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Gábor Ulicska (Uly)

Euroma 2023 0901_0903

Album image #1

Album image #2
Album image #3
Album image #4
Album image #5
Album image #6
Kedvenc sorozatomat is megjelenítették a két főszereplő tesóval 🙂 / They also showed my favorite series with the two protagonist brothers 

Album image #7

Album image #8
Az én Zerom 🙂 / My Zero 🙂 

Album image #9
Album image #10
Album image #11
Ezt nem egyszerű megfújni / This is not easy to make 

Album image #12
Album image #13
Album image #14

Album image #15

Album image #16
Album image #17
Album image #18
Album image #19
Album image #20
Album image #21
Album image #22
Album image #23
Album image #24
Album image #25
Album image #26
Album image #27

Album image #28
Album image #29
Euroma óta ez egy kedvenc lett 🙂 / This has become a favorite since Euroma 

Album image #30
Album image #31
Album image #32
Album image #33
Album image #34
Album image #35
Album image #36
Album image #37
Album image #38
Album image #39
Album image #40
Album image #41
Számítógépemen be van forgatva a kép. Nem értem itt miért van elforgatva?????? / The image is rotated on my computer. I don't understand why it is rotated here?????? 

Album image #42
Számítógépemen be van forgatva a kép. Nem értem itt miért van elforgatva?????? / The image is rotated on my computer. I don't understand why it is rotated here?????? 

Album image #43
Album image #44
Album image #45
Számítógépemen be van forgatva a kép. Nem értem itt miért van elforgatva?????? / The image is rotated on my computer. I don't understand why it is rotated here?????? 

Album image #46
Album image #47
Számítógépemen be van forgatva a kép. Nem értem itt miért van elforgatva?????? / The image is rotated on my computer. I don't understand why it is rotated here?????? 

Album image #48
Album image #49
Album image #50
Album image #51
Album image #52
Album image #53
Album image #54
Album image #55
Album image #56
Album image #57
Album image #58
Album image #59
Album image #60
Album image #61
Számítógépemen be van forgatva a kép. Nem értem itt miért van elforgatva?????? / The image is rotated on my computer. I don't understand why it is rotated here?????? 

Album image #62
Album image #63

Album image #64
Album image #65
Album image #66

Album image #67

Album image #68
Album image #69
Album image #70
Album image #71
Album image #72
Album image #73

Album image #74

Album image #75

Album image #76

Album image #77

Album image #78
Album image #79
Album image #80
Album image #81
Album image #82
Album image #83
Album image #84
Album image #85
Album image #86
Album image #87
Album image #88
Album image #89

Album image #90

Album image #91

Album image #92

Album image #93

Album image #94

Album image #95

Album image #96

Album image #97

Album image #98

Album image #99

Album image #100

Album image #101
Album image #102

Album image #103

Album image #104

Album image #105

Album image #106

Album image #107

Album image #108

Album image #109

Album image #110

Album image #111

Album image #112

Album image #113
Album image #114

Album image #115

Album image #116


5 15 September 2023, 11:40
Looks like some remarkably good modelling on display, thanks for taking the time to post.
If you go to 'Manage' and the 'Advanced options' you can change the orientation of your photos.
14 June, 14:54
Gábor Ulicska
Thank you for the information.
15 June, 01:58
You ask why your pictures are rotated?
Let me guess: you are using Apple.
The orientation of the pictures are stored in the EXIF header of the Jpeg file by many cameras. Some programs/operating systems like Apple are using this info to rotate the picture automatically while displaying it on your PC, but the jpeg (the picture itself in the file) stays not rotated.
If you upload it here, it appears in raw form, so not rotated. But as gorby stated, it can rotated here in the album too.

I think it would be better to rotate it once instead on every display as this costs computing power 😉
15 June, 10:10
Gábor Ulicska
I have a huawei phone. And most of the burnt pictures were taken with a Nikon camera.
15 June, 16:55

Album info

Római hétvége makettversennyel egybekötve. 🙂 Alapvetően figurás verseny, de szép maketteket lehetett látni a repülős szekcióban is. Én itt most főleg ezt a részt prezentálom. Fórumokon, facebook csoportokban, a figurák már szép számmal be lettek mutatva. / A weekend in Rome combined with a model competition. 🙂 It's basically a figure competition, but you could see nice models in the flying section as well. I am mainly presenting this part here. A good number of figures have already been presented on forums and Facebook groups.

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