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Markus Antonius (zweispeer)

Old Scans


1 18 March 2017, 15:55
18 March 2017, 18:59
Markus Antonius
thanks 🙂 none of these models are still "alive", though 🙁
19 March 2017, 14:18
may them Rest In Pieces😉
19 March 2017, 14:19
Markus Antonius
XD... sad but true
19 March 2017, 14:20
Alec K
Very nice 👍. I wish I had taken more photos "back in the day". They usually survive longer than the subjects 🙂
19 March 2017, 14:23
hahaha ,in my case, i have some picutures of old models. but i will not post them here. i do not want to be banned from the site 😄
19 March 2017, 15:27
Nice photos – very atmospheric.
As with Spanjaard, if I had photos of the models I built as a kid, it would cause much laughter if I posted them.
19 March 2017, 16:01
Alec K
I for one would humbly like to offer a contrarian view: I believe we should do more of this. I often see modelers showcase only their best work, as if forums like this were a competition. But seeing only the "best" has some negative consequences: it tends to limit learning ("Oh, look how good this is! I can never achieve this because this modeler's work is so good across the board. He therefore must have talent, which I do not" ) and intimidates new folks from getting into the hobby ("Wow, this is what you need to be able to be part of this hobby! This is not for me." ). I am generalizing/simplifying here I know, but... I think what does not get enough press is the progression all modelers go though to get to their current level. I love to read builds that talk about lessons learned. About what the modeler did different than last time...

Anyway, sorry about my unchecked stream of consciousness 🙂 BTW, I would love to see Spanjaard's and Gorby's old builds! I commit to post some of mine at some point. And if I get banned, well, maybe I was wrong about this whole thing 😄
19 March 2017, 17:35
Good point Alec. Believe it or not, I didn't have a camera until I was given one for my 21st, and my childhood models went to the tip when I was 16 so they will only ever exist in my memory. But of course I still have my first 'returnee' models, so I will seriously consider posting one or two of them at some point.
19 March 2017, 18:00
Markus Antonius
Thanks for your thoughts on that, Alec, that is exactly the point i am thinking of - and besides i also tend to think of my work not to be good enough. that was not the case when i was young. ok, there were the verlinden books, and he was a master - but a master you could learn from very good. seeing some of his models by today standards though you will see even those in a different light.
19 March 2017, 18:33
Alec K
Ahh, yes there is that (not having the camera)! I have recently digitized some old film negatives from 20+ years ago, and discovered some model pics I have taken back then. Real gems, I must say... Luckily I still have most of my "returnee" (lovely term, btw) models, although some of them are not whole anymore (when my son was 2, he pulled my built-models box out from its storage space and re-arranged bunch of them 😄 )

Markus, you brought another great point: that all modelers are collectively getting better at this craft/art. I wonder where this hobby is going to be at in next 20 years? Keep posting those oldies, they are great 👍 👍
19 March 2017, 19:27
ok, it is actually a good point the one Alec has rised... i have uploaded some of the old builds, of my first modelling period... but of course, those are the best i did. Maybe i should upload an albums with my "hall of shame".... i did not take pictures back in the day but i did that later. maybe the layer of dust will hide some of the most hideous mistakes 😄
19 March 2017, 19:38
Alec K
That is the spirit! 👍 👍
19 March 2017, 19:50

Album info

20+ Year old Dioramas, photographed with an old camera with b/w film 20 years ago... scanned for your pleasure...

9 afbeeldingen
1:35 M4A3E2 "Jumbo" (Tamiya 35139)1:35 M48A3 Patton (Tamiya MM120)1:72 Fairey Seafox (Matchbox PK-36)1+

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