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John Thomas (king57)

A Brief History of my Airbrushs


2 31 August 2019, 12:45
John Thomas
Hey all, I have not posted in some time. So here we go. A Brief History of my Airbrushes. I would think that all of use have several airbrushes. Here are mine.

1. Badger single action gun. I used this brush for several years. from 1990 to 1995. I still use it today for Dioramas and model bases.
2. Aztek 320 single action. I liked the Aztek and got good result with it but it was not durable, I had several over the years from 1995 to 2000.
3. Badger 200, single action was a nice brush better than the Aztek.
4. Badger 155 Anthem, double action. I use this brush for clear coats mostly like Future.
5. Grex TG3 Tritium double action. I got this brush in 2012 at a contest and it is my every day airbrush.
6. Neo for Iwata double action. I got this brush at a Model Contest for $55 dollars US. I use it for fine detail work.
7. Cheap double action rip off from Harbor Freight, it came with the Compressor I got.
8. My newest airbrush this year is the Grex Genesis XA. single action. I have not used it so far.
9. Harder Steenbeck Infinity 2 & 1. Double action. I got this H&S in 1996 at a regional model contest in Florida. I am afraid to use it. It's was just taken out of the box to take a photo of it .

I have a few photos of my airbrush set up with my spray booth and compressor.

Well that it, just a brief History.
31 August 2019, 12:51
Nathan Dempsey
Love that Badger 200. It's what I learned with. I've still got 2 of them🙂 My rarest airbrush is a Paasche Turbine. The turbine moves the needle in and out of the airflow. Paints have to be very thin to be used in that one.
31 August 2019, 16:53
Urban Gardini
And you'll get more airbrushes along the road as they tend to multiply. Well that's my story and I'm sticking with it! I don't understand though why you're afraid of the Infinity? It's a good airbrush and easy to use and detail strip for cleaning. It's not for everyone as some doesn't come to terms with it but others love it. But that's something that apply to every airbrush. I like mine a lot but like you I've got more than one ( for in my case, two H&S and two Badger) and I'll get more in the future as you can't have enough airbrushes.
31 August 2019, 17:02
John Thomas
Nathan and Urban, Thanks. The Badger 200 is a nice brush simple to use and clean with good results. I just don't know why I am afraid of my Infinity? I paid a lot of money for it and I just don't want to damage it and getting parts may be a problem and I have damage a few in the pass and I want to improve my airbrushing skills too really use it. Nathan some one gave me an old Passche "H" that needed some work. I tried to fix it but could not get it to work. I went and got some spare needles for my Grexs and Neo
31 August 2019, 19:54
Urban Gardini
Don't be afraid to use the Infinity! Parts is easy to come by even in the US. I'll grant you that it's much easier to get hold of parts to H&S here in Europe but it isn't that hard to get in the US. It's become easier for you now as well due to H&S being owned by Iwata so H&S is in the Iwata familiy together with Sparmax and that's good for you considering how popular Iwata is in the states.
31 August 2019, 22:49
Urban Gardini
Besides that, an expensive airbrush only gets to be an even more expensive airbrush if you don't use it as that just means that you've wasted money on something that you don't use no matter how good it is...
31 August 2019, 22:53
John Thomas
Urban, you make a good point thanks. I did not know that Iwata aquired H&S. I will look for some spare needles and give it a go thanks.
1 September 2019, 01:21
Urban Gardini
Make sure that when you get new needles for the Infinity that you get the new ones V2.0 They're made of harder tempered steel compared to the old ones that is rather soft and bend easy. They look like this!

1 September 2019, 09:19
I had the forth one ad well i never could get it to work but i got a H&S Evolution CR plus now so who cares lol
1 September 2019, 10:29
John Thomas
Urban & BR thanks. Urban thanks for the info. I found a company here in the US who sales H&S airbrushes and parts. it's Chicago Airbrush, $20 dollars for an .4mm nozzle and $15 dollars for an .4mm needle. I will have to check if they are the V2.0. Thanks again.
1 September 2019, 13:27
Urban Gardini
No problem mate! Try it out and sell it if you can't come to terms with it instead of just letting it collect dust. But give it a try first...
1 September 2019, 13:32
Greg Baker
So here's a question I've been dying to ask... what exactly is the difference between an expensive airbrush and a cheap one? I've got a cheap one... and I've been thinking about upgrading, but I'm not sure my meagre skills are going feel the impact or not...
1 September 2019, 14:40
Urban Gardini
Better atomization of the paint making it easier to work small details. Then you get much better tolerances and thus making it easier to keep clean. In short, a better airbrush is more enjoyable to work with.
1 September 2019, 16:09
Patrick Hagelstein
I agree on Urban. I started with a cheap knockoff but moved to a Harder & Steenbeck after I felt comfortable my skills where up to par. I now only use the cheap one for testing paint and such as it is a pain in the a$$ to clean. The Harder & Steenbecks (I got me some more! 🙂 ) are a breeze to clean and I can paint individual rivets on my models, that's how precise they are!
1 September 2019, 16:26
John Thomas
Roland,Greg, Urban and Patrick thanks, I wanted my airbrushing skill to improve before I would use my H&S but now I have been watching a few Youtube videos of the H&S Infinity and I am going to give it a go. I am starting a new project That I will try it out on and let you all know how I do. Thanks for all the info and stay tuned.
1 September 2019, 16:39
John Thomas
Well I just found out that I need a new hose and a quick connect fittings before I can use my H&S infinity I don't have the hose or the fittings and I still use an old vinyl hose LOL. I will have to delay a little to get the parts also a .4mm nozzle & needle set is $60 dollars not $20 dollars as I said above. I will not delay my new project it will move forward.
1 September 2019, 18:04
Urban Gardini
No problem!
1 September 2019, 18:22
Urban Gardini
If your old .4 nozzle is ok you can use that one as there's no change in the nozzles. It's only the needle that is made from better steel and have gotten better markings.
1 September 2019, 18:25
John Thomas
Urban OK thanks
1 September 2019, 19:15
I started with something that looks like your first, but sure a lot cheaper, spread almost as much much paint in the kitchen than in the red Ferrari I was trying to paint....then I had a cheap Taiwanese copy of iwata.... worked better, but for example it was a pain to clean (not exactly smooth interior), a few years ago, I got the infinity..... the best purchase ever..... i should have done it sooner. Do not be afraid to use it, it is fantastic. You may bend some needles that will ruin the nozzle.... but it is a learning process.
My suggestion for Greg, get spare nozzle/needle when you buy it, ro avoid fi finding you can not use it the day you need it most.....
2 September 2019, 00:00
John Thomas
Spanjaard, thanks
2 September 2019, 01:09
John Thomas
Question to all, does any one know what size quick connect fitting fits the H&S Infinity. I am having problems finding one and were to get it.
4 September 2019, 12:35
I got mine when i purchased the airbrush in SCM Brand: Airbrush Services Almere NL . but they have several to choose
i think it is
4 September 2019, 13:43
this should actually help....
4 September 2019, 13:45
Martin Oostrom
You can unscrew the quick release part. Then you can use a regular screw on hose.
4 September 2019, 14:09
John Thomas
Roland, Spanjaard & Martin thanks much, I will check it out.
4 September 2019, 16:08
John Thomas
Hey Guys, just a little up date. I finally found a quick connect fitting and new hose, so now I can start to use my H&S Infinity. new photos up.
14 October 2019, 12:10
Urban Gardini
Great mate, looking forward to your thoughts and experiences with your Infinity!
14 October 2019, 12:19
John Thomas
Thanks Urban
14 October 2019, 13:18
Christian W
This is a cool album! Never thought of such one😉
9 December 2019, 21:30
John Thomas
Hey Christian, Thanks. Urban I am getting ready to brake in the Infinity. I am planing on using it on my A-4 projects. I will post a few photos soon.
10 December 2019, 00:54
Urban Gardini
Nice mate, will be nice to follow. Just ask if there's something that you wonder over!
10 December 2019, 09:43
John Thomas
Urban Thanks
10 December 2019, 13:34
John Thomas
I added a photo of my first use of my Infinity
13 December 2019, 01:26
Patrick Hagelstein
And how did you like it?
13 December 2019, 04:13
John Thomas
Patrick, Thanks, so far so good. I have only used it for about 1 hour, so far and I really do like it.
13 December 2019, 12:54
Patrick Hagelstein
I love the way Harder & Steenbeck designes and manufactures their airbrushes. 👍
13 December 2019, 13:10
John Thomas
Patrick, I agree. I am using the .2mm needle and spraying Model Master Acrylic
Paint at 20psi with a drop of thinner
13 December 2019, 15:12
Great collection of airbrushes. I have collected quite a few recently and my current favorite are the Mr. Hobby Procon Boy Platinum 0.3 & 0.2. My airbrushing skills however, are still a work in progress.
17 July 2021, 23:11
John Thomas
Thanks, John. No new Airbrushes to report this pass year. I too am still trying to improve my skills, I guest we all are.
17 July 2021, 23:16
My local hobby shop sells the Grex line of airbrushes. Is the TG3 a double action brush? If so, how do you control the air and paint flow?
17 July 2021, 23:33
John Thomas
John, yes the Grex TG3 is a double action. The TG3 has a 0.3mm needle. You pull back a little at first for air, then more for paint. It's really simple to use and made in America.
17 July 2021, 23:56
Thanks for the information ?
18 July 2021, 00:39

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