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Peter Hardy (Cracka)

A Tribute to Troy Bayliss


3 23 April 2019, 02:11
Michael Hickey
I knew it would go vrrrmmm, vrrrmmmmm, nice job on the shock absorbers.👍
23 April 2019, 02:17
Peter Hardy
Strewth Mick, you are quick!!
23 April 2019, 02:33
Tom Beighley
Ducati..... Youtube Video

Looking good!
23 April 2019, 02:34
Michael Hickey
23 April 2019, 06:23
Martin Oostrom
Lookin' sweet my friend. But you better stop feeding that carpet monster of yours, or it will bring its in-laws as well!
You're back in your natural habitat: creating waves with a bike build 😄
23 April 2019, 06:42
Peter Hardy
Couple more pics loaded
26 April 2019, 01:00
Michael Hickey
Nice work with those decals and the other details look great as well.👍
29 April 2019, 01:51
Looks like a lot of curves to get that 12 to adhere to, nicely done.
29 April 2019, 04:08
Tim Heimer
Looking good mate!
29 April 2019, 04:59
Peter Hardy
Bossy, lots of Mark Fit Strong and a wee bit of a temper outburst got me there.

Thanks Tim, but what about the model?

Lode, just a slight touch of orange peel in a few spots but not too bad overall. I'll make KC proud if it's the last thing I do! I'm sure the magnets will work, Dallas from Dalren Models has a tutorial on You Tube but uses the 1mm x 1mm magnets. I couldn't find them anywhere and ended up using 2mm x 1mm. Same theory, just had to be a bit more resourceful with making them fit correctly.
29 April 2019, 08:08
Peter Hardy
Sorry Mick, missed you out! I have taken to soaking decals in Mark Fit for a few minutes. Lots of extras to come!
29 April 2019, 09:29
Michael Hickey
That's alright Pete.🙂
29 April 2019, 10:28
Tim Heimer
So true Lode! Both suck!!
29 April 2019, 14:39
Martin Oostrom
You're pushing your own boundaries into unknown territories Peter. Great effort, great execution.
There sure are some talented blokes Down Under 👍
29 April 2019, 20:17
Kerry COX
Exceptional in every way. 👍
Your attention to detail is getting better with every build. 🙂 🙂 🙂
What a smart idea with the magnets. !
The Tamiya Honda RC-166 had that system too, and saves the glue destroying all that detail too. 👍
Great modelling Peter. 😉 👍
29 April 2019, 22:15
Peter Hardy
Lode, You Tube - Dalren Models - neodymium magnets.
30 April 2019, 08:26
Peter Hardy
Magnificent Martin, definitely pushing boundaries mate, and sometimes, they push back. First attempt at building a motorcycle chain is a bitter disappointment! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhgggggggggggg!
30 April 2019, 08:28
Peter Hardy
Kez, with the tools and training at my disposal, I had better produce something!
30 April 2019, 08:29
Kerry COX
Well Peter, at least you have something to show for all your efforts. 👍
Where s for me. ! I have just destroyed my P-51D with a bottle of acetone..🙁
Knocking it over as I was placing the lid on it and just as I had all my parts laid out ready for final assembly. 🙁
30 April 2019, 08:34
Martin Oostrom
That's a real shame Kerry.
Something like this should be compulsory for all modelers: Glue Bottle Holder (DSPIAE AT-BS, No)
Of course, I don't have one....

30 April 2019, 08:38
Kerry COX
The only things saved were thankfully, the cockpit assy and engine, other than that. ZERO.
The wings are totally stuffed and all the parts that were on the table exposed. As up to that point, I had everything in plastic bags. Ho Hum.
30 April 2019, 08:51
Peter Hardy
Kez, I am so sorry! You had done so brilliantly too.
30 April 2019, 09:13
Kerry COX
Shit happens mate. !
Well, at least I have two more mustangs coming. Plus, I just picked up a 1/32 ZM Ta 152 H1. So I can now drown my sorrows in other things.
30 April 2019, 09:36
Michael Hickey
That sucks mate, but pull yourself up and dust off, I'm sure your next build will be a cracka.🙂
I'm having some issues with my B-58, minor scratches and hair line cracks can really bring a NMF aircraft down. I'll put her out of my mind for a little while and pick up something else from the stash.😢
30 April 2019, 12:24
Kerry COX
Thank Michael. 🙁 I just sat in stunned disbelief that I had done such a stupid thing.
I am more pissed off that $104.00 of PE went down the tube. 🙁
But the dust fell away pretty quick, as I can't dwell on stupidity for long.
So I started the Zoukeimura Ta152 H1 almost immediately. !
A 'chunky' kit with castings that remind me of an early rendition by Revelle, with yards of flash and poor detail.
I was quite disappointed really, having such great times with the other ZM kits I have built.
Keep on truckin'. 🙂 👍
30 April 2019, 12:54
Michael Hickey
I think the ZM Ta 152 was their first release, maybe their molds are showing a bit of age.😢
30 April 2019, 13:11
Kerry COX
I will come to terms with it mate. But just so many seam lines and flash. ! 🙁
I will post some images as I go, but man, have I got a job ahead of me hehehehehe 🙂
30 April 2019, 19:42
Peter Hardy
Thanks Jimbo! Painting is on the improve but not always successful. The side panels on the fairings are getting their third painting session on Saturday week. Long weekend coming up and I will spend it at Sarina Beach sitting on the balcony looking out over the Pacific Ocean sipping Irish Whiskey and reading, well, until the reading becomes too difficult.
1 May 2019, 03:03
Michael Hickey
But I thought you looked at books just for the pictures,😢
1 May 2019, 03:40
Michael Hickey
Mate 2 things...

How come you got a bloody long weekend?

And secondly, I don't want you to get lost when you go to Sarina Beach, cause there ain't much there.😢
1 May 2019, 03:44
Peter Hardy
1/. I deserve a long weekend
2/. That is the attraction Mick!

Reading will require a Kindle. I am the very model of a modern Major General! Errr, I'm something, sorta???
1 May 2019, 05:30
Michael Hickey
We just had Easter and Anzac Day holidays:;
1 May 2019, 05:41
Peter Hardy
It's Mayday or Queens Birthday or something. Who cares, it's a day off!! 🙂
1 May 2019, 06:58
Michael Hickey
That's just down right rude, we don't have that down here, enjoy your time away.8)
1 May 2019, 10:30
Peter Hardy
Ahh, take a teaspoon of cement and harden up!
1 May 2019, 11:20
Michael Hickey
I'll need more than a teaspoon.😢
2 May 2019, 11:57
Bart Goesaert
Looking very good, interesting thing with the magnets... is that a complete replacement chain to "hammer" together too?
2 May 2019, 12:48
Peter Hardy
Yes Bart, it is. And, the first hammering did not progress well. I will buy a more appropriate hammer this weekend and resume my efforts the following weekend. Got a long weekend here coming up and I intend to spend it walking on Sarina Beach and reading in a comfortable chair positioned to look out over the "Peaceful Ocean" towards Jim's fridge in Auckland. Hoping he grabs a couple of beers and drops in for a session.
2 May 2019, 21:10
Kerry COX
Peter. Have you ever had 'Lion Super'. ? And I am not talking about an insurance policy. As James just might have some in his frudge to toast you and your skills with. 😉
2 May 2019, 22:08
Peter Hardy
Great, We all have models in our stash but Drinkoften has Lion Red in his!!!!
2 May 2019, 23:13
Peter Hardy
You are a sad case Jimbo!
3 May 2019, 08:49
Peter Hardy
Thanks James. The chain is simple enough but I haven't got the process sorted between my ears yet. Parts are tiny and I can't pick them up with tweezers so I have been using a wax pencil. I have to get this onboard as I have three more kits with the Top Studio chains in the stash.
13 May 2019, 07:56
Bart Goesaert
looking good with the decals and magnets... Also nice to hear you have three sets of chains... You know what they say about it: you get the hang of it, right before you are finished unfortunately..
13 May 2019, 08:15
Michael Hickey
Love the fairing.👍
13 May 2019, 08:27
Kerry COX
Well there is no holding you back once your in the grove. !
The chain from Top Studio I have as well, and there was no way I could get it to do what it was supposed to do. 🙁
What a superb result on the paint and decals side of things mate.👍
Maybe Troy would like you to do a build for him and put it on his desk. ? 🙂
13 May 2019, 08:30
Peter Hardy
He has the real thing in his garage Yoda! I have done a fair bit of sanding down the paint before the clear. I might even have a try of sanding the clear then polishing, if, I can work up the courage!
Bart, as usual, I am dragging the chain, pun intended, but trying to bridge a skill gap on every build. The magnets I have learned a few lessons on already. The chain, I don't know what I have learned other than my hands are not as controlled as I thought they were.
Thanks Mick, I only showed the good side! ????
13 May 2019, 11:51
Tim Heimer
My thoughts: just polish the clear should work. can the magnets help you with the chain???
13 May 2019, 13:10
Kerry COX
Peter. The 'jig' I saw the links of the chain in are part of the chain kit. ?
Is there a special tool that covers a link at a time when punching the links together. ?
I have my second Rc-166 chain to build yet. 👍
That'l be fun. 😉
13 May 2019, 14:30
Peter Hardy
Nothing to be amazed at yet Lode, wait till next year, by then I'll be awesome! I hope!!
Kez, the jig comes with the kit. I have just realised this morning I have made an error in using too much water soluble glue holding thing together. I can fix it though. Dallas Hall from Dalren Models on You Tube has an excellent video on building them. He just didn't dumb it down enough for the likes of me!
Tim, as I lack an outsized scrotum I may indeed follow your suggestion.
13 May 2019, 23:01
Greg Baker
I have to say, I understand less than half of what Peter writes... but his models speak for themselves. That's looking fantastic.
13 May 2019, 23:11
Martin Oostrom
Glad you beached the boat. Everybody can see you're enjoying this way better.
The chain looks like a LOT of work, I hope it is worth it?
14 May 2019, 13:52
Peter Hardy
Greg, you may need a crash course in English, very few Canucks can speak it. I have two Canadian cousins in Toronto who can't speak a word from my conversations with them. My models do speak for themselves, they normally scream at me "Don't do that! Yoda told you to do it the other way"!!!!!!!!

Marty, I am as happy as a pig in shite! The chain is an outlandish adventure but I will get it right eventually! It will be worth it. Even if I loose this round, the next round I will be better prepared. I have another Desmosedici in my office at work, I will do that in Casey Stoner's 2009 Philip Island winning bike. It won't be a genuine reproduction as it was a different bike with a different fairing but it looked magnificent and the decals were cheap!
14 May 2019, 22:51
Greg Baker
<insert pithy reply here!>
15 May 2019, 01:31
Peter Hardy
Greg my old mate, You have been spending too much time rubbing shoulders with diplomats!
15 May 2019, 08:04
Greg Baker
Occupational hazard...😉
15 May 2019, 08:20
Peter Hardy
You must spend your day asking "What do you mean by that"?
15 May 2019, 09:19
Martin Oostrom
Nice work on the detailing. Paint job looks flawless from here 👍
20 May 2019, 20:15
Kerry COX
Look who is the master ! ! !. 👍 😉
Absolutely gorgeous Peter. 🙂
It's a sad thing you don't compete, as these would have you buying a display case from IKEA, and that would be just for the awards mate.
20 May 2019, 20:47
Kerry COX
Lode. ! Thanks for your thoughts on Peter competing. ! He would win every trophy. 😉
20 May 2019, 21:17
Peter Hardy
Marty, I would love to agree but there some finger prints! I have done a few hours of sanding on the side panels of the fairing to rid myself of some orange peel along the way. So many things to learn.
Yoda, don't be sad I don't compete, you know why I don't. I am about five bikes off being at a level I could be happy with if that is even possible. My awards are the encouragement I get from "The Bunch" and other Scalemates. Bike builds get very few comments but far from being disheartening I draw much enjoyment from getting the occasional comment from someone I don't know too. I don't need awards, I have friends who matter and whose opinions I value and seek.
Lode, you won't convince me my Flemish Friend. However a Skype call would be like a Gold Medal one day!

You gents all humble me with your encouragement and positive feedback. In the words of that great Australian boxer and Orator Jeff Fenech, "Ahh, I luv yez all"!!
21 May 2019, 02:38
Michael Hickey
What's this Pete, now you have a special jig to hold your bike up for you so you can't leave your autograph on her.😢 Looking good by the way.👍
27 May 2019, 01:12
Kerry COX
In all truth Peter. I am thrilled for you that your builds are improving out of sight. 👍
Your inspiring me to be as devoted to the detailing aspect like never before. 🙂
I am now working my way through my third Honda Rc-166, and all the bells and whistles too.
My minds eye is right there with you, watching you hunched over your work, striving for 'Personal Best'.
A BIG salute my friend. WELL DONE. 👍 👍 👍 🙂
27 May 2019, 02:05
Peter Hardy
Lotta loot Yoda! But I'd love to!!! I will PM you or you can ring me.
27 May 2019, 02:19
Tim Heimer
Very nice work for an Aussie! Looking great my friend! Can't wait to see it finished !
27 May 2019, 02:36
Peter Hardy
Can't say I'm in a hurry Tim, kinda enjoying this one!
27 May 2019, 04:04
Peter Hardy
Thanks Lode! No rush, this chain is keeping me grounded for a while!
27 May 2019, 05:20
Tim Heimer
Hire a new mechanic! LOL
27 May 2019, 13:15
Peter Hardy
I cannot fail Master Yoda!
30 May 2019, 21:10
Christian Bruer
Looking great Peter 👍
30 May 2019, 21:13
Peter Hardy
I cannot fail Herr Capitan Christian!
30 May 2019, 23:16
Tim Heimer
In the words of Yoda, Don't try....Do!
30 May 2019, 23:18
Kerry COX
I know a lot of bike model competitors down here in the south east that are praying Peter stays in Moranbah. ! hehehehehe
31 May 2019, 00:33
Peter Hardy
31 May 2019, 02:08
Tim Heimer
It's a beautiful thing watching other mates pushing out of their comfort area to try, learn and improve. We've all seen each other grow with the encouragement from other mates in our time here. It's funny, I don't mind displaying my work at a hobby shop for people to enjoy, but would never enter a competition to be judged and yet I'm sure it's being judged. I do it for the challenge and myself. Everyone has already complained that some times the judging is off. I'm sure it's great to meet others in person and talk of the hobby, but some do it for the personal gratification and achievement and the praise here is satisfying enough. Just saying.
31 May 2019, 13:51
Great work 👍 Such glossy surfaces are a different story compared to my models😎
The mounting frame is impressive too 👍 Nice tool!
31 May 2019, 15:55
Martin Oostrom
Just spend some time reviewing the entire album. Despite some nefarious comments below each picture, I'm delighted to say that you almost seem to improve with each picture. I think it's the right choice not to compete. You would take 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize with just this build 😉 Just kidding, I know you're building for your own satisfaction. Anyhow, great build, you're becoming one of the top bike builders on SM!
31 May 2019, 17:41
Kerry COX
Profound words Mr TIM. You nailed it exactly about why we do it really, and the comp aspect is just something we 'try' once in a while. 😉
31 May 2019, 20:25
Kerry COX
Peter is one exceptional modeller, and he has a house full of them to prove it. 🙂 🙂 🙂 👍 He tries, and man, does he try, to get it right every time. 👍 👍 👍
31 May 2019, 20:28
Thomas Benzinger
Peter, mate......this one's getting a real beauty! You know you have to show her in our FB Groups too!?? 😉
4 June 2019, 05:52
Herbert Tyszak
I can hear the motor spinning....... nice work on that bike Peter, truly a masterpiece!
4 June 2019, 06:15
Kerry COX
And I know him too. 👍 😉 hehehehe
4 June 2019, 07:12
Peter Hardy
Benzi, was waiting for the chain before I post some. The standard is sooooooo good on them!

Herbert, thank you very much for the encouragement. A big step forward for me! Hope it will not disappoint you when completed. If you appreciate a masterful bike build that a look through Kerry Cox' Honda 166. Jaw dropping!

And I know you too Kerry!

Thanks Lode, if you can build that crane I can assemble the chain! You blokes are bloody inspirational! Yes, even Marty. 😉
4 June 2019, 10:58
Bart Goesaert
Nice sheen on the tank, I hope the shredded (???) decal isn't to obvious...
5 June 2019, 14:48
Peter Hardy
Bart, the decal didn't shred, I cut it. The groove up the tank cover is for the fuel vent hose so that does cover it. It is still visible but as I have said before I don't compete so no need for concern. There are other faults in the build but I have to learn. My carbon fibre decals are terrible, out of scale and poorly applied but the next one will be more accurate I promise!
5 June 2019, 21:18
Kerry COX
Don't sell yourself short Peter.
What you have done with this Duke is one of the very best you have done, cut decal and all. 👍
I feel I have to do the catching up mate. 😉
6 June 2019, 00:29
Peter Hardy
Thanks Kezza, it's kinda funny in one way, I concentrate so much in improving in areas I struggle in I forget that I have made solid progress in others. Hey I got some of those Motolow paint pens too.
6 June 2019, 07:56
Kerry COX
Which paint pens did you get. ?
As I have bought a couple of the 'chrome' for you. 😉
It's good to know you are happy with the standard of your work and efforts mate. 👍 😉
6 June 2019, 08:24
Peter Hardy
Won't say I am happy but I am happier things, concepts you explained to me here over a beer or the bench are coming together now. I still have that Star Trek model in a box beside the bench and think of a fantastic weekend every time I see it. The chrome will be fantastic and I have a couple of things here I need you to utilise as well. I will pack them up and send on Monday.
6 June 2019, 08:54
Martin Oostrom
You are right Pete, your builds are rubbish! NOT!!!
You're improving with each build. Considering the size of your stash, perfection is within reach, IF you live to 126 😉
10 June 2019, 08:20
Herbert Tyszak
Peter, please remember to have fun building. Look at your stash, do what you are burning for. I support your wish ( only when you modelling ) even open a beer, cheers mate.
10 June 2019, 09:08
Herbert Tyszak
And by the way, i still love that bike!
10 June 2019, 09:24
Peter Hardy
Well Marty, lets not discuss the two more Desmosedicis coming from Hong Kong.

Thanks Herbert! You are very intuitive! I had a BAD day on Saturday and did not enjoy. Had a beer or maybe five or it may have been six and things improved a lot on Sunday! Bike will get much better next weekend when I will have 24 beers? And I am burning to do an American PT boat next, then MORE BIKES!
10 June 2019, 10:45
Tim Heimer
Imagine that...…..LOL!
10 June 2019, 11:45
Martin Oostrom
Pete, I just had a chat with Lode on WhatsApp. We agree you need to build something else from a bike. We both miss making fun of your builds as the bikes are just too good 😉
11 June 2019, 18:52
Peter Hardy
Next bike is almost OOB. Got a PT Boat to do first though. Thanks for the wrap gents, I am trying to improve.
12 June 2019, 05:13
Herbert Tyszak
US Patrol Torpedo Boats:World War II - Gordon L.Rottman on Google Books, gives you little info only 5 pages for free, but has all the info for your Boat! And its to early for a beer, up
12 June 2019, 06:36
Peter Hardy
Maybe the PT73 Herb? Loved McHale's Navy when I was a kid!
12 June 2019, 08:49
Kerry COX
The sound those Packard V-12's made was awsome. ! Looking forward to the laying of the keel Peter. 😉 👍
12 June 2019, 11:38
Peter Hardy
Thanks Herb, I had seen the You Tube vids of the refurb but didn't know about the web site. Very handy. The build will be an OOB for one of my grandsons who gave me the kit for Xmas. He's into LEGO and doesn't pull them apart but puts them on display in his bedroom. Sound like a budding modeller?
12 June 2019, 21:12
Tim Heimer
Peter you're a bad influence of this poor kid! LOL! Good work! Hehe
12 June 2019, 23:37
Kerry COX
Peter sure does make a big impression, no matter what he does. 🙂
Great determination, in all he does. 👍
13 June 2019, 00:28
Peter Hardy
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Front end has to come off a second time!! Chain still not done. Starting to think that Battleships might be easier!
16 June 2019, 23:48
Peter Hardy
Hmmmm, you might have a point there Lode!
17 June 2019, 08:13
Kerry COX
After what I saw on the Bismark Peter, a break from your bikes may not be such a bad idea, as then will come the solution to the front end problem, when you least expect it. 😉 👍
17 June 2019, 10:02
Martin Oostrom
Stop hyper detailing, super detailing could be enough? But then there would be no challenge. Suck it up, you can do it!
18 June 2019, 05:56
Peter Hardy
I have to keep going gents, I have three more of these in the stash! Kez, not thinking things through before I jump in. Marty, I am looking for the Devil and I've been told he is in the detail! Still got some problems to solve but I am so close to finishing I can't stop now!
18 June 2019, 08:10
Kim Branders
Damm this is good P.
18 June 2019, 08:12
Tim Heimer
Good one Lode!
18 June 2019, 13:52
Peter Hardy
Thanks Kim, big jump for me. So happy so far.
18 June 2019, 21:01
A hell of a good job Peter!
18 June 2019, 21:05
Peter Hardy
Lode, I found the missing clutch on Sunday, it was on the bench wedged under the cutting mat. Consider the Carpet Monster defeated! I have three more of these Ducati Desmosedici Moto GP kits in the stash but only have a plan for two. Might do another naked version like the Honda.
18 June 2019, 21:07
Martin Oostrom
Perhaps the devil is standing in front of the red bike?
18 June 2019, 21:08
Kerry COX
Invest in a 'drop sheet' Peter.
Just an old bed sheet is the best you can use, making it impossible to 'lose' parts.
Did you figure out why the forks are not staying in place. ?
Brilliant work Peter, even if the Carbon fibre might be out of scale. 👍 😉
18 June 2019, 21:58
Kerry COX
Just immaculate Peter. 👍
Was the 'Brembo' on the brake calipers a dab of red paint and a quick wipe or a decal. ?
You will find no criticism from me of your work. 🙂 👍
I will be looking forward to what the next project will be mate. 😉
24 June 2019, 01:20
Greg Baker
Damn... this one just keeps getting better and better...
24 June 2019, 02:29
Peter Hardy
Thanks KC. So many new things tried out on this one. The "Brembo" was decals, Blue Stuff I think??? with Mark Fit strong and pushed in with a flat brush. The metal chain ain't going to happen this time. I have 3/5ths done but I have had enough this time. I know when to put things down!! Next time maybe?
24 June 2019, 02:43
Kerry COX
Still, I am sure all others here will agree that it's a most outstanding work of art mate. You have set the standard now mate. 😉 👍
24 June 2019, 03:27
Kerry COX
Now Peter. James knows what he is talking about. And I agree with him totally. 👍 🙂
24 June 2019, 19:47
Martin Oostrom
I've heard Ducati is looking at your build to check how to build the real ones 👍
24 June 2019, 20:13
Slavo Hazucha
Agree with Martin, you should think about a deal with Haynes workshop manual books 🙂
24 June 2019, 20:17
Peter Hardy
Gentlemen All, thank you for your encouragement. I have never done anything with this kind of detail before and I will admit to being intimidated by my own ambitions! That said however I have found solutions for every problem encountered with the exception of the chain. Bikes are in general probably the least popular modelling subject as witnessed by the very small number of comments on their albums, so to get comments from Salvo and Kim who don't know me very well is quite flattering and encouraging. I should be finished in two weeks and am anxious to see it on display myself.

Kerry, Marty, Lode, Greg and Tim, thank you for those much needed and appreciated words of encouragement, gawd knows I have needed them many times!
24 June 2019, 21:12
Martin Oostrom
Always happy to open a can of worms, uh, compliments 👍
24 June 2019, 21:16
Tim Heimer
Hey! Peter has done very well with this can of plastic worms!
24 June 2019, 22:18
Kerry COX
Yes. He certainly has a talent for what he gets stuck into. I was especially impressed with the hose clamps he created. very special skills indeed. 👍 😉
24 June 2019, 22:30
Slavo Hazucha
I would certainly comment more if I could name the parts I want to talk about without embarrassing myself😉 It all looks great, both the "machinery" & those flawless surfaces on the "aero parts" including decals & that realistic depth of color & polish without a smallest defect... Great stuff, I just watch in silence (mostly) 👍
25 June 2019, 09:55
Bart Goesaert
IMHO, yu don't need to know all the names of the djingle djangles that you see in the pictures to give comment... Nobody can know it all... in fact, when you refer to the thing in pic blabla you can learn a thing or two from the answers
25 June 2019, 11:04
Peter Hardy
I suffer a similar confusion with boaty things and hairyplanes! Doesn't stop me though! I'm a complete idiot that enjoys glueing stray bits of plastic to other bits of plastic. Bart is right though, I do learn a lot from you brilliant folks about all things aeronautical and ordinary nautical!
25 June 2019, 11:29
Kerry COX
And from this comes the fact that we are all better social animals for it. !
I love my hobby and all those who participate. 😉
Are we wonderful or WHAT. ??? 🙂 🙂 🙂 👍 👍
25 June 2019, 13:12
Herbert Tyszak
Bloody Oath we are!
25 June 2019, 17:45
Peter Hardy
Lode, you are not part of my club! You don't glue bits of plastic together, just bits of tin! However, thank you for your assessment that I have grown up. Mum will be pleased! Big weekend coming up Gents, my wife will cut my hair for the first time and I might get this bike done. I am nervous for some reason! Actually, I am very excited that it has taken me less time to build a bike than it has taken my Flemish Friend to build a 200 scale ship! Herb, you're wonderful mate, your wife won't tell you, your family won't tell you but a Scalemates knows your true worth! Now put that $50 in the post please!
25 June 2019, 21:16
Martin Oostrom
Hey! I copyrighted 'Flemish Friend'. You can't use that without permission 🙁
Permission granted 👍

I agree with Mam on the haircut and with Lode on the build quality.
25 June 2019, 22:03
Herbert Tyszak
Hehe, don`t your wife cut you for free? My wife tells me every day that she will cut me in half, if i by more kits. 50$ is a lot of money. Have a nice day, have to go to work now.
26 June 2019, 07:05
Peter Hardy
Marty. A man as pretty as me needs no adornments.
26 June 2019, 09:43
Well you have built a pretty good adornment😉
27 June 2019, 18:47
One to be proud of!
27 June 2019, 18:48
Michael Hickey
Looking really sweet Pete.👍👍👍
28 June 2019, 04:56
Peter Hardy
Thank you Mick! Nice to have you back too!
28 June 2019, 07:58
Michael Hickey
I had to take some unscheduled leave, basically my computer which was only 14 months old shit itself after Microsoft did a big update to my computer and because I didn't have enough space for it, (thanks HP for that) it decided it would over write my computer's brain. That's the way the computer guy explained it to me so I could understand, now I have a custom built computer that's much faster and has bigger memory. I'm just glad I have just about everything stored on my 2 external drives. Oh and thanks for the warm welcome back too.🙂
29 June 2019, 03:49
Well done!
8 July 2019, 23:23
Chris Greathouse
Nice bike Peter!
8 July 2019, 23:33
Kerry COX
Nice bike. ? This is the show stopper we are all pleased to know that Peter has reached the pinnacle of his hobby, that is for sure. 👍 👍 👍 👍'
Extra ordinary effort Peter, and all accolades are all deserved my friend.
The best I have seen, by a long way. 😉
8 July 2019, 23:36
Chris Greathouse
Sooo sorry my positive comment to Peter wasn't a big grand gesture Kerry. I'll try harder to make up fake crap to make you feel better... until then, I'll just stick with the truth as I see. Nice bike Peter!
9 July 2019, 00:00
Peter Hardy
I'll put final pics up during the week.

Thanks Chris, best thing I've ever done by a long way. Kerry's comment wasn't degrading your praise, it was saying it was an understatement. He meant no offense but was underlining your comment was an understatement. Australian cultural thing. That can be a minefield on international websites.

Kerry, Thanks for your help with painting gloss in particular and everything in general. Plenty more bikes in the stash. The detail work required on a bike is so much more work and requires so much more thought than any other genre I have had a go at. It does help having a passion for bikes though!

Thanks to All who have encouraged me from fumbling around with tanks to an entirely new skill set. Now I just have to perfect those skills. Watch this space, I'll do my best to improve!
9 July 2019, 02:11
Michael Hickey
Love it, pure pleasure to watch you build her and bring her to life.👍👍👍
9 July 2019, 03:37
Kerry COX
Well done and said Peter. You deserve every slap on the back, no matter how hard or soft. 👍
Ace face. 😉 👍
9 July 2019, 04:35
Slavo Hazucha
Honestly mates, I must confess that I do not know if this is a nice bike - I just wasn't gifted with the eye and passion to distinguish & understand 2-wheeled vehicles... 🙂 But it for sure is a load of a great model!

I'll wait for the final pics - Peter mentioned having a great setup😉 - I think with only a few basic photo tricks & elimination of scale reference objects, this could easily pass for the real deal... It's the aero-parts that make this impression for me, the scale is large enough to give the needed play of real light & shadow and the finish is done so well that nothing makes the eye stop for that "hold on, this is not real" moment. So bring them on so I can try to chose my favorite aspect and give you some well deserved final praise 👍
9 July 2019, 05:37
Peter Hardy
Picard always did have a way with words! I do have a great set up. 2 beer fridges! Now who's jealous?
9 July 2019, 08:17
Peter Hardy
Careful with the back slaps KC, I'm a very gentle man!
9 July 2019, 08:19
Peter Hardy
Thanks Mick, coming from you that means a lot! And, I will add that I have weakened and bought a couple of Korean War aero combatants from Christian. But I will be leaning hard on you when I start building them because I don't want to show the world what a ten thumbed goose I am!
9 July 2019, 08:22
9 July 2019, 08:38
Roger Trewenack
Hi Peter, I'm very impressed with your work on this bike, and look forward to more. I have a question for you - Where did you get the modelling "vice" that you've been using? I'm a bit of a tool nut, and that looks right up my alley - I also have 45 bike kits that I need to get started on, now that I'm retired!!!
Roger T. ????????????
9 July 2019, 09:05
Bart Goesaert
looking really good. Did the chain work out eventually?
9 July 2019, 09:07
Peter Hardy
Don't go there Bart! $150 down the drain. I'm just not good enough mate. I'll try again in another year.

Roger Tee, the "vice" is called a MotoJig. Bloody expensive but I will never build a bike again without it. My biggest issue with previous builds is the amount of handling of the model as I built it. As I use Alclad lacquers which are very thin I was wearing the paint out before I even built the bike. I contacted the maker in the US and got it direct from him. Spotmodel in England has them too, might even be cheaper. If you are still interested PM me.

Laurent, thanks mate! Big step up for me! I am encouraged by your comment!
9 July 2019, 11:07
Nathan Dempsey
Well done Peter. That's some sharp work.
9 July 2019, 12:32
Greg Baker
Hey, nice bike Peter!
9 July 2019, 13:58
Chris Greathouse
9 July 2019, 18:15
Peter Hardy
What makes you think I didn't? I could have bought a Protar model for that!
10 July 2019, 00:04
Kerry COX
Or a 1/35 'Little Bird' with crew even. ! 🙂 🙂 👍
10 July 2019, 02:45
Daniel Klink
14 July 2019, 20:56
Slavo Hazucha
Announced pictures are a dish best served cold...😉

Fantastic work - I really admire the immaculate finish and all the details that pop out from every corner under the aero kit. Great class all over, I was trying to find something especially great, but you did it - all just made at a consistent top level, system overload... 👍. Splendid job and great pics, was a pleasure to watch this!
14 July 2019, 21:03
Chris Greathouse
Dude, That's sweet!! A lot of effort went into that bugger! Well done! (also pic #100/#101 are the same)
14 July 2019, 21:05
Ingo F
Looks awesome! 👍
14 July 2019, 21:18
Fkin awesome, I can't be any clearer, exceptional
14 July 2019, 22:00
Brad Furminger
You just keep raising that bar for bike builds, don't you Peter?
14 July 2019, 22:45
Peter Hardy
Got a way to go yet Brad!

Thanks Munky!
14 July 2019, 23:22
Michael Hickey
That is truly amazing, well done mate.👍👍👍
14 July 2019, 23:36
Kerry COX
He's simply, the best. ! You can't say anything is wrong with this one Peter. 😉 👍
I love it. 🙂
15 July 2019, 01:58
Tim Heimer
I don't know about Peter building this one! It's so much not like his other models! O.K. Peter who really built this one?? It looks too good, LOL! 🙂
15 July 2019, 02:32
Peter Hardy
Thanks friends, you are making me blush! I see all the mistakes but also the huge step forward. Regardless, I am nonetheless very happy with the skill progress and the knowledge of how to avoid the still visible stuff-ups with this one. I am also very happy that so many wonderful modellers are enjoying watching my progression in the hobby but even more thankful that those modellers are my friends.
15 July 2019, 08:46
Top job
15 July 2019, 11:06
Peter Hardy
Thanks Tigger!
15 July 2019, 11:42
Tim Heimer
Yes , you definitely have upped your skills mate! That's Awesome!
15 July 2019, 12:27
Ok, the pictures of the real bike are nice! And what about your model?😉 👍
15 July 2019, 18:56
Konrad -
Big compliment to this awesome looking bike Mr. Peter 🙂!! Perfect done mate 👍
15 July 2019, 20:07
Herbert Tyszak
the bike is awesome, it gives appetite to do one in the future.
18 July 2019, 11:32
Kerry COX
I just love the fact that Peter has taken a box issue kit and done to it what he thinks will be what every one else would love to do themselves.
As we all do.
But it's his vision and skills that make us all go 'Oh Ah !' when looking at what he has produced, and all of us wishing we could be as half as good as he IS.
One hell of a modeller is our Pete. 🙂 👍
18 July 2019, 13:46
Peter Hardy
Tim, thanks Old Mate! Got a way to go before I can see your tail lights but I am up and running!

Bugs, Thanks mate! You are the King of detail and I follow at a respectful distance! Thanks for taking the time to look at the Album!!

Konrad, Thank you for going through the Album and for your compliment! Maybe it would improve if I had Daisy Duke in the saddle??

Herb, I would love to see you do a bike, we shall talk further on the subject.

Kerry, I am blushing. When can I book in for another private class??

Lode, thank you for your encouragement.

Again, thanks All. I know bikes aren't the most popular subject so I appreciate that you took the time to go through the Album and also for your encouragement. I learn so much from you blokes I cannot thank you enough! - Pete
19 July 2019, 05:28
Martin Oostrom
You are too humble. But I like that way better than the 'look-at-me' crowd. there aren't many of those here anyway.
You're a marvellous bike builder. The student is becoming a master 👍
19 July 2019, 06:22
Roger Trewenack
Great summary, Peter - and the next bike will be???
19 July 2019, 07:31
Peter Hardy
Ahhhhh, not sure at this point. How about a McGee YZR OW8? I haven't done a Jam Jar yet. You got any thoughts?
19 July 2019, 10:17
Roger Trewenack
Used to ride a JamJar many moons ago - btw, I have a MotoJig on order!!! I'd better pick a bike too!
19 July 2019, 10:26
Peter, do u prefer the 1/12 scale? Could I put a vote in for an early WSB? Maybe a Muzzy Kwacker? Russell Rep, maybe Gobert?
Whatever it is I look forward to it 😉
19 July 2019, 10:32
Kevin McGee's Yam would be a cracker tho!
19 July 2019, 10:44
Peter Hardy
Munky I haven't built many bikes. Four in fact, and all have been 1/12 scale. I have 2 of Stoners Ducatis and a 500 MV in 1/9 scale. I would love to do Gobert's 94 Lucky Strike Suzuki. I do have a kr1000 Kwaka that I could do as Hansford/ Budd 6 hr or Hansford / Lawson Suzuka 8 hr. Fairings might be difficult but not impossible. I have Garry McCoy's Red Bull Yamaha too.

Roger, the MotoJig is the best thing since sliced bread. I am told it just fits a 1/9 scale bike as well. I have Gregg Hansford's kr500 and his kr350 on order. So many to do!
19 July 2019, 11:16
It is so beautiful works.
23 July 2019, 09:01
Wow, great work
23 July 2019, 14:05
Peter Hardy
Thanks Gentlemen!
25 July 2019, 07:37
Christian Bruer
Excellent work and craftsmanship. All the decals, a lot of skill and patience is required to add them that sharp and clean 👍
31 July 2019, 18:50
Peter Hardy
Thanks Christian, lessons slowly being learned. Praise from you is taken very seriously indeed!
31 July 2019, 22:01

Album info

Troy's Ducati 990 Moto GP bike

109 bilder
1:12 Ducati Desmosedici GP4 (Tamiya 14101)1:12 Ducati GP4-GP11 Chain Set (Top Studio TD23068)

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