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Bassam Mansour (Bassam)

The U.S.S. Constitution (Old Ironside)


27 January 2016, 11:50
Kerry COX
"Splice the main brace". !!! 👍
What an adventure Bassam, and I hope you have it now in a dust free cabinet mate. ?
There was a lot of work in this from what I can see, and it certainly is something to be proud of. 🙂
27 January 2016, 12:05
Bassam Mansour
Thank you Kerry, it's my first attempt in historical ships modeling. When I was young I've wondered about these crasy people how they do this complicated models 😄, never thought I'll be one of them, proudly. I'm still a beginner, have much to learn about this art. I'm not a beginner in modeling though, I used to work on armors & mignatures but found out that ships are more interresting 😄
Well modeling is a great thing anyway, an educational hobby that opens the door for friendships all over the world and 'till now I've only met good people 😄
27 January 2016, 12:32
Bassam Mansour
I'm still working on the ship, very carefully I'm building the ship now; WIP, stp by step: assembling, painting, cleaning ...etc, I'm trying to make a masterpiece of it. Once done, I'm preparing a display case with an proper wooden base & top, maybe LED lights, 3 sides of clear glass and the fourth side a mirror, I've convinced them back home to be used as a decorative piece within the house decor 😄
27 January 2016, 13:38
Kerry COX
I have built one ship, the Bark, HMS Endeavour, that Lt James COOK sailed through the south Pacific on scientific studies in 1770 when he discovered New Zealand and then Australia. It was an all wood build that I thoroughly enjoyed.,d.dGY
27 January 2016, 14:47
Bassam Mansour
Seems a nice boat to do, do you have it (pictures)?
It seems that I'll turn to ships & vessels work, it's a real joy 🙂
28 January 2016, 07:27
Kerry COX
I built it for my son who is in the navy and he lives in Perth, on the other side of Australia, and any images I had all vanished when my other computer bit the dust, and no hard copies. 🙁
28 January 2016, 08:27
Bassam Mansour
Never mind, as long as it's with your son, that young man is lucky for having you as his father. I'd love to do the same to my son but he's still, almost 02 years now 😄
28 January 2016, 12:40
Kerry COX
A newbie. ??? How wonderful. 🙂 I have two, all grown and gone, my boy is an AWA in subs, Collins class. :-/
I am ex army, Viet Nam era, and modelling keep me on an even keel. hehehehe, I think. !!
28 January 2016, 12:56
Bassam Mansour
I'm an x-military too but with no wars history, I was in the military engineering battalions all my 15 years of services 🙂 and I'm an architect 😄
31 January 2016, 15:13
Kerry COX
Small world.......I was Royal Australian Engineers, 32 Small Ships Sqn, 6 years of that then 6 years at Queensland University to become a civil engineer, ended up manufacturing, selling, and installing external bushfire sprinkler systems. 🙂 👍
Fully retired now with a big BMW motor bike that I do a lot of touring on, and so far, I have been around Australia 3 times now. Heaps of fun. 🙂 I turn 70 this April. 👍
31 January 2016, 19:23
Bassam Mansour
I've attended the Military Technical College in Cairo for 5 years, it's an engineering college for the egyptian armed forces; as an architect, once we graduate I was assigned to the military engineering devisions. Lucky me, there was no recent wars so most of my time was in field of construction & my beloved architecture and few training regarding the military engineering shit (mines, various types of explosives & natural/ artifical obstacles "such as Suez Canal in the 1973 war" 😄) I resigned after 15 years of military life. Now I'm an architect and modeler 😄
I've never had a motor bike, too damn dangerous specially with a powerful engine & Rock music 😄
I love arts, all kind of arts and wanted to be architect ever since I was a little boy.
During my military days, I've visited all areas in Egypt, in various military missions : south, west, east 😄
I'd love to have a great tour in Africa but it'll be too expensive with lot of difficulties regarding visa issues 😄 😄
1 February 2016, 08:24
Kerry COX
Bassam, I do agree that the world is a totally different place now, and especially since the Yanks stuck their noses into Middle Eastern Affairs. :-/
But I am not going to discuss politics or religion here, as I feel it would be inappropriate, as all we are, and know each other as, is the modellers who have embraced the gentle art of scale modelling.👍
I am sure you will agree with my saying that. 🙂
My dad introduced me to scale modelling when I turned 12, when he bought a 1/72 Fokker Tri winger, (von-richthofen) and a tube of glue, which, I found a way to use the whole tube, ending up with a glob of red plastic that looked nothing like the model on the cardboard flap. hahahahaha.
I am pleased to say now that my skills have improved some what and I have a couple of display cases with a stack of the ones I did ok with. hehehe.🙂
I have been watching some very interesting documentaries about Egypt, especially the recent ones about all the materials that have been left around the pyramid sites that bear the signs of high tec tooling that had never been noticed before, and by the way, I DO believe in UFO's having seen many of them on my trips through the outback of Australia, during the day and especially at night. :-O
I could tell you some freaky stories about what I have seen, but I will leave that for an other time.
Catch you later Bassam.
👍 🙂

1 February 2016, 12:12
Bassam Mansour
I totaly agree about religion & politacal shit 😄, ALL FOR MODELING & MODELING FOR ALL 😉
From my point of view, religion is a free thing, it's between the human being and his god/ God, I'm free to believe what I belive so, you (any body else) are free too, respect is the basis of all human relation, this's how I'm raised 🙂
Politcs is piece of shit and I hate it; by the way I agree with all what you've said 😄
The most important : Modeling started with me when I was a young kid in the 70s, my first kits were MATCHBOX and by that time I wasn't aware of anything. My dad bought an UHU glue and I used to spend hours assembling kits which I was good at it. Once my parents wanted to redecorate the house so, there was few left over paints, oil paints at that time. As a kit I used that oil paint on my models and it was a catastrophy 😄 😄
I've ruined the details but managed to escape with some good stuff. I've them still but they're all ruined by time and lots of pieces are lost. I've started back my hobby in 2013 but in a more professional way. Unfortunately here in Egypt this hobby is not appreciated as elsewhere, people looked to it as "kids toys" 🙁 but when seeing the work and effort done most of my friends and family here started to appreciate and paying some attention to it. Unfortunately I've to buy 80% of my modeling things (tools, paint, kits ... etc) on line!!!!
Being in the middle-east, the hottest place on earth 😄 is regarded from my point of view as a previlege to my hobby. I've lots of references regarding the desert warfare which's affecting my work and hobby.
Since I was a little boy I used to play with two things: Military vehicules & Construction vehicules. Now, in my age (44 years) I've proudly accomplished all. I 've spent 15 years in the military, have a acceptable knowldge regarding military vehicules and stuff; on the other hand I'm an architect working in the construction but this time with real vehicules and I've a respectable ammount of the Caterpilar 1:50 diecasts 🙂
Anyways, why don't you come for a visit and see yourself the monuments we have?? I'll prove to you that we didn't have any UFO 😄. I'll show you the magnificant Pharoanic temples and monuments, next to it Romans' and greek monuments, Copthic and Islamic monuments (religious monuments) all monuments you can think of 😄 😄 ... I blieve that Egypt has the 1/3 of the world's monuments. Aside, if you want there are some amasing sea side here and diving spots that can take your breath away 😄, deserts safaris ..... I think all kind of touristic subject can be found here in Egpyt but, unfortunately our tourism authorities are ..... (politacal subject 😄)
I'm expecting to have a modeling exhibition here in April or later on, we are still looking for the place ... EVERY body on this page is welcomed to come and I'll make a post for it here...
1 February 2016, 13:02
GUYS! You might like to take a look at this! Not saying anything.... Make up your own minds!!! But my mind is OPEN... THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE.... 🙂

Youtube Video
1 February 2016, 15:17
Clifford Keesler
Very nice ship.
1 February 2016, 22:10
Kerry COX
That was a fascinating Video. Thanks for the link. 🙂
2 February 2016, 01:12
Hi Kerry, There's many more like this! Search Puma Punku, Many places around the world that amaze me and modern day engineers that cannot explain how this was done. (Look for the Ancient Aliens DVD series!) Years ago i read Eric von Daniken's book Chariot's of the Gods also a DVD. It's seems there once was some very advanced technology here many years ago. (What happened to it?) Also search for Egyptians in Australia!!! YES you heard me right!!! There's something very interesting in one of our national parks but it's hidden away from most peoples view. Keep Watching and Searching 🙂
2 February 2016, 01:47
Kerry COX
Yes, The Gosford site, and I have also seen "Black mountain" in North Queensland where there is a newly discovered pyramid.
2 February 2016, 04:02
Bassam Mansour
Nice video, these guys were really astonishing🙂
You got to see the temples here in Egypt, specially those in Aswan & Luxor. The Pharoanic temples are more astonishing than these great monuments (from my point of view 😉). For example, the Pylon in the Luxor Temple is consisting of about 152 columns which are 100 % identical in shape and cutting, decorated with amazing ingraving (better than todays lazer cutting 😄). on the other hand the road linking both temples (Karnak & Luxor tempels) is decorated on the left & right sides with typical statues that most of todays equipments & tools wont generate such an accuracy in work 😄.
The Pyramids are Pharo tombs but in my construction knowledge, these are encrideble built.
In general, I don't believe in UFO 100%, I believe in other creatures other than what we see on earth (we only know: human, animals, insects, birds, fish ...etc), I believe the different creatures (something like angels, devils, demons, goblin ...etc) exist but in an other dimension .... 😄
I believe that old civilisations were magnificant built by magnificent people not UFO, maybe they had more skils than ours; these days we are disturbed in our life. Every house you'll find the technology maniac 😄, women are crasy about fashion and macke-up, men with cars and vehcules .... etc. In the past, nothing of this was in their life agenda; that's why I believe they would do such great and fine work with premetive tools while in modern life with the technology it is not the case. The problem is within he human being itself nothing else - my personal point of view to life 😄

2 February 2016, 07:52
Markus Antonius
i agree with bassam!
2 February 2016, 08:21
Interesting idea Bassam, But if the creatures you speak of had transport that would make their vehicles UFO's to you and me! 🙂
2 February 2016, 23:56
Luckily I had my tin foil hat close by. I usually don't expect to be grabbing it and putting it on at a modeling site. Always be prepared. Stay safe
3 February 2016, 01:16
Hey Robbie, Aren't you from "Forbidden Planet"? Keep your tin foil hat close by! You never know! 🙂
3 February 2016, 03:30
Bassam Mansour
😄 😄
Ok, let us see it from a different prespective, do you think in our days with all this technology and stuff, could a construction company can ever spend 20 years building/ working in a project???
The Pyramids, for an example were built in 20 years 😉 ... that's why I think these people had nothing in life except working. Maybe, as per Glenn video, these people spent monthes shaping and cutting the stone, taking inot consideration the number of people working was thousands 😉
Another thing, the great temples in Luxor and Aswan here in Egypt were built through dinasties of Pharos 😉
Now the rythm of life has changed everything has changed, even our human power has decreased 😄
I believe in magic, it's existing and it's known that the Pharos Priests had kind of knowledge about very advanced level of magic, something greater than what we know these days ..... 😄 😄
It's all spacualtion, imagination, we are modelers, we are considered crazy models builders 😉 😄
3 February 2016, 07:30
Kerry COX
I have a hard enough time working with plastic, so I will stIck to what I know and do my magic with that. 🙂 👍
3 February 2016, 07:49
Bassam Mansour
Modeling for all & all for modeling 😄
3 February 2016, 08:31
Kerry COX
The 50,000 modelliers. LOLO 🙂 👍
3 February 2016, 08:37
@Glenn - My tinfoil hat comes with a chinstrap 😉 - Beside I like to give our bronze age ancestors a little more credit in their accomplishments. Think about it, 10,000 years from now someone will dig up the instructions from a Dragon kit and claim that there was no way we could build that ourselves without some extraterrestrial help...
3 February 2016, 12:10
Kerry COX
LOL. Do you have the instructions for the foil hat still. ?
3 February 2016, 14:32
Bassam Mansour
😄 😄 😄
3 February 2016, 15:12
Andy W.
Hi Bassam.
Really nice build. For the first one, chapeau. I've build this one by my self a few years ago. But I left off the sails, and did the full rigging. Again, great work.
3 February 2016, 18:20
Bassam Mansour
Hi Andy.
Thank you for your encouraging words. I guess Ive started loving this type of kits 😄..
I guess I'll do it with the sails, many friend advised me to 😉
4 February 2016, 07:36
Andy W.
Because i've decided to not add a crew, i've build her with lowered yards and the Sails taken off. Just like she were in Port. I tried to get the Sails on my smaller Bounty in Place... was a disaster 🙁
4 February 2016, 09:08
Bassam Mansour
😄 😄
Nothing's a disaster, jsut bad luck in work 😉
Unfortunately the only references were from Google search and, I'v liked the ship with sails. I've seen people who have done some salt water effect for the lower part of the hull (under water level line), I've liked it very much but thought a clean new ship would be better: no need for any "bad luck" 😉
Another modeler has given the sails "time effect" (sails were painted with white color then weathered with light brown and light grey) which gave it a more realistic look, with some shading at the connection points ... etc; it was fantastic. I might think it over, the weathering work but have to finish first the rigging 😄 we'll see about it. I still have too much to do here 😄 😄 😄
4 February 2016, 10:33
Kerry COX
A few 'pussers' (The rum they were issued) with tar covered pig tails would look stunning, all re-rigging with new hemp. !!'s&usg=AFQjCNGKnr-srOY0rdyzVKw6P8xa1iaFow&sig2=AYymU0IAieQRqDyyYwmyzg&bvm=bv.113370389,d.dGo
4 February 2016, 10:33
John Thomas
Very nice. Great work. I built one all most 40 years ago. It was great fun until my sister cat push it off my model shelf. When I find some space and time I would like to build a new one. Good luck with our build, I will be watching.
4 February 2016, 12:46
Andy W.
I've build mine without any refrences. Only the pics from the Box were used.
It took two years to finish the Ship, one and a half year straight building, with some other projects in between to get my mind straight again from all the rigging. Much fun any further, and i'm looking forward to finished Ship.
4 February 2016, 17:47
Bassam Mansour
Hopefully I'm willing to finish it by April 2016, if I do it by April then I've had spent around 05 monthes. I'm working on it in an average of 4 hrs a day. I finish work, return home, take my shower and lunch then spend the rest of the day working on it up to 11 pm than off to bed 😉
7 February 2016, 07:47
Andy W.
Then i keep my fingers crossed, that you achieve your Goal 😉
I'll follow your Progress.
7 February 2016, 13:06
Bassam Mansour
😄 😄 😄
Thank you Andy 😄
8 February 2016, 06:19
Christian Bruer
Looking forward to April 2016🙂 Happy modeling and keep on the very good work!
9 February 2016, 20:21
Clifford Keesler
Very nice looking ship.
9 February 2016, 21:21
Martien Lourens
Very nice build, Bassam. My brotjer hase build this ship in the 80th but never finnished it. So it is a piece of memory from my childhood.
9 February 2016, 21:53
Bassam Mansour
Thank you very much Christian, Clifford & Martien 🙂
These days I'm working on the upper deck guns (assembling & painting them) once fixed on the deck I'll post the pictures. I'm doing my best for the upper deck to be finished as good as I can before loosing my minde in the sailing & rigging work 😄 😄 .....
10 February 2016, 08:25
Andy W.
Really nice job until now. She looks great
10 July 2016, 19:52
Bassam Mansour
I've finished my ship and used it as the masterpiece in our 1st show held in Egypt, it was great success until a friend of mine caused the destruction of the ship 😄
She was asking a question about the history of the ship then accidental pushed the glass box covering the ship and all 5 parts of the box have fallen on the sails and great damage happened, everything was crushed under the weight of the glass & wood. Next day I've spent entire time fixing it back, this's how it ended up as shown in the pictures newly added 😄 😄 😄
Hope is the secret of my success, so I decided to rebuilt it but using wood and from scratch, let's rock baby 😄 😄
9 October 2016, 13:03
Andy W.
A Wonderful build Bassam. Looks great. I feel really Sorry for the accident. But you chosed the right Way to repair it. The same happend to a friend of mine, he fixed the Dameges too, nut never after took this Ship to a Show.
9 October 2016, 13:29
Bassam Mansour
😄 😄 yes, i won't take it to any show again 😉
but I going to re-build it in wood, hopefully I can succeed 😄
19 October 2016, 13:18
Andy W.
I took mine too to a few Conventions, and luckily it never get damaged. But to be save, i leave her at home. Build from Wood, it would probably a bigger Scale i think. It would definetly a long Time Project. When you start, i'm surely in
19 October 2016, 17:13
Kerry COX
Bassam, My heart just sank, reading of your most unfortunate accident. 🙁 🙁 🙁.
That is always on my mind when I am waiting, with model in hand, in line, waiting to be 'classified' by the scrutineers, always afraid some one will knock all my hard work out of my hands. :-O
I am most impressed with all you have done with this build, and I salute you for having the patience to persevere. 👍 🙂
19 October 2016, 21:51
Bassam Mansour
Thank you Kerry for your words, I'm delighted 😄 😄
Regarding damages, I always look to the bright side, can't hide how much I was shocked but, looking to an opposite perspective to the accident, I was determined to rebuild it in wood. I think that I looked to an extremely bright side (rebuilding it in wood won't be that easy & will take me too much time 😄 ) but nothing's impossible. What made me certain to do is seeing a guy who had and accident and lost his right arm building an astonishing plastic kit for the Russian terminator with only his lift hand, as I said nothing is impossible, just praying for the time and effort to rebuilt it in wood 😄 😄 😄
thank you for your encouraging words 🙂
20 October 2016, 11:57

Album info

Revell's big Old Ironsides kit has been in production and continuously sold for over 40 years. The kit was designed from a detailed model built by the crew of the ship and presented to legendary captain Isaac Hull after his tour as commander was over. It now resides in the Smithsonian.
The kit contains over 1600 parts and includes vac formed sails, 6 different rigging lines in black and tan, a foot long anchor rope, and pre-formed shroud/ ratlinesthe kit is a masterpiece and when done is in museum scale 1/96 (1/8 inch = 1 foot) measuring around 38 inches from bowsprit to stern and about 26 inches tall to the top of the mainmast. The main yard with stunsail booms is about 15 inches wide.
The U.S.S. Constitution was the first ship commissioned by the United States Navy. The ship won its nickname "Old Ironsides" when the cannon fire from Lordly enemy, the Guerrire, "bounced off the yankee frigates as if the sides were made of iron". During the all her fighting days, not one enemy foot trod the decksof the Co

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