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Martin Frcka (Potkan)

Douglas A-4E Skyhawk - WIP

Album image #1
filling and sanding almost completed 

Album image #2
internal parst in place and as soon as the weight will dry - I can close the fuselage 

Album image #3
additional bits cleaned and ready to go 

Album image #4
initial cleanup 

Album image #5
Album image #6
Album image #7
and preparation for PE parts 

Album image #8
bits and bobs 

Album image #9
seat ready for wash 

Album image #10

Album image #11
cockpit finally together 

Album image #12

Album image #13
just wash needed 

Album image #14
ready to close the fuselage 

Album image #15
Album image #16
wings in place 

Album image #17
almost everything ready to paint 

Album image #18
Album image #19
some PE added 

Album image #20
landing light 

Album image #21
LAU-10/A Zuni ready to paint 

Album image #22
pylons need to be modified to fit the MER 

Album image #23
main body with various bits and bobs 

Album image #24
Album image #25
Mk-81 bombs all finished and ready for installation 

Album image #26
MER for all those Mk-81s 

Album image #27
aircraft ready for priming 

Album image #28
MER version banana 🙁 

Album image #29
a little bit of heat and I think it's not bad 🙂 

Album image #30
MER are completed and painted - ready for decals 

Album image #31
together with the LAU-10 

Album image #32
and pylons 

Album image #33
Revell Aqua Fiery Red - quite nice color and handy for hand painting of the wheel doors later 

Album image #34
Album image #35
a little bit of Mr. Metal color 211 chrome silver and pistons are ready for wash 

Album image #36
all bits and bobs from today's spray booth adventure 

Album image #37
LAU-10 with decals 

Album image #38
MER with decals 

Album image #39
Skyhawk armament together ready for wash 

Album image #40
final touch to the rockets 

Album image #41
test pylon with and withouth Flory wash 

Album image #42
and from the other side. 

Album image #43
all washed up, cleaned and two MER already filled 

Album image #44
one MER to go... 

Album image #45
aaaand all armament is finished 

Album image #46
little dry testing 

Album image #47
looking good 😉 

Album image #48
Mr. Surfacer 1000 (do not have 1200 at hand 🙁 ) 

Album image #49
looking very nice. Next will be slight sanding and preshading 

Album image #50
a little bit of preshading 

Album image #51
Album image #52
bottom surfaces with MRP-99 US Navy White 

Album image #53
Album image #54
small parts 

Album image #55
small parts painted. ready for wash 

Album image #56
upper surfaces done 

Album image #57
some places will need to be corrected (red areas) 

Album image #58
Album image #59
overall - looking good 🙂 

Album image #60
masked and painted dark grey stripes and black areas near cockpit 

Album image #61
two more black and yellow areas need to be added and red area for wing slats need some correction 

Album image #62
black and yellow areas masked and painted. 

Album image #63
plane is ready for decals 

Album image #64
small parts after enamel wash 

Album image #65
landing light should be silver underneath the paint but I forgot to paint it. well, it's not looking too bad. 

Album image #66
first decals in place, more to come 

Album image #67
red stripes on the air inlet was challenge to say the least. but the result is not bad 🙂 

Album image #68
more decals in place 

Album image #69
and still more to go 

Album image #70
all decals are in place 

Album image #71
ready for final touches and clear cote 

Album image #72
Flory Dark Dirth wash in place and hapilly drying 

Album image #73
and also small parts... 

Album image #74
and wash is cleaned 

Album image #75
further inspection and cleaning will be done after the 2 week vacation I'm about to go to 

Album image #76
Job done! More photos in gallery. 


1 5 December 2017, 13:45
David Thor
Taking a seat, just building an eduard a-4 myself.
5 December 2017, 18:41
Soeren R.
Count me in😉
9 April 2018, 09:21
Es-haq Khosravi
I'm in!
14 May 2018, 19:33
That poor thing will never be able to take off with all that hardware dangling off it 🙂
26 May 2018, 18:20
John Thomas
Very nice work
31 May 2018, 00:15
Guss, actually it did once take off with 24 Mk 81's on it,,,,and it was the earlier version with a lower powered engine, and racks heavier than MERs are. (It was used to demonstrate the idea of multiple bombs invented by a Marine and demo'd to the USN and USMC, including fairly accurate CEPs for the time period)
11 June 2018, 17:58
Martin Frcka
Great info Rex. Thanks. 24 Mk 81's? wow. That's an idea for next A-4 skyhawk project 😄
13 June 2018, 21:23
oops,,,,,,that should be 18, sorry. I meant that all three pylons on the early Skyhawk were full. They were the Electric Fuzed (sharp nose) Mk 81s with the early standard Conical Fins. The racks were made by welding A-1 Skyraider bomb racks onto long rails. (compared to MBRs and MERs, those racks were *uglyyyy* )
15 June 2018, 03:54
Martin Frcka
no problem. so in a way my payload will be something like they had. but with additional LAU rokets... If anyone is wandering why this payload - I wanted the exact payload which is shown on the boxart (later I have found that the center MER do not have Mk 81s but bigger version - at least it seems like it).
15 June 2018, 06:22
Björn Svedberg
Looking great so far! Very nice build log, and I like the payload, it looks massive! 👍
18 June 2018, 09:33
Martin Frcka
And the model is finished. Thank you all for your kind words. I hope you enjoyed the build. The second part of the "The Sound of Silence" will be starting probably later this year. Right now it's time for another job.
1 July 2018, 11:36
excellent job!
1 July 2018, 22:59
Bryn Crandell
Finished bird looks amazing!
3 July 2018, 12:58

Album info

Progress photos

126 afbeeldingen
1:48 The Sound of Silence (A-4E, MiG-21PFM) (Eduard 11101)1:48 MER (Eduard 648227)1:48 Mk.81 bombs w/airbrake (Eduard 648225)1+
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21PFM Fishbed-F
VN Không quân Nhân dân Việt Nam (Vietnam People's Air Force 1959-now)
921 Fighter Reg. Sao Do (Nguyen Van Coc)
1968 Vietnam War

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