D-54 Bulldozer
10 12 September 2017, 16:08

Excellent result! Very realistic wetheed look especially the rust! Chapeau Dmitri!! I supose that you have the original in your garden...🙂
12 September 2017, 18:25

Looks very good. Especially the tree and the greaseleakings on the "cat".
12 September 2017, 20:52

Thank you for your kindness, mates!
Bernhard Schrock, unfortunately Stalinets-65 is a real rare and valuable find today. As far as I know there is only one left in the world restored to original condition the rest are "Frankenstein monsters" so to speak.
12 September 2017, 21:30

Outstanding job…beautifully finished and excellent composition of the display!!
18 September 2017, 16:02

Absolutely astonishing work, congratulations! Thanks for sharing!
19 September 2017, 09:31