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Plastic Addict
Nathan Dempsey (Plastic Addict)

SCM Australian Trucks Groupbuild


4 16 October 2019, 14:32
Norbert Steffens
Hi Nathan, any idea how to build all the demolished cars 😉
17 October 2019, 04:34
Nathan Dempsey
For now I'm just building the prime mover.
17 October 2019, 10:54
Nathan Dempsey
Work began today as I'm not wasting one second for this build! MUCH RESPECT to all my fellow car and truck building mates. This is the first vehicle model I have attempted on all my years of model building and you really have to look at things from a different angle. Made some decent progress for day one and will try to get some pics up later this evening of the engine and frame work so far.
1 February 2020, 22:25
Tom ...
Nate, lead the way. We'll get to learn off you!
1 February 2020, 23:04
Nathan I think the same as you about plane & military builds, I'm in awe of what you can achieve, automotive stuff is chicken feed to me 🙂
1 February 2020, 23:18
Martin Oostrom
Please share all the speed bumps, for all of us that are waiting for the start date 😉
2 February 2020, 00:01
Chris Greathouse
Grrrrrrroup Buuuuuild!!! 😛
2 February 2020, 00:08
Nathan Dempsey
I had to start now, there's absolutely no way I'd get done in the time given 🙂

I've uploaded pics of current progress, now to learn how to strip chrome. Not to worry I have been taking volumes of notes when mates were mentioning these "new" skills that I must rapidly acquire for this build.

As for the kit. So far I'd say be VERY careful when building the frame up. It seems very easy to get warped, then the tires would be all wonky, along with everything else you'll be attaching later. If I were continually making these big trucks I'd probably try to build some sort of jig to make sure it was all straight.
2 February 2020, 00:13
Martin Oostrom
I can extend the time if you like? Include June and July?
2 February 2020, 09:27
Nathan Dempsey
No need Martin. It's mainly due to personal schedule. I may be away for several weeks in the middle of the build.

Today I also came to realize I need to order a bunch of supplies that as a (mainly) aircraft modeler, I just dont have.
2 February 2020, 15:35
Chris Greathouse
@Nathan I realized that when I tried building a plane... Lots of supplies I didn't have. Planes and vehicles are pretty different when it comes to technique.
2 February 2020, 18:49
Bob Hall
So True, I just learned that when Building Soviet Tanks and Soldiers. Had to load up on all kinds of stuff I never needed before with cars and trucks.
2 February 2020, 20:18
Bill Newcomer
Following (spelled correctly)
3 February 2020, 00:45
Nathan Dempsey
Thanks James. This whole thing is a learning experience for me since this is my first big vehicle kit. The kit seems decent enough though. No major fit problems so far. I feel like I did a decent job on the frame, but if not I'll soon find out when other assemblies begin to be attached.
3 February 2020, 02:06
Nathan Dempsey
Recieved flocking that I plan to use for the front seats to simulate a comfy seat cover. Yet another skill I'll have to learn.
12 February 2020, 19:22
Spray flocking is easy Nathan, I've used it on custom van interiors, you'll breeze that one mate 👍
12 February 2020, 19:46
Nathan Dempsey
Thanks for the vote of confidence Munky! Oh I almost forgot. I also have my de-chroming bath started today.
12 February 2020, 21:08
Bugger, my kit should arrive tomorrow or Friday. Looks like I'll be burning the midnight oil too, because I'm also in another group build, in one of my FB groups. Looking good so far Nathan 👍
12 February 2020, 22:21
Danny Meer
Following 🙂
13 February 2020, 15:00
Just a heads up guys! I did my usual bleach test and the chrome in this kit, has the laquer on. Before bleach bath, a 5 minute dip in Dot 4 brake fluid, will remove the clear coat, then let the bleach do it's work. Pass the word please.
13 February 2020, 19:11
Danny Meer
Thx for that info mate 👍
13 February 2020, 20:04
Nathan Dempsey
I noticed it taking forever on one side. Thanks for the info.
13 February 2020, 20:44
Update on my update... After the chrome was removed successfully, in less than 3 minutes with the bleach, I washed the part with cold water and let it dry. I noticed that the part was very Glossy. Another soak in the brake fluid removed the shine. This now explains the experience that our mate Chris had, with the goop! They clear coat, prior to chrome plating, then clear again, when dry! Very clever really! So guys, the process is, brake fluid, wash in cold water, bleach, wash in cold water, allow to dry or towel dry, then brake fluid for 10 minutes and wash well in cold water again. Please note, this process is only for Italeri kits. Revell and AMT only need the bleach. With large enough tubs, the whole thing can be done in less than 30 minutes per kit. Thanks for reading Mates 👍
13 February 2020, 20:46
Tom ...
Gotta get me some Dot 4!
13 February 2020, 21:04
I don't know if Dot 5 would work? I guess so, but all my trials were with Dot4. It's working great though. Actually, it's pretty awesome watching the chrome disappear in the bleach. Kinda makes you feel like a magician 🙂
13 February 2020, 21:13
Martin Oostrom
And I tried a gazillion different products. But not the brake fluid..... Should have listened to Peter, just don't tell him!
13 February 2020, 22:16
I'm just glad that I figured it out. Removing the clear coat is the longest part of the process. The bleach is almost instantaneously. But now we know their methods, so hopefully we can learn from this?
13 February 2020, 22:45
Boz, DOT 5 brake fluid is silicone based, DOT 4 is glycol based.
There is a DOT 5.1 which is also glycol based.
As long as it's 'old skool' brake fluid like DOT 3 or 4 it will eat paint & chrome like a fat bird on cake 😉
13 February 2020, 22:50
Thanks for the information Monkey mate! See, we all learn something new everyday. Dot4 is very kind to plastic, that's for sure. I've also heard that lighter fluid removed model glue, but I've not tried it? I can confirm though, that Duraglit removes scratches from clear parts. Just used it on my other KW windscreen. Windshield for our American friends 👍
13 February 2020, 22:58
Nathan Dempsey
I ended up leaving mine in bleach overnight. It seemed to eat through almost all of it. For the small areas that it missed, I wiped down with Tamiya Laquer thinner and re-dipped. I left part of a sprue chromed for some testing.
13 February 2020, 23:06
Tom ...
Any preference for dot 3 or dot 4? 3 is cheaper.
13 February 2020, 23:13
I'm proper intrigued by this process of stripping the chromed sprues & spraying Alclad or similar.
When I've done restoration work on my old cars & bikes I've occasionally done my own chrome plating with a chemical kit. I've had really good results on some old plastics like interior trim pieces etc.
My question is then will this work on kit parts, is it mores efficient, cost effective & does it give the right look?
13 February 2020, 23:16
Nathan, I'm always wary about thinner with plastic. I screwed a roof up on 1 of my builds, by using the tiniest bit, on a Trip. Ate right into it! I've used petrol before now, but never on any of my truck builds. We can't get IPA like you guys can, either. When I was in the states, I picked some up for the Mrs, for her to use as a thinner. Craziest thing I ever saw! Here, you're treated like a drug addict, if you try asking for it in the Pharmacy!
13 February 2020, 23:16
Tom, DOT 3 is perfect 👍
13 February 2020, 23:17
Monkey, I'm still in love with Molotow! I am however, going to get some Alclad for this build. I guess the only way to truly find out, is to go boots deep mate?
13 February 2020, 23:23
You're right Bozzer!
I've still got some chemicals left to do the electroplating so I might have a bash when it
warms up a bit
13 February 2020, 23:31
Get one of them fiver Aldi/Lidl kits and have a bash? For a skin diver, you're not gonna cry buddy 👍
13 February 2020, 23:36
Chris Greathouse
Bozz, the Alclad chrome stuff is awesome! Don't forget the high shine base!
14 February 2020, 01:08
Chris, thanks buddy. I have a modelling bro that swears by Alclad, so I'm going to hit him up and get him to hook me up with our local suppliers. I've got enough time to get some. Check out the de-chrome info mate. Thanks to you, I have solved the Goop issue. I did leave some spare parts with the clear on, after removing the chrome, to see if there's any difference, when I come to de-chrome? My theory is, they do it for a reason? Maybe so their process takes or maybe it's a better finish? I'll find out, that's for sure😉
14 February 2020, 01:20
Danny Meer
Nathan, how did your chassis rails came out of the box? straight or with a slight bend? seems mine are a bit bend to the outside....not sure if this is how it should be or not.
15 February 2020, 12:59
Nathan Dempsey
Mine appeared straight, but I did have to clamp the rear joiner so it seems one of the rails may have been slightly bent.
15 February 2020, 19:49
Danny Meer
👍 got the chassis done and used rubber bands to keep it together while drying and think it's ok no warping 🙂
15 February 2020, 20:16
Nathan Dempsey
BEWARE: Step #7 shows the incorrect placement of assembly L. It should attach to the double holes higher and more forward on the chassis. If you try to glue this assembly where they show, it will mess up all the tank placement on that side of the chassis.
15 February 2020, 20:48
Danny Meer
Thx for the heads up 👍
15 February 2020, 21:46
Peter Hardy
Hmmm, much information bled directly from the still warm bodies of my colleagues. I snicker in the shadows!
15 February 2020, 23:30
Nathan Dempsey
There's much more bleeding to be done Peter!

Another warning: (Peter has mentioned this one)Be careful of the steering box. I placed it at an angle as it looked really wrong facing straight up per the instructions. This causes slight interference with assembly K in step #8. I had to mod the part a bit to make it fit.
16 February 2020, 01:11
Tom ...
Nathan, if you "edit" the album and select "use last image" from the "teaser" drop down then we get to see your updates better. Also I just discovered that if you click on the album's "manage" button and then on "advanced options" you can rotate individual images so they are the correct way up. Very cool.

I appreciate you guys leading the way. very helpful indeed!
16 February 2020, 01:25
Pictures of the correct holes to be opened up are now in my album. Hope this helps fellas.
16 February 2020, 02:22
Martin Oostrom
Nathan is our guide in the instruction maze 👍
16 February 2020, 08:30
Danny Meer
Indeed Martin, makes it somewhat eassier for the rest of us 😄
16 February 2020, 08:50
William O.
Looking really good so for sir! Can't wait to see more 🙂
17 February 2020, 06:09
Peter Hardy
Nice recovery Nat! Dry well done!
17 February 2020, 07:00
Nathan Dempsey
Thanks William & Peter 🙂

Worked on fuel tanks and I'll be ready to start painting some of the sub-assemblies soon. Tested some bare-metal foil & I'm happy with the result. I also ordered some BMF matte aluminum for many of the parts I dont want ultra shiny.
19 February 2020, 16:19
Nathan Dempsey
Group build participant albums added to my description. You will have to actually click on the album to see this...
19 February 2020, 20:11
Chris Greathouse
😄 Are you going to try and copy the truck haulin' with the smashed cars?
19 February 2020, 20:42
Them tanks are looking mighty smooth Nathan.
19 February 2020, 21:01
Yep agree, that's all lookin very nice 👍
19 February 2020, 22:30
Nathan Dempsey
Chris: I added a pic to the album of what I want to do eventually. Sorry to whoever owns this image as I saved it ages ago. For the group build I'm just doing the prime mover.

Bozzer: Thanks! I think I may do some painting this evening.
19 February 2020, 22:30
Nathan Dempsey
Thanks Munky! You must have posted as I was typing 🙂
19 February 2020, 22:40
Chris Greathouse
Looks cool, it'll be fun to follow.
19 February 2020, 22:52
Nathan, Auslowe do the dolleys for the trailers. You can literally build your own trailer, to your own spec. Failing that, you can always canibalise a couple of cheap trailers? I do know that Kit Form Services have some trailer stuff too. While you're at it, check out A.I.T.M. They're in the states, but I've never checked for trailer stuff from them. Again, if you need anything, I have lots of links etc, to guys in the states. Always happy to help any of you guys, if you need anything. Just message me or give me a shout. 👍
19 February 2020, 23:34
Nathan Dempsey
I've been thinking about a road train for a while and Peter linked me with Auslowe. After much searching I'm sure Auslowe indeed has the exact trailers Im looking for. My problem is that every time I save up the necessary $$ something else comes up. Mainly this is what stole all my extra dollars:
Breguet Br.1050 Alizé | Album by Plastic Addict (1:48)
20 February 2020, 01:01
Chris Greathouse
Doesn't money suck 😛
20 February 2020, 02:43
Danny Meer
Isn't that a picture from Outback truckers - Steve Grahame? such a great hard working man 🙂
And Nathan, think we all have that problem..seeing something we want and trying to save up for it but then you see something else and drain your wallet 😄
20 February 2020, 08:39
Nathan Dempsey
Good eye Danny. Don't know if it's from the show, but that's his truck 🙂

Yep Chris it does. When you have it you have no time and when you dont...
20 February 2020, 12:16
C'mon lads, we might not be here forever, but we can still build. Screw money and misery, let's build and be happy? I gotta admit, I blame the fumes for my addiction to our hobby. Or do I mean the trucks? Hmmmm.... What was I saying? :
20 February 2020, 22:46
Chris Greathouse
Hobby fumes make me happy 😛
20 February 2020, 22:51
Tom ...
My builds can get me fuming...
20 February 2020, 22:58
Nathan Dempsey
Oh I'm happy! Last night while I painted I may have forgotten the exhaust fan for a few minutes and I was REAL happy, lol!
20 February 2020, 23:04
Nathan Dempsey
Added more shots of my initial paint work of the frame, tanks, and engine.
21 February 2020, 23:24
That's looking great! That blue is perfect chassis paint colour 👍
21 February 2020, 23:50
William O.
Coming along nicely sir 👍.
22 February 2020, 02:46
Peter Hardy
Nice blue Nat!
22 February 2020, 02:47
Martin Oostrom
Already 12 steps ahead of most of us!
22 February 2020, 08:20
Peter Hardy
Hey Marty? Do you still build models?
22 February 2020, 11:46
Martin Oostrom
Nope. I'm having de-chroming adventures/nightmares.
22 February 2020, 14:23
Nathan Dempsey
Thanks everyone!

Martin: I'm more worried about the re-chroming 🙂
22 February 2020, 20:54
Martin Oostrom
At least your parts are clean. Gives you a fighting chance to get things right. I meed to sand and polish the heck out of them
22 February 2020, 22:09
Tom ...
I'm in your camp, Martin. Thinking about going for the weathered, distressed look now. Oh well.
23 February 2020, 00:31
Nathan Dempsey
The parts I de-chromed didnt exactly come out clean, but I was sanding/polishing them anyways so it worked out ok. I've ended up leaving that entire second sprue with chrome intact. When I need it removed I'm just wiping it down with Tamiya Laquer Thinner as that removes everything cleanly. Another reason I left some areas with the kit chrome is to test areas for different effects I want when I begin weathering.
24 February 2020, 14:37
Tim Heimer
So far so good!
24 February 2020, 15:09
Nathan Dempsey
Thanks Tim 🙂

Bought a new book and assigned it to my project. Very useful info and much that crosses over to techniques used for aircraft. I picked mine up on Amazon.

25 February 2020, 18:59
Chris Greathouse
Link to book?
25 February 2020, 19:48
Peter Hardy
Interesting book! Where did you get it? Uhhh, forget it. Amazon dummy!
25 February 2020, 22:36
Nathan Dempsey
Thanks Roland 🙂

I got my copy on Amazon and since their warehouse is like 1 mile away it came the next day 🙂
25 February 2020, 22:43
Peter Hardy
Is that a fact? Well, now I know that I also know who I can get to buy something off Amazon US!
26 February 2020, 04:54
Nathan Dempsey
Sure, no problem Peter 🙂 While it is nice to get things quickly from Amazon I do miss what was there before Amazon:
1. A super long dead-end road perfect for drag racing and a landing strip for R/C planes.
2. The large cow field with accompanying flat-woods. We snagged some rather large hog out there and had some great BBQ
26 February 2020, 14:50
Martin Oostrom
The chassis looks fine Nathan!
26 February 2020, 19:42
Nathan Dempsey
Thanks Martin!
Added some air lines. This is probably science-fiction, but I did want something there. Also added some of the Matte Aluminum BMF to one of the tanks.
27 February 2020, 15:16
Bill Newcomer
Very nice!
27 February 2020, 15:24
Tim Heimer
I've always wondered about the air configuration. Still it looks good!
27 February 2020, 16:30
Nathan Dempsey
Thanks Bill & Tim 🙂

I know very little. Mainly from being around my Uncle's trucks. It's likely there's a bunch more as the suspension probably uses air as well. Of course I could make it pure insanity if I begin to take on the electrical systems.
27 February 2020, 17:03
Cab pics added to my album
27 February 2020, 19:21
Stefan Schacht
nice start, count me in
27 February 2020, 19:59
Peter Hardy
Don't think it matters too much Nat, once it's on its wheels it won't matter. Looks awesome anyway. Nice to add some detail!
27 February 2020, 21:01
Nathan Dempsey
Thanks Peter & Stefan 🙂

Did more work today on the tanks and their steps. Mainly just more BMF applications. I'll upload pics when Tim plugs in the new memory card 🙂
28 February 2020, 15:49
I hope that link works? I'm pretty crap at this computer stuff.
28 February 2020, 16:39
28 February 2020, 21:42
Peter Hardy
Thanks for the link Bozzy old boy! That's awesome!
28 February 2020, 22:23
Welcome Peter. Hopefully that will help some of you detail guys? In return, please send naked ladies to England. Monkey and me are running out of fresh meat 🙂
28 February 2020, 22:39
28 February 2020, 23:15
Peter Hardy
Naked laddies? On my way!
28 February 2020, 23:55
Nathan Dempsey
Oooh nice Bozzer. Thanks for that handy info. I'm loading up the jumbo jet with Southern girls right now...

28 February 2020, 23:59
Nathan, we'll get the cold ones ready! Peter, hurry up! Monk and me have only just touched Saturday morning. By the time you get here, you'll be on sloppy seconds! 🙂 🙂
29 February 2020, 00:17
Stop complaining we all know sloppy seconds & early hours of Saturday morning are a Brit tradition 😄
29 February 2020, 00:21
I'm more concerned you offered them all the cold ones ffs 😄
29 February 2020, 00:22
After all that jollity Nathan, you're progress looks pretty bloody good mate 👍
Do you always use foil or do you spray Alclad or Molotow?
29 February 2020, 00:28
Nathan Dempsey

Thanks Munky 🙂 I like the foil, but I've recently fallen in love with the AK Extreme Metal colors.
29 February 2020, 00:33
AK? I'll have to check them out. I'm still 50/50 with Mr Color. Some are awesome, but some, gloss white to name one, are turd. It's like painting chewing gum.
29 February 2020, 00:37
Just as a side note, if any of you guys can get hold of MRP paints, they airbrush like a dream. I know some of you do military. Their range is pretty extensive, but stockists seem pretty poor. Online may be your best bet? Last time I saw something go down that good, I married her!😉
29 February 2020, 00:46
Nathan Dempsey
I've heard nothing but good things about MRP paint.

Good news mates: During one of my internet searches (that ate up all my bench time last night) I found an Australian auction site that had a bunch of pictures of my truck! This answered many questions I had about the interior & it looks like my choice of grey for the inside was spot on. Also an extra "box" on the side that turns out to be the sleeper cab A/C system.

These pictures have also raised many more questions though...
Oh well.
1 March 2020, 18:03
Martin Oostrom
And you're not sharing a link or something 🙁
What has this site come to! 😉
1 March 2020, 19:17
Nathan Dempsey
It was one of these:
I can't find the truck now though. It was sold so they may have removed it! Luckily I did screen shots of every picture they had...
1 March 2020, 20:11
Nathan Dempsey
Did a little painting last night on the brakes. I painted one in a different color to look like a replacement part.
2 March 2020, 16:19
Peter Hardy
Works for me! The part is a "brake booster". The air enters the chamber and stretches a rubber diaphragm to actuate the brake "S" cams via a rod that we are not going to add in. Nat, very impressed with what you are doing here. Keep it up!
2 March 2020, 21:11
Nathan Dempsey
Thanks Peter 🙂 🙂 I'm going to go do a little jig now.
3 March 2020, 02:04
Tim Heimer
Slang term in the States for that is a pancake! Don't ask me why?
3 March 2020, 04:31
Peter Hardy
Maybe you burn your pancakes and they are as black as a brake diaphragm?
3 March 2020, 05:54
Pictures uploaded
6 March 2020, 20:12
Nathan Dempsey
Added a little dust to the frame as a test. Actually used panel wash and AK streaking rust. Still in the process of toning it down a bit.
7 March 2020, 00:14
I like the look of that Nathan. Got my top coat on. I can still see that roof seam, so now I have to make a decision. Live with it or try to fix it? That's me not getting any sleep tonight!
7 March 2020, 01:39
Peter Hardy
Looks pretty used Nat! Very realistic around the diffs. I will work out how to get the bull bar to tilt tomorrow.
7 March 2020, 11:56
Nathan Dempsey
Thanks Bozzer & Peter 🙂
Still working on painting and weathering the engine, but I did test fit everything. Looks like mine fit fine, but I will note that part #105B (exhaust?) completely blocks the steering box. I guess I'll worry about that when I get to it.
17 March 2020, 00:32
Chris Greathouse
Weathering looks excellent!
17 March 2020, 03:29
Peter Hardy
Hmmm, might need some doctoring Nat? You are a month ahead of me so I will watch with baited breath. Can you get a shot of the right chassis rail please? Might get an idea or two.
17 March 2020, 03:39
Well this is screwed up. I'm now on lockdown. It's possible that i have contracted corona virus. The joys of working at a hospital. I'm now in self isolation for 2 weeks. My flight to the states is cancelled and my local pub closes today. All in all, it's a crap week.
18 March 2020, 14:07
Tim Heimer
Damn! That sucks, sorry to hear that! I wish you well Boz!
18 March 2020, 16:41
Ahh Boz hope you're ok!
You are the first person I know that may have contracted it.
A fortnight of kit building?
18 March 2020, 17:36
Chris Greathouse
Hope your ok Boz!!!! Least you don't live 45mins from patient 0 started (Kirkland,Wa,US) I agree with Munky a fortnight of building sounds like a good way to pass the time 😄
18 March 2020, 17:45
Tom ...
Take care, Bozzer! Hopefully you don't have it and can get in some quality bench time!
18 March 2020, 21:11
Peter Hardy
Don't mind the broomstick in your ribs Bozz, just keep your distance please! Hopefully you aren't too crook to glue plastic. Love and kisses from an EXTREME distance.
18 March 2020, 23:17
Nathan Dempsey
Chin up Bozz. You'll pull through. I'll even give you a hug since I'm wearing a rubber suit and gas mask. 🙂
19 March 2020, 00:27
Nathan Dempsey
Peter: I did some fiddling with the exhaust and I believe it WILL clear the steering box. Yay!
19 March 2020, 00:44
Thanks lads. I had two kits arrive today and I've built them both now, into sub assemblies. They both need paint before I can carry on. Luckily I had some glue and a knife in the house. I'm bored shitless, so it's been a relief. At the moment, I'm getting hot flushes that are becoming more frequent. Coupled with a cough and sore throat, it's not fun. This thing hasn't even started here in the UK yet. Some of you know, I work in hospitals. They're getting ready for it, but I'm not sure we're going to cope well with it. I've seen some crazy stuff, in these last few days. It's gonna be huge guys, so take care.
19 March 2020, 02:12
Bill Newcomer
I will be praying for you buddy. Many of us who do not have it have not really heard what the ride is like. Keep us posted. Take care of yourself.
19 March 2020, 05:51
Cheers Bill mate. The worse part is the paranoia. I'm scared of touching anything. Door handles, cups, the toilet flush. Crazy stuff goes through your mind. The rest is kinda like a mild flu so far.
19 March 2020, 11:35
Martin Oostrom
Hang in there Bozzer! Hope you are up and running in a couple of days/weeks
19 March 2020, 13:39
Mate, I've now got 3 trucks and a trailer, ready for paint. I can't do anything else now, because that's all I had in the house. I have a few bits to put on my chrome tanker, but that's it.
19 March 2020, 16:35
Chris Greathouse
I know your sick, but chin up and here's a beer to help. [img1]
19 March 2020, 23:15
I'm contemplating digging a tunnel to my man cave. The only paint I have in here is crap.
20 March 2020, 02:20
Peter Hardy
Where are ya' Bozz?
20 March 2020, 02:24
Stuck in my bedroom mate. Day two of 14 days. I'm tempted to run up the 14 feet to my cave, at the end of the garden. I could bunk in there, but no toilet or washing facilities. I can handle no beer for now. I have about another 30 odd kits in there, plus all the builds I put on hold for the group build.
20 March 2020, 02:29
Peter Hardy
Might end up running the gauntlet?
20 March 2020, 04:27
I'm trying to be good. I put up some build pictures. I was gonna post them as part of a progress report, but I'm gonna be a while yet, I think.
20 March 2020, 05:48
Tim Heimer
They say it takes 4 days to go full out, if so...2 more to go. Hang in there!
20 March 2020, 15:24
Tim Heimer
Who is that masked man? LOL
20 March 2020, 15:25
They just closed all the pub's, clubs, bars, restaurants, cinemas and everywhere people gather. By Monday, the UK will be in lockdown.
20 March 2020, 19:54
Tim Heimer
Already here in the states.
20 March 2020, 21:40
I don't care.......... I got a garage full of superbikes & a city full of empty roads
20 March 2020, 21:50
I feel sorry for Bozzer stuck in one room tho, that takes some stones 👍
20 March 2020, 22:11
Mate, I'd love to go out. Just to do normal things, like buy some beers, smokes, newspaper, even fill up the car. I've been told that I can go to my man cave, but I'm concerned about leaving any trace of this crap in there, then being re-infected. I've never missed a pot of paint, so much, in my life. Even crappy Humbrol!
21 March 2020, 11:32
Tim Heimer
Dude , if you're not turning a different color by now and hacking your lungs out, I think you got lucky! Congrats it's been 4 days! The virus can last on a surface for up tp 48 hrs I'm told.
21 March 2020, 13:18
Peter Hardy
I haven't left my house for 10 days now. Too much work to do to get into my current build!
26 March 2020, 02:09
Chris Greathouse
Nathan, that engine looks great, nice colorations. I think I have a one up on the Coronavirus.... I've been social distancing for years. 😄
26 March 2020, 03:53
Tim Heimer
Me too Chris!
26 March 2020, 09:57
Slavo Hazucha
Engine looking very cool Nathan - I guess no-rust/black grime only is a good choice for this one 👍

Everyone stay healthy & reasonably sane - we are just finishing our day 14 - apparently our 2 kids failed to grab some for us (there was a confirmed case in a kindergarden that is in touch with our school...). Or we all had it & had no symptoms = we still could infect others... the options are fairly wide here... So will play by the rules & stay home and see...
26 March 2020, 10:37
Nathan Dempsey
Good to hear from everyone!

Chris & Tim - Although I have become quite adept at hiding it, I feel much more comfortable at home than out and about, so all this is nothing for me 🙂

Slavo - Please stay safe and healthy too (along with your family)! I do plan a bit more weathering on the engine but my productivity has ground to a halt as I've had to clean up my work area (bigtime!) to make way for the possibility of my wife working at home since my hobby room is the only one secure from our little monster. Even my ghost projects are halted at the moment.
26 March 2020, 14:28
Danny Meer
Really looking good Nathan 👍

I don't understand how some ppl can be so ignorant...still think it's just a flu...
With my bad health I would rather take a sleeping pill for 3 months and wake up with virus gone, but that's not gonna happen so will stay indoors and let no1 in. Hope they find a cure or something soon and atleast make it less deadly..

Stay save all 👍
26 March 2020, 15:11
Great job on the engine Nathan. Some things are worth doing. You're looking sharp there Mr!
28 March 2020, 20:07
Nathan Dempsey
Thanks Danny & Bozzer!

Just wanted to let everyone know about another project out there. Give 'em some love:
Aus truck | Album by REM-xfjplqsoqi-Nojy (1:24)
30 March 2020, 00:44
Peter Hardy
Can't remember who wanted to know wtf part 128D was. Had a look this arvo and I do believe it is a 1/12 scale replica of a 27mHz CB radio which had not been used in OZ for 20 years before this kit was um "crafted"? Bin the thing gents! It certainly isn't a heater box!
4 April 2020, 09:00
Danny Meer
Lol Peter it was me asking that question, If it is a CB radio then i'm not seeing it....
4 April 2020, 09:56
Danny Meer
In this picture next to the steering wheel you see the CB of the 1/16 rig...
Peterbilt 359 | Album by Dony (1:16)
4 April 2020, 09:58
Peter Hardy
Yeah I locked at the pic and the part. Pretty sure I'm right but if I'm not it's my shout at the pub.
4 April 2020, 10:27
Danny Meer
4 April 2020, 10:43
Peter Hardy
Looks like I owe Danny an arvo at the pub!
6 April 2020, 04:55
Danny Meer
woop woop 😄 a nice cold 1 😛
6 April 2020, 11:33
Nathan Dempsey
A cold one is a good one!

Well even though this build is stalled now that the hobby area is a work office for my wife she did get a new laptop since we aren't spending any $$ otherwise. All of my research pictures have been recovered! Oh happy day!
6 April 2020, 14:21
Updated my album
17 April 2020, 17:39

Album info

Tom - SCM Australian Trucks Groupbuild | Album by tom... (1:24)

Chris - Project 056 -- Australian Truck Group Build | Album by chrisagreat (1:24)

Danny - SCM Australian Trucks Groupbuild | Album by Dony (1:24)

Bozzer - SCM Australian trucks groupbuild | Album by Bozzer (1:24)

Martin - SCM Australian Trucks Groupbuild | Album by Mahoo76 (1:24)

Peter - SCM Australian Truck Groupbuild | Album by Cracka (1:24)

21 afbeeldingen
In de wacht
1:24 Australian Truck (Italeri 719)1:24 HAZMAT signs (Czech Truck Model CTM 24109)

Group Build

SCM Australian Trucks Groupbuild in Moranbah
SCM Australian Trucks Groupbuild

15. Februari tot 31. Juli 2020

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