Old Matchbox Diecast Models - Childhood Discovery!
8 March 2015, 11:21
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Visited my family's home recently and decided to excavate stuff from many boxes that still contain old belongings from my sweet childhood, and discovered these 3 metal static diecast models from Matchbox. I though I lost them long time ago.
These guys are at least 26 years old .. so thought I'd share them with you. The production dates on models are as following:
1. SR-71 Blackbird: 1989
2. Red Gasoline Tank Ford 1912: 1986 'Limited Edition'
3. Yellow Ford Workshop Truck: 1981 (Please help identify the correct model name of the truck).
Models cleaned from thick dust and they set now on a shelf as they deserve : )
I love them so much because they remind my of my dad who gave me and my brothers the nicest childhood memories.