Kevin Foureman By the way, this is a really nice kit! I will be picking up some more of their stuff as I an afford it. It is a bit pricey, but well worth it I think.
Frank Krause Hi Kevin,
thanks for your feedback. I understand your point of view.
Looking forward to your version!
31 December 2013, 13:41
Kevin FouremanForfatter Happy New Year to you as well! 🙂
31 December 2013, 17:54
Kevin Foureman I was unable to get the walkarounds to show up correctly. Tried to register on their website, but that wasn't working either. I would love to see those pics!
31 December 2013, 02:25
scalemates Hi Kevin, I justed tested it and it works fine. I didn't have to register
31 December 2013, 08:10
Kevin FouremanForfatter Maybe it was becaue I was on Explorer. I will try it at work on Google and see how it works. Thanks for the input. 🙂
31 December 2013, 12:00
Kevin FouremanForfatter Yes, that worked. I was able to view them at work with no problem. Thanks again. 🙂