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Eddy Marshall (Eddimeister)

Panzer III Ausf. N - Refurbishment

Album image #1
Stripped the old kit down with VMS Clean Slate 2.0... 

Album image #2
This is the only kit where I posed things open...  

Album image #3
Going to be a little tricky repainting when the wheels and tracks are permanently bonded to the tank... 

Album image #4
Some minor repairs will need to take place but I still have all the peices and schurzen thankfully... 

Album image #5
I don't know how this little tank survived closed to 20 years without it breaking... 

Album image #6
VMS Clean Slate was pretty good removing the old paint job... Considering the paint is almost 20 years old and was a mix of enamels and acrylics... Some areas had a little left over paint but this was only in the tight regions... Should be easily hidden with stowage, earth or a strategically placed Tarp.. 

Album image #7
Primed with Mr Surface Primer 1000 Grey... There were a few imperfections in the surface but this surfacer took care of it... Really is the best primer you can get... 

Album image #8
Album image #9
Thought I'd study a bit of colour theory to help colour match the RAL7028... Really is remarkably simple colour matching using colour theory... Let's see how it goes... 

Album image #10
Sitting here contemplating how the tracks will look and how ill go about painting a fully assembled and bonded kit... Will probably have to hit the tracks first with a dark colour to diffuse those areas i cant reach with the RAL7028...  

Album image #11
Tracks sprayed with a mix of XF63 German Grey and XF10 Flat Brown in about a 3:2 ratio... 

Album image #12
Well I managed to cut all the paint in around things by airbrush... Thin paint, low air pressure and a steady hand... 

Album image #13
Looking the part already... 

Album image #14
Didnt want any dark colours polluting the RAL7028 as I'll be doing extremely thin coats allowing some of the grey to show through... 

Album image #15
Album image #16
A quick mottling of XF19 Sky Grey to add variation here and there... 

Album image #17
Laying up some colour... 

Album image #18
Hmm maybe.... Maybe a little too yellow... 

Album image #19
Little on the yellow side...Will need to bring in a litlle red brown to move it towards a light tan yellow... 

Album image #20
Pretty close... Bit hard to photo this... And probably not the best way to check... Lol Added a little more buff to the mix... 

Album image #21
I think I hit the sweet spot for RAL7028... Was too yellow initially...  

Album image #22
Little more to go on the lower hull... 

Album image #23
The benefits of a grey under coat... Instant fading... I sprayed a mottled coat of XF19 over the Surfacer which was lighter again... Ultra thin paint, 17 psi, 2.5mm Spray pattern and this is the result... 

Album image #24
This was a test to see the effects of ultra thin paint... Honestly, have go at spraying Tamiya paint thinned 75% thinner to 25% paint and work with low air pressure in a small concentrated spray pattern... Dial your paint flow back to prevent spiders and just waft thr colour over... Transparency working in my favour... 

Album image #25

Album image #26

Album image #27
Album image #28
Base colour done..! Might do some gradient highlight volumes and modulation 

Album image #29
Album image #30
Album image #31
Mix was lightened with White and a little Deck Tan 

Album image #32
Album image #33
Little bit of modulation and highlighting... Base colour complete... Onto cutting in with a brush... 

Album image #34
Album image #35
I'm amazed I still have all the schurzen, however the turret schurzen has its mounts broken... Not too sure how to go about correcting it... May leave it off... 

Album image #36
Album image #37
Album image #38
Detail painting started... Cutting in and around the roadwheels was a little tricky when everything is bonded together... 

Album image #39
VMS Satin Varnish... Plaster it on and boom it does the rest... So easy... 

Album image #40
Bit of OPR.... 

Album image #41
Playing with oils... 

Album image #42
Bit of OPR this weekend... 

Album image #43
Album image #44

Album image #45
ABT502 Buff, White, Raw Umber, Basic skin Tone and a little yellow here and there... 

Album image #46
Album image #47
Calling the oil rendering done... 

Album image #48
Album image #49
Before chipping... 

Album image #50
After chipping and rust effects...Vajello Dark Rust chipping then MIG Light Rust wash and AK Rust Streak blended over the top... 

Album image #51
Chipping and rust tones make for a banged up tank... 

Album image #52
Predusting commenced... This time using enamels and different methods of blending.. 

Album image #53
Album image #54
Tracks had a little dust wash over the top then polished the ckeats with graphite and a silicone brush... 

Album image #55
Exhaust painted... Although I may have touched the rear panel with the brush doing so...  

Album image #56
Lower chassis weathered... I think I'll keep it to just arid dust tones... 

Album image #57
Almost there.... 

Album image #58

Album image #59
Album image #60
Tow cable ends were given a light yellow green filter then chipped with Vajello Camo Black Brown... Cable itself was polished with graphite... 

Album image #61

Album image #62
Close up of the turret... Went around with a lighter colour for more chipping and superficial scuffs... 

Album image #63
Album image #64
Bit more weathering done tonight... Worn metal edges and polished weld beads... 

Album image #65
Epoxy flag to the rear of the hull... Was looking a little drab so opted for a splash of colour... 

Album image #66
Please note this image is not intended to offend... But German units placed large nazi flags on across their hulls to help German aircraft identify friendlies on the ground...  

Album image #67
Album image #68
Flag was painted with Tamiya paints with a series of paper masks whilst the epoxy putty was rolled out flat but uncured... The flag was then placed on the rear deck and molded to suit the undulating shapes beneath... Once in place and suitability dry, vajello paints were used for highlights and shadows and to correct errors after transferring to the tank... 

Album image #69

Album image #70
Schurzen and spare track links to go... Just gotta think of an interesting way to do the Schurzen... 

Album image #71
Album image #72
Probably need some oils and graphite on the spare tracks... 

Album image #73

Album image #74
Oils inbound.. 

Album image #75
Bright rust tones used on the leading edge of each track link to make them stand out... Had a heap of spares so painted them not so worn and littered them about the front end... 

Album image #76

Album image #77
Schurzen painted and a few oils over to start the weathering process... 

Album image #78
Will chip the buggery outta the schurzen... See how much I can push it... 

Album image #79
Still yet to weather the flag... Too clean... 

Album image #80
Flag had oil paint rendering for highlights and low lights...  

Album image #81
Album image #82


58 16 August 2023, 13:40
The tracks look very good already ..........
16 January, 09:50
Eddy Marshall
Cheers Neuling... These are just spare tracks off a Takom Merkava kit that Im using to gauge things at the moment... Being a refurb the tracks on the panzer are bonded so I'm trying to decide which way to go painting things...
16 January, 11:42
16 January, 13:58
16 January, 14:17
Rui S
Looking good 👍
21 April, 16:57
That's sick! And when I say "Sick" - I mean 🤩
27 April, 21:55
Eddy Marshall
Cheers CaptGaPF.. It's getting there... Not far to go...
28 April, 12:16
Guy Rump
Looking great, following. 👍
28 April, 14:24
Mr James
Beautiful work. A masterclass in shading and weathering. An excellent build
28 April, 15:56
Eddy Marshall
Mighty kind words Mr James...! Appreciate it...
28 April, 16:39
Hope you don´t get annoyed, Eddy, when I repeat Mr James´ words ...........
28 April, 18:12
Eddy Marshall
Terribly annoyed Neuling..! Lol... Much appreciated... She's getting there.mate..
29 April, 06:53
Mr James comments thirded, wow!
30 April, 14:13
Eddy Marshall
Cheers John... Glad you like it mate...
30 April, 23:17
Heh, if someone asked if I have a swastika at home, I must confess I have a lot of them. Specifically on decal sheets, because scale model kit makers seem to have to remove it, and I think that is really weird and in ways inappropriate. I could have sworn back in 1980's, there wasn't such a thing back then in the toystores selling those 1:72 scale model kits and those tiny buckets of Humrol paint. The age of tube glue. 🙂

If you want to get weird, you can try watch those Iron Sky movies, which is so weird imo, when not made by hollywood, like with the Indiana Jones movies that features the swastika most prominently iirc.
4 May, 13:15
Eddy Marshall
@Treehugger... Yeah I've been modelling since I was 16 and was born in the 80's, wasn't any issues as you say ... It's part of mankind's history however bleak it was, but we learn from our mistakes by airing them and not hiding them... I know it's a controversial topic but it's only in the interest of historical accuracy and sharing a technique someone may find useful... And those Iron Sky movies are really weird..! Lol
4 May, 13:25
Casey Beckett
It's historically correct, yes? If someone is offended by a simple representation of a swastika, they are in the wrong hobby.
4 May, 13:33
In order to avoid a resurgence of a Nazi party there is a German law: Strafgesetzbuch (StGB)
§ 86a Verwenden von Kennzeichen verfassungswidriger und terroristischer Organisationen
(1) Mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu drei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe wird bestraft, wer

im Inland Kennzeichen einer der in § 86 Abs. 1 Nr. 1, 2 und 4 oder Absatz 2 bezeichneten Parteien oder Vereinigungen verbreitet oder öffentlich, in einer Versammlung oder in einem von ihm verbreiteten Inhalt (§ 11 Absatz 3) verwendet oder
einen Inhalt (§ 11 Absatz 3), der ein derartiges Kennzeichen darstellt oder enthält, zur Verbreitung oder Verwendung im Inland oder Ausland in der in Nummer 1 bezeichneten Art und Weise herstellt, vorrätig hält, einführt oder ausführt.

(2) Kennzeichen im Sinne des Absatzes 1 sind namentlich Fahnen, Abzeichen, Uniformstücke, Parolen und Grußformen. Den in Satz 1 genannten Kennzeichen stehen solche gleich, die ihnen zum Verwechseln ähnlich sind.
(3) § 86 Abs. 4 und 5 gilt entsprechend.
4 May, 15:52
Rui S
The new Nazis have already arrived now. They are the ones who carry the new swastika "z".
4 May, 16:30
This is a very interesting subtopic on symbolism and ideology. The Germans mandated WW2 and holocaust classes in their education system - as well as enacted bans on the symbols in the hopes of never repeating these mistakes. The Japanese went the totally opposite direction - censoring the atrocities in their school systems. Oddly enough, both countries 9and if I may dare say, cultures) are now the leading advocates for peace - which should give us hope for humanity as a whole.

The blanket practice of Stripping symbols from kits, passing laws against the Confederate flag, or any other form of "censorship" are in my opinion, simplistic and ignorant. A modeler putting a swastika on a realistic BF-109 does not make a person a Nazi or a sympathizer - conversely, a person making the Heil Hitler salute may not be technically breaking the law, but may be spiritually going down the wrong path if they mean it.

In my humble opinion, it is better for the kits to retain these dark symbols, as it allows those who see the final product the chance to talk about it, and the root causes that empowered those symbols of hate and inhumanity - the failure to talk to each other in a calm, collected and civil manner and find creative ways to work and win together. The United States is at such a crossroad as Germany was in 1933 - let's hope that cooler hears prevail.

That said, my only problem with the Nazi flag is twofold: 1) it looks too clean on such a seasoned tank. 2) Wouldn't the flag impede the proper cooling of the engine? 🤔
4 May, 22:20
Mr James
Eloquently put CaptGPF. Interestingly, the swastika symbol was hijacked by the Nazis. It was used by various religious cultures over thousands of years. I think the symbol has meaning in some Asian religions? Different cultures deriving differing symbolism from the same image.
As for the flag on the back of the Panzer 3. I think its being used as a Luftwaffe marker for a desert campaign? And usually stowed away, next to the tea and biscuits inside the turret. 🙂
4 May, 23:15
André Silva
I agree with CaptGF, better to see and discuss than to simply try and hide it. No knowledge will come of that, better to be informed than ignorant. I also think the same as Mr James. Now the flag could be a little bit more distressed/older/not so colorful, it looks a bit too perfect compared to the state in which the tank is. I like constrast but it's just a little too much in this case. But it's a awesome build and i'm following for sure.
16 May, 21:02
Eddy Marshall
@Andre... Still yet to weather the flag... It stands 9ut like a saw thumb comparatively as you say... I tend to go over board with contrast... As it's rare your model will be viewed under strong lights so I go hard and amp things up...
17 May, 06:55
Casey Beckett
Well stated, ChatGPF - I banned myself from Japanese and German subjects largely because of their brutalities, The Holocaust, eating POWs, medical 'experiments' etc - but I will make the odd exception such as captured aircraft, or in the case of the Stuka, just because it's such a cool looking aircraft. Nice to see us all actually having a conversation, yes?

Oh, and the panzer? Yeah, I'm all for overheated bad guys......cover that engine up, and wave that flag so we know who to drop on!

Cheers from North Carolina, yall
18 May, 00:47
22 September, 18:29
Eddy Marshall
Cheers Schwarzadler....
22 September, 21:51

Album info

Repaint of an old Dragon Panzer III Kit... Some damage here and there but in good knick considering its over 20 years old...
Will be experimenting with ultra thin paint and oils for weathering...

82 afbeeldingen
Lopend project
1:35 Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf.N (Dragon 6474)

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