modelbouw databank | stash manager
Erwin Leetink (Golikell)

Lasst ihn saussen?

Album image #1
Trumpeter's 1:35 Br-52 

Album image #2
The rear of the tender 

Album image #3
Left side of the Br-52 

Album image #4
Right side of the Br-52 

Album image #5
Front of the Br-52 

Album image #6
Top view of the engine  

Album image #7
Replacement of the windows 

Album image #8
Front view 

Album image #9
Internal view 

Album image #10
Added wiring 

Album image #11
L.Z. Models stoker given a different cap 

Album image #12
The other side 

Album image #13
Converting a civilian to a stoker 

Album image #14
Cast on sleepers and splti 

Album image #15
Concrete side walls 

Album image #16
Removing the cast on split 

Album image #17
Split removed 

Album image #18
Found the original side walls. Plastic card removed and damage control started. 

Album image #19
Cast on details removed to receive resin parts. 

Album image #20
Resin parts in place. 

Album image #21
More than a wipe of putty 

Album image #22
Damaged parts restored, puttied and painted 

Album image #23
Surrounding wall of signal tower adapted. 

Album image #24
Rear Side scribed: left: front, middle: rear, right: own handy work 

Album image #25
New sleepers. Unpainted 

Album image #26
Base with new sleepers 

Album image #27
New sleepers and split 

Album image #28
Real split, from aquarium split 

Album image #29
Real wooden sleepers... 

Album image #30
Rails and railshoes in place, measured but unpaintes 

Album image #31
Basic layer of paint: red rust for the railshoes, darker for the rails 

Album image #32
After a thorough was of black-brown. 

Album image #33
I call the rails and bedding finished! 

Album image #34
Another welcome addition: SMA's German Soldier at tge railway station 

Album image #35
The clock as envisioned by it's makers. 

Album image #36
The contents of the box. 

Album image #37
The finished clock 

Album image #38
The original chain works. Spoorwegmuseum Utrecht 

Album image #39
The original chain works. Spoorwegmuseum Utrecht 

Album image #40
The original chain works. Spoorwegmuseum Utrecht 

Album image #41
Levers in the Spoorweg museum, Utrecht 

Album image #42
Levers, rearside in the Spoorweg museum, Utrecht 

Album image #43
Block manager, original 

Album image #44
Levers for switch and signals, original 

Album image #45
Block manager,Cardboard Stangel models, modified with plastic card+ chain  

Album image #46
The last lamp of the signal box hangs 

Album image #47
The finished Signal Box, rear 

Album image #48
The finished Signal Box, front 

Album image #49
The finished Signal Box, right 

Album image #50
The finished Signal Box, left 

Album image #51
The finished Signal Box, without roof, rear 

Album image #52
The finished Signal Box, without roof, front 

Album image #53
The finished Signal Box, without first floor 

Album image #54
The finished Signal Box, overview 

Album image #55
The finished Signal Box, with wall 

Album image #56
The base of the main building 

Album image #57
Lots of interrior parts. A puzzle. 

Album image #58
Hard to get the walls at 90 degrees... 

Album image #59
Complete with floor. 

Album image #60
From another angle 

Album image #61
Top view 

Album image #62
Original doors of goods department 

Album image #63
They do not fit! 

Album image #64
First try of scratchbuild door 

Album image #65
Compared to the original 

Album image #66
Final products. 

Album image #67
They are operational. 

Album image #68
The lock is functional too... 

Album image #69
The ceiling is in place. 

Album image #70
With carrying beams 

Album image #71
Wainscoting and wallpaper ready  

Album image #72
The other side  

Album image #73
The top floor  

Album image #74
The goods department.  

Album image #75
Ticket counter, outside. 

Album image #76
Cupboard inside the office 

Album image #77
Ticket counter, inside, 

Album image #78
Dressing up the counter with papers, stamps and inkpad. 

Album image #79
Entrance of the office. 

Album image #80
Adding an extra wall to the first floor.  

Album image #81
From stirring sticks, the roof deck is created.  

Album image #82
Dry fitting the roof.  

Album image #83
Adding structure to a piece of blank wall.  

Album image #84
The inside of the main roof finished..  

Album image #85
And being painted.  

Album image #86
Since the original roof of the goods shed is less than satisfactory, I decided to create a new one.  

Album image #87
Test fitting the pieces of plasticard.  

Album image #88
Dressing the oudside with pieces of cardboard.  

Album image #89
Adding white glue, to soften the edges  

Album image #90
And take fine gravel for adding structure.  

Album image #91
Putting on a layer of gray to simulate the mortar.  

Album image #92
The first piece of roof added 

Album image #93
Yet more dry fitting  

Album image #94
Painting the main roof, also adding gravel in order to get the structure even.  

Album image #95
Starting to put on the stone colour.  

Album image #96
Not finished yet, but getting there!  

Album image #97
Adding some propaganda posters  

Album image #98
Just like real life, special plinths have been added 

Album image #99
The obiquitous portrait of der Fürher have been added. 

Album image #100
WIP on some accessoiries. Many more to come. 

Album image #101
Creating some "life" to the outside walls... 

Album image #102
Then there was (a desk) light!  

Album image #103
The fingerprint has been removed afterwards.  

Album image #104
Not too big, is it?  

Album image #105
I consider the top floor done.  

Album image #106
Added a nice stove.  

Album image #107
And a self made great coat to the clothes rack.  

Album image #108
The break up te open space, a storage room was created.  

Album image #109
What's a storage room without storage?  

Album image #110
The roofing is added.  

Album image #111
All seams are covered with lead, just like the real deal.  

Album image #112
Also on the annexes.  

Album image #113
Yes! The station main building is finished and in place.  

Album image #114
It has been adorned with paper ivy vine (which received a matt varnish coat from the airbrush) and grass tufts.  

Album image #115
Also some black pigments were added.  

Album image #116
Since the original clock was damaged beyond repair, I replaced it with a Mini Art clock.  

Album image #117
After taking the initial photos, I discovered that I forgot to add a chimney. This has been added.  

Album image #118
The dressing of the diorama has been started by adding both commercial and propaganda posters. 

Album image #119
And a bench, which will be populated later...  

Album image #120
The stoker is ready to clean up the cabin.  

Album image #121
The broom is made of an old brush.  

Album image #122
Not bad, for one of my first figures.  

Album image #123
Tamiya's German Shepherd wil become police dog.  

Album image #124
It already received a collar (not on this picture.) 

Album image #125
Album image #126
My very first try at painting faces. Not bad, I think.  

Album image #127
The whole figure. The handkerchief is made from puty.  

Album image #128
The rear. This guy did some hard work!  

Album image #129
The stoker in place. 

Album image #130
Sweeping up the previously spilled coals  

Album image #131
His shovel at his side.  

Album image #132
View from the left side 

Album image #133
A young lady on her way to somewhere 

Album image #134
Toting her luggage... 

Album image #135
A worker ready waiting for his train to take him to his job 

Album image #136
The local gendarme enquiring for the ausweis of a traveller 

Album image #137
A HJ Rottenführer cautiouslty watching the scene 

Album image #138
Ready to jump in... 

Album image #139
Tanned from the many days outside 

Album image #140
This stern lady will take her place too 

Album image #141
The specially made perspex hood 

Album image #142
This nameplate was custom made too 

Album image #143
Left side of the base, ready for it's occupants 

Album image #144
Front view 

Album image #145
Right view. 

Album image #146
And again a bunch of figures ready. 

Album image #147
And more to come. 

Album image #148
Seen it all, hating it all... This elderly woman seems to have a downward attitude. 

Album image #149
While this woman, obviously being well off, has a haughty look at things 

Album image #150
This woman, toting all of her belongings, despite of the pleasant temperature, seems to have left her home. Forever?  

Album image #151
Bulky clothes are more easily worn then put in luggage... 

Album image #152
She can finally put her things down. Until her train arrives, that is...  

Album image #153
This man seems to be rather nervous... Does he have anything to hide?  

Album image #154
A young, well formed woman, who will certainly draw attention of the attending men...  

Album image #155
This lady hasn't got a clue either when the awaited train arrives. 

Album image #156
The rear side of the figure 

Album image #157
A caring mum going on a journey? 

Album image #158
This is more than needed for just the office... 

Album image #159
Whilst her little boy has to stay behind... 

Album image #160
With his grandparents 

Album image #161
Mum and son together...  

Album image #162
He obviously does not like the situation. 

Album image #163
Returning from leave 

Album image #164
His heavy pack leaning against his leg... 

Album image #165
This little lady from Preiser will find her place on the station too. 

Album image #166
Originally she took care of the catering for the soldiers with Frontürlaub, but not she collects money for das DRK (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz) 

Album image #167
Her greatcoat has got an added hood. 

Album image #168
Album image #169
Album image #170
Album image #171
Album image #172

Album image #173
Album image #174

Album image #175

Album image #176

Album image #177

Album image #178

Album image #179

Album image #180
Album image #181

Album image #182

Album image #183
Album image #184
Album image #185
Album image #186
Album image #187
Album image #188
Album image #189

Album image #190
Album image #191
Album image #192

Album image #193
Album image #194
Album image #195

Album image #196

Album image #197
Album image #198
Album image #199
Album image #200
Album image #201
Album image #202
Album image #203
Album image #204
Album image #205
Album image #206


21 6 February 2018, 15:05
Erwin Leetink
Just finished the signalbox.Let the pictures tell their story...
29 April 2018, 17:07
Very impressive ! Will you attach some railcars ?
29 April 2018, 17:09
Erwin Leetink
Thanks! There is no space!! The Br-52 already exceeds the limits of the base with its 88 cm... 🙂
29 April 2018, 18:13
Erwin Leetink
Finished a couple of new doors for the goods department yesterday. The originals did not fit at all!! They are operational and so is the locking mechanism...
11 June 2018, 09:05
Archibaldd Haddock
Hi! Erwin,
Love your diorama, I really love your attention to detail
I'm building the same Custom Dioramics Diorama, full of faults, a really tricky assembly! Mine will have an Trumpeter BR86... 😄
I will save those beautiful images from the sginal tower to guide myself, only for reference, if I may! 😄
Cheers mate
Keep the good modelling
Keep posting
30 September 2018, 17:36
Erwin Leetink
Hi Paolo,

Thanks for your compliments. Construction alone is quite a hassle indeed. I therefore try to do my best to camouflage this by detail and painting. Progress is slow, but I learn to use new techniques every time.
Off course I'm more than happy to share my experience with you. Please don't hesitate to ask me if you have any questions.
I just added some more photos of the wallpaper and the wainscoting
1 October 2018, 07:27
Archibaldd Haddock
Updates will be very welcome indeed!
I will follow your project development with a big smile
Cheers mate
1 October 2018, 20:26
Erwin Leetink
Happy to oblige 🙂
2 October 2018, 07:10
Archibaldd Haddock
2 October 2018, 13:54
Erwin Leetink
Bought some raw and burned umber oilpaints today to aid in painting the ticket counter.
2 October 2018, 18:14
Tim Heimer
Looking good!
2 October 2018, 19:25
Erwin Leetink
3 October 2018, 06:36
Erwin Leetink
Just added a few pics of the finished ticket counter, before mounting...

14 October 2018, 17:34
Archibaldd Haddock
Keep going! 😄
14 October 2018, 21:00
Erwin Leetink
Will do, Sir!
15 October 2018, 08:21
Archibaldd Haddock
The stamps are a really nice detail! 😄
15 October 2018, 09:59
Erwin Leetink
Since the Germans were fond of stamping their documents, I figured it might be a good addition to make a couple of stamps....
16 October 2018, 17:57
Archibaldd Haddock
All those details are most welcome! Waiting for more...
Cheers mate
16 October 2018, 20:28
Erwin Leetink
I develop new ideas while working on it, so more will come for sure
17 October 2018, 11:59
Erwin Leetink
Made quite some progress. Not finished yet, but getting there.
11 November 2018, 17:16
Archibaldd Haddock
Have been a busy weekend! What does a rainy day... cheers mate. Keep up
12 November 2018, 16:22
Wird super!
12 November 2018, 17:41
Erwin Leetink
Well thanks!! Danke... This is not just from the last weekend though, but the result of a couple of weeks on and off at the dining table/bench
13 November 2018, 08:22
Erwin Leetink
Just added some more photos of the top floor. I am waiting for the materials to finish the main lights, the I can add the roof and put the building in its place.
31 December 2018, 08:15
Archibaldd Haddock
You have been very busy! Good modelling and a happy new year! Cheers mate
1 January 2019, 18:45
Erwin Leetink
Thanks a lot, best wishes to you an every one else too. Today I spent some time on accessories like luggage, a bench for on the platform and lights for the main building.
1 January 2019, 19:14
Archibaldd Haddock
Make an 2019 a fantastic modelling year! Best, mate... cheers
3 January 2019, 15:00
Erwin Leetink
Thank you very much...I wish you and your family all the best for this year and all the upcoming ones!
3 January 2019, 18:15
Erwin Leetink
Some new pictures of th main building added.
9 February 2019, 21:10
Bastian Bäuerle
Great job. Schön umgesetzt. Decals von Peddinghaus? Waiting for more!
9 February 2019, 22:15
Erwin Leetink
Dankeschön. Es stimmt das dass Decals von Peddinghaus sind. Ich fand ihn aber viel zu dik, und unlogisch eingeteilt. Nie wieder für mich....
10 February 2019, 08:34
Erwin Leetink
Yes! The station main building is finished and in place!!!
15 March 2019, 22:14
Stunning work so far. Looks great to me. Keep going Erwin 👍

Is the main builiding scratch build?
16 March 2019, 09:12
Archibaldd Haddock
Excellent! 😄
16 March 2019, 15:53
Erwin Leetink
Thank you for your compliments... No, it is the old Custom Dioramics kit. A big part of the interior and the roof of the goods shed is scratch built, though...
18 March 2019, 07:39
Thx for your Feedback on the building
18 March 2019, 20:07
Erwin Leetink
You're welcome!
19 March 2019, 07:05
Erwin Leetink
The first figures are ready. Not bad for a first time.
19 April 2019, 20:07
Not bad ? I would go as far as very good.
19 April 2019, 20:50
Erwin Leetink
Gee, thanks for the compliments *blush *
19 April 2019, 20:58
Tim Heimer
Awesome Dio!
20 April 2019, 00:04
Erwin Leetink
Cheers, and more than enough to to, still.
20 April 2019, 10:00
Nice to see this all come together. 🙂
2 June 2019, 19:14
Erwin Leetink
Thanks... I still have quite some accessories and figures to paint, so, though the base is ready, the rest is far from that...
3 June 2019, 05:57
Erwin Leetink
Add pictures of a bunch of figures...
8 August 2019, 06:55
Erwin Leetink
I know it sounds boring, but I added another series of figures to the album.
21 August 2019, 10:44
Why should it be boring ?
21 August 2019, 19:00
Archibaldd Haddock
You have been very busy indeed! 😄 Keep up, love it!
21 August 2019, 20:07
Erwin Leetink
@Olivier, because I've been doing figures since March... 🙂
@Paulo, thanks... I'm now constructing the last couple of figures. I think there will be around 10 more to come... Then accessories, and put everything together before I can call this one finished...
22 August 2019, 06:04
Archibaldd Haddock
Having fun just watching it! Take your time, no rush 😄
22 August 2019, 08:06
Erwin Leetink
Well after such a long time, I think it is about time to finish this dio...
Now looking for a spare left hand for a female figure. The original was no good..
22 August 2019, 13:58
Erwin Leetink
Just finished a little nurse from Preiser. Not a brilliant casting, but a subject too interesting not to include. I modified it by making her collect money instead of bringing coffee for the soldiers on Frontürlaub, and added a hood to her greatcoat.
Pictures in album.
16 September 2019, 14:08
She looks charming. No doubt she will collect a lot of Pfennig.
16 September 2019, 23:33
Erwin Leetink
Yes, she does 🙂
The painting of the skirt posed yet another challenge for my growing painting skills, as the Vallejo paint tends to dry too fast for longer stripes. Specially the white paint. I used glaze medium to solve this and, while not ideal, this makes the result a lot better.
17 September 2019, 06:08
Holger Kranich
Hi Erwin, what a unbelievable big project! Its lovely to see, how much heart you put in the little details! Really a feast for the eyes! Are the decals included in the kit?
17 September 2019, 11:52
Erwin Leetink
Holger, thank you for your heartwarming comments. I really appreciate them. I finally near completion after I don't know how long. The building of the loc has been at a stand still for 10 years or more, so I don't know how long that took me. The station and signal tower took me more than a year, while I started painting the figures in march. The last ones are nearly done. I have painted 40 human figures, a cat and a dog when finished. Now busy with the last details of the figures and accessories for the dio, like suitcases, crates, a cart, sacks, etc.
As for your question: no, these are Peddinghaus decals. I cannot really reccomend them. Besides the fact that the slogan is from the inside of a bunker of Batterie Todt (found that one out only later: [img1][\img] ) the carrier film is way too thick, and the text is split in half HORIZONTALLY!!!!! I can understand this for the swastika, but this was also the case for the slogan. It is almost impossible to cut it so that there is no seam visible, and on closer observation of the model, this is certainly visible... Having said this, the kit decals ware even worse for their subject, and there are no alternatives. So I had little choice...
17 September 2019, 13:23
Archibaldd Haddock
Keep it coming mate... keep it coming! 😄
17 September 2019, 20:01
Erwin Leetink
The end is near!!! Repent 😉
17 September 2019, 20:38
Holger Kranich
Oh Peddinghaus... Many love ´em, many hate ´em... 😄
18 September 2019, 07:17
Erwin Leetink
I am a bit in doubt which way to go with them... 🤔
18 September 2019, 10:31
Holger Kranich
I am really looking forward your end result. Or cant such a dio ever be finished?
18 September 2019, 11:32
Erwin Leetink
I sincerely do hope so... As stated, it took me long enough... My intention is to have it ready this year. Probably next month or so...
18 September 2019, 12:24
Before Christmas ?
18 September 2019, 12:32
Erwin Leetink
Of what year 😄
18 September 2019, 13:11
Erwin Leetink
Finally! Completed... Just uploaded the picture of this (for me) monnumental project. With a large steam engine, 40 figures, a cat, a dog an lots of accessoiries, this project took a long time to finish, but finally it is done... I hope you enjoy the pictures. Questions and remarks more than welcome...
29 September 2019, 19:07
So you see. We are not even at All Saints day.
29 September 2019, 19:08
Erwin Leetink
True that... Mind you, I even managed to finish it this same month! Now I tumble in a deep hole...
29 September 2019, 19:15
I love the gentleman with his so well pressed brown suit reading the krant.
29 September 2019, 19:20
Erwin Leetink
This one is from Stalingrad. I replaced the Zeitung with a paper sample from ETA though..
29 September 2019, 19:46
Tim Heimer
All I can say is wow! I've been watching from the beginning! Nice work!
27 January 2020, 15:00
Chris Greathouse
What an amazingly crafted Dio. Lots of details and figurines.
27 January 2020, 15:09
Erwin Leetink
Thank you very much, gentlemen!
1 February 2020, 21:20
Victor Scale Hamster YT
This is awesome! I want to do something similar with my BR-86
14 August 2020, 18:27
Edward Turner
WOW!! Amazing me Son!! I started to look for some inspersion tonight since I could only find a few dioramas on line, then found yours! looks like what I had in Mind!
Outstanding work Erwin!! from the ground work, figures, weathering and BR-52.....etc etc! I have the BR-52 and a few cars! I am planning on turning two of the small flatbeds into a couple of passenger cars! Question: do you have any info on the small passenger cars used by Germany? and could you tell me where did you get the decals for your BR-52, I've seen so many modelers with the black/red and camo versions, not sure if they are accurate for the early war years. But your Engine looks the most realistic so far!!


14 August 2020, 23:18
Erwin Leetink
Gentlemen, I thank you. @Edward. I am humbled to hear that I am an inspiration to you. What I basically did is make up all, kind of small stories around the combination of station and Br-52, to depict the real world. Everyone has his/her own motivation to be somewhere and to go somewhere else. A station is thé place where these stories come together, albeit for a short while.

The type you commonly encounter in those days is the so called Donnerbüchse. If you search this, you are bound to get enough information.

As for the decals, they are from Peddinghaus, though I do not recommend them. The design is awful, with the text split in two horizontal,. That is, the actual middle sentence is split!
Plus the carrier film is very, very thick! Getting them on is a hassle and it is impossible to hide the edges...
15 August 2020, 21:44
Edward Turner
Thank for the help Erwin! your right about the small stories, that is the basis for most Dioramas we as models build!
I looked up the Donnerbuchse and yes; I found the info I was looking for, so thanks. as for the decals, I found them on the Peddinghaus web site and they look crappy, but you did a very good job of placing them on your BR-52!

Well take care and stay safe!


16 August 2020, 02:29
Erwin Leetink
My pleasure. On hindsight I regret using those decals, yet, on the other hand: a really viable alternative is lacking, since the kit decals are so bad, subject wise...
17 August 2020, 08:18
Guardians Bane
Hi, thank you for posting this amazing kit! It looks freaking awesome! I have been modeling for years. I've been into old steam locos since I was a kid. Is was thinking about doing this kit. I read an old review on Fine Scale Modeler. The reviewer said this kit is a hassle to put together. I am wondering if there were any major issues that you ran across.... I am also looking at the Revell 1/87 Big Boy kit also. But it doesn't look like it's very detailed.

Any suggestions for someone just getting into train building? (I do have experience in other genres, so I do have some skills building already)
2 June 2023, 02:39
Erwin Leetink
Thanks for your kind words. I still look at this dio on a daily basis and am still happy with the results...
As for the difficulty of the engine: I can't remember any big issues with it (though it has been a couple of years since I finished it) . I did build it OOB, with only the real black coals and aforementioned decals added.
Handling the kit for painting was perhaps the biggest problem.
One thing : if you intend to do it as a war loc, paint it dark grey. The black over red livery is post war only.

I have no particular tips, but do try to think logically when painting. If you first assemble the kit completely, you wouldn't be able to reach every nook and cranny with paint. And study pictures of the real thing for weathering. Though there are no locomotives in this livery running these days, the placement of grease and soot isn't any different on the surviving samples as it would be during the war.
2 June 2023, 13:56
Pietro De Angelis
Wow, amazing big dio,
great details and charming locomotive,
2 June 2023, 16:46
Erwin Leetink
Grazie Pietro!
2 June 2023, 17:07
Mr James
What a lovely dio. Great amount of detail everywhere you look.
2 June 2023, 17:22
Erwin Leetink
Thank you so much for the compliments Mr. James!
3 June 2023, 08:14

Project info

206 afbeeldingen
1:35 Baureihe 52 mit Steifrahmentender (Trumpeter 00210)1:35 European Train Station (Intact) (Custom Dioramics CD-1122)1:35 European Train Station Signal Tower (Custom Dioramics CD-1125)34+

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