Guns of History Coffee Wagon
American Civil War
Model Shipways | Nr. MS4016 | 1:16
Verwante producten
Ontworpen voor: Unknown
33rd New Jersey Infantry
Verlinden Productions 1:16
1966 Union Zuave Infantry
Verlinden Productions 1:16
1891 Lt. Gen. Ulysses S.Grant
Verlinden Productions 1:16
1853 3rd New Jersey Cavalry
Verlinden Productions 1:16
1830 Union Infantry Corporal
Verlinden Productions 1:16
1226 Union Infantry Officer
Verlinden Productions 1:16
1213 Busts
Ontworpen voor: Unknown
Portraits from the American Civil War
5th New York Volunteer Infantry, Duryee’s Zouaves, 1863FeR Miniatures (Fernando Ruiz Miniatures) 1:16
PCW00002 Portraits from the American Civil War
79th New York State MilitiaFeR Miniatures (Fernando Ruiz Miniatures) 1:16
PCW00003 Portraits from the American Civil War
2nd Missouri Cavalry, Merrill’s Horse, 1863FeR Miniatures (Fernando Ruiz Miniatures) 1:16
PCW00006 Portraits from the American Civil War
1st Minnesota, the Lincoln Guards First Mannassas, 1861 FeR Miniatures (Fernando Ruiz Miniatures) 1:16
PCW00008 Portraits from the American Civil War
Federal Musician, 1861FeR Miniatures (Fernando Ruiz Miniatures) 1:16
PCW00010 Portraits from the American Civil War
1st United States Sharpshooters, 1864FeR Miniatures (Fernando Ruiz Miniatures) 1:16
PCW00014 Portraits from the American Civil War
69th New York State Volunteer Regiment, Irish BrigadeFeR Miniatures (Fernando Ruiz Miniatures) 1:16
PCW00016 146th New York Zouaves Officer
FeR Miniatures (Fernando Ruiz Miniatures) 1:16
PCW00012 Captain, 155th PA Vol. Inf., 1864
MJ Miniatures 1:16
MJ16-004 5th New York Volunteer Infantry, Duryee’s Zouaves, 1863
FeR Miniatures (Fernando Ruiz Miniatures) 1:16
Guns of History
Coffee Wagon American Civil War Model Shipways 1:16
MS4016 2011 Meervoudig onderwerp (2)