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Fabricio Cerqueira Leite
added a new photoalbum.
1 11 March, 16:59
Mike Thomas
Good start! One of my fav cars of all time.
 12 March, 04:05
Jörg Schäfer
added a new photoalbum.
343 images
BauberichtView album, image #341
Some member remember, I was unable to do this last year due to my wife’s serious illness. But she is now doing very well...
1:72 Figure Set C (Falcon 3D Parts None)1:72 Millennium Falcon Photoetch Set (ParaGrafix Modeling Systems PGX225)1:72 YT-1300 "Millennium Falcon" Exterior (Greenstrawberry 06318-1/72)3+
249 11 October 2022, 15:17
Watching 👀
 11 October 2022, 15:20
Me too
 11 October 2022, 15:23
Живко Джаков
... Me too!
 13 October 2022, 07:13
Thomas Espe
 13 October 2022, 07:49
Dietmar Bogatzki
taking a seat
 13 October 2022, 16:44
Villiers de Vos
Lots of fine details.
 16 October 2022, 18:46
Cliff Kidd
Hi Jorg, I'm just in the process of getting one of these!...look forward to your build!
 22 October 2022, 11:28
Joerg R.
Uii, mein Lieblingsnamensvetter hat losgelegt. 😉😉
 22 October 2022, 14:37
Jörg Schäfer Author
Schön das ihr alle dabei seid. 😊
 22 October 2022, 15:05
Bin sehr gespannt wie das hier weiter geht 🙂
 22 October 2022, 15:08
Jörg Schäfer Author
Wir ihr sehen könnt bin ich im Moment sehr wankelmütig was mein nächstes Projekt angeht.
Es geht also doch weiter mit dem Falken. 🤦‍♂️
 1 December 2022, 16:09
Great 👍
 1 December 2022, 16:11
Schöner Fortschritt, durch die Farben kommt mehr Leben rein, stay on target 😉
 25 December 2022, 09:14
Jörg Schäfer Author
Danke Torsten.
Ich werde mit den Filter und Washing Farben noch ein wenig experimentieren um das ganze noch ein bisschen lebendiger zu bekommen. Das kann ich an der Unterseite recht gefahrlos machen, da man die im Diorama kaum sieht.
 25 December 2022, 20:37
Christian Bruer
Klasse Arbeit, Bemalung und Alterung 👍
 1 January 2023, 10:28
Michael Kohl
Schönes Midell. Sehr schöner Arbeitsplatz. 🙂
 1 January 2023, 11:17
Was sind das für interessante Halterungen, welche an den Mandibeln sind?
 1 January 2023, 11:20
Jörg Schäfer Author
Vielen Dank Männers. 😊
@ Michael
Ich mag unaufgeräumte Arbeitsplätze nicht. Da ist man nur am Suchen.
Das sind selbst gefertigte Aufnahmen für die Mandibeln. So kann ich sie besser anfassen und lackieren. Einfach ein Stück Gewindestange in ein Kunststoff- und Stahlprofil gesteckt und verschraubt.
 1 January 2023, 11:54
Dash Rendar
Very interesting!
 1 January 2023, 12:51
Jan Peters
Following this one too
 1 January 2023, 12:57
Wow, toll wie du an den Bau ran gehst! Sieht top aus der Falke 👍
 1 January 2023, 13:29
Jörg Schäfer Author
Freut mich.
 2 January 2023, 03:26
Christian Lehmann
Sehr schön! Bin auf das Diorama gespannt. Hast du denn den Platz für das fertige Modell schon reserviert?
 19 January 2023, 05:43
Jörg Schäfer Author
Danke Chris.
Bei mir kloppen sich die Modelle langsam um die besten Plätze.
 19 January 2023, 07:23
Dash Rendar
You're even building a Diorama for this? Dang. Might need a separate coffee table / display space for this. Looking forward, though, this thing looks great. Recently bought one as well for quite cheap and am looking forward to building it.
 19 January 2023, 09:20
Jörg Schäfer Author
Danke Dash.
Da ich sonst Schiffe von über einem Meter Länge baue, kann der hier auf dem Nachttisch Platz nehmen. 🙂
Ja, freu dich drauf, macht echt Spaß den zu bauen.
 19 January 2023, 09:51
Sven Schönyan
Das sieht hervorragend aus, Jörg!
 24 January 2023, 15:11
Jörg Schäfer Author
Vielen Dank Sven.
 24 January 2023, 15:21
Absolutely Stunning !!
 24 January 2023, 16:13
great job Jörg
 24 January 2023, 16:21
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thanks Gentlemen.
 24 January 2023, 16:28
Jan Peters
Looking good 👍🏻👍🏻
 24 January 2023, 16:42
Zoltan Grotz
 24 January 2023, 19:12
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thank you for your kind comments.
 25 January 2023, 03:46
Ralf Topeters
Ich bin sooo gespannt! Sieht jetzt schon Knaller aus! 👀 👍
 31 January 2023, 17:02
Jörg Schäfer Author
Danke Ralf.
 1 February 2023, 11:35
Villiers de Vos
The weathering is very good.
 1 February 2023, 12:55
Dash Rendar
Awesome so far!
 1 February 2023, 13:25
😎, ich werde den mit als Referenz verwenden 👍
 1 February 2023, 14:12
Jörg Schäfer Author
Besten Dank.
 1 February 2023, 14:47
Zsolt Czegle
Klasse Arbeit! 👍
 1 February 2023, 20:57
Jörg Schäfer Author
Many Thanks.
 2 February 2023, 16:09
Dash Rendar
Oh wow, that diorama idea.... will be... crazy. Really looking forward to that. 😮
 2 February 2023, 17:50
Love to see it mounted in place!
 2 February 2023, 18:42
also a dio?! wow, looking forward to it
 2 February 2023, 19:54
Kyle DeHart
Very cool project.
 2 February 2023, 20:47
Живко Джаков
This is getting more and more interesting! Looks like a real poorly maintained YT-1300.
 2 February 2023, 21:48
Jörg Schäfer Author
Nice that you like it.
True, Han really could have put a little more money into maintaining the Falcon. 😄
 3 February 2023, 03:46
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 7 February 2023, 19:10
Jörg Schäfer Author
Vielen Dank
 9 February 2023, 12:39
Still very exciting 👍
 10 March 2023, 08:21
Gareth Burge
Late to the party here, but following along with interest. Great work so far!
 10 March 2023, 15:14
Jörg Schäfer Author
Vielen Dank ihr beiden.
Immer noch rechtzeitig Gareth.😉
 10 March 2023, 17:02
Slavo Hazucha
Spectacular 👍🏻

Might well be better than the actual film prop - wow - great job and an unending field of details to discover - love the weathering and blaster damage ! 👍🏻
 18 March 2023, 14:30
Jörg Schäfer Author
Vielen Dank, Slavo. 😊
 18 March 2023, 14:47
Kyle DeHart
Looking truly fantastic.
 18 March 2023, 15:17
Dietmar Bogatzki
Möge die Macht weiter mit dir sein, Jörg. Bisher sieht der Falke super aus 👍
 18 March 2023, 18:15
Jörg Schäfer Author
Vielen Dank ihr beiden.
 18 March 2023, 20:08
Ralf Karger
Das ganze sieht ja schon echt specktakulär geil aus...
 31 March 2023, 15:29
Peter de Bruin
Following! 🤗
 31 March 2023, 15:43
Jörg Schäfer Author
Danke und schön das ihr folgt.😀
 3 April 2023, 15:42
Harvey H.W.
Look at these shadings, definitely top paint job it is
 3 April 2023, 17:30
Jörg Schäfer Author
Danke Harvey. 😊
 4 April 2023, 16:23
Gareth Lloyd
Jörg, I'm honoured that you thought my little Falcon was a "Sehr schöne Falke", yours is absolut klasse 😊
 5 April 2023, 17:40
Jörg Schäfer Author
Vielen Dank Gareth.
 6 April 2023, 14:28
Dietmar Bogatzki
Bin mal auf das Diorama gespannt, Jörg, aber da wartet mein Falke auch noch drauf..
 6 April 2023, 17:09
Jörg Schäfer Author
Und ich erst mal Dietmar.
Mach mir schon einen Kopf wie das Grundgerüst am besten zu realisieren ist.
 7 April 2023, 08:04
Gary Kitchen
Stunning. I love the gouge on the underside and the contrast as you flip from the weathered underside to the pristine topside between pic38-39 is a stunning contrast highlighting the work you have put in there. Amazing and inspiring stuff 👍
 7 April 2023, 08:11
Jörg Schäfer Author
Guys, your comments are very flattering and mean a lot to me.
 7 April 2023, 09:06
Black Baron
Looking great!
 10 April 2023, 16:59
John Hughes
If an LED is defective, just thump the panel. Awesome build!
 10 April 2023, 17:26
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thank you. That's right, it always worked out for Han. 😂
 11 April 2023, 05:13
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work with the lighting set and weathering.
 11 April 2023, 09:16
Q: Unsure if OP said anything about this, but are the LEDs linked in a serie, or are there multiple wires for all the LEDs?
 11 April 2023, 10:16
Jörg Schäfer Author
Manny thanks..
Two LEDs each are soldered to a cable, since I only had two outputs, Treehugger.
 11 April 2023, 15:12
I have yet to fiddle with LED's for my Enterprise NCC-1701 refit, but I did learn from some place that, if one place LEDs in a serie, then if one LED fail, they all fail. So probably best to have serveral wires around instead of one loop for such LED projects.

Another thing to worry about, is not having the LED die too soon, but I guess that might be just some calibration thing if building all this stuff from scratch.

Heh I invested in a digital power supply for LED projects some years back, but haven't gotten around to using it yet.
 11 April 2023, 16:31
Jörg Schäfer Author
I'm not particularly worried about the LEDs.
They won't often be glowing in the finished model. Maybe at an exhibition or when there are visitors. A permanent light is therefore not provided. It's just a nice gimmick for me
 12 April 2023, 08:02
Nice looking Millenium Falcon
 13 April 2023, 06:02
It was time to look again, absolute killer job you show here 😎 😎 😎
 13 April 2023, 09:49
Jörg Schäfer Author
Vielen Dank. 😊
 13 April 2023, 11:20
Nice progress, will the box be part of the diorama?
 19 April 2023, 16:28
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS
HAMMER!! Mega 👍👍👍
 19 April 2023, 16:37
Jörg Schäfer Author
Danke Thomas.
Wich box you mean, Torsten?
 19 April 2023, 18:09
Joerg R.
Lieber Jörg
Wenn ich meinen Falcon gedrucktbhabe und zusammenbaue, müssen wir 2 uns mal kurz schliessen und reden wegen der Bemalung. Die ist ja wieder Mega von dir!!!
 19 April 2023, 18:54
Jörg Schäfer Author
Danke Jörg, das können wir gerne machen. 👍
 20 April 2023, 02:43
I meant whether the indicated tunnel is made of cardboard. You have made a design to that effect behind the hawk
 20 April 2023, 02:57
Kyle DeHart
Looking truly wonderful now.
 20 April 2023, 05:09
Jörg Schäfer Author
Yes is part of the diorama framework and is then made of stable PVC
 20 April 2023, 05:14
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Very cool! The Falcon looks amazing. 👍
This is promises to be a great presentation too.
 20 April 2023, 06:16
Tyson Tu
Beautiful work on an iconic ship! Excited for the complete diorama 😀
 20 April 2023, 11:52
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thanks a lot.
 20 April 2023, 13:44
Fantastic Millennium Falcon. It looks just perfect!
 30 April 2023, 11:09
James C
Congrats Jörg, that's a stunning result mate 👍
 30 April 2023, 19:12
Kyle DeHart
Turned out so nice!!
 30 April 2023, 19:19
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thank you and glad you like it.
 1 May 2023, 06:15
Simon Nagorsnik
Damn excellent work!
 1 May 2023, 07:35
 1 May 2023, 07:52
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thank you both.
 1 May 2023, 10:52
Gareth Lloyd
Jörg, every time I check on your project is it becoming more and more awesome. It just gets better and better every time.
 19 May 2023, 17:04
Jörg Schäfer Author
Many thanks, Gareth.
 20 May 2023, 09:26
Dietmar Bogatzki
Hat schon was, so Jörg, bin auf weitere Fortschritte gespannt 👍
 23 May 2023, 17:51
 26 May 2023, 07:21
Mr James
Outstanding work. Simply the best Falcon I've seen. Movie quality work on display here.
 26 May 2023, 10:06
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thank you for the great comment.
 27 May 2023, 16:24
Dietmar Bogatzki
Hoffe das Dio wird genaus super wie dein Falke, Jörg, möge die Macht mit dir sein...
 7 July 2023, 17:06
Jörg Schäfer Author
Danke Dietmar, ich das hoffen auch, weiter ich kommen will. 😄
 7 July 2023, 17:31
Sehr schön! Die Macht ist stark mit Dir!
 10 July 2023, 20:51
Jörg Schäfer Author
I feel the force. 😄
Thank you.
 11 July 2023, 02:54
I still follow and can only write again what a 😎 build
 11 July 2023, 09:48
Jörg Schäfer Author
Many thanks. 😊
 11 July 2023, 15:42
Nice progress, it's looks better and better 👍
 13 August 2023, 08:27
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thank you Torsten.
It's easier for me now too.
At the beginning I really thought that I would never get the huge free space filled 😅
 13 August 2023, 09:04
Dietmar Bogatzki
Fantastisches Dio bisher, Jörg, die Macht ist stark in dir 😉
 13 August 2023, 10:55
Jörg Schäfer Author
Danke Dietmar. 😄
 13 August 2023, 14:35
Dash Rendar
This will be so amazing when done. Quick question, are you planning some sort of protective case for it as well? Or will it sit in a display cabinet?
 14 August 2023, 16:25
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thank you.
Like my ships, the model will go under a display case.
 14 August 2023, 16:47
Dash Rendar
Getting better and better, still watching! Keep it up!
 5 September 2023, 18:31
Robin (WhiteGlint)
 5 September 2023, 18:36
Jörg Schäfer Author
 6 September 2023, 05:21
The base is getting better and better, it could have been used in the movies!
 21 September 2023, 07:41
Michael Kohl
I am absolutely no fan of all this Star Wars, Treck, Shmeck, Heck stuff. But the way you build up layer upon layer of details into a very convincing composition is fun to watch. I am sure that the result will impress even me.
 21 September 2023, 09:18
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thank you guys.
Yes Michael, you have to like that. When I was 10, my father took me to see this film and since then I've been into the stuff, along with warships.
And building this Diroama was simply a challenge for me that I enjoy.
 21 September 2023, 12:05
Marcin Snakowski
 26 September 2023, 21:36
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thank you.
 27 September 2023, 04:12
Paulo Costa
Amazing!!!Great job
 27 September 2023, 11:58
Jörg Schäfer Author
I'm glad you like my work.
 28 September 2023, 02:53
Roland Sachsenhofer
Just: WOW!!
 20 October 2023, 16:22
Jörg Schäfer Author
Many Thanks Roland. 😊
 1 November 2023, 08:27
are you planning to bring this beauty to Lingen next year? please say yes 🙂
 1 November 2023, 09:13
Wahou !
Fantastic work 👍
 1 November 2023, 09:26
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thank you.
I actually want to try that. I think the last time I was at the EME was in 2014.
If I get the model ready by then, you can count on me. 😉
 1 November 2023, 09:51
I am planning to be there, so i hope to have the pleasure meeting you and seeing this amazing dio! 🙂
 1 November 2023, 10:48
Jörg Schäfer Author
I would be happy. 😀
 1 November 2023, 11:05
Michael Kohl
Brillant. That's gonna be a mission to paint. 😉
 1 November 2023, 11:09
Jörg Schäfer Author
I'm already afraid of that. 😅
 1 November 2023, 11:26
Живко Джаков
"Did you fly in that trough? You're braver than I thought!" - Princess Leia
 15 November 2023, 10:08
Jörg Schäfer Author
 15 November 2023, 13:56
jan zumack
Wow, looks great.
 15 November 2023, 16:50
Kyle DeHart
Incredible work
 16 November 2023, 01:27
Jörg Schäfer Author
Many thanks guys.
 16 November 2023, 08:35
Christian Lehmann
 16 November 2023, 09:23
Roland Sachsenhofer
This is really "next level" - more than just great!
 16 November 2023, 09:50
Jörg Schäfer Author
Many, many thanks. 😊
 16 November 2023, 15:21
Davide Vitali
This is astounding! If I recall correctly, kit-bashing is also what has been done on the actual Death Star model that was built for the movie in 1977.
 22 November 2023, 13:44
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thank you.
Not only the star, but also the falcon were realized with this system.
The guys from ILM were the creators of all of today's aging and scratching methods that we as model makers know and appreciate.
 23 November 2023, 08:58
Robin (WhiteGlint)
A lot of grey but it is not boring at all to look at! 👀 👍
This looks great, and is full of details.
 1 December 2023, 13:34
Siegfried Van den Bosch
just stunning...! Nothing less than that.
 1 December 2023, 13:37
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thank you both. 😊
 2 December 2023, 09:21
Just lovin' it. Impressive display!
 3 December 2023, 13:05
Leider kann ich nur ein Like geben, deine Arbeit hätte wahrlich so einige verdient! In jeder Star Wars Ausstellung oder Sammlung sicherlich das Highlight! Fantastisch und vielen Dank für die vielen Bilder!
 3 December 2023, 13:22
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thanks for the nice comments.
 4 December 2023, 10:37
Mr James
ILM couldnt do any better Jorg. Movie model magic 😉
 12 December 2023, 17:09
Jörg Schäfer Author
Many thanks, Mr. James.
 13 December 2023, 06:24
Dash Rendar
Just incredible.
 31 December 2023, 10:19
Hans-Jürgen Haag
Es wächst, immer No h ein Detail dazu. Super, bin schon gespannt wie es weitergehen 👀👍👍👍
 31 December 2023, 10:46
getting better and better. love the structure added to the base
 31 December 2023, 10:54
Jörg Schäfer Author
I'm very happy that you like my star so much. 😊
 31 December 2023, 12:25
Roland Sachsenhofer
That's what we do! Next level modelling....!
 31 December 2023, 14:43
Jörg Schäfer Author
 31 December 2023, 15:11
Sam S
This is so out of this world! Just stunning work 🙌
 31 December 2023, 15:12
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thanks so much.
 1 January 2024, 12:30
Landlubber Mike
Good to see you here - this is absolutely amazing!!
 21 January 2024, 15:48
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thank you very much, Mike.
Also nice to meet you here. 😀
 23 January 2024, 14:54
Jason Marson
An amazing build! The Death Star especially! Your dedication, patience, and talent has really been rewarded with this build! Well done!
 30 January 2024, 11:44
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thank you very much for the great comment.
 30 January 2024, 15:48
Mark de Boer
WOW, this is amazing, absolutely stunning build, cant wait to see it all completed.
 30 January 2024, 17:22
Dash Rendar
Incredibly amazing base, looks stunning.
 30 January 2024, 18:20
Roland Sachsenhofer
It´s getting better and better...! Top, just adorable!
 30 January 2024, 18:29
Shar Dipree
Awesome, indescribably fantastic. An appropriate base for the falcon. I'm looking forward to the illuminated finale. 👍👍👍👍👍
 30 January 2024, 19:10
Gary Victory
Totally awesome work. Love your attention to detail Jörg.
 31 January 2024, 07:23
Oh, wow! 🙂
 31 January 2024, 11:38
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thank you for the great comments,
I'm very happy. 😊
 31 January 2024, 12:22
Dash Rendar
Just incredible!
 4 February 2024, 13:08
Jennifer Franklin
*wow* this is a fantastic piece.
 4 February 2024, 13:09
Jörg Schäfer Author
Many thanks. 😊
 4 February 2024, 16:16
Michael Kohl
Brilliant. This is massive in concept and execution.
 4 February 2024, 16:32
truly speechless, this build is one of the best I have seen here, the falcon is magnificent, and with the most incredible base you have made, well, it is just perfect!!
so, it is finished in time for Lingen 2024, right? if all goes to plan, I certainly will look for it there 🙂
 4 February 2024, 16:53
Villiers de Vos
Fantastic work.
 4 February 2024, 17:21
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thank you very much people.
Yes Spanjaard, nothing should stand in the way of that. It would be really great if we met there and chatted a little.
 5 February 2024, 15:09
ZORIONAK! (congratulations in basque language) GREAT JOB !!!
 5 February 2024, 15:17
Jörg Schäfer Author
Eskerrik asko. 😉
 5 February 2024, 15:30
Just WOW!
 7 February 2024, 03:26
Ethan Flory
This is one of the best models I've ever seen! It could go head to head with the real models used during the filming of Star Wars.
 7 February 2024, 03:46
Jörg Schäfer Author
Your comments make me really proud. 😊
 7 February 2024, 15:51
Dietmar Bogatzki
Awesome base and the Falcon 👍 👍
 8 February 2024, 07:57
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thanks, Dietmar.
 8 February 2024, 14:50
Thank you for sharing your build process with us - your work is truly amazing and inspirational!
 11 February 2024, 16:34
Jörg Schäfer Author
You're welcome CaptGPF and thanks for the kind words.
 12 February 2024, 06:49
Phenomenal. Jörg you really accomplished something great here.
 12 February 2024, 12:30
Jörg Schäfer Author
Many thanks Skyhiker.
 12 February 2024, 12:47
great to see this beauty again, safe trip to Lingen, great success ahead, I am sure. killing myself for not being able to be there to see it myself....
1  10 March, 09:02
Davide Vitali
All my best wishes to you for the competition ahead but, most important, to your wife.
1  10 March, 09:39
Roland Sachsenhofer
Great to see this masterpiece again! I wish you lots of fun and success in Lingen - I have to go there too, especially when I see how many of us will be there.
But above all: all the best to your wife!
1  10 March, 10:28
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thank you for being happy for my wife. That's so nice to hear. ❤️
And thank you all very much for keeping your fingers crossed. I'm very excited.
It's such a shame that we won't be able to meet there Spanjaard
1  10 March, 12:27
Jennifer Franklin
I will echo the above comments, best wishes, and good luck ( I don't think you will need it) with the competition, but most importantly, happy thoughts to your wife. I am glad to hear that she is doing well.
2  10 March, 17:22
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thank you too, Jennifer. ❤️
 11 March, 14:50
Jason Marson
This looks superb Jörg! A really fantastic job. You must be so pleased with this. Im not ready to start mine yet but I intend to build a bespoke coffee table to fit it in. It will be a diorama of the Mos Eisley space port and have a glass top. More importantly I'm glad to hear your wife is doing well. Life is precious.
2  11 March, 16:28
Jörg Schäfer Author
Thank you for your appreciation of my model and my wife's health. ❤️
This sounds like a fantastic project, and I hope to see your space port posted here as a build report someday.
 12 March, 03:49
Thant Zaw Win
added a new photoalbum.
25 4 March, 05:27
Robert Podkoński
Fantastic work!
1  4 March, 06:31
Arif Saeed
Very Nice 👌
1  4 March, 10:06
Rui S
Beautiful work & photos 👍
1  4 March, 12:10
I liked it very much!
 12 March, 03:45
Thant Zaw Win
added a new photoalbum.
15 11 March, 16:48
WOW, beautiful result!
 11 March, 18:54
Zbynek Honzik
Fantastic job!
 11 March, 18:56
Daniel Klink
very impressive paint job and weathering. Great 👍
 11 March, 19:02
Rui S
Great work and photos 👍
 12 March, 00:22
Great Zero, amazing presentation!
 12 March, 03:34
Przemyslaw Sroczynski
added a new photoalbum.
18 25 September 2024, 17:57
Łukasz Gliński
 3 October 2024, 09:32
Ingmar Stöhr
Very nice so far. Watching!
 3 October 2024, 13:34
Shar Dipree
I think you're building "all" of the kits that I have. 🙂 Following.
 5 October 2024, 07:39
Robert Podkoński
Taking a seat. This will be very instructive, for sure 😉
 5 October 2024, 07:40
Following for sure
 10 November 2024, 13:43
Przemyslaw Sroczynski
added a new photoalbum.
18 25 September 2024, 23:25
Dave Flitton
Seems like a good start. How is the build so far?
 5 October 2024, 07:22
Shar Dipree
Following. I have the kit too.I'm excited to see how it can be built.
 5 October 2024, 07:36
Robert Podkoński
Taking a seat here as well 🙂
 5 October 2024, 07:40
Przemyslaw Sroczynski Author
The kit is good quality, nice fitting. There is a mistake - Poland hasn't got Leopard 2A6, so you have to choose version 2A5
 5 October 2024, 16:39
Shar Dipree
Thanks for info!
 5 October 2024, 16:46
I'm in
 10 November 2024, 13:43
added a new photoalbum.
21 9 March, 17:35
Very nice!
1  10 March, 09:10
George Williams
Nicely done, like the wheels.
1  10 March, 11:26
Emanuele Matteucci
Oh my god, it's beautiful...
1  11 March, 13:34
That looks beautiful, love the paint work.
1  11 March, 15:06
Rui S
An eye catcher, indeed 👍
1  11 March, 15:18
Mike Bird
Beautiful! Which decals and wheels did you use?
1  11 March, 16:54
1  11 March, 16:57
erav2000 Author
@Mike Bird

The wheels are Rotiforms from cults3d:
The decals I designed myself.
1  11 March, 20:02
świetna robota 🤩
 12 March, 03:24
Hanno Kleinecke
added a new photoalbum.
16 images
Me 209 V1View album, image #14
1:72 Messerschmitt Me 209 V1/V4 (Huma Modell 2503)
2 1 June 2015, 09:47
Kees Kleijwegt
Great subject, I'm in a front row seat!
 1 June 2015, 21:24
Dave Flitton
me too!
 2 June 2015, 03:42
Hanno Kleinecke Author
Blue dress is on.
 3 June 2015, 21:52
Looks good Hanno but why is the swastika background on so early? Did you paint it?
 3 June 2015, 22:28
Choppa Nutta
easier to paint it first, white first mask the circle then the red, mask the band and spray the dark colours last 🙂
Seems the sensible thing to do to me at least, less masking and no chance of the dark colours showing through the white and red.
Hanno, I take it that's about right ? 🙂

Really interesting subject btw and what a great colour !!
 3 June 2015, 22:40
Yeh I guessed that was the process Choppa, also I doubt a red decal would go very well over dark blue which was probably more my question but poorly worded.
Sometimes the decision of what to paint and mask first can be a hard one, I know it took me a while to decide a plan of action for the Macchi MC72 I did recently.
 4 June 2015, 00:08
Choppa Nutta
well worth thinking it through though 🙂
Yeah you did a sweet job on that MC72 !!!

for me I have to try and paint everything before assembly, well as much as possible anyhow.
I don't how some people manage to get away with assembling everything first then paint it all in one hit and yet still get crisp detail in all those awkward to reach places..
 4 June 2015, 00:15
Agree Choppa. It's especially the case with float planes and the fitting of struts etc. Makes it almost impossible to get good coverage of paint, sanding and polishing or glueing struts after painting and partly ruining the paint job. A happy medium is a fine line.
 4 June 2015, 00:40
Choppa Nutta
yeah, gotta be quick with the wipes !! 😄
 4 June 2015, 00:52
Christian Keller
"Blau blau blau blüht der Enzian... 🙂" schönes und selten gesehenes Modell, ich liebe dieses knallige Blau.
-beautiful and rarely seen model, I love this flashy blue.
 4 June 2015, 04:47
Hanno Kleinecke Author
Thanks mates !
@Ben: Yes, I painted it, as there was no decal furnished in the the decal sheet.
@ Choppa : Actually it was done the exact other way round, first one coat of aluminum, then a few thin coats of blue, then I masked the red band and last the white circle. Future is on, next are the decals.
@ Christian, das Blau hat es mir auch angetan, mit einer der Gründe das Modell zu bauen .
 4 June 2015, 06:46
Wim van der Luijt
Very nice looking plane, count me in for the finish!
 4 June 2015, 07:53
Choppa Nutta
ah well there we go !! not that I mind being completely wrong, haha 😄
 4 June 2015, 16:46
Hanno Kleinecke Author
Just my simple way of thinking : one step after the other......😳 I always did it like that since I started painig my models as a boy. The way you suggested has a lot to it, so Im going to give it a try next time 😄
 4 June 2015, 17:07
Christian Bruer
Nice work and interesting topic.
 4 June 2015, 17:56
Choppa Nutta
yeah it seems the easier way to me having said that I have done it your way to but ended up going through the relative expensive masking tape a lot quicker. If I can think of a more economical way of doing things that's what I generally go for, not that I am expert or anything, which is probably why I strive for the simplest way of doing. If I was an expert I might be more cavalier 🙂
 4 June 2015, 18:06
Christian Meyerhoff
Gabba Gabba Hey! Das Ding wird super! Schön das man hier bei SM auch mal ein Huma Modell sieht.... 😉 Welches Blau hast du denn genommen ?
 4 June 2015, 18:56
Hanno Kleinecke Author
Thanks Christian !
@ Christian Meyerhoff : Humamania, dank Dir ! Ich hab Vallejo Air RAL 5002 über Revell Aqua Aluminium gesprüht, sieht im grellen Licht fast zu violett aus, aber in anderer Beleuchtung find ichs gut. Das Ding macht echt Spaß !
@ Choppa : You're absolutely right, I used quite a lot of the stuff. So next time I will try it your way. 🙂
 4 June 2015, 19:40
Choppa Nutta
hey it's not my way it's everyones 🙂
 4 June 2015, 19:42
Hanno Kleinecke Author
Now it is !;)
 4 June 2015, 19:42
Christian Meyerhoff
So kann man auch mit kleinen Sachen Menschen eine Freude machen ... 🙂 Schön das Dir der Bausatz gefällt.
 4 June 2015, 19:44
Choppa Nutta
did someone mention sausages ???
also one of my little pleasures too Christian 😉

Hanno, ok then, it's mine all mine! until you do it of course then it's yours all yours 😄
 4 June 2015, 20:09
Soeren R.
Looks nice Hanno 🙂
 4 June 2015, 20:17
Hanno Kleinecke Author
Thanks Soeren !
 4 June 2015, 20:19
Ulf Petersen
Another interesting subject, Hanno. Carry on, I follow closely.🙂 👍
 5 June 2015, 04:29
Kerry COX
You surprise me every time you post a build Hanno, and this is no exception mate.

I can only endorse all the wonderful comments I see here Hanno, just great to see, and this is an aircraft I never knew existed, and all the more interesting mate.
Cheers. 🙂
 7 June 2015, 20:03
Christian Meyerhoff
Applaus, Applaus! Das ist die schönste HUMA 209 die ich bis lang gesehen habe ! Das hast Du prima gemacht!
 7 June 2015, 20:10
Choppa Nutta
yeah nice 🙂
 7 June 2015, 20:14
Hanno Kleinecke Author
Thank you so much Kerry, I am really into the unusual and a bit odd looking birds at the moment.... 🙂
@ Christian : Danke Dir ! Hat echt Spaß gemacht, die Kleine !
@ Choppa : Thanks mate, no Mudak needed on this little plane......
 7 June 2015, 20:15
Choppa Nutta
lol !! That's because it is not a septic tank 😄 😄
 7 June 2015, 20:43
wirklich Genial 👍 👍 👍
 7 June 2015, 21:14
Hanno Kleinecke Author
Vielen Dank Jens !
 7 June 2015, 21:19
Nice work Hanno, looks great
 7 June 2015, 22:43
Rui S
Completely agree with Kerry, Hanno, 👍 just the white circle in the tail...🤔 but that's just my opinion.
 8 June 2015, 01:06
Hanno Kleinecke Author
Thanks Ben, thanks Rui !
@Rui : Maybe you're right,I wil have a look through my spare decal box, maybe I can find at least something to add some black to the white circle.
But personally I dont' really miss the swastica, just some colour missing. 🙂
 8 June 2015, 04:33
Kees Kleijwegt
Geat build! Very nice!
 8 June 2015, 07:09
Holger Kranich
Whoooah! What a Speed build! Looks great Hanno!
 8 June 2015, 07:13
Choppa Nutta
Put a black number 4 in the white circle, that way it looks like a crooked cross with bits missing, or chop up a swastika to look like a number 4 as a number on a race plane would still look just right 🙂
 8 June 2015, 08:08
Hanno Kleinecke Author
Thank you Holger, fertiggemunstert ! 😉
That is a great idea, thanks Choppa ! 🙂
 8 June 2015, 08:37
Hanno Kleinecke Author
Racing number has been added. 😉
 8 June 2015, 10:47
Stephan Ryll
very nice!
 8 June 2015, 10:58
Kerry COX
Very subtle Hanno, and it will make people look twice when they see it. 🙂 👍
 8 June 2015, 11:20
Hanno Kleinecke Author
Thank you Kerry, Choppa's idea ! 🙂
 8 June 2015, 11:38
Kerry COX
I saw that, but it looks so effective.................Yea Choppa. 🙂
 8 June 2015, 12:37
Choppa Nutta
Works well & quickly done ! 🙂
 8 June 2015, 13:17
Lee Fogel
Wow this is outstanding! Beautiful work
 8 June 2015, 16:25
Hanno Kleinecke Author
Thanks mates !
 8 June 2015, 20:10
Marko Paakkanen
Very nice build plane... but base"BIG WOW! its look very realistic."
 16 June 2015, 14:57
Hanno Kleinecke Author
Thank you Marko, looking at your top notch dios and bases, this is a big compliment . 🙂
 16 June 2015, 15:03
Mike Grant
Great job! 👍
 16 June 2015, 16:10
Hanno Kleinecke Author
Thanks Mike, much appreciated !
 16 June 2015, 17:31
Ulf Petersen
Amazing, Hanno!👍
That bird is a real beauty, congrats!
 17 June 2015, 05:44
Hanno Kleinecke Author
Thank you Ulf ! 🙂
 17 June 2015, 06:40
Rui S
For sure👍
 5 July 2015, 04:12
Roland Sachsenhofer
Wonderful Hanno, great work on a unique bird!
 5 July 2015, 05:49
Hanno Kleinecke Author
Thank you Bernd, Rui and Roland ! Small bird, great fun ! 🙂
 5 July 2015, 18:32
Edgars Bizūns
this is very nice, little and neat build! i like it! 🙂
 6 July 2015, 20:50
Hanno Kleinecke Author
Thx Edgars 🙂
 7 July 2015, 18:15
Martien Lourens
 7 July 2015, 18:28
Aris Grey
Lovely one! Some times the small models are the most interesting ones!
 15 August 2015, 10:52
Roberto Rocat
Nice, not often seen 🙂
 15 August 2015, 17:31
Hanno Kleinecke Author
Thank you mates !
 16 August 2015, 10:09
Nice base too!
 12 March, 03:19
Dave Pluth
added a new photoalbum.
46 images
USS Taylor DD-468View album, image #32New: 12 March, 03:00
So getting closer to done. Wasn't excited about the main mast and really wanted to annoy myself with photoetch so did s...
1:350 USS Fletcher DD-445 (Tamiya 78012)1:350 Fletcher Class Destroyer - Fittings Set (Gold Medal Models 350-14)
7 5 February, 03:49
Clair Greenwood
Permission to come aboard sir.
1  27 February, 02:48
 6 March, 04:54
Steven Van Dyck
added a new photoalbum.
38 25 October 2024, 01:17
Steven Van Dyck Author
For a review on the aftermarket products shown see;p=1027734#p1027734
 25 October 2024, 01:29
Matti Thomaes
Wauw Steven, already a new mahousive project , looking forward to the build, 👍
 25 October 2024, 05:48
Ingmar Stöhr
Oh wow! Following!
 25 October 2024, 05:57
Gary Victory
Enjoy the Build Steven.
 25 October 2024, 06:21
What is the significance, or the meaning of the name 'Jacobsen' on that coin in photo 13? Anyone know? 'Jacobsen' is a more or less common surname.
 25 October 2024, 06:42
Steven Van Dyck Author
Thanks for the interest. For Jacobsen see , it's apparently a family of infamous corsairs also related to Jean Bart. It even mentions the medal at the end.
 25 October 2024, 09:18
Steven Van Dyck Author
Both medals have now arrived. These will be useful as nameplates on the base. One had the description "paquebot Strasbourg", translated as cargo ship, and would be cast in 1950. I started with sanding the hulls to remove the casting traces, these are apparently broken off the sprue leaving two scabs. I noticed one difference, Strasbourg got a degaussing cable. I removed one breakwater from the front deck, taking care not to remove the detail around it. The drilling locations are not very clear, indicator lines passing multiple holes. I started removing Dunkerques sloop rails as I noticed that in the Strasbourg Woodhunter deck there are some PE ones, but now I notice that Shipyard wasn't planning on replacing the plastic rails in their wooden deck. And these rails are lying on the wooden deck, so they're very thin. I'll have to compare very well.
 31 October 2024, 11:58
Steven Van Dyck Author
I wanted to fix Dunkerque's deck. The hull is a bit narrow so I introduced a fitting piece of sprue before I glued the deck in. So there are no unnecessary tensions on the deck. The Shipyard watertight doors are replacing the kit ones, that are actually as detailed as the PE but I saw on pictures that these doors are all placed open. Some drilling is done to open up the doorways. The front of the conning tower should not have much of armour contrary to the rest of it, because only the internal communication channel is armoured. I therefore did not simply glue the PE plating on it, but removed the thick plastic first.
 10 November 2024, 00:40
Ingmar Stöhr
You are putting a lot of effort into these! Great work so far!!!
 10 November 2024, 06:41
Steven Van Dyck Author
Thanks, Ingmar. Now the deck of Strasbourg is fixed, but the Bigblueboy set has some extra requirements. The doors now have a backside structure, though not the correct one I suspect. I found a rectangular profile in stead of their diamond pattern. They also request to open up the airplane hangar in two levels. Then the atlantic bow deck is completely covered with a large PE plate sporting the correct anti-slip pattern. It's so nice I rue that it won't be available for Dunkerque, that has got a bland chequered pattern from Hobbyboss.
 12 November 2024, 19:40
Steven Van Dyck Author
The Strasbourg deck is further elaborated. The front splash guard has 32 triangular teeth, but you get 2 spares for each of the instances. So you can lose an entire set without stalling the project. You also get some 2D bitts that I rather changed to 3D, using PE rings and wire. The front deck house is replaced with PE, but it has 8 windows so I painted the inside black. The airplane hangar is a complicated design but it has a fully functional elevator.
 16 November 2024, 21:24
Jörg Schäfer
A real Steven Van Dyck, I'll stay on board. 😁
As always, excellent precision.
 17 November 2024, 04:44
Ingmar Stöhr
I always like it, if you get some spares for the tiniest parts! As long as there is space on the fret, it doesn't cost the manufacturer anything and it helps calm your nerves.
 17 November 2024, 08:58
Steven Van Dyck Author
Thanks for the attention, today there is much PE work to be seen on Strasbourg. Large anti-skid surfaces are provided, that don't always seem to be carried in reality. This is hard to corroborate because the topside is rarely seen in detail on the pictures, the one I found didn't have it. All doors and bollards for Strasbourg are replaced. I hope to find some for Dunkerque this weekend too when I'm at IPMS Houten, the set for Dunkerque doesn't have these.
 19 November 2024, 12:26
Steven Van Dyck Author
The searchlight platform on both ships is getting wire supports in stead of clunky plastic. Then the Dunkerque funnel is upgraded. I decided to cut a hole in the plastic part under the funnel cap, though I think the grid should have been canted like in the diagram from Wikipedia. But this is so schematic that won't try to change that. Lots of footrails are added, I drilled holes for these.
 21 November 2024, 11:50
Steven Van Dyck Author
A minor setback, in stead of fret G I got twice fret H in the BBB Strasbourg set. What should have been included are most of the smokestack parts you see on Dunkerque already and a lot of railing. But that can be replaced of course.
 21 November 2024, 18:18
Ingmar Stöhr
Coming along nicely! Great work with the support pillars and also all the microscopic PE parts! Sorry to hear that you got the wrong sprue. Hope you can sort this out!
 21 November 2024, 19:26
Steven Van Dyck Author
Thanks Ingmar, I was already able to construct most of the Strasbourg smokestack. You can see it in this update together with the Dunkerque conning tower that is growing level by level.
 27 November 2024, 17:10
Ingmar Stöhr
You are really keeping up the pace!
 27 November 2024, 21:15
Steven Van Dyck Author
Here I am again, with an update on Dunkerque's superstructure. Some complicated railings to shape, the director top with a radio mast and seven searchlights are all improved with Shipyard. But for the bollards and the anti-skid plates I did an order at MB König. It appears the Flyhawk bollards 1 and 3 can be used. But the IJN anti-skid is too fine so I ordered Ace a-002 now, this should be identical to Strasbourg.
 30 November 2024, 01:32
Q1: Have you decided on any one paint scheme? (unsure if you pointed this out in the past)
I think a plain gray would look nicer than one with camo, as a plain gray would I think enhance all the details, while a camo will be distracting I think.

Q2: Any idea if MicroMaster big-turret parts for these ships, are old products or if they were created recently? I think I've seen photos of yellow'ish color.
 30 November 2024, 10:10
Steven Van Dyck Author
I've bought the paint yesterday, it will be Atlantic scheme. These ships were both plain dark grey in their later career, even after arriving in the Mediterranean. For the turrets there is at least this 4 year old link:
 30 November 2024, 11:15
Steven Van Dyck Author
I scratched a replacement bow plate for Dunkerque, by engraving lots of small lines with a scalpel. Then the piece was hammered and glued to the bow, some holes were filled in. The Flyhawk bollards #2 were a perfect fit, #3 is slightly overscale (test-fit pic 136) so I sunk these in the deck plates for a bit. Now the Strasbourg conning tower is tackled.
 2 December 2024, 13:11
Ingmar Stöhr
Wow, nice job on your own makeshift PE!
 2 December 2024, 21:07
Steven Van Dyck Author
Thanks, Ingmar. Even more PE is schratched for the sides of the conning tower. The supports for the tower of Strasbourg come from 3 locations, A is from Hobbyboss' own PE set, B is from Bigblueboy and C was apparently forgotten by them and is being retrieved from the pre-1940 platform Shipyard provided for Dunkerque. I also used some wire for the supports.
 4 December 2024, 17:25
Ingmar Stöhr
Wow! Great effort and great result!
 4 December 2024, 19:02
Steven Van Dyck Author
Now the Strasbourg conning tower received a PE front structure and also the director assembly that Dunkerque had. But the platforms on that are not to be embellished like Shipyard did, so I managed that with some lingering Essex catwalk parts. The searchlights have a nice elevation cogwheel and some steel deck houses are added.
1  8 December 2024, 23:32
Steven Van Dyck Author
The superstructure is now adorned with lots of small PE particles like ammo lockers, venting tubes and davits. For the rear director a brass plate is rolled in a cylinder. The rear mast got some fine yardarms and a radio antenna. The typical French Marine motto plates are compared and BBB with version B comes out as best, with the octagonal edge correctly shaped. Nevertheless they omit some spacing on the sides. Shipyard (C) has the spacing but the vertical edge is too short and Hobbyboss (A and D) has them almost rectangular with a coarse surface. The Micromaster main turrets are true to the plans of the ships . The top view of these plans shows the guns a lot shorter than the side view, so I cross-checked with pictures. I only noticed that the muzzles of the turret barrels are overscale, so replacing the barrels with brass will improve that. Thr printing was set to medium quality, so I treated the surfaces with a sharp blade to remove the small ridges.
 12 December 2024, 12:12
Ingmar Stöhr
You really keep up the high pace and the quality! Looking all great so far!
 12 December 2024, 22:32
Steven Van Dyck Author
Thanks, Ingmar. Now both main turrets have their barrels replaced, one with the BBB brass barrels and one with Master Models aluminum ones that have the correct muzzle. Dunkerque's wood deck is coming over the scratched anti-skid plate so that one will have to be trimmed.
1  14 December 2024, 00:18
Nice work on those turret barrels. 🙂
 14 December 2024, 06:10
Hugh CAST.
Your job is really amazing. I've some nice PDFs on these elegant battleships. If you want me to send you these documents, give me your E-Mail adress by private message.
 14 December 2024, 21:11
Steven Van Dyck Author
Thanks for the info, Hugh. The update today is mostly about the smaller guns. For the 90mm coaxial guns I decided to add the Shipyard anti-skid platform PE on top of the resin turrets. I had to replicate these parts for Strasbourg out of IJN anti-skid plating. Then the 130mm guns are improved. BBB got the calibre wrong so I used Master Models barrels instead, but its mantlet hatches are the better ones and it has opened and closed versions. I used those for both ships then. Shipyard had the better director PE, but there is none left for Strasbourg. Now the large director on Dunkerque's mast is built like those built earlier, but with only railing in stead of a plate around the lookuout.
1  18 December 2024, 00:17
Steven Van Dyck Author
The aft director of Dunkerque is built, also with a mast a little different. Now the 37mm guns are built, but only Strasbourg gets brass guns for now. I'm looking for a three-bladed prop for her, while Dunkerque gets the four-bladed kit props like they are showing on a reference pic. They had different engines and thus different propulsion.
 19 December 2024, 21:34
Ingmar Stöhr
Great work - as always! In a picture 215 the yard arm on top of the rear range finder??? Seems to be at a strange angle, or is it only the camera and perspective?
 20 December 2024, 06:41
Steven Van Dyck Author
Thanks, Ingmar! You should compare with picture 170, the shape is an uneven X.
 20 December 2024, 10:03
Ingmar Stöhr
Perspective.... LOL
 20 December 2024, 15:44
Steven Van Dyck Author
The boats are now constructed with BBB PE, that brings planking on the otherwise bland plastic deck, together with brass propellers, railing and steering equipment. I painted the interior of the covered boats black. Shipyard PE is without the planking parts, so I will try there too to scratch something. I also ordered 5 sets from Master Models to have some brass 13.2mm guns and a complementary 37mm set for Dunkerque.
1  21 December 2024, 21:01
Looks like you have proper counter rotating propellers. On the Hobby Boss 1:350 Guam kit, they didn't bother adding counter rotating propellers. I had to saw two of the four propellers, separating the spinner from the prop blades, flipping the prop blades part around, and gluing the spinner back on, on the "other" side. An easy fix.
 23 December 2024, 11:15
Steven Van Dyck Author
Eight more boats are done for Strasbourg. Here I forgot to paint the interior...
 24 December 2024, 14:04
Steven Van Dyck Author
Today the Dunkerque boats are finished, with plastic superstructures and scratchbuilt wood decks. I need to keep some parts as a dry-fit to paint these, like the decks and the carts.
 26 December 2024, 01:45
Steven Van Dyck Author
The catapults are made, with some differences between BBB and Shipyard, but both are an improvement over the kit. I scratched the pressure cylinders. Strasbourg's ship cranes are also built, but suffer from brittleness.
 27 December 2024, 02:31
Steven Van Dyck Author
The crane story is continued with Dunkerque's plastic boat cranes and airplane crane and the full metal Strasbourg crane. Two small pieces of railing kept falling off that one. I then removed the superstructures and added the bilge keels and propulsion system. I added the BBB lettering to the stern, choosing the individual lettering. Both sides needed multiple attempts, the starboard letters were all set when it became apparent that the portholes are not symmetrical. I had to move all letters again. For Dunkerque this lettering is not included in the Shipyard set and I dind't find enough generic lettering yet.
 30 December 2024, 11:17
Ingmar Stöhr
Wow! The name from individual letters looks very clean and in line! Great work!
 1 January, 13:36
Lorraine Lin
Agree with Ingmar, the PE letter looks perfect!
 1 January, 14:29
Steven Van Dyck Author
Thanks, guys. For Dunkerque I had no brass lettering left. But for some reason I kept the plastic lettering that I had scraped from the Trumpeter logo under the Essex flight decks. Because I had two of these, each letter featured at least twice in the bag. I could almost spell Dunkerque because it looks like "Trumpeter". Only K and Q had to be scratched. with Tamiya glue they were attached to the hull. It's not as shiny as Strasbourg, but it's a lot better than nothing.
 4 January, 02:22
Ingmar Stöhr
 4 January, 13:52
Steven Van Dyck Author
Thanks, Ingmar. Now I have the anti-skid plating, I was able to apply this to all Dunkerque's concerned superstructure parts. It's got the same patterning dimension as BBB's Strasbourg set, only a bit coarser. I also got the Master Models AA guns now, these are for the next update.
 12 January, 22:50
Steven Van Dyck Author
The boat supports are now added on Dunkerque's new anti-skid plate. Also the superstructure is finally united. To do this, I removed the platform of the conning tower to better fit this to the deck. Then I built the five sets of AA guns from Master. The 13.2 mm set is very easy compared to the other brands, because all PE parts are added to the resin with a fitting frame. I first looked at the BBB and Shipyard PE for these guns. Shipyard seems totally overscale compared to the other two, though I didn't measure overall dimensions. BBB seemed comparable to Master, and at first I tried to combine that PE with the Master barrel block, but parts of the BBB PE are interfering with the cog on the breech block. Eventuelly I used the Master sets exclusively.
1  14 January, 16:28
Steven Van Dyck Author
Dunkerque is now receiving the last details before painting. Both splash guards, all doors, railing, ladders, munition lockers and even the large mainstays on the conning towers are now added. Next will be the same for Strasbourg and then the painting stage can begin.
 20 January, 02:17
Just grabbed a seat. Beautiful work and detail!
 20 January, 12:28
Guy Rump
Impressive modelling, watching. 👍
 20 January, 16:51
Rui S
Impressive, indeed, as always 👍
 21 January, 00:19
Steven Van Dyck Author
Thanks guys, today it's Strasbourg stealing the show with the A-turret splash guard and some deck houses that are replaced with PE. I also bought some model ship supports, but these are for wooden ships with a center keel. Therefore they are sunk into the plastic hulls. The diameter is 11mm, so it takes some wriggling to make these holes out of a 10mm drill. A countersunk is used and then the edge is scraped until the support passes.
1  27 January, 20:59
Steven Van Dyck Author
Strasbourg now got the yardarms to its superstructure. These are even nicer than Dunkerque's. I managed to fix the ship supports to the plank and the ships sink around them with ease. I bought a third commemorative coin for MN Richelieu, though that build lies somewhere in the future. To show these coins, I wanted them to rest in plexiglass supports. I had some trouble at first to drill a fitting hole. I had a broken saw for 51mm but that's too big and very slow to turn by hand. I then bought a new one drilling much better but the hole was only 48mm. I found a way to get to 50mm with the core of the 51mm drill that fit into the 48mm hole, using my Proxxon drill to remove the last mm while turning the support around the core. after some sanding the coin stuck into the support and it will not fall out. Now the second bracket will be made quite soon.
 18 February, 00:32
Steven Van Dyck Author
Both coins are now installed on the base in such a manner that both sides remain visible and the names can be read from a side view. The turret guidance rails are added to Strasbourg, it has them for both turrets where Shipyard has only the second one. But BBB doesn't have the railing for the second turret base, I'll have to scratch that.
 4 March, 11:34
Steven Van Dyck Author
I made the catwalk around the second Strasbourg turret from Joefix extra fine metal net and a piece of railing from the fret that was delivered double. Then I started the 4 Loire 135 floatplanes. When the blue painted canopies were closed, the two planes for the catapults got BBB PE. It was a good thing I have a reference book for them, the instructions in the PE manual are not very detailed. It's not clear from the wing parts that a bit of dihedral is needed. Because of that, If you fix the spanners for the floats parallel to the wing, the floats are not parallel to the fuselage. The two planes that will be made in stowed condition, will get Shipyard PE. That will probably not be easy.
 7 March, 00:42
Steven Van Dyck Author
Both ship hulls are now painted using Gunze H 333 as base, Taniya NATO black as dark tone and a drop of white to tone down. For the hull red is used Gunze russet, Tamiya dark brown and Gunze H 7. The deck is painted NATO brown to eliminate the wood grain and then Vallejo light sand primer was applied until it was tan again. The two planes I have left got the wings clipped and plied back. A lot of components were unmounted to get the planes into the hangar.
 12 March, 02:29
Phil M
added a new photoalbum.
25 9 November 2024, 20:59
Alexander Grivonev
What a great blue, amazing 👍
 9 November 2024, 21:13
Phil M Author
thanks, its alclad candy color, cobalt blue if I remember well
 10 November 2024, 07:34
fully agree with Alexander
 10 November 2024, 08:48
A nice one!
 10 November 2024, 10:55
Rui S
Great paint job 👍
 10 November 2024, 23:26
Phil M Author
Thanks Rui and the other 🙂
 11 November 2024, 02:52
Great build!
Reminds me of some of the funny jokes about the Smart on the TV "Friday Night News":
"Smart has sales problems. That's why every third Kellogg's box now contains a Smart. It doesn't matter if you miss it while eating - it will be excreted undigested." 😉
 12 November 2024, 09:27
Alexander Grivonev
Freitag Nacht News, war ne gute Sendung!
 12 November 2024, 13:13
Phil M Author
hahaha 🙂
 13 November 2024, 20:37
Martin Oostrom
This is a great job on something else than a Ferrari
 13 November 2024, 20:40
Phil M Author
haha yup, still, I just bought my first alpha model and it is a ...............Ferrari!!
 14 November 2024, 05:40
Maciej T.
added a new photoalbum.
2 11 March, 23:29
Maciej T. Author
Youtube Video
 11 March, 23:30
Rui S
Beautiful work, as expected 👍
1  12 March, 00:03
Robert H.
looks great 👍🏻
 12 March, 02:20
Josh R.
added a new photoalbum.
12 March, 02:11
Randy Soule
Completed the Hong Kong B-17F 1/48 scale. In my opinion this model is not for the beginner and very challenging for the intermediate modeler. Molding was excellent, very tight fight had to use the excto knife to fit parts. Guns were flimsy and broke off easily. Unless you're an expert modeler I would forgo the interior. May be the bomb bay portion. All in all, good kit but not worth over 100$ I paid for it. Hard to get replacement parts unless you call Hong Kong China.
12 March, 01:50
Ludvík Kružík
added a new photoalbum.
99 images
Mi-1M, model conversion by Special Hobby - WIPView album, image #99New: 11 March, 22:38
At the end of the day, I sprayed surfacer to unify the hull color and show the areas that will need to be repaired.
1:48 Mil Mi-1 (Special Hobby SH48001)
54 15 August 2024, 08:24
Ludvík Kružík Author
I still miss this small helicopter in my collection of flying machines used in Czechoslovakia. The time has come for me to rectify that. 😉
 15 August 2024, 09:26
Villiers de Vos
I will follow along.
 15 August 2024, 17:40
Ludvík Kružík Author
Welcome Villiers! 🙂
 16 August 2024, 14:49
Greg Baker
Oh. I built a 1/72 version of the Mi-1M... This should be interesting.
 16 August 2024, 15:07
Ludvík Kružík Author
Hello, Greg. I know there's a Mi-1M kit in 1/72nd scale. Unfortunately, only this and a rather old kit from Special Hobby exists in 1/48 scale. In addition, this kit is an older version of the Mi-1A, which is different from the upgraded version of the Mi-1M. It has a different nose shape, different cockpit glazing and other minor changes. And since I decided to build the upgraded version of the Mi-1M, I will not avoid modifications to the kit.
To give you a better idea of the extent of the modifications to the kit, I've included a picture with the differences between the Mi-1A and Mi-1M versions color coded.
 16 August 2024, 22:23
Greg Baker
Oh, neat! I didn't realize there were so many changes between the versions. This is going to look great!
 17 August 2024, 15:09
Ludvík Kružík Author
Greg, thank you for your support.
I started building the model by making new transparent parts.
 17 August 2024, 22:31
Alec K
Taking a seat, this brings back memories of ABC magazine 😜👍
 17 August 2024, 22:46
Nice work moulding the new transparent parts.
 18 August 2024, 08:01
Greg Baker
Yeah. Nice work on the heat-n-smash moulding for the clear parts. That can be tricky to do.
 18 August 2024, 16:15
Ludvík Kružík Author
@Alec K
I used to buy ABC magazine regularly as a kid and eagerly awaited each new issue 🙂. I assume your mention of ABC magazine refers to the occasional modeling tutorial section.

@gorby, @Greg Baker
It's not too difficult to make new transparent parts by stretching warmed transparent foil over a pre-made template. Preparing the template is the most work. Stretching the warmed foil onto the template is just a routine that anyone can do after a few attempts.
 18 August 2024, 22:17
Alec K
Correct 🙂👍👍
 18 August 2024, 22:21
Robert Podkoński
How have I missed this? Taking a seat for sure! 🙂
 28 August 2024, 18:58
Ludvík Kružík Author
Hello, Robert! Good to see you here. You haven't missed much so far. Up to this point I've been more concerned with preparation than building the model.
 28 August 2024, 20:59
Ludvík Kružík Author
I want to try to use the sandwich construction in the production of new glass parts for the coptics. So I made (using the same process as the transparent parts) parts out of white plastic sheeting. These parts will have holes cut out for the windows. The transparent part will then be inserted between these two parts. The white outer and inner parts will form the embossed framing of the transparent part.
 28 August 2024, 21:18
Jennifer Franklin
That looks great (as per usual 😛)
 28 August 2024, 21:36
Ludvík Kružík Author
Welcome, Jennifer, we're glad to have you on board and thank you for your goodwill. 🙂
 30 August 2024, 09:46
Ludvík Kružík Author
I came back from vacation and it started to rain. Ideal conditions for modelling. 🙂

So I'm back and continuing to work on the model. I need to glue the finished nose to the glued fuselage so the cockpit overlay fits exactly. That determines the workflow. First I have to finish the nose and the inside of the fuselage and glue all the parts that need to be glued to the fuselage halves from the inside. After gluing the fuselage halves together, I would no longer be able to get to these parts (or only with great difficulty).

Photos of the work progress will be coming soon.
 13 September 2024, 20:42
Alexander Grivonev
Oh some modeling for big boys, not glueing perfectly fitting parts together and throwing on some paint! Following 👍
 13 September 2024, 22:53
Ludvík Kružík Author
Welcome, Alexander! 🙂
 14 September 2024, 07:39
Ludvík Kružík Author
I glued several parts to both halves of the fuselage. These parts are glued from the inside, so they have to be glued before the fuselage is closed.
I also started working on making new parts for the cockpit.
 14 September 2024, 21:06
Landlubber Mike
Wow, this is incredible work Ludvik! Thank you for sharing your steps - I've learned a lot from your pictures and descriptions!
 14 September 2024, 21:15
Villiers de Vos
Fantastic scratch build skills.
 15 September 2024, 05:40
Ludvík Kružík Author
@Landlubber Mike
Mike, thank you for your interest. Welcome aboard!
I've had the idea for this rebuild in my head for a few years now. Mainly because I've been waiting to see if anyone would start making 1:48 scale Mi-1M kits. Unfortunately, to this day, no manufacturer has this kit in their lineup. So I decided not to wait any longer and start building a model from what I have available.
My rebuild is just beginning. Most of the work on the model is yet to be done. I'd also like to try some new techniques that came to mind while planning to build this model.

Thank you for the compliment. I appreciate it very much.
 15 September 2024, 09:15
Ludvík Kružík Author
I didn't have much time today, so I didn't make much progress on the build. But every little bit of progress counts. 😉
 15 September 2024, 20:43
Great progress and detailing! Following
 16 September 2024, 11:34
Bruce Huxtable
Wow! You don't shy away from challenges! Watchinh with admiration, and hoping to learn lots too. Hoping you are not amongst the floods? Stay safe!
 16 September 2024, 12:29
Ludvík Kružík Author
J35J welcome! I hope you like it here.

Bruce, I like a challenge like that. I like to experiment and enjoy thinking of and then implementing ways to improve my model.

I appreciate your concern for my safety. I live in a town in the highlands that wasn't badly affected by the floods. Only the river that runs through our town has increased flow, but it hasn't spilled out of its bed. Moreover, our house is 80 metres above the river, so even if the river had spilled out of its bed, it would certainly not have reached our house.
 17 September 2024, 07:08
Bruce Huxtable
It sounds an idyllic location.....Opravdu, česka příroda je krasná....
 17 September 2024, 13:03
Ludvík Kružík Author
Bruce, thank you for the compliment. I'm sure the nature is beautiful in England too. 😉
 18 September 2024, 10:23
Ludvík Kružík Author
I'm slowly continuing to make small parts.
 18 September 2024, 10:27
Alec K
Nice progress, this will be a beauty 👍
 18 September 2024, 12:06
Another big bunch of parts, not to mention some kit parts, come together to form one big model! Not to be missed!
I'm late, but I have an excuse. First I was on holiday, and then this stupid C-virus knocked me out.
 18 September 2024, 20:29
Ludvík Kružík Author
Alec, thank you for your support and your kind words.

Welcome, Frank. I hope you're okay, and I'm really glad you're one of my guests.
It's definitely not too late. I still have most of my work ahead of me. In fact, you could say I'm just getting started.
 18 September 2024, 21:20
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS
Uhhhhhh … this is going to be another good one from you! I'm in 👍
 23 September 2024, 04:58
Ludvík Kružík Author
Thomas, welcome. It's good to see you among my guests. 🙂
 23 September 2024, 20:44
Ludvík Kružík Author
I'm struggling with time rather than the model at the moment. At least I managed to draw a new dashboard. After printing it in scale (1/48) on photo paper I will use it instead of the kit part.
 23 September 2024, 23:41
Another Ludvik conversion build with all the accuracy and attention to detail.we've come to expect. It's looking good, can't wait to see the final result! 👍
 23 September 2024, 23:42
Ludvík Kružík Author
Welcome, John. Please have a little patience. This project is quite demanding and I will need a lot of time to complete it.
 23 September 2024, 23:50
Ok, I aimed that to "I can wait to see the final result" (but I'm still eager) 😉
 24 September 2024, 02:03
Alec K
Wow, the dashboard looks amazing. I can only imagine how much time that took. Really interested how it looks completed 👍
 24 September 2024, 14:09
Ludvík Kružík Author
Alec, I drew the dashboard in the evenings for 5 days (about 3 to 4 hours each day). Add to that additional time (about 5 hours) for test printing and subsequent corrections.

I am attaching a photo of a test black and white print of the dashboard after all the modifications are complete. I will print the dashboard for the model in color later.
 24 September 2024, 18:34
Ludvík Kružík Author
According to the photos I modified the fuselage where the main landing gear is attached to it.
 24 September 2024, 20:00
Guy Rump
Looking good, following. 👍
 24 September 2024, 21:33
Jakub Biganovsky
Good morning.
Realy nice and fine work.
 25 September 2024, 04:07
Robert Podkoński
These modifications are just perfect, Ludviku...
 25 September 2024, 06:58
Ludvík Kružík Author
Guy, Jakub and Robert thank you for your comments, it's a nice encouragement for further work.

After today, the hull is glued together. Now I'm adjusting the shape of the transparent cockpit cover.
 25 September 2024, 21:13
Ben M
I continue to enjoy seeing this one take shape. Quite the effort to convert it!
 25 September 2024, 23:27
Ludvík Kružík Author
Hello, Ben. I'm glad you're interested in my project.
 26 September 2024, 06:34
Greg Baker
This is looking good!
 26 September 2024, 06:46
Ludvík Kružík Author
Thank you Greg!
 26 September 2024, 07:11
Villiers de Vos
Starting to take shape.
 26 September 2024, 07:19
Ludvík Kružík Author
Villiers, the completion of the fuselage is only temporary at this time. It's only to modify the shape of the transparent cockpit cover.
Once the cockpit cover is the correct shape, I will take the fuselage nose down again to continue work on the cockpit interior.
 26 September 2024, 10:36
Ludvík Kružík Author
Work on the model continues with the production of the cockpit.
 1 October 2024, 17:32
Greg Baker
This is becoming a scratchbuilding masterclass!
 1 October 2024, 18:27
Ludvík Kružík Author
Greg, thank you for the compliment.

A small shift in the work on the internal equipment of the helicopter's nose.
 2 October 2024, 19:36
Jennifer Franklin
Ludvik, I greatly admire your skill.
 4 October 2024, 01:36
Ludvik, a modeling god. The detail and scratchbuilding is just otherworldly and I always learn so much from your build logs
 4 October 2024, 01:58
Ludvík Kružík Author
Jennifer, thank you for your kind words.

Randa, thank you so much for your contribution. Although I don't consider myself a modeling god, your comment made me very happy. Thank you.
 4 October 2024, 19:14
Ludvík Kružík Author
This afternoon I continued making details for the nose of the helicopter.
 4 October 2024, 21:17
Ludvík Kružík Author
Little progress today. The cockpit got a floor, internal construction and a coat of grey paint. Now I can start to get the cockpit "settled in".
 5 October 2024, 19:24
Alec K
Great job on that instrument panel, turned out great 👍
 6 October 2024, 02:29
Ludvík Kružík Author
Thanks Alec! The dashboard isn't complete yet. I still need to add a few more details. But I'll add those after gluing the dashboard to the nose of the helicopter, because I would (very likely) break them off while gluing the dashboard to the nose.
 8 October 2024, 22:38
Ludvík Kružík Author
Again, little progress. I'm prepping the seats for the helicopter crew.
 8 October 2024, 22:39
Jennifer Franklin
The red on the seat and cushion pops, starting to look natural.
 8 October 2024, 23:07
Alec K
This build made me cautiously open the MPM 1/72 version of this chopper. I closed it back up very quickly… 🤣
 10 October 2024, 18:11
Ludvík Kružík Author
Alec, I don't blame you for making that decision. The MPM kit isn't very good. To build a nice model out of this kit requires a really large amount of work on virtually all parts of the kit. Plus the plastic the kit is made of is quite hard and cracks easily.
 11 October 2024, 13:00
Alec K
Agreed. The original MPM kits are now almost in the same category as the original KP: collectors' items. To be sighed over, but not disturbed 😁
 12 October 2024, 13:25
Ludvík Kružík Author
I'm continuing to work on the seats. I finished the backrest of the rear bench and glued the assembled bench into the cockpit.
 13 October 2024, 20:50
Alec K
Nice progress Ludviku. The dash and the canopy look super 👍
 23 October 2024, 23:19
Ludvík Kružík Author
Thanks Alec! 😄
 24 October 2024, 00:00
Ludvík Kružík Author
The new cockpit cover is slowly starting to resemble its model. The inner frame inserted into the transparent part of the cockpit and attached to the fuselage already shows the future shape of the cockpit cover.
 26 October 2024, 09:28
Excellent work on the canopy.
 26 October 2024, 10:37
Ludvík Kružík Author
Thank you gorby, glad you like it.
 6 November 2024, 22:48
Ludvík Kružík Author
After a short break I continue building the model. I have finished the instruments and controls in the cockpit and am now working on the details located on the inside of the canopy.
 6 November 2024, 22:56
Not much of this coarse kits are build. And among those is no model with details like yours! To scratch all little things needs time but is worth the effort. Your hard way to do the canopy frame is a good example.
I think the instrument panel will not very visible at the end but for more contrast individual decals for the instruments are an option. Tom Anyz offers greatly printed universal dials in black and white, e.g. Universal cockpit dials 1.00 mm - 1.80mm (ANYZ AN037, No)

 12 November 2024, 22:52
Ludvík Kružík Author
Bughunter thank you for the recommendation. Looks like the ANYZ decals are a great idea for simplifying dashboard fabrication.
 13 November 2024, 00:05
Yes! And Tom is a modeler too, so he provides things he need for his own models. So from modeler to modeler 🙂
The decals are well designed and printed by Cartograf.
 13 November 2024, 09:42
Ludvík Kružík Author
It's always good to have someone who has experience from their own practice.
I had a look at Tom's site and apart from the cockpit decals, I liked the other nifty bits. Looks like I'll do myself a favor and buy some of Tom's accessories. 🙂
 13 November 2024, 23:12
Ludvík Kružík Author
After a short break I am resuming work on the model. I finished the interior and glued the cockpit canopy. Now I have to finish the outer cabin window frames.
 19 November 2024, 22:14
Bart Goesaert
Some brilliant and very nice modelling... Nice work
 19 November 2024, 22:35
Really great bit of scratchbuilding, Ludvik! 👍 cockpit details are fantastic.
 19 November 2024, 23:22
Villiers de Vos
Amazing detailed work.
 20 November 2024, 02:37
Robert Podkoński
The canopy is an impressive masterpiece in itself, Ludviku. Chapeau bas!
 20 November 2024, 08:03
Ludvík Kružík Author
Work on the cabin canopy is complete. The model has been sprayed with surfacer for the first time.
2  9 December 2024, 22:22
Jennifer Franklin
Starting to look like a helicopter. It's going to be a true work of art.
1  10 December 2024, 03:38
This sandwich framing of the windows seems to be a lot of work but gives an awesome result 👍
1  10 December 2024, 10:54
Ludvík Kružík Author
The method of layering multiple layers on top of each other was my first time.
When I was thinking how best to make the new bow and cockpit cover, I thought of making these new parts as a sandwich. It seemed like a good solution and I wanted to give it a try.
Truth be told, the fabrication was more challenging than I had originally imagined. But I'm glad I took the plunge. I'm happy with the result.
3  10 December 2024, 22:08
Ludvík Kružík Author
After a break caused by the Christmas and New Year holidays, I returned to work on MI-1 again. According to the drawing I started to engrave new panel lines on the fuselage.
It's slow going and there's nothing to photograph yet.
4  14 January, 00:09
Ludvík Kružík Author
I've finished the first round of engraving the panel lines. The lines will still need some aftercare to achieve the final look.
 14 January, 21:25
Nice work with the rescribing. It couldn't have been easy with such an awkwardly shaped model.
 15 January, 07:43
Ludvík Kružík Author
Gorby, you got it exactly right. The shape of the helicopter fuselage with its rounded surfaces and large number of panels and various covers makes it difficult to overwrite the lines.
I found Dymo tape very helpful in transcribing the lines. I use it instead of a ruler when transcribing lines on rounded and complex model shapes. The Dymo tape is flexible yet strong enough. When taped to the model, the tape conforms to the shape of the fuselage and holds well in place (unlike a flexible ruler). And once the line is engraved, the tape can be peeled off easily.
2  15 January, 09:46
Alec K
I was thinking the same thing. Fine saw blade works for me on curved areas, in conjunction with a good scriber.
2  15 January, 14:56
Ludvík Kružík Author
After a short break I'm going back to work on the model. According to the drawing and photos I started to add details on the fuselage.
1  16 February, 22:34
Jennifer Franklin
Ludvik, how are you getting all the details for how the helicopter should look?
 17 February, 02:11
Ludvík Kružík Author
Jennifer, in building this helicopter, I am drawing information from an article on the history of the development of the helicopter, descriptions of the various versions, technical data, a detailed drawing and photos of the actual machine.
Most of the information and photographs I tracked down on the internet, and detailed photos of the interior and various details were provided by a friend who took photos of the helicopter at an aviation museum.
2  17 February, 23:00
Ludvík Kružík Author
Another shift in the work on the model. I've added small covers to the fuselage.
 19 February, 00:24
Desert Marlin
Excellent vacuum forming! This is first rate detail!
 19 February, 00:47
Jennifer Franklin
Any updates coming?
 9 March, 01:58
Ludvík Kružík Author
Jennifer, unfortunately I had very little free time lately. But I'm better with time now and can continue building the Mi-1. Look forward to an update soon.
4  9 March, 12:11
Ludvík Kružík Author
This afternoon I experimented with creating vents on the fuselage of the helicopter.
After a few trials and trying different materials, it turned out that the best method for making vents on the fuselage is to make a whole panel with vents out of thin aluminum sheet and create the vents in the panel.
3  9 March, 20:17
Desert Marlin
Makes perfect sense!
 9 March, 20:42
Desert Marlin
In picture 90, do you know what these vents are for?
 9 March, 20:44
Ludvík Kružík Author
Hello, Merlin. 🙂

The helicopter is powered by a radial combustion engine that is cooled by airflow. The air for cooling the engine enters the fuselage through an opening above the cabin (the amount of air can be controlled by the air intake louvers). And openings on the bottom and sides of the fuselage serve as its outlets.
3  9 March, 21:20
Desert Marlin
Makes sense! Thanks!
 9 March, 22:08
Jennifer Franklin
The attention to detail you put into your projects is exceptional. Do you keep a notebook with all the planned changes and extra work you want done?
 10 March, 02:54
Those vents panels are nicely done!
I also have a stalled Ansaldo project where I don't like the way the cooling vents are shown in the plastic. But there are so damn many vents ...
1  10 March, 08:12
Ludvík Kružík Author
I'm not so consistent that I take notes on model building. Before building a model, I study the materials and photos of the machine I want to build, think about what I'm going to do and how I'm going to do it. I work out the minor details as I build the model.
My notebook is my head 😄

Originally I was going to replace the air vent projections with plastic profiles. But I couldn't find any profile with the right shape and size. So I had to find another solution. I basically copied the panel making method for a real helicopter. Only instead of a press I used less sophisticated tools. 🙂

I know your Ansaldo project and I plan to build an Ansaldo too, only it will be a two-seater version. That's why I know that in terms of number of vents, Ansaldo can easily compete with MI-1.
3  10 March, 09:39
Ludvík Kružík Author
I finished adding details to the fuselage and sprayed the model with surfacer. Surfacer unified the fuselage color and as always pointed out areas that will need to be repaired.

Clearly, sandpaper and putty will keep me company for the next few days.
2  11 March, 23:00
Jennifer Franklin
What is surfacer? Is it similar to primer?
 12 March, 01:42
added a new photoalbum.
51 11 March, 09:32
Lochsa River
totally cool in every way possible.....
 11 March, 09:35
WOW, WOW and a couple of extra WOW's!
Amazing result Frank. Without doubt the best Golblin model I've ever seen.
I bet Halberd Models would love to use your photos for their marketing.
1  11 March, 09:44
Mojo DeVirus
1  11 March, 09:56
Really well done 🙂 superb work.
1  11 March, 10:12
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS
It looks so weird but very nicely done - superb craftmanship 😆
1  11 March, 10:21
Lochsa River
Love the photography as well...please post a wide shot of your setup so the lights are shown etc....I am trying to get this look....very dramatic...
 11 March, 10:45
Ben M
Very well built and finished. I wonder how they ever thought this would be a viable fighter.
1  11 March, 11:42
Lorraine Lin
1  11 March, 11:58
Marcel Klemmer
Well done👍
1  11 March, 12:59
Excellent build & paint work!👍🏻
1  11 March, 14:03
beautiful goblin
1  11 March, 14:34
Great looking Goblin. Your work and detailing are outstanding.
1  11 March, 15:03
in quite a few museums, it would not look that good 😉
1  11 March, 15:28
Hans-Jürgen Haag
Excelent work, the original egg plane🥰
1  11 March, 15:58
Perfekt 👍👍👍
1  11 March, 17:23
Jan Peters
Beautiful finish 👍🏻👍🏻
1  11 March, 17:31
Petr Kreps
Love it😉
1  11 March, 17:42
bughunter Author
Thank you very much mates!
I added two new pictures with the protection bow and securing fabric belt. I added also dust pigments to the wheels what I forgot before.
 11 March, 18:26
Alec K
Outstanding work in traditional Bughunter style! And done, in what I find, an unbelievable time frame 👍
2  11 March, 18:31
Fantastic work!
1  11 March, 18:36
Zbynek Honzik
Alec K said it for me. There's nothing to add. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Actually I have something to add - great photos! 👍
1  11 March, 19:04
Robert Podkoński
Beautiful! I can only echo Alec K as well.
1  11 March, 19:08
Christoph Kunz
Oh yeah, just to cool. 👍
1  11 March, 19:14
bughunter Author
What a wonderful feedback - Thank you very much to each of you 👍
gorby - your guess was right! It will appear on the Facebook page of Halberd Models 🙂
Yes Alec, I've been working on it all day - 24 hours a day! And because there wasn't enough time, I added the night. 😎 Joking aside, yes I spend a lot of time. And this winter was very warm here without snow/ice, so my airbrush sessions was not blocked by the iced roof window.
 11 March, 21:43
Kyle DeHart
Of course I had to come over and check out the glamour photos. Beautiful build and wonderful photography, as always. Such a cool build of a really unique subject
 12 March, 01:15
Jennifer Franklin
The photos are well done to show off this stunning and unique build.
 12 March, 01:38
added a new photoalbum.
87 images
The most demanding build I have ever done!View album, image #87New: 11 March, 17:46
After painting I added fabric belts from HGW Models. This part is only plugged in and can be removed ea
1:48 McDonnell XF-85 Goblin (Halberd Models Unknown)
82 20 February, 21:14
bughunter Author
I was so crazy to start another build while waiting for now decals to arrive (for this other project).
That is the most demanding beast I ever tried! Not because it is bad - no, the opposite! A full resin build, cast and 3D printed parts, PE and more.
Some guess work regarding type and kit is allowed - so I do not link a project yet 😉
I hope this will generate some interest ...
1  20 February, 21:32
Alec K
Another project! YES!! But careful, don't let the shelf queens get restless…. Hmmmm, what the heck is this?! Something US, judging by the cockpit color. And it looks like an ejection seat maybe, so something with a turbine engine??
1  20 February, 23:02
bughunter Author
- US: check 👍
- ejection seat: check 👍
- turbine engine: check 👍
That is still a big list. US jets are 244 topics here. Ok, not all have an ejection seat.
 20 February, 23:15
Christoph Schnarr
Hm, that looks a lot like the cockpit of the XB-85 Goblin and could therefore be the very good resin kit from Halberd Models 😉
1  21 February, 07:50
Also my guess : XF-85 Goblin , Halberd Models, 1/48 scale. 🙂
1  21 February, 09:42
Yngve N
I'm about to start working on a kit with lots of 3D printed resin so it's nice to be able to follow a project by someone experienced 😊
1  21 February, 09:43
Oh yes!! You've started the Goblin! 🙂
1  21 February, 09:45
bughunter Author
Welcome to all!
Oh yes gorby, I can't resist! I have already x started projects, x+1 one doesn't make a big difference 🙂
And Bingo: yes, you are all right about the Goblin 👍 That is the mother of all egg planes 😎
It is a great kit, but I think not an easy one!
- You should think twice (or better more often) where to cut the resin parts from the cast! I may have done it wrong in some areas.
- sometimes it is hard to see, where the part starts or the cast ends which brings you in trouble later with fit issues
- some 3D printed parts are very very filigree, you don't know how to hold or handle. I'm not a 1:700 ship builder!
- at some points the manual do not show clearly the correct place of a part. After checking reference pics (a must!) I realized my guess was wrong. If you add it to the wrong place you will get in trouble later for sure.
- there are some very tight fits, especially with cast parts. Best is again to check reference pictures if you really reached the final position or a part is not yet deep enough in its place and you need more cleaning of seams.

I will finish the Vega before this beast when the new decals arrive.
2  21 February, 10:45
bughunter Author
Some more pics are added showing the prepared cockpit walls. The first inner part is also prepared, the front of the jet engine.
I forgot to mention that there are nearly no color information regarding cockpit and so on in the instructions. There is a colorful 4 side view showing decal and stencil places.
 21 February, 19:03
Greg Baker
" I have already x started projects, x+1 one doesn't make a big difference "

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... spoken like a true model builder~!
1  21 February, 19:16
Marcel Klemmer
😳 Wow
1  21 February, 19:31
Alec K
Great progress 👍
1  23 February, 06:00
bughunter Author
Thanks mates!
Now some progress on the carriage, which is part of the kit (but I had to modify it).
 24 February, 18:55
bughunter Author
As preparation for the fuselage the jet engine parts are prepared now.
 1 March, 14:44
The exhaust and intake look remarkable. Getting all those PE blades in the correct place can't have been easy.
1  1 March, 15:13
Jennifer Franklin
Following. I like the 3D-printed foot holders. The metal pins are also a nice detail. That exhaust and intake look like they were a challenge to put together. Where did you get this model?
1  1 March, 15:25
bughunter Author
Thx mates!
Yeah gorby, that was challenging! See also pic 17.
Jennifer, those food holders was unbelievable filigree, as most of the 3D parts! You really don't know how to touch for cleaning and handling.
For exhaust and intake I followed the manual to cut parts, but made some wrong decisions. This makes it later even more complicated 🙁
I ordered this directly at Halberd, but they sell it also on ebay. But they seems to have some production issues with power outages etc due to Russian invasion.
But I recommend to think twice about it: it is not cheap; it provides nice details, but it is on the other hand some kind of "short run technology". So I had to do a lot of dry fitting and surgery to get things right - but all on resin parts! As I said, that is the most demanding build I have ever done! I will show more soon.
3  1 March, 15:39
Nathan Dempsey
Interesting subject and looking very nice too.
 1 March, 23:23
bughunter Author
Thank you Nathan! New pics added.
 1 March, 23:50
Alec K
What an aircraft this was! Excellent progress 👍
 2 March, 01:50
Very nice work! I love the bizarre stubby shape of the Goblin. A real life egg plane.
 2 March, 07:01
Bernhard Schrock
I least expected this flying egg with wings on your workbench 🙂 I haven't seen it built yet and I'm looking forward to a master piece from your hand.
 2 March, 07:16
bughunter Author
Thank you for your time to leave a comment mates!
@Alec It was? It is! Two aircraft were built, 6023 and 6024, and both are in museums.
The kit provides decals for the 6024. Regarding the details this is more complex. Both looks different today, the kit is different compared to both as they are shown today. And even the b/w photos shows many different things: with or without winglets, with one skid, (kit option), with two skids below the wings, the kit has two pitots on the wings - the one in the museum not. And much more!
Yes gorby, me too! That's why I called the project "The mother of all egg planes." 🙂
@Bernhard I looked around and also have not found it built yet, also not in the bigger scale. And I think I know now why as it is definitely not an easy walk!

Your interest is fuel for motivation 👍 so I will add more pics.
2  2 March, 09:27
Erik Off
A real eggplane, great! Love it, but 100$... puuh. 😉
 2 March, 09:44
bughunter Author
Welcome Erik!
On evil bay even more: but I think this includes import taxes. The 1:32 kit was even more, but is not available now.
When I ordered mine it was no more available within two days - all sold.
The offers on evil bay in Asia are going crazy already:

But as I said, it is not the price tag which makes me nervous .... I hope I'm able to finish a kit this time!
 2 March, 10:00
David Taylor
Missed this one,I'm in.
 2 March, 11:14
bughunter Author
Welcome David! Nice to know you are watching.
Now with teaser of the whole bird 😉
1  2 March, 12:13
Jennifer Franklin
Love the teaser, wasn't sure what to expect but that does indeed look like an eggplane.
1  2 March, 12:40
Kyle DeHart
I'm behind the times but I'll be standing at the back watching now!
1  2 March, 14:00
Robert Podkoński
I'm a little late, but I will definitely watch this talent show diligently! (and the topic is fantastic!)
1  2 March, 15:12
bughunter Author
Thank you very much mates and welcome!
 2 March, 18:16
David Taylor
You could always do the canopy when it smashed into the arrestor hook and belly landed on the desert.
1  2 March, 21:09
Ben M
 2 March, 21:22
bughunter Author
David, I added a picture of the emergency landing skid for you. I will not mount it, but the empty mounting brackets as PE. So no landing in desert, but into a museum.
Welcome Ben, nice to see you here!
 2 March, 22:10
Jennifer Franklin
I am looking at that cart and you are an artist bughunter.
1  2 March, 22:11
Zbynek Honzik
Fantastic job! No doubt you are an artist, bughunter!
I'm following with close attention and anticipation of your next progress.
1  2 March, 22:21
bughunter Author
Wow, Thank you both! Now I need a red face smiley .
There is not much difference between pic 26 and 46. I masked the rims and primed/painted the wheels. Some black paint in deep holes and on the food step. The big boost comes form a simple wash with oil paints as this brings up the nice rivets and other details on the cart.
And since you asked so kindly I added more progress pictures.

I stepped on the gas as we have our next club meeting in about a week and our annual show soon after that. It would be great to have the model ready by then!
1  2 March, 22:50
Ben M
I really want to go to that museum in Nebraska with this and a B-36 😍
1  2 March, 23:55
bughunter Author
Ben, I collected a lot of pictures from walkarounds, museum pages, Flickr and so on.
I must say (even I have only decals for the 6024) the 6023 in the "National Museum of the United States Air Force" in Dayton, Ohio is in a much better, more original state. It uses a original cart. See the gallery with 21 photos on the official museum page:
The 6024 in Nebraska is on a simple steel frame, no winglets, the hook looks strange. Seems to be polished, without all the nice stenciling. Seems to be trimmed for a nice look, but not very original.
2  3 March, 00:27
Kyle DeHart
Oh the National Museum of the United States Air Force is so good. I try to go at least once a year. It's just a couple hour drive from me. Beyond worth the price of entry too…which is $0. Beautiful work on that cart Frank. It looks the part.
2  3 March, 03:21
Ludvík Kružík
After the "Flying Flea" another interesting dwarf has appeared on your modelling table. 🙂 👍

I am particularly interested in this project of yours. Firstly because of the choice of model, but mainly because it is a resin kit with 3D printed parts. As I have several resin kits in my stash and have recently added two 3D printed models, this project is a great inspiration to me.
1  3 March, 09:54
bughunter Author
Thank you mates and welcome Ludvík!
Here Halberd made a mix of cast and 3D printed parts. Only the very small ones are 3D printed. I checked both kits (it is also offered in 1:32):
- my small 1:48 one has 38 resin parts and 16 3D print detail parts
- the 1:32 kit 48 resin parts and only 6 3D print detail parts
That is not my first resin kit as I build e.g. kits from LukGraph (also combination of cast and 3D printed, but they move to completely 3D printed kits) and old resin cast kits from "SPIN Model" and "Alliance Models". Here I replaced small parts often with metal and wood. You will find those in my Projects, more to come.
I have not build a jet yet and that is somehow a different story (compared to my usual biplanes) with clear parts, surface details and more.

The most important thing with resin kits is a useless Tamiya Extra thin glue - you have to use CA or epoxy but it brings us many interesting kits which will never made it into a plastic kit.
1  3 March, 10:49
bughunter Author
I was hoping for a bit more interest at least from the mates who have the kit in their wishlist or stash. But it is what it is.
More pictures ...
Has anyone ever polished such cast resin canopies? It might have been a possibility, but without a backup I didn't dare.
 3 March, 16:42
Worst come to the worst, if you damaged the canopy you could always do it as the Goblin which smashed the canopy trying to reattach to the bomber. 😄
Well you certainly have the attention of one member with it in their wishlist. 🙂
1  3 March, 16:48
Jennifer Franklin
I am watching with interest, although I don't currently have anything in my wishlist that is resin.
1  3 March, 20:10
bughunter Author
Jennifer, I think it is a good way to start with resin aftermarket accessories for your models to get a feeling for this material. There are big sets for replacing all in the cockpit or a engine with cowlings and parts around it for example from Eduard or CMK. If you can handle that than there is no more a big step to tackle a full resin model. Due to the 3D printing we see more and more accessories and kits in resin.
1  3 March, 20:25
bughunter Author
gorby I know, you are always a big supporter 👍 And I hope that this particular wish on your wish list will be fulfilled one day, by whatever means.
1  3 March, 20:30
Ludvík Kružík
Even though I don't have Goblin on my wishlist, you still have my attention too. 😉
1  3 March, 22:08
Robert Podkoński
I assembled a MPM Goblin long time ago and I have Special Hobby one in my stash. Surely, I am watching this build with utmost interest, Frank 😉
1  4 March, 06:29
bughunter Author
You're always following me, my friends! 👍
Robert, the MPM is 1:72, the SH 1:48, right? If you prefer 1:144 there is a add-on in this Hobbycraft kit: Convair GRB-36 "FICON" (Hobbycraft HC1273, 1:144)
Please ee also:

1  4 March, 09:05
Ben M
There needs to be a 1:24 goblin to go with the 1:24 B-36
 4 March, 11:04
bughunter Author
Halberd announced a Limited Edition (100-120 kits) of the Goblin kit in 1:24 later this year 🙂
1  4 March, 11:06
Robert Podkoński
Exactly - MPM is 1:72; SH is 1:48. It will be instructive to compare the latter with your build, I presume.
 4 March, 11:51
bughunter Author
I downloaded the manual of both kits at the very beginning of the project since Halberd do not provide color infos, just for checking beside the reference photos.
 4 March, 12:16
Alec K
I certainly would not miss bughunter build! Those that do are doing so at their own loss 😉

On that canopy: did you apply Future? That should help with clarity.
 4 March, 13:51
bughunter Author
Thank Alec 👍
No, I have not applied, because I heard some bad things (and read warnings on commercial cut masking sheets) about masking on a canopy with Future. And now it is painted so too late.
But on this model this is no problem: the front shield is mostly covered by the hook and not very visible. As I will show the main canopy in open state and it is open to the side, it is not very prominent too, additionally covered by the black ventilation pipes. And hey, the thing has been in the museum for more than 70 years, so the canopy is no longer clear! 🙂

And hopefully I can show some metal scratch work later that my build logs are known for!
2  4 March, 14:17
bughunter Author
There are a lot of possible variants regarding the pitot pipes, if you look on reference pictures and the museum planes. Below the nose, only on left wing, on both wings ... The museum planes do not carry those.
The kit provides two wing probes. As they are made from resin I should mount them now to be able to prime and paint but I fear to break this thin parts during handling. After looking on original b/w photos I noticed a different metal shine so I had an idea!
1  4 March, 17:54
Lorraine Lin
 5 March, 02:12
Kyle DeHart
Wonderful work on this unique project, my friend. The detailing in that intake is stunning. These resin kits sure can pack in the detail.
 5 March, 03:27
Robert Podkoński
Now I see that there is no such a fantastic detail in the intake in the SH offering - it would be great to get it as a separate aftermarket set...
 5 March, 06:21
Hmm... I didn't know that they made egg planes for real. Very strange bird.
 5 March, 13:10
bughunter Author
Thank you very much for your comments and Welcome to the new visitors!
@Robert You will end up replacing the whole kit, due to better details on every part. It may be too late now, but after the first rumours about the new kit, some have sold their SH kits on ebay for 70€ (which is the cheapest offer at the moment) or more and bought the new kit.
@Skyhiker It was the smallest fighter jet ever built, as it had to fit into the real "aircraft carrier" (not the ones on water today). The full story is very interesting. The performance wasn't bad, but it was very difficult to hook back onto the carrier because of the turbulence. It was assumed that an average pilot would not be able to do this - so the project was cancelled.
 5 March, 18:57
Robert Podkoński
So, I will stick to my old-school kit... 😉
 5 March, 19:04
bughunter Author
Or put it on ebay for 80€ and see what happens ...
 5 March, 19:06
bughunter Author
I know people will ask to see this model in Ergolding next week (I hope to finish it before) or the EME in Lingen end of march I need a robust model! At the moment I have a Pfalz Triplane with a broken plastic undercarriage in the cabinet - crying for a metal fix.
After the replaced tail holder (see pic 20) what about the front struts? I tried the kit ones - very flexible! After a single brass wire is much more stable you may guess now what are the next steps ...
 5 March, 20:32
Landlubber Mike
Wow, this is spectacular! I have the Special Hobby kit, but after seeing the details on this one, I might need to swap it out for the Halberd one!
 5 March, 20:47
bughunter Author
Thank you Mike! Yes, the great details and the unusual subject invited me to leave my comfort zone and try something different.
1  5 March, 22:43
Kyle DeHart
Looks awesome on the carriage. Nice upgrade for stability
 6 March, 02:00
Ben M
If you feel like building something like this that is a biplane, Frank you could try a F9C
 6 March, 02:41
bughunter Author
Thank you!
Ben, there is no kit for the F9C in 1:48? Nobod seems to the the LSM kit in shash? No year announced, long gone I guess. But the F3F-2 from Academy looks nice ...
 6 March, 08:57
Ben M
I have the 1:32 kit. I'd like to built it as the version without landing gear but will need more 3d printing skills to do that - which I'm working on acquiring. I built the 1:520 Macon and had some 3d printed F9C biplanes to go with it.
1  6 March, 13:24
bughunter Author
A display with the sparrowhawk hooked to a part of the mothership would look amazing!
On this model here it would need a new, more robust hook due the weight of the model.
 6 March, 14:29
bughunter Author
Damn, this was more work and much more complex than expected (it was not easy to get all wires in right angle), but I'm happy that the metal work in done now and like the look.
3  6 March, 20:45
Desert Marlin
Wobblin' and I'm watch'n!!!
1  7 March, 01:17
Desert Marlin
Guess you'll need a 1:48 Scale B-36 huh?!?
1  7 March, 01:19
Ben M
Yes, he definitely needs one
1  7 March, 01:30
Kyle DeHart
This is so good. Those new parts look great.

To one of your other points. I have that F3F-2 in its original Accurate Miniatures form and the kit does indeed look very nice. I shall attempt to build it someday.
2  7 March, 01:48
Ludvík Kružík
The new parts look perfect. Also the Goblin on the transport cart looks very good. Great job! 👍

A B-36 assembly with the Goblin hanging on would be impressive. A 1/48 scale model of the B-36 exists and is currently available. However, there are several reasons why I would think twice about buying a B-36:
- I have only found one 1/48th scale model. It is produced by HpH in a limited edition. It is a really nice model with elaborate details. But basically it is a custom production and the delivery time is 10 months and the price of 575 Euro is not exactly negligible.
- A 1/48 scale B-36 with a wingspan of 1.5m and a fuselage length of just over 1m is not small. You would probably have to solve the problem of where to put it.
- And third, although the B-36 was intended as a Goblin carrier, at the time of the tests the B-36 was not yet available, so landing tests were conducted on a trapeze carried under a B-29B Superfortress.
2  7 March, 10:20
Hmm, if the kit was not so expensive, tempting, would go well with my X-1 carrying B-29..
2  7 March, 10:49
Ben M
Aluminum overcast
1  7 March, 12:36
bughunter Author
I was away for a long hike in warm spring weather in sunshine so no progress here - but a lot of nice comments! Thank you very much mates, those are highly appreciated!
No way that I would build such huge carrier like B-29 or B-36. If someone buys me a bigger flat or a house, I promise to think about it 🙂
I like the new parts too and no Wobblin' anymore! But today in daylight the paint was not yellow enough (painted those yesterday evening in artificial light). So I painted the yellow again today and think it looks better now (no new pictures).

Yes Augie, that was expensive - but maybe I could help Ukraine a little. The kit was created 40km away from the front! 😮 How can they develop and manufacture such great products under such conditions?
5  7 March, 20:06
Oh I do understand bugs, its why I buy direct from places like Reskit.
 7 March, 22:28
Jennifer Franklin
40 km away from the front? That is astounding!
 7 March, 22:29
bughunter Author
In meantime I found an explanation for the open tube pieces on the struts (see pic 76 for example): here a protection bow during towing could be plugged in.
See this picture
3  7 March, 23:19
Gosh I wish I had your soldering skills. Any pointers?
 8 March, 11:11
Are you considering building the protection bow? It wouldn't be too hard to make with sprue or brass rod. I think it adds something, but it might cover up all that work with the open pipe too much.
1  8 March, 11:16
I knew you wouldn't be able to resist adding the protection bar. 😄
2  8 March, 17:49
bughunter Author
Skyhiker, you mean something like picture 71? I'm will check later if it is long enough.
Regarding soldering I showed often the tools in the build logs - all you need is practice and exercise. And practice and exercise again.

And again one step forward, two steps back 🙁
I hate to mask resin models! Painted dark metal areas and want to mask them to paint the rest. A mask was not sitting in right place and I want to remove it to reapply - pulled up paint and primer together .... And again ....
2  8 March, 17:56
bughunter Author
Sorry gorby, I have not seen your post as we typed in parallel.
It seems as if you can estimate my behavior quite well.
2  8 March, 18:09
Ludvík Kružík
The protective arch is a small but interesting accessory on the transport trolley.

While surfing the internet I found this photo. It shows more details about the protective arch. It might come in handy.
2  8 March, 21:11
bughunter Author
Thank you Ludvík!
I know this picture. Yours is a part of the original, which can be found in very high resolution on Wikipedia:
I wanted to show this picture anyway later as it shows (if you go to full resolution) that they used decals for the stencils instead of masks. And some of the decals shows a silvering! So I have later an excuse if my decals shows that too 🙂
2  8 March, 21:36
Ludvík Kružík
I thought you knew the picture. 😉, ... I sent it just in case. Wikipedia also has nice close-up pictures of the trapeze design with the Goblin suspended, but I'm sure you know that too.
2  8 March, 22:01
bughunter Author
To replicate the trapeze would be not easy and more info would be helpful. No, I will resist and show it on the nice yellow carrier as today in museum.
2  8 March, 22:25
Desert Marlin
Something seems very wrong with the design of the Goblin... The turbine warning strip seems to run coincident with the pilot's seat... A design that seems very sympathetic to the Citroen and SMART cars...
 8 March, 23:12
Christoph Kunz
Sorry, I'm late.
But I love it.
 8 March, 23:33
Jennifer Franklin
It is looking terrific. I love that yellow carrier, and you did such an amazing job on it, bringing all the detail out with the weathering.
 9 March, 01:50
bughunter Author
Yes, the design looks like an egg-plane, but the turbine red stripe is definitely behind the seat and the headrest.
That reminds me of a few morons on YouTube. The manufacturer of model turbine engines prescribes a lateral distance of several metres during operation because they run at 120000 revolutions and more. And then these idiots screwed the turbines onto "Bobby Cars", sat on them and raced through a park. As the inlet is close to the ground, there is a high probability that dirt will be sucked in. If the turbine blades then come apart, the crown jewels a few centimetres above are also ruined. That would even be enough for the Darwin Award 🙂
4  9 March, 12:15
Alec K
 9 March, 16:14
bughunter Author
At the moment I'm applying around 100 decals o:
The numbers go up to 58, but the bigger ones don't have a number, many are doubled and some even 6 times. So I guess it sums up to 100. A little flying manual 🙂
2  9 March, 18:15
bughunter Author
A huge step towards the finish: the Goblin is painted and ALL decals are applied! 🙂
2  9 March, 22:10
Desert Marlin
Pictures 17 and 18... that's crazy talk right there!!!
1  9 March, 22:39
Desert Marlin
Picture 55... excellent pitot tube work!
1  9 March, 22:43
Desert Marlin
Picture 58... no doubt that the resin work is far superior in this case!!!
1  9 March, 22:44
Ludvík Kružík
You've picked up rocket speed. Looks like you're getting closer to your goal. The Goblin with the decals looks fantastic!
1  9 March, 22:45
Jennifer Franklin
congratulations, the 100 decals look good (or at least those shown in the photos)
1  10 March, 02:49
Fantastic work with the decals.
1  10 March, 07:39
bughunter Author
Thank you very much mates! Your comments are highly appreciated!
@Desert Marlin It looks like you went slowly through the whole album - I hope you had fun. p17/18 there were little recesses for the PE parts. p55 I really like to do some scratch work in metal.
@Ludvík After spending the whole Sunday for the decals I mounted all today and it looks like I will meet my deadline: the Goblin is finished for the club meeting this evening, only the washing will not be dry 😉
Jennifer and gorby I really like if decals are bringing some colorful life into a model.
No time to show new pictures today but I will add some tomorrow. Stay tuned!
3  10 March, 14:04
Ludvík Kružík
I trust your club friends will admire your Goblin as much as your friends here on SCM.
 10 March, 19:11
Fantastic finish with that paint and the many stencils 👍
 10 March, 20:00
bughunter Author
Yes, it was a surprise 🙂
Thanks Kenneth, I used my beloved trusty Alclads. Hard to find now.
 11 March, 08:49
Lorraine Lin
Great painting job! I will be here waiting for the moment when you peel off the mask.
2  11 March, 12:41
Hans-Jürgen Haag
Eggi under construction 👍🥰
 11 March, 16:01
bughunter Author
Thank you mates!
@Lorraine Lin All masks are gone, no bis accident below 🙂
I just added some additional pictures and my fresh work on the front protection bar which I created according to the picture shown already. As all parts in aviation even the belt has its part number plate 🙂 The protection is only plugged to the model so it can be shown with or without it.

This build log is finished now. Thanks for watching and commenting! Don't miss the final pictures in a new album here:
The Goblin as it might look in a museum | Album by bughunter (1:48)
3  11 March, 17:59
bughunter Author
I found also a colorful Goblin of a PC game, in case you want to to a What-If:
2  11 March, 18:30
Desert Marlin
If Snoopy was a jet!
1  11 March, 18:52
Kyle DeHart
Wow!! Incredible paint and decal work. The Goblin turned out awesome!! Love it.
 12 March, 01:14
added a new photoalbum.
28 27 February, 13:23
Skyhiker Author
Cockpit completed today.
 28 February, 02:59
You really seem to like a challenge 🙂
1  28 February, 12:46
Skyhiker Author
Lol, well I must admit Zvezda is not my favorite brand, but it wanted to be made.
 28 February, 15:41
Skyhiker Author
I've decided with this model not to get caught up in Advanced Modelling Syndrome by correcting the design but rather try to work with the kit. This presents it's own challenges seeing as I have to adjust and connect misaligned parts without damaging the raised panel lines. But I hope that even with this extra work it will still be faster to build than correcting the design.
 1 March, 12:39
 1 March, 14:27
Jennifer Franklin
 1 March, 15:30
Skyhiker Author
I have a sneaking suspicion that Zvezda mixed resins or other poisonous chemicals in with their styrene. I got a reaction in my sinuses, from sanding the plastic, which I've never had before. I really need to get better at taking more precautions with this hobby.
1  1 March, 20:39
Jennifer Franklin
It is good to know that I have to watch with any Zvezda kits I may buy. That is a terrible practice on their part.
 1 March, 21:48
Skyhiker Author
Maybe it was from the debonder or maybe it's just a coincidence. I don't know. Zvezda is based in Russia, I'm not sure how controlled the plastics are there or how bad the black market is for chemicals. I doubt Zvezda would intentionally use toxic chemicals. If there is an issue I would imagine it to be with their supplier.
1  2 March, 00:33
Cristian A
Oooh, a Sukhoi, I'm in 🫡
 2 March, 20:39
Skyhiker Author
Welcome Cristian
1  3 March, 00:00
Melf Boyens
Zvezda (Star) from Russia is next to Amodel and Modelsvit from Ukraine my preffered choice for Russian jet fighter, i have, let me think, 100 kits from Zvezda bought in Russia and never experienced any problems on their polystyrenes. The usual wet decals got better recently, but still sub-standard (always auf Begemont on standby), but most importantly i get model variation that nobody else has, and some of their scales are pretty accurate. You also find their makes back in Revell or Italerie cartons. Amodel is horror and real sanding nightmare in terms of fit and accuracy. On this SU-30 i gonna watch and with excitment.
3  3 March, 12:48
Skyhiker Author
A bit more progress today
 3 March, 22:01
Mr D
Nice Aircraft, l really like a Zvezda kit 👍
It's a sanction's issue with Zvezda supply! It's the government's that war with each other! the people suffer.
The SU-30 is a great looking aircraft, l really enjoyed the paint job on the little 1:144 l just finished.
Got the 1:144 Berkut in now Skyhiker 👍
1  3 March, 22:03
Skyhiker Author
Mr D, It's unfortunate the crazy times we are living in. l bought my Zvezda kit on Kleinanzeigen when I bought someone's entire stash so it only cost me 5 euros. Sometimes you can still find good deals online.
 3 March, 22:25
Skyhiker Author
The Flankers really have very elegant and sleek designs. For jets they're beautiful.
1  5 March, 12:14
Did the AMS hit you with those engines? 😉
1  5 March, 15:33
Skyhiker Author
Lol, well the kit engines were just so wrong they need some adjustments.
1  5 March, 15:37
Skyhiker Author
After priming the model and improving the engine details I spent most of the day mixing colors trying to find the correct tones for this plane. Eventually I figured it out.
1  5 March, 19:02
Mr D
What colour scheme are you going for ?
The tricolour blue's and Gray?
Like the extra exhaust details.....will be much better now.👍👍
1  5 March, 20:20
David Guzman
Following this project
 5 March, 20:28
Skyhiker Author
Mr D, yes I am re-creating one of the first Su-30s delivered, so it has blues and grey. It is not as vibrant as the later planes. I had to mix a few colors to get an accurate color tone. I posted a photo of the paint test. Good Russian colors are hard to find and I don't use laquers anymore for health reasons. If it doesn't clean up with water or alcohol I prefer not to use it.
1  5 March, 20:45
You going for the Vallejo Model Air 71.334, 71.335 and 71.337 or similar blues and grey?
 5 March, 20:49
Skyhiker Author
I'm not sure. I don't normally use Vallejo because they're too rubbery, tough to spray and tend not to sand well. They do brush on quite nicely though. I posted an image of the color test. I generally use AK 3rd generation because of their accurate colors or Aquaous because they are just great paints that sand well. I do have a decent amount of laquers and enamels but I try not to use them to avoid the chemicals.
 5 March, 21:03
I did a Su-27 with the Vallejo colors, if you want to compare.
1  5 March, 21:06
Skyhiker Author
Yeah, those colors are pretty close. Nice job on the 27. How did the paint work out for you? Like I said I pretty much gave up on Vallejo.
1  5 March, 21:12
Skyhiker Author
Melf Boyens, it's good to hear you haven't had any issues with Zvezda kits since I have an awful lot of Russian planes to build and most of the kits are from Russia or Ukraine. I assume the problem I was experiencing was a reaction to the debonder. I just have to remember to wear a mask and gloves more often.
 5 March, 21:31
I hear that a lot about Vallejo and they work for me. The mecha primer is awful, but the colors are different. I think most of the problems come from differences in humidity and temperature, they seem to be sensitive on that or people overthin them because everywhere are the laquer thinning ratios mentioned, wthout context. I go for unthinned Model Air or only a drop of thinner and slightly under 25psi. But most of my tip dry and clogging problems went away after I switched to the H&S Evolution '24 and shaking the paint with a vortex mixer for ~30 - 40s.
 5 March, 21:54
Skyhiker Author
A vortex mixer is a good idea. I hadn't thought of that. I got a H&S Infinity Two in One this Christmas. With the biggest needle it might work but the 0.15 would probably be too small for Vallejo. I might try them out again with my cheap GANZTON airbrush first beforehand.
1  6 March, 00:29
Mr D
Hi Skyhiker, I've recently been using lCM water based paints, l mixed some decent Su-30 colours for my latest build from ICM, they dry nice and hard too, need alot of thinning as they are very thick.
Your right.... Health first 😃👍
 6 March, 17:22
Skyhiker Author
I didn't know ICM made paints. Aren't they from Ukraine? I'll have to keep my eyes open for them. Ok I see they have a whole range:
3004 Palette of 80 colors, ICM , Acrylic, 80x 12ml
 6 March, 21:01
Skyhiker Author
I started painting today
 8 March, 15:59
Mr D
Some nice progress 👍👍 can see some nice shading there,
Yes they are from Ukrainia, they have definitely helped me out with colour matching, l first used them on my Yak3 as they did a soviet aviation pack.
Good luck on next paint stage 😀👍
 8 March, 17:52
 8 March, 19:11
Skyhiker Author
Mr. D, I did add panel shading on this one, although I always try to layer over it enough to make it as subtle as possible. You would never find a real plane that has anything that looks like panel shading. Most people overdo this technique, but I think if you blend it in enough it can add some depth to the model without looking too strange.
1  8 March, 21:23
Jennifer Franklin
I like that colour blue
1  9 March, 01:51
Skyhiker Author
A bit more painting done in between my wife walking in every 10 minutes.
1  9 March, 16:53
Skyhiker Author
A little bit closer today
1  10 March, 19:26
Cristian A
Looks amazing, keep going
1  10 March, 21:25
Skyhiker Author
Thx Cristian
 11 March, 04:00
Mr D
Looks great 👍. good job on paint 👏
I'm really glad l added a SU-30 to my collection as they look fantastic on Display.
Good luck on the next steps 👍
 11 March, 11:11
Skyhiker Author
Well I'm not convinced with the colors, the hue of the dark blue is too cyan colored. I may need to go buy some other paint.
 11 March, 13:03
Skyhiker Author
I went and bought a bunch of paint only to come home to find out they are all colors that don't look like the real thing. I tried Vallejo air and Hataka acrylics. I even bought a few 3rd generation general colors to see if I could get close since they don't make Russian colors. But all to no avail. I guess I will have to mix my own. At least I know I can mix a decent color if I have the proper primary base.
 11 March, 20:19
Jennifer Franklin
Thanks, Mr D, that was good to know.
 12 March, 01:01
Phil Atkinson
added a new photoalbum.
42 images
Fleet Air Arm Aces 1939 - 1945View album, image #37
Grumman Hellcat MkII JX772/X119 1844 NAS HMS Formidable Japan Jul-45 25.07.45 2 x Aichi B7A 'Grace' Destroyed Aichi B7A ...
45 5 February 2022, 07:25
LucLuke B
Cool details and really realistic painting and weathering.
 5 February 2022, 08:45
Michael Kohl
Interesting and unusual collection. And very well build. Looks to me as if each model deserves an individual presentation.
 5 February 2022, 08:47
Robert Podkoński
I fully agree with Michael here!
 5 February 2022, 09:44
Phil Atkinson Author
Thank you for your kind comments. I'll try and add more as as I add to my theme. I have another 7 in the stash to add to the Fighters before I get on to the bombers...
 5 February 2022, 11:39
Rui S
Great paint job 👍
 2 September 2022, 20:21
Pietro De Angelis
Beautiful collection, congrats!
 20 May 2023, 20:27
Really impressive builds and collection, would be great with more pictures.
 9 August 2023, 19:08
Same as J35J
 9 January 2024, 07:06
Lorraine Lin
Nice collection!
1  11 March, 11:44
Hans-Jürgen Haag
Woho nice collection 👍🥰
 11 March, 16:02
Rui S
Great collection, indeed 👍
 12 March, 00:29
Robert Davidson
added a new photoalbum.
12 March, 00:28
added a new photoalbum.
2 11 March, 16:19
Rui S
Nice work 👍
 12 March, 00:28
James Barrett
added a new photoalbum.
2 12 March, 00:24
added a new photoalbum.
9 11 March, 18:11
Rui S
Beautiful big model 👍
 12 March, 00:24
Robert Fuqua
added a new photoalbum.
38 images
"Jimmy's Hornet"View album, image #33New: 11 March, 18:58
The finished product, ready to go to its new owner, a Navy veteran and friend of the family.
1:72 F/A-18A Hornet (Academy 12419)
16 23 June 2024, 19:09
 24 June 2024, 18:51
Rui S
Great work 👍
 12 March, 00:23
added a new photoalbum.
48 images
Revell '68 Dodge Charger R/TView album, image #46New: 12 March, 00:21
Been a bit since last update. Slowly working on the little details.
9 26 December 2024, 04:41
Martin Oostrom
Good start Sniff!
1  26 December 2024, 10:32
Dontsniffglue Author
Finally got the airbrush and spray booth set up (after doing the motor by hand). Color inspiration I'm using is this:

After some extensive searching, I've found a paint I want to use for the body. Sunburst Orange from Barbatos Rex. I'll probably top coat it over a metallic grey, or gunmetal grey to get the color depth I'm wanting. Here's what it looks like:
Youtube Video
1  28 December 2024, 01:41
Jennifer Franklin
Nice colour and new too!
1  28 December 2024, 02:40
Bob Hall
Sweet Mopar ! I used this kit for my Bullit car chase combo, good kit. 👍
1  28 December 2024, 04:13
Dontsniffglue Author
Finally have my paints ordered for the body. Also making full use of my new airbrush setup. The finish it so much better than brushed. Ended up going with Mecha Empires Copper Fire, which I'll put over top a base coat of gloss black. I MIGHT do a very thin coat of clear red on top to deepen the color. That might require some practice pieces first...
I'll upload a sample of those colors
 12 January, 00:56
Watching this project. Have to admit that the candy red has nice depth.
1  21 January, 23:22
Martin Oostrom
I like it with some clear red. So much warmer.
1  22 January, 06:51
Ben M
The color looks fantastic.
1  29 January, 02:36
Martin Oostrom
1  29 January, 06:22
George Williams
Lovely colour.
1  29 January, 10:35
Lorraine Lin
1  5 February, 03:57
Rui S
Indeed. 👍 I'm in 😎
1  5 February, 11:31
István Szücs
Wonderful work!
1  5 February, 19:14
Johne 69
added a new photoalbum.
2 images
Tamiya Abrams with Mine Plow 1:35View album, image #2New: 11 March, 19:06
When I build Heavy Metal I hear Heavy Metal and my neighborhood too If they want or Not :D
1:35 M1A1 Abrams (Tamiya 35158)1:35 M1A1/A2 MBT T-158LL 'Big Foot' Workable Track Link Set (Bronco AB3522)1:35 M1A1 (Eduard 35333)
4 3 March, 18:17
Rui S
😄 😄 😄
 12 March, 00:21
Robert Fuqua
added a new photoalbum.
37 images
“Witchcraft” B-24JView album, image #32New: 11 March, 19:11
I still need to dry brush, pin wash, and weather the interior. It’s at this point I’m hoping the judges use their tiny f...
1:72 B-24J Liberator 'Assembly Ship' (Hasegawa 00976)1:72 B-24H "Witchcraft" (Mike Grant Decals MG 72-050)1:72 B-24 Liberator - Bomb Bay Doors (Quickboost QB 72 321)6+
21 7 August 2024, 12:51
Great start, following with intrest.
 7 August 2024, 19:00
Tony Tonov
Me too, looks great so far
 9 August 2024, 19:36
Tom M
das sieht doch mal sehr gut aus
 12 August 2024, 04:42
Rui S
Looking Great 👍
 12 March, 00:20
Agustin Prellezo
added a new photoalbum.
30 6 January, 20:28
Rui S
Great work allround 👍
 6 January, 22:33
I had to go back then I saw it was 1/72nd. Thought it was 1/48. What a great job, super dio. Great way to start the year.
 7 January, 00:29
William Joel
Nice work. Thanks for sharing.
 7 January, 01:51
I agree with everyone above!
 7 January, 09:28
Excellent diorama!
 7 January, 09:45
Thomas O'Eh
Fantastic little scene, very nice Beaufort, ground personnel and equipment! The details add to the great overall impression, the scratches on the torpedo, the cracks in the concrete and the subtle weathering of the exhausts look just great.
 7 January, 10:09
Impressive work! Congrats 👍🏻
 7 January, 13:18
Great diorama, nice work!
 7 January, 14:13
Agustin Prellezo Author
Thanks to you all!!! It is 100% Airfix. The torpedo trolley comes with the airfix Swordfish. All the kits, even the figure, are very high quality kits.
 7 January, 21:20
Agustin Prellezo Author
Sorry, it is not all Airfix. The Eduard photoetched parts are in the interior, but they can be hardly seen.
 7 January, 21:23
Guy Rump
Great build and dio. congrats! 👍
 11 March, 19:22
Rui S
Beautiful work 👍
 12 March, 00:20
Frank Brzobohaty
added a new photoalbum.
24 9 March, 16:36
Amazing work!
1  10 March, 09:09
1  10 March, 13:04
Andrés Fernández Lucena
Wow amazing work Frank! I am really happy to see that rotorhead there, you really made it shine!!
1  10 March, 21:13
Agreed looks really nice! I really like those metallic green torpedoes (I assume they are torpedoes?) 👍
1  11 March, 19:32
Rui S
Excellent 👍
 12 March, 00:19
added a new photoalbum.
12 images
GunshipsView album, image #1New: 11 March, 19:41
Overview of the diorama
Project: Gunships
1:144 Douglas AC-47D Spooky (Roden 310)1:144 Fairchild AC-119K Stinger (Roden 322)1:144 USAF AC-130H Gunship (Minicraft Model Kits 14537)
3 2 March, 16:14
Rui S
Nicelly done small pair 👍
 12 March, 00:19
added a new photoalbum.
66 images
Italeri | No. 808 | 1:48 | Lockheed U-2CView album, image #1New: 11 March, 12:03
2021/22: OOB build of the vintage '70s Italeri/Testors 1/48 kit.
1:48 Lockheed U-2C (Italaerei 808)
92 30 November 2021, 14:28
Robert Podkoński
Watching, of course! A lot has been done already 😉
 6 January 2022, 13:41
Neil Author
Hello Robert 🙂 HNY to you! Thanks very much for the comment, hope to do your interest justice 👍
 6 January 2022, 20:25
Oooh watching, made this one a long time ago
 6 January 2022, 20:35
Neil Author
Hi Augie. Excellent! Glad to have your interest 😊 very kind of you to comment 👍
 7 January 2022, 21:09
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Watching 👀
 12 January 2022, 12:30
Neil Author
Excellent! Welcome WhiteGlint. Great to have your interest also 🙂
 13 January 2022, 15:44
James C
Looking good Neil 👍
 13 January 2022, 16:50
David H
Dammit, missed this, late to party but definitely in ..👀
 13 January 2022, 18:16
Neil Author
Cheers James C and David H, hope you're both well 🙂 really appreciate your interest and comments mates 👍 I'm getting distracted by my other builds on the go at the moment. But I will get back to this one again soon. It's another oldie kit but what an iconic aircraft!
 13 January 2022, 18:42
Charlie Spitfire
wooooow looks soooo coool
 4 February 2022, 04:18
Neil Author
Cheers @charlie 😉 kind of you to comment. I've also added some new imagery today 👍
 4 February 2022, 12:05
James C
Looks to be coming along nicely mate 👍
You going to camouflage it per the box art or paint it black?
 21 February 2022, 16:34
Neil Author
Hiya @James C hope you're well 🙂 thanks for commenting mate. Yes. I'm going for the more unusual box-art camouflage scheme. I believe they called it a 'Sabre' scheme that was used when operating out of the UK in the 70s... A bit different to the usual black 👍
 22 February 2022, 09:13
James C
 22 February 2022, 16:01
Very nice job so far 👍
 13 March 2022, 18:38
Guy Rump
Looking really good, watching. 👍
 13 March 2022, 19:19
Daniel Klink
Great progress.. 👍
 13 March 2022, 19:20
Neil Author
Hi mates! 🙂 Thank you very much for stopping by and your kind words 👍 much appreciated.
 15 March 2022, 10:38
 16 March 2022, 07:38
Neil Author
Thanks Gerald 🙂👍
 16 March 2022, 21:12
Patryk S.
Following. Interresting method of recreating raised panel lines, great result so far!
 16 March 2022, 21:38
Neil Author
Hi Patryk 🙂 thanks for commenting and also for the likes guys. I'll get some new pictures up soon 👍
 20 March 2022, 10:52
Arif Saeed
👏👏 this is looking great Neil !
 8 April 2022, 16:10
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Never seen the U-2 in that camo. 👍
 8 April 2022, 16:12
That camo looks great!
 8 April 2022, 17:01
Neil Author
Thanks mates that's great to hear ❤️👍
 8 April 2022, 17:34
James C
Really nice job on that camo scheme. I've also never seen one in anything but black. Very cool! 👍
 8 April 2022, 18:12
Neil Author
Hi James, thanks very much indeed 👍
 8 April 2022, 19:41
David Taylor
Nice to see them in another camo scheme rather than just black.
 8 April 2022, 21:08
Wow i built this old dog about 30 years ago and i think it was released about 30 years before that! (around 1962 from Hawk i think?) I did the NASA scheme back then.
 8 April 2022, 21:40
Neil Author
Thanks David 👍 Hi Glenn, yeah agreed, it's an old one for sure. I only really build up vintage stuff. I almost went for the NASA variant, but the condition of the kit decals dictated my choice really. 👍🙂
 10 April 2022, 12:56
David Culp
It's funny that they camouflaged the top of the airplane. Who's going to be looking down on it? 🙂
 18 September 2022, 01:05
Villiers de Vos
Very nice effects.
 18 September 2022, 03:53
Erik Leijdens
Looks very good Neil! Love the camouflage scheme! Is it finished already?
 18 September 2022, 06:50
Robert Podkoński
That's a good question from David 😄
 18 September 2022, 10:34
Neil Author
Hi mates 🙂 I'm certainly no expert on this sort of stuff, I too wondered why the camouflage was an option on a U2... So did a bit of research before I began... The detail I found I added against this album's description for what was called the 'Sabre' scheme 👍 hope this helps.

Thanks for your interest, your comments and your likes also to all. Means a helluva lot mates 🙂🙂👍
 18 September 2022, 13:19
David H
Erm, has to sorta land and park up somewhere. Wouldn't want to make it too easy when you're on the ground .. 😂
 18 September 2022, 14:55
Robert Podkoński
Good point!
 18 September 2022, 15:29
Well done so far 👍
 19 September 2022, 20:01
Neil Author
Thanks Cuajete. Very kind of you 👍 🙂

Regarding the kit option and my chosen scheme (Robert & David - 🙂 haha!): apparently "The 2 tone grey colour scheme (Sabre Scheme) was insisted upon by the UK Government, concerned about the implications of "black" ops being carried out by American U-2s operating from a UK base. The TR1 was so designated for similar reasons... to dissociate the aircraft from its predecessors". If I have any of this wrong (which is highly likely!) Please feel free to correct me... 🙂 👍
 21 September 2022, 10:39
Mid Franconian
Ha! Just made Like No 60! And all well deserved!
 11 March 2023, 12:11
Good progess! 👍
 11 March 2023, 19:06
Remco van Haren
Wow, what a great result. Nice job!
Btw: I like the way you repair the raised panel lines on the kit. I must try that too.
 11 March 2023, 20:10
Neil Author
Thanks mates! You're all really kind to comment 🙂 and also to those who liked too 👍 I will get the final reveal images on here soon.
 12 March 2023, 21:52
Patryk S.
Looking great! Can't wait for the final result.
1  13 March 2023, 21:22
Neil Author
Thanks very much Patryk ☺️
 15 March 2023, 00:30
Neil Author
Here's another venerable oldie (from the '70s!) That I started back in early 2022 and finished in 2024. Unfortunately I'm so slow at booth shots, I've only now got around to final reveal images! It's my usual mix of a semi-realistic paint job, as per kit instructions, but with flourishes of 'what if' too. However, the basis of the scheme is real… Yes, they did paint the U2 in camouflage! Have caught up with a few more reveal images for other albums too. So, more work to be updated very soon - likely the Harrier next 👍.
 10 March, 12:44
Very nice work Neil!
1  10 March, 15:13
Robert Podkoński
Good job indeed!
1  10 March, 15:26
Guy Rump
That's a great result! 👍
1  10 March, 16:24
Patryk S.
Outstanding result as always! Congratulations on a great build of an classic kit👍
1  10 March, 17:20
Very nice job for this old kit. Great result.
1  10 March, 19:37
Neil Author
Thanks very much for your encouraging words/liking mates! 😊 And thanks to all who've separately liked my efforts also 👍 I completed this oldie almost three years ago. But it's taken me this long to take a few booth shots. Time flies! Or I'm painfully slow! Hahaha 🤣
1  10 March, 20:20
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Beautiful work Neil! Interesting to see a U-2 in camo. Wasn't aware not all were painted black.
1  11 March, 07:39
Very beautiful!
1  11 March, 08:58
Lochsa River and original....
2  11 March, 09:37
Neil Author
Hi all, Thanks for your lovely comments. Very much appreciated indeed 🙂 @Robin, yes it totally changes the airframe shape doesn't it - seeing it in camo. I think when I build one again, I'm going to do the white NASA version 👍 thanks to all who've liked 👍
1  11 March, 12:11
Neil, I'd like to see that NASA one made. I'm building an R/TR (I haven't decided on the version yet) and I'm having a hard time dealing with that mess of plastic:
Lockheed U-2R/TR-1A Dragon Lady Project | Album by Cuajete (1:72)

Congrats once again for the work done with your U-2 and the beautiful scheme chosen.
1  11 March, 19:43
Rui S
An eye catcher. Great work 👍
1  12 March, 00:17
Jakub Fiala
added a new photoalbum.
93 20 January, 15:01
Jakub Fiala Author
I started another quick OOB build. After a super small Spitfire, it's a small Bf-109
 20 January, 15:09
Jakub Fiala Author
OK, not 100% OOB. Eduard steel seatbelts added 🙂
 20 January, 15:11
Guy Rump
Following. 👍
 20 January, 16:44
Mark Sherwood
In. 👍
 20 January, 17:18
Thomas Kolb
Beautiful already!
 20 January, 17:31
 20 January, 19:08
Nice start 👍
 20 January, 19:50
Jakub Fiala Author
Thank you, mates, and wellcome!
 21 January, 11:37
Alec K
Taking a seat for esenbáka 👍
1  21 January, 14:18
Jakub Fiala Author
 21 January, 16:38
David R. Meizoso
Lovely paint work!
 21 January, 18:14
Michael Kohl
In Police Service? Are you kidding me? What did they want to do with it?
Anyway, nice start. Peeking at this one for a nice OOB build too.
 21 January, 18:51
Alec K
Michael, they used them to keep deluded citizens from leaving the warm embrace of the homeland. And to interdict spies and other Western miscreans. Mostly flown by military pilots, so it was really a part of the Air Force. Czechoslovakia had a similar institution before 1939, primarily to keep Luftwaffe spy planes from infiltrating, and this continued this tradition, just against different enemies.
3  21 January, 19:28
Jakub Fiala Author
Thank you, gents!
Michael, Alec's explanation is very accurate. There is nothing to add.
Thank you, Alec
1  22 January, 09:12
👀 Taking a seat. Another masterpiece in the making.
1  22 January, 11:05
Łukasz Gliński
Following 👍
1  22 January, 11:18
Lorraine Lin
1  22 January, 11:56
Jakub Fiala Author
Thank you, mates!
I completed the main build. The fit of parts is absolutely excellent 👍
2  3 February, 12:29
Martin Weinpold
Paradne rozjety!
1  3 February, 12:48
Robert Blaschke
Na to sa veľmi dobre pozerá. 👍👍👍
1  6 February, 14:27
Jakub Fiala Author
Díky chlapi!
 6 February, 15:28
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS
interesting topic and very promising progress Jakub! Taking a seat 🙂
 10 February, 09:54
Jakub Fiala Author
Thank you, Thomas!
1  10 February, 14:21
Steve Desarzens
it looks excellent ! Well done 🙂
 10 February, 16:03
Patrick Hagelstein
Absolutely gorgeous! 🤩
 10 February, 16:14
Very nice job so far 👍
 10 February, 20:40
Jakub Fiala Author
Thanks a lot, Steve and Patrick!
 10 February, 21:28
Dave Flitton
Watching! I think I should send you my kits to have them built. I can't come close to this one!
 10 February, 21:55
Jakub Fiala Author
Thank you Cuajete and Dave!
1  11 February, 09:31
Jakub Fiala Author
The first of the camouflage colors is sprayed
 16 February, 12:57
Nice 👍
 16 February, 19:45
Łukasz Gliński
Very curious what red you're gonna use
 16 February, 20:30
Patrick Hagelstein
Oh man! That color and those nuances look soooo cool! 😍
 16 February, 21:15
Martin Weinpold
Ouuuu! Krasnej progress.
 16 February, 21:18
A quick OOB build @jakub?😉 The construction and paintwork is so well done that you would almost forget that this model is only a few cm tall. The pictures are a feast for the eyes.
 17 February, 09:47
Jakub Fiala Author
Thanks mates, for your comments!

Lukasz, i´m curious too 😄 I wiil try to mix it to match the red color used on decals.
Bohrmann, i thought i would be faster 😄
1  17 February, 13:59
Looks good
 18 February, 00:46
Alec K
Agreed, super airbrush job 👍
 18 February, 07:31
It looks excellent. Love the subtlety of the shading, but you can still definitely see it on the photos. May I ask how you use that Wauchop mix on pic 18?
 18 February, 07:44
Jakub Fiala Author
Thank you, mates!
Alberto, i use ,,wauchop mix´´ and insignia white both the same way. First i spray camouflge color. Then i mix this color with wauchop mix and spray darker patterns (over panel lines and some random rivet lines) Then i do the same with the mix of camo color and white. Finaly, i respray the whole surface with diluted camouflage color to achieve the desired contrast. this procedure can be repeated until you are satisfied.
1  18 February, 12:28
Patrick Hagelstein
So, Wauchop mix is a murky brown to use as a contrasting warm mixing color to the camouflage color? Whereas the white is the color for the bleached variant of that same camouflage color?
 18 February, 17:28
Jakub Fiala Author
Yes Patrick. I am using it this way. And during weathering steps, you may use this black-brown mix to create some dirt using an airbrush gun.
 18 February, 18:10
Patrick Hagelstein
Looking at your results, this might be a very interesting way to obtain some differentiating shading. Do you have a mixing ratio at hand, so I can give it a try myself? Thanks in advance! 🙂
 18 February, 18:44
Jakub Fiala Author
I'm sorry Patrick, i'm not able to tell you a mixing ratio. I just mixed some amount of black and brown to create some ,,dirty color". But i think, that it is not very important. For this purpose you just need some dark color. Maybe dark grey will work the same way.
This is how Chris Wauchop use his mix for postshading:
 19 February, 09:54
Patrick Hagelstein
No worries! I'll just mix a dirty brown concoction and experiment a bit. 😉 Thanks for that Kittyhawk link btw!
1  19 February, 14:06
Alec K
Nice progress, šarlatová looks great 👍
 24 February, 19:24
Łukasz Gliński
Been waiting for that, the red looks grand 👍
 25 February, 02:50
Jakub Fiala Author
Thank you Alec and Lukasz!
In the end i changed a mix ratio a little bit. So, the final ratio was app: 55% C81 russet
35% H17 cocoa brown
10% LP35 insignia white
 25 February, 14:30
I agree with Alec and Łukasz. Very nice painting job.

@Jakub, thanks for the red color mix information 👍
2  25 February, 20:18
Alec K
It's a very good looking red IMHO (on my monitor at least)
1  26 February, 02:24
Jakub Fiala Author
Thanks mates!
I finished the airbrush gun work and applied a layer of glossy varnish. Now, i´m ready for decals.
2  2 March, 18:45
Martin Weinpold
 2 March, 19:20
Zbynek Honzik
Really great work, Jakube! Fantastic job with the painting and tonal layers of each shade.
 2 March, 21:06
Jakub Fiala Author
Thank ýou Martine a Zbynku!
 3 March, 21:18
Great work so far. I like the paint job, but the decals bring her realy to life. I can't wait to see her finished. 👍
 4 March, 07:00
Jakub Fiala Author
Thanks a lot, Nicolas!
 4 March, 15:48
I agree with Nicolas 👍
 4 March, 20:37
Mark Sherwood
A nice looking bird (that is not a euphemism or a double entendre) Jakub. 🤘🥸🤟
 4 March, 21:47
Mr D
Nice paint tones and riveting on the wings 👍 Nice
 4 March, 22:14
Jakub Fiala Author
Thank you Mark 😄
 5 March, 09:36
Jakub Fiala Author
Thank you, Mr D! Riveting is not my work. This kit is comletely riveted by the producer
1  5 March, 09:38
It's more beautiful every day
1  5 March, 10:45
Mr D
That's a good brand for you 👍👍
1  5 March, 15:56
Jakub Fiala Author
Thank you, Bozo!
 5 March, 19:06
Jakub Fiala Author
Stencils and wash in panel lines applied
 9 March, 17:06
Patrick Hagelstein
Very subtle panel lines. 👌🏼
 9 March, 17:51
Daniel Klink
Awesome paint job Jakub 👍
 9 March, 17:53
Martin Weinpold
Ou!!! Paradni!
 9 March, 18:07
Łukasz Gliński
Masking over decals? You're brave man! 👍
1  9 March, 18:11
Moreno Baruffini
Mamma mia! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
 9 March, 19:15
It looks very smart and clean. Great build!
 10 March, 07:24
Same as Roberto!
 10 March, 09:00
It's really fascinating to see how this model is developing, step by step. What strikes me is that you just can't tell that this is a 1/72 scale model, even when you zoom in with the camera., also considering that the ME-109 is a small aircraft in real life. It is just flawless and made with very great care. Should I be told that this is a 1/32 I would have no doubt that it is. Great work!
1  10 March, 14:43
Jakub Fiala Author
Thank you very much, mates, for your kind comments!
Lukasz, i was definitely more drunk then brave when i was overspraying decals 😄 Of course, i screw it up, so it took two evenings to fix it 😄
1  11 March, 19:57
Rui S
Looking good, as always 👍
 12 March, 00:17
Tony G
added a new photoalbum.
5 28 February, 14:21
Rui S
Brey Nice Dio 👍
 12 March, 00:16
added a new photoalbum.
7 20 February, 03:09
Very appealing model and presentation!
 11 March, 09:02
Alex K
👍 👍
 11 March, 20:20
Robert Podkoński
Great job!
 11 March, 20:22
Rui S
I agree with Neuling & Robert 👍
 12 March, 00:14





