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Christian Lehmann (Lemmy)

Battle of Endor: The diorama


20 5 June 2016, 18:28
Choppa Nutta
very cool sir !! 🙂
5 June 2016, 18:34
Christian Lehmann
Despite my original plans I decided to proceed with the diorama now.
5 June 2016, 18:35
Christian Lehmann
Thanks Choppa. you was faster than I was able to write
5 June 2016, 18:43
Christian Lehmann
Next step finished
6 June 2016, 17:21
Lex Jassies
Looks very promising. Going to follow this one.
6 June 2016, 18:14
Kim Branders
Nice base Christian.👍
6 June 2016, 18:51
Roland Sachsenhofer
6 June 2016, 19:33
Choppa Nutta
6 June 2016, 19:38
Christian Lehmann
Thank's mates.
@Choppa: The pic gave me the inspiration to add some small rocks.
6 June 2016, 19:51
Christian Bruer
very nice start with the base 👍
6 June 2016, 20:22
Choppa Nutta
Cool 🙂

I think you "need" 😄 to add some more foliage on the ground, especially around the bases of the trees and the fallen log😉 😄

I photoshopped the above pic for Ken's AT-ST diorama as he is going to print it out as a backdrop etc.
you are welcome to do likewise if you want to 🙂
6 June 2016, 20:26
Christian Lehmann
🙂 this will be done when the plaster is dry. It will mainly be fern
6 June 2016, 20:51
Michael Hickey
You're doing an awesome job on the base so far and I can't wait for the end result.👍
6 June 2016, 22:14
Christian Lehmann
Thank´s Michael
7 June 2016, 04:32
Christian Lehmann
Some progress today. Pic added. I am lack of fern which is ordered.
9 June 2016, 19:05
Choppa Nutta
that is shaping up lovely Christian !! 👍 🙂
9 June 2016, 19:29
Christian Lehmann
Thanks Choppa. Your'e right. Step by step it is shaping and each day I get new ideas to improve it. 🙂
9 June 2016, 21:06
Choppa Nutta
The foliage on e the floor etc. has really helped bring this to life 🙂
I would say add more but then I would😉 😄
Are the ferns painted PE or something else ?

9 June 2016, 21:59
Christian Lehmann
The ferns are made of laser cut green paper. I did some additional coloration with the brush and air brush. It is the first time I used this kind of product and i am really surprised about its effect.
10 June 2016, 04:31
Ulf Petersen
That's gonna be excellent, Christian!👍
10 June 2016, 04:39
Joerg R.
Das Dio wird ja immer besser Lemmy. Gefällt mir richtig gut👍👍👍
10 June 2016, 05:40
Christian Lehmann
Thanks Ulf and Joerg
10 June 2016, 06:15
Christian Lehmann
It is finished. Pfthe finished dio added.
15 June 2016, 15:53
Choppa Nutta
Juicey !! I love it
very nice all round, looks great, all of it, I really like the details and the drama/comedy of it.
A great piece indeed 🙂

Would be nice to see it with a forest backdrop, it could look like it is right our of the movie😉 😄
15 June 2016, 17:51
Holger Kranich
Hey Christian, the dio looks awesome and i love every single cm! But to be honest - the Ewoks are the quintessence in it! And it was a pleasure to watch you making ´em!!! Too cool, too nice - absolutely perfect!!!👍👍👍👍
15 June 2016, 18:08
Christian Lehmann
Thanks Choppa!
15 June 2016, 19:21
Christian Lehmann
Thanks Holger. I have the idea to make a larger one that fits to the Knight Models Star Wars figures
15 June 2016, 19:22
Christian Meyerhoff
Another stunning Dio from Mr. Lehmann! You should be the next Producer of any comming Star Wars movie. Excellent from every point of view!
15 June 2016, 19:28
Christian Bruer
Agree to Holger 👍 👍 👍
15 June 2016, 19:31
David Thor
Love it, great job! 🙂
15 June 2016, 19:57
Stefan Schacht
cool 🙂
15 June 2016, 20:46
Joerg R.
Only one word: Geil!!!👍👍👍
15 June 2016, 20:59
15 June 2016, 21:00
Ulf Petersen
Great, simply great, Christian!👍
15 June 2016, 22:44
Michael Hickey
Bloody unreal mate, a real show stopper, you should be extremely happy with what you have achieved, well done. 👍👍👍
16 June 2016, 00:06
Martien Lourens
impressive work. Great how you have included the damage of the base in this dio.
16 June 2016, 05:12
Harry Eder
Stunning 👍 Very cool dio!
16 June 2016, 06:01
Christian Lehmann
Many thanks mates for all the motivating coments .
@ Martien: I had this in mind from the beginning and bought the base especially for this project.
16 June 2016, 08:31
Chris Norman
This is a brilliant diorama, how long did it take to put this together?
16 June 2016, 09:53
Bernhard Schrock
Great! I think THIS dio is the real "base" for the SW episode IV🙂.
16 June 2016, 10:02
Arne Greve
Hello Christian, what a beautiful diorama! Are the Ewoks selfmade?
16 June 2016, 10:06
Christian Lehmann
@Chris: All started with the Ewols in February. I did not work the whole time on it. During this I also built an x-wing fighter and had some interuptions. With the base I started 2 weeks ago.
16 June 2016, 11:35
Christian Lehmann
@ Bernhard: 👍
16 June 2016, 11:36
Christian Lehmann
@Arne: Yes they are selfmade.

!Ewoks | Album by Lemmy (1:48)

16 June 2016, 11:38
Christian Lehmann
@Arne: Tried too copy the link of the photo album into the coment but it did not work. Don't know why
16 June 2016, 11:41
Urban Gardini
Good and creative work mate! I really love the touch with the "rotten" base by the uprooted tree. The rest of it is just up to the usual standard that one expect from you, in other words extremely well done...
16 June 2016, 12:12
Choppa Nutta
Christian I just could not resist a quick spin around photoshop with your model 😄
Hoe you don't mind 😉
Of course getting rid of the blue edges would be easier with a printed backdrop when you took the photo 😄
Anyhow, I just think it looks awesome with the backdrop in, it's like a still from the bloomin movies 😄

16 June 2016, 12:47
Holger Kranich
Looks absolute awesome, Choppy!!!
16 June 2016, 13:12
Choppa Nutta
haha cheers Holly, but I think Christian deserves 99.9% of the credit😉
but yeah, back drops really set the scene though 🙂
16 June 2016, 13:19
Holger Kranich
Yeah, you get the Feeling and you can smell the burnt Ewok fur!😄
16 June 2016, 14:01
Choppa Nutta
fuzzy little phukkers 🙂
I bet their farts stink too 😄
16 June 2016, 14:05
Arne Greve
As I show my children the real trilogy last autum, they said, the Ewoks are so cute and sweet. I remember, as I saw the movie in 1984, I thought the same. 🙂
16 June 2016, 14:40
playtime 222
JJ Abrams sucks. Message ends.
16 June 2016, 15:58
Choppa Nutta
Sometimes I wish you could like comments on SCM 🙂
he doesn't just suck, he sucks hard...... they might as well have used Michael Bay, that would have "Transformed" things......... ba'dum tish..... 😄
16 June 2016, 16:33
Christian Lehmann
Thank's Urban.
16 June 2016, 16:41
Christian Lehmann
@ Coppy: The reworked pic looks cool. I know that so much increadible things are possible with photoshop but I am not so familar with these techiniques.
16 June 2016, 16:43
Choppa Nutta
if you want the background image to print out let me know 🙂
would be nice to see the back drop as part of the scene but I couldn't wait for that 😄
16 June 2016, 16:47
Christian Lehmann
@ Arne: I also remember when I watched Episode VI in the cine in the 80's (was it really in 84?) . At the moment the Ewoks entered the scene the whole crowd started laughing because they were so cute and brought a slapstick component into the movie.

Btw. I like the works of JJ Abrams especially the style he uses the cameras and cuts the movies.I do not understand the JJ bashing
16 June 2016, 16:53
Choppa Nutta
well for me it largely centers around the thin plot, and I couldn't believe in the characters really, everything came all too easily to some of, no real character development, sure there was some models and camera work etc. but the overall story left me feeling disappointed, plus we were denied an on screen reunion and the Darth Vader theme tune, which was the best one in my view 🙂

hopefully there will be a decent fan edit at some point 🙂
16 June 2016, 17:19
playtime 222
Not as bad as Bay but let's not forget this guy brought us the mess that was Lost.
16 June 2016, 17:35
Choppa Nutta
haha 🙂 he makes a good point Christian 😄
16 June 2016, 17:39
Christian Lehmann
Well Choppy, youre right about the story. It is the story of episode IV with other characters. I believe the final story book is the result of team work and you do not know the influence of Disney on it. I did not have that much expectation about the story. I just wanted to have a relaxed afternoon togehter with my daughter (the next fan generation) watching a SiFi movie with great special effects.
Btw: We are now curious about Star Trek "Beyond" in July and Star Wars "Rouge one" in December.
16 June 2016, 17:54
Choppa Nutta

Ah well if you were with your kid, well that changes things entirely 🙂

My feeling is that they chose Abrams because of some stats rather than artistic ability and that the story was "crafted" by a committee to afraid to do something interesting, like watching Luke turn into his father but through noble intentions, he could have come back as super uber Jedi to quash the uprising of the empire and declares himself benevolent dictator and vowing never again will the empire rise at the end of Ep7 only for him to descend into super power madness and becomes a puritanical monster etc. etc. etc.

That way you get the gang back together again for a proper re-union romping with the bad guys with a dark twist at the end, now that was the story I was hoping for but no we got -

"ooh I've never held a light saber, ooh this is easy, look mum I'm really good against this guy who has been training his whole life"


"Han, I know I've been on the Falcon for two minutes but I know how to fix it, easy" etc. etc.

Star Wars "Rouge one" looks intriguing as it is a spin off from the main story line ( I think, please correct me if I am wrong there )
16 June 2016, 18:25
Arne Greve
At the end of Episode VII, I ask myself, Why must Han die?? But suddenly, like a flash, it appears in my brain. He must die, because he will come back as Indiana Jones. The story goes like this: In Indiana Jones V, Dr. Jones find a Stargate and in the end of the movie, he enter it. ;-D
17 June 2016, 07:42
Arne Greve
I believe, that it was 1984.
17 June 2016, 07:43
Urban Gardini
I remember how me and a mate rode our bikes down to the cinema to see Ep. VI one warm summer evening in 1983.
17 June 2016, 09:54
Holger Kranich
1983 was the year i came to School and i was not allowed to see it... A Little Anger arose in me... 😄
17 June 2016, 12:18
Christian Lehmann
Little Holgi with huge anger I asume 😉
17 June 2016, 12:37
Holger Kranich
With stomping on the ground, yes!😄
17 June 2016, 13:09
Christian Lehmann
I can imaagine 😄
17 June 2016, 14:01
Choppa Nutta
haha, why oh why do I have a picture of Bart Simpson having a tantrum..... 😄
17 June 2016, 14:43
Holger Kranich
Because you know me a Little, Choppy😢
17 June 2016, 14:48
Clifford Keesler
Very nice Christian.
17 June 2016, 18:42
Christian Lehmann
Thanks Clifford!
17 June 2016, 20:11
Taarna Eckart
Whoa, nice job! I especially love the "broken" detail on the base.
18 June 2016, 04:50
Christian Lehmann
Thank you Charlene. As written before, This was planed from the beginning and the base was bought especially for this.
18 June 2016, 05:58
Philip De Keyser
This is a great diorama Christian, very nice build, congrats
Greetz, Phil
19 June 2016, 08:00
Thomas Mayer
Lemmy, echt klasse! Wirklich, da fehlt es an nichts!
19 June 2016, 09:06
Roland Sachsenhofer
Ich seh´s mir immer wieder an- was für ein wunderbares Dio!!
So viele Ideen spitzenmäßig umgesetzt, ich finde das Ganze echt und einfach nur genial!
19 June 2016, 10:01
Christian Ristits
Kann mich da Roland und den Vorgängern nur anschließen, eine tolle Arbeit, und eine Augenweide für jeden SW-Fan!
19 June 2016, 10:10
Christian Lehmann
Thanks Phil.
19 June 2016, 11:02
Christian Lehmann
Danke für die motivierenden Worte Thomas, Roland und Christian. Das ist für mich die Szene aus der Schlacht, die sich wirklich ins Gedächtnis eingebrannt hat und die Idee zu dem Dio hatte ich sofort, als ich den AT-ST letztes Jahr in Mol gekauft habe.
19 June 2016, 11:04
Eduardo Arguijo
grat Diorama Chris, how you managed to make the Ewoks? Does they come with the kit?
Great job!
19 June 2016, 13:52
Kerry COX
I just refreshed my memory of the scene in the forrest with Youtube, and the representation here in your Dio Christian has not missed a thing. Almost smell the smoke and pine needles. 🙂
Many happy hours spent on this mate. 🙂
Well done. 👍
19 June 2016, 14:11
Christian Lehmann
Thank's Kerry and Eduardo.
@Eduardo: The Ewoks are self made. Check my SCM Albums to see how. ( I tried to add a link but this does not work with my tablet computer)
19 June 2016, 14:37
Wilfried Bogaerts
Beautiful job Lemmy !
17 October 2016, 18:12
Christian Lehmann
Thanks Wilfried
17 October 2016, 19:02
Christian Lehmann
Back from Euromodel Austria 2016 in Ried.
The dio was awarded with a gold medal in category "Sifi/fantasy diorama" as well as (surprisingly for me) "Best of show"
17 October 2016, 19:05
Christian Ristits
Congrats, the award is well deserved!
17 October 2016, 19:32
Christian Lehmann
Danke Christian. Warst du dort?
17 October 2016, 19:44
Urban Gardini
Congrats mate!
17 October 2016, 20:47
Zsolt Czegle
Congrtas! Great work! 👍
17 October 2016, 20:49
Kerry COX
So thoroughly deserved Christian. 🙂 🙂 🙂
A big salute and my hearty congratulations mate. 👍 👍 👍
17 October 2016, 20:53
Christian Lehmann
Thank´s mates
18 October 2016, 04:27
Ulf Petersen
Congrats Christian! Well deserved.👍
18 October 2016, 05:18
Holger Kranich
The Sci-Fi medal was no wonder but "Best of Show"? 👍👍👍 Great Lemmy!😄
18 October 2016, 06:24
Lex Jassies
Maybe for the umpteenth time, but still a well-meant, Congratulations Christian!
18 October 2016, 06:33
Christian Lehmann
@ Holger: Ja, da war ich auch platt.
18 October 2016, 07:04
Joerg R.
Mensch Lemmy, das ist doch super und vor allem sehr verdient. Freut mich für dich!
18 October 2016, 08:14
Christian Bruer
Congratulations for a well deserved Gold and Best of Show 👍 I much like that something unique and different to aeroplanes and AVFs got the price.
What is about Lingen next March – any plan to attend to the show?

Cheers, Christian
18 October 2016, 17:14
Christian Lehmann
Thanks Christian. Unlikely that I will be in Lingen because the exhibition I plan to visit are: GoMo in Viena on 12/13 of march, Moson Model show in April andKMK Scaleworld in September.
18 October 2016, 17:46
Christian Bruer
Unfortunately not the Shows I plan to visit. Next to EME in March I plan to visit Scale Model Challenge in Veldhoven at the end of October.
18 October 2016, 17:51
Philip De Keyser
congratulations Christian with the gold medal and best of show 👍
19 October 2016, 15:50
Christian Lehmann
Thanks Philip!
19 October 2016, 18:12
Simon Nagorsnik
Really impressive dio 😳
looks awesome!
20 March 2022, 08:58
Christian Lehmann
Thanks Simon!
20 March 2022, 11:27
Clifford Keesler
Awesome, is all I can say.
21 March 2022, 22:12
Christian Lehmann
Thank you Clifford.
22 March 2022, 06:43
Kerry COX
Looking at all the mates who have commented on your build Christian. I couldn't pass by without saying that your win is richly deserved my friend. And the cream on the cake being best in show. !!!! What a wonderful outcome. Congratulations mate. 🙂 🙂 🙂 👍
22 March 2022, 08:11
Dominik Weitzer
22 March 2022, 09:28
Christian Lehmann
Thanks Kerry and Dominik. I cant believe that it was built in 2016 and is 6 year old yet.
22 March 2022, 10:38

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60 afbeeldingen
1:48 AT-ST (Bandai 0194869)

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