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Peter Jenssen (jenssen)

V-2 Transport


1 5 June 2017, 09:48
Martin Oostrom
This should be interesting
5 June 2017, 10:33
Alec K
5 June 2017, 12:19
Peter Jenssen
Basically three kits in the box, sorting and putting everything away except the Hanomag.
Starting with that one..
5 June 2017, 14:28
lots of sprues there... it certainly looks interesting.
5 June 2017, 14:32
Burkhard D
5 June 2017, 14:42
Peter Jenssen
There are a few ejector pin marks around. In general not many, the inside of the roof being one exception.
Started with the engine. Fit is good on the lower half. Top on the other hand doesn't look all that good, so I fixed with quite a bit of putty.
Don't know why I did that though, engine won't actually be seen.. (a bit of modelling OCD?)
5 June 2017, 22:48
Norbert Steffens
I'll follow. I do have the same kit in my stash. So I can learn a lot
6 June 2017, 10:43
Peter Jenssen
I highly recommend doing the entire frame in one go.
I did a little at a time and it looked well lined up. However, when I finished it, it became clear that it is slightly twisted. First glued joints had already dried by then, otherwise it would have been adjustable.
Hopefully no big deal, but hard to tell at this stage..
10 June 2017, 10:43
Peter Jenssen
Putty going on at the moment.
Especially the springs need a bit since they come in two halves that leaves quite a seam when glued..
12 June 2017, 02:44
Peter Jenssen
Painting the engine (and the rest as well really) before it becomes too difficult..
13 June 2017, 10:45
Norbert Steffens
Nice rusty surface on your exhaust
14 June 2017, 04:06
Peter Jenssen
That's pastels. Under that just a coat of Nato Black with metal drybrushing.
Just a quick practice. Has a high likelyhood of being painted over somewhat during the next painting session. Started adding more details.
Great care required to keep everything aligned. If that's not done right, the cab is going to be a nightmare to fit together... :-o
16 June 2017, 00:14
Peter Jenssen
A bit of first colour test..
17 June 2017, 12:59
Peter Jenssen
Couldn't keep my fingers off the rocket pieces.
Was a bit apprehensive, them being such large pieces that need really good matching up.
Fixed this by doing 5cm at a time using quick dry tamiya extra thin.
One side done so far and Im happy with the result.
19 June 2017, 11:17
Peter Jenssen
Looking through the instructions it's going to be tricky to display half raised like the box art which was the way I wanted to do it..
Dang it, this is supposed to be an OOB-build... 😉
20 June 2017, 13:01
Peter Jenssen
Playing with weathering the interior...
25 June 2017, 11:49
Peter Jenssen
With the seats in and the cab closed up, I probably won't see this very much. Same as the engine really.. 🙂
26 June 2017, 01:22
Martin Oostrom
Nice used cab Peter. 👍
26 June 2017, 05:35
Peter Jenssen
Not much done this weekend.
Did a bit on the seats. First coat on exterior surfaces.
A bit of work on the rear wheels. Looks like the best option here is to first complete the inner wheels, paint and then do the exterior wheels.
Glued the halves of the rocket's engine housing. Sorry no pic. These large parts are quite hard to line up perfectly while glueing..
3 July 2017, 01:02
Brad Furminger
This is looking really nice early on. It's certainly an interesting piece.
5 July 2017, 01:49
Peter Jenssen
-Ooops! -It's a bit.. eerh.. ..large..
6 July 2017, 00:20
Martin Oostrom
There's a complete guide on how to paint the missile in this: SCM Book: The Weathering Aircraft Magazine

9 July 2017, 09:41
Peter Jenssen
Thanks Martin.
Looks really cool in the camo version.
I'm going to do black and white to depict the first rocket to reach space.
However, the shading techniques would still be useful.
10 July 2017, 02:13
Peter Jenssen
All insides are in place. Ready to close up. I will leave the roof until last, so I can finish the paint before installing the windows.
10 July 2017, 02:19
Peter Jenssen
Body colour done.
Windows added.
Started weathering the wheels.
13 July 2017, 00:52
Peter Jenssen
Weathering coming along. Windows look brand new and ridiculously clean though. Not sure how to make them look older while not overdoing it..
13 July 2017, 23:48
Martin Oostrom
Take a look at a car in the street. 😉
There should be some scratches, perhaps a star or two from small stones.
Did this glass discolour with age?
14 July 2017, 06:49
Peter Jenssen
I just gave it a bit of dirt.
Didn't want to overdo it, so it looks like it aged 20 years during the war.. 🙂
15 July 2017, 09:03
looks good to me
15 July 2017, 14:07
Peter Jenssen
For the side pieces of the transporter, they moulded these slightly curved, which is perfect.
The instructions would have you putting in some of the crossbraces in step one. Others in step two an then attach to the middle section.
That would make it difficult to align everything right.
Better to attach the side pieces first.
Then the cross braces can be put in perfect alignment one by one by putting one in place, press closed, put one drop of Tamiya extra thin, quick setting on the center end only.
Dries in two seconds, so let go, part springs open due to the curving and next cross brace goes in.
When all closs braces are in, press side pieces closed and secure all cross braces outer ends and it's all done and perfectly straight. That way I could take breaks in working on the cross braces without worring about alignment and having to keep working while the glue is soft..
16 July 2017, 23:07
Brad Furminger
Smart thinking, Peter. Love the tips I've been picking up here.
17 July 2017, 01:17
Peter Jenssen
From how the parts are made, it seems the kit designer had this method in mind.
However, the advantage of the curved side pieces is not taken advantage of in the instructions.
17 July 2017, 01:41
Peter Jenssen
A lot of detail on the transporter-erector.
The picture above is of the nearly completed step one (out of 24 steps!). A tray of gas bottles is left to do.
About 25 pieces in this step alone!
18 July 2017, 09:30
Peter Jenssen
Just realised I made a mistake;
The top part of step 3 illustrates installing an electric motor for working the hydraulic erector.
Lower down a VW petrol engine assembly is shown.
I installed the electric engine (sorry no picture for this) before realising..
Unfortunately, I believe, the electric engine was installed for Operation Backfire launches only.
For German launches, the VW engine should be used (as I understand it).
Time for some cut-and-replace.. 🙂
20 July 2017, 04:42
Peter Jenssen
Fixed the hydraulic pump option issue, now well into step four, most parts still left on the sprues.. :-D
21 July 2017, 12:39
Peter Jenssen
More Meillerwagen assembly.
Everything fits perfactly!
23 July 2017, 02:40
Martin Oostrom
Painting that will be a challenge with all those construction parts in front of the engines/tanks etc
23 July 2017, 07:34
Peter Jenssen
Thanks Martin,
Keeping an eye on available spray angles is essential.
It's a fairly open construction though, with mostly one colour to paint. There are some parts left out though, most notably the foremost four gas bottles. Bottom part will have its first coat before more parts are added. The erector part is not quite there yet. You could easily end up using multiple jars of paint on this one if you're not holding off with the airbrush a bit.. 😉
24 July 2017, 03:25
Bryn Crandell
Very impressive. Looks like a great kit to get.
28 July 2017, 14:32
Mike Kryza
Interesting start - I'll take a seat. Looks actually good to me. (I've the same kit in my stash.)
28 July 2017, 15:20
Peter Jenssen
Thanks, -yes it is a good kit.
Very well made. Fits perfectly. Has some errors, but doesn't everything?
LOTS of small parts.
If you are having trouble with the carpet monster, don't even try.. 😉
31 July 2017, 06:21
Peter Jenssen
Still adding detail.
Main time spent here is actually not the building. The cleanup of the parts take the most time, with cleaning seams off tiny ladder parts being the most fiddly..
Did a quick dry fit for fun (also to confirm all still fits)
Noticed some missing bits in the instructions.
Addition of some parts is not noted.
So far found three parts that suddenly appear in place on the illustrations without specifying adding them, or what the part number is.
9 August 2017, 01:57
Peter Jenssen
Bit of paint..
14 August 2017, 13:44
Larry E
Looks Great - I want one!
17 August 2017, 21:17
Peter Jenssen
Thanks Larry
-completed the launch table.
Haven't had time for much else lately..
30 August 2017, 10:08
Eelco Gregoire
Interesting project. I have a doubt bying this kit or the new one. Good luck!
31 August 2017, 05:52
Peter Jenssen
Playing around with the airbrush a bit..
6 September 2017, 06:50
Peter Jenssen
Haven't had much time lately. A bit of painting. Here it is next to my 1:96 scale n1 papermodel.
23 September 2017, 04:58
Kim Branders
I am inn. Nice so far 👍
23 September 2017, 07:53
Peter Jenssen
Still a bit left to go, but not much..
24 September 2017, 09:16
Alec K
It's coming together nicely 👍
24 September 2017, 12:16
very nicely
24 September 2017, 15:40
Roberto Rocat
Interesting and well done.
24 September 2017, 19:21
Peter Jenssen
Tail end of rocket.
Only things left on rocket is clear coating, decalling and maybe some attention to the black sections, as they currently look a bit 'dead'
26 September 2017, 02:27
Martin Oostrom
Nice checkerboard. Well done
26 September 2017, 05:16
Peter Jenssen
That's pretty much done.
Nice kit to build.
Good fit. You could put a lot of extra work into this one to install lines, detailing etc.
I may still do some additional weathering, but for now, it's done! 🙂
2 October 2017, 00:58
Mike Kryza
...and the result is very good. I like it.
2 October 2017, 06:54
2 October 2017, 07:57
Alec K
Congrats, looks excellent 👍
2 October 2017, 11:39
2 October 2017, 12:03

Album info

A4 Rocket
Hanomag SS100

66 afbeeldingen
1:35 V-2 Rocket Meillerwagen Hanomag SS100 (Takom 2030)

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