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Albi Hitz (Fluegelmann)

Tanks ...


29 January 2013, 20:59
Kim Branders
Some nice models.
30 January 2013, 07:17
Albi Hitz
Thanks Kim.
The first experiments with tanks ...
30 January 2013, 07:33
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Hi Albi
Thats really not bad for the first experiments.Hope there will some "experiments " follow. 😉
30 January 2013, 08:09
Frank Krause
Hehe, how will they look like when you're more experienced? 😉 For me that's already high-level modelling. Good job.
30 January 2013, 08:22
Holger Kranich
Really not bad for an aircraft modeller! Amazing!
30 January 2013, 08:26
Albi Hitz
Thank you for the appreciation.
I want to improve myself with the next project ...
30 January 2013, 09:23
Frank Krause
Hi Albi, would be nice, if you could tell us more, how you did the painting of the Pz.Kpfw.III. It's difficult to get a single-colored vehicle life-like. You mastered that very good. Would you share your experiences with us?
30 January 2013, 09:32
Albi Hitz
Hi Frank. Thank you.

You are right a single colored vehicle is a a tricky subject.
For me te best result is to start with the darkest color all over (in the case of "German Grey" it doesn?t make any sense to pre shade the model 😉 )
After that i lightening the basic color on the surfaces .(it is important not to exaggerate).
Sometimes i use pictures sometimes i try from my point of view ...

I use the acrylic Vallejo primer (german grey, red ...) witch has to dry VERY WELL otherwise a nasty surprise in the form of "skinning" is the result when you try to peel off some tape or something. After that i (mainly ) apply Vallejo Air color. I try the new AK stuff as well but i think i'm not not as advanced as i should be (the first one looks funny after all ...)

For the weathering i'm using mainly AK or MIG stuff and oil colors.
30 January 2013, 10:38

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