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Bernhard Schrock (Yellowwing)

Bell AH-1Z Viper ("no more OOB") completed.


2 26 April 2016, 19:23
Bernhard Schrock
Mission "Cockpit OOB" accomplished: 0,0 extra parts🙂
26 April 2016, 19:31
26 April 2016, 19:32
Stefan Schacht
Hi Bernhard, bin dabei. Viele Grüße Stefan
3 May 2016, 10:26
Stefan Fraundorfer
Deine Viper lass' ich mir natürlich auch nicht entgehen.
19 June 2016, 08:06
Holger Kranich
Oh oh oh JA!😄 Welcher Grundbausatz ist das? Kitty Hawk? Sieht jetzt schon klasse aus!
19 June 2016, 08:25
Christian Ristits
Cool, bin gespannt!
19 June 2016, 10:11
OOB yea right!!! Not by the time you finish with it! 🙂
19 June 2016, 10:39
Bernhard Schrock
A lot of free seats in the first row: you are welcome🙂
Holger: Kittyhawk, ein sehr guter Bausatz. Nur an wenigen Stellen Verbesserungspotential und korrekturbedürftig.
Glenn: this morning I add the "extension" nearly. I could not avoid chainging the tips of the wings, pylons for the 70mm rockets🙂
19 June 2016, 11:55
Vitor Hugo Sousa
One seat for me, thanks
19 June 2016, 22:16
Great work mate, Always a pleasure watching your work! Hey would you like to build my Unicraft Blohm & Voss BV 188 kit? 🙂
20 June 2016, 00:02
Soeren R.
Count me in😉
20 June 2016, 05:15
Holger Kranich
Has Glenn, that was a good one.😉 But Berhard would make a gem out of it! (And i´m convinced you too)
20 June 2016, 06:31
Florian H.
Hallo Bernhard,
sieht wieder echt top aus. Ich befürchte jedoch das du die beiden Steuerknüppel des Piloten un des Copiloten verkehrt herum angeklebt hast, sieht zumindest auf den Bildern so aus.
Bin auf weitere Ergebnisse gespannt.
20 June 2016, 06:44
Bernhard Schrock
Thx Mates.
Florian: Danke, du hast gute Augen und Recht. Verkehrt montiert: die Knöpfe müssen nach hinten zeigen. Schon korrigiert. Übrigens: don't hesitate to tell me if there are any other bugs🙂
20 June 2016, 14:00
Florian H.
No problem. keep on going 👍
20 June 2016, 14:03
Bart Goesaert
also following... looks nice so far...
20 June 2016, 14:06
Jeffrey Riedesel
SWEET! I will be following this
20 June 2016, 17:59
Heico van der Heide
I´m curious about this one. how does it fit?
30 June 2016, 14:17
H. Wi
Bernhard Schrock builds out of box? Whats next? Dogs can fly? Bernhard, I adore Your work. But I honestly believe that You are unable to build anything OOB - even if its only a "Ueberraschungsei"... 😄 And thats just wonderful and amazing.
30 June 2016, 14:31
Very nice
30 June 2016, 15:39
Holger Kranich
Überraschungsei haha lol😄
30 June 2016, 18:07
Bernhard Schrock
A little bit of progress: rotors. I decided to use a another way to completing the main rotors as in the instruction described? For better handling I completed each blade separately. Both locating pins in the inside of the blade where removed and replaced with a little piece of plastic as "stopper" for the shaft of the rotor head.
2 July 2016, 16:54
Bernhard Schrock
H. Wi: obviously you know me, my models and that an OOB-project is indeed nearly impossible for me🙂
Despite of the few "foreign" plastic parts for me this is still OOB🙂
P.S. I know some fellows from Frankfurt but I don't know you. Maybe we have met?
2 July 2016, 17:02
H. Wi
No we haven't. Wish we did. Now I'm in Wiesbaden. And we are in semifinals! 😄
2 July 2016, 22:36
Bernhard Schrock
Yestarday I noticed that my blades has wrong colors...🙁
Top side should be grey and lower side should be black minus leading edge in grey.
Because of the very good pictures/walk around unfortunately I had to "upgraded" the project.
4 July 2016, 17:16
Christian Ristits
No more oob??? *Lol* watching this one with interest!
4 July 2016, 18:29
O.M.G. Bernhard your a micro surgeon! Your not a "rivet counter" your a rivet maker! Hail to the King 🙂
5 July 2016, 00:27
Holger Kranich
What? No more OOB? What happend?
5 July 2016, 07:11
Bart Goesaert
walk-arounds, the killer of all OOB's 😉
5 July 2016, 07:22
Bernhard Schrock
Quickly quickly quickly = both halves of the turret glued together and forgotten the metal ball (ballast) = arghrrrr. But not all is lost. You see the auxiliary hole on the bottom of the turret (closed already), lead micro balls and the "special tool" to apply the micro balls through the hole. 🙂🙂🙂
13 July 2016, 19:36
Nice paintjob. Not too worn but also not too tidy.
13 July 2016, 19:38
Lex Jassies
Beatiful result! Must keep your way of making the anti ski texture in mind for my own Viper. It looks very convincing. My compliments.
16 July 2016, 07:36
Hanno Kleinecke
What a mean lookin' pistol packin' snake ! Very authentic looking result, outstanding work !
16 July 2016, 14:51
Bernhard Schrock
Completed! I did not expect that I would have so much fun building the Viper. This kit is very well detailed and despite the complicated division into the parts everything fits. I was especially fascinated about the decals: applied with Mr Setter from Gunze on matte surface there was no silvering and the carrier film is definitely invisible. I recommend this kit for everyone.
17 July 2016, 20:47
Holger Kranich
Wie? Wo? Was? Schon fertig? Ich dachte, ich könnte diesen Bau noch etwas länger genießen... Sehe ich richtig, daß Du ein helles braun für das washing benutzt hast?
18 July 2016, 05:26
Bernhard Schrock
Moin Holger. You Mr. Adlerauge🙂. Aber nicht nur. Auf einem Stück Trennstreifen (aus PVC für Ordner) platziere ich im Dreieck im Abstand von ca 5 cm drei Farbkleckse: mittelgrau Humbrol, schwarz Mig und mittelbraun Mig. Innerhalb dieses Dreiecks mische ich mir die Brühe für Washing zusammen. Wie du vermutest entstehen hierbei mehrere Farbtöne und unterschiedlich gesättigt (Verdünner) die ich erratisch über das Modell verteile. Fazit: nicht eine Farbe und nicht überall gleich stark.
P.S. Sorry für schon fertig🙂 Next Project wird länger dauern, versprochen. Hab gestern die Weichen gestellt: polnischer 2-mot aus den 30ger Jahren... Der Bausatz ist alles andere als gut🙁
18 July 2016, 05:55
18 July 2016, 06:06
Holger Kranich
Wadde mol... Humbrol und Mig? Du mischst doch nicht Enamel und Acryl? Oder meinst Du Mig Ölfarben? Bin verwirrt, muß an Tamiya Thin schnüffeln...😢

Aber eine sehr interessante Vorgehensweise, was ein Washing angeht! Copy - Paste!😢
18 July 2016, 07:31
Bernhard Schrock
Mig Enamel, die Serie der Washings wie "for Landing gear", "engine grime" etc.
18 July 2016, 07:57
Holger Kranich
Ja so wird ein Schuh draus, Engine grime nutze ich auch sehr gerne, was washings angeht.

18 July 2016, 08:06
Bart Goesaert
very nice one...
18 July 2016, 08:44
Awesome heli!!!
18 July 2016, 10:04
uncle chop chop
Hells yea man looks sick u made my night I love it, can I ask what is with the little ball bearings in the q-tip next the the front cannon turret?
18 July 2016, 11:47
Bernhard Schrock
uncle chop chop: I'v forgotten the metal ball (ballast) in the turret. To protecting the tailsitting I drilled a hole on the bottom of the turret (closed already) and filled the turret with little lead micro balls (probably from a shell) applying them with the "special tool" (q-tipp)🙂
21 July 2016, 06:04
Lex Jassies
I have this sweet dreams that my Viper will turn out just as beautiful as this one.
21 July 2016, 06:39
Scott Dutton
Beautiful job. Such subtle weathering
22 July 2016, 22:23
uncle chop chop
Oh yea makes sense cool
23 July 2016, 04:34

Project info

34 bilder
1:48 AH-1Z Viper (Kitty Hawk KH80125)

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