then. Shipyard had the better director PE, but there is none left for Strasbourg. Now the large director on Dunkerque's mast is built like those built earlier, but with only railing in stead of a plate around the lookuout.
1 18 December 2024, 00:17

The aft director of Dunkerque is built, also with a mast a little different. Now the 37mm guns are built, but only Strasbourg gets brass guns for now. I'm looking for a three-bladed prop for her, while Dunkerque gets the four-bladed kit props like they are showing on a reference pic. They had different engines and thus different propulsion.
19 December 2024, 21:34

Great work - as always! In a picture 215 the yard arm on top of the rear range finder??? Seems to be at a strange angle, or is it only the camera and perspective?
20 December 2024, 06:41

Thanks, Ingmar! You should compare with picture 170, the shape is an uneven X.
20 December 2024, 10:03

The boats are now constructed with BBB PE, that brings planking on the otherwise bland plastic deck, together with brass propellers, railing and steering equipment. I painted the interior of the covered boats black. Shipyard PE is without the planking parts, so I will try there too to scratch something. I also ordered 5 sets from Master Models to have some brass 13.2mm guns and a complementary 37mm set for Dunkerque.
1 21 December 2024, 21:01

Looks like you have proper counter rotating propellers. On the Hobby Boss 1:350 Guam kit, they didn't bother adding counter rotating propellers. I had to saw two of the four propellers, separating the spinner from the prop blades, flipping the prop blades part around, and gluing the spinner back on, on the "other" side. An easy fix.
23 December 2024, 11:15

Eight more boats are done for Strasbourg. Here I forgot to paint the interior...
24 December 2024, 14:04

Today the Dunkerque boats are finished, with plastic superstructures and scratchbuilt wood decks. I need to keep some parts as a dry-fit to paint these, like the decks and the carts.
26 December 2024, 01:45

The catapults are made, with some differences between BBB and Shipyard, but both are an improvement over the kit. I scratched the pressure cylinders. Strasbourg's ship cranes are also built, but suffer from brittleness.
27 December 2024, 02:31

The crane story is continued with Dunkerque's plastic boat cranes and airplane crane and the full metal Strasbourg crane. Two small pieces of railing kept falling off that one. I then removed the superstructures and added the bilge keels and propulsion system. I added the BBB lettering to the stern, choosing the individual lettering. Both sides needed multiple attempts, the starboard letters were all set when it became apparent that the portholes are not symmetrical. I had to move all letters again. For Dunkerque this lettering is not included in the Shipyard set and I dind't find enough generic lettering yet.
30 December 2024, 11:17

Wow! The name from individual letters looks very clean and in line! Great work!
1 January, 13:36

Thanks, guys. For Dunkerque I had no brass lettering left. But for some reason I kept the plastic lettering that I had scraped from the Trumpeter logo under the Essex flight decks. Because I had two of these, each letter featured at least twice in the bag. I could almost spell Dunkerque because it looks like "Trumpeter". Only K and Q had to be scratched. with Tamiya glue they were attached to the hull. It's not as shiny as Strasbourg, but it's a lot better than nothing.
4 January, 02:22

Thanks, Ingmar. Now I have the anti-skid plating, I was able to apply this to all Dunkerque's concerned superstructure parts. It's got the same patterning dimension as BBB's Strasbourg set, only a bit coarser. I also got the Master Models AA guns now, these are for the next update.
12 January, 22:50

The boat supports are now added on Dunkerque's new anti-skid plate. Also the superstructure is finally united. To do this, I removed the platform of the conning tower to better fit this to the deck. Then I built the five sets of AA guns from Master. The 13.2 mm set is very easy compared to the other brands, because all PE parts are added to the resin with a fitting frame. I first looked at the BBB and Shipyard PE for these guns. Shipyard seems totally overscale compared to the other two, though I didn't measure overall dimensions. BBB seemed comparable to Master, and at first I tried to combine that PE with the Master barrel block, but parts of the BBB PE are interfering with the cog on the breech block. Eventuelly I used the Master sets exclusively.
1 14 January, 16:28

Dunkerque is now receiving the last details before painting. Both splash guards, all doors, railing, ladders, munition lockers and even the large mainstays on the conning towers are now added. Next will be the same for Strasbourg and then the painting stage can begin.
20 January, 02:17

Thanks guys, today it's Strasbourg stealing the show with the A-turret splash guard and some deck houses that are replaced with PE. I also bought some model ship supports, but these are for wooden ships with a center keel. Therefore they are sunk into the plastic hulls. The diameter is 11mm, so it takes some wriggling to make these holes out of a 10mm drill. A countersunk is used and then the edge is scraped until the support passes.
1 27 January, 20:59

Strasbourg now got the yardarms to its superstructure. These are even nicer than Dunkerque's. I managed to fix the ship supports to the plank and the ships sink around them with ease. I bought a third commemorative coin for MN Richelieu, though that build lies somewhere in the future. To show these coins, I wanted them to rest in plexiglass supports. I had some trouble at first to drill a fitting hole. I had a broken saw for 51mm but that's too big and very slow to turn by hand. I then bought a new one drilling much better but the hole was only 48mm. I found a way to get to 50mm with the core of the 51mm drill that fit into the 48mm hole, using my Proxxon drill to remove the last mm while turning the support around the core. after some sanding the coin stuck into the support and it will not fall out. Now the second bracket will be made quite soon.
18 February, 00:32

Both coins are now installed on the base in such a manner that both sides remain visible and the names can be read from a side view. The turret guidance rails are added to Strasbourg, it has them for both turrets where Shipyard has only the second one. But BBB doesn't have the railing for the second turret base, I'll have to scratch that.
4 March, 11:34

I made the catwalk around the second Strasbourg turret from Joefix extra fine metal net and a piece of railing from the fret that was delivered double. Then I started the 4 Loire 135 floatplanes. When the blue painted canopies were closed, the two planes for the catapults got BBB PE. It was a good thing I have a reference book for them, the instructions in the PE manual are not very detailed. It's not clear from the wing parts that a bit of dihedral is needed. Because of that, If you fix the spanners for the floats parallel to the wing, the floats are not parallel to the fuselage. The two planes that will be made in stowed condition, will get Shipyard PE. That will probably not be easy.
7 March, 00:42

Both ship hulls are now painted using Gunze H 333 as base, Taniya NATO black as dark tone and a drop of white to tone down. For the hull red is used Gunze russet, Tamiya dark brown and Gunze H 7. The deck is painted NATO brown to eliminate the wood grain and then Vallejo light sand primer was applied until it was tan again. The two planes I have left got the wings clipped and plied back. A lot of components were unmounted to get the planes into the hangar.
12 March, 02:29

The wood decks are fixed with an extra glue layer under the sticker. The boat rails of Strasbourg were a lot of work for something you wont see appearing through the thick wood deck. They have to be applied perfectly along the etchlines but they don't protrude far enough through the deck to show that they are placed on spacers. But I guess the kit rails wouldn't even have appeared at all. In Dunkerque there was no PE for the rails, but there is a transparent film showing up through the slits. I also painted the foredeck and th superstructure decks in Gunze H54 Deck Blue. This will now have to be masked for the final camo paint.
13 March, 17:31

added a new article to his personal gallery:

Boeing 307 Stratoliner NX19904 "Flying Penthouse", H. Hughes
Bat Project 1:72
by Roland Sachsenhofer on Modellversium
2 15 February, 10:11

Hello Roland, can you tell me who makes that B-17 resin wheel set? I also have this Stratolinre kit! Congratulations on a very nice looking model. Like you, I have a love (hate) for difficult kits!
13 March, 16:55

Thank you for the appreciation! Yes, love-hate is the right expression 🙂 You're very welcome: here is the link to the product: B-17B/C/D/E/F Flying Fortress (Armory AR AW72349, 1:72)
13 March, 17:07

Thanks Roland. I think you and I have written in the past. I believe it was about the Dornier Do 26 by Amodel. I enjoy your choices of subjects!
13 March, 17:21

added a new photoalbum.
20 images
Hasegawa Ki-84 Hayate 1:32
Engine test fit
Project: Hasegawa Nakajima Ki-84 "Frank"
18 28 February, 22:30

Dear Mark, yes, I start to understand why some people say that this the scale when growing older. The parts are larger, good for eyesight 😄
2 2 March, 08:31

added a new photoalbum.
42 2 November 2024, 10:36

One of the best ideas I've seen in a while for showcasing a full interior! Fantastic!
1 2 November 2024, 16:39

Hey guys. Hope this isn't out of line on this forum. I was at an old guy's house yesterday helping to clean up, as he's been moved to a nursing home. He has about 200 kits in great condition ... mostly planes and ships which are not my cup of tea. I was wondering if anybody had any advice about shifting these to make some money for his upkeep. I don't want to make a dime on the sale. It's basically pudding money for him!
13 March, 17:00

added a new photoalbum.
33 16 January, 22:38

a lot of aftermarket sets - curious how the fit so I watch the show 👍
1 18 January, 06:41

Awesome aftermarket p0rn! 👍, I like your cautious approach, can never dry-fit too much.
And a hint... the new 3D printed sidewinders from ResKit are awesome, without any assembly needed, consider changing over Edo's...
1 26 February, 19:50

I ageer, they are awesome! But still different than the needed CATM-9, so I have tried to adjust the Tamiya winder to a CATM.
26 February, 21:02

I agree with Sergej, this looks like aftermarket p0rn! But hey, that's what we are here for! 😅 Bring it on, Sid! 💪🏼
1 26 February, 22:59

Nice that you managed to overcome the carpet monster and recover the nozzle pieces!
12 March, 20:37

Great camo, colours are matching perfectly! 👍
I spotted some overspray on the bottom right wing, did you manage to fix that? If so, how? - as it is an irregular shape...
13 March, 07:39

Pic 41, right wing, bottom, white/blue demarcation near the flap between load points 7 and 8,
but now looking again it may be just off-focus on the camera...
13 March, 10:20

I see what you mean; the demarcation is ever so slightly softer than the rest of this card edged pattern. Ik looks like the mask has lifted.
13 March, 12:47

Hmmmm…. In picture 51 it's gone! 🤔 Might be a camera glitch after all… 😅
13 March, 13:29

Boy, those gravity checks are really rough on your nozzles! Looking amazing so far! 👀
13 March, 14:52

added a new photoalbum.
6 30 December 2019, 07:22

Very interesting vehicle. Thought it was M113 UK version but it turned out to be a totally different one. Spent most of the time researching referencing photos. Lots of details inside. Next step: interior weathering!
30 December 2019, 07:29

Photo 10 looks really nice I think. 🙂 Very nice getting to look inside. Maybe an idea to add some basic lighting inside?
30 December 2019, 11:46

Thanks Treehugger. Probably no lighting at this stage. Tried that before for an AAV7. May tried again for a bigger vehicle.
1 January 2020, 03:03

With so much work inside I hope you aren't putting the basket on top, as it would be a shame not to be have top hatch open, or can you open hatch with that big basket there?
2 January 2020, 14:53

Hi Scott, thanks for your comments. The big basket won't block both hatches. It would block one side of the hatch though. Will show more pictures for progress.
3 January 2020, 13:28

I always thought it looked better without the basket, but all APC need space for infantry gear so know why it's there. Thought Takom may have done mortar, peak turret and MCV variant as well as swingfire when they had the chassis, oh and a Abbot. Oh well, great work on yours
3 January 2020, 13:50

Really nice job on painting, restrained chipping and I love the timber effect on the shovels. Which scheme is it by the way, it's bright so wasn't thinking BAOR but unfamiliar with this one?
3 January 2020, 13:53

H Scott. Thanks for the nice comments. To be honest I don't know much about the camouflage scheme. I just copied the box art as I think it looks nice. There are a few other schemes included in the manual, such as the distinctive Berlin scheme during the Cold War. But I think the box art scheme is quite unique anyway.
5 January 2020, 05:58

Hi All, now it's done. It seems another piece of track for both sides would be better as the current tracks are a bit short. If you look more closely you'd notice a small gap exist around the rear bogie wheel. But I've already thrown away all tracks weeks ago...
5 January 2020, 06:00

Top result! Many details in- and outside, beautiful painting and weathering. A good looking apc.
5 January 2020, 19:34

That is an excellent job. My favourite AFV. I grew up watching them most days in both Germany and Warminster.
13 March, 16:27

added a new photoalbum.
31 images
Space 1999 Eagle with Laboratory Pod and Booster
Engines get a basecoat of Vallejo Metal Colour Duraluminium then a gloss coat to protect. Not going to bother with metal...
13 26 February, 20:08

Always thought it was weird that in season 1 they wore environmental suits in the cockpit (I guess in case of life support failure, and too bad for anyone in the passenger compartment), but in season 2 they piloted wearing their regular clothing.
27 February, 18:42

added a new photoalbum.
6 images
Hobbyboss Akula 1:700
Thumbnail money-shot
Project: Sidequest to the deep!
4 13 March, 13:33