In The Shadow Of Market Garden
18 13 August 2020, 14:03
Splendid armour and figure presentation in the dio, although I can't see the good guys decamping even in haste leaving a perfectly operational PaK40 or MG34s (?) lying around like that (suspension of disbelief plot hole). Otherwise, very tidy work.
Splendid armour and figure presentation in the dio, although I can't see the good guys decamping even in haste leaving a perfectly operational PaK40 or MG34s (?) lying around like that (suspension of disbelief plot hole). Otherwise, very tidy work.
17 August 2020, 23:48
Thanks guys! The idea of this project is loosely based on a story during Market Garden about a perfectly operational PAK40 left behind first by the retreating Germans and later by the advancing allied troops. The stuff behind the Sherman was based on a photo I came across of left behind German machine guns neatly put next to each other. I put these two things together to make it look like the Germans had to leave all this behind in the hurry of the retreat. But I understand your remark. 🙂
Thanks guys! The idea of this project is loosely based on a story during Market Garden about a perfectly operational PAK40 left behind first by the retreating Germans and later by the advancing allied troops. The stuff behind the Sherman was based on a photo I came across of left behind German machine guns neatly put next to each other. I put these two things together to make it look like the Germans had to leave all this behind in the hurry of the retreat. But I understand your remark. 🙂
18 August 2020, 07:22
Very good diorama with lifelike figures! And it shows a German "virtue": cleaning up before leaving. 👍
Very good diorama with lifelike figures! And it shows a German "virtue": cleaning up before leaving. 👍
18 August 2020, 09:20
Yes, reiterating sure is. Thanks for sharing and the reply Sebastian
Yes, reiterating sure is. Thanks for sharing and the reply Sebastian
18 August 2020, 20:45
No problem. This is one of those stories that seem to be unbelievable but really are true.
No problem. This is one of those stories that seem to be unbelievable but really are true.
20 August 2020, 14:37